Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

3-1111 Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Thursday Morning, January 6, 1938 Events Today On Southside gionerican Legion, 7:30 p. leTEMPE Lions Club, 6:30 p. Tempe cafe. General Aid, noon, First Methodist church parlors. White Cross program, 10 a.

First Baptist church. tional Quilting, 9:30 a. Congregachurch parlors. Daughters, 2 p. Christian First Christian church parlors.

College Leaders 4-H Club, 6:30 p. Training school auditorium. GILBERT Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 2:30 p. home of Mrs. L.

R. Minner. CHANDLER Rotary Club, noon, legion hall. Music Program Slated By Club the MESA-A musical program for benefit of the Southside District hospital library book fund will in the auditorium of Mesa Union be held and o'clock tomorrow night Speech Contest Talk On Pardons Plans Are Laid Board Scheduled TOLLESON- Plans for a sectional public speaking contest to be held in March were discussed by local Future Farmers of America at a meeting Tuesday night. Clubs entered in the contest are Tolleson, Buckeye, Litchfield, Peoria, Glendale and Phoenix.

The club also announced completion of a co-operative seed and feed store in the agricultural department of the high school. The store will he under the management of John Conovoloff, student. Charles Dains, Phoenix, state president of the organization; Roy Cheatham. Phoenix, vice-president, and Kenneth Julian, Mesa, secretary, visited the club during the meeting. Wallis Fleming, president, presided.

nigh school, under auspices of the Kit Carson Pioneer Club. Vocal and instrumental departments of Mesa school will appear on the program. Solo numbers be presented by B. H. Alexander, pianist of Phoenix Junior college, and Miss Dora Larson, Mesa soprano.

To take advantage of the A ONCE- sary Bargain that Offer, it subscriptions is neces be paid up to, or in advance of January 1, 1938. BarA-YEAR only gain to Offer subscribers rates receiv. apply ing their newspapers in Arizona. OF A SAVING Both and the Gazette 1938 NEWSPAPER Republic SURSCRIPTIONS A YEAR! You Save Republic I Gasette save monthly sion of BOTH order only! Gazette only! Republic 9 SAVE YEAR $1.25 you'll have A FEAR $2.05 only Gazette and subscribe price! But 1938. SAVE the having Bargain regular Offer monthly delivered the during newspapers.

Send to in only your ever Republic BOTH the Make up Gazette or the give Arizona Republic, subscribe the the regular and remember, Gazette home? the Where Bargain person price Don't the delay. Republic of these Department to not the at and saving sabscription ever sate. bigger Gasette But when at you papers only address, Save BOTH least you will to the Circulation in on for 19381 dress. Republis only Bargain It your to order your newspaper bay! subscription on your REPUBLIC and GAZETTE 112 North Central Avenue Telephone 3-1111 (Section Two) Page Seven Assessment Work Begun CHANDLER--Assessment of personal property and improvements on real estate was begun office. Monday by the county Southside assessor's rural Deputy for the C.

Brown, assessments is who states that ne will take assessments or asany one who contacts, him. His district is all the south of Baseline road and within east of Central avenue, except the corporate limits of towns, which will be assessed by M. A. assessments" Brown will take on livestock. Street Lights Delayed Work whiche has been going on some on the city park lighting system has been halted because some fixtures have not arrived, according to T.

J. Frost, who in charge. Called To Illinois Mts. R. M.

Reed, who is in business in Chandler, was called to her former home in Camp Point, Tuesday because of the death of her mother. From Willeox Ben Clayton, Willcox cattleman. visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams.

Service Club Meeting Held The Chandler Junior Service Club met Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Wilford G. Austin to out a guest list for the charity ball which will be held in ballroom of the San Marcos hotel January 15. Mrs. D.

Lee Jones is general chairman. Return To Chandler Mrs. Dee Hart and two sons have returned to Chandler to reside, and have moved into their home on North Colorado street. The boys are enrolled in the Chandler high school. Building Completed A pleted small by Mr.

apartment and Mrs. has Roy been Lemon comon their property on South Oregon street. Lemon onlans to build several apartments property soon. Church To Hold Revival Revival services which have been conducted at the Nazarene church for the past week will continue through this week. Speech Class Holds Contest GLENDALE- -The speech class of the local high school, under the direction of the instructor, James McAllister, will present a program in the grammar school auditorium at 8 o'clock this evening, consisting of humorous and dramatic readings and orations.

Three contestants, one from each division, will be chosen to represent the local high school in the valley declamatory contest, which will be held at Gilbert January 13. Special music will be provided by the music department of the school, under the direction of R. Schraeder. Miss Iora Darnell will serve chairman. Judges will be Mrs.

Ada Brown, Mrs. Roger K. Trueblood and Guy Smith. The public may attend free of charge. Students who will give orations are: Frederick Sigworth, "Youth Walter Hatton, "Toussaint and Orville Dryer, "The Monster in the Public In the dramatic division will be: Arthur Halbrooks, "The Mildred Bayless, topic not announced; Jean Franklin, "Mickey's and Maydell Evans, Forgotten Humorous division contestants will be: Wanda Williams, Irma Habecker, "Hannibal's Wedding Louise Pugh, "Cave-Man Evelyn Park, "The Widow's and Delight Evans, "Ma at the Basketball Home From Coast Mrs.

B. F. Waas has returned home from a few days' visit at the coast with relatives. Missionary Meeting The Ladies Missionary Union of the First Baptist church will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the home of Mrs. H.

D. McKee, 505 East avenue. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. William Flippen of Phoenix were the dinner guests Tuesday evening of Mr.

and Mrs. G. A. White, 38 West avenue. Women's Union Meeting An meeting of the Women's Union of the First Methodist church will be held Friday in the church basem*nt.

Lunch will be served to the public from 11:30 L. m. to 1 m. Miss Bess Dixon will have charge of the program to be presented in the afternoon. Devotions will be led by Mrs.

I. C. Teague. Mrs. Joe Grassie, who is.

visiting here from Buenos Aires, South America, will be the guest speaker. Beginning Change today Meeting the Glendale Place Rotary Club will hold its Thursday buildluncheons in the municipal ing on South Third avenue. Former Phoenix Visitor Succumbs R. P. Trumbower, 43 years old, friends here learned yesterday.

frequent Phoenix a visitor, died in Monterey Park, last Friday, Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Inglewood Park. Mr. Trumbower, a. law of Harry D. Barrows, 1018 East Culver street, had been engaged in the printing business in Los Angeles for nearly 20 years.

He was a member of the city couneil of Monterey Mr. and Mrs. Barrows returned to Phoenix last night after attending the funeral. Hearing on the Guss Dobrinski dismissal case was continued by the city civil service commission a yesterday until 5 p. m.

next because of objections by defense counsel to the absence of one board member. Dobrinski, former police officer, was discharged recently "for the good of the department." Between 60 and 70 witnesses, most of them summoned by the defense, were on hand yesterday. Dismissal Hearing Reset For Tuesday Northside Department 1. Dempsey, Manager Glendale 144 E. Glendale Off.

Ph. 426 Res. Ph. 255 Peoria Mrs. J.

A. Patterson, Correpsondent Phone: 791 Southside Department Mesa Republic and Tower Building, 58 St. Phone 341. Tempe Store. Laird and Dines Drug Phone 22.

Correspondent, Mrs. C. E. Coffin, 127 w. 7th St.

Phone 106. Gilbert Chandler White Cross Drug W. C. McConnell. Store.

Phone 21. Correspond161 ent. Mrs. Louise Brice. Phone Phone 34R21.

Mayor Heads Maricopa Stake Primary board members will meet at 2 p. m. today in the Mezona office. Dry Cot'nwd, $2.50. 161 E.

2nd Ave. (Adv.) SUITS AND DRESSES are thoroughly and scientifically serviced in our shop! Just phone 28 for service. Mesa Cleaners! (Adv.) Library Unit MESA--At a meeting of the Mesa Public Library board Tuesday night in the city hall, Mayor L. B. Werner was elected president.

Other officers elected are: Frank V. Anderson, vice-president and Miss Ida Wilson, librarian, secretary. Members the the Rev. Francis T. Brown, John P.

Hale, Mrs. Francelle Johnson, Mrs. Bertha A. Kleinman, J. W.

Lesueur and Mrs. Rollie Pomeroy. The board accepted the loan of Maricopa Stake genealogical library, which consists of some 350 volumes. The books will be moved from the Arizona temple to the public library and will remain indefinitely. Mrs.

Emma Ritenburgh, a trained genealogist, be at the library to assist research workers. Trip To Canyon Blake Field and his fatherlaw, Miller Bonner, who visiting here from Camden, spent days on a trip to Grand Canyon. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Witte are parents daughter, born yesterday in Southside District hospital. Auxiliary Luncheon A luncheon meeting to which husbands of members and other busibeing invited will noon nessmen of the community, are today by the Woman's Guild of St. Mark's Episcopal church. The luncheon will be served in guild hall.

Reports Heard tin tivities Committee planned chairmen for the outlined ensuing acsix-month, period at the weekly meeting of the Mesa Rotary Club, yesterday building. The in the meeting say woman's was devoted club entirely to club reports. Home From Hospital Kimball Pomeroy was released yesterday from Southside District hospital, where he was a patient for several weeks. Young People To Meet meeting of Baptist young people is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock tonight at the church. Reorganization and a social period are planned.

Circle Meetings Members of Golden Rule Circle of the Woman's Aid Society will meet at 2 p. m. today in the home of Mrs. H. R.

Bartlett. The North Circle will meet at the same time in the home of Mrs. Frank Bendick. Installation Installation of officers will be held by the Dorcas Society at special meeting at 2:30 p. m.

today in the Christian church. Mrs. W. A. Wilkes is president; Mrs.

J. A. Conant, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Bauman, secretary; and Mrs. Walter Heart, treasurer.

Mrs. Wilkes will be in charge of the devotionals. Visiting Son Mrs. May Montgomery is visiting in Los Angeles in the home of her son, Bill, and family. Returns To El Paso Leigh Clark has returned to his home in El Paso, after visiting here several days with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Clark, North Mesa I boulevard. Returns From Mission Bill Wright, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lo Wright, returned this week from the northern states mission of the Latter Day Saints church, where he spent the past two years in service. Board Meeting Theresa Smith Called By Death Theresa Smith, wife of Oliver Smith, a resident of Phoenix for in 27 of her 30 years, died yesterday McKinley her home, 1226 East street, after a week's illness. Mrs. Smith was brought here from Kansas when she was three Surviving are her husband; one years old.

son, Elmer Andrew; and her father, Edward Brown, Phoenix. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the chapel of A. H. McLellan mortuary, with the Rev. Randolph D.

Scott, pastor of the Garfield Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be in Greenwood Memorial Park. College Poinsettia Sale Brings $100 The annual sale of poinsettias at Phoenix Junior college amounted to more than $100 this year, according to Laura E. Herron, in charge. than 1,000 blossoms were More but the crop was not hausted.

Due to last year's late sold, fewer blossoms were on hand frost, than ever before. The this year from the sale will money toward furthering the Women's received go Athletic Association scholarship fund. Merle Williams, 24 years old, a liquor store clerk, pleaded guilty yesterday in municipal minor and court paid to selling $50 fine. liquor W. 18.

Glick, city magisa a trate, also imposed a 30-day jail sentence, then suspended selling it. a pint of wine Williams Tuesday at Mac's Liquor admitted and Supply street, to a 14- Company store, 236 East He was arrested by Washington temperance inyear-old Vic. Soule, city vestigator. Selling Wine To Girl Brings Fine Of $50 W. novelist, Somerset studied medicine before Maugham, English beginning his literary career.

MESA WEEORIA. Club The will Peoria hold a Junior short business session at 7:30 p. m. Monday, followed by an open meeting at 8 o'clock at which time Mrs. Alfred Turner, program chairman, will introduce Walter Hofmann, chairman of the state board of pardons and paroles, who will the work of the board.

A short musical program also will presented. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Wilcie Hoel, Mrs. Pearl Daly, Mrs. Helene Ford, Mrs.

M. Olson and Miss Ruth Harrison. Returns Home Mr. and Mrs. Dow Porter and niece of Greenville, Miss Susie Porter of Hollywood, and Miss Mittie Hill, of Flagstaff, who have been visiting their relatives, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Porter, have returned to their homes. Brother Visiting John H. Fry of Cleveland, Kuristina his Mr. sister.

Kurtz. Mrs. A. A. Dinner Guests Mrs.

M. J. Hood had as dinner guests recently Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. McLeod and Neal McLeod. To Kansas Mr. and Mrs. O.

C. Langston of Lawrence, who have been visiting Mrs. Langston's sister, Mrs. C. A.

Robinson, returned Monday to their home. Clinic To Be Held The mothers' clinic, under the direction of Mrs. Goldie Carlyon, will be held beginning at 10 o'clock today in the Masonic building. From California Mr. and Mrs.

L. A. Rhodes returned Monday from Palmdale, where they were holiday guests of Mrs. Rhodes mother and sister. Class Meeting The Neighborly Bible class held its monthly covered-dish dinner at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. H. T. Burton Tuesday night. Present were Mr.

and Mrs. H. T. Burton, Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. D.

F. Jantzen, Mr. and Mrs. M. V.

Olson, Mrs. M. J. Hood, Mrs. C.

K. Vickrey, Mrs. T. F. Thurston, Mrs.

T. T. Terril, Mrs. J. F.

Wilhelm, Glenn Burton, John Turner, and Charles Turner. Returns From Hospital Mrs. A. A. Kurtz who underwent saior operation about three pital returned home Saturday.

weeks ago in. Good Samaritan hosVisiting Brother Mrs. Schrouve of San Francisco is visiting her brother, Charles Mason, and family. Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs.

N. M. Dysart had as dinner guests recently Dr. and Mrs. D.

S. Duncan of Santa Fe, N. Mr. and Mrs. R.

G. Baskett, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Cook, Ralph Baskett, and Ava Marie Baskett. Following dinner, bridge was played, with Mrs.

Cook and Mrs. Baskett, Dr. Duncan and R. G. Baskett winning prizes.

Woman's Club Meets The regular meeting of the Peoria Woman's Club was held Tuesday with Lionel Kendrick presiding. During the business meeting, the trustees reported the library room repairs completed, also the building of utility an room. It was voted to hold the annual husbands banquet on Thursday, January 27, with Mrs. J. A.

Patterson as general chairman, assisted by Mrs. M. D. Ewing, Mrs. Pat Coor, Mrs.

John Padelford, Mrs. E. L. Carson, Mrs. Elvin Cook, Mrs.

Warren Kurtz, Mrs. E. S. Griggs, Mrs. C.

A. Robinson and Mrs. A. C. Turner.

Mrs. Kurtz, chairman of the radio and motion picture department, presented Mrs. S. Y. Meeker, director of the Fox Leaders Club.

Mrs. Meeker introduced Beaumont Smith, director of the Fox Leaders Band, who sang two numbers, "Dun" and "To a accompanied by Mrs. Blanche Port Runyan. Other visitors were Mrs. T.

B. Manush, president of the Blythe Woman's Club, Mrs. A. E. Pettit of Physical Tests Set For Pupils examinations of pupils of the first grade of pe grammar school will be made by a unit from the county health department at 10 a.

m. January 18 in the school building. Name New Treasurer Mrs. Elwood Sanders was named treasurer of the Kyrene Par Teacher Association at the ing of executive board Tue school. Mrs.

Sanders fill the vacancy caused by resignation of Mrs. Claude Ben Mrs. Clifford Seibert press and Mrs. Herbert Gates gave port of the tuberculosis mob tion project. Congregational Quilting The quilting division of the 1 an's Union of the Congregat church will meet at 9:30 6 this morning in the church pa for all-day work.

A covered luncheon will be served at noon. Phoenix and Mrs. William genga. Tea hostesses were Ewing, Mrs. L.

C. Dorris, Meta Miller and Mrs. Patterson The Irish Free State has banned the importation of felt hats. 4.

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


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