Beware @im-the-reblog-ghost-beware - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

DP x DC Long Fics (100,000 Above)


Secrets Lost by ArtemisMoore :

(Currently being edited)Danny knew that someday, somehow that something like this would happen. That his parents would discover his secret and react in one of two ways; a) they would be confused but accept him like they had in all of the other temporary cases they’d experienced, or b) they would stick to their guns (literally) and decide that their son was the enemy.Now, of course, he and his friends had been preparing for this day since the first Ghost Attack on Amity Park. They had bags packed, emergency supplies stashed around Amity Park and surrounding cities, emergency funds, and safe houses. They had plans, preparations, and procedures that all of “Team Phantom” had memorized.Even Valery, who had only been a part of “Team Phantom” for a week and still didn’t know his identity!But none of them could have imagined that “Operation Friend or Foe” would happen like this. When all of their preparations were hundreds of miles away, supplies were out of reach, and where all of his friends and allies couldn't help him.They had no idea… that everything would go this wrong.Word Count: 103,445 Completed

Batman, Meet Team Phantom by Sivan5733 :

Jason leaves Amity Park for Gotham, but an emergency call changes everything. The Fentons have discovered Danny's secret, and things are going horribly wrong. While Jazz, Sam, and Tucker save Danny from Jack and Maddie, the group is now on the run. Jason and his family pull all of their resources together to make things right.

An "Anger Management" Relationship Fic

Word Count: 118,359 Completed

Nothing But The Dead And Dying (back in my little town) by Umei_no_Mai :

Dan has just been rescued and is feeling a bit shorter than usual. Jason Todd has just been petitioned like he's a feudal warlord, which has never happened before but he could maybe get used to.They can probably make this work so long as Batman doesn't stick his nose in. Yeah, like that'll happen.Word Count: 123,925 Completed

Bitter, had the Heart by CastrianAmore :

Tim is the only one consistently watching. Thus he’s the first and only one to notice one more body following the streets like the bats do. A kid with all black hair and white motifs and an attitude problem that reminds him a tad too much of Jason. It was a shame Jason was adamant that he “didn’t know anything”, what a liar right?

But the streets of Gotham listened and the name on everyone’s lips playing like a discordant harmony was one word: Distortion. Not that Tim knew what it meant yet, but Danny would make sure he would. If Danny lived long enough for Tim to find out.

Word Count: 182,548 Completed

Wanted: Dead and Alive by Astereae :

“Hey, I do I... Do I know you?” Danny asks, a hand coming up to brush something off Tim’s cheek.“No,” Tim says. “We haven’t met.”“Oh, no, I do.” Danny says, and he smiles, teeth white and sharp. “You’re that guy who rearranged my guts!”Rearranged his-Tim glances at the knotted scars on the boy’s abdomen. He can see the shine and shadow of haphazard stitches that weren’t meant to hold forever, that tore and healed over.His- This-“WHAT!?” Nightwing shouts, equal parts confused and delighted.Tim’s f*cked.ORDanny Fenton's been in GIW captivity for 4 months.Tim Drake gets kidnapped by the GIW one Tuesday evening in May.Considering how many of the Bats and the Birds have died and come back to life, it was only a matter of time for some people interested in the afterlife to come poking around. The detectives can't seem to uncover any information about the mysterious white vans, however.And they keep losing the mysterious boy who seems to be the one person in Gotham to know anything at all.Word Count: 121,281 Completed

Finding Valhalla by Phantom_Theif_1412 for Cielle_Noire :

When the local breakfast cereal invites Bruce Wayne and his family to Amity, Phantom and Valkyrie are suspicious and try to play it safe. But they have no idea what he's planning, and misguided plans can cause unintended consequences.Posting this cause I wrote it, and really hope everyone likes it. Please enjoy at your leisure.Word Count: 195,295 Completed

Anaktaomai: regain for oneself, recover by blobghost (handovertheblorbofics) :

Jason is trying to live his second chance at life to the fullest: protecting Gotham's streets as the Red Hood, going to college to get a degree, participating in Gotham's Renaissance Faire, getting a boyfriend, all of it. Sure, he's been daydreaming a lot more and it might be becoming a major problem and his boyfriend is apparently a meta who saved his kid brother after a mission gone wrong, but as far as he was concerned those were nothing to worry about. What he does need to worry about is homework and rogues attempting to kill him... right?Title is Greek transliteration of ἀνακτάομαι.(Fic fully written and chapters will be posted once a week)Word Count: 117,717 Completed

A Second Life by Die_Erlkonigin6083 :

He wakes up with no memories. He knows things, but he doesn’t know why. Who is he? And how did he get here?Word Count: 159,219 Completed


Kite Flies Over The Nightingale Nest by Th3Sp4rrow :

My prompt list is from ailesswhumptober on Tumblr :)Tw's are at the start of each chapter!When Jason Todd learns that Catherine Todd wasn't his biological mother- that his bio mom as well as his twin brother were still out there somewhere in the world- he'd almost left the matter alone. He already had Dick; he didn't need another brother. Although, he did miss his mom...He'd decided to try and find Sheila Haywood, the woman who had relinquished him to his father and had dropped his twin off somewhere along the way.Meanwhile, Daniel Fenton had been protecting his town of Amity Park for months. Now, with the Ghost Investigation Ward closing in, the stakes are higher than ever. After a night out gone horribly wrong, the Fentons' know his secret. He's Phantom, and he's half ghost. They chase him cross-country, meets some interesting characters, and sees the GIW attempting to kidnap a boy about his age. He takes action. He swoops in to save the boy and... fails. Instead of saving him, they both get shoved into the back of some sh*tty van.That was when they realized they knew the face staring back at them.Word Count: 139,347 On-going

lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfgone(milkywxy) :

Based on this Tumblr prompt.

Lex Luthor has recently acquired a son. Weapon? Parole officer? ...Lex now has a teenaged god and he'll be damned if someone tries to take the kid away from him.

Word Count: 519,936 On-going

close enough to be whole again by hailsatancab :

“If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.”His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead.She loved him, but she loved the League more.Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more.They loved their work more.--After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way.Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliantWord Count: 117,934 On-going

Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy :

He screwed his eyes shut, held his breath, desperately wished that he was back in his safehouse, alone and blissfully unaware. But the weight in his hands remained, and when he opened his eyes, it was to the bean-shaped 'f*ck you' the Lazarus Pit had kindly bestowed upon him, arms and legs folded up against his front beneath off-white muslin while tiny lips smacked softly.

What the f*ck.

What the hell was Jason supposed to do now?

Word Count: 119,791 On-going

Phantoms and Foes by Zyleev :

Krypton was dying long before it exploded. After a lab accident at 14 gave Danny ice powers, he used them for good to try and stop crime as the first hero of Krypton. But when thousands of years of mining the core of Krypton finally caught up to the planet, General Zod evacuated Krypton to the Phantom Zone before it exploded. Little did Zod know he led the Kryptonians to a slaughter. Years later, Danny is the only Kryptonian left alive when Kal-El finds the Phantom Projector and brings him to Earth. Danny must now adjust to having new powers and life on a planet that is completely different than Krypton and the Phantom Zone.Word Count: 121,723 On-going

Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083 :

Brown shows Damian a viral video of a twitch streamer, named UndeadNebula, passionately defending the current Robin from his critics. Intrigued, he begins watching the streamer.

UndeadNebula is smart, kind, funny, and Damian could listen to him talk for eternity.

The streamer might have wormed his way into Damian’s heart.

Word Count: 101,086 On-going

Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid :

Danny and Jason meet by chance in a graveyard on Christmas Eve over a certain someone’s grave. Neither expect to ever see the other again, until they run into each other at a coffee shop less than a week later.And once they’re both thinking clearly, there’s obviously something wrong.Between working out what to tell their families, what’s actually going on, and just… well, being happy pains in the ass and proud of it, it turns out Team Batfam and Team Phantom all over are a match made in Heaven.Now all they have to do is persuade Bruce that Jason having new friends hasn’t hailed the apocalypse.Word Count: 275,002 On-going

Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets :

Is it running from your problems if your problems consider you to be a dead imprint of consciousness that killed their son? Yes, but Danny tries not to think about how his nightmares of his parents trying to kill him came true when they found out he was Phantom.After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition.Word Count: 108,870 On-going

Some Kind of Miraculous Bind by Saitrised :

Damian Wayne is the heir to the Bat, the Blood Son. Except, he wasn't always the only blood son. There was another, younger heir once, before Damian had left the league and his brother hadn't had the chance to join him. There was one alive heir to the Bat, and a second one, secret to all but him, that was gone.Danny Fenton is already tired of being the Ghost King. Not even six months into his reign, and he's having to deal with ectoplasmic leaking past Amity's borders and new, unknown threats against his people. And the fact that Gotham, the one city that he had mentally marked as off limits, seems to be where most of the problems are isn't helping.---This is an upload of a heavily edited version of the previously posted chapter 14---Word Count: 126,392 On-going

schrodinger's cat by Meetalotaku :

My extrapolated story from I'm building off flamingpuddings post on Tumblr. What if Selina Kyle was Danny bio mom. That she had with Batman. And she put him up for adoption to her distance relatives the fentons. I've also taken the liberty to set the phantom time line up a few years earlier. Danny had his accident in Jr high. At 11 in 6th grade. He meets Selina at not yet 14 teen. A ton of DC characters will make appearances eventually. But it's going to focus heavily on Gotham based characters first. And slowly sprinkle in more phantom characters and other dc characters from all media forms messed together.Word Count: 145,780 On-going

Wayne's Haunted Mansion by Tathartiel :

Something is wrong. Bruce notices it when he's not alone, but he feels like he is being watched. The bad part? He feels it both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman. Who is watching him? He's determined to find out. He regrets it when finds out that there is another child in his home, but one who is in desperate need of help.Word Count: 121,923 On-going

The Adventures of Big Talon and Little Talon. by Ispotteddumuss :

“Beware the Court of Owls,that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch,behind granite and lime.They watch you at your health,they watch you in your bed,speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head.”Jason would like a one Talon please. No, not the Other Talon. He wants the Little Talon. The one with yellow green eyes. The short one. You know the one that chirps. No, he's not turning into his Father, he swears.Little Talon doesn't know what he wants but he knows this new Big Talon is good.(It takes a bit to get to Big Talon and Little Talon part. It starts mostly just Little Talon. Like a while. We got there though but takes a bit.)Word Count: 167,257 On-going

Artificial Wingman by TheSleepyKitsune :

Prompt fill for im-totally-not-an-alien-2 on TumblrAfter finding a spell book in his aunt's attic, half ghost Danny Fenton decides to become a Disney Princess for a day in another dimension by using a love potion on the local wildlife. Fate has different plans, however, in the form of a Gotham Vigilante landing directly in said love potion.Now, with a love-struck Damian Wayne and no immediate way home, Danny must try to make a cure while dodging the cities best detectives.Meanwhile, a very concerned Batfam are trying to track down their missing member.Word Count: 106,859 On-going

If you Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire :

Strange things are going on in Gotham: A series of crimes linked only by a sentence uttered. A drug that no one seems to be selling, but lots of people are taking. An old enemy reborn, or someone pretending to be him. Graffiti that can't be photographed by normal means. Bartenders disappearing without a trace. John Constantine is also there.Danny wants nothing to do with any of it. He just wants to sell burgers and survive. Actually, he'd like to go home again, but since that isn't possible, he'll stick with burgers.Gotham's vigilante's have other plans.This is why Danny doesn't do favors.Word Count: 248,148 On-going

regular boy: daniel wayne by diamond_rozie :

“Reporting live from Gotham City, here at the scene of the crime. Dr. Collin Kilye, renowned geneticist, has shot himself and has been declared dead by the paramedics. Dr. Kilye is suspected to be responsible for the purposeful switching of newborns between families under his care, where an known over 500 babies have been swapped in the last 20 years of his employment here. Based on the information provided to the Gotham PD by Nightwing and Batman, we are led to believe that Nightwing has been investigating this case after an anonymous tipoff. After a month and a half of investigating, Nightwing-”Dick had learned that people never know a situation as well as they assume they did. Dick had always assumed that he wouldn’t be one of those people. He was a detective, a Bat, the first Robin.The case file in front of him glared tauntingly. He should've known better to assume anything.Danny Fenton;Birth Parents: Bruce Wayne (father) and Clarissa King (mother).Status: AliveWord Count: 100,571 On-going

Like and Survive-Phantom's Guide to Young Hero Survival by robinasnyder :

When the world becomes aware of teenaged superheroes there is an immediate and fierce wave of backlash and controversy. That's where Phantom comes in.Phantom saved the world from a meteor fifteen years back; an impressive feat back in the day but now that meteors threatening all life on earth is such a common event that hardly anyone thinks about it. Phantom is considered an old timer who deals with a small city and nowhere else. When he begins uploading videos with advice for young heroes, he hopes a few new heroes might avoid some of the pain he went through. He's shocked at just how popular his advice suddenly becomes.Word Count: 306,940 On-going

If you find a vigilante in the dumpster by lunamugetsu :

The plan was simple, Jazz and her now de aged brother would go lay low in Gotham, act as a mother-son duo. Wait as Danny heals up by absorbing the ambient ectoplasm leaking from the city and Vlad gives the green light that he has a safe place they could stay. Plus with the blessing from the Ghost of Gotham and knowing that even the GIW wouldn't dare to encroach on Batman's territory, it was a pretty safe plan. That was until a certain vigilante just keeps on finding himself in their dumpster.//It was a normal night of patrol for Jason.Beating up a bunch of criminals.Shooting them with bullets (they're rubber bullets Bruce! Calm down!)Get stabbed by them.Pass out from blood loss in the place he was taking refuge inWake up in an apartment, his wounds bandaged and all.And to a black haired blue eyed kid staring at him."I found you in the garbage!"Word Count: 120,002 On-going

Shoot Suspected Ghosts First, Ask Questions Never by yasstaghr :

Danny is in over his head and he knows it. He's feeling overwhelmed with trying to stop a war between the Realms and Earth, and he doesn't have a lot of good options. He makes a desperate attempt to keep as many people alive as he can, and it goes both horribly right and horribly wrong.

Word Count: 169,508 On-going

Robin's Egg by Calix :

While out on nightly patrol, Robin finds a very injured Danny Phantom who is about to be forced back into his core. Now that the ghost boy is entirely defenseless, how is Damien going to protect the core from others? And even harder… how is going to keep Phantom's existence unknown to his family?Word Count: 162,633 On-going

Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt for Imp_y :

Meet Jasmine Fenton: Smart, resourceful, kind and the very proud sister of Amity Park's own undead superhero Danny Phantom. Therapist at your service. Intern at Arkham Asylum. Can kick your ass. Likes tea and long walks at the beach.Meet Jason Todd: Smart, resourceful, not-that-kind (if you say he's soft you may get knifed) and the very proud vigilante and protector of Crime Alley. Died for a while but got better. Holds grudges. Likes reading a nice book and the sound of the rain against the window.They are neighbors now.Word Count: 112,001 On-going

Broken Bonds by SleepingDead (PolarBearSeals) :

Severely injured, Danny escapes the GIW and latches onto the first ghost that called to him who offered protection and rest. Danny regrets it when he learns he's in the city of the brother who'd killed him.And it appears he can't leave.Word Count: 123,699 On-going

I Am A Retired Hero And My Love Interest Is A Former Crime Lored!? by ShyCrow :

Danny Fenton did the whole hero thing, all right? He fought bad guys, saved the world a couple of times, became enemies with a secret government faction. And it was fun. Really, he had no regrets! But now it's time for him to buckle down and focus on getting that degree. It's a good thing Gotham University gave him a full ride. But things are just now starting to get more and more complicated...It started as an accident that evolved into the Red Hood paying attention to Danny. And now ghosts are starting to lose objects that, if fallen into the wrong hands, can cause a lot of trouble for both Danny and the Ghost Zone. With the bats starting to take notice of him and the Zone's refusal to leave him alone, can he truly lead a normal life? And, more importantly, does he really want to?Word Count: 138,759 On-going

Beware @im-the-reblog-ghost-beware - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.