Guarding Affections - Lavender_Long_Stories - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Hinata bowed her head as she left the meeting room and headed back to her office.

“Miss Hyuga!” Hinata stopped and turned her head as the clerk from the front desk caught up to her with a gift-wrapped box. “This arrived for you.”

Hinata’s face fell. “Don’t open it. Send it to security. Along with any other package that comes for me.”

The clerk looked at the book with confusion and then fear as she held it further away from her body.

It wasn’t the first suspicious package to come her way, and Hinata only had to open one and find something horrific to never want to open another gift ever again. She received gifts from investors and other companies to show their appreciation for working with them, but now she couldn’t feel that small blip of approval and kindness even when the package was cleared because she was worried about what the next might be.

Hinata continued to her office to find Neji sitting turned toward the TV, watching the news. He turned it off the moment she opened the door. “It’s fine.” She waved her hand.

Business deals fall through all the time.” Neji sighed. “This reaction is ridiculous.”

“Not all failed deals cause hundreds to lose their jobs.” Hinata reminded him. This wasn’t the first time they had this conversation, but there wasn’t much else to say, and it felt better to repeat their thoughts than suffer in silence. “I sent another package to security.”

Neji’s head popped up with concern on his face. “Did you touch it?”

“No, but we need to send more emails to the front desk so everyone knows not to touch them. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Hinata sat down in her chair and looked at the time. “I have to be back across town in an hour.”

“You should take a lighter load with all this going on.” Neji waved his hand at the blank television.

“That would be showing them weakness.” Hinata parroted. Neji's face twisted in annoyance. He didn’t like it when she quoted her father. “If I start canceling meetings, it will scare investors. If I am not keeping a brave face during all this, then I am not doing my job.”

Neji sighed and got up. “Just… go out the back.”

Hinata turned her chair to look out the window. She was too many floors up to see the protesters, but they had been outside the building for days, and they showed no sign of stopping. On one hand, they had a right to be upset. They thought canceling a deal as far into negotiations as they were was going back on promises made. They thought that the Hyuga company didn’t care about them, and to be fair, it didn’t.

Because they weren’t Hyuga’s employees, technically, they had no obligation to them or their jobs. Deals got dropped for all kinds of reasons, most of them to do with money, but it was rare that it was shown loud and clear what happened when someone else was banking on that deal being their lifeline.

Hinata's heart went out to them, and she felt guilt even if she hadn’t done anything. She wasn’t even in any of the meetings with Kumo, but she understood why her father stopped the deal. Business that didn’t benefit them as much as it cost them wasn’t worth the time.

Maybe it was a good thing that she would never sit in her father’s position because she didn’t have the heart to do the things he did for the betterment of the company. She couldn’t do things that benefited herself half the time.

Hinata sighed and got up. She had work to do.

Kisame punched in a date and time on his calendar. He was getting a lot of work with people refusing to work at events that the Hyuga appeared at. Personally, he couldn’t expend the energy to care. Nothing he was going to do was going to make a corporation give a sh*t. Loyalty wasn’t in their vocabulary.

“Damn it.” Itachi cursed, pulling his hand away from his spilled drink. His hand held a slight tremble that probably was what knocked the drink over.

“I got it.” Kisame dumped some napkins on the table. “We need to get you a sippy cup.”

“Hilarious.” Itachi spat back, twisting his hand into a fist to stop the shaking.

“Laugh then.” Kisame countered, swiping the wet mess onto one of the empty plates.

Itachi sighed. “I need to go anyway. Apparently, I am being shipped out of the country this week to get a new experimental treatment.”

“Off to be a human pin cushion?” Kisame joked.

Itachi rolled his eyes. “Yes. If it keeps my mother happy.”

“I guess you should be happy they care to try.” Kisame shrugged. Honestly, there was an entirely different conversation that could be had that his family had the money to try.

Itachi picked at the last on the plates. “Sometimes it seems more like they are just trying to prolong the inevitable.”

“You’re depressing.” Kisame frowned at him.

“I am realistic.” Itachi waved his hand.

Kisame had to admit it was probably hard to see past the hospitals. He could barely see past his next job. If you didn’t look past what you had now, you didn’t get as hung up on what you didn’t have.

Hinata stood with her head up but her eyes down, next to her father as he did his usual song and dance of playing up her sister's achievements while ignoring her existence, standing in his shadow like a good daughter. Quiet unless spoken to, patiently waiting for permission, expected to anticipate his reaction, but accepting of punishment if she anticipated incorrectly.

Hanabi deserved her praise, but was it arrogant or selfish to want to hear it for herself as well? Hinata wished she could believe that he just wasn't praising her while she was there, but she knew full well he talked about Hanabi’s achievements in front of her. There was no reason to suspect that he was ever talking about her positively unless forced to.

She turned her head to skim the party.

Events like this had themes or ‘purposes,’ but really, it was just to network. Putting something on the schedules of the busiest people and using something like the lore charity or awards for their egos or taxes so that they would have more reason to attend. If they had enough high-ticket attendees, the rest would follow with the bait that they may get to organically get into their circle.

Hinata would usually mingle away from her father if she could help it. Getting caught into awkward conversations with some investor who wanted to have a chance to pitch to her or a lengthy tell-all in one of the socialite wife's gossip circles were preferable excuses not to stand with her father and be excluded from a conversation that she couldn’t use today. She had a direct order to stay at his side, so she couldn’t be asked the hard questions everyone was too afraid to ask her father.

Unfortunately, she was too numb to be affected by the distrust he had to think she would do if unsupervised, like she didn’t know what damage she would cause, even making an unofficial statement to the public hellscape that was happening right now. Maybe she could be delusional and believe that her father was just ‘protecting her.’

She couldn’t even make that work in her imagination.

Hinata zoned back in as her father suddenly took a step back. She looked back to see why and shrieked as she was doused. Security snagged up the man who threw the full glass of wine. He yelled profanity at her father as he took out his handkerchief to wipe off any of the blast that got past her.

Hinata couldn’t make a better analogy for what she was to her father if she wanted to.

Neji appeared with his suit jacket off and around her shoulders but waited for her father to nod his head to tell them they were allowed to leave.

Even her most loyal supporters asked her father for permission.

Neji led her out the back door and handed her his handkerchief so she could pat herself dry. Hinata reeked of alcohol. It could be worse. It could have been red wine.

“I’ll be back with something better to dry off.” Neji disappeared back into the building.

Hinata wasn't that worried about it. It wasn’t going to come out completely. She was going to feel sticky no matter what.

She pulled the suit jacket closer around her and trailed by the door, waiting for their car. Hopefully, this day would end with a nice bath and getting to bed before her father could make this her fault.

Glitz and glamour. Rich and famous. Champagne and cakes that were stupidly small. Another snob event, another decent paycheck for basically being muscle to lift around speakers and crates, and being the occasion backup security if someone needed to be literally lifted out of the room.

Kisame knew it was a good gig for the pay, but he saw the looks he got. Staff uniforms or not, people didn’t think he belonged there, especially with these events where the people could drop their entire year’s expenses and not feel it worth bending down to pick up.

“You want one?” A cigarette was held out to him. He didn’t usually smoke, but that one lady who passed the kitchen door as he was walking by that looked at him like he was a bear had pissed him off.

Kisame took the light and leaned on the side wall. Smoke billowed out of gills as he exhaled, looking toward the lavish party through the back door. Staring back at him was a small, pretty face standing outside the door from the party. Her head dipped away when he caught her staring.

Go ahead and look. He wasn’t moving until his break was done.

She took another look in his direction before taking tiny steps back and forth, clicking her heels to the side of the door as she waited.

Kisame huffed, dropping the butt and stepping on it, and turning to go inside when her heel clicking stopped, and she screeched. Her cry for help was muffled by a hand, and before he really thought about what he was doing, he was barreling for them.

One man was trying to pull her into a car, and another was in the car. Kisame shoved her attacker off and pulled her to stumble behind him. He turned to ask her if she was okay and flinched as he felt something sink into the side.

Kisame clamped his hand down on the knife and the hand that held it.

This piece of sh*t was not getting away from him now.

He only stopped throwing punches when security pulled him back, and by that point, the car and the driver had abandoned his partner.

“Let him go, he’s defending me!” The girl shoved on the security, who took a moment to register who she was talking about as she balled up the suit jacket she was wearing to hold under his rib cage. “Call an ambulance.” She frantically called.

“I’m fine.” Kisame tried, but she forced him to sit down and hold the jacket, keeping her hands over his to make sure it was being pressed in place, at which point he was feeling light-headed. Okay, maybe he was not fine.

“Hinata-sama, come inside.” Her companion tried to pull her up.

“I’m taking him to the hospital.” Hinata pushed him away with her free, blood-soaked hand.

Her companion let go but continued to demand at her. “Hinata-sama. This is the threats becoming attempts. You need to get to safety.”

“Get him water.” Hinata snapped at him, but he didn’t budge. “Stop looking at me like that, and go!” Despite her demands, her eyes were filled with tears.

Kisame felt like if anyone would end up stabbed sitting on the curb waiting for an ambulance, it would be him. He just didn’t picture the girl in the evening gown blubbering. Maybe she was drunk. She smelled like a wine cellar.

Hinata tried to wipe the tears from her face but stopped when she realized she would smear blood from the back of her hand across. “I’m Hinata Hyuga.” She introduced herself as she tried to wipe her face on her shoulder. “Tell me if you feel like you need to lie down.”

Hyuga… that explained this. Kisame didn’t pay much attention to cooperation scandals on the news, but people had been complaining about the Hyuga-Kumo business deal that Hyuga pulled out of, bankrupting the smaller company, and now hundreds of people employed by Kumo were suddenly out of a job. Kumo claimed it wasn’t the end of the company, but it was hard to come back from something like that. He had friends who had made his ear bleed with their complaints about what Hyuga did. He couldn’t be surprised that there were crazy people who were making treats, but the attempted kidnap seemed a bit far for even people really trying to make a point. “Kisame Hoshigaki.”

“You are going to be okay.” Hinata breathed, but in her state, it seemed more like she was convincing herself.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Kisame had to say if you were to get stabbed, do it for an heiress.

When he woke up from surgery, he was in a private room, and Hinata was at the door arguing with the police.

Was he surprised they came to arrest the wrong person? No.

Was he surprised that they let the other guy go after he somehow confused them into thinking he was the victim? Maybe.

Was he surprised to have a rich woman in a blood-stained evening gown talk to them like they were children? Yes, actually. Mainly because her soft tone, which portrayed her disappointment, was far more effective than her raising her voice.

Hinata sighed, crossing her arms, though it looked more like she was hugging herself. “He needs rest. I gave you my statement. I will make sure he calls you when he feels well enough. Just please let him recover first. He’s the hero here.”

Ugh, hero. Kisame wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that, but it worked. The police bowed their heads, and she tucked herself back inside, realizing he was awake.

Hinata's cheeks turned red as she approached the bed. “I’m sorry. I hope you didn’t hear much of that.”

“I’m used to it.” Kisame waved his hand, revealing how much he heard with very little.

Hinata frowned at the door like the police were standing. Was she this offended for people who didn’t save her life? She placed the business card with their precinct phone number down on the bedside table. “I will give you the choice if you want to call them. I didn’t give them your name.”

Kisame’s eyebrows shot up. “Why not?”

Hinata tied her fingers together in her lap. “I don’t want your situation being used against you when you went so far out of your way to help.”

Kisame couldn’t blame her for having the thought. He was sure one exposed tattoo could make someone like her think he had a criminal past… and to be completely fair, he did.

“Don’t worry about the hospital bills.” Hinata dug into her tiny clutch purse, pulled out another card, and placed it with first. “I will take care of them.”

Kisame angled his arm to pick it up but realized that was the arm his IV was in. Hinata frantically picked it up and presented it to him. He flicked it up to read it. Holy sh*t. He was joking about the heiress thing. She really was ‘the’ Hinata Hyuga.

“I…” Hinata started before second-guessing herself and just bowing her head. “Thank you.”

Before he could say anything, the door opened, and in came Neji, her companion from before, with a bag. “Hinata-sama, here. You should change.” Hinata stood up to greet him, her demanding demeanor gone with her panic. “Why are you still wearing your heels?”

Hinata's head dipped down to look at her feet. “I’m fine. Thank you.” Neji looked past her, eyeing Kisame with a look he was more used to. He lowered his head to whisper something, but she backed her head away. Hinata’s demeanor changed back to authority for a moment. “I’m not leaving.”

Neji's face twitched before he nodded his head obediently.

Looks like Kisame was stuck with her. At least she was entertaining.

Kisame expected Hinata to stay for a few more hours and then disappear, leaving him on the other side of some assistant for the things she promised. He wouldn’t have blamed her. From the news, it looked like they were running with the idea that it may have been Kumo, the company itself, or disgruntled laid-off workers who were responsible for the attempted kidnapping.

And if Neji was to believed, this attempt wouldn’t be the last.

“I don’t need the security team here. They are bothering the nurses.” Hinata whisper-yelled at Neji.

“You wouldn’t need them if you would stop coming here.” Neji countered.

“He gets discharged tomorrow.” Hinata excused. “Can you at least ask all but one to leave?”

Neji debated. “What are you going to do once he’s discharged? He’s not a puppy. You're not taking it home.”

Kisame was used to being called it, but the look on her face made him realize that, yeah, maybe it was a little screwed up. The silent stare made Neji look down apologetically.

“Leave,” Hinata told him firmly. “You can come back when you can keep a comment like that to yourself.”

Neji stood firm for a moment longer before obediently leaving the room.

Hinata visibly straightened her face before returning to him with the bag that she requested Neji bring her in hand. “I apologize about him. He can be despicably rude.”

“I’ve heard worse.” Kisame accepted the food she laid out on his tray. He had yet to eat a hospital meal. Hinata didn’t say much, but she came every single day, brought him meals, and made sure the nurses were checking on him. It was nice. He had to admit getting stabbed came with its perks. He was going to miss the little princess once he went back to his pauper life.

“You shouldn’t have to.” Hinata hummed irritably.

At first, Kisame thought that her outrage was a played-up, but after a few days, either she was an excellent actor for no real benefit, or she was really as sweet as she looked. “I’m going to miss the good food.”

Hinata looked down, her discomfort playing on her features. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. “You… you said you weren’t a regular employee of the event coordinator?”

Kisame took a moment to chew and shook his head. “Nah, sometimes I get a call when they're short. I have a friend that tosses my name out when they need someone.”

“I would like to offer you a more permanent job. On the security team or somewhere else, if you would like it.” Hinata offered a phone number she had written down. “Lee-san will make sure he finds something for you.”

Kisame poked his chopsticks into his food. “You’re paying for the bills already.”

“I appreciate you putting yourself in danger to help me.” Hinata stared at her fingers as they twisted together. “I would love to have someone working with us that has your kind of integrity.”

Kisame felt his face burn. He hoped her face stayed down so she didn’t see his face turning purple. “I don’t know if I would call it that. I just wasn’t going to watch someone drag a girl off.”

“You helped without thinking about it. That is integrity.” Hinata's eyes came up to meet his and damn it, he could feel the sincerity. It made his stomach shrivel with an unfamiliar feeling of being praised. He wasn’t sure he liked it, but was nice to hear.

Kisame could say that he had never been praised for that. Strength, brute force, a good big scary dude to come and look menacing when you were trying to get your deposit back from your slum lord apartment manager, but never for something like integrity. “Okay. Okay. I’ll take whatever it is. Just stop… looking cute.”

Hinata blinked at him, and her face broke into a small smile. It wasn’t making her less cute.

“I agreed to one security detail.” Hinata corrected Neji as he trailed behind her, trying his hardest to wear her down. Usually, it worked. It worked getting her to agree to the single bodyguard, but now he was pushing it, and she had already had a very irritating call from a VP who demanded to know why she was still rescheduling her appointments like her kidnapping attempt wasn’t all over the news.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t use visiting her savior as an excuse anymore. Hinata liked him. Kisame was a nice man. He couldn’t take a compliment. They had that in common.

Hinata felt bad for having looked him up, but she knew that Neji wouldn’t let her check on him if she didn’t without letting him do a background check. He had a handful of arrest records for fights. None landed him more than a night in jail. He either had a good lawyer as a friend, was lucky, or most of those fights started how they met: him stepping in and ending a fight he didn’t start.

The world needed people who were willing to help others even when it didn’t benefit them. He didn’t have to help her. He could have just yelled or called for help, and by the time security came out, she would have been gone.

Hinata would check up on him in a few weeks. Neji planted the idea that she was smothering him, and she may have thought about it a little too much.

“Two would make me feel better.” Neji attempted.

Hinata gave him a final look that told him her answer. “One, or I’m not accepting any.”

Neji relented. “I will have them here in the morning.”

Hinata nodded and paused in front of her father’s door. “Has he said anything?” Neji's silence told her everything. She nodded, continuing on to her own office.

Kisame flicked over Hinata’s business card before putting it back in his wallet and looking at his suitcase. She insisted that she would check back up on him, then she disappeared, and he hadn’t heard from her since he got out of the hospital. To be fair, that was what he was expecting. He got a job offer like she promised, and honestly, that was more than enough.

Kisame didn’t realize how something as simple as her believing wholeheartedly in him after one interaction would get to him. She was probably over-trusting and saw the good in everything, but he would be lying if it didn’t put a fire in him to stop being okay with the sh*t pickup jobs and to do something more substantial. So he made the call for the job to take her up on her offer.

Maybe he would see her again one day if he worked for her family’s business, but half the city worked under her family’s umbrella corporation, so that was unlikely. It was a direction to strive.

With a week of training passed, he was being sent to his assignment, and it came with its own room, so he was getting an even better deal of it.

Kisame tried to ignore the feeling that he really hadn’t earned any of this. He got lucky. If he hadn’t taken that cigarette, he probably would have gone inside when he saw her. Did he owe all of this to smoking?

Ironic. He didn’t even smoke, really.

He looked up at the fancy hotel he was going to be working at. Maybe they sent him to the wrong place because even as security, most people didn’t want to see someone like him at a place like this. Maybe they were hoping to stick him in a room with all the video feeds or something.

The lady at the front desk gave him an odd look before he gave his name. “I don’t have a reservation with that name.”

“No.” Kisame corrected. “I’m a new employee.”

She tilted her head and checked a clipboard. “Oh!” She bowed her head and offered out a key card and a slip of paper, pointing him toward a different elevator than what the guests were using. “You need the key card for the top floor.”

Okay. Weird. Kisame used the key card on the elevator and rode up. Sometimes, they had offices in hotels. Was that where HR was? Was someone going to stop and explain to him what his job actually was?

The elevator opened to an empty hallway that looked a little too nice to be part of their normal rooms. He looked at his slip of paper and found a door with a matching number. He knocked. No answer. He used the key card, and the door opened to a large hotel room with a full kitchen.

Kisame stepped in and gave the place a critical look.

Okay. At this point, he was almost entirely sure that this was a mistake. He rolled his suitcase in and found a packet on the counter with a staff badge with his face and name on it.

… Looking less like a mistake.

Hinata Hyuga didn’t screw around with her debts.

The packet had a cell phone and some documents in it that told him some basics about his job, but the first line stood out to him and made him stop reading. ‘Always knock on the adjoining door before entering Miss Hyuga’s private resident.’

Adjoining door? Kisame eyes feel on another door along the adjacent wall.

He dropped his things and the page and knocked on the door. The door was opened to reveal a small, pretty face that was just as confused to see him. “Kisame-san?”

Neji’s head popped out from another room. His face said one thing: he was going to kill whoever arranged this.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

“I don’t see what your problem is.” Hinata crossed her arms, waiting to see if Neji was dumb enough to voice the real reason why he didn’t want Kisame to be her personal bodyguard.

“I know you got a little attached to him because he saved your life, but look at him,” Neji yell-whispered, jerking his hand toward the other room. “He looks like a thug.” Hinata raised her eyebrows at him, hoping he would take the hint to correct himself, but he only doubled down. “You are going to look like a yakuza daughter walking around with someone like him.”

Hinata tamped down her frustration. She really didn’t want to raise her voice with Kisame in earshot. “Then he just needs to be dressed the part.”

“A suit is not going to fix that.” Neji negated. “Lee clearly misunderstood when I told him both that we needed a security detail and that you wanted that man hired into the company.”

Hinata would call it creative problem-solving. He had two problems and came up with one solution. He deserved a raise. “I am more comfortable with Kisame-san than a stranger.”

“He is a stranger!” Neji emphasized. “You spent a little over a week visiting him at the hospital because you felt guilty. You know nothing about him.”

Was this all about looks, or was Neji still upset about his arrest record? He wasn’t bringing it up, but maybe he knew better than to go that far. “I know more about his character than some other random man assigned to me.”

Neji’s face twisted as he realized he backed himself into a corner. “I don’t like this.”

“Well, then, I guess it’s good that you don’t get to pick my staff, isn’t it?” Hinata wouldn’t usually be so snippy, but she was more than done with Neji’s attitude toward a man he should be grateful to. She wasn’t particularly happy that she had to remind him to give Kisame a proper thank you in the hospital. “He’s here. I’m happy with it. I will thank Lee-san for his happy accident when I see him next.”

Neji stayed behind to seethe as Hinata came back to the living room to greet Kisame more properly.

“I’m sorry.” Hinata waved her hand in Neji’s direction. “I guess there was a miscommunication with Lee-san, but I am happy that you’ll be working with me.”

Kisame looked over his shoulder. “So… I still have this job?”

Hinata nodded, sitting down. “I was encouraged to hire a full-time personal security detail after the incident.” Who better than the man who saved her the first time?

Kisame shoulders fell a bit, looking down at his casual street clothing. “I… would make you look yakuza.”

Hinata dropped her smile. “I am so sorry that you heard that.” She was going to tape Neji’s mouth shut.

Kisame pointed to his head. “Superior hearing. Sorry. Can’t really not easy drop.”

“Good trait for a bodyguard to have.” Hinata excused. “And my schedule is clear today, so I think that we should remedy the problem right now.” She got up to collect her coat and purse.

Kisame got up to follow her. “Where are we going?”

“I think all you need to look the part is a good suit.” Hinata pulled her hair out of her coat.

Kisame was measured, prodded, and chattered at by a woman Hinata called Ino. She needed to use a stool to get his measurements but had no problem pushing and pulling him around like a manikin to stand him in the right position for her work. He was handed a suit, and now he was just looking at himself in the mirror.

He looked ridiculous.

Kisame knew he looked like a thug. He relied on it to make people back off, those who didn’t, learned the hard way. He had never owned a proper suit. It looked wrong. Maybe this would make Hinata realize that he wasn’t going to look the part even if she dressed him up.

Kisame ducked his head out of the dressing room to a tiny gasp. Hinata covered her bright smile with her hands. “It looks great.”

Kisame felt his flush. Okay, maybe he could get used to the suit.

He was prodded by the pushy woman a bit more as she marked adjustments and scolded him for not buttoning his shirt the whole way up. Hinata got up and looked at a selection of ties and held one up to him, tilting her head. “I think this is a good color for you.”

Kisame looked down at the deep purple tie, and his face burned hotter. He was going to hope she meant it as for him in general, and she wasn’t trying to match the blush on his face.

Why did she have this effect on him?

“Can we get a coat too?” Hinata wondered, looking past him at the rows.

“I have a light coat in his size,” Ino commented. “Nothing thick, though. I might have to make it custom.”

“A light one, for now, is fine. We can worry about something for winter later.” Hinata waved her hand, giving him another smile. “Just make sure he has any accessories he needs too. It doesn’t look like he is enjoying this. I don’t think he’s going to want to come back.”

Kisame didn’t reply to that, but his face made Hinata and Ino giggle.

Hinata settled into the car and waited for Kisame to get into the driver’s seat. His training had taught him little things that were expected of him, like opening the door, but they must not have told him that usually she would be expected to sit in the back.

She wasn’t going to correct him today. “Ino-chan is going to have at least one fully tailored suit delivered before tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t think I’ve really ever worn a suit before,” Kisame commented.

“You wore a server’s tux the first time we met.” Hinata corrected.

Kisame face twisted into confusion, and he side-eyed her as he drove. “What are you talking about?”

“Last summer, at a charity gala?” Hinata explained. Kisame looked just as confused. “I guess you don’t remember me.”

Hinata stiffened and slid herself impossibly closer to the wall to put any distance between her and Mr. Whiskey-breath that was hanging over her shoulder. She had been grinning and bearing his awful conversation, insensitive humor, and overpowering cologne for the last hour, and his personal space was getting worse with each drink. Unfortunately, she knew he was a big investor, and as long as he kept his hands to himself, she would continue to humor him.

Her father cared more about his happiness than her comfort.

Hinata flinched as she felt a hand run up her back. Okay, now she was no longer okay with this. He dipped his head to get closer to her ear. “It’s getting late… AH!” The door he was leaning on opened abruptly, making him stumble into the kitchen.

“Whoops.” The large blue man, barely stuffed into a server’s tuxedo, who opened the door commented. His tone and demeanor made it more than clear it wasn’t an accident. He pointed a finger in the other direction passed her and mouthed ‘go.’

Hinata bowed her head thankfully and made her escape as the employee ‘helped’ the investor up as he stumbled, whimpering about his spilled drink.

“That’s… why you were looking at me.” Kisame put together.

“Why did you think?” Hinata titled her head.

Kisame snapped his mouth shut. He wasn’t going to answer that question.

“Did you think I was flirting?” Hinata giggled at the face he made. She knew damn well that’s not what he was thinking.

Did it make more sense now? Not really. Kisame just couldn’t wrap his head around how Hinata had put so much worth in his ‘integrity’ by getting her out of two jams. Yeah, technically, one was saving her life, but… maybe she put a lot more value into someone willing to pick a fight with a prick than he did. Then again, he was that prick.

“I hope the new suits will give you the confidence so now when people look at you, you will think maybe they recognize you and not something worse.” Hinata folded her hands in her lap.

Damn it. This girl.

Hinata laid her head back. “I’m glad we were able to put a rush on your suits. My schedule starts back up tomorrow. It’s going to be a busy week to make up for the time I took off. Ready?”

With that reassuring smile, he was.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

Kisame flattened his hand on the suit jacket in the mirror. This still felt wrong. Maybe he should get a different haircut or… a whole different face to get this to work. It was part of the job. He needed to stop complaining about it.

He wasn’t feeling at his best for his first day, but he was going to push through the early morning fatigue. He was too used to late-night gigs at bars and events, all those late nights cleaning up until the crack of dawn. He rubbed his face again before heading out to the hall to be ready for Hinata when she came out prim, perfectly made up, but with a blank look in her eyes as she sipped her coffee. She looked about as awake as he felt.

Neji met them in the lobby, giving Kisame a particularly unwelcoming look before going on to run through her schedule as he followed them to the parking garage. Hinata didn’t seem to be listening. Kisame opened the passenger door to the car he would be driving her around in.

“You open the back door.” Neji snapped.

Kisame blinked at the open passenger door. His jaw set as he had a strong urge to just keep it open and prove that Hinata would have just sat down without a word, but he wanted to do this correctly, so he closed it hard, not enough to get him scolded again, before opening the back door instead.

Hinata handed him her cup and reached up. Once Kisame realized what she was doing, he lowered himself, so she could fix his tie. She gave him a smile, took back her coffee, and got into the car before Neji was done talking. Kisame closed the door mid-sentence. Neji stared at him with frustration, but Kisame just gave him a stone face. She clearly wasn’t awake enough to hear anything he was saying. Neji huffed and went to his own car as Kisame rounded to the driver seat.

Hinata held her coffee up to her lips. “My schedule is on my phone. I think he thinks if he doesn’t tell me, I won’t realize I have places to be.” She hummed.

To the office. Out of the office. Back to the office. Kisame didn’t think this was going to be so much travel. It wasn’t even noon yet. He was feeling tired by noon, but they had been running around for several hours already. His internal body clock was confused as hell.

This isn’t what he imagined the daughter of a company head did all day, but he would have expected a lot more shopping and a lot fewer corporate meetings.

Kisame stood shy of ‘ear shot’ as she finished another meeting. He could hear all he wanted, but he had no clue what they were talking about. Timelines, budgets, manpower, and other things he didn’t have any frame reference for. He had never even been a low-level assistant manager in any job he had ever been in, and that was his own fault. He didn’t have a great track record with patrons, and when it came to authority… it depended on the authority. Okay, maybe that was a problem too.

Authority that didn’t deserve loyalty shouldn’t have it, in his opinion, and that made him a sh*t employee sometimes. This job was giving him way too much time to think, and it was only halfway through his first day.

“No, thank you. I have a lunch arrangement already.” Hinata bowed her head to the third person who asked her to join them for lunch.

Kisame trailed after her, and she turned her head behind her, checking if he was there again. Did she think he was going to run off?

What was he supposed to do when it came to lunch? He wasn’t supposed to leave her, so if she was meant to have lunch with someone, did he just sit at a different table?

“Where to?” Kisame opened the car door for her.

Hinata slid in and poked her head out. “Do you have any food allergies?”

“Not that I know of.” Kisame ducked his head down to continue in her eyeline.

Hinata titled her head. “Do you like fish?”

“Is that a joke?” Hinata’s face fell, and he could see her worry that she had been offensive. Kisame waved his hand. “I like fish.”

Hinata recovered, but her smile didn’t return. “There is a nice place between here and our next stop that makes excellent fish.” Wasn’t she meeting someone? Why would it matter what he liked to eat?

“On it.” Kisame closed the door and kicked himself. He needed to be careful with his usual jokes. She didn’t find his self-deprecating humor.

Hinata waved at the owners of the shop as she came in. As usual, she could see Choji light up and wave his arms from the kitchen before holding up a finger to tell her that he would come out to see her in a minute.

Hinata settled at a table. Kisame looked around for a moment before she motioned for him to sit down with her. He did but continued to look around. Did he not like the look of the place? “Do you want to go somewhere else?”

“You said you had plans. I thought you were meeting someone.” Kisame explained. Oh. With context, he was looking for a place to move if he needed to get up.

Hinata giggled. “I was planning to have lunch with you.”

“Oh.” Kisame face flattened. She could swear she could see the slightest tinge of purple come to his cheeks. Did he think that she wasn’t going to have lunch with him on his first day?

“I will tell you if I need to have you have a separate lunch.” Hinata opened the menu, though she knew what she was having. “How’s your first day?”

Kisame followed suit. “It’s a lot. I mean, I don’t really do a lot, but… the running around seems like a lot for you.” He was doing quite a lot, in her opinion. “I do have a question. What…?” He chewed on his question for a moment, trying to reformulate it. “What is it that you do?”

Hinata could understand that question. Their morning didn’t reveal a lot of what her position was. “My official title is Director of Public Affairs, which is a very fancy-nothing name that means I am a figurehead for the Hyuga’s public image.” She folded her hands over her menu. “I manage public social events, charities, and educational functions for the community, and I keep investor happy by hearing out their complaints and doing anything I can to remedy any concerns.” Even if there was nothing she could do for them, sometimes she could get very far by just making them believe she was trying. “My job is to be attentive, accommodating, and knowledgeable at all times as the public face of the Hyuga.”

Kisame stared back at her for a moment. “That’s a lot of words to say, shiny political mouthpiece.”

He wasn’t wrong.

Kisame immediately regretted what he said, but it was too late. Hinata snorted, and her hands shot over her face to cover her mouth. “Sorry.” He grumbled.

Hinata waved her hands. “No. I like your honesty. That’s an accurate description.”

“I can see why I could taint your image.” Kisame looked down at his menu.

Hinata was going to kill Neji. “You are not going to hurt my image. Please don’t let Neji-san get into your head. He worries too much.”

Choji finally freed himself to come to the table. Hinata gladly accepted his recommendation like she always did, then waited for Kisame, who really didn’t look at the menu, to just take the suggestion as well. “I have something I want you to try.” Choji pointed at Hinata as he disappeared.

Hinata smiled as he left. “I’m frequently his guinea pig for new sauces and sides.” She explained.

“You come here a lot?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata nodded. “We went to school together. I like to support him, but I didn’t want to bring you here if you didn’t like fish since the main theme here is barbecued fish.”

Kisame nose crinkled. “Yeah, sorry. I’m making an ass of myself by assuming what you meant.”

Hinata waved her hands. “No. I just didn’t think about it that way. I can see why you made that conclusion.”

Kisame looked to the side. “I’m just used to it.”

“That’s sad.” Hinata voiced. She didn’t know what else to say.

She was saved from saying more by the table being loaded up with food and Choji settling some mystery sauces among the plates. “Dig in,” Choji told them.

Hinata pointed to one of the sauces she recognized. “You have to try this one. It’s my favorite.”

Kisame picked up his chopsticks and did as she asked, and he coughed after a moment of chewing. Hinata covered her smile. Maybe she should have told him it was spicy.

Chapter 5

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Hinata found herself at the bottom of another cup of coffee. It was the only thing keeping her going at this point. Just a few more things on the schedule.

That’s what she was telling herself to get through the day. Hopefully, the rest of the week won’t feel this chaotic.

Hinata flinched as the door opened, and she blinked at Kisame waiting for her. She must have completely zoned out. She didn’t even notice him park. She sighed, leaving the empty cup in the cupholder and gathering her bag out of the car.

Her heel slid into a crack, and she stumbled forward, but she caught Kisame’s arm before she fell on her face. Both of his hands shot out to steady her. “I’m fine.” She assured him.

“Sorry.” Kisame’s hand hovered back from her.

Hinata straightened herself. “I guess you didn’t think part of your job was protecting me from myself, did you?”

Despite Kisame’s stress, he cracked a smile at her joke.

Kisame watched Hinata look over her shoulder with an awkward smile. “Oh, that’s Kisame-san. After recent events, my family insisted on a bodyguard.”

How many times was that? Sometimes, she even had to explain it more than once in a meeting because someone was late and didn’t hear her answer the first time. Would people eventually just know, or was this something she was going to have to always explain?

“I don’t think he heard you.” Hinata broke his thoughts as he realized she was speaking in his direction.

“Hmm?” Kisame blinked at her.

Hinata waved her hand at the older man she was sitting with. “He wanted to know where you were from.”

“Kirigakure.” Kisame answered.

“Kirigakure? A small town, huh?” The old man grinned.

Kisame shook his head. “Kirigakure is actually a pretty large city.”

The old man laughed, and Hinata waved her hand no, but he wasn’t sure how else he was meant to answer. She distracted the old man until the meeting started, after which she gave him a knowing smile. “Sorry about Hiruzen-sama. He makes that joke every time. If you’re from a small town, he says ‘big city.’”

“Strange old man,” Kisame mumbled.

“He’s the Governor of Konoha.” Hinata giggled.

“What?” Kisame flicked his head back. “That weird old man?”

“Be respectful,” Hinata said despite her giggle. “Yes.”

“You meet with the Governor regularly?” Kisame could even think of who the Governor of Kirigakure was right now.

“The Hyuga do many public works projects, and the Governor likes to be involved.” Hinata nodded.

Sounded a lot like a corporation sucking up to the local government to keep in their favor. “Interesting.”

Hinata saw right through him. “You’re getting better at holding your tongue.”

Hinata was stopped by another person on her way out of the Hyuga office. They only had one more stop today, but that was only if she could get out of the office. Was she this popular because she had been out for a few days, or was she just this popular?

Hinata looked over her shoulder at him with a shocked look on her face. Kisame blinked. He wasn’t listening. He was getting better at just tuning things out, but with that look, he assumed this was about him.

The woman who stopped her continued to whisper in her ear. Hinata pressed her lips together into a thin line. Did someone stop her to say something rude about him? Really?

Hinata waved as she quickly left and waited until she got into the elevator to crack a smile and then dissolve into giggles.

“Should I ask?” Kisame was afraid to know.

“I told you, you looked good in the suit.” Huh? Hinata held out a card. “She wanted to give you her number.”

Kisame blinked at her as the doors opened back up. He didn’t move out.

Hinata tucked the card in his breast pocket, snapping him out of his frozen state as she tapped the pocket. “Now, maybe you will believe me. The suit looks good on you.”

Hinata sighed at the restaurant. This was the last thing on the schedule, but this was the thing she knew the least about. She didn’t even recognize the name. Hopefully, she could stumble her way through this without looking stupid or rude.

The door opened with a blue hand held out, waiting. Hinata stared at it for a moment. Oh.

Hinata let Kisame help her out of the car. That would work. Less likely for her to fall on her face. She bowed her head to thank him. “I am going to have you sit at another table.” She explained. “I don’t think this is a causal enough dinner to have you sit with us.”

Kisame nodded.

“Order whatever you want,” Hinata told him. Staff was never sure what they could and could put on the company tab.

Hinata was led to her table after she briefly explained that she needed Kisame seated nearby. She looked at her table and felt the need to laugh. It must look funny for them to come in together, sitting apart, alone at separate tables.

“Hinata Hyuga?” A man asked, making her look up.

“Hmm? Oh. Yes.” Hinata stood up to bow her head.

“Shikamaru Nara.” Shikamaru sat down, taking a long look at her. It was flat and didn’t seem to judge, but Hinata sat up straighter, hoping he would start a conversation. “You have no idea why you’re here, do you?”

Hinata blinked at him. Was she the obvious, or was he that perspective? “Not a clue. I’m sorry. I don’t know how this got on my schedule with no details.”

“And you don’t remember me, do you?” Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.

Well, now she was embarrassed. “No.”

Shikamaru nodded. “Choji introduced us…”

“Oh! You sat behind him. Kakashi-sensei threw an eraser at your head for falling asleep in class.” Hinata covered her mouth. Why was that the only thing she remembered about him? Now that she thought about it. Wasn’t he at the top of that class?

Shikamaru shrugged. “Probably not the best memory to have for a first date.”

Probably not… wait. “Date?”

Shikamaru’s lip quirked up. “You didn’t know you were on a blind date.”

Hinata gapped at him for a moment as her face heated up. “I’m so sorry. I know what’s happened here.” She sighed. “My uncle is getting clever.”

Shikamaru nodded. “You’re not the least bit interested.”

“I don’t mean to be rude.” Hinata stood up. “I just really don’t like this style of meeting a partner.”

Shikamaru shrugged. “I’m not offended.”

Hinata looked up at Kisame, who was already curious as to why she stood up and nodded her head toward the door. He promptly got up to follow her. She bowed apologetically to her ‘date.’ “Again. I am sorry. I actually hope I see you again, maybe at Choji-san’s restaurant.”

“I’ll keep an eye for you.” Shikamaru lifted his hand up but didn’t wave it.

Hinata grabbed Kisame’s arm and pulled him out of the restaurant to get as far away from it as her face got redder. She beat Kisame to the door, got in the passenger side, and closed herself in so she could hide.

Kisame closed his door as Hinata covered her face and let out a muffled screech. “Are you okay?”

“No!” Hinata whimpered. “My uncle thought today was a wonderful day to put another blind date on my schedule!”

“Another?” Kisame blinked as she dissolved, shrinking into her seat into a puddle of embarrassment. “This happens often?”

“Too often.” Hinata huffed. “I feel so bad for these men. I kinda hope they don’t want to be there as much as I don’t because I always feel so bad for trying to leave.”

“Trying to?” Kisame prodded.

“It doesn’t always work,” Hinata admitted. “Some guys insist on having the date.”

What kinda of guy wants a date who doesn’t want to be there. “It will work now,” Kisame assured her.

Hinata giggled. “Are you going to help me out of my blind dates?”

“That’s my job, isn’t it?” Kisame waved his hand. “What else am I good for?”

Hinata knitted her fingers together. “It would actually be nice to know I have an out. Not all of my blind dates end that well.” She looked up at him with that cute, grateful smile. “Thank you.”

Kisame looked away to anything else, like the steering wheel. “That’s my job.”

“Well, my dinner just freed up, and I am exhausted.” Hinata hummed. “How about we order dinner at the hotel?”

Kisame nodded and started the car as Hinata got out her phone to order food. “Why… do you live in a hotel?” Maybe the answer was simple. She owned part of it.

Hinata looked up. “I didn’t want to go home after university. My uncle set me up in the private room. The connected apartment you’re in was supposed to be for Neji-san, but he moved in with his partner.” She lowered her phone. “It’s not really homey, but it’s what I think makes sense in the stage of life I am in.” She promptly went back to her task, but Kisame took note of what she said. “Oh! That reminds me.” Hinata looked back at him. “I wanted to make sure you know. You have access to any of the hotel’s amenities. Gym, pool, buffet, just use your key card.”

“I’ll sear clear of the pool, but I’ll take you up on that gym.” Kisame hadn’t been to a decent gym ever. Maybe all the machines would work, and half the weights wouldn’t be missing.

“… Chlorine?” Hinata wondered.

It made sense she would pick up on that. “Yeah, breathing it in makes me sick.” He pointed to his covered gills. “I have to flush it out, or it can really do damage.”

“But smoking doesn’t?” Hinata looked back at her phone.

Kisame didn’t think she had it in her to be backhanded. “If I smoked a lot, I am sure it would tar up my gills. I am not a habitual smoker.” He promised.

“Good.” Hinata agreed. “I am not a fan of the smell.” She held up her phone. “Chicken or beef?”

Chapter 6

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Kisame expected another long day of business meetings but was startled to see Hinata made up in a more formal day dress with her hair up. “What are we doing today?”

“I have to attend a garden event today.” Hinata slid her hand down to push out the non-existent wrinkles in her dress. “Less running around, but not less stress.”

Kisame nodded, following her to the car, where they were joined by Neji once again. “Do you mind if I ride in with you?”

Hinata eyed Kisame. Did she think he got a say in this? She lowered her voice to say. “If you can be respectful.”

Neji gave her a moment too long of a stare, debating his answer. “Of course.” That was a bullsh*t.

Kisame opened the door. This was going to be a long day.

Hinata took Kisame’s offered hand out of the car and dodged Neji’s frown. She had too much to be worried about to add his opinion to it.

Now that she thought about it, she snapped around to Neji. “I am upset with you.”

“What did I do?” Neji blinked.

“Your father got another blind date on my schedule,” Hinata told him pointedly. “And what is more embarrassing was he went to school with me!”

Neji’s jaw fell open before it snapped shut to scowl. “I can’t understand why he keeps trying.”

“You manage my schedule. Verify dinners without enough details, please.” Hinata huffed. “I can’t keep running out of blind dates.”

“I will speak with him again,” Neji grumbled.

“Later. Let’s focus.” Hinata followed him into the building. Kisame tailing behind. It was so awkward having him follow her everywhere. She wished she could have him lead, but that didn’t make much sense. It just felt wrong to be leading him about.

Kisame head came down to her level to ask a question in her ear. “Where do you want me here?”

“Nearby,” Hinata answered. “This is a social event. I will only be on stage, speaking for a few minutes. Just stay close. I can’t stand these things.”

Kisame snorted at her comment and straightened back up.

After several hours of stiff pleasantries and a small speech from Hinata thanking everyone for coming, Kisame stood behind her as they were back to pleasantries. Stuffy people with fake smiles asking about the other person's accomplishments only so they can talk about their own, clothes that probably cost more than his old apartment to walk around outside, a violin constantly being plaid on its own. He had never been to a more boring party.

Hinata backed toward him again. The first time, he wasn’t sure she was doing it on purpose, but she just kept getting closer and closer, and now that she was all but stepping on him. He was sure that she was doing it, at least continuously.

Did she not feel safe? That was the only reason he could think that she was moving closer.

Kisame raised his hand barely to put his knuckles in the middle of her back to remind her he was there. Hinata looked over her shoulder and gave him a nervous smile. “Sorry.”

Kisame lowered his head for her. “You want to leave?”

“I can’t yet,” Hinata whispered back. “I’m just… not… I’m never comfortable.” She corrected.

Kisame nodded, standing up. If he couldn’t get her out of here, there wasn’t much he could do but stand behind her like he was supposed to.

“Oh no…” Hinata said through her teeth as she put on a smile as another person came up to her.

Kisame had to keep from laughing at her comment.

Kisame opened the car door and waited for Hinata to put her shoes back on. Her toes were red from standing in them all day. She made a small noise of discomfort as she got back into them.

Her pinned-up hair was now back to being a dark curtain falling off her shoulders, and honestly, he thought it looked better now, but he shoved that thought away as quickly as it came. “Sorry.”

Kisame shook his head. He didn’t mind waiting. He offered his hand, and her face lightened as she took it and stood up.

Back in her apartment, Hinata huffed. She heard Kisame’s door close as she flopped down on her couch. Daytime formal events were more exhausting than the eventing ones. She didn’t want to move, but there was so much left to the day, and she could feel the disappointment coming from the distance of her father’s office in not opening her laptop and spending more time doing something work-related.

She flinched as she heard a knock on the conjoining door, realizing she had fallen asleep for a moment. She rubbed her eyes. She needed to get this makeup off. She got up to open the door.

Kisame stood on the other side, pointing toward his kitchen. “Did you have plans for dinner?” He rubbed the back of his head. “I should probably do some grocery shopping.”

Hinata covered her yawn. “What have you been doing for breakfast?” Kisame shook his head. He wasn’t eating breakfast? She couldn’t have that. “You are welcome to eat anything in my kitchen in the morning, but let me find the number that Neji uses to get groceries delivered.” She padded toward the door and the stack of business cards in a bowl.

“I could probably figure it out,” Kisame mumbled, staying in the doorway.

Hinata came back with the number. “I think this is the one. There is a website.” She turned the pamphlet over.

“Thanks.” Kisame took it. “Sorry, dinner?”

“Oh, yeah. We can order something.” Hinata stepped back. “Come in.” She looked at his more casual clothes. Had he changed already? How long was her nap? Maybe she should keep him her so that she didn’t fall asleep. “I’ll be back. I should change.”

Kisame nodded and looked around uncomfortably before sitting down in the same spot he did the night before. His awkward shuffling when he was so large was cute. She felt a familiarity, often feeling like she wanted to disappear into the smallest space possible, but she was small. She could easily disappear. He couldn’t, but he still tried.

Hinata closed the door to her bedroom and leaned against it. A man twice her size shouldn’t be so adorable, but he was.

Kisame phone reminded him of the time as he finished his set. This gym was great. People didn’t usually use a gym when they went to a hotel, but the gym was fully decked out anyway, and he didn’t feel like someone was constantly watching him to swipe his phone or, worse, his water bottle. He had no clue why people would do that, but it had happened, and he didn’t want to look into it any more than he had to.

With the unpredictable schedule Hinata had, Kisame decided to plan his workout around the time they were scheduled to leave rather than trying to fit them in after whatever time they got home because there were some nights where her day at the office bled into a night at events.

And if he was meant to be constantly alert, having his heart pumping was going to work far better than a cup of coffee.

Kisame wiped his face with his towel as he headed up to his room to shower. He opened the door and almost pulled his damp shirt entirely off before he realized Hinata was just as startled to see him in his kitchen.

Her eyes became saucers, and she covered her face. “I’m sorry! I knocked, but you didn’t answer. I had breakfast delivered because we had an early morning. I… was going to leave a note and leave.”

Kisame quickly pulled his shirt back down and cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

Hinata peeked through her fingers, but even finding him with his shirt on, she covered her face back up and blindly found the conjoining door before closing it harder than she probably wanted him to hear.

Kisame lowered his whole face to the cold counter. Lesson learned: change in the bedroom.

Hinata melted, sliding down the other side of the door. Whimpering out her embarrassment into her hands. She was going to die. She should have just waited to hear him come back. What was she thinking?!

She let her hand slide down from her face over her heart and let it rest there as it was trying to escape her chest. Well, she was definitely awake now, and maybe that was a good thing because she left her coffee on his counter, and there was no way she was going back in there to get it.

A knock on the door made her grimace. Let her finish dying of embarrassment first. She got up and opened the door to find Kisame with one of the hotel’s robes over his gym clothes. He held her coffee out at arm’s length, not looking in her direction. She was thankful. She was sure she was too red for words right now. “This is sweet. I assume it’s yours.”

Hinata accepted it, holding it to her chest before there were a few more moments of silence and the door closed.

She closed her eyes. Today was going to be awkward.

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

“How many?” Hinata pulled the presented folder closer.

“Most of them,” Neji explained. “Sponsors are dropping out one right after another. They are all claiming that you being there poses a risk to their safety.”

Hinata frowned. “If that were the case, they would have dropped out weeks ago.”

“Or they know something we don’t.” Kisame’s deep voice chimed in.

Neji snapped up to glare at Kisame for interjecting, but then he shifted his eyes away as his glare got deeper, realizing he could be right.

“I think they do know something we don’t, but I doubt it’s a threat. I think they are using me as an excuse to hide the real reason they are pulling out.” Hinata closes the folder. “I will look into it. I am going to one of the companies today for a different project.”

“Don’t assume that this is over just because they haven’t tried again recently. The protesters are getting more restless with time.”

“We aren’t even sure if they were responsible. I am not convinced that it’s not some unrelated that used the convenience of the bad press to throw off the police.” Hinata looked out the window where floors below, the protests were still going strong and were falling on the deaf ears of their board member. They knew the company was too big to be severely damaged by this, even if it went on for months. The corporation had its hands in too much of the public's daily lives. It was nearly impossible to cut purchasing from them out entirely. “It would be clever to use all this rage as a shield.”

Neji shook his head but didn’t voice his disagreement. He collected the folder and his things. “Just be careful.”

“That’s what I have Kisame-san for.” Hinata smiled over her shoulder at him.

Kisame watched Hinata’s face fall as she spoke to the executive. She forced a smile back on her face, bowed her head, and returned to him. “Everything okay?”

Hinata looked behind her and let her disappointment show on her face. “Apparently, some of the companies that have been sponsoring our public works projects have been receiving threats of their own for working with us, but it seems that the threats are only for this one event at the moment.” She knotted her fingers together. “I hope that is the end of it.”

He could see in her face that she didn’t think that it would be.

Hinata folded her hands in front of her as she listened to the speaker. Events still happened even if they didn’t have the money and support they had before. Some companies ignore the threats, but she understood the fear of backlash their peers had. The cold breeze was making her wonder if Kisame was getting cold.

She flinched as she felt a raindrop run down her face and held her hand out. A few more fell on her hand. Kisame and a number of other people opened umbrellas. The attendees were told to expect a drizzle.

Kisame held the black umbrella over her head but not his own. She backed up. He moved it back. She backed up again. He held it to the side to keep it from running into him. She backed up one more time, and he got the point, holding it over both their heads while she stood nearly between his shoes.

Hinata suppressed her smile as she glanced over her shoulder at him. His face was a deep shade of purple as he avoided looking at her. Maybe he would include himself the first time next time.

As the speaker finished, Hinata clapped with the rest and took a few steps toward the stage as they descended to congratulate them before her shoe seemed to completely fall out from under her. She squeaked as she fell forward, but a frantic hand hooked her up from falling flat on her face.

Her back hit Kisame’s chest, and she locked her arms around his hand that splayed across her rib cage until she was sure she wasn’t going to fall over. “I am going to sit you down.” He helped her limp to the nearest seat, a rock wall to the public garden they were in.

Hinata looked down at her shoe to find the heel entirely snapped off. That was going to be embarrassing to hobble around with.

Kisame held the umbrella over her head and tried to ignore the heat in his face and the uncomfortable feeling in his hand. Hinata didn’t seem to notice, but he definitely noticed that the way he caught her, his thumb was inconveniently right between…

He really should have caught her any other way. He felt like such a creep, and he didn’t even do it on purpose.

“I don’t think I can walk in these.” Hinata pouted, pulling the shoe off and putting her toes on the cold, wet concrete to examine the break.

Kisame looked over at the car. It was right there. He could just carry her, but the last thing he wanted to do right now was touch her. Wait. “Hold this for a moment.”

Hinata took the offered umbrella and watched him as he ran to the car and dug into the trunk before returning and kneeling down to her feet with slippers. “Why do you have those?”

“I thought you could use them if your feet hurt too much. You might want to take your shoes off after a long night,” Kisame explained, setting down the flat slippers in front of her feet and collecting the heel she slipped out of to put them on.

“That’s very sweet of you.” Hinata smiled at him.

Kisame cleared his throat and took back the umbrella as he stood up.

Kisame leaned back on the office couch and scrolled through his phone. There wasn’t much else for him to do while she was at her desk. She was rarely in her office for more than an hour or two, but it left him without much to do unless someone came bursting through the door.

He rubbed at his stab wound. It was healing up well, but sometimes that meant it itched like hell.

“Stop that.” Hinata hissed from her desk. Hold her hand over the receiver.

Kisame flinched at looked at her to receive her frown. Yeah. He wasn’t supposed to rub at it.

Hinata was silent for a while longer, waiting to be brought off hold. “Oh, yes. I am here. I had a message from your office that you wanted me to call?” Her tone changed. “I… we got a cancelation on your end.”

Kisame turned to see the face crinkle up in distress.

“No. I mean, someone from your company called to cancel… No, I am not sure who… I…” Hinata snapped her mouth shut to keep from interrupting. Kisame could hear the yelling on the other side from all the way over here. “I wasn’t accusing you.” Her voice got impossibly softer. “I am sure we can get something back on the calendar… I…” Her eyes ghosted over to him, and she looked down, ashamed.

Kisame blood boiled. That is not an emotion she should have to feel while someone was screaming at her. It was taking everything in him not to rip the phone away and correct their tone.

“I will personally call you,” Hinata promised. “Thank you.” What the hell do they deserve a thank you for? “I will make sure… of course. Have good…” She held the phone away from her face. “He hung up.”

“You should have the moment he started screaming,” Kisame growled.

Hinata looked up at him with a miserably tired look on her face. Kisame pushed down his anger. He wasn’t going to make her feel any better by showing her how pissed off he was. She felt the need to fix everything. “My job is to keep people happy. Sometimes that is assuming fault and taking the occasional hostile phone call.”

Kisame sat back further into the couch.

Hinata set her face up in her hand with a pout. “I want another coffee.”

“But you try not to have coffee after three.” Kisame reminded her, but he could see in her pout that this was an extenuating circ*mstance. “I’ll order you something.”

“Thank you.” Hinata rested back in her chair and sighed. “I feel like I am being punished.”

Kisame paused, typing her order into his phone. “For what?”

“Nothing, ignore me.” Hinata sat back up straight and went to her next task, giving her office phone a worried look as if to ask it how else it could ruin her day.

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Kisame flinched awake from a noise in the next room. Hinata’s place. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and got up from the couch he didn’t remember lying down on to get closer to the door as he heard more movement. There was someone walking about in there.

Kisame twisted the knob and shot the door open, ready to find an intruder on the other side, but all he found was a spooked Hinata in her pajamas in the kitchen.

Hinata put her hand over her heart as she realized it was just him. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” She bent down to what was probably what startled him, a box of pasta that she knocked out of the way.

“Sorry.” Kisame looked at his hand on the doorknob. He broke rule number one: always knock.

“Honestly, I am surprised it hasn’t happened before.” Hinata leaned up on her toes in the cabinet. He left the door behind to help her. Once she realized why he was coming, she jumped on her toes and pointed. “That one.”

Kisame grabbed the box of cocoa, set it on the counter, and rounded the other side to watch Hinata filter around to finish what she was making. Before too long, she set two mugs of hot chocolate on the counter, sliding one to him. “Are you up late a lot?”

Hinata leaned on the counter, holding her cup and its steam up to her face. “I’ve always had trouble sleeping, but since…” She chewed on her lip. “It’s brought back some old memories, and even when I get to sleep, sometimes the nightmares wake me up. When I get sick of it, I get up and make something.”

Kisame wrapped his hand around his mug. He wasn’t really fully awake, or maybe he wouldn’t have asked the question on his mind. “What old memories?”

“That night wasn’t the first time someone tried to kidnap me,” Hinata admitted, thumbing over the lip of her cup. “When I was little, I was taken from my bed in the middle of the night by someone on staff I trusted, and I was handed over and held for a few hours before I was recused by my uncle when he realized I was missing. I tell Neji-san that I don’t remember it, so he doesn’t worry, but I do. I remember being confused and scared. They didn’t hurt me, but I knew something was wrong. Sometimes, I have these nightmares where I am scared and alone in a room, and I call for help, but no one comes to get me. Then I wake up… scared and alone in my room.” She looked into her cup with her lip twisted irritably.

Kisame wouldn’t have guessed. With that in the back of her mind, he would think that she would be shaking like a leaf after she was attacked, not barking orders and taking over his care. The blank look in her eyes made it clear that it was old scars, ones that were keeping her up at night, but she was determined not to let it take more from her.

“I’m fine.” Hinata wiped the look off her face. “It’s just hard to sleep.” She took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Kisame looked into his cup. This is something he would make for a scared little kid who had just woke up from a nightmare. He didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want sympathy or a solution. She was just telling him her reality. “It wasn’t the first time I’ve been stabbed.”

Hinata blinked before her mouth dropped open. “Really?”

“Technically, I was stabbed with a fork in school.” Kisame turned his arm to show the pronged scar amongst the others. “Years ago. I call it my discount trident scar.” It probably would have hurt less if it wasn’t some packed lunch prick. A plastic fork wouldn’t have gone so deep.

The tips of Hinata’s fingers ghosted over it in disbelief. Her fingers left that scar to another one nearby, leaving an odd feeling to trail up his arm. “What is this one from?”

Kisame turned his arm further to see. “I got tossed back into a counter.” A brief moment of horror came over her face. “In a fight.” Did that make it better?

Hinata’s fingers slid off his arm, suddenly a little more hesitant in her curiosity. She didn’t want to ask questions that could bring up bad answers.

Kisame turned his hand over to show her his fist. “Put my hand through a mirror. Another fight.”

“You get hurt a lot.” Hinata frowned at him. “Fighting.”

“I am good at it.” Kisame excused.

“Fighting or getting hurt?” Hinata countered.

Kisame tilted his head guilty. Yeah, he won most of his fights, but he did tend to push past injury or limits to ensure he won.

Hinata pulled herself off the counter and pointed toward the couch as she went to sit.

Kisame looked at the open door between the rooms. He wasn’t going back to bed now with her up. He followed her, drinking from his cup and making a face. “Does this have cinnamon in it?”

“Oh yes, sorry, do you not like cinnamon?” Hinata started to get up as he sat down.

Kisame waved his hand and took another sip. “I just wasn’t expecting it.”

Hinata settled back down, pulling a blanket over her shoulders. “Did you get into fights because you had to or because you wanted to?”

Kisame had an answer for that, not one that he wanted to give her. “I think that if someone picks a fight with me, I am going to make them remember the lesson.”

“You just like winning?” Hinata held her cup up to her lips to hide her smile.

Kisame face flattened. Okay, maybe she saw right through him. “Yeah.”

Hinata giggled. “Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh.”

“But, to be fair, I didn’t start all those fights.” Kisame shrugged. “I don’t know what about looking at someone twice their size that makes dumb little sh*ts want to prove that they ‘could totally take me.’”

“But you started more than a few in your time?” Hinata wondered.

“Maybe.” Kisame didn’t need her to know that.

Hinata sat her cup down. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“I… guess I don’t want you to think less of me because I am just that thug who was just in the right place at the right time,” Kisame admitted, setting his cup with hers.

“Neji-san insisted on having your background checked, or he wouldn’t let me visit you in the hospital.” Hinata curled her arms and blanket around her legs, making a cocoon. “All your arrests are for crimes related to fighting. Misdemeanor assaults. Property damage. Disorderly conduct. All dropped after a night in jail or minor fines.”

So she always knew? So when her face twisted hearing about the scars, she wasn’t worried about the fights… just that they got him hurt in them? “Then why would you hire me?”

“What does your arrest record have to do with the reason I gave you a job?” Hinata tilted her head curiously.

Kisame blinked at her. He didn’t even know how to answer that other than ‘because you don’t hire criminals.’ Clearly, that wasn’t a problem for her.

Hinata settled down further in her blanket. “I just wanted your good deed to be rewarded the way it should be.”

Kisame shook his head. “I think I have to disagree with her action-to-reaction ratio.”

Hinata giggled. “Call it repayment for all the scars.” She reached over and pointed to his shoulder. “What is that one from?”

Hinata woke up to hear the echo of her alarm, alerting her it was morning from the other room. She rubbed her face and realized she had fallen asleep on the couch. Kisame was still asleep with his head tipped back and off to the side and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Hinata broke into a smile. How could a man his size look so adorable passed out? She got up to gently drape her blanket over him before she went to turn off her alarm. She ran her hand through her hair as she looked out the window at the still-dark city, then down to the cold, empty bed that she couldn’t sleep in. She slept fine on the couch.

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as she realized why. She turned her head toward the living room and felt her face flush. Well, Kisame was her bodyguard. He was making her feel safe. That was the whole point. The only problem was how did she make an excuse to do it again?

Hinata went to the bathroom to hope that her shower would wash away the thought of him as a giant cross-armed shark plush sitting on a chair in the corner of her bedroom like the bunny her uncle gave her when she was little.

But it was a cute idea.

Chapter 9

Chapter Text

Kisame waited by the car for Hinata to finish saying goodbye to the executive who walked her out. Her tight smile told him that she was uncomfortable, but it was a toss-up on whether that was because he was a good friend and she didn’t want them going out of their way to take her out to her car or because she was trying not to be rude and get out as soon a possible. She wore the uncomfortable smile more often than not because she was simply extremely timid in a very external role.

Hinata turned her head toward the car to look at him, asking him to get her out of there.

Kisame opened the car door he was leaning on. “We have another appointment.”

Hinata bowed her head to the executive as she excused herself, giving Kisame a secret thankful smile as she got into the back of the car.

After a few weeks, he was fully settled into his job. Ninety percent of it was driving Hinata to a place and waiting for her to be done before driving her to the next place.

Kisame was meant to be her quiet, massive shadow. A step behind her at all times. Never out of reach or far from the other side of a door. He was sure this job was for someone a bit more inconspicuous, but if nothing else, he was a good deterrent. He could tell that she didn’t mind because the way watching men look at her, then him, and then away made her twist her face not to laugh.

Hinata’s life was busy. She rushed from one place to another, keeping her gentle smile on until she was back in the car, where the perfect mask would slip to show him how tired she was.

“One more stop.” Hinata sighed as she settled into the back seat. “Then I think we should stop by Choji’s for dinner before we go home.”


Hinata paused in front of the elevator. She really just wanted to go home. She was tired. It had been a long day. It was already long past dinner, and she felt bad the Kisame ate on her schedule. “Yes?”

“The director wants to see you.”

Hinata’s stomach dropped. Of course. Her father had waited weeks and weeks since her attack to speak to her directly. She got his usual text messages, short, demanding, telling her something he wanted her to do with little to no context or explanation.

Hiashi acted like the attack didn’t happen. He never asked if she was okay. Never thanked Kisame for saving her. He wasn’t even the one who requested her security detail.

Hinata turned away from her exit and headed back toward her father’s office. She placed her hand on Kisame’s arm to tell him to stay put while she went inside and bowed her head.

“What is the status of your latest charity case?” Hiashi commented without looking up at her. Vague, open-ended, rude, but unfortunately, she knew what he was talking about, and acting stupid and asking him to clarify would only make it worse.

“Postponed because the host had a family emergency,” Hinata explained.

Hiashi eyes flicked up, annoyed with her answer. “One that will extend until next month?”

“Cancer is not a cold.” He wouldn’t feel bad for assuming, and he wouldn’t feel embarrassed that she was judging him for it, but she could wish.

“Don’t delay it again. Find a new host if you must.” Hiashi tacked on a threat. “Too many of these pet projects are having problems.” This wasn’t her fault, but it was something she was sure he knew. She knew he read her reports because he would always tell her what he found wrong.

Hinata bowed her head obediently.

“And answer one of these trash rags.” Hiashi flicked a stack of envelopes toward her.

Hinata came forward to collect the envelopes from his desk. Requests for comment about the ongoing threats. “What would you like me to say?” Hiashi barely glared at her. That was his answer. She was responsible for whatever she said and how it made them look. There would be no praise if it made them look good because that was the bare minimum, but there would be consequences if she made them look bad.

Hinata bowed her head again as she left the room to Kisame patiently waiting for her on the other side of the door. His face shifted as he looked up, and that unguarded concern nearly broke her right there. She needed to get out of here.

She dipped her head and headed straight for the elevator, praying she wouldn’t be stopped. She wasn’t sure if she could put on the big diplomatic smile right now.

Once Kisame started the car. He paused and looked back at her. Don’t ask. Please don’t ask. She didn’t want to lie about how she was feeling. “Where to?” Thank you.

“Anywhere away from here,” Hinata answered.

Kisame gave her a last solemn look and started driving.

Kisame didn’t need to be told that Hinata and her father had a strained relationship. She wore it on her face every time she passed his office, every time he had a demand, every time her face dropped when she checked her phone with a notification from him waiting for her.

It was the one point of pain Hinata didn’t hide well behind her usual mask. It leaked through her smile and showed how miserable she really was.

She kept her eyes out the windows as they drove further and further out of the city, and the tall buildings and light pollution disappeared. He stopped the car on an empty parking lot of a small beachside.

Hinata took off her shoes and walked out into the sand, then half of her height disappeared as she sat circled around her legs to look out at the waves.

Kisame walked out and sat far enough away to give her space.

Hinata’s eyes flickered to him and back out at the ocean. “I’m sorry.”

“Not sure what you’re apologizing for,” Kisame told her.

Hinata lowered her face to her knees as she struggled with her shame. “I should have just calmed down and gone to dinner. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

Kisame shook his head. “You don’t hear me complaining, do you?” He shifted back to rest on his hands and looked up at the stars they couldn’t see in the city.

Hinata stayed silent for a while more before a single tear rolled down her face that she didn’t wipe away. “All I am ever going to be is a public relations pawn.” She swallowed a crack in her voice.

“Aren’t you the heir to the company?” Kisame did think it was odd that she did a lot of networking and almost nothing that had to do with the core of running a company. Her father wasn’t so old that he would retire tomorrow, but it wasn’t a secret that these huge companies groomed their kids early to be ready to take the chair the moment they were needed. They didn’t want their families to lose the majority power by having a messy ascension.

“You think that matters?” Hinata answered bitterly. “I made the mistake a long time ago of caring about what I do. It confirmed to them that I was the worthless idiot they always thought I was because corporations only care about what community projects can do to benefit them.”

Kisame didn’t know what he should say to something like that. It was hard to argue with her feeling of self-worth when she was right. The position she was in didn’t have room for the compassion she wanted to put into it. That’s why he was continuously so surprised by her. No matter what she was doing, she was trying her hardest to do the best thing despite being completely in the position to say screw everyone and be a relentless snob.

“I just… I just wished one person believed in what I do and didn’t just see it as my desperate attempt to return to the number one spot. I understand that I am never going to get that back. I don’t want it. I just want someone to look at what I do and say, ‘good job’ before shoving on to the next thing they want me to do. Even Neji-san still sees everything I do as things to keep me busy.” Hinata’s rant ended in a pathetic squeak that she covered with her hand.

Kisame could only think of one thing to say. “I believe in you.”

Hinata turned her miserable face to him. She didn’t believe him. It wasn’t a look of mistrust. She just knew that it was his job to handle her, just like Neji’s job. She expected him to try to make her feel better because he had to if he was going to get her to go back home and return to the cycle.

“You only need one,” Kisame told her. “I only needed one.”

Hinata pressed her lips together and took the distraction. “Who’s your one?”

She could be a little dense. “You.” Hinata blinked at him. “You’re the first person to believe in me implicitly.”

Hinata’s mouth fell open, with guilt behind her eyes. “I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t be complaining.”

Kisame didn’t want her to start thinking she couldn’t talk to him because he had a worse life before her. “I brought you out here so you can let it out because I thought you needed it. I sat out here to listen. On the way back, I’ll get you a piece of cake to make you feel better.”

Hinata cracked a smile as she wiped her face. “I would like some cake, but we should probably eat dinner first.”

Kisame started getting up. “I think we can eat dessert first today.” He held his hand out to help her up.

“Alright,” Hinata took his hand and the help up.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

“It’s beyond embarrassing for me and for whoever else is dragged in!” Hinata's voice got higher. “You can not keep sneaking blind dates into my schedule!”

Kisame stood to the side, trying to mind his own business, but he didn’t know if he was hiding his amusem*nt well. The usually calm, quiet, collected, polite to a fault Hinata losing her temper to the point of raising her voice at what he had originally thought was her father but turned out to be her uncle was entertaining, to say the least.

This was the opposite of how she was with her father.

“You are almost thirty.” Hizashi started. “I just don't want you putting your whole life into your career and then end up alone.”

Hinata pressed a finger to her temple, knowing that she wasn't getting through to him. “I am not interested in finding a partner at the moment. There are too many fires to be put out to be focusing on my love life.”

“There will always be a fire to put out. That is why I think blind dates are a wonderful way for you to meet potential matches. They fit into your schedule. You know they are looking for a relationship as well. You can negotiate boundaries and what you want in a relationship up front.” Hizashi listed.

“Uncle.” Hinata took a moment to reel back her temper. “I do not like the idea of a romantic relationship being a business contract.”

Wasn’t this something that rich people did all the time? Arranged marriages? Convince relationships for company mergers? Kisame wasn’t saying that was a good thing, but maybe he could see why Hizashi thought this was something he could push.

Was it stupid? Yeah. Did Kisame see why some high-level business type would think this is normal? Unfortunately, yes.

Hizashi sat back in his chair. “I just want one of you kids to have a family before it’s too late.”

“Neji-san’s getting married this year.” Hinata waved her hand out.

Hizashi pouted. “He won’t be having children.”

Hinata shook her head. “You don’t know that. He has options. Though I doubt he will take any of them if you keep pushing.”

Hizashi looked off to the side. “And with Hanabi coming back from school…” Oh, yeah. Kisame knew Hinata had a sister, but he hadn’t heard much about her.

“Do not start pressuring her when she gets back,” Hinata warned firmly.

Hizashi sighed in defeat. For now. “I would love to continue this, but I have a meeting.”

Hinata gave him a look but got up and bowed her head, politely changing her tone. “Please consider what I said.”

Kisame followed her out. “Why is he pushing you if his son is getting married?”

Hinata turned to him as she waited for the elevator. “My uncle has settled into a part of his life where he suddenly loves the idea of grandchildren, but with Neji-san marrying a man, I believe he thinks that option is close, so he has moved on to me.”

Kisame didn’t even know Neji was getting married, let alone to whom. “Have I met them?”

“Yeah. Lee-san.” The one who she had him contact to see up his job.

They stepped into the elevator. “… Wait. That carefree ball of energy and the grumpy little sh*t that is constantly complaining about everything?” Okay, maybe he should talk about her cousin like that.

Hinata giggled at his reaction. “That’s most people’s reaction. They balance each other out, well.”

Despite the angry crowd that was outside the head building. Hisashi ordered her to stop avoiding the lobby. He didn’t give a reason, but Hinata was sure it had something to do with not looking like cowards.

Hinata held her head high as she was meant to as she walked past the protesters held back by only a thin rope warning them where the property line was. They shouted at her as she walked by, and she felt their words in her chest.

This wasn’t to prove they weren’t cowards. This was to punish her for not fixing the problem yet. Her father wanted to incentivize her to find a way to make them stop, even if it was his fault they were out here in the first place.

Hinata flinched as she caught something flying at her out of the corner of her eye. She ducked her head and felt completely engulfed as Kisame shielded her from a full to-go cup that was thrown their way as a man shouted from behind the line.

She was ushered away before she could see him, or security grabbed him.

Once inside, Kisame stepped back and shook his head. “Ugh, it smells sweet.” He jerked off his suit jacket.

It was his job to put himself in the way, but she still felt bad that he was taking her hits. Hinata pulled a handkerchief out of her purse and handed it to him while she turned to find his whole back covered in a dark liquid that had soaked through. The back of his neck was quickly turning purple from irritation from whatever it was. “What even is this?”

“I think it’s coffee.” Kisame rubbed his hair and neck dry.

Hinata touched it. It felt warm. “Was it hot?”

“Yeah. It’s fine now.” Kisame pulled his sticky shirt away from himself. He was soaked through in scalding coffee. This was not fine.

“Take this off.” Hinata tugged on his sleeve.

“I’ll change before we leave. I have spear clothes in the car.” Kisame nodded his head toward the door.

She hated when he didn’t just listen to her. “No. I want to make sure you don’t have any burns.”

Kisame put his hand up. “I’m fine.”

“Kisame-san.” Hinata huffed in frustration. “Just tell me if it hurt.”

Kisame paused, looking down at her. “Alright. It burned.” He admitted.

“I am going to cancel my next meeting, and I will have someone get your clothes and a first aid kit.” Hinata pushed him toward the bathroom. “Go take the wet clothes off, at least.”

Kisame settled down on the couch in her office as Hinata brought in a first aid kit and a bag from a local convenience store. “I had someone pick up some burn cream, so I didn’t have to fuss with packets.”

“It doesn’t hurt that bad.” Kisame lied. He could still feel it, but he had been burned with a cigarette. This was nothing.

Hinata closed the blinds and sat down beside him to pull open the packaging on the bottle of cream. “I can see your skin is irritated.” She pointed to the back of his neck.

Yeah, being splashed with scalding coffee didn’t feel great, but he would be fine.

Hinata set the trash aside. “Let me see your back.”

“I’m not…” Kisame started.

“You can either let me put this on it, or if you're not comfortable with me, we can go to the hospital, and a nurse can do it,” Hinata told him flatly, but her stern tone faltered.

Kisame paused to actually look at her and realized Hinata's calm mask wasn’t hiding the worry in her eyes. She was shaken up, and he was pushing her concern aside. She was trying to deal with being attacked again the same way she dealt with the first time. Dealing with the damage to not think about what caused it.

Kisame unbuttoned his shirt and put it aside to let her see his back. Though he wasn't sure it was going to make her feel any better.

Hinata said nothing about the old scars that she would usually question as she dabbed the cream on the blotches where the scalding coffee had seeped through his clothes too quickly. She took measured breaths as she applied. He kept from looking at her because he was sure she was struggling to keep herself together.

He didn’t think about how something like this would affect her, but maybe he was a little too used to having a beer or a chair thrown at him.

But this wasn’t thrown at him. This was thrown at her. He just took the hit.

“What is this cloud tattoo for?” Hinata wondered as she paused to squeeze more ointment out.

Kisame looked over his shoulder. The tattoos didn’t help that whole ‘Yakuza’ look. “Old group I used to hang out with.” That… really didn’t help the Yakuza look either.

“It looks familiar.” Hinata hummed.

Kisame could only hope that she had never met half of the people who had one to match. He couldn’t even imagine Hinata and Hidan in the same room with each other. “I doubt you’ve met any of them. I don’t think you would be happy to meet any of them.”

“I was happy to meet you.” Hinata countered.

Kisame ducked his head to hide the heat that came to his face. She just said sh*t like that without blinking an eye.

“I like this scaled one.” Hinata placed a single tap on his shoulder to the scales that came up over his shoulder and down his arm. “Shark scales?”

“Yeah,” Kisame confirmed. “Most people don’t know that sharks have scales.”

Hinata nodded. “Maybe because your skin is smooth.” She closed the ointment and cleaned her hands. “Let that sit for a little while before putting your shirt on.” She stood up and pointed out the door. “I am going to ask someone to find out what happened to the man who threw it.”

“To press charges?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata shook her head. “I want to talk to him.”

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Neji’s pacing was making Kisame more nervous than the closed door was. He didn’t like this either, but it was hard to focus on any motion inside the room they were both sent out of when he was making all this motion outside of it.

“Why did you allow this.” Neji turned his irritation to him.

Kisame raised an eyebrow. “I am just doing what I am told.”

Neji's jaw set, and he continued pacing. Not really as much to argue with as he was hoping for.

Kisame looked through the window. Hinata tied her hand in knots on the table as she listened to the man that she freed from security. However, it was unlikely her patient nods and understanding eyes were going to solve the problem.

Hinata stood up, and so did Kisame. Neji reacted by finding a place to stand still. She opened the door for the man as he bowed his head. “Understand that if this happens again, I can’t promise I can be this catering.”

The attacker bowed his head a few more times before more deeply bowing to Kisame and meekly apologizing. Hinata waved her hand for him to be escorted out.

Neji came up to her, but she put her hand out until the man was solidly out of earshot in case he was going to cause problems. “What did you do?”

“I let him go.” Hinata stared down the empty hallway, with the inner turmoil of whether she was making the right choice on her face.

Neji huffed in frustration. “If we let him get away with it…”

Hinata turned back to him. “I don’t want to make an example of one of the many men who is frustrated he lost his job and can’t provide for his family when my father purposely paraded me in front of them to get a reaction.”

Neji folded, seeing that she was in no mood to argue.

“Are you upset?” Hinata looked up at Kisame. “You’re the one who got hurt.”

Kisame shook his head. “I’m doing my job. You’re doing yours.”

“The matter is done then.” Hinata nodded, still looking unsure. “I think… I’m going home for the day.” She started down the hall, and Neji twitched to go after her but thought better of it.

The door to the car closed, and Hinata let her face twist miserably. She put her head in her hands and sniffled, pushing her hands back through her hair as she forced her eyes out the window. She knew Kisame was watching her.

Right now, she wished he wouldn’t.

She hated this.

She hated that she couldn’t do anything to fix this.

They weren’t their employees. They didn’t have a responsibility to them to give them severance. It was their own company that should be the target of their rage, but she could understand why they were going after the bigger company.

Even if they went through with the deal, it was possible that Kumo would have had the same problem in a few months or years and still went under.

It wasn’t their responsibility to save them from their bad practices, but that didn’t matter to the people at the bottom who lost their jobs and were angry and just wanted someone to divert their anger toward. A big, faceless corporation was easier to hate than a smaller company where people saw their managers as people who tried their best.

Hinata pressed her knuckles to her lips. She wasn’t going to cry. She didn’t want to cry.

“Want me to pick up something to eat on the way?” Kisame looked in the rearview mirror as he stopped at a light.

Hinata glanced at his eyes in the mirror. He was just trying to make her less miserable. “Let’s stop at Choji’s.”

Kisame opened the food out on her dining room table and wondered if he should just take his portion back to his place. Hinata was closed off. She didn’t want to talk, but that didn’t mean that she should be left alone. He wasn't sure what that guy had said, but it was really sitting with her.

She came back out of her bedroom with her make-up gone and more casual clothes. She ran a hand through her hair, showing her stress as she sat down. “Thank you.”

Kisame sat down with her. He didn’t want to leave her like this. If she wanted him to leave, she would tell him. “Are you going to be okay?”

“I’m just… tired,” Hinata whispered as she picked up her chopsticks. “I don’t like staring at a problem I can’t solve. It just highlights my failures.”

Kisame frowned. “But this isn’t your fault.”

“I know.” Hinata stuffed a large bite in her mouth to keep from saying more.

It didn’t matter if it was her fault. She still saw it as a failure on her part not to be able to fix it. Kisame sighed. Maybe she just needed to stop thinking about it then. “Do you do anything for fun?”

Hinata blinked at him, covering her full mouth. “Like?”

“Just go out, enjoy time, like… ” Kisame waved his arm, blanking on an activity he would see as fun that would be anywhere on her radar. She didn’t seem like the type to hand out and play pool at a bar. “Uh… A theme park?” He cringed okay, that was childish. “Uh… or like a park in general.”

A smile broke through Hinata’s miserable features at his awkward scrambling. “I haven't been to a theme park since I was…” Her smile dropped again, trying to think. “Since before… Hanabi-chan was just little.”

Okay, maybe that was a bad topic. Pivot. “Where is your sister?”

“University.” Hinata sighed. “She made a big fuss about going abroad, and it was a fight between her and my father, but she got what she wanted in the end.” Subtext: Hinata wouldn’t have. “She will be back this month, actually. I need to find the time to get her a present.”

“You have the time now.” Kisame offered.

Hinata considered it. Would she take the bait of distraction? Maybe he should be taking her back out of the house so shortly after she was attacked again, but he didn’t want her to sit her and wallow in things she didn’t have solutions to. “Alright, I get ready after we finish eating.”

Hinata made Kisame change. She didn’t need him to be in his suit while they were shopping. She wasn’t going to put her office attire back on, but she did change into something a little more appropriate to leave the house in.

She tucked her hand on his arm as they walked around the shopping mall. Even if he was still acting as her bodyguard, she didn’t need him trailing behind her looking like a bodyguard.

Kisame seemed more awkward in his street clothes than he did in the suit now. Was that just because he was still working? Was he just uncomfortable with dragging her along? He cleared his throat as they passed shops. “What does your sister like?”

“Hanabi-chan’s interests change with the weather.” Hinata sighed. “She likes to pick up things and then drop them if she is not immediately good at it, but she gets bored with things she excels in.”

“That sounds insufferable.” Kisame face twitched. “Sorry.”

“You’re really not getting any better at not saying what is on your mind.” Hinata giggled.

Kisame face started to glow a deep shade of purple. “You like honesty.”

“I do,” Hinata assured him. It was just cute that he didn’t even seem to like that he opened his own mouth. She looked into a window that caught her eye. She pulled him toward it. “Do you think that would fit you?” She pointed up at the large sweater on the manikin.

“We aren’t shopping for me.” Kisame reminded her.

“I think I can multitask.” Hinata pointed again.

Kisame frowned. “I don’t think it would look very good on me.”

Hinata tilted her head. “You didn’t think you looked good in a suit.” Kisame looked away. She felt bad for pushing him out of his comfort zone, but he really should be more comfortable looking like the professional he was now.

Kisame was regretting this whole trip.

Hinata was too damn cute.

She wasn’t thinking about how much this looked like a date, and she wasn’t trying to cause the pounding in his ear with her innocent little head tilt.

He was in so much trouble.

He was trying to ignore it, but this was a little too obvious.

He just found her too cute to ignore.

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Neji placed a set of flight tickets on her desk. “He decided he wasn’t going.”

Hinata let the air rush out of her. “I will have to clear my entire schedule to…” She closed her eyes and forced away the frustration. There was nothing she could do about it. There was no use complaining about it.

“I will handle that,” Neji promised. “But you should go pack the flight leaves tonight.”

Hinata rested her head back on her office chair. They only came into the office for her to sign a few things. She was supposed to be across town in an hour, and they already skipped lunch because one meeting was too far from another. “Did my father say anything about why he chose not to go?”

Neji’s face flattened. That was a no, or rather, he didn’t ask because he knew that he wasn’t going to get an answer if it was not freely given.

“Alright.” Hinata sat up in her chair and looked over at Kisame, who eyed her, awaiting instruction. “I guess we should get back to the hotel and pack.” She got up and collected her things into her bag, including the envelope with the tickets inside, before pausing to instruct Neji. “Can you find and send me the conference itinerary and any information you can find on whatever the Hyuga agreed to be a part of?” She was sure there was something they were going to miss that her father was going to suddenly find critical after the fact, but then he should have been the one to give her that kind of information.

Kisame rolled his suitcase through the conjoining door and heard a commotion coming from Hinata’s bedroom. She passed by the door a few times before she stopped in the doorway to look at her phone. Her face melted into frustration as she pressed the edge of the phone to her forehead for a moment and then put her hand on her hip to look back, presumably her suitcase.

She looked out the door to him, and his eyes shot away. Maybe he shouldn’t have been watching.

“Can I get you to get something down for me?” Hinata waved him in.

Kisame left his suitcase and followed her into her room, which was an organized chaos of dresses that were laid out on her bed and neatly packed suitcases of what looked like the clothes she wore at home office attire and loungewear. She opened a closet and pointed up at the top shelf to another suitcase. He pulled it down for her, and she pushed it up on the bed and opened it.

“My father has a schedule full of social events, and knowing the type of people that will be attending each, I can’t wear the same dress twice.” Hinata lamented as she pulled out a garment bag tucked inside.

Kisame was about to leave her to her angry packing, eager to get out of her room, but before he could, she handed him the garment bag.

“Could you hold this? I don’t have to fight with it,” Hinata asked. With his agreement, she started loading it up with her array of dresses. “I hope I am able to get back before Hanabi-chan arrives.”

“Do you not know when she is coming home?” Kisame wondered.

“She hasn’t decided yet.” Hinata sighed. “I think she will make up her mind the day of, and we won’t know until she has landed.” She zipped up the bag and pointed for him to lay it on the bed. “She took a whole extra semester after she was meant to graduate. She doesn’t care much about being punctual.” She huffed and put her hands back on her hips, looking for what to do next.

Now was as good as any time to say it. “I should probably tell you I have never been on a plane before.”

“I have been on too many planes.” Hinata filtered past him to collect some things out of a drawer. “Are you afraid of flying?”

“I am afraid of tiny seats.” Kisame wasn’t all that sure he was going to fit in an airplane seat. Well, he was sure he would fit. He just didn’t think it would be comfortable for him or whoever would have to sit next to him.

“You won’t have to worry about that. You’ll be in first class with me.” Hinata filled a small bag, placed it neatly among the others, and started pulling out shoes.

He wasn’t sure if that was going to be better. Either uncomfortable because he was in a tiny seat or uncomfortable because he was completely out of place in the first-class section.

Hinata tucked in all her items, zipped up her suitcases and paused to stare at them. “I’m hungry.”

“I am sure we can find something at the airport.” Kisame pulled a suitcase off the bed.

Hinata took Kisame’s hand to help her out of the taxi to the car rental place. She was tired. She was hungry again and could see that the flight had also taken a toll on Kisame, who wasn’t even in the mood to give her the occasion grumpy comment.

She gave her name at the desk, was handed a set of keys, and was pushed to a document.

Hinata looked at the document and then back to Kisame, waiting by the door before pushing it back. “I am going to need a different car.”

“There isn’t much available with the conference.” The attendant told her.

Hinata pressed her lips together. There was no way the Kisame was going to be able to sit comfortably in a two-seater sports car. “Can you show me what you do have available?”

The attendant turned their screen. Hinata leaned over the counter to look and snorted. “Can I rent this one, please?” She pointed.

The attendant gave her a look but started filling out the reservation.

Hinata looked over her shoulder at Kisame and covered her smile with her knuckles to conceal. He raised his eyebrow to ask what she found so funny.

A massive SUV rolled out to the front as Hinata held out the keys with a smile she was not hiding very well. “They didn’t have a lot of options.”

“Are you going to even be able to get up into that thing?” Kisame pointed up. It had raised tires. The step came up to her mid-thigh.

Hinata paused, tilting her head at it, then only laughed more. “I didn’t really think about that.”

Maybe she shouldn’t be trusted to make decisions while jet-lagged. Nothing he could do about it now. Kisame loaded their suitcases in the back and then opened the door for her. There was no way she was getting in on her own gracefully.

Kisame gave her his hand, and between it and the handle, she managed to pull herself in, all while laughing.

Damn it, she was cute.

Kisame folded his arms on the balcony of their suite. Not all the different from their living arrangement back at the other hotel. Two rooms, separated by a door, but this one had a balcony they shared. After the whole day of their usual activities and the flight that he couldn’t manage to sleep on and getting into the hotel, he was exhausted, but he wasn’t managing to sleep.

He was sure they were going to have a full day tomorrow full of long, boring presentations that were going to fight to put him to sleep.

The sliding door to Hinata’s room opened, and she stepped out. “I was wondering where you went. You weren’t in your room.”

“Did you need something?” Kisame asked.

Hinata shook her head and pulled her sweater closer to herself. She came to rest beside him. “I just woke up with a nightmare. I ordered something to eat and didn’t want to open the door without you.”

That made sense. She was meant to have him accept all deliveries anyway, but he was sure that rule was harder to ignore when she had just woken up feeling like she was in danger.

Kisame looked down at her tired pout as she stared out over the city. She shivered as the breeze passed by. It was getting to be cold this time of year. “You should go back inside. You’re going to freeze.”

Hinata shook her head, ducking her head down into her sweater. “I want to cool down. I woke up melting.”

Kisame frowned at her stubbornness, but he wouldn’t argue with her. He sat up, reaching past her to put his arm around her other side, resting his hand against the rail. He could at least block some of the wind. Hinata looked up at him, then tucked her head back down and leaned against his arm. “You’re like a space heater.”

Kisame’s face bloomed. He stood as still as possible until there was a knock on her door, signaling the arrival of her late-night snack. He quickly pulled himself away and waited until her back was turned to try to rub the feeling off his arm before he could go in to open the door.

He was in so much trouble.


I am going to make some Christmas one-shots:
Tell me what you want to see here.

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

“No, I understand that…” Hinata sighed. “My father was meant to come with his assistant, but Kisame isn’t my assistant. He’s my bodyguard.” She explained again.

The poor, unfortunate young woman they had manning the table giving out their badges was terribly confused about what she could give them.

“You know what.” Hinata waved her hand. “Just give us the assistant badge. He doesn’t carry weapons. I’m sure it will be fine.” She took the badges and then took a moment to reach up and attach his to his suit.

“Do you think it will be an issue?” Kisame wondered, leaning down for her to reach.

“It probably won’t be.” Hinata slid her hand down to straighten the breast of his suit. “I just have been to some events in the past that like to be sticklers about details like that.”

“They should have someone who knows what they are doing then, shouldn’t they?” Kisame grumbled.

Hinata waved her hand. “It’s not her fault. She is doing her job.”

Kisame straightened as Hinata was approached almost the moment she walked into the open conference room. “I was expecting to see your father.”

Her smile tightened. She was going to have to explain that to every single persona she came across, wouldn’t she?

Hinata was directed to a small stage for a panel. Unlike some of the others who had a covered table, it looked like she would be sitting in a chair with a microphone to hold. Kisame offered his hand to help her up the stairs in her heels. “If I had known about this, I would have worn a longer skirt.” She whispered to him.

Hinata tucked her skirt down to as far as it would go at the tops of her knees. It was a professional length, not a sitting on a stage length. She sat with her knees together, tucked her ankles under the chair, and then blinked in confusion as Kisame stepped back up on stage.

With his suit jacket in hand, he tucked it over her legs and stepped back off.

Hinata turned her head to thank him for only a brief moment before attention was pulled to the main speaker.

Hinata’s shoulder was lightly shaken. She blearily looked up at Kisame, just as half awake as she was.

“Nap time is over.” He told her. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned and sat up. “You’re only making your raccoon look worse.”

“I shouldn’t have gone to sleep with makeup on.” Hinata didn’t want to get up and dressed back up. She just wanted to sleep until tomorrow. She was sure Kisame didn’t want to stand around a ballroom and listen to another dozen people who were asking her where her father was, skirting around asking her about her kidnapping and the protests, and then finally getting around to asking her about Hyuga’s contribution to the conference.

It was formal. It was repetitive. It was tiring.

But the first night was the event the most people attended. She would be expected to be there, and if she wasn’t, she was sure it would be added to the list of questions she would be asked before they got back on topic.

Kisame lowered his head into her eye line. “You good?”

“Yeah.” Hinata straightened up in hopes that it would force her body to wake up. “Just give me a few minutes to get ready.”

Kisame retreated to his own room and splashed some water on his face. They were both going to crash the moment they got back.

Hinata knocked on the conjoining door and waited for a response to open it. “Can you give me a hand with this?” She held a hand on the front of another stunning dress. Nothing new, really. She always looked amazing for events. She turned and swiped her hair out of the way to reveal the dress was open.

Kisame got up to help her, struggling with the tiny zipper handle, trying desperately to look at only the fabric and not her largely bare back.

“Sorry,” Hinata whispered as he got the zipper to the top.

“It’s not a problem.” Kisame cleared his throat as she swiped her hair back over her shoulders and looked into the mirror.

“It’s not really part of your job.” Hinata dug into a bag, pulled out a necklace, and ducked her head to put it on. “Of course, neither is staying up with me after my nightmares.”

“I was up already, and I got food out of it.” Kisame excused. He was supposed to be there to open the door anyway.

“How does it look?” Hinata shifted in the mirror as she sifted the pendant on her necklace into place.

Gorgeous. “Great.”

Hinata giggled at his flat reply, and he could feel his face flush.

Hinata was dead on her feet at this point. She took another spearing sip of her champagne.

“Hinata!” A voice called that almost made her choke. She covered her mouth as Naruto bounded up to her.

“What are you doing here?” Hinata wondered.

“My dad dragged me out. Sakura got to stay home with kids.” Naruto jabbed his thumb in the direction he came from. “Sasuke is around here somewhere too.”

Hinata glanced around the room for a dark head of hair. “I saw him in passing earlier at the conference, but I didn’t see you.”

“I got out of the first day of boring stuff.” Naruto waved his hand. “Not the rest of this week, though.” He pouted. “Oh! There is cake. I am going to get you cake.”

Before Hinata could stop him, he was off to gopher cake for her. She sighed and stepped back toward Kisame. She was feeling a little too comfortable using his proximity as a safety blanket, even emotionally.

“You okay?” Kisame lowered his head to her ear. “Who’s that?”

“That’s Naruto Uzumaki. He’s the only son of the Uzumaki Group and…” Hinata sighed. “I had an embarrassingly deep crush on him all through school.”

Kisame lifted an eyebrow at her. “That guy.” She swatted at him, and he snorted. “Sorry. He seems a bit much for you.” That was the appeal, unfortunately. “Here he comes.”

Kisame straightened up as Naruto came with cake and Sasuke, who didn’t look happy to be dragged along. “Look who I found.”

Hinata accepted the little plate with a decorative cake on top and nodded her head at Sasuke. “Is your brother here?”

Sasuke shook his head. “That bastard is…” He waved his hand. “Off running an international branch of somewhere. Haven’t seen him in a few months at this point.” Hinata frowned at him. He shrugged off her scolding look. “He left me to be my mother’s purse dog to things like this. I could call him worse.”

“I was wondering. I haven’t seen him in a while.” Hinata mentioned.

Kisame touched her shoulder and pointed down at the cake. “You’re allergic to strawberries.”

Hinata blinked down at the decorative cake that had a large fresh strawberry sticking out of the side. “Oh. I wasn’t even paying attention.” She handed Kisame the cake.

“Oh, I forgot. Sorry.” Naruto’s face fell. “Who that?” He wondered, tipping his glass at Kisame.

“Kisame-san is my bodyguard.” Hinata waved a hand to present him. “Neji insisted after… that incident a while ago. He’s actually the man who saved me that night.”

“Cool.” Naruto looked up, excited with the information. “You got stabbed?”

Hinata waved her hand at him to tell him not to ask questions like that.

Kisame snorted behind her.

Hinata brushed through her hair, determined not to fall asleep in another full face of makeup. Kisame sat in the chair in her room, waiting to help her back out of her dress with a grin of sharp teeth on his face. “It was ten years ago.” She pouted.

“Was he always that much of an idiot?” Kisame wondered.

“… Yeah,” Hinata admitted. “But that was kinda the charm. He was always at the bottom of our class, but he was always trying his hardest. He was always kind, and he was the star basketball player.”

“Did you stand at the bleachers waiting to give him a water bottle?” Kisame teased.

Hinata’s face dropped. “Actually, I was never brave enough.” His grin dropped as well, seeing the mood shift. She turned to him and moved her hair to give him access to the zipper. “Like I said, it was ten years ago. He’s married to his own high school sweetheart. I didn’t really have the time for romance in school or… ever.”

Kisame unzipped the dress. “Why does it sound like you have never been on a real date?”

Hinata turned to him. “Because I haven’t.”

Kisame blinked at her. “You’re almost thirty…”

“Don’t start sounding like my uncle.” Hinata disappeared into the bathroom to change.

“Sorry,” Kisame called back, then waited until she came back out to finish. “I just… you’re a cute girl. I’m mean… you’re an attractive…” He stumbled.

“I get it.” Hinata chuckled, saving him from trying to find the right wording to say that she was pretty and shouldn’t have any trouble. “When I was young, I was intensely shy. In some ways, that has been forced out of me in this position. I would like to think I could be more forward now.” She sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed, feeling so much more comfortable now that she was finally out of her makeup and formal attire. “I’ve just been too busy. I know my uncle is worried that I will miss my chance, but I would want to find someone who makes me feel… comfortable and appreciated, and I think that would be difficult to gauge in someone from a blind date.”

Kisame fell silent. He was looking at her in a way she really could read.

“Wait a minute, you’re in your forties. What is your excuse?” Hinata crossed her arms.

Kisame turned his face away as it tinged purple. “One too many women with explosive tempers.” He pointed to a small scar that was visible through his hair. “I have the bruises to prove it.”

Hinata frowned. “Maybe need to reevaluate your type.”

“Yeah, my type now is kinda hard of a hard match for me.” Kisame glanced back at her again with an unreadable expression. “I’m going to go to bed.”

Hinata nodded, rubbing her face. She felt dead to the world already. “Good night.”

Chapter 14


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After a solid night’s sleep and another day of largely boring conference activities. Hinata’s hopes of being able to relax after the last event were dashed by an invitation to join a group going for drinks from someone just affluent enough to matter to her father.

The room was mostly full of men her age or older who seemed a little upset that she brought Kisame, who held out a chair for her at the table but sat on a chair against the wall. She would prefer if he was right next to her, but unfortunately, that would not be appropriate with this crowd.

She was hoping desperately that Sasuke or Naruto or even their parents had been roped into this, but no such luck. She was on her own.

She couldn’t exactly blame the demographic. There weren’t many women in the conference that were her age and unmarried, but that made her a shiny prize for anyone climbing the corporate ladder, hoping she was desperate enough to take any form of flattery with the alcohol.

Grin and bear it.

The table was loud as the alcohol started to set in. No one could drink like an after-hours businessman. Hinata sipped sparingly on her drink and kept her back as straight as possible to keep the arm lying across the back of her chair from accidentally brushing her back as the man sitting next to her talked at her and the man on the other side of her.

What did this look like to Kisame? Did his ears hurt from all this noise? She would offer him a drink, but she was sure he wouldn’t want to drink while he was working.

Hinata’s hair stood up on end as the arm of the back of the chair finally fell onto her shoulders. She fought to keep a pleasant look on her face.

A loud screech of a chair moving cut through some of the room but only stopped the conversation around her. The man's arm slid off as his chair was pushed away from hers. Hinata looked down and followed the shoe up Kisame, who had a particularly vicious warning glare locked onto him.

He paled and turned completely the other way to the person on the other side of him.

Hinata pressed her lips together to try not to laugh. Kisame had a… very interesting way to keep her safe from wandering hands: pure intimidation.

Kisame watched Hinata bow her head to the group as they dispersed. She took his arm and pulled him down the street back toward the hotel. As soon as they turned the corner, the fake smile dropped. “I hated every minute of that.”

“Why do you put up with that?” Kisame spent the entire time with his blood boiling, more so because he knew there wasn’t much he could do unless someone touched her. He was supposed to keep his mouth shut and keep her safe, nothing more.

Hinata took a deep breath as she slowed her steps. “I have to. It’s just another part of the job.”

“Entertaining drunks?” Kisame sneered.

Hinata nodded. “I learned the hard way many years ago what is expected of me.” She looked down at her heels as they clicked against the pavement. Those shoes must hurt. “When I was seventeen, I slapped an investor.” She didn’t elaborate, but he couldn’t imagine her going as far to get violent unless they put their hands where they shouldn't be on a minor. “My father made it clear… that was disrespectful.” Her voice dripped with venom that he had never heard when she spoke about her father. It was always miserable or tired, never this viscous.

“Your father sided with them?” Kisame knew her father was a bastard, but didn’t every man hope to keep creeps away from their daughter?

Hinata hummed in agreement as they crossed the hotel lobby and got into the elevator. “I would avoid them altogether, but my father thinks it’s also disrespectful to treat them like the leeches that they act like, so I’m stuck and can only try to remove myself from the situation if they go so far as to touch me.” She smiled up at him as they came to a stop at her door. “That’s what's nice about having you around. It feels like I have more ground to say no. You make me feel… safe.”

Kisame felt a heat in his chest, warning him that he shouldn’t stand here and look down at her sweet smile for too long, or else he might say or so something stupid. “Good night.”

Hinata blinked for a moment at his abrupt end to the conversation but nodded and wished him a good night before disappearing into her room.

Kisame closed himself behind his own door and flopped face down on his bed. She was killing him.

The next few nights were largely uneventful, thankfully. Conference during the day, co*cktail-type parties in the evening. Kisame was ready to go back home. Hinata had an active life, but not a whole days of meetings backed by whole nights of social events.

He sat out on the balcony on the cushioned bench, resting back with his alcoholic drink. Was he getting too old to be drinking alone?

“Where did you get that?” Hinata wondered, almost making him choke.

“I’m just having the one,” Kisame promised.

Hinata giggled. “It’s the middle of the night. I am not going to get after you for having a drink.”

Kisame sat up and cleared his throat. “Hotel mini fridge.”

Hinata disappeared back inside and came out with a matching can and arm full of blankets. “Aren’t you cold out here?” She set down the can to pull the big comforter blanket over his shoulder.

“Sharks are cold-blooded.” Kisame excused.

“But you’re not.” Hinata crawled in beside him, pulling her legs up and tucking the other side of the blanket around herself. “You're always warm.”

Kisame felt a little silly wrapped in the blanket with her. “Well, there’s your answer then.” She cracked open her drink and sipped from it. “What are you doing up?”

“What am I always doing up?” Hinata answered. More nightmares, so much for him making her feel safe. “With the more recent kidnapping attempt, lately, I have been wondering if my father would have given them what they were asking for to get me back or if he would just ignore them.”

She looked out over the lights of the city and tilted her head.

“My uncle was the one who tracked me down when I was missing the first time. He stayed in my room every night for weeks to make sure I didn’t wake up crying.” Hinata trailed. “I think that my father would push a ransom note into the trash.” She took a heavy sip of her drink, not in pain, just acceptance.

“No one’s taking you anywhere,” Kisame assured her. That's all he could think to say.

Hinata held the blanket closer and smiled up at him. “What were your parents like?”

Oh, she was going to go down a long road with a question like that. Maybe it would give her something else to think about.

Kisame didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know when he fell asleep while they were talking, but both cans were on the table, and Hinata was under his arm with her face turned into his chest with the blanket tucked up to her nose to keep warm against the chilly wind.

It was still dark, but he hesitated to wake her up. If she was struggling to sleep this often, he didn’t want to wake her up when she was out.

But her being a little bundle huddling up to him for warmth was going to do things to him.

Things he was going to continue to ignore.

She needed some sleep. Kisame rolled his head back. Would he be able to go back to sleep like this?

Hinata stretched out her blanket and squeaked, pulling herself back in as she realized how cold it was outside of the cocoon. She peered her head out of the blankets to see the sun coming up over the city.

She yawned, breathing in the cold air and whimpering. Getting out of these blankets to get back inside was going to be miserable.

“You up?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata pulled her head up. She was using him as a pillow. Oh no, she had the giant shark pillow in her head again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

“I think I fell asleep first.” Kisame rubbed his face and got up out of the blanket, taking all his warmth with him.

Hinata pulled all the blankets around her in an attempt to shield herself from the wind. “It’s cold.”

Kisame yawned, stretching his neck to the side as he looked out at the sea of buildings below. “Yeah.”

Hinata tucked her face down into the blankets, but before she could decide to poke her legs out and get back inside. The entire cocoon was picked up, carried through her door, and plopped on her bed.

“You have another hour. Go back to sleep.” Kisame told her, going back out through the balcony.

Hinata giggled, holding the blanket over her face. Was she taking too long for him?


I am posting a one-shot series: 12 One-Shots of Christmas there is a KisaHina: Big Brother’s Cute Friend

Chapter 15


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Back home, finally. Kisame rolled his suitcase in and flopped on the couch. His rest was short-lived when Hinata called for him from her suite.

He tossed himself up, heading through the door to watch her struggle to pick up a particularly large gift-wrapped box. “Woah, wait a minute. How did that even get here? The front desk is meant to have me open any packages before they even get up here.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know what this is. I told them to send it up when it came.” Hinata managed to get it up on the coffee table. “It came just in time.”

“What is it?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata waved her hands at it. “Open it!”

Kisame made a face but sat on her couch, dug into the gift box, and pulled out a massive, heavy wool coat.

“Put it on.” Hinata urged. “I want to know if it fits or if it will need any adjustments.”

Kisame complied. “Damn, this thing is thick.” He never had a coat this heavy.

“I wanted you to have one good coat. You stand outside for hours sometimes.” Hinata reached up to tug it into place. “It’s perfect.”

Kisame straightened the rest of it to her approval, just to watch her eyes glitter.

They were in another airport within the week, but thankfully, this time, they didn’t have to get on another plane.

Hinata perked up as she saw her sister and then gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “You got a nose piercing?!”

Hanabi giggled and pulled off the fake piece of jewelry. “No. I thought Neji would be picking me up. I wanted to give him a heart attack.”

Hinata tutted her sister. She nearly gave her a heart attack. Kisame took Hanabi’s suitcase, and she eyed him and pointed to him. “Is this big guy your bodyguard?”

“I see being abroad has done nothing for your manners.” Hinata scolded.

“Is he?” Hanabi held her hand up, not relenting.

“Yes.” Hinata relented with a sigh. “His name is Kisame-san.”

Hanabi turned to him as he led them out to the car. “Do I get a cool fish man bodyguard?”

Hinata swatted her sister, but Kisame snorted. At least he wasn’t offended. He loaded her suitcases into the car as Hanabi got in. He passed her the gift waiting in the trunk, and Hinata presented it to her sister.

“Oh, thanks!” Hanabi accepted it.

Hinata slid in after her, and Kisame closed the door behind them, but before Hanabi could even think to open her present, she got distracted and started to complain. “Have you seen my schedule? Dad has me booked for the whole week, following him around! I’m not going to have any time to come see you!”

“I am sure he just wants you to make sure you get acclimated into your new position.” Hinata offered. Though she knew it was probably more likely a hidden punishment for taking so long to get back.

“You know, half the other kids whose parents are corporate tycoons let them have a year off after university to get their play out.” Hanabi slummed in her seat.

Hinata never claimed her sister wasn’t a spoiled brat. “Oh, that reminds me.” She turned to her sister seriously. “Don’t accept any dinner reservation by uncle.”

“… Why?” Hanabi wondered.

“He’s been smuggling blind dates into my schedule, and I already told him I don’t want him pressuring you, too,” Hinata explained.

“Pff.” Hanabi shrugged. “I can handle that. I don’t mind blind dates. It’s just dates where you can be honest with each other. I want kids, you don’t. Bye.” She waved her hand to make her point. “That makes it easy. Break up before you have feelings. I don’t have to go through all the suffering of liking you to find that out.”

Hinata couldn’t say she agreed, but Hanabi’s life and relationships were her own.

Hinata woke up and knew something wasn’t right. Her face was flush, her head felt like it was full of pressure, and that itch in her throat from last night was now a full-on miserable sore throat.

She looked at the time, rubbed her face, and got out of bed for now. Washing her face, she felt the heat coming off it. She was willing to do a lot of things for work, but she wasn’t willing to go in with a fever.

She felt light-headed just lifting her face in the mirror, and that made the decision for her. She needed to call in sick. More meetings moved back. More upset investors, but they wouldn’t be very happy dealing with her while she was sick, either.

Coming back to sit on her bed, she looked back at the time. Kisame had left for the gym already. She would have to tell him when he returned that he had the day off.

She laid back on the bed, thinking she would just rest for a few moments, and then she would get up, call in, and stay up to tell Kisame, but that was just the sick brain talking.

Kisame knocked on the door but heard no reply from Hinata. In fact, he couldn’t hear anything. Usually, by this time, he could hear her in the kitchen waiting for him for breakfast or taking an international call as she moved around her morning routine.

He knocked again a little louder, and when he still heard nothing, he opened the door anyway.

Hinata’s bedroom door was still closed. His worst fear. He never wanted to find out what would happen if he thought he had to go in there and ended up being wrong.

Despite that fear, he knocked on her bedroom door. He finally heard movement and… her curse? That’s what it sounded like.

Hinata appeared at the door, red-faced and flustered. “I’m sorry. I woke up sick. I meant to tell you before you got dressed, but I laid back down and…” She pressed her hand to the side of her face, and her eyes drooped.

She looked really sick. Kisame raised a hand to the side of her face. It was burning up. “Have you taken anything yet?”

Hinata sighed and just shook her head. “I am not even sure I have cold medication.”

Kisame pointed to the kitchen. “Where would you keep it?”

Hinata pointed in the room. “Bathroom, but I don’t think I have been sick since living here.”

“You know what? I’ll just go to the store, go lie down.” Kisame instructed.

Hinata whimpered. It was odd seeing her so whiney. “I can’t. I have to call the office and…”

“I can call,” Kisame assured her.

Hinata pressed her face to the door frame, looking like she might be willing to just give up. “I’ll call. You go to the store.”

Good enough.

Hinata was woken again by Kisame cautiously coming into her room with medication and a glass of water. Once she took them, she fell asleep for several more hours before waking up with the discomfort of the medication wearing off, being hungry, and not being able to sleep anymore.

She washed up, dressed, and opened the door to an unfamiliar smell filling the whole room. It led her to the kitchen, where she found a pot on the stove bubbling away.

It seemed good, but not like something she had before.

Kisame came through the adjoining door, back in his lounge clothes. “Oh, you’re up.”

“What is this?” Hinata pointed inside.

“Hangover soup,” Kisame told her.

Hinata smiled. “I don’t have a hangover.”

Kisame waved at it. “It does the same thing.”

“It smells good.” Hinata found the medication he gave her earlier on the counter and picked it up to look at the instructions. “I didn’t know you could cook.”

Kisame moved over to the pot and gave it a stir. “I don’t cook much, but I would say that I know a few things.”

Hinata took out a dose of the medication and took it while he ladled her out a bowl. “When I was in school, I always thought cooking would make me a good wife one day.”

“Didn’t do anything for me.” Kisame shrugged, placing the bowl in front of her.

Hinata giggled, but it turned into an uncomfortable cough that she tried to wash away with her water. “Thank you.” She managed in a strained voice before digging into the bowl, blowing on the steaming liquid, but ultimately sipping from her spoon before it was cool enough. It burned, but it felt better than the sore throat had. “It’s good.”

Kisame face twitched down as he hid his proud smile into pushing back his sleeves and starting dishes. “Did you end up getting any good at cooking?”

“Not really.” Hinata covered her mouth and felt her nose start to drip. She tipped her head back and scrambled for a tissue from the box Kisame slid across the table. With her nose stopped, she could clarify. “I can bake fine as long as you don’t care too much how pretty what you’re eating is.”

Kisame raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know why I assumed that you would be the type to make intricate Christmas cookies.”

“Because that is what people would expect out of me.” Hinata agreed. She knew what people expected out of a woman of her status. It wasn’t enough for her to have a successful career. She would have to also be good at all the traditional things a woman would be good at. Keeping house, rearing children, cooking.

Hinata had never done laundry in her life, and the one time she was handed a baby, it proceeded to scream until she was returned to their mother, and the hotel made most of the meals she ate at home. The rest could barely be called cooking.

Kisame’s face dropped. “That’s not really what I meant.”

“It’s fine.” Hinata waved her hand.

“I just thought that you have the kind of care for things. I could see you making dozens of sugar cookie snowmen, all with different faces.” Kisame explained, drying his hands.

Hinata ducked her head into her soup and thought about it. “Maybe you can help me make cookies this year.”


I am posting a one-shot series: 12 One-Shots of Christmas there is a KisaHina: Big Brother’s Cute Friend

Chapter 16

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Kisame watched Hinata revel in little sips of her coffee. Tea was probably better for her right now, but there might be nothing more in this world that brought her more joy than coffee.

“You probably shouldn’t be here,” Hinata told him, tucking her face further into the blanket she wrapped around herself despite being in a sweater. “I don’t want to get you sick.”

“If I leave, you are going to try to open that laptop and work.” Kisame accused. “And I don’t think you could get me sick. I have a different immune system.”

Hinata gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him at all.

“I’m probably the reason you got sick anyway.” Kisame waved his hand to dismiss her concerns. “I shouldn’t have let you sleep out in the cold.”

Hinata shook her head, then looked like she regretted even moving it that much. “That was days ago, and we were both out there. I think it’s more likely being at two airports in a matter of days and hugging my sister after she was in a foreign country.”

“I’m not leaving, so you can try to work through a cold.” Kisame crossed his arms.

“You know you work for me, not the other way around, right.” Kisame faltered, but Hinata just laughed until she looked into her cup. “I appreciate you taking care of me.” She whispered, bringing the cup back up to her lips. “I haven’t gotten a lot of that.”

Kisame felt his stomach twist as her face fell, looking into her cup, but she brought a smile back on her face.

“Who taught you to make the soup?” Hinata titled her head.

“Uh… a friend, actually.” Kisame thought back. “There was a point in my life where I was out more nights than not, not always drinking…”

“But drinking more nights than not as well?” Hinata caught him.

Kisame rescinded. “Yeah. He used to give me sh*t for just eating whatever I could find in the morning and going out to do it again the next night, so he gave me a recipe and told me to never leave the house for the night without either cooking it first or coming home with the ingredients with it the next morning.”

“That’s good advice.” Hinata giggled.

Kisame felt like he shouldn’t be telling her about his earlier life’s escapades. He didn’t make a lot of good choices, and she knew what the outcome of a lot of that was, but drawing her a better picture didn’t seem like it would improve her opinion of him, but telling her always put a smile on her face. “That friend is…” He waved his hand. “Out of the country, getting treatment for some autoimmune condition he was diagnosed with a few years ago.”

“Do you still hear from him?” Hinata wondered.

“Yeah.” Kisame absentmindedly tapped his pocket with his phone in it. “He won’t tell me how it’s going, but I know he’s fine because he only likes to bitch when he has hope.”

Hinata smiled. “At least he still has his spirits.”

“Yeah.” Kisame hummed thoughtfully. “He was a weird little guy when I met him. He was too young to be out on his own like he was, but he held his own, so we just… kinda stuck together.” He was just now realizing how old Itachi was now. “Damn, that was years ago.”

“I am starting to do that now.” Hinata nodded. “When I told you my school crush was ten years ago. I later had to sit and think about it, that I graduated from school more than ten years ago now.”

“You’re making me feel old,” Kisame grumbled. “It’s what… twenty years for me?”

“I guess at some point, it stops mattering.” Hinata hummed.

Kisame duck his head into his shoulder as he sneezed. He stood back up straight and ignored the glance over his shoulder from Hinata. “I’m fine.” He repeated.

Hinata’s knowing looked dug at his ribs. Yeah. He got sick. He was fine when he woke up, but he was only progressively getting worse as the day went on. It didn’t help that they were in and out of the heated building and into the cold chill all day.

The heavy coat was nice, but it couldn’t shield his lungs from the cold.

Especially now that they were standing outside for a grand opening that Hinata was supposed to be focusing on, not him.

As soon as she could, Hinata moved them inside and found them a place to sit down. “Come here.” She demanded, pulling on his coat to get him to sit down. Once she did, she pressed her hand to his face. The contrast between her chilled and his warm face felt really nice. “You have a fever now. We need to go back home.”

Kisame tried to push her hands away, even though they were a relief. “I’ll take some medication and be fine. You are supposed to be here.”

“If I have to tell them that I am still sick for an excuse to leave, I will.” Hinata flicked his hand away and pulled his scarf closer to his face. “You’re not driving. Give me the keys.”

Kisame gave her a flat look. “I am not that far gone.”

“You went from not having a fever an hour ago to having one now. You are not driving.” Hinata put her hand out.

Kisame set his jaw but gave her the keys. This felt silly and stupid and… like he wasn’t doing his job.

“You look pale.” Hinata reached for his face again.

Kisame flinched back. He didn’t want to be babied anymore. It was just accentuating the failure. Hinata’s hand stopped and balled up as she bit down on her lip.

And now he felt bad for rejecting her care.

“I think you need some rest. No working while sick, right?” Hinata threw his words back at him.

Kisame nodded reluctantly, following her over to the host. She gave them an excuse before pushing him to the passenger side of the car.

Hinata got into the driver seat and paused to laugh at how low the seat was. “I don’t even reach the pedals in heels.” She pointed before adjusting the chair.

“You know, I feel like I should ask if you know how to drive,” Kisame commented as she got to a height where she could reach the sterling wheel before putting her seat belt on.

“I was taught to drive by my uncle. Who has had his license taken away twice for thinking he was a bumper car driver.” Hinata started the car. Kisame wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. “Which is why he hired me and Neji-san private tutors.”

Kisame sighed. “That’s not funny. You’re scaring me.”

“It was a little funny.” Hinata giggled. “I am a little worried about Hanabi-chan, though, because she learned to drive in a foreign country and requested her own car rather than a driver. I am just hoping she doesn’t pull into oncoming traffic.”

Kisame took note to never get into a car with her.

Hinata paused, looking at him expectantly. Kisame tilted his head, wondering what she wanted. She sighed. “Now I know you are not thinking straight.” She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned up and over him.

He froze as his heart stopped.

Until he realized she was just reaching for the seatbelt. She buckled him in and settled back in her seat, where she put her seatbelt back on. “I need to get you to bed.”

VERY bad wording right now.

Kisame laid his head back and closed his eyes, hoping the heat in his face could be hidden by the fact he was already flush. Could he blame that reaction on the fever?

Hinata pushed the containers the hotel brought to her into the fridge to be heated up when he was awake. It wasn’t a homemade soup, but it was what she could manage. She didn’t need to subject him to her experimental cooking.

She cleaned up, poured him more water, and brought it to his room.

As she predicted, he only got worse by the time she got him upstairs. He was ready to fall asleep fully clothed on his couch, which she was not going to allow. She forced him up to at least change and to get to bed.

With a stop at her suite to take off her coat and shoes and grab the medication, he was already asleep face first on his bed. Not even bothering to get in the covers.

Honestly, a man twice her size should be so effortlessly cute. She almost didn’t want to wake him, but she wanted him to take the medication and sleep under the covers, at least. Once he was back in bed, she stepped out to order soup.

Hinata set the water on his bedside and pressed the back of her hand to the side of his face. His fever hadn’t broken yet. Maybe he should have taken more medication or a different kind. She didn’t know when she should factor in his unique body and when she shouldn’t.

He shouldn’t breathe in chlorine, but he had smoked. He claimed he had a different immune system, but that didn’t mean it was better. A cold might affect him differently, and medication may not work as well.

It was nagging at her stomach that she got him sick because she liked him keeping her company.

Well. If she was the one that got him sick. He couldn’t exactly get her sick back, could he?

Chapter 17

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Kisame blinked at the bedside table and the glass of water left for him. He sat up only enough not to choke as he downed it, then pushed his face back into his pillow. His face still felt hot. His head still felt full of crap. He rolled over, and his blood ran cold.

Hinata, still in her office attire, was curled up on the other side of his bed. She was on top of the covers with a blanket of her own, so this was a choice she made to crawl beside him and join his nap.

Why? It was a question she made him ask a lot.

Why was she ready to give him a chance? Why did she continue to try to see the best in people when people repeatedly showed that she wouldn’t always get their best? Why did she keep working so hard for her family image if the man it served the most didn’t care?

Kisame brushed her hair from her face with the tips of his fingers, hoping he wouldn’t wake her.

Why did she make him feel like he had more to offer than what his life had amounted to at this point? He was getting too old for this kind of hope.

But she still had it.

And he kept wanting to see it in her eyes.

He flinched back as Hinata’s eyebrows knit together, and she made a small noise as she woke up, dug her face into the pillow for a moment before she looked up at him. “You’re up? How are you feeling?”

“I’m not sure yet.” He lied. “I just woke up.”

Hinata drug herself up to rest on one arm, drawing her hand back through her hair. Stopping to look down at him. “I haven’t been getting enough sleep.” She lamented before she reached her hand back out to the side of his face again. His heart rate shot back up. “You still have a fever. Do you want to see a doctor?”

“I’m fine,” Kisame assured her.

“I’m going to get you more medication. If you still have a fever after this round, I am taking you to see a doctor.” Hinata crawled off of the bed and disappeared through his bedroom door.

One part of him didn’t want her to put so much effort into being concerned for him. The other reminded him how rare it was for him to be taken care of when he was sick. The few times Itachi nursed his handovers came with moral grandstanding from a rich brat who ran around with the crowd that he did make it have a lot less weight.

Was he being a bad employee for being in a position where she felt like she had to take care of him, or was he being uncooperative if he refused her help?

Well, maybe the real questions would be if he did try harder to stop her… would she stop, or would her care extend past her polite nature?

Hinata came back with a pout on her face and the bottle. “I can’t open it.” Kisame snorted and covered his face. She shook it at him to take. “Give me a break. I just woke up.”

Kisame held his hand out for the medication bottle.

Back to business as usual was a relief for both of them. Hinata was happy she was finally able to get back on schedule, and Kisame was just glad to be able to not feel miserable anymore.

Hinata hung up her phone, looking less happy about the day than she started. She ducked her head briefly in misery before picking up the phone again. “Uncle? I just wanted to let you know that the council is blocking the expansion.” She paused. “I believe their reasoning is that with the protest calming down, they don’t think they should stir the pot.” Another pause. “I’m not sure if I just wanted to let you know because I got a call because my father fired his driver.” She groaned. “I don’t know why. Probably stopping at a crosswalk or something. Please just… I have been out for too many days. I can’t manage him at the moment.”

Kisame felt like he was part of the problem for that.

“Thank you.” Hinata sighed. “I have to go, but we are picking up Neji-san’s wedding gift on the way back home, okay?” With a short goodbye, she put down the phone and sprung into action, picking up her things and answering his unasked question. “My uncle likes surprises. Neji-san does not, so my uncle wants me to hide his wedding gift now that it’s finished, so it stays a surprise, but he doesn’t know that I usually tell Neji-san anyway, so they are both happy.”

Peacemaking, even with the sillier family drama.

At the end of a long day, they had one last stop.

“It’s not that funny,” Kisame grumbled as he carried the gift box out for her.

“I don’t think it’s funny. I think it’s sweet.” Hinata corrected.

Kisame frowned as they walked to the car. “If that’s all you think, then why are you laughing.”

“Because your reaction is funny,” Hinata admitted.

Yeah. He couldn’t help it. Something about the amount of times that Hinata had been stopped to ask her to pass a number along was getting a little out of hand, and he felt just as uncomfortable every time. Partly because it was Hinata passing the number along, and partly because of the face she made when she gave it to him, she was very proud of him for just… being a certain type of attractive in a suit.

“Hilarious.” Kisame tucked the package under his arm when he got to the car, opening the trunk and ducking inside to put it in the box.

Before he could pull back from the trunk, there were three earsplitting noises, and Hinata screamed as she ducked down, covering her ears.


Kisame dove around the car for her, plunging them down and shielding her.

They had graduated from kidnapping to attempted murder?

Another three shots, and the car window shattered above them.

Hinata shrieked as glass rained down on them. Kisame pushed her to the smallest ball he could, fully covering her.

They stayed there silently for a moment, waiting for more shots or someone to come around the car, but nothing came.

Kisame started to raise his head, but Hinata yanked him back down. He put a hand around her back. She was shaking.

Hinata sat in the uncomfortable police department chair. She didn’t see anything that would help them. She didn’t want to think about who could be behind it. There was still glass in her hair. All she wanted at the moment was to go home.

She looked over her shoulder at Kisame at another detective’s desk, answering questions.

“Ma’am.” Her attention was brought forward. “Are you aware your bodyguard has a criminal history?”

Hinata took a deep breath. “Yes.” She didn’t like where he was going with this.

“Did you know he is affiliated with a group that has been associated with domestic terrorism?” She was not aware of that.

“Yes.” Hinata lied, staring back at the officer stone-faced. She was not going to allow them to use his criminal history against him when he was the one protecting her. “I don’t like that you are insinuating that has something to do with this.”

The officer leaned forward to whisper. “You didn’t even meet him until the night of the first incident.”

“Do you have any other questions?” Hinata asked politely.

The office noticed her tone change. “Yes, I…”

Hinata got up and moved over to Kisame. “We’re going home.”

“Ma’am, we aren’t done.” The officer stood up to protest.

“We have told you everything we saw, which was nothing. You already have a file on what has been happening to me. You have the car with bullet holes in it.” Hinata pulled Kisame up. He was hesitant but complied with her tugging. “I would like the package in the trunk returned, undamaged.”

The officers didn’t stop her as she pulled Kisame out of the station. She pulled her phone out to call for a ride.

Kisame ducked his head down to her. “Can you do that?”

Hinata held up her hand while the other side of the line answered her. “They are having a car sent. We should both get home and get all this glass off.” She turned to him and pulled out a handkerchief to brush off loose glass from his coat. “I think I will have to send your coat to be properly cleaned. It’s not going to be pleasant to get little shards of glass out of wool.”

Kisame stopped her frantic brushing by capturing her wrist. “Are you okay?” He knew the answer. He could feel her shaking. She pulled her hand out of his and went back to brushing.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Kisame itched the back of his neck. The glass was out of his hair, but it felt like it was still on his skin. He got dressed and headed back to Hinata’s suite, where he found the door between the rooms had not been closed. She sat waiting for him on the couch, her hair still wet as she ducked her head down while she was on the phone.

“I am fine.” Hinata expressed to the other side of the line. “I’m home. I’m safe. It’s okay now.” She pushed her hand between her eyebrows to try to relieve the stress that someone, probably Neji, was giving her on the other side of the line. “I’ll be alright. Just got to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” She hung up and tossed her phone down with a huff.

Kisame sat down beside her. What should he do? Put a hand on her shoulder? Tell her she was going to be okay? Apologize for not being closer?

He could understand her stress. This could have ended differently. He should have been doing a better job.

Hinata looked up at him, and her face changed. “Why are you bleeding?”

“What?” Kisame wasn’t even sure what to check.

Hinata sighed and got up for her first aid kit. She turned his head. “You must have rubbed yourself with some of the glass when you were washing it out of your hair. You have little cuts back here.”

“It feels like razor burn,” Kisame admitted.

Hinata wiped off his neck of the streaks she caught from him scratching before handing the cloth to him to wipe his hands.

This is what she needed. Something to do, something to take control of while she was stressed out. It was keeping her from breaking down… but was that healthy? Wouldn’t it just build up to come out later?

Hinata closed her kit. “I’m sure I am going to have to fight with the police department to get that package back.”

“Not sure if it’s going to be made easier now after how you left,” Kisame didn’t know what pissed her off, but he didn’t even know that they could leave like that. He had been in a chair across from an officer a lot, and never once did he leave before he was told he could.

Hinata ran her hand back through her damp hair and then turned to him with a thought. “What group were you a part of that was associated with terrorism?”

Kisame crumpled. Did they tell her that? “That’s… that’s a tattoo you saw, but I promise it wasn’t terrorism. Deidara is just a dumbass. He accidentally set a few buildings on fire, trying to make paint explode on them because of… some project. Probably a protest of something.”

Should he expect a skeptical look from her? At this point, he was just waiting for the thing that would be too much for her patience with his past. “Well, that’s good to hear. I told the officer I knew about it.”

“You what?” Kisame gapped at her. “You lied?”

Hinata rolled her head to the side, tired. “He suggested that you were associated with the attackers. I didn’t want him to use me, not knowing that, against you. I trust you, but convincing him of that would have been harder if he thought you were hiding something.”

“I didn’t mean to hide it,” Kisame assured her. “It was just a stupid charge.”

“I believe you,” Hinata told him.

Kisame wasn’t sure she should, but now wasn’t a good time to have that kind of conversation. Her hands were shaking as she twisted them. She was still freaked out, and she was still in fix-it mode.

How did she sleep like this?

“Are you okay?” Kisame received a sour look this time, warning him not to push it. “Don’t look at me like it’s a dumb question. You got shot at.”

Hinata’s lips twisted then she got up. “I’m going to bed.”

Kisame caught her arm, barely holding on, but the light touch stopping her told him that she didn’t want to lock herself away. She just didn’t want to face it, either. “I’m sorry. I just want you to stop bottling it up. You’re safe now. You are allowed to break down.”

“No, I’m not.” Hinata’s voice cracked. “Because this is my fault.” Kisame opened his mouth to protest, but didn’t get a word out before she started ranting. “You could have been shot for protecting me. One of those bullets could have kept going and hit someone in the shop I was visiting. I put those people in danger.” She waved her hand toward the door. “People could have been hurt because of me.”

Kisame shook his head. “You did nothing wrong.”

“I didn’t fix the problem!” Hinata shouted back at him, pointing harshly at her chest. “My job is to show the company in the best light. To handle complaints and mediate bad press.”

“Hinata…” Kisame tried, sliding his hand down from her arm to her hand.

Hinata’s face twisted miserably as she fought the last will to keep from crying. “This is my fault!” She demanded, but her voice cracked. Her head dipped in defeat as she let the tears spill over.

Kisame didn’t try to convince her it wasn’t. That’s not what she wanted to hear. He tightened his hand on hers, trying to give her some comfort that wouldn’t make her run away.

Hinata’s other hand came up to cover her mouth as her crying got more violent and hard to contain. A simple tug on her hand forward, and she responded by pulling her hand from him, collapsing into him, pushing her face into his shoulder to hide her sob.

Kisame rubbed her back as the pit in his stomach grew. She was terrified, but she processed it as a failure. He didn’t know if he was remotely equipped to convince her otherwise.

The only thing he could do right now was hold her until she stopped crying.

Hinata was mortified. She didn’t want him or anyone else to see a breakdown like that. She didn’t need anyone taking care of her like that, but she knew that she was lying to herself when she woke up too warm but comfortable, curled in Kisame’s lap.

She cried herself to sleep, and he didn’t have the heart to move her. Giving her a night of feeling safe enough not to tack a nightmare onto her turmoil.

He was too good of a man, even if he didn’t want to believe it.

Hinata pushed herself out of his arms, unintentionally waking him. “Sorry.” She whispered as she went to turn off her alarm.

As she came back out, Kisame rubbed his face and looked at her blearily. Another night of his sitting up all night because of her. “What time is it?”

“Time to start getting to work.” Hinata hummed.

Kisame sat up and turned to her in disbelief. “You’re not going to the office today, are you?”

“No.” Hinata was just getting back on schedule, but she knew that no one was going to want her there for their own safety, and she really did not want to see a single pitying face or answer any questions about what happened.

And everyone would know. It probably hit the news before she even left the police station.

Another attempt on the Hyuga heiress.

Hinata ran her hand back through her hair. She never dried it last night. It was probably a mess.

Kisame groaned as he got up. “I’ll go out and grab breakfast.”

Hinata waved her hand for him to sit down. “I’ll just have the hotel send up something.”

“No, you need a good coffee and a pastry.” Kisame pointed at her.

Hinata deflated. “You know you got shot at last night too.”

Kisame shrugged. “I’ve been shot at before.”

“What?” Hinata squeaked.

Kisame waved his hand. “I will tell you that story when I get back.”

Hinata huffed as he went to his suite. Sometimes, she really worried about the world he lived in.

Hinata typed away on her laptop, only glancing at him when he came back in with her a coffee and a box of pastries. She smiled but finished her email before she reached for the coffee and sat back. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Are you still working?” Kisame sighed, sitting down.

“I am just redirecting some things.” Hinata sipped the coffee, and a pleasant smile spread across her face. It fell as she looked at him more seriously. “I’m sorry for last night.”

“Don’t…” Kisame tried.

“I’m…” Hinata paused. “I’m used to handling everything that goes wrong by myself.” She was admitting that she shouldn’t be blaming herself? “When I was young, I learned early on that signs of weakness were punished. Reasons why things weren’t my fault were just me shifting blame. Showing that I was in pain hurt Neji-san because there was nothing that he could do.”

Kisame leaned forward and folded his fingers together to listen.

“‘It’s my fault.’” Hinata repeated. “‘I have to fix this.’ That’s how I am meant to respond to problems. It didn’t matter if I did nothing wrong. I didn’t do something to prevent the problem.” Her eyes unfocused as she stared down at her computer screen. “I made my problem yours last night by yelling at you. I’m sorry.”

So close. “I’m not accepting an apology.” Hinata looked up at him. “I don’t want an apology.” Kisame clarified. “Because I chose to push. I wanted you to get the crying out.”

Hinata’s face twisting in guilt. “Will you take a thank you?”

Kisame smiled. “Yeah.”

Hinata offered him a sad smile back, but it was going to take some time for her to be okay. He was willing to wait.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

Hinata giggled. “Are you sure you want to do that?” Kisame sneered at her. She just continued to laugh as she played her turn.

He was competitive but not very good at Go, which led to the first time he seemed actually upset with her.

Hinata placed her last piece on the board and waited for him to realize she had beaten him again. His nose scrunched up in frustration, and then all the tension washed from his shoulders.

“Are there any games that you are really good at?” Hinata wondered, cleaning up the board.

“Poker.” Kisame sat back in a huff.

Picking up the board, Hinata looked over her shoulder. “I think I have a pack of cards somewhere.”

“I don’t know…” Kisame crossed his arms. “I don’t think I should teach you something like poker.”

“I know the basics.” Hinata put the board up. “My uncle used to play with his friends. I just sat in his lap and ate snacks, but I learned a little bit. Enough to get by, I think.”

“Doesn’t seem like something they would teach a debutant.” Kisame eyed her as she came back with a pack of cards.

“My uncle had different values than my father.” Hinata opened the pack. “I think I will leave the shuffling to you, though.” She held out the cards. “Unless you want me mixing them on the table like a seven-year-old.”

Kisame sat up and took the cards. “I don’t think I have ever played cards without beer.”

Hinata looked over her shoulder. “I don’t think I have beer, but I have wine.”

“That wasn’t a prompt.” Kisame shuffled the pack. “I used to play with this one dumb ass that would always try to cheat and do a really awful job at hiding it, but it was a hustle, and he was actually really damn good at cards.”

Hinata crossed her legs and moved forward to take the cars he put out. “Did you hustle with him, or did you lose to him?”

Kisame face flattened. “I am not sure if you want the answer to that. The guy’s in jail now.”

Hinata sat back with her cards. “I lied to the police about knowing you were ‘tied to domestic terrorism,’ I am not sure why you think I am bothered that you did something stupid and dangerous in the past.”

Kisame pointed his finger at her. “We still need to talk about that.”

“No, we don’t.” Hinata fanned out her cards. “I told you I lied. You told me what happened. The next time I say it, it’s not a lie.”

“I don’t need you lying to the police for me.” Kisame let his wrist with his card fall to make a point of paying more attention to the conversation than the game.

Hinata titled her cards to rest on her chest. “I wouldn’t be lying if you told me everything.”

“That is going to take a while,” Kisame told her.

“I’m not going anywhere today.” Hinata waved her free hand around the apartment.

Kisame considered her and then relented. “If we are diving into that part of my past, I am going to need that drink.”

Hinata got up to get a bottle of wine, taking her cards with her just in case.

“Miss Hyuga!” Hinata turned her head and realized too late that the person rushing toward her was not an employee but a reporter who had somehow gotten past the front desk. “Comment on the recent shooting? Are you treating this as an assassination attempt now rather than a ransom attempt? Have you got any other threats? ”

They didn’t even get close enough to shove their phone’s speaker in her face for comment. With one hand, Kisame grabbed the front of their shirt and tossed them back, and with the other, he tucked her behind him, calling down the hall for security. The phone clattered across the floor. Kisame moved to step his foot down on it. It crunched.

“You can’t do that!” The report screeched, scrambling for the device, but it wasn’t going to be unwedged from under his foot. Security picked them up and left, kicking and threatening to sue for their phone.

Kisame bent down and picked up the destroyed phone. “Do you have insurance on me for crap like this?”

“He is welcome to sue, but he would have to explain what means he got past the front desk and the assumed risk he would take on by lying to them and lunging at me with the express purpose of invasively asking me about being attacked recently,” Hinata answered diplomatically. Kisame raised his eyebrow. “I took a few law classes in university. It helps my job on a daily basis more than you would think. You were only doing your job, and we have much better lawyers.”

“Dealing with corporate lawyers sounds more horrifying than prison.” Kisame completely snapped the phone and half and tipped it into the trash after failing to turn it on.

“Prison probably has a bit more compassion than a corporate lawyer.” Hinata sighed, looking back down the hall. Couldn’t she even have a calm day on her first day back?

“Do you want ice cream?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata blinked at him.

Hinata offered her cone to him. “Come one. One bite. You insisted on getting ice cream and then didn’t get one for yourself.”

Kisame pulled his head back. “I didn’t want ice cream. I just wanted you to stop making that face.”

“I promise to stop making faces when you take a bite.” It wasn’t like he was getting away from her unless he got out of the car.

“That’s not what I…” Kisame stopped trying and took a large bite off the top.

Hinata giggled at his sour face because she got what she wanted, but with a petty bite that big, she was not surprised his face twisted up in the next second. Brain freeze. She sat back and licked her ice cream while Kisame's face turned a light shade of purple from his blunder.

Kisame opened the door for her and flinched as someone came at her full force, only to realize it was just Choji coming to give her a hug. “I heard. I am sending you home with some fish soup.”

Hinata took the hug but tried to downplay his concerns. It was what she had been doing all day. Telling everyone she was fine with a smile. Hiding the fear and the pain and, worst of all, the guilt.

Kisame didn’t like they were still running around town. If he had it his way, people would come to her office, so they weren’t in and out of the car. He didn’t even let her out of the car when he got her ice cream.

But she was under orders to act normally, and Hinata obeyed her father’s orders.

She tried to hide her hesitation when she walked to the car, or her hand reaching out when he moved more than a few steps from her. She was bottling up all her nerves, and Kisame saw what happened when she did that.

“Shikamaru-san?” Hinata recognized. Wasn't that the guy she had the blind date with she ran out on?

Shikamaru waved his hand, and Choji pointed at him and chuckled. “I heard you two had a little date.”

Shikamaru's head fell back dramatically. “My mother kept pushing me to go because she doesn’t like my girlfriend.”

“You should hear them scream at each other.” Choji agreed.

Hinata waved her hands. “I understand. My uncle has been pushing the issue lately.”

Shikamaru shrugged.

Choji sat them down next to Shikamaru. “I don’t think she is going to stop trying to get rid of her until you either marry that girl or she gets pregnant.” Shikamaru’s eyebrow shot up, and he tilted his head. “That second one wasn’t meant to be an option.”

Hinata giggled.

Kisame sat back and just listened. At least she was smiling.

Hinata came out of the council room and sighed.

Kisame wasn’t allowed inside, so he was never sure what happened in there, but Hinata rarely looked anything but stressed when she came out. “No good?”

“Not exactly.” Hinata started down the hall. “There is a debate about whether I should be temporarily removed from my position or if that would be giving into the threats.” But they liked looking like they were standing strong to their position rather than valuing her safety, and to be completely honest, since Hinata seemed to be the only one target, no one was really sure if it was the position or her that was being targeted. “But my father will at least get what he wants. They pushed through the expansion to keep the face that we are not giving in or slowing down.”

“Politics.” Kisame sneered. “Hearing crap like this makes me glad I am just muscle.”

Hinata nodded as they got back to her office. “It’s a lot of headache.”

Kisame waited until the door was closed. “Do they think your sister needs protection?”

Hinata sat down on the couch and rubbed her temples. “No, because they think that would signal that they are afraid. I think Neji had a friend who just got out of the military. She’s small. She could probably pass as an assistant. I will call Lee to see if that would be an option that should solve the problem of safety while keeping their stupid image.”

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

Hinata accepted the helping hand out of the car and took a moment to adjust her formal dress before waving Kisame down to her level to straighten his bow tie. Just another event, except it wasn’t. This one, her father was also attending, which meant prefect wasn’t enough.

Kisame straightened and offered his arm to help her up the stairs. “You good?”

“Nope,” Hinata told him with a fake smile.

Inside, Hinata joined her sister, who quickly latched to her. “I missed this.”

“You missed these events?” Hinata wondered with a confused look.

“God, no.” Hanabi made a face. “I just missed hanging out with you.”

Hinata smiled. That was sweet. It was quickly ruined by her father’s disapproving look. It didn’t matter if Hanabi was the one being inappropriate by hanging on her. It was Hinata’s responsibility to stop her. “Being watched.” She whispered.

Hanabi pouted, unlatching herself from her arm but leaning into her shoulder. “Your bodyguard is kinda cute.”

“So I have been told.” Hinata snorted and looked over her shoulder at Kisame, who absolutely heard that. The edges of his ears were turning purple. “I should probably tell you that he has advanced hearing.”

Hanabi only looked embarrassed for a moment before she decided differently. “Maybe I want to be heard.”

Hinata gave her a scolding look.

Kisame watched Hinata’s face flatten out as her father looked at her for a prolonged moment and then waved his hand behind his back. She dipped her head to tell Hanabi that she was being called and then moved to his side.

Hiashi looked behind her at him and commented through his teeth. “Move your pet back.”

Hinata stiffened.

Kisame wasn’t sure if Hiashi meant it as in him being her loyal shadow or him being racist, but either way, he knew he said it to upset her. Hinata physically pushed down her anger before waving her hand for him to step back, looking apologetic over her shoulder.

Kisame didn’t really need more evidence that her father was an asshole.

With the noise, it was hard to hear them from here, but not impossible. The conversation he pulled her into seemed to have something to do with the company and her role in it.

Hinata presented her strained political smile, holding her hands behind her back to hide her nerves, balling them together behind her.

This was one of those times Kisame really just wished he could deck people as part of this job.

Hinata’s face suddenly faltered as she looked at her father. He didn’t quite catch what was said. He stepped closer to hear what came next.

“I don’t think…” Hinata started to correct him.

“No, you don’t.” Hiashi interrupted her.

Hinata failed to keep the devastation off her face. She bowed and excused herself, walking away from the conversation and away from the disapproving glare of her father. She didn’t even check if Kisame was following her as she made her way out a side door that let her into an empty hallway. She picked up her pace despite her heels, opened another door, and closed it before he could reach her.

Kisame stopped and realized that she closed herself into a broom closet. He could hear the crying. His heart dropped into a stomach. It took him pressuring her to let herself break over being shot at, but this was what her father could do to her in one conversation?

Kisame stood with his back to the door and tried not to listen, but it was hard not to feel the misery coming of her in his chest. The sobs turned to sniffles, and the sniffles turned to a few deep breaths before she opened the door and squeaked when she found him on the other side.

He stood still, not looking back at her until she came around the front.

Hinata sniffled with a miserable little smile. “Did you stand guard for me?”

Kisame straightened up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Hinata broke into a small giggle as she blotted her eye with a tissue. “How do I look?”

Gorgeous. “You’re makeup’s fine.”

“Years of practice.” Hinata sighed.

Kisame didn’t like the idea that this was something she was used to.

Hinata went back to the ballroom with a smile like nothing happened. The anxiety in her chest lingered as she mingled, explaining the slight redness in her eyes as allergies and the tissue for sneezing.

Kisame trailed behind her as she shifted between groups. She tripped and wobbled, and his hand shot out to catch her. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Hinata picked up her skirt slightly to look down at her feet. “I must have stepped on something.”

Neji appeared beside her with Lee on his arm, lowering his head to her. “Don’t say it.”

“You are incredibly late,” Hinata whispered back with a tight smile.

Neji looked guilty. “Not too late, I hope.” She gave him a single look to tell him that he already missed the mess. “Sorry.”

“What delayed you?” Hinata wondered.

“Tenten didn’t own a nice enough dress.” Neji cleared his throat, looking at his obviously happy fiancé. “And we spent a little too long making sure that she not only had one for this event but future events.”

Hinata looked around to find Tenten smiling at Hanabi. She looked more than happy to see her. It had been years. Hinata was surprised that Hanabi remembered her. “She looks lovely.” She focused back on Neji. “Does she have office attire?”

Neji grimaced.

Hinata took a drink off of a passing tray and took a single sip before passing a look back to Kisame. She stepped back and turned her head to him. “This is the worst champagne.”

Kisame snorted.

She stepped forward to find somewhere to put the glass down, but she wobbled again. This time, she didn’t stay up. A sharp pain shot up her leg as her shoe came out from under her, and Kisame just barely caught her.

“Ow.” Hinata held the glass up, trying to keep it from spilling any more than it had. Kisame took it and handed it off, and with her now free hand, she lifted her dress to reveal the strap on her heel was completely snapped.

“Again?” Kisame huffed. “I don’t have slippers in the new car.” Hinata slipped her foot out of the heel, set it down, and flinched. Yeah, it was definitely twisted. “Don’t.”

“Well, I guess this is a good excuse to leave.” Hinata shifted, trying to balance on her other heel.

Kisame huffed, looking around. Not a lot of seats. Maybe he could help her hop over, and she could see if the staff could find her something.

Kisame had other ideas. He reached down and picked up the offending shoe, and on his way back up, her legs were swept out from under her. She was lifted off her feet, and she didn’t even have the sense to hold on to him.

Because she was too focused on the fact that her heart was beating in her ears, which was too clear to ignore.

Kisame walked through the crowd and out to the car, not paying attention to be bewildered stare as she clasped both her hands over her heart. Could he hear that?

Could he hear her heart beating out her chest?

Should she hope he could?

Kisame managed to open the door with her in hand and set her down in the car. “Hey.” He paused. “Sorry. Did I embarrass you?”

Hinata cleared her throat and covered her red face. “Th… Twisting my ankle is a bit embarrassing.” She excused the blush that was so hot she could feel it.

Kisame shook the shoe in his hand. “You need better f*cking shoes.” He threw the shoe into the back seat with her and bent down to take off the other one for her. Hinata pressed her lips together as she watched him struggle with the thin strap. Once he got it off, he tossed it with the other one. “Designer trash.” He growled.

Hinata giggled. She had never seen a man so angry at a pair of shoes. Kisame turned purple as he realized she was laughing at him.


Kisame came around the car to help her out.

With all the rage washed away, he realized that he may have stepped over a line by picking her up without permission, but would it be weird to ask her if he could pick her up now that he had to get her up to her room?

He opened the door, and she answered the question for him by handing her shoes in one hand and a hand out to his shoulder to hold on to him.

Kisame adjusted his arm under her legs and picked her up, pushing the door closed with his knee.

“You act like I don’t weigh anything,” Hinata commented as he headed through the parking garage.

Kisame cleared his throat. “You really don’t.”

Hinata shifted more comfortably against his shoulder as they waited for the elevator. Kisame really hoped she couldn’t feel his heart rate go up. “I guess all that morning workouts are paying off.”

This woman was going to kill him.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Kisame sat her on her couch and crouched down to look at her ankle. Hinata pulled her foot back. “It’s fine.”

He didn’t stop her from pulling her leg away from him, but he protested. “It’s bruised.”

“The visible bruising is from the strap when I was running.” Hinata excused. “It’s fine.” She wasn’t sure how much her heart could take of him being so caring. Now that she was aware that she liked him, she was hyper-aware that she liked him.

Kisame sat back on his ankles and frowned. “At least put some ice on it.”

Hinata nodded. “Let me change.”

“How do I get this thing off.” Kisame pointed to his bow tie.

Hinata leaned forward to untie the bow and made the mistake of glancing up at him. Their eyes met, and her heart was in her ears again, making her feel faint. She pulled the bow loose and stood up, making her way around him. “I’m going change.” She stumbled and felt his hand on her hip keep her up. “I’m fine.” She blinked the bloating out of her eyes and got to the other side of her door to close and put her hand over her heart.

She hadn’t almost fainted in, what, ten years? She wasn’t a teenager anymore. She thought she had grown out of that.

She rested against the door and whimpered.

Apparently not.

Kisame frowned at the heels the next morning. “Can’t you wear flatter shoes today?”

“I am expected to be presentable at all times.” Hinata looked down. “And this is the shortest heel I own.”

Kisame huffed as he followed her toward the elevator. “What are you going to do if you fall again?”

Hinata smiled back at him. “I have you to catch me.”

Kisame’s mouth snapped shut, his complaints dying in his throat.

Damn it, that was cute.

“Sit down.” Kisame scolded as they entered the conference room.

“I am presenting.” Hinata excused.

“Not yet, sit.” Kisame pulled a chair out.

Hinata sat down and tried to hide her smile. Kisame getting snippy with her over this was incredibly amusing, and she really shouldn’t be pushing it because he was clearly frustrated. Would he be upset with her if he discovered she was doing it on purpose just to hear him scold her?

Hanabi collapsed on the office couch and pouted. “I am regretting being Lee’s best man.” She whimpered.

Kisame gave them both a look. “I am going to…” He pointed out the door. “Get coffee.”

Hinata nodded gratefully. He didn’t need to hear the family drama.

Hanabi looked out the door as Kisame closed it. “He really is good-looking.” Hinata’s eyes followed him out the glass door until he was out of view. “Oh my god.” She blinked at Hanabi as she gapped at her. “You think so, too!”

Hinata straightened up in her chair as her face turned red. “Don’t…”

“No.” Hanabi got up and pointed a finger at her. “Don’t even try it. I know that look. You like him.”

Hinata whimpered. Was she that obvious, or did her sister know her that well? “Keep your voice down.”

Hanabi bounced in place. “That is adorable. You two are cute.”

“Seriously.” Hinata hushed. “I haven’t really got a moment to think about it, don’t say anything.”

Hanabi was too excited to contain herself. “Do you think you will bring him as a date to the wedding?”

Hinata sighed and collapsed back in her chair. She was never going to hear the end of this. “You should be worrying about your own date. You are in the wedding.”

“You might be, too, if we can get Neji to sit down to plan anything.” Hanabi leaned on her desk. “Do you think I could bring my new bodyguard?”

“Take it seriously.” Hinata scolded.

Hanabi pouted at her. “I am. She is cute. If you can have a crush on your bodyguard, I can have one on mine.” She shrugged. “I mean, did you see her shoulders in that dress?”

Hinata rubbed her temple. She loved her sister, but she liked to make herself a handful.

Kisame appeared back in the door with two cups. “Coffee?”

“Yes, thank you.” Hinata gave Hanabi a warning look as she eyed her knowingly.

Kisame glanced into the rearview mirror at the light. Hinata’s head was rolled to the side as she slept.

Hanabi was coming by more often to interrupt her usual work throughout the day, and Hinata was trying to keep on top of everything that had piled up. On top of that, he knew she wasn’t sleeping.

The light changed and flicked on the turn signal.

He could take a drive around town if it meant she got some solid sleep.

Hinata padded out of her room to the knock on the door. Before she could get to it, Kisame appeared through the adjoining room. “Were you expecting something?”

“Yes.” Hinata waved her hand to tell him he could get it.

Kisame accepted the package at the door and lifted the box by the handle. “What is it?”

Hinata waved him over to the kitchen. “It’s a cake for your birthday.”

Kisame paused as he set the box down. “What?”

“You requested today off, remember?” Hinata opened the box to reveal a simple cake with a single candle in the middle. “I wanted you to get your cake before you went.”

Kisame looked at the cake. “I don’t think anyone has gotten me cake before.”

Hinata stopped her, digging for something to light the candle with to look at him curiously. “Seriously?”

Kisame was coming up with a blank. “I think I got a cupcake in school once.”

Hinata pouted out her lower lip as she pulled out a box of matches and lit the candle. “I wanted you to be able to have some before you went out.”

“My friend canceled. He wasn’t feeling well.” Kisame watched as she struck a match and lit the candle.

“Oh?” The flame’s reflection danced in her eyes. “Does he want to reschedule?”

“We can try again next weekend if that’s okay with you.” Kisame sighed.

“Guess you’re stuck with me on your birthday.” Hinata waved her hand at the cake. “Blow it out. Make a wish.”

Kisame snorted. He probably found this childish. He blew out the candle, and his smile grew as she clapped. She dug into the drawer for a fork and held one out to him. “Are we just eating the cake out of the box?”

“If you are willing to share.” Hinata teased.

“Dig in.” Kisame stuck his form in his side of the cake.

Itachi looked up from his drink as Kisame sat down. “You’re not drinking, are you?”

“It’s soda.” Itachi tipped the glass.

Kisame raised his hand to order a drink. “Are you feeling better?”

Itachi gave him a look for asking. “You’re the one who got shot.”

“Stabbed.” Kisame corrected.

Itachi raised his eyebrow. He knew that. Kisame rolled his eyes at him. Itachi looked into the glass and the bubbles coming up out of the dark liquid. They had been friends for far too long.

Itachi would never say it, but he was sure that Kisame knew that he was grateful for looking after him all these years. When he was diagnosed, his parents became smothering. He could admit that he became self-destructive and looked for a bad crowd to keep his mind off his health.

Kisame became a solid part of his life after realizing he was too young to be in the places he was. Pulling him into his group and looking after him. Even when Itachi went home, they kept in touch.

A lot of their old group was in jail. Itachi wondered if he would have had a similar fate if Kisame hadn’t been around to keep him out of trouble.

Well, probably not. His parents were rich. He probably wouldn’t have ended up in jail.

Kisame, on the other hand, despite keeping him out of trouble, seemed to find a lot of his own. Never being able to stay out of a fight. It was the one thing they never agreed on. Itachi pushed him a string of jobs he could at backstage events, but nothing too nice, knowing that Kisame wouldn’t want to take a hand out.

But it looked like he earned his own way up the best way he knew how… starting a fight.

Kisame’s drink came, and he took a hard swig of it.

“How’s the bodyguard gig.” Itachi wondered.

“I am in f*cking trouble,” Kisame admitted. Itachi tilted his head. “I really like this girl.” Kisame Hoshigaki and Hinata Hyuga. That would be a sight to see. “I am not sure if I should just get out.” He sighed, rolling the glass in his hand. “I mean… it’s not going to end well.”

“Why?” Itachi wondered.

Kisame frowned at him. “You know why.”

“If she didn’t care about your past when she hired you, what makes you think she would care now?” Itachi knew that Hinata wasn’t one to see things skin deep. Of course, Kisame didn’t know that he knew her. He might just keep that to himself.

“Yeah, but I just…” Kisame huffed. “What is a girl like that going to want out of a guy like me.” He took another swig of his drink.

Itachi sat up. He wasn’t going to let this go.

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

Kisame flopped on his couch. Itachi was annoying because the little sh*t knew he was usually right, and he would stretch the conversation out until you realized it too.

Yeah, maybe it was silly to assume Hinata wouldn’t be interested in him after how much she commented on how she thought he looked good in his new clothes and how comfortable she seemed around him. But what Itachi wasn’t getting through his head, possibly because he was in her position more than he was in his, was that Kisame was, for lack of a better word, the help. She was friendly with him, but that didn’t mean she would take him seriously romantically.

Her entire job was keeping the image of the Hyuga company, and most of them were the image people had of her. What kind of effect would marrying him have on her image?

Wait. Marriage?

He drank too much. He really shouldn’t even be considering that much.

Maybe that was just a consequence of his age.

Ugh. He needed to stop thinking about it.

A light knock on the conjoining door made him sit up alert. Another came before he could get to the door and open it to find Hinata standing on the other side in her pajamas. “I heard you come in. I wanted to ask if you had a good time and if you needed anything.”

“I… yeah.” Kisame cleared his throat, realizing it didn’t make sense for what she asked. “Sorry. I had a lot to drink.”

Hinata smiled up at him. “I can tell. Your face is flushed.” Kisame looked to the side. He would let her think that was why. “Did you make your soup before heading out?”

“I wasn’t planning on drinking all that much.” Kisame rubbed his face.

“I leave you to sleep.” Hinata giggled. “Make sure you drink lots of water.”

“Night.” Kisame leaned on the door.

“Good night.” Hinata waved at him and headed back to her room.

Kisame closed the door, resting his forehead on it. At least he wasn’t drunk enough to say something stupid.

Hinata sighed as Hanabi pointed to another store. Shopping with her sister was exhausting, but this was for Lee and Neji’s wedding, so she would grin and bear it.

Kisame lent down to her. “If I step away, would you be okay with just the other bodyguard?”

Hinata turned her head back at him. “Do you need to get something?” Kisame shifted, unsure if that meant no. “Go ahead. I am sure Tenten-chan can handle both of us.”

Tenten nodded. “As long as Hanabi stops trying to run off alone.”

“I won’t be long.” Kisame turned his head back the way they came.

Hinata wondered what he was going to get.

Kisame rejoined them silently. Hinata eyed him curiously since he didn’t have a bag. He patted her breast pocket and hoped she wouldn’t ask further questions. She turned back to her sister who was whimpering that she wasn’t paying attention to the two similar colored fabrics.

The box was already burning a hole in his pocket. It was a silly idea. It was probably a bad idea.

He would find out when he gave it to her.

If he managed to get up the courage to give it to her.

“It’s for the cooperation with the Uzumaki company.” Hinata held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she went about the kitchen. “If this one doesn’t fall through again.”

Kisame could hear Hanabi’s voice on the other side of the line, but not enough to make out what she was saying.

“Last time, it was father who pulled out.” Hinata hummed. “He has been singling out the contracts with companies we don’t have a chance of overtaking. Naruto and I have been trying to have a public collaboration for years, but it’s always had a problem somewhere.” She paused with her hip on the counter. “No, don’t worry about it. You’re handling things for the wedding.”

Hinata brought the cups to the coffee table. Kisame took the one offered to him.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Hinata assured her sister before saying her goodbyes and hanging up the phone. “Sorry.”

“Wouldn’t you be a better choice to plan the wedding? You have a lot more experience planning events than someone who just graduated from university.” Kisame sipped his mug.

“Though Neji-san and I are close. Lee-san has a much more active interest in wedding planning, and he and Hanabi-chan have been close for years.” Hinata explained. “Back when we were all in school, Lee-san was in nearly every sport, and Hanabi was his biggest cheerleader.” She smiled at the memory. “She only started going because Neji-san wanted an excuse to go watch, but she is more into sports than he is.”

Kisame tilted his head. “I guess that worked out for everyone.”

Hinata giggled. “I think Neji-san regrets letting Lee-san and Hanabi-chan get close because together, they can be a handful. Lee-san has a lot of energy, and Hanabi-chan can match it, but her energy tends to be a bit more destructive, and the whole combination can be exhausting at best.”

“We used to have a pair like that.” Kisame thought back. “Deidara and Hidan. They didn’t agree much, but they were terrors together if they were on the same page about something. Hidan was a little too down to do just about anything, and Deidara would find the most dangerous and stupid way to do something.”

Hinata giggled. “Like setting a paint bomb on fire?”

“That’s not even the half of the sh*t he got up to. That was more of a problem because he was already committing vandalism.” Kisame waved his hand. “The stupidest things happened when they were bored and sitting around with nothing to do.” He wouldn’t tell her what they got up to because he didn’t want to try to explain what level of idiot thought it was funny to shock their tongues with the big flashlight batteries.

Hinata set her cup beside her laptop and leaned forward to scroll down, her attention being caught by her email. “I think I will have to go to the Uzumaki office tomorrow.”

“Trouble already?” Kisame wondered.

“Maybe.” Hinata sighed.

Sakura opened her arms to Hinata to hug her. “It has been a long time.”

Hinata pulled back with a smile on her face. “I wasn’t expecting to see you in the office.”

“Naruto said you were coming in.” Sakura pointed toward his office. “I thought we could all go to lunch and catch up since the kids are with my mother.”

“I’m free for lunch.” Hinata agreed.

“Well. Go. Talk business. I am going to find a cup of coffee while I wait.” Sakura fanned her face. “I haven’t recovered from surgery last night.”

Hinata waved as she continued toward the elevator.

“Should she be drinking coffee if she just had surgery?” Kisame whispered.

Hinata giggled. “She didn’t have surgery. She performed it. She’s a doctor.”

“Oh.” Kisame cleared his throat. “Who is she?”

“That’s Sakura Uzumaki, Naruto-san’s wife.” Hinata looked over her shoulder at him. “We were friends in school.”

Kisame nodded slowly. She knew what he was thinking. What a mess, but it was years ago now.

Sakura leaned over the table, flicking through her pictures.

“They are getting so big.” Hinata cooed. “I can’t believe how quickly they grow.”

“I know.” Sakura pulled her phone back to smile at her children. “It feels like yesterday they were all in diapers.”

“Now, the eldest two are in school.” Naruto agreed.

Sakura whimpered. “They need to stop growing.”

Hinata’s heart swelled up with cuteness. She was happy that they were so happy. She couldn’t say she wasn’t jealous of their happy family. Her crush was long gone, but she wanted what they had. A happy family. She didn’t even need to kids to complete the picture. She just liked how Naruto and Sakura completed each other.

She sipped her coffee, peering over her shoulder at Kisame, who looked less happy to sit and listen about her friend’s children.

Sakura pointed at him. “Is this guy your boyfriend?”

Hinata choked on her coffee, grabbed a napkin to cover her mouth, and blushed. She waved her hand, but it took too long for her to answer, so Naruto got to it first. “He’s her bodyguard.” He chuckled, handing her more napkins. “You okay?”

Hinata cleared her throat. “Sorry, you surprised me.” Kisame looked away with a purple hue to the tops of his ears. She was sure it was embarrassing for him to hear people think as well. More so if he thought it was silly.

Her heart sank a little. She really shouldn’t be thinking about it right now.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Kisame laid back on his couch and flipped the box in his hands. He put it in his pocket daily but hadn’t given it to her yet. He didn’t have a good way to explain it away if she was uncomfortable. He wanted an out if she took it as a confession and didn’t want it.

A knock on the conjoining door made him flinch up and frantically find a place for the box before he called for her to come in.

Hinata opened the door and leaned in. “Do you want to order dinner? I think I am stuck finishing these documents. I won’t have the time to step out.”

“Yeah. Sure.” Kisame cleared his throat.

Hinata wandered back to her laptop, leaving the door open. Kisame puffed out the stress in his chest. He needed to get this damn thing to her soon, or it was going to give him a heart attack.

She was working on the event with Uzumaki. He could give it to her then.

He pushed himself off the couch to order dinner.

Hinata picked at her food as she worked. She didn’t want to misread anything in this contract that would make her father reject it. Of course, that wouldn’t stop him, but there was no reason to give him something easy to latch on to. She wasn’t sure that her case that this would be a public form of moving on to new things after the Kumo issue was strong enough to have her him agree without a fight.

Best case scenario, he completely ignored the project, letting it go through without even acknowledging it.

“Hey.” Kisame pushed her screen down, not enough to close it but enough to make it harder to see and prove his point. “Finish eating, then work.”

Hinata pouted at him, sitting back with the rest of her food to eat. “When did making sure I eat become part of your job?”

“Call it protecting your health.” Kisame shot back. “Eat, then work.”

Hinata held up her food, showing him she was eating with a smile. Then, that feeling hit her chest again. The anxious buzz of discomfort with the level of comfortable she was with him was growing more and more. Since her realization made her have a bigger pit in her stomach every time she thought about it.

This could end one of two ways, and she was worried about it ending like her last crush.

Crush. Is that what she would call it? It made her sound like a little girl again.

The outcome would ultimately be up to Kisame, but that was what worried her. After all these years and her hoping that she would be more direct next time, she had a bigger concern this time. If she told him, and he wasn’t interested, would he quit? Worse, would he stay even if he was uncomfortable?

Hinata hadn’t had the time to overanalyze it yet with all this work she had to do. Maybe working with her old crush while thinking about her current crush was making her paranoid.

Kisame picked up the cups Hinata collected from her laptop and brought them to the kitchen. She was slumped over the arm of the chair with her hands folded under her head. Where she probably tried to be comfortable while forcing her eyes open to keep reading.

He never wanted to wake her up when he found her asleep because he knew she didn’t sleep well. Though now that he thought about it. He had never seen her wake up from one of her nightmares anytime he had seen her sleep.

He returned to the table, closed her laptop, and pulled her papers into a pile before sitting back on the couch.

Should he go home and let her sleep?

Should he stay here and act like he fell asleep with her?

Kisame folded his hands on his chest and tilted his head back. He would let her scold him for not going to bed. It would give her something to do when she got up.

Hinata slid her hand down the fabric of the dress and breathed out her anxieties. It was a new feeling, being anxious for Kisame’s reaction to her gown. Why was she nervous? He had seen her so many gowns. He told her she looked great every time, but it would feel different because she was now looking for a different kind of approval.

She patted her cheeks to snap herself out of the thought process. For Kisame, this was just another event. She needed to stop acting like a teen girl going to a dance.

Hinata huffed, taking a last look in the mirror. She wished she could put the swirling feelings away so they could keep working together without complications.

Collecting her bag, Hinata joined Kisame in her living room. He shot up to greet her in his suit with his tie not tied. He cleared his throat. “You look great as always.”

Hinata tried to hide her blush as she waved him down. “How many times did you try before you gave up?”

Kisame leaned down and thankfully looked away from her face. “Don’t make fun of me. You told me a weird knot.”

Hinata tried not to laugh at his grumbling. “I think you should be able to follow a diagram after tying a tie daily for the last few months.” She patted the tie into place, indicating her finishing.

Kisame stood up and straightened his jacket. “The diagram has like four steps on one.”

“It looks good on you,” Hinata told him, picking up her skirt and heading for her shoes.

“Well, it’s happening, and I almost don’t believe it.” Naruto chuckled.

Hinata nodded. “I was sick all morning waiting for a call.”

“Ah, I knew you could do it.” Naruto rolled his eyes. “I had complete faith in you.”

“You always have had too much faith in me.” Hinata smiled at him. “But I think you are lying this time.”

Kisame scanned the crowd with his stomach in knots. He made himself a promise that tonight would be the night, but that came with the downside of actually having to do it. Hinata had spent the evening smiling and thanking people, presenting their new cooperation, then more smiling and thanking, and every time she looked over her shoulder and checked he was still there, the box burned a little hotter in his pocket.

“I can prove it.” Naruto pulled something out of his pocket. “I got you something because I knew you would pull it off.”

Kisame’s stomach dropped as Naruto opened the box, revealing a glittering bracelet. The box in his pocket went cold as Hinata accepted the present awkwardly, fighting the clasp to put it on her wrist.

Kisame felt the nerves freeze up as he fought the sour feelings toward the man who won before meeting her. He couldn’t compete with a crush she had for years. Even if he was married, and she had moved on, this was going to have a special place in that part of her heart that she had aside for her first love, and he just…

Maybe it was stupid to think that she would accept his anyway.

Hinata rolled the bracelet over on her wrist. “It’s lovely, thank you.”

“Can I just have you come in for just a moment to unzip me?” Hinata slipped off her shoes and began taking down her hair.

Kisame nodded, pulling off and tossing his suit jacket off, hearing the box hit the chair, making a hollow thunk that gave him the haunting reminder that it was still in there. She swiped her hair to the side to show him her back. He pulled the zipper down and averted his eyes as she padded off to her bedroom.

He stood alone in the living room for a moment and debated heading to his room, but he wanted to stay. Hinata almost never went right to bed, no matter how tired she was, and she was a particular brand of cute when she was worn out from an event and not quite ready to sleep.

Maybe he should let go of little things like that.

Hinata returned from her room with a fresh face, comfy clothes, and jewelry gone, all but the new bracelet. “Want some hot chocolate?”

“Pre-making your nightmare snack?” Kisame tugged at his tie.

“Maybe.” Hinata hummed, running a hand back through her hair as she headed into the kitchen. “After a high-stress event, I guess I was just expecting it.”

“Should I be offended you don’t think I can protect you in your sleep?” Kisame teased as he leaned on the counter.

Hinata set her supplies on the counter. “I think you are too far away. I never have trouble sleeping when we are in the living room together.”

Heat swelled up in Kisame chest too quickly for him to push down. He didn’t know what to say to that, and he was not suggesting the first thing that came to mind. He should have gone to his room. He should have bailed when he had the chance.

Hinata finished making her treat. He wondered if she could feel the awkwardness in the silence or if she was completely immune to it because she was tired.

Kisame followed her to the living room, where she took the cups. She picked up his suit jacket to move it out of her usual spot and paused. “What’s in here?”

His heart stopped. He didn’t even have an answer for her. He didn’t have an excuse ready for if she found it. She dug into the breast pocket and pulled out the box, looking at it curiously for a moment before handing it to him with a question on her face.

… He didn’t have much choice, did he?

Chapter 24


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kisame took the box in his hand. What would he say? He thought about it so many times, but he seemed to forget every single thing that he came up with. He just handed it back to her. “It’s for you.”

“For me?” Hinata sat down with the box and opened it, her face lit up. “Oh, it’s beautiful.” She pulled the more simple silver bracelet out of the box. She never wore much jewelry, and what she did was always the simplest silver chains with small stones unless she was expected to wear gold for a theme. Honestly, what he got her might be too simple, but he could see anything else in store that suited her.

“It’s a little silly after you got…” Kisame’s voice died in his throat as Hinata began to take off the gold bracelet that Naruto gave her a few hours ago to replace it with the one he gave her.

Her smile grew as she turned it on her wrist and ran her finger over the chain detailing. “I love it.”

Hinata looked up at Kisame, purple up to his ears. He was nervous about how she would take it, leading her to one conclusion. This was a softball confession. This was him testing the waters. If it wasn’t, there was no reason for him to be so stressed out. He could have given it to her at any time of the night, and he wouldn’t be looking at it like it was a snake.

Her heart was beating out of her chest, but she couldn’t help but find it funny that he was as nervous as she and clearly was not reading it on her.

Kisame eyes flicked from the bracelet to her face back down to the bracelet without a thing to say. She should do something before he felt the need to backtrack.

Hinata stood up, and Kisame straightened, ready to receive what he assumed to be a thank-you hug, but she grabbed either side of his face and pulled him to her. He melted into her, lifting his head to meet her in the kiss. His hand shot up to her hip and held on. She braced a hand on his shoulder as she put more pressure, and he tangled his other hand into her hair.

Kisame could feel each heavy breath that came out of him as Hinata broke away and the fog lifted, making him realize there was no way either of them were explaining a kiss like that if they weren’t thinking the same thing.

Hinata hovered with her eyes lidded, ready for him to make his next move. Asking him if he was going to continue. He lifted his chin to meet her lips and again. This kiss was softer. Less desperate now that they knew they had time.

Hinata pushed him back onto the couch, pulling her knee up over his leg to tower over him. Kisame slid his hand behind her other leg and pulled it out from under her to put her fulling in his lap. She only broke the kiss for a moment to giggle before she used the new position to wrap her arms around him so he wasn’t getting away even if he wanted to.

But there was no risk of that.

Kisame put his gym shoes on and closed the door behind him. He took a long look at Hinata’s door. He didn’t know what today would be like. Would it feel different now?

He adjusted his bag and continued to the elevator, but before it came, he heard a door open, and before he could fully turn back, he stumbled as Hinata tugged down on his bag strap to kiss his cheek before running back to her apartment in her pajamas.

The elevator door opened, waited, and then closed, but Kisame was too frozen to register it.

Damn it, if she was going to be ten times cuter now, he was going to struggle just keeping his schedule.

“There is no one outside today. Are they done protesting?” Kisame commented on the empty courtyard outside the Hyuga building. It had been getting smaller and smaller with time, but there were still quite a few people showing up every day, so it was odd for it to just stop.

Hinata would like to think that they felt like they made their point, but she knew better. “People can’t afford to not be looking for new work for this long.”

Kisame nodded sadly as he turned into the parking garage. “Yeah. I guess I didn’t think about that.”

Hinata could only hope that they would find peace with time.

“What is this?!” Hinata barked, holding out a piece of paper at her cousin.

Neji ducked his head down to stare at his shoes. “Your father ordered a black list for all the protesters that were still showing up.”

Hinata slammed it down on her desk. “And you let him!?”

“I do not tell you father no,” Neji answered.

Hinata huffed, losing all her steam, collapsing back into her chair. “This is…!” She put both hands over her temples. “What was he thinking? If someone hears about this, it is going to do so much more damage than having the protesters out front for the rest of the year!”

“I think he was just sick of looking at them.” Neji sighed.

Hinata closed her eyes and groaned. “I’m sorry.” Neji nodded to take the apology. “Can you pull back the blacklist?”

“I’m already on it.” Neji agreed.

Hinata sat up. “I’m going to go talk to him. This is… beyond ridiculous.” Kisame got up, but her hand came up to tell him to sit down. “You can’t come.” He uncomfortably settled back as he was told. He didn’t like this one bit. He didn’t care if it was just down the hall. He knew what that man did to her.

Hinata got up and took a breath, showing how unprepared she felt. “Keep working on pulling the blacklist. I…” She shook her hand like she was whipping away the thought that she had. “I’ll be back.” She promised as she headed out the door.

“Keep an eye on her when she comes out,” Neji told him as the door closed. “If he gets to her, she has a bad habit of running.”

“I know.” Kisame agreed.

Neji considered him for a moment, then waited for Hinata to disappear into her father’s office before leaving himself.

Kisame watched through the glass door, wishing that this was something he could protect her from.

“It was just a scare tactic.” Hiashi waved his hand with his excuse.

Hinata tamped down her temper to the floor. She could not let on that she was upset. All she could show was concern for the company, not outrage for her father’s actions or sympathy for the protesters he was strong-arming. “But if it got out that we were intimidating…”

Hiashi continued his train of thought like she wasn’t speaking. “It worked better than anything you have done since it started.”

Hinata straightened, clenching her jaw. He really wanted to stab her with a hot prod when he knew that this was his fault in the first place. “And if it hadn’t?” Hiashi raised an eyebrow. “I would have another public scandal on my plate.”

It was a risk to toss it back to him, but Hiashi just rolled his eyes. “That’s your job.”

Hinata’s face got hot. She needed to get out of here before she said something that she would regret. “Yes, sir.” She answered meekly as she bowed her head and left the room.

She turned her head back to Kisame, where she knew he was watching for her, turned her head toward the elevator, and went for it. Before she even made it to the doors, he was behind her, pushing the button for her.

Kisame looked in the back through the rearview mirror again. Hinata hadn’t said a word. She didn’t make a sound. The neutral expression on her face was betrayed by the occasional tear escaping down her cheek, never wiping them away as her arms stayed twisted together, holding herself with a tight grip he was sure was going to leave a bruise.

He parked the car at a familiar beach and waited. Hinata stared out the window, eyes so glazed over that she either didn’t realize where they were or just didn’t have the energy to move.

Kisame thought about saying something, but he wasn’t even sure what her father had said to her. He felt defeated, there was nothing really he could do to protect her from him. He could only patch up the wounds after the fact.

Hinata’s face finally broke, twisting miserably, and her stone stance crumbled. She reached down to tear her shoes off and fought with the door to throw it open. Before Kisame could get out his door, she ran out onto the beach, stood there for a moment of silence, and took a deep breath.

Kisame turned to close both doors before flinching as an agonizing scream came out of her in one long bellow before she went silent and plopped right down in the sand.

He didn’t think a noise like that could come out of her.

Kisame debated leaving her to have a moment, but he couldn’t watch her sit there alone. He padded down onto the beach and sat beside her.

Hinata sniffed, whipping at her eyes and coughing out her sobs as they came. He simply opened his arm to her. She crumbled underneath it, tucking her face into her chest as her silent cries wracked her body.

Kisame knew one thing. He hated Hiashi Hyuga.


New SasoHina One Shot
A Kiss For Data Purposes

Chapter 25

Chapter Text

Hinata woke up feeling the results of her tantrum the night before, a sore throat from her scream and sobs and swollen eyes from crying. Despite those minor pains, she felt warm, safe, and a little squished.

She remembered Kisame bringing her home and sitting down on her couch. She remembered him offering a hug and her not wanting to let go, but she didn’t remember falling asleep, and she didn’t wake up when he moved them to lie down with her tucked between him and the back of the couch.

Hinata peaked her head up over him. Maybe she should get a bigger couch. This couch wasn’t big enough for him to lay on by himself, let alone have her cuddled into it. Heat rose up into her face. She was planning for this to happen again. Maybe she shouldn’t be thinking so far ahead.

She tucked her face back down on his chest and closed her eyes, but she didn’t get to sleep long before Kisame’s phone started an alarm. He groaned as he stirred and lifted his head with bleary eyes to find his phone, but if he turned to get it, he was going to fall off the couch.

Hinata reached over him to the coffee table and turned off the alarm before reburying herself under his arm.

“You know another one if going to go off in five minutes if I don’t get up.” Kisame chuckled as she curled herself back into place.

Hinata whimpered.

Kisame curled his arm around her back, comfortably squishing her closer to him. “I’ll get up in five minutes then.”

Hinata knew that she was going to be very upset when that next alarm went off.

Hanabi put her hands up. “I tried to fight him on it.” Hinata melted down into her seat and looked over at Kisame. “I don’t suggest taking him.”

Hinata snapped a stern look at her sister.

Hanabi set her hands on her hips. “I meant it. Uncle insisting you have a date for the wedding means you need to bring someone who dad doesn’t have a reason to fuss about. I could ask Uncle to set you up on another blind date.”

Hinata sighed. “I am not doing that.”

“Well, then find someone suitable. It doesn’t have to be romantic. Honestly, you could bring Sakura and give her a night out away from the kids. Just have a plus one to sit with to make him happy. I am just trying to keep dad happy enough he doesn’t feel the need to make Neji cry before his wedding.” Hanabi showed all her stress on her features. Planning this wedding was a balancing act. Hiashi was not the happiest that Neji was marrying a man. Hizashi, despite being the nicer of the twins, could be frustrating in his own ways, and his demands were just as hard to navigate even if they were well-meaning. Lee was probably more high-strung than normal in the few days they had left.

“I handle it,” Hinata promised.

“Thank you.” Hanabi bowed her head mockingly before leaving.

Kisame spoke up once the door was closed. “Does she know about…”

“No.” Hinata could almost laugh. Hanabi was perceptive, and she should have picked up on how Kisame purple turned up to his ears when she suggested that Hinata would pick him first. She was too stressed and was probably thinking more of him always being by her side than her crush. “I think I know who I will take. Unfortunately, she is right. I should probably take someone safe to keep the peace at the wedding.”

“You’re not offending me,” Kisame assured her. “We haven’t really…” He struggled to even say that they hadn’t talked about what their relationship was, which was part of the reason that they hadn’t talked about it.

Hinata giggled as she picked up her phone. “That’s okay. I think we can just let it happen for now.”

Kisame parked the car and tried to straighten his jacket before coming around the Hinata’s door.

Hinata ducked her head out with a smile and waved her hand down for him to come down to her level. He bowed his head down like he had many times before, ready for her to fix whatever imperfection, but he nearly lost his footing as she tugged him down by his jacket back into the car.

He braced himself against the frame as Hinata gave him a single kiss before pulling back. He dipped his head down for another, but she put her hand up between them and giggled. “Unfortunately, you’re not my date tonight, but you get to keep me after.”

Kisame flushed. She was trying to kill him.

Shikamaru rubbed the back of his head as Hinata corrected his tie. “I am regretting this already.”

“All you have to do is stand beside me for a few hours, and your mother is happy for a few days.” Hinata straightened his collar.

“A few hours, maybe,” Shikamaru grumbled, flicking his eyes up at her.

Hinata giggled. “Well, either way, I appreciate it, and I owe you.”

Shikamaru shrugged.

Hinata looked over her shoulder to Kisame, purposely not watching her fix Shikamaru’s suit purple to his ears. She suppressed a smile. Cute.

As the dancing started, Hinata tucked herself back against the wall next to Kisame. “Where did your date go?”

Hinata nodded her head across the room. “His girlfriend was invited. He noticed her while watching the grooms come down the aisle.”

“Is she upset?” Kisame raised an eyebrow.

“No. She knew he was faking a date.” Hinata smiled at the couple across the room. They were cute together. “He figured us out though.”

Kisame froze up. “What?”

“He’s a perceptive guy. He said he could tell because of the way we looked at each other.” Hinata giggled. “He said if we weren’t already together, then he recommended we don’t drink.” Kisame flushed and cleared his throat. “I feel like that suggestion comes from personal experience.”

Kisame turned his head and changed the subject. “Why weren’t you in the wedding? Tenten was.”

“Lee-san asked, but my father went out of his way to forbid it.” Hinata tucked her hands behind her hips on the wall. “He claimed that he didn’t want to risk tempting whoever has been making the attempts on my life.” If they were trying to make a point, that would be a good plan, but she doubted that was his actual reasoning. If it wasn’t just to be petty, he really just didn’t want the reporters to have new pictures of her to cycle with their problems, and keeping her out of the wedding party was a good way to do that. “And Tenten has known Lee and Neji for a really long time. She deserves her place up there.”

Kisame grumbled, not liking her answer.

Hinata hummed watching her cousin and his new husband dance. “I am just happy they are happy.”

Kisame put Hinata on her bare feet as he got in the door. “I need to put slippers in the new car.”

“Then I wouldn’t be able to get you to carry me up.” Hinata turned her head over her shoulder as she took her coat off and giggled at how his face flushed. She huffed as she put her coat up. “I’m exhausted.” She groaned as she ran her hair back through her hair. “I just want to shower and go to bed.” She padded toward her room, reaching behind her head to unzip her dress, but after two unsuccessful attempts, Kisame followed her in and pulled it down for her. “Thank you.”

“If you don’t need anything else, I’ll just head to bed.” Kisame waved his hand toward his room.

“Or…” Hinata hummed. “You could sleep in my room.”

… Huh?

Kisame blinked at her as all his thoughts stopped. She didn’t just say that, did she? She blinked at him innocently over her shoulder, waiting for him to say something. “I… ” He shook his head. Was he saying no, or was he just trying to process? He really didn’t know.

“I meant sleeping.” Hinata giggled. “I didn’t think you were going to panic.”

Kisame cleared his throat. Honestly, just having her sleep against him already up his blood pressure through the roof. Was it better or worse that that was all he was thinking as well? He wasn’t sure if he wanted her to think that his mind went further, but it was almost more embarrassing that this was his reaction to just sharing the bed. “I have a bed.” Was that the best answer he had?

Hinata reached up and placed her hand on his chest. “I meant to sleep, to keep away the nightmares.” Kisame shifted his eyes to her room and then right back out. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” There was redness to her cheeks. Though he couldn’t tell if that was because she thought about more than sharing a bed or if it was because she thought he did.

“Just go shower.” Kisame cleared his throat again.

Chapter 26

Chapter Text

Kisame sighed as he laid back in his bed. He wasn’t going to Hinata’s room. He just couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to invade her space even if she offered it to him. It felt like too much, too far.

But at the same time, he was regretting leaving her alone.

He heard a knock on the conjoining door, followed by the door opening, and then padding to his open bedroom door. “Kisame-san?”

“Yeah.” Kisame sat up, feeling his blood pressure go up.

Hinata hazard a peak in. Was she being careful in case she caught him undressing him again? God, don’t think about that now. “You ready for bed?”

“Yeah?” Kisame tilted his head.

Hinata stepped into the doorway with a pillow holding her chest. “You won’t come to my room, but can I come to yours?”

Kisame blanked again. “Yeah.”

Hinata made a happy squeak before padding over to his bed and crawling in. Damn it, this girl was too cute.

Kisame reached over to his bedside table to turn off the alarm. It took him a moment, but he became extremely aware of the mass curled into his back. He peered over his shoulder to find Hinata’s head entirely under the covers, pushed as close to him as she could be.

She didn’t get up. No nightmares?

He tried to slip himself out of the bed without waking her, but he found that she had her hand latched on his shirt. He pried himself free, and her eyes opened groggily to look at him out from under the blanket. “I’m going to work out.”

Hinata only grumbled as a reply and tucked her head right back under the blanket.


He patted the blanket and got up to start his day.

“I want the article taken down.” Hinata snapped at the person on the other side of the phone. “I don’t care, threaten to sue. I don’t want the articles up by the time Neji-san gets back from his honeymoon.” She sighed and hung up the phone.

Kisame came into her kitchen, where she was sitting on the counter. She set the phone aside and pouted at him. “What are you doing up here?”

A grin graced her face as she tipped her chin up. “Waiting for you.”

Kisame lowered his head to kiss her. This did make it a much shorter trip. She slid her arms up over his shoulder, and he pulled back. “You don’t want to be hanging on me before I shower.”

Hinata tilted her head. “Didn’t you shower last night?”

“Yeah?” Kisame shrugged.

“You take two showers a day?” Hinata wondered.

“When I need to.” Kisame unlatched her from him. “I will be back.” He promised.

She slid herself off the counter with the return of her pout.

“How many more?” Kisame sighed as he opened the door for her.

“Just one,” Hinata promised, digging into her bag for the last document. This was something that she usually had Neji do for her, but he wouldn’t be back till tomorrow, and these couldn’t wait for him. “Then we can pick up dinner after and head home.”

“Ugh, thank god.” Kisame closed the door.

Hinata giggled.

Kisame groaned as he sat down on Hinata’s couch.

Hinata joined him and started pulling pins from her hair. “I agree, today was a bit much.”

Kisame nodded. “How am I more tired now than when I used to haul crates for hours.”

“It’s more emotionally taxing to see, greet, and be expected to hold conversations with several people. Each place we went today had us talking to at least one person at the front desk and secretary, then the person we came to see.” Each little pin jiggled as she dropped into a small bowl on the coffee table.

“That explains why you are tired, but what about me? I didn’t do any of that. I just followed you around.” Kisame countered.

“You drove.” Hinata reminded him. “And you watched it all. You can feel taxed by a conversion and not be in it.” She shook her hair, looking for any of the final pins.

“Maybe.” Kisame drew his finger over her shoulder, brushing the hair back off of it, dusting her chin with his fingertips. Hinata turned her head with a clear flush on her face. He drew his hand back, realizing that it had caused more attention than he meant it to.

Hinata lifted her chin, and Kisame leaned to give her the kiss she was asking for. Soft and sweet, but she met him with more heat than he was expecting, turning and putting her hand down on his thigh to lift herself more to continue the kiss he wasn’t really planning to pull back from.

He wasn’t too tired for this.

Hinata definitely needed a bigger couch. With Kisame pushed out of it under her, it barely allowed her knees on either side of him, and with his hands tied in her hair, he wasn’t going to have much to catch himself with if he fell.

The door beeped to announce it had been unlocked, making them both freeze as they realized there was no way she was going to climb off him in time. Neji appeared in the doorway with bags in his hands, and when he looked up from his key card, his face went white. “Oh my god!”

Hinata scrambled off of Kisame while he cleared his throat, trying to straighten his open shirt as he sat up.

Neji held the bags up over his face to block his view of them. “Hinata-sama…”

“I’m going to…” Kisame pointed to his apartment.

Hinata nodded and waved her hand to tell him to hurry as she tried to pat her hair back down into place.

Neji moved blindly to the kitchen. When he heard the door close, he set the bags down to show his shocked and digested face directly to her.

Hinata pressed her lips together and dipped her head down to hide her flushed face. At least he couldn’t blame Kisame for this since she was… on top of him. “You’re back early.”

His mouth fell open at her audacity. “Have you lost your mind?” Hinata shrank to receive the yelling. This was beyond embarrassing. “How long has this been happening?”

“A while,” Hinata admitted. “I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

Neji waved his hand at the door as he got to the next thing he was upset about. “That man is over a decade older than you!”

That was what he was upset about? “I’m almost thirty.” Hinata reminded him. “I’m not a teenager.”

“He’s ….. blue!” Neji snapped.

No. That was what he was upset about.

Hinata lost her apologetic stance altogether and snapped a glare at him. “I’m sorry that we kept it from you, but there is nothing wrong with him!”

Neji flinched and dipped his own head. “Your father is not going to like this.” He resorted.

“Then don’t tell him.” Hinata huffed. “He didn’t like who you ended up with either.” Neji eyed her, knowing what she meant. She deflated. She didn’t like arguing with him. “I really like him.”

Neji relented, sliding the bags he brought to her as a peace offering. “I brought souvenirs.”

Hinata accepted the bag and the change of subject, but she was sure this wasn’t over.

Hinata crawled into Kisame's bed with a defiant pout on her face. He didn’t know what her cousin said, but it must have been pretty bad for her to stay this pissed about it. He had a few ideas about what it would be. Nothing hadn’t heard before, he was sure.

“You sure you should be over here?” Kisame asked, climbing in beside her. Hinata turned and curled into his shoulder. He snorted and wrapped his arm around her. “If he finds you in here, I am sure he’s going to blow. Being caught making out with your bodyguard is a little less scandalous than being caught in bed with him.”

Hinata gave him a look. “I am here to sleep.”

“Good luck convincing him of that.” Kisame knew how it would look.

“I swear he still thinks that I am a teenager,” Hinata grumbled. “I am only one year younger than him.”

“I don’t think you are going to ever get past looking like his little sister,” Kisame shrugged, turning to fully curl around her. Hinata pushed a pouting face into his shirt. “Honestly, I think he has more to worry about with the other one.”

“I would agree with that.” Hinata giggled. “I think he knows that there is no changing her mind once it is set on something.”

Kisame ran his thumb back and forth at where his hand laid in the middle of her back. “I think that is true for you as well, just more subtlety.” Especially when it came to Neji, if he didn’t like something, it was like she took it as confirmation that she was doing the right thing.

“I don’t like fighting with him.” Hinata huffed.

“Worry about it later,” Kisame told her. “Go to sleep.”

Chapter 27

Chapter Text

Hinata was just about done with this dress. It was slightly too long, the slit was slightly too high, and the sparkly material scratched her bare arms, made all the more painful because she did not realize that this event was primarily outside. The nights were warmer now, but she was colder than she would have liked to be. However, if there was one thing that her father had taught her, it was presentation was everything so she had to reject Kisame trying to give her his suit jacket.

Grin and bear it.

“What is that little sh*t doing here?” Kisame growled from behind her.

Hinata turned her head to his frown and followed his eyes across the pool glittering with lights to a tall, thin man with a familiar smile. “Oh, Itachi-san came. I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

Kisame’s face twisted up. “Wait. You know him?”

“Hm?” Hinata wondered. Itachi Uchiha? He’s Sasuke-san’s older brother. He stepped down as heir of the Uchiha family a few years ago and has stayed largely out of the public eye since then. Because our families are in the same circles, we’ve known each other since we were children.”

Kisame eyebrows knit together as he glared at Itachi. “Really?”

That looked personal. “Do you know him?”

“Unfortunately.” Kisame gritted his teeth as Itachi caught sight of them and gave them a loaded smile and a little wave. Oh, dear. “… Jackass.”

Itachi couldn’t keep the smile off his face, watching Kisame seethe while Hinata blinked at him, unaware. He was right. Kisame never used his name. This would be amusing. He rounded the pool with an extra drink to hand to Hinata. “It’s good to see you.”

Hinata accepted it with a bow of her head and her usual kind smile. “It’s been a while.”

“Kisame.” Itachi addressed, not even trying to keep his smug smile off his face. Why was he so mad? Kisame should have expected this after years of knowing him.

“sh*t head.” Kisame snipped back.

Hinata snapped a stern look at him, and Kisame looked away like a scolded puppy. “I didn’t know you two knew each other.” She added.

Itachi's smile widened as Kisame side-eyed him. “We’re old friends.”

Hinata leaned back in her seat as everyone focused on the performance on stage. “Are you going to glare at him all night?”

Kisame grumbled as he knelt down to her side. “He knew full well who you were the whole time, and he didn’t tell me.”

“Why does it matter that he knew who you worked for?” Hinata whispered before realization hit her. “Unless that wasn’t what you were talking about with him.”

Kisame cleared his throat. “Don’t read into it.”

Hinata giggled as he stood back up to keep her from prodding.

Kisame was a new level of pissed. He could smell the alcohol coming off the scumbag investor from back here where Hinata told him to stand because she knew if he were allowed closer, he would be tossing the guy.

Hinata uncomfortably shifted as the man talked at her. At least this one wasn’t flirting with her. That might actually make his blood boil.

“I don’t know why you’re the target of all these attempts.” He slurred, waving his drink as he spoke. “I mean, what do you even do?”

“I am not sure what you mean,” Hinata answered, looking around for a polite out.

“I mean.” He motioned his hand like it should be obvious. “You don’t do anything. You’re just a glorified relations secretary. You’re not important enough to kill.” What kind of bull sh*t? What did that even mean?

Hinata's eyebrows knit together as she looked at him. Her eyes floated back to Kisame, and she rolled them. Did the guy forget she was the daughter of the director? Did it really matter what her position was? Even then. Who the hell said something like that?

“You know what I think?” No one cares what you think. “I think that you are faking all this. You.” He jabbed his finger into her chest. “This is a PR move. The Hyuga made themselves a big mess with Kumo. Now, they want to make it look like they are the victim when really Hyuga is the problem. They are always the problem.” His jabbing finger made a connection with her skin jabbing into her sternum.

Hinata backed away, and Kisame grabbed the guy's arm. He drew the line at touching her. “I think you should step back.”

“Hands off!” He fought but only stumbled back as Kisame released him. “You don’t touch me!” The drunk man shoved him with all his might, and it wouldn’t have done anything if they weren’t standing by the edge of the pool. Kisame took one step back to brace himself, and his heel slipped off the edge, and the shove successfully made him lose his footing as he fell back into the water.

“Kisame-san!” Hinata screeched. “Call an ambulance.” She demanded as she hovered around the edge of the pool. “And security.”

Kisame popped up out of the water, coughing and gagging out the water.

“It’s just water.” The drunk investor waved his hand flippantly.

Hinata furiously shoved him away, and he stumbled back, falling flat on his back on the ground. “He has gills! He can’t breathe in chlorine!”

Kisame pulled himself out of the pool with the help of some of the security guards. He laid out on his back, his suit completely soaked through and clinging to him. Hinata put her hands on the side of his face. He tried to wave his hands to tell her he was fine, but he was coughing up more of the tinted water and turning green himself.

“Did you call an ambulance?” Hinata asked frantically to the concerned and confused crowd.

“He’s fine.” One of the guards waved and hand. “It’s just water.”

“Call one now,” Itachi appeared with a water bottle and a towel, kneeling beside Kisame. “She’s right. He can’t handle the chlorine.”

Hinata wrung her hands, waiting by Kisame's bedside. His gill system was flushed, but even the short time he was in the water had effectively poisoned him, and it was going to take his body some time to clear it up on its own.

It was so frustrating trying to convince even the emergency staff that he needed to be taken to the hospital. What would have happened if there was no one there that knew? Would they have left him there until he got too sick to ignore?

“I bought you some clothes.” Itachi came in with a bag, setting it on the foot of the bed.

Hinata looked down at her inconvenient gown. She was just ignoring how uncomfortable she was. She hadn’t even kicked off her heels.

“I’ll stay with him while you change.” Itachi prompted, nodding toward the bathroom.

Kisame was just resting, but she was sure it did look like she was waiting for him to wake up. “Thank you,” Hinata whispered, taking the bag to the bathroom with her. She felt numb, being in a hospital again, hoping that he was going to be okay.

When she came back out, Itachi was smiling, and Kisame was awake again. “You can throw a man through a wall with ease, but you can’t handle a little pool water.”

“You try breathing it in. See what happens.” Kisame grumbled. Hinata came to the side of the bed and laid her hand over his. He turned it to capture hers and thumb over the back of her hand. She tried not to let her face twist miserably. “I’m fine.” He promised.

“You're in the hospital because of me again.” Hinata whimpered.

Kisame shrugged. “I call this a job hazard.”

“You weren’t even working for her the first time.” Itachi reminded him.

Kisame turned his glare back at him. “Stay out of it.”

Itachi put his hands up in defeat.

“Hinata-sama.” The door opened, revealing Neji. He looked at Kisame in the bed and sighed. “I was told you were taken to the hospital.” No one must have told her she wasn’t the one hurt.

“I’m okay,” Hinata assured him.

“Uchiha-san.” Neji bowed his head, and his eyes flickered down to her hand holding Kisame’s and up to Itachi and back to her. Hinata turned away from his overanalyzing. She didn’t want to explain Itachi’s involvement.

Hinata snuggled as close as she could without touching him in the bed. Kisame was glad to be back in his own bed and not a stiff, small hospital cot, but he was still feeling awful. At least the nausea was gone.

He turned and laid his arm over the cocoon Hinata made herself. She acted like if she leaned on him too hard, she would break him. He wasn’t used to being treated like he was fragile, “Do we have to go anywhere tomorrow?”

“You are staying in bed,” Hinata demanded meekly. She was feeling guilty, and there was really nothing he could do about that that Itachi hadn’t already tried at the hospital.

“As long as you stay here, too.” Kisame pressed his face into her hair.

Hinata hummed in agreement.

Chapter 28

Chapter Text

Hinata laid her phone flat on her lap, and her jaw set as she looked out of the window.

Kisame knew that look. “Your dad?”

“He wants me to apologize to the investor who pushed you into the pool,” Hinata explained without looking forward.

Kisame glanced at her in the rearview mirror, but he had pulled his attention forward as the light turned green. “It shouldn’t be that bad.”

“I’m not doing it.” Hinata insisted.

“Don’t be stubborn about it.” Kisame countered. “You’re just going to cause more problems if you make this your stand.” Hinata glared out the window. “Don’t let me get you in trouble.” They both knew what would likely happen if she refused. Her father would pull her into his office for a more direct order, and she would do it anyway.

The worst thing she could do is explain why. Because Kisame would probably be fired.

Hinata bowed her head deeply, but she knew she was not faking sincerity on her face at the moment.

The investor tilted his head at her apology. Folding his arms, he sat back, satisfied. “Do you still think Kumo is behind the attacks?”

“This has nothing to do with…” Hinata was interrupted by his dismissive hand.

“Answer the question.” He pushed.

“I never assumed that Kumo was behind the attempts,” Hinata admitted. Not that they would have claimed the attacks. “I doubt it would have gone on for this long if it was.”

The investor nodded in agreement. “And you don’t think the Hyuga has anything to do with it.”

“There is nothing that the Hyuga benefits from having me dead.” Should she even be having this conversation?

“Do they benefit from keeping you scared?” The investor raised an eyebrow.

Hinata didn’t have an answer for him.

Kisame rubbed his temple as he turned his head and whispered on the phone. Hinata watched from her desk as he got more agitated until he sighed and ended the call. “How late are we going to be today,” He asked as he came to sit back down.

“Did you need to go?” Hinata nodded toward the door. “I can stay here.”

“The bastard can wait.” Kisame huffed, waving his phone. “He got himself into the mess. He can sit in it a while.”

Hinata raised her eyebrows. She wanted to know, but she certainly wasn’t going to ask.

Kisame side-eyed her curiosity. “Old friend. Got himself arrested. He doesn’t need to be bailed out, but he needs to be picked up, and apparently, no one else is answering.”

“We can go.” Hinata closed her folder.

“No,” Kisame shook his head. “I don’t want him anywhere near you.”

Hinata tilted her head. “Because you don’t want me near your old life?”

“No. I just don’t want him anywhere near you.” Kisame assured her. “He’s a jackass that can’t keep his mouth shut.”

“Hidan?” Hinata wondered, smiling when he frowned at her guess.

“I think I talk too much.” Kisame waved his hand at her.

“Let me wrap this up, and we will go home so you can deal with it.” Hinata offered. “But… I would like to hear more.”

Kisame grumbled and turned away.

Kisame sighed as he took off his shoes. Dealing with Hidan was more difficult than then he remembered. If the guy hadn’t saved his ass more than once, he would have let him walk home. The drive was long, and he wouldn’t be making it again. Itachi could handle him next. He was probably the last person on the list that Hidan hadn’t exhausted.

Walking into his bedroom, Kisame found a familiar heap of blankets in his bed waiting for him, and he felt some of the irritation wash away. He leaned down to find the smallest portion of her head that was poking out of the covers and pressed a kiss there.

Hinata made a small sound and pulled her head out to look at him. “Your back.”

“I didn't mean to wake you up.” Kisame gave her another kiss before he stood back up.

“Are you coming to bed?” Hinata hummed.

“I am going to shower first, then I will be right back.” He promised.

Hinata whimpered in annoyance but tucked her head back down under the covers to wait.


Hinata filtered around her room, packing another bag for another trip. “Why do you care that we are going alone? This is not the first trip Kisame and I have been alone on.”

Kisame didn't even have to guess who was on the other phone.

Hinata gave Kisame a look, showing her annoyance with her cousin on the phone as she pointed up in the closet for something for him to get down. “What exactly do you think we are going to do in a hotel room that we couldn't already do living together?” She challenged

Kisame cleared his throat as he handed her the bag she asked for.

Hinata smiled when she turned to him and saw his blush. Great, now she was laughing at him. “I'm an adult. I don't need a chaperone. Especially not to make sure I am not sleeping with the man I am allowed to sleep with.” She hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed.

Kisame stared at her as she set her hands on her hips. “Why would you tell him that? He's already jumpy.”

“The best way to deal with Neji-san is to say out loud what he is trying to elude. He gets flustered, and he stops talking about it.” Hinata explained. “And I am not embarrassed to say that I am in a relationship. He needs to get over it and realize I am not a teenager staying over at a boy's house. I am an adult going on a business trip with my partner.”

“Partner?” Kisame asked before he thought better of it.

Hinata tilted her chin up. “Would you prefer, boyfriend?”

Kisame’s face heated up. “No, partner is fine. I think I am a little too old to be called someone's boyfriend.”

Hinata giggled at him. “At what point does someone become too old for ‘boyfriend’?”

Kisame really didn't have an answer, making her laugh more.

Hinata considered the two sets of hotel keys in her hand. It was silly that they were going to have two hotel rooms, but only billing for one would be a dead giveaway that they were staying in the same one.

She curled her hand over them as she headed for the elevator with Kisame.

When would she tell her father? It was a looming issue that was haunting her more and more the longer this went on. She didn't want to hide it and her father would likely be upset no matter when she told him, but how upset would determine his reaction.

There were two times that were the best to give her father bad news. When he was feeling accomplished enough that he would pass off any bad news to keep his good mood, this was rare and worked better for Hanabi than it ever did for her. The other time was when he was too pissed and disappointed to be any more upset. It was dangerous if misjudged because it seemed like her father could always get angrier.

There was always the third option. Never telling him directly. She could go about announcing her relationship to her uncle and the company and the public and let her father hear it through the grapevine or the paper. It was something she had done in the past, and it was one of the few tactics he respected if the public reception was well, but only if the public reception was well.

If it wasn't, he acted like it was once again a crime to do anything without his knowledge.

But this might be too big and personal for that.

Because no matter how he found out, she knew that he was going to tell her to end it. He would have a problem with her having a relationship with the ‘help,’ or he would be racist, or he would just not want her to be happy without his permission.

No matter his reasoning, she was dreading the day she was pulled into his office to talk about it because she didn't know what would win: her love for Kisame or the fear of her father.

She could hope she knew the answer, but she didn't know what that would make her do in his defense or what her father would do as a result. She had never really stood up to him before, never held her ground point past when he told her the issue was over.

Could she do that for Kisame? She would like to think she could.

Hinata opened the hotel door and slipped the key they weren't going to use in her pocket.

“You okay?” Kisame asked, rolling the suitcases into the room.

“Yeah.” Hinata hummed. “I love you.”

Kisame tripped over himself, knocking one of the suitcases to the ground, blinking at her as if she grew a second head.

Hinata covered her lips. Maybe she shouldn't have sprung that thought on him as soon as it came to mind. “Sorry.”

“No…” Kisame cleared his throat. “I just wasn't… ready. I mean, I am ready. It's just I wasn't prepared to hear it. I…” He rambled.

Hinata giggled. She didn't need him to say it back. That reaction was everything she needed. She pulled her suitcase handle out of his hand and used it as leverage to lean up and kiss him.

“I love you too.” Kisame breathed out as he pulled out of the kiss. “I should have just said that.”

Hinata giggled at him as he reconnected their lips.

Chapter 29

Chapter Text

Kisame flicked his head over his shoulder from his push-up to find Hinata rubbing her face as she came through the door. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No, but you should have if you weren’t going to be in the room when I woke up,” Hinata grumbled at him. “You left your phone, so I assumed you were in here.” She waved his phone and put it down next to him.

“Sorry,” Kisame told her in between push-ups. “I didn’t want to work out in the same room you were sleeping in.” And he didn’t really want to go to the gym in this place and leave her alone up here.

“I don’t know how you do this.” Hinata hummed as she posed herself on his back, wrapped in her blanket. “It’s too early to be this active.”

Kisame kept going with the extra weight, which seemed to annoy her because, after a few reps, she rolled off and then wiggled to position herself under him instead. She lifted her chin, expecting him to take the opportunity to kiss her, but when he just continued with an amused smile, she pouted at him before tossing her arms around his shoulders and legs around his hips to latch on to him.

Kisame did one more push-up, then came down onto his elbows because as much as he was sure he could continue like that, he wasn’t sure she could, and he didn’t want her knocking the wind out herself because her groggy sloth grip failed. “You know the more you interrupt me, the longer this is going to take.”

Hinata tried to keep her pout on, but her face was betraying her with how red it was, and it slowly dawned on him the position he had her in.

Kisame leaned down and gave her the kiss she wanted with the intention of getting up and doing the rest of his workout, but the way Hinata tightened on him when he kissed her told him he wasn’t going anywhere soon.

Kisame flinched, shaking the whole bed and effectively waking her up. Hinata peaked her head up out of the covers as he sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“I thought I heard something in the next room.” Kisame stayed still for another moment and almost decided to lay back down when there was an unmistakable thunk in the next room that made her heart shoot through the roof.

Kisame got out of the bed and threw his discarded pants on to investigate. Hinata held the covers up over her bare chest as she reached for her own clothes.

“I am going to go over there.” Kisame picked up the key card.

“No.” Hinata hissed as she pulled a shirt over her head. “It could be housekeeping.”

“At three in the morning?” Kisame countered.

Okay. Yeah. She wasn’t awake enough to have fully functional thoughts. “Just stay here. If someone is looking for me, they are going to leave once they realize the room is empty.”

“Both rooms are in your name. Where do you think they are heading next?” As if to make his point, the handle to the door adjoining the two rooms jiggled, but being locked from this side made them move on. The main door closed, and the door to the room they were in was beeped as it was unlocked.

Kisame waited for the door to be opened just enough to step in and then slammed it into their face. Reopening it, he found the intruder flat on their back, stunned and holding their bleeding nose. “Call hotel security and tell them to call the police.” He told her as he moved to pick the guy up and restrain him.

Hinata pushed her hair out her way as she leaned over to pick up the hotel phone to do just that.

Hinata paced in the police station, waiting for them to be done interrogating the intruder or Kisame or give her any information whatsoever that was going on. Her stomach was eating itself, and her mind was torturing her with the worst-case scenarios.

“Miss Hyuga?” One of the officers shut a door behind him and pointed into an empty room to talk. “I understand that you have been dealing with a number of these incidents.”

Hinata nodded, crossing her arms and following him in. “And Kisame-san has nothing to do with any of them, so I don’t understand why you are questioning him.”

He closed the door behind them. “We’re not. Once we got his statement, he asked to watch the interrogation.” The officer pointed outside the room to Kisame, waiting for her.

“Oh.” Hinata released her tense shoulder. “Did the guy tell you anything?”

“He admitted that he was hired to kidnap you, but he claims he had nothing to do with any of the other attacks, and he doesn’t know who was.” So even though he was caught, he was another dead end? She shouldn’t really be surprised. She always suspected each attack was made by a different person because they all had different tactics. “He is not sure who hired him, and though he used to work for the Kumo company, he insists they are not the ones that hired him.” How could he be sure of that if he didn’t know who hired him? “But he was paid through a bank transfer, so we should be able to trace the money back.”

Hinata nodded, but there was one more question that was bothering her. “How did he get the key?”

“He says that it was left for him in an envelope at the front desk.” He explained. “It’s possible that someone who works for the hotel may be in on this.”

An employee of a hotel owned by the Hyuga, that was going to be a PR nightmare if that was true. “Can you keep that out of any press releases unless you confirm it?”

The office nodded. “We will contact you if anything comes out of the investigation.”

Hinata nodded and was let out of the room to a waiting Kisame. He held out her coat, helped her put it on, and put a hand on her back as he directed her to the car. She grabbed the door to the passenger seat before he could open the back door. He didn’t stop her just waited for her to get in so he could close the door behind her.

She waited until he got in to say what was on her mind. “I guess it was a good thing that I stayed in your room and not mine, isn’t it?”

Kisame snorted. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“I should tell Neji-san that.” Hinata sighed.

“Let’s not.” Kisame started the car. “I think he is already trying to find ways to turn me into sushi.”

Then, he should be very glad that Hinata managed to get fully dressed before the police came to talk to them. She was sure that Neji was going to find some way to get his hands on the police report.

Hinata settled on her own couch. She would have a few days before she was expected back at work because they cut their trip short, but that begged the question: did she get back to work anyway to push through the stress, or did she take the days off and hope that the stress didn’t just eat her alive?

Kisame held out a steaming hot mug to her, and she accepted and sipped it. “Hot cocoa?” She wondered.

“I thought you could use it because your life is becoming a bit of a nightmare,” Kisame explained as he sat down with her. Hinata held the warm mug to her face and hummed in agreement. “Do you think they will be able to trace the money back?” He sipped his own cup and made a face. “I think you are better at making this than I am.”

“It’s a little bitter.” Hinata giggled, taking another sip anyway before she sighed. “I don’t know. I am not sure that I want to know.” She would just be happy if it never happened again. She just wanted it to end.

Kisame put his arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. “Hopefully, this will be the end of it.”

“If they find out who has been ordering the attacks, it won’t be the end. It will be the beginning.” Hinata set the cup on top of her knees and leaned into him. “There will be a trial, and with a trial, there will be endless media coverage. There will be press trying to get to me from every corner, trying to ask me questions about the whole thing.”

“That’s what I’m for.” Kisame squeezed her.

Hinata looked up at him. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“I guess it’s a good thing I got stabbed that first day, huh?” Kisame chuckled as her face twisted.

“Don’t say that.” She scolded.

“Yes, ma’am.” Kisame laughed harder as her frown deepened.

Chapter 30

Chapter Text

Hinata's face turned white as she spoke to the investigator on the phone. “Are you sure?”

Kisame sat up and made eye contact with her to ask her what was wrong, and she just turned away to continue listening.

“Uhm. Yeah, I will check that on my end.” Hinata rubbed stress into her temple. “I will call you back if I find something.” She hung up the phone and stared at the floor.

“Did they trace the money?” Kisame wondered.

Hinata didn't answer him. She sat still for another moment before she shot up and grabbed her phone and purse. “I need to talk to my uncle.”

What? Why? He didn’t know something about this, did he? Kisame got up to follow her but stumbled to a stop as Hinata paused with her hand on the door, frozen, looking through the glass down the hall to her father’s office. She turned back to him and showed him the devastation she was trying to bottle up. “They traced it back to my father.”

Hizashi threw a book at the wall, making Hinata flinch. “I am going to kill him.” He raged, pointing at the door. “Even after all the awful bullsh*t he has pulled over the years, I would have never imagined he would have gone this far.”

Hinata waved her hands to try to get him to sit down. “It might be a mistake.”

“No.” Hizashi shook his head. “It lines up too well. Every time you were attacked, the company was under public scrutiny: the Kumo deal dissolving, the protests ongoing, deals he wanted to push through.”

“It’s not now…” Hinata tried.

“Neji’s wedding.” Hizashi huffed in frustration. “The articles started cycling again after you got them taken down.”

Hinata couldn’t argue with him, that was what her head went to first as well. “The detectives want me to see if I can get into the accounts from our end to make the proof solid.”

“I will do it.” Hizashi sat down and picked up his phone. “Leave me the number. I will have it to them before the end of the day.” He slid her a pad of paper.

Hinata hesitated. “Do you realize what will happen to him?”

“Hinata. Your own father tried to have you kidnapped or worse for his own gain. If I find that it’s true, he’s no longer my brother.” Hizashi snapped his fingers and pointed to the writing pad for her to write down the number as he started to dial their accounting department.

Hinata watched the news broadcast through her fingers as they aired her father being taken out of the Hyuga office building in handcuffs. He held his head high and glared at the cameras as they flashed at him. He couldn’t even try to look remorseful.

He was going to give her that same look in court because there was no way he was going to admit defeat and plead out. He was going to drag this out for all of them, and maybe he thought he would win despite the evidence.

The screen turned off, and Kisame tossed the remote down. “Stop torturing yourself.”

“I just can’t believe this is happening.” Hinata whimpered. She would have never thought her father thought so little of her that he was willing to use her like this. She was his pawn more than she realized.

Did he care if they killed her on accident? What would he have done if they succeeded in kidnapping her the first time? How long would he have let them keep her? Would he have paid the ransom, or have them let her escape just for show? Would he tell them to kill her when she wasn’t useful anymore?

“It’s over. Stop making that face.” Kisame sat down with her and pulled her into his lap to squish her into his chest. “Now that it's over. What happens to me?”

“What do you mean?” Hinata asked, looking up at him.

“Well, you don’t need a bodyguard anymore, do you?” Kisame explained. “I was only brought on because you were having attempts on your life, right?”

“My uncle actually was saying he was hoping that I kept you on in case my father tried something from prison.” Hinata hummed.

Kisame made a face. “You think he would do that?”

“If he were willing to have me attacked because it was convenient, he would definitely have me attacked for sending him to jail.” Hinata didn’t even like the thought of it. “So I think you have the job for the foreseeable future.” When did her father go from a respected head of one of the biggest companies in the country to a petty mob boss? “I mean, if you would like to stay.”

Kisame arms tightened around her. “I think I can stick around.”

“Good.” But that meant they had something to do.

As Hinata stood in front of her father’s office, she had to remind her heart that he wasn’t behind the door. She opened the door and pulled Kisame in by his hand. The same face behind the desk that would usually glare through her perked up, wondering what she had come in for.

“Uncle.” Hinata tightened her hand on Kisame’s. “You've met Kisame-san. I wanted to let you know that we are together.”

Her uncle put down what he was working on, and his eyes slid down to their hands. She could feel every heartbeat until a smile spread across his face. “Finally!” He hopped up from behind his desk and reached his hand out to shake Kisame’s.

Kisame took the handshake with heavy confusion as Hinata put her hand on her chest, hoping that it would calm down her heart.

“I guess I can cancel the blind date I had scheduled for you for next week.” Hizashi headed back to his desk.

“The…” Hinata gapped at him in disbelief. “Uncle!”

“Don’t shout.” Hizashi waved his hand at her dismissively. “I wanted to get your mind off all the bad news.”

Hinata groaned. He would never change.

“He gave you his blessing?” Neji whimpered. It was clear he was still struggling with their relationship.

“He was almost too excited.” Kisame looked more than a little confused.

“I wouldn’t take that as a good thing.” Hanabi chimed in, looking up from her phone. She wasn’t the least bit interested that they were announcing their relationship. She already assumed they were together. “I give it a week before he’s going to bother you for grandchildren.” Kisame hoped he would insist they get married before he started pushing for that. “Wait, does this mean I can ask Tenten out now?”

“No.” Neji snapped at her.

Hanabi raised an eyebrow at him. What made him think she was asking him? She tilted her head to see Tenten out of the glass wall of the office, sitting and waiting for her. She held her phone up to tell her she texted her back. Hanabi lifted hers up to tell her she was replying.

Neji thought that Hinata’s relationship was a nightmare. He should wait until he finds out that Tenten told her about all the embarrassing sh*t he did in school.

Hinata hopped up on the counter to get into a cabinet. “We should move your things onto this side.”

“Then what are we going to do with my side?” Kisame set his hand on her back and rolled his eyes at her not asking for help as she pulled a bottle of wine down from the top shelf.

“We could build your own gym,” Hinata suggested, taking his help back down.

A knock at the door made Kisame turn his head. “You know he can’t drink, right?”

Hinata held the bottle of wine to her chest. “This is for me.”

Kisame snorted and opened the door, letting Itachi in. Itachi took off his shoes and padded in with a gift bag. “An engagement gift.”

Hinata blinked and looked at Kisame. Kisame cleared his throat and gave Itachi a light shove. “We’re not engaged.”

“I know.” Itachi countered. “It’s encouragement.” He waved his hand at it. “It says, ‘Get engaged, so I can attend the wedding before I die.’”

“I thought you were getting better,” Kisame grumbled at him.

“Of old age.” Itachi finished. “Or you do. How old are you now?”

Hinata giggled as they bickered.

“Piss off.” Kisame grabbed the bottle of wine to open it. “If you're going to be a dick, you can get out.”

Itachi sat himself down. “You should be nicer to me. I got you the job that had you two meet.”

“The job that I got stabbed at.” Kisame reminded him.

Itachi shrugged and waved his hand at Hinata. “It led to good things.”

“Thank you,” Hinata added, just to watch Kisame’s face turn purple. He handed her the bottle and a wine glass.

“So if you’re not getting married. What are your plans?” Itachi wondered, taking the offered soda from Kisame.

“Well, my uncle is holding my father’s position until the trial is over. Then, my sister is going to take his place,” Hinata explained. “And then we might be planning her wedding.”

Itachi tilted his head. “Who is she marrying?”

“Her bodyguard.” Hinata sighed. “I can’t tell if they have been dating a while and just didn’t tell us, or she just announced an engagement to give Neji-san an aneurysm.”

“Both.” Kisame chimed in. That was a very real possibility.

“You could beat her to the altar,” Itachi offered. He was worse than Hizashi.

“Stop it.” Kisame sneered at him.

“Maybe.” Hinata tried to hide her smile in her wine glass as she sipped, but she snorted and choked on it as she saw Kisame's face turn a dark shade of purple.

Guarding Affections - Lavender_Long_Stories - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.