Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (2024)

We're excited to create our own antique corbels and shelf from scratch. First, we'll gather materials like plain corbels, wood stain, and paint. Next, we'll prepare our corbels for painting, applying a base coat and adding distressed finishing touches. We'll seal our corbels with a wax coating for a vintage look. After assembling our corbels and shelf, we'll attach the shelf to the corbels securely. Then, we'll add decorative paint and finishing touches. Finally, we'll style and display our beautiful shelf. By following these easy steps, we'll have a stunning, one-of-a-kind antique corbel and shelf to showcase in our home. Now, let's get started and uncover the details that will bring our design to life.


Key Takeaways

• Prepare materials, including plain corbels, wood stain, paint, and furniture wax, and ensure a clean workspace and tools for a smooth finish.

• Apply a base coat of paint using a foam brush, followed by distressing techniques to achieve an antique look.

• Use furniture wax to seal and protect the corbels, enhancing their color and vintage charm.

• Assemble the shelf by cutting and staining the wood, then attaching the corbels securely to the wall using brackets and shims.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (1)

• Add decorative paint and finishing touches, focusing on intricate details, to complete the antique corbel and shelf design.

Gather Materials for Corbel Creation

We'll start by gathering the necessary materials for creating our antique corbels, since having the right tools and supplies is crucial to achieving an authentic, aged look.

Plain corbels are the foundation of our project, and we'll need those to create our shelf. To give our corbels a distressed, aged appearance, we'll need wood stain. This will help us achieve the worn, vintage look we're going for.

For painting, we'll require two colors of chalk or latex paint, which will add depth and character to our corbels. To apply the stain and paint, we'll need a foam brush and a regular paintbrush.

Finally, furniture wax will be used to protect and enhance the finished corbels, giving them a rich, subtle sheen. With all these materials in hand, we'll be well on our way to creating beautiful, antique-inspired corbels that will add a touch of elegance to our shelf.


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Prepare Corbels for Painting

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With our materials gathered, we're ready to prep our corbels for painting, starting with a thorough sanding to guarantee smooth paint application and remove any existing finish. We'll use a fine-grit sandpaper to gently remove any imperfections, dust, or old wax residue that might affect paint adhesion.

After sanding, we'll wipe down the corbels with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris. If our corbels have a glossy finish, we might need to apply a primer to make sure better paint adhesion and coverage. We'll choose a primer specifically designed for our corbel material, whether it's wood, metal, or resin.

Once our primer is dry, we'll be ready to move on to the next step. Remember to clean our workspace and tools to prevent any contamination or paint transfer. By properly preparing our corbels, we'll secure a beautiful, long-lasting finish that will make our antique-inspired corbels look stunning.

Apply Base Coat of Paint

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We're ready to bring our corbels to life with a base coat of paint that sets the tone for the final look. This is where the magic happens, and our plain corbels start to transform into stunning antique pieces.

To get started, we'll use a foam brush to apply an even coat of paint to our corbels. It's crucial to make sure that the base coat covers all areas of the corbels, creating a solid foundation for the finish.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Choose a paint color that complements the overall aesthetic you want to achieve with the corbels.
  • Make sure to cover all areas of the corbels for a solid foundation.
  • Allow the base coat to dry completely before moving on to additional painting or distressing steps.

Add Distressed Finishing Touches

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As we move forward with adding distressed finishing touches to our corbels, we're going to focus on creating an authentic, aged appearance.

To achieve this, we'll employ various aging wood techniques that will give our corbels a worn, weathered look.

Aging Wood Techniques

We'll add distressed finishing touches to our corbels by employing aging wood techniques that mimic the wear and tear of time. To achieve an authentic vintage look, we'll intentionally distress our corbels using various methods.

  • Sand areas that would naturally wear down on the corbels using a medium/coarse grit sanding block for a distressed look.
  • Embrace imperfections in the finish, as imperfections and drips in the paint application are welcome to enhance the aged effect on the corbels.
  • Apply furniture wax (such as antiquing wax) to sanded areas to deepen colors and add an authentic aged appearance to the corbels.

We'll use a clean cloth to apply the furniture wax evenly on the corbels, avoiding waxing in intricate nooks if desired.

Worn, Weathered Look

Using a medium/coarse grit sanding block, we distress the corbels by sanding areas that would naturally wear down, like the edges and corners, to achieve a worn, weathered look. This process gives our corbels a distressed, aged appearance that adds character to our antique-inspired shelf.

We're not looking for perfection here; imperfections and drips in the paint job are welcome to enhance the aged effect. As we sand, we make sure to eliminate any sand bits to guarantee a smooth distressed finish. We're embracing imperfections in the finish to add character and authenticity to the corbels.

To avoid inhaling dust particles, we work in an outdoor or well-ventilated area when distressing the corbels. By distressing the corbels, we're creating a unique, one-of-a-kind piece that looks like it's been around for centuries. The worn, weathered look adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to our antique-inspired shelf.

With these distressed finishing touches, our corbels are transformed into a stunning piece of art that exudes charm and character.


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Seal Corbels With Wax Coating

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As we progress with our antique corbel project, we're going to explore the importance of sealing our corbels with a wax coating.

We'll discuss the benefits of applying a wax coating, including enhanced appearance and protection, as well as the different types of wax coatings available.

Wax Coating Benefits

We apply a wax coating to our antique corbels to safeguard them from wear and tear, while also amplifying their aesthetic appeal. This process not only protects our corbels but also enhances their beauty.

When using furniture wax, we can achieve a smooth and durable finish that adds an extra layer of authenticity to our antique corbels.

Here are some benefits of using a wax coating on our antique corbels:

  • Enhances the colors and finish of the corbels, adding to their vintage charm
  • Provides a clear, durable finish that protects the corbels from wear and tear
  • Allows for customization with different wax colors, such as brown or black, to create an antiqued effect.

Applying Wax Coating

With our wax coating benefits in mind, we're ready to seal our corbels with a wax coating that will enhance their finish and protect them from wear and tear.

We'll start by applying a clear furniture wax to seal our chalk paint on the corbels, adding an extra layer of durability to the finish. If we want to create an antiqued look, we can use brown or black wax to give our painted corbels a distressed appearance.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (9)

It's essential to apply the wax evenly, making sure to cover the entire surface of the corbel. We'll then let it dry completely, following the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended drying time.

Once dry, our corbels will have a beautiful, protected finish that showcases the beauty of our handiwork. The wax coating provides a protective barrier, adding depth to the painted finish of our antique corbels.

Wax Coating Types

Let's explore the various wax coating types that can elevate our antique corbels, from clear furniture wax to darker shades that evoke a sense of vintage charm. When it comes to sealing our corbels, the type of wax coating we choose can greatly impact the final look and feel of our project.

Here are some popular wax coating options to take into account:

  • Clear Furniture Wax: A clear, non-yellowing wax that protects and enhances the colors of our corbels without adding any tint or discoloration.
  • Brown or Black Wax: Perfect for creating an antiqued look, these darker shades can add a sense of age and character to our corbels.
  • Custom Blends: By mixing different wax coatings, we can create a unique, one-of-a-kind finish that sets our corbels apart.

When selecting a wax coating type, it's crucial to apply it evenly using a clean cloth and allowing it to dry completely before handling or displaying our finished antique corbels.

Cut and Prepare Shelf Wood

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We'll begin by cutting our sturdy wood material to the measured length marked earlier, guaranteeing a precise fit for our shelf. This will give us a solid foundation for our antique corbels and shelf project.

Once cut, we'll sand the wood to smooth out any rough edges and prepare it for finishing.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (11)

Next, we'll decide on a finish for our shelf. We can choose to add a coat of paint or stain to match the desired aesthetic and finish. If we opt for paint, we'll need to gather necessary items like brushes and protective gear to make sure a smooth application. If we prefer a stain, we'll follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

Regardless of our chosen finish, we'll need to prepare the shelf by sanding it again to create a smooth surface. This will ensure a professional-looking finish and help our coat of paint or stain adhere evenly.

Assemble Corbels and Shelf

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (12)

Now that we've prepared our shelf wood, it's time to bring our corbels and shelf together.

We'll start by assembling the corbels themselves, ensuring a sturdy base for our shelf.

Next, we'll explore how to attach the shelf to the corbels, and finally, we'll finalize our design with some aesthetic touches.

Corbel Assembly Steps

We attach the corbels to the wall, making sure they're securely fastened with brackets. Before doing so, we double-check that they're aligned and level, making any necessary adjustments. To guarantee a sturdy fit, we measure and mark the screw hole locations for the brackets on the corbels.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (13)

Here are some key considerations when assembling our corbels:

  • We use shims to level the shelf on the corbels, ensuring stability and a secure fit.
  • We glue the shims to the corbels, adjusting as needed for a snug fit.
  • We make certain the two corbels are evenly spaced and level, providing a sturdy base for our shelf.

Shelf Attachment Methods

After confirming our corbels are securely attached to the wall, we turn our focus to attaching the shelf, a process that demands thoughtful consideration of the attachment method to guarantee a sturdy and level surface.

To accomplish this, we use hanging brackets secured with screws for stability. We make sure to utilize a level to verify the corbels are aligned correctly before attaching the shelf.

Next, we measure and mark the screw hole locations on the corbels for precise attachment. We then securely affix the hanging brackets to the corbels and the wall to support the shelf's weight.

To verify the shelf is level, we use shims to adjust its position on the corbels before gluing them for added stability.

Finalizing the Design

Let's bring our Antique Corbel and Shelf project to life by assembling the corbel components, carefully aligning and attaching the three pieces together using builder's adhesive and finishing nails. This vital step guarantees our corbels are sturdy and ready to support our shelf.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (14)

To finalize our design, we'll:

  • Measure and mark the screw hole locations on the corbels to accurately install the hanging brackets for shelf support.
  • Use a level to align the corbels properly on the wall, ensuring our shelf sits level and securely on the corbels.
  • Once the corbels are in place, position the shelf on top, adjusting with shims for stability before attaching it securely to the corbels.

Add Decorative Paint to Shelf

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Frequently, we find that adding a decorative paint finish to our shelf is the perfect way to give it an antique look. To achieve this, we use chalk or latex paint in two colors, which will add depth and character to our shelf. We apply the paint using a foam brush, focusing on the intricate details and edges of the shelf. We don't worry too much about imperfections or drips, as they actually add to the antique look we're going for.

Once we've applied the paint, we let it dry completely before moving on to the next step. It's a good idea to wear gloves while painting to avoid getting paint on our skin. We're not looking for a perfect, smooth finish, so we don't need to worry about being too precise. In fact, a slightly rough finish will only add to the shelf's antique charm.

Attach Shelf to Corbels Securely

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (16)

We carefully position the shelf on the corbels, ensuring a secure fit by aligning the screw holes we measured and marked earlier. Now it's time to attach the shelf to the corbels securely.

We make sure the corbels are aligned using a level, and then measure and mark the screw hole locations on both the corbels and the shelf for accurate installation.

To attach the shelf, we:

  • Securely attach hanging brackets to the corbels and the wall to support the shelf
  • Level the shelf on the corbels using shims for stability and balance
  • Glue the shims to the corbels and make final adjustments for a secure fit before finishing the installation

With the shelf securely attached to the corbels, we can now admire our handiwork. We've successfully attached the shelf to the corbels, and it's ready for display.

Style and Display Your Shelf

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (17)

Now that our shelf is securely attached to the corbels, we can focus on styling and displaying it to showcase our unique, one-of-a-kind antique corbel creation.

We can style our shelf with vintage-inspired corbels for a rustic and decorative touch. By choosing the right corbels, we can enhance the overall aesthetic of the space. To add character and charm to our shelving display, we can incorporate distressed finishes and decorative touches for a unique and aged look.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (18)

A trip to Home Depot can provide us with the necessary materials to create a distressed finish, giving our shelf a truly antique feel. By showcasing our shelf with DIY antique corbels, we can create a focal point in our room.

We can arrange decorative items, such as vintage vases or antique books, to add visual interest and personality to our shelf. With a little creativity, we can turn our shelf into a stunning display piece that showcases our unique style and creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Make Antique Corbels?

We're excited to start creating our own antique corbels! To begin, we'll craft them in 3 pieces using different wood widths.

We'll cut patterns slightly smaller than the wood, using tools like jigsaws or scroll saws. Sanding, assembling with builders adhesive, and finishing nails are essential steps.

We'll fill nail holes with wood putty and add molding for a polished look. Finally, we'll use chalk paint with layered colors and distressing techniques to achieve that aged, antique appearance.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (19)

How to Build a Shelf Step by Step?

Did you know that 75% of homeowners consider DIY projects, like building a shelf, a great way to personalize their living space?

Now, let's get started!

To build a shelf step by step, we'll begin by determining the shelf's size and material. We'll cut the wood to size, sand it smooth, and assemble the shelf frame.

Next, we'll attach the shelf boards, add supports if needed, and finally, attach the shelf to the corbels.

How to Use Corbels as Shelf Brackets?

We're excited to explore how to use corbels as shelf brackets! Essentially, we attach corbels to the wall, then place the shelf on top.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (20)

It's important to verify the corbels are level and securely fastened to support the weight of the shelf and its contents.

How to Antique a Wood Shelf?

As we commence on this DIY journey, we're reminded of the wise words of Leonardo da Vinci, 'Nature is the source of all true knowledge.'

When it comes to antiquing a wood shelf, we're not trying to recreate nature, but rather, enhance the natural beauty of the wood.

To do this, we start by pre-staining the shelf for even absorption, then apply the stain evenly in the direction of the wood grain, ensuring complete coverage.


With our corbels and shelf now complete, we've crafted a timeless treasure that whispers stories of the past. Like a masterful puzzle, each piece fits together seamlessly, a confirmation of our DIY prowess.


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As we step back to admire our handiwork, we're met with a sense of pride and accomplishment, our creation a true work of art that exudes warmth and character.

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Introducing Ron, the home decor aficionado at ByRetreat, whose passion for creating beautiful and inviting spaces is at the heart of his work. With his deep knowledge of home decor and his innate sense of style, Ron brings a wealth of expertise and a keen eye for detail to the ByRetreat team.

Ron’s love for home decor goes beyond aesthetics; he understands that our surroundings play a significant role in our overall well-being and productivity. With this in mind, Ron is dedicated to transforming remote workspaces into havens of comfort, functionality, and beauty.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stunning Brick Wall Accent - ByRetreat (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.