The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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MAN 38 married capable high school colteire colored messenger shipping stock LO 5054 10 to 3 YOUNG MAN with 4 door sedan will drive in and around city evenings by mile or offers CL 2150W COUPLE Chauffeur gardener and cook ex perienced Box 6488 Plat Dealer part time in apartment nr rooming reference RE 1763M Situation Wanted emale ADVERTISING solicitor experienced: 3 years college aln retail telephone ex perience RO bflfiOW ASSISTANT bookkeeper clerical experi enced RE 5132M BOOKKEEPER typist experienced: ace 24 has ability and initiative rleasinff personality: complete charge 1 girl office reasonable GL 7424 BOOK PE EN 6g A PH YO NG EXPERIENCED RE4L39R (Continued on Next Page) 8T? Help Wanted Male Get on Tins will new kid NAME 8300 Millinery Maker i The Halle Bros Co 8 1 50 $200 Sflfi sso GIRL SOO About Help Wanted Agents $200 5259 $200 up $175 Structural Layout $159 Open SH) $lou Name Address Teletalk Salesman If OR Open Help Salesmen Male Instruction Employment Bureau emale $11)0 3586 85 S5 rd tentinuefl In Next Cohimn (lumn 1 WILL HIRE IVE MEN Uncle 100 S19O $1 $1 Si 50 Si 50 $299 i up pen 8225 position low co*kt indorsed details al Institute $119 S1O0 $200 1 50 $250 8200 S25O 70 Open Open N50O0 $5000 $350 $300 to set back on EUCLID ACADEMY emale Instruction (Continued from Preceding Column) $200 $300 50 8275 equipped working men are straight hmdder Mate bust new posfeibilit that will money to ignore Sioo $90 RANKLIN INSTITUTE Dent BIS!) 1027 Schofield Bldg Cleveland 0 RUSH to me full particulars regarding 0 Government Examinations list of jobs and tell me how to get one $80 Capable of contacting executives to sell TELETALK entirely new and dif ferent loud speaking communicating systems based on radio principle needed by 78 of all business: liberal commission car required Sec Mr Schaefer between 9 and 10 Monday morning National Detk Co 4480 Euclid ave Improper Inart tn through failure i license and through to hold worthwhile beauty slums That's why we advise and INVESTIGATE AIRCRAT PLANT out of town has a few vacan cies for tool and die mak ers lathe operators on tool work aircraft mechanics aircraft riveters no labor trouble In replying state age experience and wages expected to Box 7094 Plain Dealer Enroll now and ELLSWORTH SCHOOL BEAUTY CULTURE 1)1)0 Euclid Arcade Bldg Cleveland Ohio VACUUM CLEANER SALESMEN This ad will not be run again I would like to interview 2 men preferably with vacuum cleaner experience but will con feider men with proven recon! on any electric appliance salary and overwrite paid weekly full commission on your own sales a real proposition to real producers Box 7487 Plain Dealer I 0 designed quar equiimcnt and an1 MEN IS YOUR BUSINESS Male Instruction Con Inned from Preceding Column) to Enroll in a Beauty School training in beauty culture may costly waste of time and money ') OOiaill Btrllti failure to get and positions in good HOUSEWORK: While cook laundry: adults home nights 4 rooms $7 LO Man experienced in light struc tural layout and template mak ings Hourly basis Apply 842 79 Monday 12 to 1 An eastern corporation has positions for five men in new Cleveland office who can quality for sale work and demonstrate ability to quiek lv assume sales executive duties Sales experience de sirable but not necessary prefer vigorous capable men 30 to 55 years re siding in city nr through out northern Ohio Perma nent positions with imme diate large earnings based on sales advances arranged: business well established expanding rapidly Give ex perience and phone 1 at sonal appointment refer encee later Box 4451 Plain Dealer Largest ord Dealer wants 3 good automobile men commission and drawing account to producers Box 33389 Plain Dealer ADDRESS i xi AIR CONDITIONING REB1G ERATION and DIESEL 1 Get into the big payingobs in the world's fat growing industries That vouuiiy and COSMETIC or fine quality custom work Only thoroughly experienced ap plicants will be interviewed salary Employment Dept Sth loor at Cleveland: 1ro one at Lorain Elyria Norwalk $75 rcco i $85 $OO $00 $75 $05 $()' I $80 $65 are rapidly becoming the foremost IEARN NOAV Train In the most completely shop in Ohio under actualmndiiinua iirartieal trained in demand all over the country 3 Get started now in Great System of Air Conditioning Refrigera tion and Djesel Schools 4 Call or write for latest developments in thce fields See for yourself the undreamed of opportunities now open DIESEL POWER UNITED ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 1121 CARNEGIE AVE CLEVELAND a sa Ci Minneapolis San rancium LEARN WELDING The Trade ot the Metal Industries IMPROVED BUSINESS MEANS MORE WELDERS GOOD PAY PLEASANT WORK Visit a Glass Day or Evening Cleveland School of Welding Inc Oldest and Largest All Welding Over 10 Years in Cleveland 2201 14 at Carnegie PR 00l We make a mem ot cost yvtl Our deal i brand new and entirely a invention and amaiinsly different arsAftlltstf in NOW Mr sir irxsv anyone and 1 am not interested in nun Mnenng thia ad who are just trying io get work I Van men that really want work We har $0 men in this organization who are harr making money Absolutely no InveMment on your part Ve pay rent light heat stenographer etc Place you where the business is and vav you week Earnings will average $0 to $UH week on a commission and bonus basis want good men others stav away 1 will nw'lhv von can make $0 a week onali now' if you really want a job In vsti ate nrotitable Imsmes at HOTEL OLMSTED Gold Room MON DAY March I at 10:30 no other time Come prepared io remain inc balance ot the day if selected Help Wanted Male Cynllnued from Prredln Page) SALESMAN for ACTORY BRANCH make big money un wbere big money is SALESMEN: Sell new patented auto matic lotto bingo marker: lot) tn 400') nla' ers at each game everyone a pros pect: pays ton profits details free Write Easton Novelty Co Dent 1213S Eas'on ay2 LouKMo SALESMAN Good article printed with ad: cost less than a penny (looks like a 10c article) wanted bv man or wom inan: a beautiful white red russetf fibre comb used bv advertisers lots ot 1000 to 500000 territory repeat or ders protected: liberal commission Mills Novelty Mfr 58 Washington Bi dg Ph i 1 a del i a a WANT DTTSalesnien to sell ice cream counter freezers The Warner Sfrcl Products Co Ottawa Kan Help Wanted emale Contlnurd from Preredlnt Column) Light white girl care ot vear old baby girl no washing good home young employed couple can go on any evenings CE 14fHU HOUSEWORK: Light: eldoriyi woman tn exchange ir pood home pocket money 1262 Suite 3 Sunday between 1 ji ni and 5 ni cooking white stay nights: own room and bath: gas lieal: 3 children $8 to atari 3091 Corydon rd YHr 5217 General? whiter experienced references must Hko children $10 Permanent Positions AM TO EMPLOY 2 or II MEN who would bo to Irani a new business which will pay a steady in come approximately S2O0 per month Men selected should hsAe had from 3 io 5 wars or mure business ex)eri'ii or the risht man 1 will finance the business which is outstanding tn its field and backed by abundant capital Thp fir at vear vour earnings should not be under MW and likely closer to S'lOttO The second and third years nttich lartrcr You receive an exception ally attractive commission together wnn bonus paid twice weekly and yet do not Invent anv money yourself or a sume any obligation of overhead and must able to get alonz an to Sitl per week for the first lew weeks The men considered will be residents of Clexeland and adjant towns and those interested will come prepared to spend 2 or 3 hours with me selected No sales experience neessarv Come to 405 Sinth Chrster Bldg 145 h)th st Mondxv morning 10 tn 12 only for personal interview we come to an agreement 1 will hae liihd in this business before the end of thi week Mr looper advertising layout S3nn 511J S125 85 so KI $85 $llhi 90 BAUERS EM1T0YMENT 710 Hippodrome Bldg PR 8100 ALT TYPES DOMESTIC POSITIONS Exepnnt salarv INTERVIEWS 2 5 SUNDAY ARA LOUI 1 2 7 (Continued in Nevi Column ACE The facts BEAUTY CULTURE pays big dividends Have YOU prepared fur YOUR future? To be a successful operator you must ive tirolk ient framing We offer ex pert instruction ttt all branches With mod ern individual class rooms you arc riiar anu etl the hist in HEALTV Cl LIVRE Call in phone or write for ree Booklet The ACADEMY of BEAUTY CULTURE MAIN 1391 226 ERIE BLDG Corner 9th and Pruspect HOUSEWORK: Girl tor general plain cooking businesa couple 2 hiifh school ildrein Airniount 7311 Httl'SE'WURK eoukmg age 20 35 no laundry 2 city refer nceai 38 A 5818 HOUSEWORK: General white: nrnat be experienced good cook: nu laundry own room and liath: good wagee A 1924 Count ry or eitv girl 20 4(1: like children plain cooking $6 $8 3043 Albion 8 0077J OPEN MONDAY TO 8 btc nograpner advert teing Stenographer Dictaphone Casualty underwriter Stenographer Stenographer legal Stenographer general iiuurahce ull charge bookkeeper Comptometer operator Stenographers junior (4 1 cashier BELL SERVICE 711 Citizens Blds STENOGRAPHER college training S125 Stenographers 2 downtown trot rstant preferred under JO ainar live opening Stenographers (2) legal single Secretary west TvpiM rapid some experience Dictaphone Stenographer West Discount elrrk finance OUR men of good character fur special type of work experience in real estate helpful earnings up to yearly If you rcaHy want big commission earn ings apply for interview' lu a only Monday and Tuesday OLDENAUER 14444 Euclid APPLICATIONS now being accepted for survey and pales work with Remington Rand Inc portable typewriter division drawing account plus commission ex perience or investment not necessary Apply Mr Thomas 1221 Citizens Bldg 1 a MA 2479 SUPERINTENDENT OR OREMAN or local sheet metal jobbing shop: good salary and steady employment: give full particulars and salary expected: confi dential Box 2367S Plain Dealer TAILOR All around man must know how te operate pressing machine: sal ary 11309 Euclid ave rayroll MANY 1937 APPOINTMENTS START $1260 TO $2100 A YEAR Common Education Usually Sufficient Mail Coupon Today Sure Comptometer Operator 21 2o ('amptometer Operator hast Cashier finance loan (2) Dictaphone Operator East Bookkeeper Stenographer East I yi'lSI VHU IHMIU Typist placement clerk Last Burroughs Bookkeeper Tvpist Soo Demonstrators (51 trawl Ohio Credit Clerk East CLEVELAND VOCATIONAL 317 Schofield Bldg MAin 6700 OPEN MONDAY EVENING YOU are cordially invited to visit our en larged offices We also have added sev eral people to our staff If the position you want is not listed our special placement department will handle your case av no miu vimikk Stenographer travel Stenographer: know bookkeeping Stenographer: key Stenographer auto discounting Stenographer: insurance Junior stenographer college Stenographer: medical dictation Stenographer receptionist cord: typist accounts able and payable single Casualty insurance underwriter Bookkeeper full charge Credit Clerk: southeast Stenographer cord Comptometer operator experienced Riirrnno ha East AV 1 1 iSON EM I ENT 723 UNION TRU ST BLDG you to COMPARE 1wfnr vfiii enroll COMPARE the facilities equipment and class rooms Here you are daily trained in small groups privately with an in structor always present to show and explain beauty methods to you COM PARE the results of training by the number of students who succeed in passing State Board examinations You will find that the CLEVELAND ACADEMY COSMETOLOGY INC is a TOP RANK school NINE out of TEN bis' Cleveland shops prefer CLEVELAND ACADEMY graduates as operators according to an independent survey CLEVELAND ACADEMY OERS 15 ULUS EATURES in addition to regular courses for operators managers and stylists Your UTURE is in CAPABLE and EXPERIENCED HANDS at (leve land Academy Day and evening classes easy terms Ohio's irst Honor Em blem awarded for compliance with the high ethicil code ot the All American Beauty Culture Schools Asso elation CLEVELAND ACADEMY ot COSMETOLOGY luc TITUS UNIV Il li A 1 1 0 New Location 1030 Euclid ave CHerry 7635 Day and Evening Classes Easy Terms Send Coupon tor ree Copy of Career in LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE OLDEST RECOGN IZKD SCHOOL THIRTY ONE Years as a school assures you of the best training in Ohio The better class Shops demand our Graduates Hundreds of Women have found financial in dependence Our Teachers arc Experts Our School Equipment Modem This is the ONLY School tn Ohio offering you the choice of COS Mil THERAPY I i hdnv take advantage of our SPECIAL REDUCED TUITION EES Call SALESMAN To ell roofing: must have at least 2 years experience drawing amount and commission In reply Mate ave educa tion ami experience Box 23a5 lam Dealer Salesman: To cover state on fast mov ing food items already established bar supply restaurant and food trade experienced live wire age one to grow with aggressive organization salary and commission reply in detail Castle PrcHlucts Inc Newark SALESMAN: Contacting" executives: per manent connection opportunity for ad vancement: personal appearance essen tial salary commission age phone experience past compensation finx 32788 Piain Dealer SALESMAN with car commission and bonus 836 Standard Bldg Help Salesmen (Continued from Preceding Column) ALPERM ANENT POSITION In local nr other territory for man ot en ergy and ahihtv eollimr leading exten sively advertised lino of equipment tn physicians demists and hospital for manufacturers established over won tv veara must be willing to work and aindv: qualifications muat include either knowledge of thia line somn knowledge of theraprutkn or selling contact with medical andor dental profession fain missions ranging up to $1500 monthly earned bv present force of 110 men Valuable sales co operation Most of our representatives have been with fn'r vears and are established in a high grade all war round profitable business We give threo weeks free training in Chicago After one satisfactory experience in field as junior salesman under ami with assistance of experi enced senior salesman you will lie offered senior position with exclusive territory and maximum rate of com mission Junior rate ot commission makes possible splendid earning Bona fide proposition: you are asked 1o buv nothing from us Consult several physicians and dentist about our house and possibilities of itie line Address full particulars about yourself to Ktscher Co mfrs of rav amt Physical iherapv equipment 2323 4 Wghansia ave Chicago SALESMEN A nationally known advertising company Jins developed a new division of Us busi to market a brand new syndicated advertising idea the features of this service are unique and lead themselves to multiole sales and repeat business This company seeks a few high grade sales men lor exclusive territories in Ohm those uho have sold intangibles adver tising or syndicated servieea preferable Compensation is on a liberal commission basis or an interview telephone PRos ped SfiOti Mr Weeman Hotel Cleveland THIS is an opportunity that comes to few men but once in a life time If you are a convincing talker among small friendly groups are in good health have a rar and are ambitious to make a real future then let me show you a proposition with exceptional for present earmuffs and advancement Men who qualify can earn up to $100 per week commission See Mr Mes senger 10 12 Monday Room 212 71 1 3 Euclid ave I YU are ambitious and under 40 with ability to sell manufacturer ot nation aliv advertised line of power laundry supplies offers you unusual opportunity to make money: applicant must be sin cere worker of good appearance and habits with knowledge of wash room practice draw and expenses in guaran teed territory: every co operation front the home office furnish own car Box 5794 Plain Dealer an i NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY lor 3 women atfc 30 to 50 won ears tree to travel: appointing local deajeta tor old established house of nation wide rep utation liberal weekly advance ifii nnn mission and bonus give full qualifica tions first letter Stuart I reducts Inc Dept 5 Newark APPLlCATidNS now being accepted for survey and sales work with Remington Rand Inc portable typewriter division drawing account plus commission ex perience or investment not necessary Apply Mr Thomas 221 Bldg I i am 24 LADIES: Earn to $18 weekly commission plus cash bonuses your dresses free spring summer styles 3 for h8 hour delivery: no canvassing no nivefet ment Send size Superior brocks Dept 845 28 7th Philadelphia la BiiTTOMMISSlONS Alins HaRirr Hirtjc day Everyday cards to friends neigh bors also personal stationery sainples free: experience unnecessary Wallace "world's Largest manufacturer permanent year round connection for good salesman: complete outstanding line patented and staple tyks nationally advertised: established territory: drawings weekly against lib eral commission: auto essential best selling season now starting Write Sales Mana ger 2 4th st St Louis Mo AMAZING invention: 4 in 1 angle vise makes it now possible to cut drill grind at any ancle with one quick ad justment in his demand by shops me chanics repairmen factories homes farms: each demonstration makes big commission: act quick Chicago Tool Divirion 8389 Chicago ave Chicago SALESMEN Ambitious men over 30 permanent profitable position: contact industrial plaits realtors institutions sell on trial baris soot remover boiler feed water treatments expansion con traction paints etc liberal commis sions advanced weekly: local and out ot tuwn protected territories experience unnecessary Write Al Ken Co 1841 Broadway New York Ci ty mTTney back privilege big money7 New advertising ciock with moving changeable ads nothing like it on mar ket first man out earned $124 com mis sion in two davs: responsible rated com mv offers exclusive advertising propo sition: unlimited possibilities: protected territory exuerience unnecessary Elec tric Ad Clock Co 559 Jackson Dept 51 Chicago SALES A PEC1 A LTV Experienced financially responsible sales man for ale of specialty selling to moatmarkets hotels restaurants institutions etc for Youngstown Canton and Akron territories: experience in meat industry desirable but not necessary: position of fers good earning on straight commis sion basis: rive details references VaughanCpJ74O ranklin Chicago: SALESMEN WANTED: Strange mineral discovery reconditions auto engines: gives motor more power sned and quiet at fraction of new ring and rebore co tavex oil saves gas Mellinger Kana Citv Mo wants distributor's Snd 1c postcard for free sample and big money making plan today HOSfEtudy personal instruction sales man experu neva vuomvu' nan earn rood income Youngstown Canton Whaling territory: must have pr Rad furnRhe'1: liberal commission Write giving experience and references Smith ederal Schools Inc Minneapolis Minn NEW serial trade card sile stimulator: side line full time: ells all retail merchants pvervwhnrn including gas sta tions restaurants etc: hottest newest out: advance cash commissions: com plete to work sales free act fwt Meinhardt IS Kinzie Chi COMPLETE authentic story Hungry by Lowell Thomas is thrilling account of greatest flood and famous floods in history: lavishly illus trated with over K0 photographs: a brand large 256 pawe book every body wants only $150 biggest money maker ever freight paid credit given send at once for free cloth bound sam ple book Universal House 1010 Arch st Philadelphia EX CLI SIVE Ohio distributorship open for individual ur company who will carry stock ot profitable repeat line of bag bitt metals and graphite oils: should cover everv county and urban center with representation: real opportunity for party whn will work no pikers or job seekers Allen Railway Exchange Bldg Chicago HUSTLER wanted: To introduce supply demand for Rawlcigh necessities good routes open near by Rawleigh methods get business no selling experience needed: we supply sales advertising literature all you need profits should increase every month: low prices good values complete service Rawleigh sDePL QHB 1O4 03 reeport HL MANUACTURER offers real opportunity big daily commissions liberal cash bonuses: complete made to order shirt neckwear hosiery pants line (Lrret to consumer handsome outfit free experi ence unnecessary part or full time Packard Corp Terre Haute Ind GRASP the opportunity to become inde pendent: triple your income 3000 se lected items daily necessities our prices amazingly low izz SHzer (cardel) 16c 100 razor blades 29c: spool cot ton Jc free catalog MILLS 27 So rih Chicago S6 HOURLY: Amazing Karnu reflniriics autos like new without rubbing polish ing waxing or painting inexpensive little wipes on with doth: lasts 8 to 12 months free sample Karnu Dept f907 Cincinnati Ohio NEW electric razor equal in appearance to $15 razors: sells quickly to men and women only $325 wonderful oppor tunity for live wire salesmen KeenProducts 800 Clark Chicago NEW kind of heat boils water instantly pocket size: pays 218 profit up to $20 daily marie minute demonstration sells ii free sample offer Nu Way 507 10th Des nines low a good income while learning land scape work be independent big season ahead: full or part time: no invest ment Brown Brothers Nurseries Roehes ter New York i JUST out: Amazing fast selling 25c house hold necessity saves hundreds of dol lars sell 3 to 4 each home make up to $6 daily free sample Puro 3107 Pine Dept 28 St LouisMo MARSH Hand Cleansers clean hands in stantly amazing demonstrations: spare time money maker free sample Nuway Westfield $10 DAILY rav selling money tickets: big demand: samples free Conkendall Pres 6930 Kimbark Chicago BEAUTY CULTURE Inc President Phillips Director Vein Phillips largest and finest beauty renege Licensed by the stale of Ohio Many ine Positions Are Now Waiting or A Graduates The state of Ohio has sn fit to raise practice of beauty culture up Into ranks ot a profession by hocusing beautician the same as those the belter positions ALSO DEPT complete beauty instruction Low mil ion Litteral terms Call or write for free booklet GO MODERN visit the NEW White Cross School of Beauty Culture Inc 238 Hiiron Niiith Bld? CHerry 65111 2132 t'tli WE USE AND CARRY COMPLETE STOCK WHITE CROSS COSMETICS NURSEMAID: White upMaire: experi nced good references LO lio PRESS operator to press dresses or steam press: laundry or dry cleaning experi ence preferred hourly 1I2: Lake view rd SALAD GIRL thowtutrhly experienced no Sunday or night work: slate salary ex pccteu give former employment Box 23778 Plain Dealer STEADY WORK J2500 A YEAR UP Due to technical chanreR in a staple industry skilled operators are in de mand: learn in practical evening course Write Box2fl289 Plain Dcaler STEAD EMIT jOY ENT LEARN BARBRING at Call write or phone for free booklet Mil LE RS STEM 748 Prospect MA St 170 GET a 50 887 pav cheiK every payday many government appointments prepare with former examiner Patter son: details free Patterson School Rochester GET H137 government jobs: start 8105 $175 month nien wonten: prepare now tor next Cleveland examinations list positions free write todav ranklin Institute Dept 3t4 Rochester AMATEUR ARTISTS: Compete for REE ART COURSE lvalue $215): write for REE TEST give age and occupation Box 31 684 Plain Dealer LINOTYPE 16 machines printers $100: non printers $200 est 1006 Empire School 206 lUth New York CIVIL service examinations soon: valuable information free Columbian Correspond cnee College Washington MEN LEARN our system of BARBERING LEVELAND Barber College 2140 9 LEARN machine tool ant! die occupation real machine shop practice MA 933S Continued In Next Colcmni DIRECT SALESMEN CANVASsERS We are ready with our spring line of red hot nationally advertised articles: ALUMINUM SILVERWARE DINNERWARE ELECTRIC IRONS and many other sp eialues selling on very small down payment! and imall wer kly We need juH a few more men to fill out our crews this a permanent job and jwe par the highest commissions hay Home Co 2921 Prospect are DIRECT SALESMEN THIS IS THE DEAL YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING OR REE TRANSPORTA TION EXPENSES ADVANCED AND $40 UP WEEKLY COMMISSION SELL ING A NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCT OUT TOWN UR OUR LARGE CREDIT JEWELRY STORE EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY APPL AT ONCE ROTBART BROS iQRNE RJPROSPECT INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY A well established buv local office spe cializing in non cancellable alt acci dent disability policies has unusual open ing for a good personal producer exper ienced in the business opportunity for agency management work in near future if qualified remuneration commission salary advance write fully confidence Box 18889 Plain Dealer MEN To take rare nf expansion program will seler 2 men Exix rietice unnews sary Earning $40 to $50 paid weekly on advanced commiasiona with oppor lunily lor a permanent future es fepntial Positions available immediately Apply dept of personnel Room 801 9:30 to 1 Monday Caxton Bldg 812 Huron rd ITY DOLLARS A week to producers guaranteed if you tl) follow instructions Our product is the fastest seller in it field tome tn and investigate Only clean cut ener getic men need apply Salary and com mission Ask for sales manager be tween 10 and 12 noon 9800 ST CLAIR AVE the the ihft medical profesrinn the highly trained co*kiTV'tologiKt is truly a heautv culture EUCLID AlADEMY leaches every branch thoroughly and we are pruud of the high grades at tained by our students in the state board examinations as our student you will find the exlra lectures bi doctors and lawyers very interesting IlIOH SALARIES AWAIT THOSE TRAINED IN EUCLID ACAD AMOUS HAIR STYLINIr DEPARTMENTS Hair stvling has become a part ot this modern age and is one of the greatest I reasons tor the remarkable raise tn Bin aries paid the beautician we will be happy to have von come in and see tlie beautiful work being done by the young women and men in our class rooms and clinics every day Out of Town STUDENTS Young women and men travel hundreds of miles to train in Buchd Academy Earn your room and board in (lev eland while our student no time Inst from class THE ONLY COST 18 YOLK TUITION write for details SPECIAL CLASSES DAY OR EASY TERMS High salaries await modern hair stylists Three CLEVELAND LOCATIONS East Side 1001 4 Euclid GA 55 8 West 1880 2o st 3684 South 5703 Broadway Ml 3 0 BE A HOTEL HOSTESS Opportunity id fashionable hotels chips apartment hotels splendid salaries pre vious experience proved unnecessary qualify for well paid position at home in spare time national placemen serv ice free ol extra charue VVriie today for tree book LEWIS llttTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS Sta 610 WASHINGTON THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEADER LEARN DIESEL JOIN NIGHT CLASS NOW Prepare for a position a Diesel operator plant inana cr rr careh mechanic trouble shooter technician and sales engineer as you learn Placement( partim nt for graduates NEW YOBK DIESEI INSTITUTION 801 CAXTON BLDG AIR CONDITIONING Makes new jobs become an expert nual fv iof wen paiu Knp'iiuin thorough practical training at approved specialized school by leading manufacturer: get oih'c Write Atlantic Utilities 812 Huron road Cleveland NEW JOBS IN DRATING Calls increasing well paid job openingsend for free trial lesaon now see how ew to lear i quickly at home in snare lime bv plan no obligation: write today Chicago Tech College GUI Tech Bldg 11 26 Chicago ACCOUNTING and tax procedure taught bv LEADING LOCAL IRM I A under their individual eupervirion meth od considered the by leading au thorities or p' imiHire 715 '2Ah MEN to take up A ng eu Elec tric RefriVJfT nd der Cv must be nn''rii3m'allv nichneOTJIing to tram in epare time Write Uljlitie Engineering Institute Box 32484 1 lam Men Over Thirty Men Who Have Had Money Men Who Want to Have Money Again Men Who Still Believe in Themselves You cannot less you ffo being made Start richt your feet as men A new but highly successful busi ness A score or more ol men are now making on commissions more than thev made in the hey days of ARE YOU? II not lei us help you START Mr Lee Suite W2 Union Trust Bld at 9:30 please shop man Of managerial caliber interested in the orthopedic field chance for advancement with company operating lores from coast to coast state age experience na tionality salary phone Box 21 88 Plain Dealer SHOE SALESMAN Opportunity to manage own store can earn bait profit must furnish small cash bond also get loca tion Cleveland or radius loo nnlcs drawing account Box 30U89 Plain Dealer SPINDLE CARVER: Experienced: hourly rate Cleveland Parlor rame Co 2501 SALESMEN: Take order business sta i lioncry $263 thousand bonk matehes labels sales books pricing Hets busi i nesa cardo 35'7 commission daily: fre deals: sales portfolio free David Linriel Press 312 BC So Hamilton Chicago BE a punchboard operator no selling lOtt store route should pay $B50 month ly commission no experience tiecesdary: onlv small capital required exclusive territory Payne Company Broad Help Wanted emale BEWTY Operator all around salary and commission LA 85h Det roi a rren Beauty PjI BEAUTY operator A ail around: refer ence: salary commission 3 103 A iPy Mon BEAUTY OPERATOR: Must be A flneer and perman et i waver salary ML4 o4b BONBON DIPPER: A EXPERIENCE: HOURLY RATE McN ALLY DO5LE CO 8408 EUCLID AVE BOOKKEEPER STENOG A PHER To take charge of small office a real opportunitv for able woman age to 30 with broad experience requirements good health proven ability freedom from tie that interfere with business In reply give full details and reference applications will bo held confidential salarv Box 3589 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER and stenographer: Experi enced must be accurate and efficient cood opportunity for advancement: sal ary Henry Kohankic Son Painesville BOOKKEEPER'fypist Construction ac counts experienced preferred give full details and salary expected Box 2327b 1 a in Deal COOK and general white city reference no laundry 2 adults: good salary LO JWJ 3398 Kenmore DRESS saleslady specially shop experi enced with following opportunity Box 18389 1 lain Dealer ANCY Bilk pressers: steady hourly rale f4J ty Cleaners 1 5 205 cl i GENERAL office typing know bookkeep ing: state age experienee salary ex pec ed Bo 738 9 Plai nDeal HOUSEKEEPER: Musi like children ref erences home more than wages 1477 Cou tant (Lakewood) HOUSEKEEPER: or motherless home child tk 4900 1 11 Garfield car HOUSEKEEPER: Bookkeeping refined home 1 child Box 2890 Plain Dealer: HOUSEWORK white: no slashing or cook ing 3 children $5 A 9Q93W HOUSEWORK: White girl age 20 25: no Jaundry references $7 4 777 HOUSEWORK: General: white: small fam ily: stay nights Call WA 4917 HOUSEWORK: White no washing 3832 Sil sby road Un i versi HOUSEWORK: No laundry stay nights Jirf prenceh YE 3 29 HOUSEWORK: General child stay niff erences $10 LO ti9l8 HOUSEWORK: General and cooking col ored references CEdar 1 522 HOUSEWORK: General small good home s1 ay laundry optional WA 4415 HOUSEWORK: General white 20 Jo 35 cooking no laundry $8 YE 1553 HOUSEWORK: White general no cooking May own room experience WA 4944 HOUSEWORK: White: stay no cooking 3 adults: HOUSEWORK: General white no wah 2 school children stay A 24 58 HoUS EWO RK Genera I exneriencod i am I Lv re rcnce BO 3428 lT)USEW()RK: Experienced reference 1 a pl a 1 1 cooking $8 $H) LO 6482 HOUSEWORK: Experienced girl general i co a $8 I ek LO 2374 HoifSEWoRK: General: no washing 3 adults good home $7 A 58(19 General: girl stay nights 1 5 1 Ifl fMi on SU 63P3M HOUSEWORK: Capable white girl good home and salary WA 0920 HOUSEWORK: 21 30 general stay a i hi Id sm a 11 ap SB SK 3Q7H HOUSEWORK: White 4 children stay niffhUG no laundry YE 4280 HOUSEWORK: Whiter experienced: no washing children $12 A 5029 HfiUSEWORK Experienced: general plain cook employed adults: S8 A 3093 TOOLMAKER DIEMAKER hourly rate iw Star Machine Tool 9320 Woodland ADVERTISING CLOCK von make SIOO commission or more first week return your sample out fit for full refund: exclusive virgin ter ritory to qunlihpd men experience un Kinetic Ad Clerk Division 553 Jackson st Dent 9 Chicago: NW volt electric arc welder sells on 5 minute to mnanirs repairmen farmers shnna and factories: $375: un to 1 50 commission: off tovacr battery or 110 volt current Trindl Products 2223 Calu met Chicago EN CLOTH ING ALE EN Earn biff money and your own suits free jelling all wool $1895 $4 com mission bonuses also sanforized cumme*r suits $595 up: outfit trPP: write experience Dor1 180 Rent worth 9 29 Now York TWO SALESMEN: TcTprewnt weekly news service to execut'ves and professional men onlv over 250000 clients: house to linuse men not wanted: liberal dailv cash mmniwirtt and wccklv bonne one vacancy Cleveland an Mansfield terrt tnries Mr Wiehl 820 Ci tizens Bld nav every dav selling complete line printing neerssitieH social security bonks book matches advertising novel Ammi8sinn nrlvaticed: experi ence urmeppiarv outfit free: nuck de Pvrries ederal MK Des Plaines Jin smbltimis sakman between the are of 2 and 30 who fa interested in grow ing with the world's largest producer or Automatic Coal Burner Drawing as' ounl against liberal commissions Apply lor personal interview by ictltr only sistinr aualtncallons and references Box 233'8 Plain Dealer rSALBSM III GH GRADE Leading paint manufacturer ha Ohio ter ritory open for salesman with lul aalet record wiling to hardware and paint trade pentito preferred aalarjpen unquestionable reference essen tial give age complete employment ex perience education in first tetter personal interview replies held confiden tial A ddre? Box 5494 Plain Dealer fcALESM AN and' collector 23 to 38 by national manufacturer if electrical household appliance selling direct to eonmuner opportunity to engage in per manent bifaineaa protected territory no investment required drawing account while trained by manager per manent worker only: must have car Male former employment Box lOobu Plain Pester BIG COMMISSION sellins friends netsl bors nationally known guaranteed lull fashioned silk hosiery experh nee untiec ewary special sample offers Silver Lady 36KW ifth ave New York BIG manufacturer wants housewives with spare time to wear free sample dresses show to friends: ontmisaioii hive size arc liarford rocks Dept 6021 Cat ei uiiat i GIRLS for lamp riuute deni: machine ami hand taping experience out ot town firm steady work good opportunity salary Box 31 489 Plain Dealer LADIES over 19 cosmetic sales dept: $24 salarv for first 2 weeks plus bonus permanent if you qualify Experience not necessary See Mr Coakley 19 a to 5 ni 802 Public Sg Bldg I you agree to show them tn friends vbu 2 snaff proofeu silk atockmys ami show vou how Lu earn up to weekiv commission American Mills 1 1 G907 Indi anapohs LADY: good education for interview ing selected list parents guaranteed salary rapid promotion Bo: 3018J Pl ain Dealer LADY: Social contacts io assist represent ative of cosmetic comnany no feeding comm i sri IT 7 585 PLEASANT profitable eotnnntwion bust of vour own conducted from your home Call at 81(1 Guardian Bldg YOUNG LADY with sates experience in Photographic studio drawing account Box 26189 Plain Dealer Designers Designers Designers 1 taein tiprat Oraf ismeii mechanical Draftsmen engineers lc nn firm PUIMlllIIll WKIU uwum oreman tools and dies Inspector tools and dies 2 Draftsmen plant layout JLj MU SEE MU BABINGTON Radio executive creative ahihiy AA radio department nut of city Advertising copy agency out city 8d Copywriter versatite local agency Advertising production and general oatant age Sales engineer field work Sales tires accounts Sales tires farm trade Sales oil and greas Sales wholesale fuds Cincinnati Salos' office equipment bales retail food experience Driver bales East and West Side Advertising detail work 2 L20 Sales l3) 25 39 know city SEE MR BAR CELL Credit Clerk ('ollections Assistant Bookkeeper cashier Stenographers 1 year experience Order clerk tires accessories Jr Bookkeeping accounting college Stenographer leave city Investigator loan vxnerience ull charge bookkeeper Retail credit manager 25 32 Credit Investigator collections inance contact dealers experience 8 Accountant travel Public Accountant permanent Purchasmg agent tools jics SEE MR BECKWITH Office Bov high school graduate Stenographer shop experience Salesman counwvxpericnce Order Clerk rubber footwear Budget Sales credits piiolr vxrfx t8 ft tfffo Wlin t'U'D I A Suleman plunibins xncrn'tiT li't' LE ELAND VOC ATI 0 8 Bids MAin 67 90: OPEN MONDAY EVENING YOU are cordially invited to viait mir en larged offices We also have added sev eral people to our staff If the position you want is not listed our special placement department will handle your case at no extra charge $65 AV1LS0N EM PLOY MENT 725 UNION TRUST BLDG OPEN MONDAY EVENING foremost engineering placement service specialized personal attention I given each applicant No registration fees many positions advertised It will pay you tn regiter at once Civil engineer under 35 structural steel concrete iianufacuirinc $590 Industrial engineer 35 40 automotive $500 Designer checker mechanical $225 5250 Mechanical engineer some metallurgy $200 Machine df steii layout $2oti Paint research chemist $225 up Mechanical engineer 3 recent graduates $Dio $125 Protheroe A Bradley TECHNICAL PLACEaMEXT 504 Swetland Bldg PR 0240 DIVISION Sales Mgr tires $500 Industrial Management Engineers Soo Machine Shop Superintendent Time Study Engineer $39 Time Motion Study Engineers $150 $20 Assistant Production Mgr metal $300 Architectural 8truct)rai Engineer $259 Machine Designers development S3'(i Accountant Auditors S150 $175 S25H Junior Accountants credit nin S11O S125 Salps Promotion Correspondent $12u $15O hales Engineer Snmd equipment $130 Ice Cream Salesman 8130 Service mm refrigeration $1 1 3l District Salesman appliances 2OU Slock Uterk tire branch S100 S125 INTERSTATE EXCI I ANU 207 Hippodrome EstabPshed 1900 OPEN MONDAY TO 8 Draftsman plant layout Draftsman metal Draftsman structural Stenographers (4) Saks modernistic dquipniPti chemical engineer metallurgy Bookkeeper full charge Credit clerk junior Typist saks tvpe Stock record clerk Draftsman machine design Chemical engineer paint Designer tools dies BELL SE VICI 711 Citizens Bldg DESIGNERS DRATSAIEN: Cle ve la 1 1 nr ineeri ng Agcnev 2 132 9 Employment Bureau emale Contlnitetl teom fiiTE I ST 0 I EC I a 1 POSITIONS TUN I WG A NIG 1 1 1 1 I MABEL HOWARD MANAGER EIGHTEEN YEARS DEPENDABLE SERVICE SEE ROSE HALL Stenographer Advertising VPfH Stenographers to travel 3r7 Stenographer Dictaphone WcH Jr Stenographer prefer Protestant $8d Stenographer ray ntediral hast Stenogranher East jxA experienced dowillowti Stenographer meet P'bhc SEE LENORA JAMES Moon Hopkins Bookkeeper Biller JlUU Key punch comptometer riturle haaLAA 21 25 experienced 1 Learn Beauty Culture in Cleveland's most MODERN and UP TO DATE SCHOOL Virit our remodeled newly trj irieiit Hlir niodpril iiv clf ifl Pnmfort and ease you too can leant BEAUTY CULTURE under expert personal in struction ENROLL NOW Prepare yourself for a finer position with more money Dav and Evening Classes So thorough is thi training that when you graduate you are on an equal with most nperaiorg and able to hold one of MEN 7 neat appearing young men to distribute washing powder: mut be ambitions willing lo work and tjllow intructions $25 for first two weeks Plu sales extras See Mr Coakley b(H Public bo Bldg 8 a to EXCLUSIVE distributor of hig standing wanted for nationally known product rendition motors cuts aas oil cots in teases compression vfrite tor No Risk" plan free sample commission Mcto Nu Corp 236 o5 Dept New York MANUACTURER ol nationally advertised items requires the services ol mung: man to call on high class grocery trade salary $2250 give age experience other qualifications Box 301b9 Plain Prater ASSISTANT: If you have a car and want to work with me selling appliances Iwill split my commission You will earn about $40 a week Mr Janner 5005 Euclid Room 215 9:30 to 11 only In Painesville Mr Churchill Gave Block ASSISTANT to Mgr Catholic preferred over 30: sales commission naid daily 623 Caxton Bldg to 10 a BOY for errands: opportunitv to work into sales: salary state are and educa Box ili uiam veaier SUNDAY 2S 1937 DIESEL The world's fastest growing industry will far surpass record of 1 1)36 THOUSANDS POWER PLANTS THOUSANDS LOCOMOTIVES Many Thousand Trucks Tractors etc Marine Aeroplanes and Automobiles AH Need Operators and Service Men Hemphill Trained Men Arc Preferred! Get Out of a Rut! Prepare! Write: HEMPHILL DIESEL SCHOOLS office 54S Engineers Bldg or 'MARCH IT'S UEL NAME AGE ADDRESS Situation Wanted Male ACCOUNTANT Public audit systems fed eral and state taxes niuiithly aut it moderatefces Box 5888 11am ACCOUNTANT 'Bookkeeper bank and auto dealer experience: Bull or part time references A CCOIJNT A NT lax expert: Social securi ties and all corporation taxes auditing $1G monthly Box 9988 I lain Dealer ACCOUNTANT: Mfg bookkeeping taxes full or part time ML Q3l ADVERTISING Sales Promotion: Live wire young man near 30 industrial and en feiimer experience can do research lay out write good copy for media and di mail: also organize sales promo tion campaigns A references Box 418S Plain Dealer ADVERTISING executhe correspondent: Writes forceful leters 12 years exporii ence references Box 11)88 1 ATT'ORNEY Experienced in reil estate and mortgage transactions seeks postwn with real estate firm or leiKlin' iIM lion will enter partnership with broker Box 26381) Plain Dealer B00KKEEIrER Experienced references will leave city RE li loW CARPENTER A MAINTENANCE OR KEPA I 'j Underwriter: EXPERIENCED IN ALL LINES eolle ge raauate Box 2H0MI Plain Dealer CHAUEUR: Dutch married years at one place capable of holding responM ble position city referenceijRh tJt 'J CHAUEUR gardener exnerio iced: city or country Box 888 1 lain Ilyater CHAUEUR butler or couple experi ence references LA 7174W CH AU EUR bu ler uusem i an A Col i red al so cook LO 5to 4 1 to CHAUEUR: TRUCK DRIVEK LI CENSED single RELIABLE 1 5 1 CHAUEUR: White single 30 (J years' store work LO 4707 CHEMICAL engineer 29 graduate of Class A University 4 years' experience Indus trial chemistry accept any Position where such knowledge will be of value references Box 16800 Plain Dealer CHIE Inspector: Well versed on small and large close tolerance work desires position with a progressive manufac turer where ability and initiative will be a preci a ted Box 17989 Plain Dealer CHE TYVO MEN wanted to take established AVatkins routes Good commission and bonus Repeat sales Experience un necessary Complete training Apply Monday 9 12 a 1743 Chester ave YOUNG MEN (21: 20 years or over for special sates work can average 3Oweekly commission: good clean Proposi tion experience unnecessary Apply 632 Schofield Bldg OPENING two more coffee routes here up to $45 a week commission new ords given to producers as bonus Applicants call at local office 1638 Payne 9 to 1 a COUPLE: Middle aged for farm near Cleveland $5(1 board roorn bath Call Hillcrest 14 2 or 294 Wilson Mills rd Mayfield Village Berry LOCAL firm requires young man neat and ambitious around $15 weekly commis sion to start: no sates expericn neces sary 516 Hippodrome Bldg LOCAL BUYERS WANTED To buv used office machines we pay cash Write Pruitt Co 1115 Pruitt Bldg Chi cago L'EAT Appearing young men (21 to as sist mgr in sales dept satisfied $18weekly commission and bonus start a 715 Prospect Room i58 MEN WANTED: Who understand horse racing to sell new racing system: 5 commission write for free sample copy full details Box 746 Chicago COUPLE: General housework and laun dry: care of car lawn and shrubs: 2 adults: Protestant preferred references Box 32889 Plain Dealer MAN voting 1 peppy and alert must have sales and promotion ability for photographic studio: drawing account Box 26589 Plain Dealer RELIABLE firm wants men to travel ex jrenence unnecessary: bonus and weekly check ar augen ent McBrady 101 Van Buren Chicago MAN with small car or a moforeyr te side ear lo deliver small parcels per delivery Superior Poultry 11800 Superior ave fPoar) COUPLE Wife good cook no washing: small family: yard houseman some city references LO 3x46 jELDERLY men house to houte no sell in Kuarhnteeri salary Apply 12 lo 4 7692 Broadway SALE? experience colteffe aduate pre tre 28 35 salary Box 28088 Plata Dealer fiAN for established coffee route: refer ence and cash bond required salary and bonus 2990 25 GJULE: White: general housework no laundry 4 children YE 4280 YOUNG married man must be good milk er: salary Elm arm Dairy Medina qXlr tAe' iiirniiHK fitni aatorv 6533 Woodland are YsUuU TOOL MAKERS Must be first class: none others jy ed ap ply: hourly rate: 5i ear to Truscon Tools Gages lnc 3 106 63 TOOL AND DIEMAKER hourly rate 2240 Carnegie ave TRUCK DRIVER: Union man to haul coal Phone Westlake 111R $115 7 65 NURSES: Graduate undergraduate and practical: available by day or week I Ir veland Nurses Home and Registry S213 Linwood GA 3610 TEACHERS: Vacancies reported daily write us your qualifications: inclose stamp Teachers Exchange Kansas City Kan emale Instruction A Vital Message TO EVERY SALESLADIES to sell a household sitv to be advertised by rahio ladies now selling to homes will find this aerv nice side line salary or eoinmia sioti Answer by letter giving full par ticulars Box 19589 Plain Dealer SALESLAIHES: Over 19: daily advanced cotntnibfeions fipecial sate radio adver tising appointment work Apply 9 to 4 Real Silk Hippodrome Bkkr SALESWOMEN Thoroughly experienced in selling COATS DRESSES MILLINERY Salary Apply Employment Dent THE MAY CO SECRETARY7: Well educated ambitious woman tor private school salary OR A Pl 'QIN TMENT BO 58U8W SALESLADY with car: real estate experi ence commission 14188 Superior rd SHIRTiNlsIIER: Experienced also all around girl sorting and mangling sal ary Mothers Laundry 4512 Clark ave STENOGRAPHER: Legal or abstract ex perience familiar with court records slate age experience salary exiiected BoxJJ288SPlainltealer STENOGRAPHER: Nedt appearing: sal ary give expenenee age and references BoxHl 289 Pl ain Dealer STENOGRAPHER general office work part time: salary Box 48S Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHER: Part time: small sal ary biff opportunity poll Euclid 4Jt TEAGHERS: or 28 years JOLRNE5S has oiiercd pleasant and profitable employ ment to proffressive guccesslul women teachers Our contract makes an ade quate weekly salary offer plus bonu or information write Bellows Reeve Go 520 Guardian Blair Cleveland giv ing full experience age and date avail atee TELEPHONE solicitors (2): To advertise and take orders on brand new otter ot News Week and other publications De partment store co oPeration Liberal corn i ss ion 1417 Guarantee Title Bldg WAITRESS: jiH time mornings: salary vicimtyloll 4 Euclid EXCELLENT POSITION 0R reliable woman over 2 to become affiliated with a growing sales concern Attractive 'commission white receiving special free training Wonderful opppr tunitv for advancement to a salaried position if you qualify ror personal interview apply Monday a 1591 Euclid ave Bulktey Bldff A rcade Shop No SPECIAL employment for married wom en up to $15 weekly commission and your own dresses free represciiling na tionally known ashion rocks: no can vassing: no if you live in this vieinitv call or write for interview at our branch office Lefko Dist Mgr ashion rocks Inc 214 Hippo rn i Bldz level and xVTTRACTl POSIT ION Superior woman with car ability to pro mote and sell exclusive sportswear and to assist manager Large ennimisston overwriting Dignified work (all Ch (1080 between 9 and 10 Monday a Mrs Embler Park Lane ilia IMMEDIATE OTONING in Child Guidance Department for business woman age 47 Must like children and be interested in permanent post tlon mission and bonus Phone MR RIDER Childcraft Department of Sales Hullen den Hotel Agent type please do not apply ff our for Lorain 3 for Cleveland free training with expense allowance: steadywork with salary and commission pre fer married men over 24 who can fur nish good references and are willing to work hard as instructed with a view to promotion to one ol the many openings now available in connection with ou biff expansion program See RcffionaJ Manager Monday only 11 to 4 lui Kudid ifth oor SALESMEN: $100 $150 weekly oppor tunity bir commission basis travel ap point distributors: amazing new profit able repeating product easiest fastest belter numerous leads neat appearance pales experience financial responsibility and car necessary See Viuson Sunday or onday Colonia 1 let SALESMEN (3): With proven 'records permanent salary (not a drawing a count) plus liberal commission deals per week will net $3750 salary references required Apply 9 a 10 12 Room 82(j Engineers Bldg SALESMEN (3): Work out of state clean cut men desired free to travel: complete training given: cash coninns iona transportation and expenses paid Apply Sunday only 10 to 5 Mr Snyder Hotel Gillsv SERVICE MEN Experienced: refrigerators and other appli ances: write fully experience and sal ary desired Box 31589 Plain Dealer SHEET METAL men experienced on stain less steel drainboarda for bar interior hourly rate Monarch Stove Equipment 5810 Euclid ave Help Wanted Male "UNUSUAL 1 Nationally known eastern etoek accident health and hfe Insurance company with rating specializing in non cancelable aud non income pro tection abu writing attractive line participating low cost legal reserve life contracts has openings for two reprn rentanvofe MiluUSKy jjurnin Dijtin Painevilte Geneva ami Ashtabula: di rect home office contract paying large first commission liberal renewals and financial assistance tends furnished through circularization plan: necessary training given: must be between ages 25 and 50: give sales 'xpertenre and phone number: replies confidential Cornett 708 Ohio State havings Bldg Columbus Ohio Employment Bureau Male DR LIST SPECIAL POSITIONS tunk in wgar nigh EIGHTEEN YEAKS OE DEPENDABLE SERVICE Mabel HOWARD MANAGER OH OPEN MONDAY UNTIL 8 LJ Etimaior nh marble $399 AirV mechanical electrical machinery switches controls jigs and fixtures WINDOW Trimmer wanted: Ready to wear thoroughly experienced: none others need apply Inc 132 red eral st Youngstown Sunday be tween 2:30 and 5 MEN (2): Preferably with light car to collect established monthly installment routes no selling experience unneces sary commission Apply 10 to 12 a 557 Hippodrome Annex MAN: About 30 with background of meeting public for collection and sates work guaranteed salary and bonus Apply Crystal 801 Guardian Bldg 029 Euclid ELDERLY MAN past factory ape limit machinist or mechanical experience must be sober and steady small wages io begin steady work Apply Mon only 2627 55 25 DAILY COMMISSION: 1937 SPE CIAL start now new national co op erative adverti inff campaign be beat appeals all retailers Ticoa fi Michigan blvd Chicago STRANGE chemical sponge deans wall pa per like magic: banishes house clean ing drudgery sensational demonstration samples on trial ruh name com i ssion Krietee Dept 177 Akron Ohio: EARN $5 S10 daily commission selling bromo for headaches to confectionery taverns restaurant' also alkaline tab lets carded fast seller: repeat Seltzer Produeis 573' So Wells Chicago SALESMEN Contacting restaurants hotels taverns lunch stands take on new transparent menu cover de mand: commission Bu reau 25 9 Broadw ay New York BRAND new national business necessity sell store factoriee employers indi viduals 2flfMHJ000 buyers no comppti Hon $15 daily commission free sample 1 1 435 Cl ark Chi cago GIVT away free 1937 home and auh radios with punch sales card 2 sates dailv pays S2O3KX week ly commission write today for free ptartinff offer Division ObO De Luxe Co 173 Madison Chicago SALESMEN: Now railing on 5 and 1 nr stores independents small chains and jobbers to carry additional toy and sta tionery line liberal commission baste Box 794 Plain Dca1er SH)E Line nationally known hot iron for independent variety notion trade: 25 commission or 40 where stex'k carried Priscilla Bux 0030 Kan sas City Mo SALESMAN: neckwear well known repeating attractive sideline priced right commission Lvu Seidman J2X VV 3 1 st New York SELL Neon signs new Rates cata log now readv: beautiful 5 color illustra tions indoor and outdoor displays Pioneer Neon Co Minoeapolis 5linn ACTORY or mill supply salesman with following attractive commission propo sition More Power 50 Court Brook lyn New York SALESfEN: Sdl social security record hooka: aamptes free big commission National Publishing Co 214 Walker Bldg Minneapolis Minn SALESMAN to sell simnc popular priced shirt line department chain stores mail order houses commission Lou to Mil ler Co 1199 Broadway COEE salesman: Experience unneops sary salary Write Kay 2921 Lefeourt Bldg Newark New Jersey Continued In Next MATURE woman over 35: special sales appointment work: advanced comnus sion 1 1 ix Plain Dea ter GIRL with soda fountain experience and sandwich ability reference salary Lee Drug Co 1511 St Clair LADY for dry cleaning store experienced in pressiuff repairing fur work salary Box 29789 Plain Dealer LADY for advertising any style garment made as ss $395 salary Ebding Corsetry 407 Hippodrome Bldg EXPERIENCED canvasser salary and commission: phone mgr for appointment CHerrv7590 xMlDDLEAGEDW0MAN fnr small apt 1 adult 1877 75 Apt 1 WOMAN: Stay day time with elderly cnuple for month reference GL 4 1 29 UteST AIRS work care of children white girl $10 YE I77JL ENROLL NOW DR NEW CLASSES Business secret Comptonietry BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED THR01GH TRAINING 1 I 1 1 A A A Short intensive courses of 3 5 8 mpnths Also intensive 8 wcek typing course Day veiling Employment Service ideal location Delightful study rooms Boyd School YVilliainson Bbl Euffiid Public Square Attractive Girls or ashion Modeling No experience needed: membership includes complete training and placement serv ice visit studio find nut if ynu qualify CLEVELAND MODEL GUILD 666 Hanua Bld Open a to 9 SHORTHAND or TYPEWRITING Two evenin each week $3 P' month Ronkkrcpins also Quality irainins DYKE SCHOOL COMMERCE 1901 Huron rd CH (5H SHORTHAND (Gregg or Pitman) typewrit ing bookkeeping accounting comptom eter or Enclirth ni rht classes Monday Thursday $9 each 4 weeks WILCOX COLLEGE COMMERCE Public Square Bldg JOBS available for thoroughly trained peo ple team ttesignine cutting dressmak ing factory power rewiug rte day evnnitrr rtes es Progressive 4(1(1 Euclid (Continued in Next Column) Advertising copy rte Association secretary technical Sales manager tires Salesman dealer trade lasm a nqinf 'nit 'itiaii Advertist iff copyw riter rubber expen nce preierrea Accountants (3) Advertising copy production Accountant lit in Buffalo Desiffners draftsmen (20 Time study engineers Designer blooming mill oreman forre shop Radin sates wholesale motor signer Hydraulic designer oreman machine shop Paint sales Salesmen automotive parts ftn rira ftT nr lo Draftsmen general experience $15() $200 Mechanical electrical chemical grad juniors S10U S150 Refrigeration service man Junior draftsmen Retail credit man inventory merchandising Accountants several junior senior $1 college graduate a degree age lnorman under 30 College graduate A training Menograpner Artist magazine Iptfprinir Artist furniture layouts Sates food foreign speakmg Bookkeeper typist Comptometer rapid accurate Jr sates rtebit insurance Stenographer some experience Office Boy typist Dinner cook 20 Xperi ence in out of town Royaltun 48r CIISTODIANSUpTT: Experienrixi whits couple A references full time capable of lull charge BO 401CT CUSTODIAN White cxprienceii refer ence 1 602 66 KE 4 222J CUSTODIAN White: part time Heights references SK 628iJ CUSTODIAN elevator operator shipping: colored references HE 5831 DRATSMAN 29 married employed ex perienced in civil mechanical engineer i 658b in Dealer ELECTRICAL repair mechanic 27 or any work livable salary GL 9O18 ENGINEER: Licensed age 34 white 13 years in steam refrigeration atid mam ance reference ME 1229 ENGINEER estimating for contractor evenings Box ENGINEERING works manager or factory Bupermtendent: thoroughly experienced available on short notice Box lilbi Plain Dealer GARDENER caretaker: Thomiurii knowl edge country estates greenhouses mid dle aged married: no children highly recommended Box 33984 Plain Dealer HOTEL CLERK: Sober honest reliabteBox 26289 Plain Dealer JANITOR: Colored part time work in apt for rooms GA luolJ LUMBER MAN 37 15 years' experience figuring waiting on trade estimating etc Box 17689 Plain Dealer MACHINE shop production foreman with'll experience desires connection uitli a concern manufacturing sp' ed precision parts Box 1889 1 lain Dealer MACHINIST OR MAINTENANCE EX PERIENCED WO 1689 NURSE: Male attendant and companion 5 experience CE 6585 PLANT Engineer: Colk'sc graduate 29 experience electrical mechanical structural and industrial work seeks position with industrial or contracting company Box 18689 Plain Dealer PORTER or cleaning work: colored expe i need rcte fences EN 1501 jTliNTTNG: Tn conduct service depart ment ton? advertising and merchandis ing experience typographer of reputa tion: wide aeqaintance Box 18U89 Plait i I) a I er PAPER GLEANING WALL WASHING neat work LOW RATES Pu 28111 PAPER cleaned removed wall washing reference Sutherland HE '1669 SALES: EXPER1 ENCED NEWSPA PER AGENCY MERCHANDISING INE CHARACTER RECORD: AGE 30: A PABLE BOX 72S8 PLAIN DEALER: SALESMAN 28 experienced 6 'C2rs practical 2 theory McLean Ml 3 18 SPECIaIYY salesman married 10 years present position will consider only Round permanent proposition with al tractive pay Box 9888 Plain Dealer MAN age with legal training sales credit and collection experience dili gent worker desires connection Box 30689 Plain Dealer YOUNG MAN handv mechanically in clined knowledge of electrical appliance repairs: drive truck own tools Box 17899 Plain Dealer GENTLEMAN: Many executive and sales experience: owns ear will travel: salary or commission Box 19389 Plain Dealer MAN 43 intelligent dependable can handle people: any work evenings or nights Box 17089 Plain Dealer MAN 37: Business sales experience car small capital wants to make connection Box 30589 Plain Dealer.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Where is The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

A: When you purchase a subscription package through the Plain Dealer Publishing Co. circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The former Plain Dealer building is owned by Industrial Commercial Properties (ICP) LLC of Solon.

How do I contact the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

How do I subscribe to The Plain Dealer? ›

Call (216) 999-6000. You can also subscribe online.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly. [from 16th c.] Wiktionary.

Where is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

The Plain Dealer Publishing Co.'s state-of-the-art Tiedeman Production and Distribution Center in Brooklyn, Ohio, 11 miles from downtown Cleveland, opened in 1994.

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

Who was the first black man to settle in Cleveland? ›

Cleveland's African American community is almost as old as the city itself. GEORGE PEAKE, the first Black settler, arrived in 1809 and by 1860 there were 799 Black people living in a growing community of over 43,000.

Where is the RV show in Cleveland Ohio? ›

Welcome to the Ohio RV Supershow, presented by Progressive, returning from January 10-14, 2024, at the I-X Center in Cleveland.

Where is the boat show in Cleveland? ›

1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland, OH 44135

Join us for the 67th anniversary of Ohio's largest and longest-running boat show – the Progressive Cleveland Boat Show!

What happened to the flats in Cleveland? ›

In the 1980s and 1990s, as manufacturing slowly dissipated throughout the United States, the Flats transformed itself into an entertainment destination.


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 5491

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.