What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (2024)

What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (1)

A strong conceptual framework underpins good research. A conceptual framework in research is used to understand a research problem and guide the development and analysis of the research. It serves as a roadmap to conceptualize and structure the work by providing an outline that connects different ideas, concepts, and theories within the field of study. A conceptual framework pictorially or verbally depicts presumed relationships among the study variables.

The purpose of a conceptual framework is to serve as a scheme for organizing and categorizing knowledge and thereby help researchers in developing theories and hypotheses and conducting empirical studies.

In this post, we explain what is a conceptual framework, and provide expert advice on how to make a conceptual framework, along with conceptual framework examples.

Table of Contents

What is a Conceptual Framework in Research

Definition of a Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework includes key concepts, variables, relationships, and assumptions that guide the academic inquiry. It establishes the theoretical underpinnings and provides a lens through which researchers can analyze and interpret data. A conceptual framework draws upon existing theories, models, or established bodies of knowledge to provide a structure for understanding the research problem. It defines the scope of research, identifying relevant variables, establishing research questions, and guiding the selection of appropriate methodologies and data analysis techniques.

Conceptual frameworks can be written or visual. Other types of conceptual framework representations might be taxonomic (verbal description categorizing phenomena into classes without showing relationships between classes) or mathematical descriptions (expression of phenomena in the form of mathematical equations).

What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (2)

Figure 1: Definition of a conceptual framework explained diagrammatically

Conceptual Framework Origin

The term conceptual framework appears to have originated in philosophy and systems theory, being used for the first time in the 1930s by the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. He bridged the theological, social, and physical sciences by providing a common conceptual framework. The use of the conceptual framework began early in accountancy and can be traced back to publications by William A. Paton and John B. Canning in the first quarter of the 20th century. Thus, in the original framework, financial issues were addressed, such as useful features, basic elements, and variables needed to prepare financial statements. Nevertheless, a conceptual framework approach should be considered when starting your research journey in any field, from finance to social sciences to applied sciences.

Purpose and Importance of a Conceptual Framework in Research

The importance of a conceptual framework in research cannot be understated, irrespective of the field of study. It is important for the following reasons:

  • It clarifies the context of the study.
  • It justifies the study to the reader.
  • It helps you check your own understanding of the problem and the need for the study.
  • It illustrates the expected relationship between the variables and defines the objectives for the research.
  • It helps further refine the study objectives and choose the methods appropriate to meet them.

What to Include in a Conceptual Framework

Essential elements that a conceptual framework should include are as follows:

  • Overarching research question(s)
  • Study parameters
  • Study variables
  • Potential relationships between those variables.

The sources for these elements of a conceptual framework are literature, theory, and experience or prior knowledge.

How to Make a Conceptual Framework

Now that you know the essential elements, your next question will be how to make a conceptual framework.

For this, start by identifying the most suitable set of questions that your research aims to answer. Next, categorize the various variables. Finally, perform a rigorous analysis of the collected data and compile the final results to establish connections between the variables.

In short, the steps are as follows:

  • Choose appropriate research questions.
  • Define the different types of variables involved.
  • Determine the cause-and-effect relationships.

Be sure to make use of arrows and lines to depict the presence or absence of correlational linkages among the variables.

Developing a Conceptual Framework

Researchers should be adept at developing a conceptual framework. Here are the steps for developing a conceptual framework:

1. Identify a research question

Your research question guides your entire study, making it imperative to invest time and effort in formulating a question that aligns with your research goals and contributes to the existing body of knowledge. This step involves the following:

  • Choose a broad topic of interest
  • Conduct background research
  • Narrow down the focus
  • Define your goals
  • Make it specific and answerable
  • Consider significance and novelty
  • Seek feedback.

2. Choose independent and dependent variables

The dependent variable is the main outcome you want to measure, explain, or predict in your study. It should be a variable that can be observed, measured, or assessed quantitatively or qualitatively. Independent variables are the factors or variables that may influence, explain, or predict changes in the dependent variable.

Choose independent and dependent variables for your study according to the research objectives, the nature of the phenomenon being studied, and the specific research design. The identification of variables is rooted in existing literature, theories, or your own observations.

3. Consider cause-and-effect relationships

To better understand and communicate the relationships between variables in your study, cause-and-effect relationships need to be visualized. This can be done by using path diagrams, cause-and-effect matrices, time series plots, scatter plots, bar charts, or heatmaps.

4. Identify other influencing variables

Besides the independent and dependent variables, researchers must understand and consider the following types of variables:

  • Moderating variable: A variable that influences the strength or direction of the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.
  • Mediating variable: A variable that explains the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable and clarifies how the independent variable affects the dependent variable.
  • Control variable: A variable that is kept constant or controlled to avoid the influence of other factors that may affect the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
  • Confounding variable: A type of unmeasured variable that is related to both the independent and dependent variables.

Example of a Conceptual Framework

Let us examine the following conceptual framework example. Let’s say your research topic is “The Impact of Social Media Usage on Academic Performance among College Students.” Here, you want to investigate how social media usage affects academic performance in college students. Social media usage (encompassing frequency of social media use, time spent on social media platforms, and types of social media platforms used) is the independent variable, and academic performance (covering grades, exam scores, and class attendance) is the dependent variable.

This conceptual framework example also includes a mediating variable, study habits, which may explain how social media usage affects academic performance. Study habits (time spent studying, study environment, and use of study aids or resources) can act as a mechanism through which social media usage influences academic outcomes. Additionally, a moderating variable, self-discipline (level of self-control and self-regulation, ability to manage distractions, and prioritization skills), is included to examine how individual differences in self-control and discipline may influence the relationship between social media usage and academic performance.

Confounding variables are also identified (socioeconomic status, prior academic achievement), which are potential factors that may influence both social media usage and academic performance. These variables need to be considered and controlled in the study to ensure that any observed effects are specifically attributed to social media usage. A visual representation of this conceptual framework example is seen in Figure 2.

What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (5)

Figure 2: Visual representation of a conceptual framework for the topic “The Impact of Social Media Usage on Academic Performance among College Students”

Key Takeaways

Here is a snapshot of the basics of a conceptual framework in research:

  • A conceptual framework is an idea or model representing the subject or phenomena you intend to study.
  • It is primarily a researcher’s perception of the research problem. It can be used to develop hypotheses or testable research questions.
  • It provides a preliminary understanding of the factors at play, their interrelationships, and the underlying reasons.
  • It guides your research by aiding in the formulation of meaningful research questions, selection of appropriate methods, and identification of potential challenges to the validity of your findings.
  • It provides a structure for organizing and understanding data.
  • It allows you to chalk out the relationships between concepts and variables to understand them.
  • Variables besides dependent and independent variables (moderating, mediating, control, and confounding variables) must be considered when developing a conceptual framework.

What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (6)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a moderating variable and a mediating variable?

Moderating and mediating variables are easily confused. A moderating variable affects the direction and strength of this relationship, whereas a mediating explains how two variables relate.

What is the difference between independent variables, dependent variables, and confounding variables?

Independent variables are the variables manipulated to affect the outcome of an experiment (e.g., the dose of a fat-loss drug administered to rats). Dependent variables are variables being measured or observed in an experiment (e.g., changes in rat body weight as a result of the drug). A confounding variable distorts or masks the effects of the variables being studied because it is associated both with dependent variable and with the independent variable. For instance, in this example, pre-existing metabolic dysfunction in some rats could interact differently with the drug being studied and also affect rat body weight.

Should I have more than one dependent or independent variable in a study?

The need for more than one dependent or independent variable in a study depends on the research question, study design, and relationships being investigated. Note the following when making this decision for your research:

  • If your research question involves exploring the relationships between multiple variables or factors, it may be appropriate to have more than one dependent or independent variable.
  • If you have specific hypotheses about the relationships between several variables, it may be necessary to include multiple dependent or independent variables.
  • Adequate resources, sample size, and data collection methods should be considered when determining the number of dependent and independent variables to include.

What is a confounding variable?

A confounding variable is not the main focus of the study but can unintentionally influence the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Confounding variables can introduce bias and give rise to misleading conclusions. These variables must be controlled to ensure that any observed relationship is genuinely due to the independent variable.

What is a control variable?

A control variable is something not of interest to the study’s objectives but is kept constant because it could influence the outcomes. Control variables can help prevent research biases and allow for a more accurate assessment of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Examples are (i) testing all participants at the same time (e.g., in the morning) to minimize the potential effects of circadian rhythms, (ii) ensuring that instruments are calibrated consistently before each measurement to minimize the influence of measurement errors, and (iii) randomization of participants across study groups.

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What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life (2024)


What is a Conceptual Framework and How to Make It (with Examples) | Researcher.Life? ›

A conceptual framework includes key concepts, variables, relationships, and assumptions that guide the academic inquiry. It establishes the theoretical underpinnings and provides a lens through which researchers can analyze and interpret data.

What is a conceptual framework in a research example? ›

An example of a Conceptual Framework in a quantitative study could be exploring the direct relation between years of education and income levels. The variables, in this case, are easily quantifiable (years of education and income), and the relationship can be empirically tested to generate statistical findings.

What is the importance of conceptual framework in our daily life? ›

Defining The Conceptual Framework

Shows the reader how different elements come together to facilitate research and a clear understanding of results. A tool (linked concepts) to help facilitate the understanding of the relationship among concepts or variables in relation to the real-world.

What is conceptual research with example? ›

Conceptual research is a research method that seeks to explore and explain concepts and ideas. For example, a study conducted to explore the concept of “social media addiction” examined the usage, interaction, and perception of social media among different people.

How can a conceptual framework be used to develop a research strategy? ›

A conceptual framework helps to first identify and then clarify what you know, care about, and value as central aspects of a study and then to connect these with the various other aspects of and influences on your research (Ravitch & Riggan, 2016).

What are the three main types of conceptual framework for research? ›

The types of conceptual frameworks are taxonomy, visual representa- tion, and mathematical description. The content of conceptual frameworks include reading process, reading aptitude, and the learning-to-read process.

What should I write in my conceptual framework? ›

However, basically the conceptual framework needs:
  1. The general sub-disciplinary area in which the research problem is formulated.
  2. The specific research problem.
  3. The existing theories that have been used to approach similar problems.
  4. The specific theoretical approach that you plan to take to address the research problem.
Jan 12, 2024

How to build a conceptual framework? ›

The procedure of conceptual framework analysis
  1. Phase 1: Mapping the selected data sources. ...
  2. Phase 2: Extensive reading and categorizing of the selected data. ...
  3. Phase 3: Identifying and naming concepts. ...
  4. Phase 4: Deconstructing and categorizing the concepts. ...
  5. Phase 5: Integrating concepts.

What are the three main elements of the conceptual frame? ›

Essential elements that a conceptual framework should include are as follows: Overarching research question(s) Study parameters. Study variables.

What is the main purpose of conceptual framework? ›

The primary purpose of the Conceptual Framework was to assist the IASB in the development of future IFRSs and in its review of existing IFRSs. The Conceptual Framework may also assist preparers of financial statements in developing accounting policies for transactions or events not covered by existing standards.

What are two examples of a conceptual model? ›

A flow chart for how to complete a series of tasks is an example of a conceptual model. Another example would be a model that an architect would use to plan the construction of a building.

What is an example of a conceptual question in research? ›

In most cases normative questions implies philosophical (not empirical) research. Conceptual questions are about the proper/useful/efficient meaning of words; 'what is freedom? ', 'what is equality? ' 'Which types of markets can be distinguished'.

What is conceptual meaning and example? ›

Something is conceptual when it deals primarily with abstract or original thoughts. A conceptual plan is one in an early stage. To make it work, you'll need to flesh out the details. Conceptual art is art in which the concept seems more important than the physical aspects of the artwork.

What is a conceptual framework and example? ›

A conceptual framework is a representation of the relationship you expect to see between your variables, or the characteristics or properties that you want to study. Conceptual frameworks can be written or visual and are generally developed based on a literature review of existing studies about your topic.

How do you write a conceptual framework in qualitative research example? ›

There are various steps you can follow to create a conceptual framework, including:
  1. Select a topic. ...
  2. Create a research question. ...
  3. Review the available literature. ...
  4. Identify the variables. ...
  5. Outline the relationships. ...
  6. Design the framework.
Nov 7, 2022

How to create a conceptual model? ›

Designing a conceptual model begins with conducting a thorough review of the literature. Search peer-reviewed journal articles, books/monographs, conference papers, and other relevant references. Next, organize the literature around the topic. Begin to develop research questions or objectives based on theory.

What is conceptual framework in research reference? ›

A conceptual framework is a structure which the researcher believes can best explain the natural progression of the phenomenon to be studied (Camp, 2001). It is linked with the concepts, empirical research and important theories used in promoting and systemizing the knowledge espoused by the researcher (Peshkin, 1993).

How do you write a research framework? ›

Here's how to create a theoretical framework for your study or research paper in four steps:
  1. Define your objective. ...
  2. Write a problem statement. ...
  3. Present your research questions. ...
  4. Create a literature review to highlight relevant theories.
Oct 17, 2023

How to write a conceptual research paper? ›

7 steps for writing a concept paper
  1. 1 Title. A concept paper's title should directly express the paper's content. ...
  2. 2 Introduction outlining problem and gaps in knowledge. ...
  3. 3 Mission statement. ...
  4. 4 Research aim. ...
  5. 5 Methodology. ...
  6. 6 Outline of proposed methods and potential impact. ...
  7. 7 Support. ...
  8. Write to your audience.
Aug 28, 2023

How to draw a conceptual framework in Word? ›

How to create a concept map in Word
  1. Plan your chart. Drawing your map on paper before using Word may decrease your work time by creating a simple planning guide. ...
  2. Open Word and create a page. ...
  3. Open the Illustrations section. ...
  4. Create map shapes. ...
  5. Label each section. ...
  6. Add connecting lines. ...
  7. Save, print or share the file.
Jun 24, 2022


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