What We Leave Behind (How We Start Anew) - iam57311 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: When I Found You Out Chapter Text Chapter 2: What He Left Behind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: How We Work From Here Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Why I Sought You Out Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: When Will We Decide Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Who You'll Grow To Be Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: The Little Leader Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: The Alchemist's Protégé Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: The Dad and The Father Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The Face Man Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The "Smart One" Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: The Baroness and The Mama Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: The Yearning Warrior Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The Young Dreamer Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: And All Together They Make... Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: ...What The Shell Was That? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: A Change of Pace, That's For Sure Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Just Let Me Do My Job Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: A Rivalry We Won't Remember Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Mother's Day Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Some Fixer-Uppers Are In Order Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Easier Than We Thought Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: The Greatest (Failed) Escape Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: It's the Thought That Counts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Lost in the Sauce Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: When Our Worlds First Met Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: What Goes Around, Comes Around Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: We Can't All Be Winners Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Subtle Ways to Prove Yourself Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Adding to Our Numbers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Training Who We Have Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Learning From Our Masters Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Another Uptick Unexpected Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Scattered Trust Summary: Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: When I Found You Out

Chapter Text

How humiliating.

The Baron Draxum, running away, hiding .

24 hours ago he never would've imagined himself in this situation. A yokai such as himself was too powerful, far too above the mere criminal mastermind he was branded as to consider cowering away from those he did not agree with.

But here he was.

In the human realm, no less.

Difficult it was to bet if he was followed through the portal, regardless of his attempt to close it. One could not be steady and focused when quick on their hooves.

Not even Baron Draxum, who, up until now, managed to avoid any attempts of arrest.

He pushed his limits far too thin. And now, he had to pay.

Still, he continued to run, narrowly avoiding sightings from humans for longer than necessary. At most, they would see him as a costumed figure, a wild being among the concrete jungle.

Not that these simpleton humans ever paid mind to their surroundings. Not at an hour such as this.

An odd blessing it must have been for the weather to offer a cover of rain and fog. Yes, it hindered his sight, but equally, it would impair anyone else's.

His chest grew heavy as he ducked into a darker street corner once against. One could never be too safe, avoiding the suspicions of pests and known trails of bounty hunters. Every possible turn could lead Draxum into further trouble.

He had nowhere else to go.

Nowhere .

So this maze of misshapen buildings and discarded appliances would be his hideout, if only until he could figure out half a mind towards getting himself out of this whole situation .

For as brilliant as his mind was, even the greatest of warrior alchemists fell short of knowledge under a sliver of hope; the hope that prompted him to believe his experiments would finally work.

At least the rain could provide him cover.

Thunder roared around him as his sights settled on a back alley doused in shade and cover. If only for a moment, it would be wise to catch his breath…

Deafeningly loud were his hooves, echoing against the ever-darkening cavern. Not as loud as before, having forced himself to slow his steps, lest he slip and fall, hindering and humiliating himself further – but still loud enough . Loud enough to know he could only hide for so long.

Reaching deep enough, his sights set on the ground behind a dumpster. Disgustingly tainted, these human alleyways were… but he had to rest. He had to sit down, if only for a moment.

The yokai forced every moral instinct down as he sat, curling his legs in on himself. If scrunched up enough, he should be out of view to any passerby. This would have to do for now. He was soaked from the rain, breathless from the running and an utter pathetic shell of the commanding, masterful Baron he should be.

He needed to rest. He needed to gather his thoughts. He needed to breathe .

Eyes never leaving the entrance of the alleyway, Draxum took note of the rapid rising and falling of his chest. Even through his armour, the sight was obvious to any. Even more so as his arms wrapped around his knees, keeping them upright and close. His whole body moved in rhythm with his breathing.

Even as he made a conscious effort to slow his breathing to something more manageable, his body still shook, shivering from the rain. Pathetic .

Then, there was a sound. A hum of sorts, but not from himself.

Reluctantly, the yokai's gaze moved from the alley's entrance to the source of the noise. Not only did he find that he was not alone – that his sight neglected to pick up on a whole other person sharing the space – but when he looked around…

His eyes widened.

" Draxum ?"

_ _ _

If thunder could be any more dramatic, then it sure chose its timing well.

Light illuminated the figure exposed to elements, and – sure as the sky was grey – that was Baron Draxum. In all his… glory?

Despite the false sense of security he'd fallen into at the hands of this man, Lou could only squint in confusion at the sight. Whatever fear or despair wanted to surface remained deep inside, for at the moment, he was not facing the same enemy he just managed to escape.

He was not facing an evil scientist… biologist… whatever the guy was. No, he was facing a wide-eyed, soaked, shivering man.

A man with the intention of hiding.

For a second, Lou huffed, loosening the hold he had on his four baby turtles. At the sound of an intruder, he had picked them up, ready to run if needed. By all means, he had no reason to have to justify running from Draxum, the guy who mutated them all.

But for some sliver of a reason, the taller non-human looked innocent. Scared, even.

Not that the look lasted. As the turtles remained in his arms, simply turning to look at the other alley inhabitant, he watched his wide eyes soften. All until they were made to match an ever-growing scowl.

"Oh. It's you."

Finally, the other man's breathing slowed to something akin to normal. Lou's own chest eased at the notice, glad he wasn't hyperventilating anymore.

Still, he did not know what to think of the sight. The more the Baron looked his way, the more he could see him growing annoyed; an expression Lou was not familiar with when it came to Draxum. He was always either looking upon him with wonder or anger up until now.

Which, all things considered, should have been a sign.

For a split second, he managed to find humour in this all.

"What, did I not turn out as handsome as you expected?" Admittedly not the best thing to joke about – the consequences of turning into a half-rat half-human are still something he was too exhausted to wrap his head around – but he did, for the time being, manage to replicate his old charm.

All it did was make the yokai groan, even more annoyed than before. "I never intended to mutate you as well. Honestly, I believed you to be dead – you and the experiments."

Lou held the turtles closer to him again, suddenly not likely the other's tone. "They're children."

"Right- the turtles," Draxum corrected. "After the fire you set destroyed my lab-"

"It wasn't me." Clearly, Draxum's patience was wearing thin, but Lou had to clear that up. "There was already chaos when I tried to escape with these four."

He heard the little ones babble about, clearly unaware of what their father was dealing with.

Their creator, on the other hand, looked more like himself now – angry, that is.

"Regardless of who set whose lab on fire – Lou Jitsu – there were never any plans of mutating you. I needed you alive and as a human for a reason! But of course, everything had to go haywire at the last minute! None of that matters anymore though, because as far as I'm aware, all other experiments have perished . They are gone ."

The yokai's arms flew up for a moment, falling back down to cross tightly against his chest.

"So be glad you survived. And that you're no longer human."

He knew that Draxum wasn't sulking about this. Logically, falling rain could only look so much like tears, especially against that stupid horned helmet. But Draxum didn't look any proud of what he just said either.

Lou was glad he managed to find a box to take cover in at the very least. If not to keep him and his sons away from the rain, then at least it shaded him away from what, to an outsider's perspective, must've looked like his own chest growing unsteady.

As he watched heavy rain pour down, dripping in full rivets down Baron Draxum's mask, he considered the man's words. He was grateful to be alive, to have found these four baby turtles and to have a chance of giving them a life other than that of a warrior. Being a rat man was… not ideal, he grew to hate it more every second… but something else in that jumble of words mattered more to him right now.

He sighed. "How do you know for sure that your other experiments are dead?"

Not unlike before, Draxum's eyes stared straight ahead, trying to read where Lou had the audacity to wonder such a thing of the alchemist. But, after a deep breath, he tried to look more passive, ready to explain himself – the key word being 'tried'.

"Only once the fire died down and the smoke cleared was I able to inspect the damage," Draxum explained. "With the ooze contamination, there were only so many documents I managed to salvage. Whatever mutant-yokai managed to escape left no trace of their existence, but my six current experiments…"

Lou's heart slowed for a moment. No, that couldn't mean…

"Six experiments?"

His voice was so weak as if he already knew what to expect. It hurt no less when the yokai looked between him and the turtles, his own eyes growing dark in sorrow.

"Six turtles."

Six turtles.

There were more of them.

He only managed to rescue four of the apparent six baby turtles.

Lou couldn't save the others, and neither could Draxum…


Instinctively, he hugged his sons tighter again. He shouldn't feel bad, there was no way he could have known…

What made it worse is when one of the little ones hugged his arm, snuggling into it. He looked at him, the little red-striped turtle he named Green for the time being. The others followed suit as if they knew .

He would do anything on this earth for these turtles. Even if it were only these four.

A wobbly smile found its way onto his lips – or whatever it was called for rats. "On the bright side, four of our sons are still alive and well." Dotingly he snuggled the young ones back, warmth finding its way back into his chest. "Maybe we couldn't save them all, but we can give the four of them that managed to survive a better life."

When he looked back up, he saw Draxum hesitate. Was it on the insistence of 'we'? Was it the use of calling them 'our sons'? Was it something else entirely?

"Our sons?"


"Yes, our sons. Like it or not, Draxum… they're your creations, so you're their father too."

If Draxum was having regrets about creating them, Lou would have no problems reminding him that giving sentient intelligence to living creatures came with consequences, and he shouldn't neglect that just because of cold hooves.

Now it looked to be something else, though. Something beyond it all. Eventually, Draxum settled on his words, relaxing his gait. "I suppose…"

Lou attempted a grin in return. "Good."

Never would the rat man complain about the moments when his practically newborn sons would pick up movement, offering physical affection and whatever other random half-formed sounds they used as communication. As hours passed just sitting in this box, he found many of these moments, but all were welcome the same.

The question of when he would get up or how he would feed them was always a thought at the back of his mind. As it stood now, he was homeless, and by extension, his children were too.

And possibly Draxum, if the yokai somehow happened upon an alley in the human realm without his henchmen or an ill-intent bone in his body.

Speaking of which…

He still didn't know why Draxum was here.

"You know, Draxum, you still never explained why you're here."

The taller being, who looked to have been brooding silently, lazily rolled his gaze back up. "You never asked."

"Well I did now," he countered, allowing his hands to fall back and prop himself up. The children were playing amongst themselves right now. He could spare a minute or two to listen.

Clever he managed to remain, despite everything. If Draxum wouldn't just tell him, then he would have to prompt the answer out.

Despite his brooding, the Baron eventually sighed. "...Fine."

He watched the yokai mirror the way he sat – even if such was uncomfortable with his armour. Then he managed a deep breath, easing into his own words. "As much as you have no right to this information, I will admit that you, Lou Jitsu, were the ticket to my success. Without your cooperation, the experiments failed." He looked angry again, though an anger not placed on the rat man. "...This was my last chance."

Watching as the other fell on what words to say, Lou simply nodded, encouraging him to continue.

Which he would, nodding in return.

"The Council of the Crying Titan have never been fans of my work. Supportive as their funds were, I was always on thin ice with them. The promise to create six mutants akin to our greatest Yokai warriors was the last opportunity I had to prove to our people that I could save them, that I could bring about their return to the surface world that once was ours."

For even a moment, the Baron looked so incredibly accomplished, so proud of his promise. But that faded as found his eyes back on the baby turtles; his failed experiments. "Just as luck would have it, your sons are not and are never to become warriors. The funds are gone, and with no evidence to prove where they were used, I have no method of recovering what was lost – the billions in Yokai currency is enough to leave a single man in debt for more than a millennia."

Ah. Draxum was running away from responsibility.

"...So you ran."

"If you put it that way," the yokai quickly dismissed, scowling once again. "But yes, I ran. If I am to return to the Hidden City, all I have awaiting me is a prison cell."

Thunder roared around them as the reality of the situation dawned on Lou.

He chuckled, not to make light of it all, but out of an amusing thought. "In that way, we are not so different, you and I."

Draxum raised an eyebrow. Or at least, that's what it looked like.

"I've been stuck in the Hidden City for ten years, give or take. If I ever go back, Big Mama will be after me the second she finds out. Or not, given all this ." He gestures to himself, happening to include his helpless sons in the gesture; he sighs. "I can't risk it. I'm a father now. But I can't exactly live as a normal citizen either…"

Lou could swear, as his gaze met the Baron's, there was almost an understanding in those bright orange eyes.

"The humans will never accept us, and the Yokai will never take us back."

Both of them sighed, nearly simultaneously. It was the truth, after all; the events of the previous day left them both with nothing but the clothes on their backs and four turtle children created with their DNA.

Still, enough of this was Draxum's fault that Lou could justify his remaining anger. " 'Us' ," he found himself taunting, "as if you don't have any fancy family estates to run back to, Mr. Baron."

That was met with a growl. Okay, no more of Draxum's sympathy for him. "Did you not hear a word of what I just said? I have nothing , Rat!"

'Rat'? Ouch. But, deserved.

"Barons are not as high of status as you may think. We don't have inheritance the same as higher royalty. At least for Yokai." Before Lou could question anything, Draxum brought his stature down to the mutant's level. "Besides, the gargoyles that brought you to me? They're the only 'family' I have."

Considering all the one-off interactions Lou had with Draxum in the past, without those two gargoyles around… the guy really had no one, didn't he?

Eyes still trained on the masked man, he did not miss the way Draxum's own downcast, widening upon the sight of… something near his leg. Something small and-


Lou looked around himself quickly, until his eyes darted back to the singular little turtle who managed to make its way to the yokai.

How did he manage to slip past his sight?

"Little one!"

Lou scrambled forwards, reaching out to catch the turtle before he went further… but he stopped.

Hand remained mid-air as he watched a clawed hand wrap around the small box turtle, another hand meeting it soon. The rat man was still, bare to the pouring rain, as he watched the much larger yokai raise the infant turtle closer to his face, second hand shielding him from the rain. Behind it all, it was hard to see when the Baron's hardened exterior faltered for a moment, looking at the young creature with something akin to curiosity. It happened nonetheless.

Truly, he was never afraid of Draxum hurting the turtles further. But the sight settled well in his chest. Quite possibly warmed him.

Screw the rain – he could care less right now, as his other turtle sons toddled closer to him and their brother. And other father. Lou sat on his knees, now only a few feet away from the Baron, as he picked up the turtles gathered around him.

"Well, Baron Draxum," he started, offering the man a half-formed chuckle, "it looks like you have a family now."

The implication of actually having a family in front of him – of fatherhood – must have stunned Draxum, enough for him to merely look at them all for a full minute. Quite frankly, Lou didn't know the full implications of what he said either. Did this mean they were going to be parents together ? Well, yes, that is the most logical way to describe their unique situation. Two separate fathers with four children; no one or where else to turn to.

Yes, that meant raising his kids with the guy who mutated him, who mutated them all. At the moment, Lou could only try to imagine what that would be like.

What he did know for certain was that, no matter what happened, his life would never be the same. He couldn't go back to being Lou Jitsu, the beloved movie star and Battle Nexus Champion. If Draxum helped him raise their creations, or if he left them, it would not change the fact that this was his life now.

And whatever power above knew that he needed the help.

So he watched as Draxum continued to hold their youngest son, and eventually, he sighed. "I suppose you're right."

The yokai's back straightened, though only moved his arms with extra caution. With a huff, he began, finally finding his voice again, "I had always intended to raise them. As warriors, as children – such in the same, it seems." His shoulders slumped upon Lou's shift in reaction, making himself non-threatening. "It will be hard without my lab and documents, but we should make due."

"We will," Lou promised, happy to hear Draxum was on board – not that he wouldn't kick the man into next Tuesday should he disagree.

Instead, he found himself trusting the other enough, or at least, more than he did before now. He half stood up, still on his knees, and extended the bundle in his arms out. "Want to hold them?"

Draxum looked to consider it, reaching out – until he hesitated. "It would be wiser to find a shelter to hold them in. And possibly a blanket…"

"Heh, right…" Lou recoiled back into himself for a second, suddenly even more aware of how ridiculous this all looked. They were both sitting in an alley, soaked from the rain. This was their life now.

But Draxum was right. These poor turtles needed warmth. In a quick motion, he handed him the turtles, before standing up straight. "I'll go find something."

Luck had it to have found themselves in such a packed alleyway. Between all the stacks of crates and the dumpster, he eventually managed to find a carry-size, intact cardboard box. No blanket, unfortunately, but a dry box was better than nothing.

When he made it back to Draxum, the yokai looked at his findings with slight disgust, before he pushed it away, putting each of the turtles in the box one by one. "This will do… for now," he agreed, even if it were not ideal.

Lou nodded, holding the box with his sons close. They would make due.

He held a hand out, inviting Draxum to help stand. Even with a split second of hesitation, he eventually felt the armoured hand graze his own. Then it gripped tighter. Good.

Once they were both standing, they found themselves looking onward, to the world beyond their little alleyway. The world that wasn't for them. Any of them.

"Where do you suppose we will find adequate shelter?" Draxum asked, breaking the silence.

The rat man hummed and left without an answer from the other. There were only so many places a pair of mutants/yokai/otherwise non-humans could hide away from the general population for long and get away with it…


He looked up at Draxum, a slight smirk pulling at his lips.

"I have an idea."

Chapter 2: What He Left Behind


In case anyone was wondering what 'Rise canon with a twist' meant... this chapter should begin to explain it :'D


Fair warning that a lot of headcanons/general fandom 'canon' things will be here for the simple reason that I cannot, for the life of me, remember what is canon or fanon sometimes

In compensation, I'll be releasing a little canon timeline one-shot of Splinter and Draxum soon so look out for that 👀

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s not every day a warrior/alchemist/Head of Security and Battle Nexus Champion go missing. Hours apart from each other, no less.

To say the Hidden City was left in disarray would be an understatement. A state of frantic curiosity, at the very least, as rumours spread like a wildfire; rumours surrounding the disappearance of two of the great city's most influential figures, Baron Draxum and Lou Jitsu.

Many were left wondering about the possibilities; the reasons. Why would the reclusive alchemist, with a promise of bringing humankind to its knees, disappear at nearly the same time as the beloved human Battle Nexus Champion? What was the cause? Did it have anything to do with the Baron's lab explosion? With his experiments?

Some simply did not care. But we aren't focused on those; it's the ones with theories that were important to the public ear.

Most believed it to be a kidnapping on the Baron’s end. A common theory spread, claiming that he stole Lou Jitsu to have him become his ultimate weapon, then burned his own lab down and retreated in an attempt to hide any evidence.

Such a theory was supported and even enhanced by Big Mama. Honing nothing short of fury for the missing Baron, she took it upon herself to advertise a handsome reward in exchange for the return of her Champion; something which many took as an opportunity to seek out the missing figures themselves.

Something which the Council had to put mass efforts into stopping.

Only they knew the truth of the experiments – as much truth as they needed. An experiment on several specimens from the surface world, all infants; all intended to be mutated into imitation Yokai with the help of council-funded resources. Later it was discovered that an illegal intake of Emperean was added to the mutagen.

This, among many other reasons, is why the Council now had a bounty on the alchemist, who chose to run instead of paying for his crimes – monetarily and legally.

Should they wish to put an end to the madness, they had to take matters into their own hands.

Not much could be done about any news coverage that managed to spread. Easily, a matter that should have been kept between City's top beings, reached any and all Yokai around the world. Easily, this became the second largest human-related scandal the great city faced, second only to having the human fawned and beloved in the first place.

Still, messages were sent, and meetings were arranged. If the Council wanted order, a few… replacements would need to be made.

Only so much could be done about Big Mama's beloved Champion. Wary had the council been in the first place, to allow a human amongst their kind. As for Baron Draxum… nobility often had connections, even if slim.

Baron Draxum had been alone when he signed citizenship in the Hidden City, meaning all immediate connections were out of range.

Though, as luck would have, the warrior alchemist had at least one living relative available.

_ _ _


The voice boomed, echoing against the cavern below. The chamber itself, the platform of limited standing, the short but imposing distance between the three heads of law and their subject – all so clearly set for one purpose: intimidation .

"Your presence has been requested on account of the disappearance of Baron Draxum – your brother,” the center Council Head addressed.

Another set of eyes lit up, soon following the other’s words. "In the wake of his disappearance our great city has been left in... let's call it, a state of disarray."

The Baroness in question nodded. "Him and the Battle Nexus Champion, right?"

Hours previous to being summoned by the Council, she and the rest of Baron Draxum’s remaining relatives caught wind of the matter. Rare as it was that she paid mind to news from the great city, the familiar name under so many headlines called to her attention – even more so, what the news entailed.

From her own research was she able to find the other man’s disappearance had a similar, if not equal effect on this Hidden City’s state of well-being.

"Correct,” the female Council Head confirmed.

Following the word was a breath of silence… likely from the Baroness, she couldn’t tell.

If the Council Heads’ eyes could move, they would be narrowed on the caprid yokai. "Should you step up and replace him, you will be put in charge of the Hidden City's state of defence,” the main Head explained. "We trust that you are skilled in advanced weaponry and display warrior prowess."

The Baroness nodded again. Should she be incapable of replicating her brother’s skill, she would not have offered herself as his replacement.

"I will. On one condition."

Amongst themselves, the Heads looked to be considering her words. "Go on."

"The laboratory.” Baroness tilted her head higher, remembering the multitude of rumours surrounding the building itself. "I’m led to assume that its destruction is tied to my brother's work. Should I put forth funds to repair it myself, I request permission in continuing his research and experimentations." An arm raised, as if in offering. "He was an alchemist, was he not?"

"Much of Baron Draxum's work involved illegal affairs – most of which were funded by us,” the female Council Head quickly informed.

Such had been to the Baroness’ estimate. How far could one Baron’s covered expenses last without inheritance to fall back on? How long until he weaselled his way into further funds?

In the end, there was only so much she knew personally, and so much the Council withheld. Should either of them share would only tell in time.

"Then I will continue any legal affairs of his." While an interest piqued towards his experiments in mutation – the very reason he was all but exiled – she believed herself in the right to assume such counted as an illegal affair. That was an interest to shelf away for the time being.

She held her breath, watching the three Heads intently.

Eventually, the three eyes glowed, one with a higher power. "Very well, Baroness."

She let out the breath, relaxing her frame.

"Our situation is not ideal,” the smallest Council Head clarified. “Let it be known that you are, for a lack of better words, our last option."

Another’s eyes glowed, after a pause. "We trust that you will not abuse your powers as your brother before you has."

The words rang in her mind for a moment. She was, merely, to be Baron Draxum’s replacement. As someone who did not join the city desperate for a sponsor – as someone who was invited – she was automatically given more trust. But, in said trust, was a great expectation.

That of which she could follow up on, obviously. Her brother was a fool for running his trust dry. The Baroness would not make such a mistake and be the best example under their family name.

Eventually finding her words, she offered a curt nod. "You have my word."

“Then it is settled,” the voice boomed again. “You, Baroness, have been officially appointed to the city’s Head of Security, granting you access to the estate and laboratory formerly under your brother’s name.”

"Thank you, Council."

“...Under the condition you can afford to fix any damages.”

Baroness huffed. Of course there was one last condition.

Still, with all this granted to her now, she had no reason to turn away. “It seems we have a deal.”

“If that is all,” the main Council Head addressed once more. “Welcome to the Hidden City.”

The new Baroness of the Hidden City grinned, nodding once more before making her way down the stairs behind her and out of the cavern.

She had so many plans now… the citizens would soon know her name.


In an effort to effectively replace Baron Draxum, his sister would end up with much more of his mess than she bargained for.

Not long did it take to locate the estate – and by extension, the laboratory. With the amount of smoke, half of the city could spot it.

Didn’t make the sight any less drastic.


Any remnants of fire damage had long been put out, leaving the area safe to be near. While a large section of the laboratory had been left to nothing but rubble, no harm would come from viewing the damage.

Meaning no harm would come from exploring the damages she paid for.

Covering her mouth with her scarf, she began her descent, cautious with the various cracks in the ground and chunks of reinforced concrete and glass that decorated the ground. With hooves and armour, she worried not for the risk of injury, but more so the risk of exposure. Who knew what kind of chemicals the Baron before her used if it caused this

Many winding halls would find their way into her path, unsure of where exactly she was going. As she crept closer to the source of smoke, every surface showed more evidence of a freak lab accident. Footprints of many sizes and shapes, some unrecognizable, even amongst Yokai.

All of which were tracked over a green ooze-like substance. The mutagen, likely. And how there was a lot of it.

Passing the thickest layer of smoke, the Baroness found her sights on a much larger and emptier space than the already expansive halls. In a way, this room saw the worst of the damage, with tables and beakers and cages all reduced to half-formed structures.

What Baron Draxum left in the wake of his disappearance was nothing but destruction .

Such was on par with her brother, she assumed.

The Baroness stood in the middle of the mess of what must have once been a spectacular lab. How it was reduced to so little, could only ever be known so much.

The space felt empty where there once had been life… still, it did not surprise her to hear the distant presence of another. Or rather, two others.

Her ear twitched at the sound of two pairs of wings flapping, eyes still trained on the destruction.

“Draxum? You came back!”

From just outside the empty circle of a lab she heard the voice… oh. They thought she was the Baron.

“We thought you were gone, the Council and Big Mama have been on your case since-”

Baroness turned, realizing the voices were coming from behind. Two gargoyles, rather small in size. Huh. She raised a barbed brow at the sight.

“Oh, you’re not Draxum.”

The two paused, hovering a few feet away.

“Sorry, you look like Baron Draxum,” the pointier one chuckled. “A lot like him actually.”

“Are you two related?”

She huffed. “Eh, close enough.” The Baroness had no reason to reveal her relation to him, though the gargoyles made her curious. What did they know? “Who are you two?”

“We’re glad you asked!” the rounder one announced. “I’m Munnin, and that’s Huginn.” He flew closer to the other goyle, now back to back. “We were his rough-and-tough loyal goyles of fortune!”

Huginn and Munnin. What a coincidence.

“Wait… you’re replacing him, aren’t you?”

They looked upset, which was understandable. “I am,” Baroness confirmed, nodding. “So I guess this,” she gestured to the destroyed lab, “is all mine now.”

One of them snorted. “Really didn’t luck out there.”

The other punched his shoulder, but it got a chuckle out of the Baroness. “For the price – no, no I did not.”

Deciding they would be there for a while, she backed up a few steps, finding what most likely resembled a table to sit on, removing the scarf from her face in the process. If these were truly Draxum’s loyal gargoyles… they had a lot to talk about.

“Wow, you really do look like him.” The two found their way to a boulder to stand on, now getting a good look at her face. Until their eyes widened. “Don’t tell bossman we saw him without the mask. He seemed pretty embarrassed about it.”

Now that – that got her to laugh. “Sounds like him,” she confirmed, leaning her arms against her knees to meet them at eye level.

“How do you know Draxum, by the way?”

Before she could answer, Muninn gasped. “Are you his sister?”

Ah, right on the dot. She smirked. “Older, by three years.”

"Ohhh that's so cool!"

"He never told us he had a family!"

Baroness chuckled, though a frown soon found her. "Yeah, there's… not many of us left," she admitted. "When Draxum left we weren't on the best of terms. No surprise he tried to forget about us."

Again, the others looked bummed out. "So you don't know where he is?"

"No, sorry."

If she had even an inkling of where he was, she would've dragged him back to the Council and forced him to pay his own fines. But, if he didn't return home, then he was out of her known range.

"Aw, that's a shame," Munnin slumped, only to be pulled back up by the other.

"Welp, no time for sadness, Munnin, we have a new boss!"

Wait, new boss?

"Oh right!" The other gargoyle perked up. "Ms. – uh…"


"That's it?" The yokai nodded. "Well then, Ms. Baroness, allow us to be your new official goyles of fortune!"

The two looked quite excited to work for her now… regardless of how loyal they had been to her brother. She hummed, getting a good look over at the two. Having assistants from the get-go wouldn't be such a bad idea. Besides, she bought all this property and landed herself as the City's Head of Security without knowing anything, while these little guys seemed to know everything

The Baroness nodded, offering a crooked grin. "I don't see why not."

"Yes!" They cheered, dancing – oh, she was definitely going to like having them around.

"We gotta show you around!"

"Oh yeah! This place is a dump, but trust me, Baroness, the house is in much better condition."

Right, the house – the estate. She could only imagine how grim and scientific it looked if it was Draxum’s. "If you will," she decided, standing up. "Lead the way, my goyles of fortune."

The way their eyes lit up – oh, she was loving this.

"We won't let you down, Baroness!" they both saluted before they began flying away.

"Now come on, the tour isn't going to guide itself!"


Back through the various winding halls she followed, growing more impatient with all the rubble she had to dodge – as now, she was curious. She had a reason to be elsewhere, not just explore on her own.

"A little bit further," she heard, as evidence of the lab's freak accident became less and less frequent again. Still was there smoke, which this time around, she elected to ignore. It was just a bit of smoke, she'd be fine. Especially if where they were headed had less of it.

As the bright lights of the outside world emerged again, easily the Baroness found her eyes back on what must be the estate. She huffed – it certainly was in a better state than the lab. Much better.

It wasn't perfect by any means and might need its repairs in time. But it would work.

"Aaand here we are! Stunning, ain't it?"

The others gestured towards the estate, looking quite excited to show her around – and she did agree, it looked quite interesting. Maybe not her style initially, but something she can see herself growing into.

She nodded. "Not half bad," she admitted, liking more now as she got a better look. "And the inside?"

"Even better!"

"I'll believe it when I see it," she mused, continuing to walk up and towards the stairs, regardless if the others would lead or follow.

The goyles had opened the door for her, pointing towards the inside. "Your new humble abode awaits," one of them offered, both flying in to guide her.

From the creaking of the door alone, she could tell the estate had seen better days. Dust and smoke settling from the inside only solidified the deep ache that confirmed such a building to be truly empty and void of life.

This was definitely Draxum's home.

Slowly she crept in herself, not caring to close the door behind her. A little breeze never hurt… that, and the house needed better air circulation right about now.

The goyles had stopped in front of some sort of statue – of which she surprisingly didn't recognize the figure – turning back to face her. "Sooo, which room do you want to go to first?"

She thought about it for a moment. It was quite late to explore the entire house, something that would be much wiser to do once she slept on all her decisions made in the last hour. But a look into a room or two could better help settle her into this new place.

"Is there a library here?"

"Oh, you bet there is," the rounder one confirmed. "Just this way," he announced, flying off into a dark hall.

"Muninn, it's this way."

The other one pointed to a set of stairs, making the other rub the back of his head awkwardly. " Right , it's that way."

The Baroness chuckled, silently walking towards the stairs in question.

"Anyhow, there's a ton of great books there. Mostly just sciencey stuff, but also some cool human literature from like six hundred years ago."

The yokai allowed them to ramble as they all made their way. She wasn't all that interested in reading, never much of a book person herself – but she could see why her brother might have such a collection.

Plus, if there were science books, she could easily pick up on whatever his research would need her to know.

Once they got to the place did she realize why this manor has been hyped up the way it has.

The place was beautiful, with warm lights illuminating bookshelves that reached the ceiling; all colour coded and coordinated for what information each shelf held. And of course, the room itself had a comfortable desk and chair. All in all, a very 'Draxum' room.

She ignored whatever else the goyles said for a moment, mindlessly travelling to the shelf that, as was guessed, held the old human literature. She recognized some of the titles, from before… before they were forced into hiding.

"Our childhood books," she mused, picking one up for a moment. "Can't say I'm surprised but, you have to wonder how he got a hold of them."

Either gargoyle travelled to each of her sides. "'Childhood'?" one questioned, "how old are you guys?"

She frowned. "Unimportant." The Baroness put the book away, addressing the others now. "What is important is that I need you two to fill me in. Tell me everything you know about my brother's work; the Head of Security stuff, the experiments, everything ."

"Everything everything?"

"Yes." She remembered something, quickly interjecting, "everything you think I need to know to replace him the best that I can."

"Right," they nodded, looking to craft their upcoming story telepathically.

"Well for one, you'll need to get a cool mask. He always wore his."

"Yep! And he always spoke with this deeper voice that didn’t sound quite right? But it sounded cool – I think you've got that covered, though."

"Right Huginn? She sounds so cool and commanding…"

The Baroness chuckled, an odd grin poking out at the compliment.

"Anyways, he was working on mutating baby animals into Yokai so they can become super awesome and unstoppable warriors. Guess how he did it?"

She raised an eyebrow. "With years of research and testing?"

"With Lou Jitsu's DNA!"

"...And the other stuff too, of course."

Okay, this was an interesting development. "Lou Jitsu, as in the missing Battle Nexus Champion?"

"Uh-huh, that's the guy!"

"But he wasn't missing until after the lab accident, after we stole him- ow, Huginn!"


"She needs to know ."

"Guys," Baroness interrupted. While stern-faced at first, her features lightened up with her curiosity. "How'd you manage to steal him?"

"Oh, we just asked and he went with us."

She huffed, almost laughing at that.

"It's true," Huginn confirmed. "Though he was acting super weird, not like the powerful warrior our bossman was fanboying over."

That much got an actual laugh out of the Baroness. "Let me get this straight," she began, gathering all they just told her. "Draxum collected experiments and mutated them with the DNA of a man – no, a human he was 'fanboying' over, and in doing so brought destruction upon his lab, funds, and reputation?"

"Pretty much," they both confirmed, almost at the same time.

"And that was only in one day!"

"Man, look at that Muninn, we were hired just before everything went wrong."

"Yeah, like hours before."


Had they only been here for a day?

A few hours ?

"...How exactly long have you two been working for Draxum?"

"24 hours at most, though probably less."

Well then.

"I'm going to need you to elaborate on everything ."


Eventually, they continued the tour, elaborating as she told them to. It still took some time to wrap her head around it all… but it's something she would have to get used to.

At some point, she asked for a moment alone, just as they showed her where the common room is.

The Baroness sighed as she found herself on the 'throne', slumping into it. A hand found its way against her head, rubbing at her temples. It was way too late for all this…

She didn't move as she heard footsteps, as odd as the sound was.

"My my, what do we have here?"

She did look up at the sound, barely recognizing the figure the voice belonged to. How she did or did not know this person, or how they found their way in, never occurred in her mind.

Only the way the almost humanistic form locked eyes with her.

"Back so soon, Draxy?"

Chapter 3: How We Work From Here


oh look it's co-parenting time


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I believe I said 'adequate shelter'. Not… this ."

The Baron could only figure to stand as he and Lou settled in what the rat mutant proposed as a shelter, that would not only protect them from the elements but from humans and other yokai ever finding them out.

Draxum knew full well that desperate times called for desperate measures. But a sewer of all places?

“As if you have somewhere better in mind,” the rat retorted; as if he had anything to defend. Despite being the one who convinced Draxum to follow him to such a place, Lou sighed, not looking any happier with this. “We don’t have many other options… other than abandoned warehouses, but I doubt those stay abandoned for long.”

Anywhere would be better than a literal sewer, the yokai wanted to argue. To an extent, he knew that the rat had a solid argument; human get their hands on any real estate they can find. To another extent, he was cold – soaked from the rain, no less – hungry, and tired. He knew Lou and the turtles were as well, and given that this place was cold and barren of other living essentials, he almost wanted to take the risk.

He watched Lou take a deep breath. “Look, I know it’s not much. But if you stay here with them, I can grab some things from the surface.” A hand reached out to his own, resting over its metal piece. “We can make this work.”

The gesture… Draxum didn’t know how to feel about that. The offer, though, he could accept. If any of them had to gather supplies, it only made sense for the former human to do so – he knew the surface world better. "Fine," the yokai mulled, regardless of how underprepared he was for such a task.

To be left alone, at least… that much he was unprepared for. Left alone with four infants he created and can't imagine caring for well enough down here.

Still, he allowed his arms to open just enough to accept the box containing the turtles. "Here," Lou mumbled as he handed him the box, keeping a hold on it for longer than necessary. He didn't want to let go .



The rat eventually let go, chuckling nervously. He was definitely attached .

Fumbling his hands, Lou sighed again, keeping his eyes on him and the box. "I won't be gone for longer than an hour or two, I promise."

Draxum hummed, nodding in response. That time frame sounded more than reasonable, given that Lou was unlikely to abandon them. It tugged at him, the idea that the rat man could be stepping out into danger – but he should be even stronger now, given the mutation.

As Lou started walking away – albeit slowly – he looked at the Baron and box of turtles once more. "In the meantime, take off any armour you don't need. It'll weigh you down."

Draxum huffed. He very much was not about to remove any of his armour, all of which did need, thank you very much. "That isn't necessary," he settled, standing straighter.

Of course, that earned a snicker from the rat. "Have it your way, Baron Goat Man."

He groaned at the nickname, watching as the mutant disappeared into the hall they arrived from. His eyes never left, even as the figure became blurred to the distance; even as he was no longer in sight.

Half the mind he had tempted him to follow, to check that he would make it out of the sewers safely – no, he wasn't worried about the rat man, what are you talking about?

Besides, he had another responsibility right now. Luck had it that they managed to find a cloth before the initial descent to the sewers, to keep the infants warm and dry in the box… but if their babbling meant anything they needed engagement. They needed supervision.

That much Draxum knew he could give them.

Unfortunate as it was, their location left little to do in terms of entertainment. Draxum observed as the turtles moved in the box, knowing that, eventually, they would want out.

For now, they were alright. Should he be outside right now, he wouldn't hesitate to find a patch of grass for them to walk and play amongst themselves. They were animals before they were mutants, they would be fine… though, with their human DNA, there's no telling how vulnerable they would be while this young…

Ugh . Every hour away from his lab, he needed it more and more. How was he supposed to care for his experiments if he had none of his documents and no way of monitoring their health?

The safest bet would be to lay them on a blanket on the floor and let them play there. Though, again, a blanket of that size was unavailable to him now.

At least until Lou returned.

He wished Lou was here .

Draxum himself was in no shape to just stand and watch. It was foolish to deny himself comfort, as he was the one appointed to babysit. Any illusion of comfort would not come to him easily unless he were to…

Hesitantly, Draxum looked around, finding nothing but an endless floor and a few walls.

Fine . He'd sit.

The yokai put the box down on the ground before maneuvering himself to sit, most of which was difficult to do with the armour he was not removing. He would simply have to tough it out, more focused on looming over the box of turtles.

No longer would he mope, even as every nerve stood on its ends, warning him to seek warmth and mocking him for how stupid and stubborn he was. He wouldn’t go against what he had to do, even as his better judgment cringed at how cold the floor was. No, what was important was supervising and keeping these children alive. He ignored his obvious shivering as a means of focusing his attention downwards, finding his eyes on the box turtle in particular.

The box turtle, the first to reach out to him. A kinder soul than the others, it seemed… or simply the youngest, exerting the behaviour a youngest child would have.

This turtle currently clung to the alligator snapping turtle; the oldest and largest. He looked content with his youngest brother by his side, tugging more of the cloth to cover him.

Opposite from their affection, the red-eared slider and softshell looked to be at odds. Either of them looked ready to bite the other, only avoiding such by never leaving each other’s sight. Until the softshell lunged forward.

“Hey, don’t do that,” Draxum quickly interjected, picking the softshell up. Which made him bite him instead.

Despite the bite force, it, surprisingly, didn’t hurt. The Baron braced himself for impact, only to find it… tickled? Whatever the feeling was, he merely said “ouch”, trying to hold back laughter.

Part of him was proud the infants knew to defend themselves, despite their small size. Another part found this adorable.

“Don’t do that either,” he mused, fighting to hide the grin threatening to poke from his lips. He placed the softshell back in the box, letting his hand remain after the little one climbed off. “Now, none of you eat each other,” he warned. “Your father’s bringing food, you’ll eat when he comes back. Be patient until then, young ones.”

Patience, certainly, was something he needed now. He had no idea when… or if Lou would return, and he had no idea how long he could put up with a clutch or four hungry turtles before they went back to trying to eat each other.

Draxum sighed, watching the red-eared slider try pushing his hand out of the way. Where are you, Rat?


Sitting on the floor in a cold, empty room proved as effective as sitting in an alley, soaking in the rain. Only, it was easier to relax now that he accepted that this was his shelter for the foreseeable future.

…Maybe too easy.

The Baron’s eyelids grew heavier every minute he failed to move. If it were not for the infants in the box babbling quite loudly, he would be caught drifting into a state of unconsciousness.

So obvious was it, the rest he needed. A lesser yokai would become ill under such conditions.

His head hung low, eyes closed for what? A minute? All before he felt a hard shove on his armoured shoulder. Draxum frowned at the impact and being ‘woken’ again until he realized it was the rat mutant. He was back.

“Sleeping on the job, huh?” the rat chuckled, putting down a large bag he was holding. He kept a hold of two thin boxes that rested under his arm, looking difficult to hold.

Draxum huffed. “I was not sleeping .”


The yokai frowned, though it lessened as he found his sights on the other’s haul from the surface.

"What's in the box?"

"Food," Lou confirmed, "and there's clothes in the bag." He moved the bag closer, allowing Draxum to look should he want. "Find something in your size and change before you get hypothermia."

Draxum got a hold of the bag, rolling his eyes at the rat. He heavily doubted any of these human clothes would be to his size, and didn’t want to have to remove his armour… but that would be a need. Sooner rather than later, for more reasons than one.

He took notice of the rat moving towards the box of turtles, effectively replacing him as their babysitter. It was endearing to listen to him greet the young ones, speak of how he missed them so much…

An endearment of which Draxum would not admit. Eventually, he settled his choice of clothing on what most looked like a shirt and a robe. He wouldn't suffer without a change of pants, nothing resembling the cut which would fit his animalistic legs.

The yokai huffed again, remembering how limited their shelter was in terms of specific rooms . Well then. This was going to be uncomfortable.

"Is there any chance you've located a bathroom or other enclosed, private space?" He stood slowly with his clothing choices in hand, ready to look himself should the need be.

Lou himself retrieved a rather colourful sweater from the bunch. "Nothing yet," he admitted. With seemingly no regard for decency, he made to unzip the top half of his tattered suit – all before finding Draxum's eyes again. "If you want privacy, you can go into the halls," he suggested, nose pointing towards them. "I swear I won't look."

"The halls…" Draxum repeated, a scowl forming. It's not ideal, but if he must… "Fine."

With that settled, the yokai begrudgingly walked toward the halls in question. Why they couldn't have picked a shelter that would have basic housing functions pre-built into it would forever be a mystery to him.


Draxum ended up walking for a little longer than necessary.

Not that he was afraid of being spotted. Of course, that was always a worry, though who would spot him could be debated. If this were truly a safe location, the only risk was being found by the rat.

No, it was still… odd to be in this whole situation. Any smart yokai could gather that their life would change so drastically should they resort to living in the sewers , with limited resources and no connections to the outer world… Draxum refused to accept this. At least as easily as Lou.

So he slumped where he stood, choosing a random wall to hide behind. As much as it pained him to part with his armour, it was a must, lest his nerves eventually null to the point of no feeling.

He’s pretty sure he needed those to work. So, ratty old robe it was.

First, he made work of removing the heavy codpiece from his midsection. Already that made his body at ease, finally relieved from the pressure and cold texture of the material. Still, he tensed at the cold, just as much as he mourned the loss of its use in his life. He was supposed to be a powerful and commanding yokai… not a pathetic excuse for a Baron, resorting to stolen scraps to keep him warm.

As he put that piece of armour down, moving to remove his heavy gloves next. Though, as he stared down at the codpiece, he noticed something stored within its inner workings.

He still had two samples from his lab: a vial of the mutagen and a general antibiotic.

Draxum sighed. On one hand, he wished he managed to carry more on his person, just enough to continue his research here. On the other hand, what would Lou think? Would he worry for the turtles’ safety around him? Would he kick him out, turn him in to the Council and collect the rewards?

Such was foolish to worry about; Lou would think less of him regardless. Unfortunately, Draxum couldn't risk the idea of scaring him enough to kick him back to the streets.

…The rat didn’t need to know everything .

_ _ _

Quite frankly, Lou doesn't know what he was expecting when he invited Baron Draxum into his new life.

The rose-tinted (rain-covered?) glasses were surely off now. Despite the Baron's fall from glory, he was still very much of the same holier-than-thou being.

Maybe he should leave him out in the rain again. You know, to humble him.

Lou didn't know whether to groan or to laugh at the sight of Draxum when he returned. Still the man wore that dumb mask but clung onto that oversized robe he chose for dear life.

Credit where credit was due, at least Draxum looked less like a Baron and more like a reluctant father now. Between all the laundromats he… ahem , ‘borrowed’ from, Lou had tried his hardest to find something that would fit the yokai. Not that he could even find anything small enough for his sons – how did he end up having to shop lift clothes for a seven-foot tall non-human and four infant half-humans barely the size of his hand?

Either way, Draxum didn't look even the slightest amused as he sat back down with them. "Feeling better?" he teased, noticing as the yokai kept tugging at the ends of his robe. Lou threw a towel at him.

The yokai accepted it, even as he frowned. "You mentioned food?" he asked, as he begrudgingly dried what already looked to be thick and frizzy hair.

Draxum wasn’t having a good day. Not that any of them were… but maybe now, it would be a little better.

"Yeah, help yourself." He pushed the box forward, hoping the other man would understand it enough to feed himself. Afterwards, he turned back to his turtle sons, who were already trying to remove their 'sweaters' – which were very much just upcycled cotton sleeves.

He would do better. He knew he had to do better… but this is the best he could do without passing out for various reasons.

Soon he heard a grumble from the other adult. "What is this?"

Lou sighed. So he didn't know how to feed himself. "Pizza," the rat man deadpanned, knowing his words wouldn't help. "Welcome to New York, Draxum."

He pulled the top box closer to himself, grabbing a slice. "You eat it like this, see?" He took a bite, melting into the flavour in an instant. Sure, he's already eaten a slice… or two, or three… but it's still the best thing he's eaten in years . No wonder he wanted more.

The yokai repeated his actions, seemingly suspicious of the food. But, as he, too, took a bite, he looked to relax. "It's… interesting," he commented, reluctant to take another bite but taking it anyway.

"It's not the healthiest, but it's warm food. That's all that matters right now." Lou elected to feed the turtles the rest of his slice, knowing they needed it more than he did now. Even if it was just a heart attack on bread… he was a bad father, wasn't he?

As the one in the red sweater and blue sweater practically attacked the slice, he found the other man's head looming over the box, watching as well. "Should they be eating that?"

"Probably not," Lou admitted, "but we don't have baby food, so..."

Draxum scoffed, taking another bite of his almost-completed slice. "At least break it into smaller pieces, you heathen."

"Heathen? At least I'm wearing pants."

"How do you-?" The yokai looked ready to fight back, opting to cover what of his legs showed instead. "Quiet, Rat."

Lou laughed, turning back to the turtles once again. Hey, if nothing else, at least Draxum's lack of awareness could brighten his mood.

He elected to do as he suggested, though, taking the half-eaten slice from the turtles for a moment. Separating the rest of it into smaller pieces, he gave one each to the turtles eyeing him with their big, adorable eyes. Poor things were so hungry.

"Better," Draxum mused, having observed the whole thing.

Silently he fed his children, giving them another piece once they finished what they had. In the meantime he noticed Draxum eyeing the box that still offered two slices.

They had two boxes, so there was no worry of running out soon. Lou sighed, though, realized Draxum must not know that. "Keep eating," he offered, strangely unable to bear watching the formerly powerful alchemist yearn for food like a stray kitten.

"Should we not ration your findings?"

The rat man sighed. "We have more. We all have to eat to stay strong, scientist."


"Draxum." His gaze lightened, realizing how harsh his tone was. "I can find more food. It's like three… maybe four in the morning, but the city never sleeps. I can steal extra delivery boxes from the next sad sap if needed."

Lou watched the other man take a deep breath before obliging, taking another slice in hand. "That's a lot crueller than I thought you had in you."

Despite the yokai's apparent joy at his 'cruelty', Lou couldn't take pride in such a thing. "Don't-" he grimaced. "It's for survival."

"I think it's noble, for the record," Draxum said between bites, "the lengths you're willing to go to feed your sons. And my sorry self. "

No- Lou wouldn't admit to that. He wouldn't admit the compliment tugged at his heart in a warm way, despite the fact that he was stealing. He was committing a crime – even more than just by claiming free real estate in a place like this.

Instead, he huffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're doing a good thing, Lou Jitsu." Dramatic as he was, Draxum waved the slice he held half-mindedly. "Anyone with half a mind of danger would have run from the lab fire before the risk of mutation. But you have a big heart. Despite everything, you've managed to find shelter, food and clothes for your family, all on short notice."

He watched Draxum grin, eyes lighting up at the praise he offered. All until those eyes met Lou's. "Not that I couldn't have done the same," he coughed, fumbling over himself.

Okay, that- that was funny. "Thanks, Goat Man," he offered with a slight chuckle. "But I know danger. You might be a threat to your experiments, but you're no threat to me."

Draxum huffed. "Why would I threaten my experiments? They're my creations."

"So you're saying you're not threatening?"

"I am very threatening, for your information," the former Baron quickly retorted, pushing Lou's arm.

"Not in front of the kids, Goat Man. They're your creations, after all."

The grin on his face could not even begin to compete with Draxum's shocked scowl. Lou was enjoying this so much .

"I legitimately hate you so much."

Lou chuckled. "I know."

For a while longer, he fell into a rhythm of feeding his sons and supervising Draxum as he ate. With no doubt, the two adults knew that they should still leave whatever food was left for the kids – they were the priority, after all.

Even in all of his years trapped in the Hidden City, Lou knew nothing about yokai, nothing more than he needed. But Draxum would be fine. He was an adult and a scientist.

So he had to just put it in his head that between the two of them, they should ultimately be prioritizing the kids. As much as he had his needs – after said needs being neglected for so long – the four infant turtles would need them much more.

They needed the food more. They needed the warmth more. And, by the amount they were stirring around in boredom, they needed the attention more.

That’s what Lou gave them, to an extent. Until he could manage to steal some toys for them… goodness, he hated the thought. But in that wake, he had to think about what the other adult told him. He has a big heart . Everything he needs to do… everything he’s been doing, was for the good of their little unusual family.

He wasn’t a bad father. He was doing the best he could. He was doing the right thing.

“You brought a blanket, right?”

Lou looked up at the voice and nodded. Previously he was occupied with keeping the red sweater turtle from butting heads with the others, but at the question, he retrieved a relatively thin but large blanket from the laundry bag, Lou hummed, bunching it in his hands.

The other inspected in, nodding in return. “Is this the only one?”

“No, there are a few more sheets in the bag. Nothing too big, though. Likely for twin-size beds.”

Again he had to berate himself for feeling bad. How else was he supposed to come across these things?

Luckily (or unluckily), Draxum didn’t seem to take notice of how this pulled at his heart yet again. Instead, the yokai hummed, taking one of those other sheets out of the bag. “One of these should be laid on the ground so the turtles can leave the box,” he said, looking to plan out where to put the sheet. “One should be enough.”

“Right,” Lou agreed, exhaling. “They’ve been in that box for a while…”

“I thought of taking them out earlier, but it’s safer this way,” Draxum explained, making work of placing the sheet on the ground in front of them. “There,” he announced, once it was stretched out enough.

The rat man picked up two of the turtles, ignoring their protests for a moment. “So I just… put them there?”

“Yes.” Draxum reached out towards the box, picking up the other two. “They won’t move around much, but having the space will do them good.”

Lou nodded, finding sense in the idea. “Okay.”

They both put down the turtles, resting them not too far away, but undeniably on the sheet. And, as predicted, they did not move around much. The one in the red sweater attempted to stand, crowding himself over his brothers – to protect them, it looked like. After a while, though, they looked to relax, instead babbling at each other again.

Lou adored the sight. His sons, already so protective of each other. Granted he knew little of their life with Draxum beforehand, and would rather not think of it, knowing there could be two more turtles amongst them right now… but still, he was proud.

As if he knew he was thinking of him, the yokai sat closer to Lou, almost leaning against him – towering with his much larger frame. He, too, was observing the turtle’s behaviour and perked up at something. “I must ask, why those colours?”


“The turtles, you gave them shirts of some kind. Why in those colours?”

Ah, that’s what he meant. “Giving them bright colours helps tell them apart,” he shrugged.

Draxum looked at him as if he said something wrong. “...They are all very distinct and different species,” he explained, as if it were obvious.

To Lou, they were simply baby turtles. If the alchemist over here wanted them to have human DNA and compared their behaviour to human or yokai infants rather than that of wild animals, then it made no sense to fret over details like their species. Unless they did, and he wasn’t having that explained to him.

“Maybe, but they’re all mostly green. Just like how you and I are mostly pink.” Lou chuckled at the sight of Draxum attempting to hide any of his natural colouration. “Which is funny, because I’ve never seen a pink sheep.”

Draxum grumbled, looking rather upset with the comparison. “I’m a yokai, not a ‘sheep’. I don’t have wool like the land mammal you compare me to.”

“What about your hair?”

The yokai grabbed the ends of his frizzing hair, pulling them back to hide it. “My hair is just… like that.” At first, Lou hummed in disbelief, until Draxum took it upon himself to stop taking the teasing. “Regardless of us , the turtles should not be merely colour coded. Are you truly intending to name your children ‘Orange’ and ‘Purple’?”

Lou huffed, finding amusem*nt in the idea. It would be easier… “No… but I need more time,” he admitted. “They’re special, they need the perfect names.”

They didn't, in all honesty. Parents gave their kids average and awful names all the time. But there was something about these kids… he knew they were destined for greatness, even if they would not be warriors, thank you very much.

Beginning to stand up, he huffed, deciding names were a work in progress. “I’ll probably come up with some by the time I’m back-”

“Oh no you don’t.”

He was dragged back down by the arm, back to sitting. “Draxum, what-”

“Don’t go back up right now.”

"Okay?" He couldn't figure out why he shouldn't gather more supplies right now if that's what they needed. Unless … “Why, do you want me around?”

“What- no.” Draxum dismissed that as easily as always, though it wouldn't stop the rat man's grin. “We have enough supplies for a few more hours. Besides, you’re exhausted, and returning to the surface at this ungodly hour would not do any of us good.

The yokai almost looked to pout in his spot, keeping himself close.

So Draxum was worried about him?

Not that he was going to oppose staying, especially when realizing just how tired he was. If the yokai kept him from leaving, he might as well get comfortable.

“I suppose you’re right, Baron Sheep Man," he mused, leaning against his arm. “I’ll stay.”

Lou was only as strong as he needed to be. Anyone can fall for the vices of human – well, mutant – nature quite easily after being through hell thrice over. And for Lou? Something like this was his first moment of comfort in recent memory.

Yes, he may be drifting too close into that comfort, feeling his eyelids grow heavier as he watched over his young sons. Maybe that was okay.

There was someone else here, someone to help him. Reluctant or not, they would be okay.


I think it goes without saying to not give your newborns pizza but like... they're the ninja turtles, they'll be fine

Chapter 4: Why I Sought You Out


You know, the Baroness might just be the turtles' aunt after all, considering how impulsively she happened upon this whole... situation


Another look at what's going on in the Hidden City before we get back to our regularly scheduled cringe-fail dads

Also, a couple of people guessed who the mystery voice was! That being said, please bear with me, Big Mama's voice is so hard to write for no reason

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Baroness couldn't help but laugh.


This must be another of the many people her brother knew. Though, by the woman's voice, she had to wonder just how close they were.

"I can assure you that you are looking for the wrong person," the Baroness offered, sitting straighter on her throne. "You see, Baron Draxum is long gone. I am his replacement." She crossed one leg over the other, resting her arms on the armrests. Then she grinned.

"You mustn't be serious..."

The shorter figure studied her for a moment until she scoffed. "A woman without respect, replacing him? Colour me splendiferously shocked."

Baroness huffed. "Who are you to be commanding respect?"

"I am Big Mama, hotelier of the Nexus Hotel. Surely you have heard of me?"

If the other woman's words were not desperate enough, then her stance was. Almost as if her name was one to be known amongst the entire city and then some.

Now that she thought about it, the name rang a bell. The name of the woman and the hotel alike; the multiple headlines dedicated to her outrage of a stolen Champion, mere hours before kidnapping allegations arose. And then more headlines arose. Honestly, she’s surprised she didn't recognize the hotelier sooner.

Regardless, this 'Big Mama' person had nothing to do with her. "Doesn't sound like something in my jurisdiction," the Baroness settled, mulling over what the other could possibly demand.

Watching the other woman take a deep breath, the Baroness could almost bet on the exact moment her patience cracked. “Either way, deary, I’m not here for small talk,” Big Mama began, fake sweetness dissipating as she spoke. “You see, there is a debt Baron Draxum has yet to pay, and since he vanished…”

Not another debt . Again, Baroness couldn’t see what the hotelier wanted from her. Taking the former Baron’s place or not, she didn’t have the same connection as she would have with Draxum. Could this not have been something Big Mama bothered her about in the morning?

“What’s the cost?” she simply asked, trying not to let her annoyance slip through.

“Oh, nothing monetary.” For a moment the fake sweetness returned, allowing the human lookalike to take a step closer. “As a yokai so similar to Draxum in looks, I can assume you two have some sort of relation?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “If so, I can assume you are privy to all his files and plans and other sciencey stuff, right?”

The Baroness huffed. Why did she want to know all this? “Depends,” she tested, tapping her claws against where they rested on the armrest, “what you will use this information for.”

“Strictly business,” Big Mama quickly answered. “My dearest Champion was stolen from me, and don’t take me for a fool, deary; I know it was him.” She paused, taking another step closer. “I know Draxy stole my champion to use his star power for his own advantage. So unless you want to lose your widdle reputation on day one, you will tell me where my Champion is.”

At this point, the woman was close enough that they could meet eye-to-eye in her slumped state. This little game of intimidation was… amusing, to put it lightly. Even more so as her eyes wandered, noticing the poorly-lit figures of what must be bodyguards. Though getting asked thrice over where Baron Draxum or Lou Jitsu was started to become exhausting. “Listen, lady, I only know as much as I need to. Draxum is gone and so is Lou Jitsu. Maybe they died.” She failed to keep a straight face, watching Big Mama’s facade drop. “Maybe Draxum kidnapped him – maybe the Champion left willingly. Maybe the two escaped in the dead of night with plans of starting a new life together in another land.”

She could hear snickering. From who? It didn’t matter. Likely her goyles of fortune, if she had to guess. If anyone could validify her drastic story, it’s them.

The hotelier backed up the slightest. “That’s preposterous. Draxum never loved him.”

“We can all only know as much as they led on,” she countered. “I can play this game of ‘maybe’s all night. As it stands, I don’t know where your Champion is. He’s gone. And unless you wish to be escorted by force, I suggest you leave on your own terms.”

She was by herself here. Other than the goyles – which were doing a poor job in guarding her in the first place – the Baroness sat alone in a room with at least three other figures. One of which apparently had such a high reputation, it warranted entering the estate unwelcomed and demanding information. Still, the other woman looked so desperate to know the state of her Champion’s well-being. Despite everything, she liked the odds she dealt.

Big Mama didn’t flinch, though, still standing her ground. “Fine. It seems I have taken the wrong approach.”

Snapping her fingers, the woman motioned to beckon her bodyguards forward – to finally show themselves. The two of them each held a basket, which looked too clunky to hold small items worth carrying. What was Big Mama planning…?

“While the true reason my snuggle muffin was stolen remains a mystery, my loyal bellhops have gathered as much evidence as possible,” she began. “The lab was certainly left in a fizzy, wasn’t it? Anyhow, it looks like my poor Champion was used to create those super soldiers Draxum was always babbling about. And while I may not have my superstar anymore, there can be hope of replacing him, just as you have replaced the alchemist.”

The hotelier motioned for the bellhops to put the baskets on the ground, kneeling before them. “Amongst the destruction, I managed to find two experiments still living…” At the word, the bellhops uncovered the baskets, revealing the experiments in question. “Two baby turtles.”


Two baby turtles?

Getting a better look at the baskets, the Baroness took notice of how the two infants looked akin to yokai. Was Draxum’s experiment simply making stronger yokai?

A brow simply raised, allowing Big Mama to continue explaining herself. “Now I may be wrong, but I remember Draxum being utterly starstruck at the sight of my beautiful Champion, and if my personal scientists are correct, these two have his DNA.”

Huh. If all this is true, that would make the two infant turtles connected to her somehow, wouldn’t it?

Oh, wait.

That’s exactly what the other woman was getting at.

“Should you be the true replacement of Baron Draxum, I see no reason as to why you cannot grow these two young souls into the Nexus Champions they were meant to be.”

“Woah woah woah, hold on, Big Mama.”

Finally, her two gargoyles made themselves known, flying to meet Big Mama to her face.

“The experiments aren’t supposed to go to your Nexus!”

“They were supposed to be the greatest warriors, to protect Yokai kind from the human threat!”

The Baroness snorted. She should have asked more about the experiments beforehand… but if they knew enough to tell the hotelier off, then she trusted their words.

However, the other woman raised an eyebrow, unamused. “Oh, you two. Do you really think I care why these buggy boos were brought into the world?”

“You seem to care enough to bring them back to me instead of keeping them.”

Baroness raised an eyebrow, bringing the woman’s attention back to herself. “I doubt with the state of the laboratory I will be of much help. Even with repairs, the damage is thorough; any large-scale experiments could be delayed for a year at minimum.”

Even without a single clue as to the true damage, all she knew is that it would cost her. A lot. Any work could only begin once she familiarized herself with the work Draxum put towards his experiments, and with the Council keeping their eyes on the estate, her focus would be put mainly towards her role as Head of Security. So unless the woman could offer something worth her while, Baroness could only see herself keeping the infants with her – not making them Nexus material.

Big Mama simply hummed after a moment of calm. “Well, if that’s the case,” she began, stepping closer again, “perhaps we can strike a deal.”

A deal? “Go on.”

“If you are able to make at least one of these turtles into my next Champion, I will fund all of your work and allow you to keep one of them for all your warrior-making dreams.”

That was certainly an offer to consider. She could see the appeal of having a young warrior by her side… which very well may be her nibling if Draxum added his own DNA into the mix. And having her work funded would help. The less money out of her own pocket put towards her brother’s mistakes, the better.

Still, there was her own term she wished to add. “On one condition.”

“What may that be?”

The Baroness gestured towards both baskets. “I take full custody of the one you intend to give me.”

Such an offer brought the two goyles back to her side, one whispering in her ear, " what are you doing? " The other was just as frantic.

Such an offer made the smaller woman grin, however. “Oh, that’s an interesting development,” she cooed, tapping her fingers together. “I suppose that does divide the work of raising them."

"Does that mean we have a deal?"

" Baroness, no ."

"Baroness, yes ."

The other woman chuckled, finding joy in this decision. "Should this be… take your pick." She stepped back, gesturing at the baskets.

If it were up to her… Something such as this truly didn't matter. Whoever she picked, would it really make a difference?

Baroness looked over the two baskets, noticing the one to her right was slightly different. They were quite large, even for an infant, and blue. From what she knew of turtles, they were mainly green – which the other was.

But who knew, maybe there was something else to this turtle. She bent to pick them up, realizing just how small they were. It made her huff, smiling at the resting infant. "I'll take this one."

"Splendid," Big Mama agreed, motioning for the bellhops to pick up the remaining basket. "It appears we have made a deal."

"It appears we have," Baroness agreed. "Now get out of my house."


If nothing else, the Baroness could appreciate that Big Mama and her bodyguards did, in fact, leave.

As little help as her gargoyles had been, they decided to step up now, ushering the others into their portal – all while she sat, observing, tired and currently cradling an infant in her arms.

Only once any remnants of the portal light dissipated did she allow herself to yawn, for a second allowing herself to ignore the world around her.

Good on the child for being asleep right now. Otherwise, the Baroness could almost bet on panicking .

Instead, she sat, waiting as the two gargoyles found their way back to her side. "So um, about that whole situation -"

"Where were you two when she broke in?"

Normally her voice was already low, though cautious of the hour and other small creatures who would not fare well with loud noises, she kept it lower.

"Do they- do they not have portals where you come from?"

"'Cause, it's pretty self-explanatory how she got in. Plus you left the door wide open -"

"Alright, I get it." She huffed, realizing that this was, in part, her fault. Most of what happened in the last few hours were, if not just a consequence under her own will, tied to her name. "Still doesn't explain half of all this ."

Carefully she held the bundle up, allowing the other two to get a better look. In no time the action was met with 'aww's, which tugged a grin out of her for a moment.

The goyles looked upset when she held the baby closer to her again – but understood. "Anyways," Huginn began, "we didn't exactly… know there were more than four of these little guys until later."

"Yeah, we all thought Lou Jitsu took them after w- he destroyed the lab and set it on fire!"

"Talk about a great escape."

Despite how often they retold the event, something about it still felt… off . With the addition of another two turtles rescued from the rubble, it could only be assumed how much more was left over, past what they are yet to learn.

She hummed at this thought. "How great of an escape could it have been if the other experiments are nowhere to be found?"

By the way the others faltered in place – no, it had not been the 'great escape' they held it so fondly as.

"It was pretty cool and dramatic, not gonna lie-" the rounder goyle's shoulder was shoved. " Huginn ."

That, at least, was able to get a snicker out of her. Why were their shenanigans able to cheer her up so easily?!

Part of it could be due to the onslaught of complications lately. Her brother already left ages ago, but now? He was gone . And she was living in his house . She took the man's estate, and laboratory; she even took his gargoyles. As poor the quality of many of these was, it helped settle how much she was merely a replacement in the grand scheme of things.

But it felt right all in the same. Right to assume this power, right to have two small bodyguards trust her from the beginning… just as right to add something else onto her world of new, that being a whole child .

Feeling said child stir the slightest, she held on closer, sighing. "Let's just be glad two of Draxum's experiments survived, and that we have one here with us now."

Truly, she had no idea what to think of the other experiments. A shame they were lost, more so since the true status of their disappearance is left unknown. But with the remnants of the lab, with what she does have… maybe, just maybe, she can make her impulsive decisions work.

She brushed her knuckles softly against the edge of the baby's blanket, trying (and failing) to hold back a smile. "You will bring us much greatness, little one."

It would not take much effort to fall asleep where she sat, should she want to.

At an hour such as this, surrounded by the remaining heat of a warm fire and under the weight of three small, resting beings, it was easy to fall victim to the call of rest.

There were more pressing matters to tend to, unfortunately. What use would there be in rest when there was still so much to know?

"Huginn, Muninn," she mumbled, prompting them to raise their heads, "I have a job for you."

"What is it, boss?"

Where they previously rested on top of her, they scrambled away, now standing on either armrest.

With this action, the Baroness adjusted herself to sit straight, still cautious of the resting infant. "I need you two to watch over the baby."

They nodded. "Got it!"

Nodding, she slowly got up, finding her sights back on the basket that remained. Surely, the child would need a better crib – without much knowledge of humans or turtles, she still knew they aged much faster than yokai.

That would be a problem for the following day, though. For now, this would do.

Once she placed the baby back in the basket, she stood at full height once more. "In the meantime, I'll search for records, journals; anything that Draxum had on his experiments. Because clearly, none of us know the full story."

The other two nodded again, assuming themselves on either side of the basket.

"Good luck finding something!" Muninn offered.

"Yeah, good luck! And we'll look over this little guy – or girl, or… whatever, we'll be the best babysitters!"

Baroness chuckled, not doubting they would be. Though, with the whole Big Mama interference earlier… "While you're at it, take them to one of the empty rooms."

She heard them agree with an 'okay', though by then, she had already begun to walk out of the room.

Wherever the child would be placed could either be their room or hers, depending how big it was. For now, it didn’t matter – not until she would need it. All she had to do for now is find something, anything , that would point her in the right direction. How was she supposed to put use to the laboratory if she only knew so much?


And so she began the – totally not boring – search for something that would tell her anything .

Not much blame could be put on the goyles for their lack of knowledge. If they were telling the truth, this has only been their life for about 24 hours. That's alright. All it meant is that she had to do some digging, fill in the blanks where Draxum's word failed to do so.

Logic brought her back to the laboratory. Yes, it was out in the open, and clearly pillaged by Big Mama already. Still, she believed there would be something .

Back into the rubble she ventured, caring less about smoke this time around. More so now than before did she think of the ooze splattered everywhere – how much of a waste it all was. If only there were still some available… Now that would be useful.

The main room of the lab looked as chaotic and bleak as it did earlier. Good, Big Mama didn’t come back.

All things considered, she had only given it a look over earlier. Returning to the space gave a better idea of all the crevices in which something could be hidden, should it not already be stolen.

One of these places was the big machine, where most of its imperfections looked to be from damage rather than looting. The machine where the mutation took place if she remembers correctly. Which meant…

The Baroness knocked on the sides, cautious of any loose metal, anything that may budge open. She walked around it, knocking throughout. Towards the back (or what may be the back from her perspective), a larger plate budged ever so slightly, and from that, she could hear glass bumping against other glass surfaces.

There was something still here, at least.

Easy due to her armour, the Baroness tugged at the ends of the metal, ripping it from its base. Dust emerged, effectively covering the opening. But, as it settled, it was clear to any what lay inside.

Ooze. Ooze still in its cases… not full, not by any means, but it was there nonetheless.

If there were three over here, did that mean there could be more?

Huginn and Muninn had explained that they knew of four mutated turtles, but those four were already missing by the time they managed to escape the fire. If the ones Big Mama found were not from that four, then there could be six . There could even be more than that, though the likelihood of more surviving was slim…

Either way, she made work of knocking down another plate not far from the first one, careful not to damage anything. As the dust settled there, too, she found her answer.

Six containers of ooze, slim with what they contained but otherwise each having even a little amount of the substance.

This much she was lucky to find un-looted. This much would be enough to successfully conduct the future experiments.

But it would mean this remained top secret. Whatever she found here would have to be carefully hidden, and whatever else she found even more so.

One by one she took the containers, careful to liberate them from where they were held. Maybe there was somewhere still in the house where she could hide this, and, maybe, there was somewhere she could still find documents.

Anything at all would help, and she wanted to get her hands on all of it .

_ _ _

"Careful Huginn, babies are delicate."

"I am being careful."

While the two may have been watching over a currently sleeping baby, it didn't mean they couldn't make the space ready for when they would wake up.

For as big as this house was, there weren't many baby-like things around. Made it look like the bossman had no plans of ever having young children… even though, well, he made them.

Either way, it meant they had to get creative in setting up a baby room. There were normal-sized rooms with normal-sized beds, but the little one would need time to grow into those. Until then they would use something they found, something that looked like a crib.

"Does everything in this place have to look spooky and weird?"

"Uh, yeah, that's kind of what we signed up for," Huginn deadpanned.

"Well we never signed up for babysitting," Muninn countered, gesturing towards the turtle in their makeshift crib, "but here we are!"

"It's not too bad," Huginn offered, moving to perch at either side of the crib. When Muninn mirrored him, he looked up from the sleeping infant. "We're never gonna get any sleep though, are we?"

"No, and right after we got the dog bed."

They both sighed. "It could be worse," Huggin mused. "Our boss went missing."

"But we got a new one."


"And she let us stay and have the dog bed…"


"And because of her, we're now cool uncles?"

" Exactly ."

Muninn grinned. "You know what Huginn? You're right. Maybe everything's still a wreck, but it isn't so bad."

As their gazes turned back to the infant, they noticed them stir around with a small yawn. "Aww…"

They had no clue when the little one would wake up and what they would need when the time came, but right now? It was calm, it was nice.

"You know Huginn? They're gonna need a name eventually."

"You're right…" He thought for a moment, wondering what kind of names they could give a mutant turtle baby… toddler? Kiddo looked too big to be a baby, but what would they know?

Then it occurred to him. "Should Baroness choose their name?"

"Doesn't mean we can't think of a few," Muninn mused, shrugging.

"Hmm, yeah."

The two leaned closer to the sleeping mutant turtle, brainstorming.

"How about…"

_ _ _

The rooms. That is where she would next check.

And hide the very likely illegal containers of ooze. That much was a must. She couldn't risk anyone finding out about them… So much for being Head of Security; failing on the first day of the job.

It was nothing the Baroness couldn't handle, though. Once she got her operation up and running, nothing would get past her, and she could conduct any work and experiments she needed to.

Very easily it was becoming a want . A side effect of taking residence in a spooky mansion, perhaps, but nonetheless, she grew curious the more she thought about the experiments. The appeal was so obvious; who wouldn't want their own army, grown from their very own intellect and mystic genius?

The Baroness could only conduct so much on her own, without having followed her brother’s work to the end. Which is exactly why she needed every document she could get her claws on.

She could hear Huginn and Muninn discuss something in one of the bedrooms, amongst a hall full of them. On her way past, she poked her head in, observing the scene.

They were on either end of a crib, the baby still sleeping… it would not be easy, but it would be worth it.

A smile tugged at her, but she had to fight it down. Right now she had something more important to get to. She can return afterwards.

The end of the hall was dramatically decorated, meaning it was likely Draxum's old room. Strange as it was, she had reason to believe something would be kept there. If not on his person, he always otherwise kept things close. Draxum never parted with something so important.

Careful to open the door, she was not at all surprised when it creaked, almost as old-sounding as the main entrance doors. And, from the sight, so was the room.

In such a state of disarray, she could almost picture what had last happened here. Frantically searching for what he could take with him if he left willingly, trying to hide what he can without having the time to hide it well. Blankets out of place, decorations knocked over, some broken. So akin to the mess left by Big Mama’s goons, though nothing alike in the same.

Anything the man touched brought destruction.

Still, it helped to have known Draxum since birth. Even in their years apart, she could read the remnants of his home like a book. He hadn't changed a bit.

Which meant she had an inkling as to where important documents could be hiding.

On the bed, slightly skewed or not, she would leave the ooze for now. It could be hidden later. But, due to the bed's misplacement, it made it easy to find where the floor creaked more so under her hooves. Here .

With no hesitation, she went to work removing the false floorboard. And, just like she thought, she found the box.

If anything in this house could get even dustier, it was this. Still, she simply blew the dust away, eagerly tugging on the box in an attempt to open it.

Wait. A key.

Under the floorboard also laid a key. Clever.

She picked it up, taking no time to unlock the box. And inside she found plenty .

Mostly a mess of papers, scuffed journals and pens… but useful all the same.

From here she could see these papers were, in fact, documents. Her heart raced as she took hold of them, scanning them for any information on the turtle she impulse-adopted.

A page stood out to her, one with a photograph of a small blue turtle.

Leatherback Sea Turtle. Second oldest of the six experiments. Female.

As she read the page she found no further information; nothing on the turtle's human DNA. And such was expected, but… all that meant was she would be the one to conduct those experiments, fill out all the other necessary information.

And raise a little girl.


Should this be considered a Separated AU? The four main turtles are being raised like in canon (+ a second dad), but the other two did survive here and are being raised by Not Splinter, so... it could be, I don't know

Chapter 5: When Will We Decide


It's hard to provide for a budding family when completely starting over, having to scavenge for scraps and put together the closest thing they could call a shelter, but the two parents are determined to try... for the children. Not for each other. Totally not. No idea what you're talking about


Warnings: Brief body dysphoria, unsanitary (??)
idk but they live in the sewers and have no money, that much is obvious here

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lou felt awful, but also great... an odd combination of selfish rejuvenation and related guilt at best. Though, remembering where he was and why he was here, he forced himself to stir awake.

When exactly he fell asleep, he couldn't remember. How long he's been out? Well, that much would be hard to judge. Distinctly he could remember laying his head against Draxum's arm, nodding off ever so slowly. And now he was on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and laying on the laundry bag, with his sons and co-parent a few feet away.

The rat man couldn't help the huff that escaped at the thought. 24 hours ago... 24 hours ago he was stuck in a cell in the Nexus, with no means of escape or return to the outside world in sight. Now he had a family, and they lived in the sewers, but hey, that's better than nothing.

"Oh good, you're finally awake," Draxum addressed, facing the rat man now.

Tilting his head at the sight, he grinned weakly, wiping the remaining drool from his face. "How long was I out?"

"An hour at most."

The confirmation allowed Lou to breathe easier, but as his vision – which was slowly growing worse – settled over the kids, he noticed they looked… different. Were they bigger now?

And his arms were hairier… he stumbled back, eyes widening.

"Don't be alarmed," Draxum warned, holding a hand out. Despite the rat man failing to calm down, he continued, "you and the turtles are merely taking time to mutate into your true forms."

Lou tried to breathe through it, to ask the alchemist to elaborate, but every second that passed only fermented the idea that all this was going to get worse . Other than the increase in hair – or well, fur – he noticed other things, such as feeling smaller, increased scent and the like.

How much of a rat would he become and how much would he stay human? Lou didn't know, he doubted Draxum knew; he could only wish someone knew-

"Lou, please."

For a second his eyes trailed back up, finding Draxum in a state of desperation he's never seen out of the man. Such eyes softened as he gestured towards himself and the kids. "Come here."

He didn't want to be near the alchemist right now. The alchemist that did this to him and their children. The alchemist that only made things worse.

Still, despite himself, he slowly nudged closer to everyone else. Maybe the turtles could help…

Having a blanket on the floor was the only thing that kept him grounded. His face felt too weird to recognize it was less cold now, but at least his hands were the same.

As he got closer, he could confirm that the children were, in fact, a little larger now. He almost wanted to believe he's been asleep for much longer, that a lot more time passed and they merely grew as normal children do.

But no. If the subtle changes in himself proved anything, it was that they were not normal. No matter how long the process took, they would never be normal.

Once he was close enough, he took a hold of Red and Blue, snuggling them close. Orange was attached to Draxum, so he'd let him stay… and Purple looked repulsed at the idea of being held right now.

It made the rat man chuckle. So much personality for such small turtles.

He heard Draxum sigh. "None of you were properly mutated, and without my lab, there is only so much I can know. However, I will do my best to aid you all through the process."

Still refusing to have sympathy for the yokai at the moment, Lou huffed. "You better," he threatened.

Only so much of that could be a true threat when he was yet to test out his strength. The mutation was supposed to make his sons stronger… would it make him stronger? Could he fight off Draxum if needed?

He didn't want that to be a need; he's 'trusted' the yokai thus far with caring for the children he made. And besides, if Draxum had more strength, he would need him for some things.

"The first thing you should do," Lou instructed, "is find a way to get us clean water. I don't care if I'm a rat, I won't live like one."

Draxum snorted. "Alright."

Water , at the very least, was a mutual need, and they would be foolish to not find a way of getting any. The yokai slowly put Orange back on the ground, much to the box turtle's protest. "Where we are located seems to be a city water filtration system," Draxum explained, "so all I should need to do is rewire some pipes…"

As the yokai thought aloud, Lou attempted to pick up Orange and Purple as well. Despite their size, he could still carry them in his arms – he silently wondered for how much longer.

"Great," he settled, "you go do that. I'll take over babysitting now."

He was plenty comfortable with the kids here now, and wouldn't mind some time just between them again. As thankful as he was for the help when retrieving the food, and clothes, and taking a nap… wanting some time with his sons but away from their other father wasn't a crime.

Draxum nodded, making the effort to stand. "I'll go rearrange those pipes, then," he confirmed. Before he could leave, though, his figure was back in Lou's field of vision. "You don't happen to know where any tools are, right?"

"No, but idiot repairmen leave their rusty tools on the job all the time."


Lou sighed. Right, the human threat. "This place is abandoned. As long as we don't break anything important, no one should ever have a reason to come here."

That, at least, looked to ease the yokai in the slightest. "If you say so…" Even as he began walking elsewhere, he looked upset. "I'll trust you, but I still hate this place."

If nothing else, it made the rat man chuckle. "You and me both."


What Lou would fail to realize helped him when Draxum was around, was how easily hate and anxiety clouded his soul when faced with the reality of their situation.

With just the kids, much of it was the same. Though, with them, he felt a sense of responsibility wash over him first and foremost. With them, he knew he had other smaller beings to care for before anything or anyone else.

And now that he was fed and well rested (or both to the best resources they had), he wanted nothing more than to just interact with the kids again.

It felt nice to hug them, but he knew they would want out soon. So, he placed them each back on the blanket carefully, laying on his stomach to better face them at eye level.

Before they had all looked so small, most resembling newborns. Though, now that they grew, some of them looked older.

Red, who was always protecting the smaller ones, still looked like the oldest. Though, by the way he was trying to walk around, Lou could almost bet this was him toddling. So, maybe he was toddler aged.

Orange still looked about as young as he did before. Despite not being fully human, the way he was moving and 'speaking' most resembled a newborn; maybe an almost yearling.

The others looked to be somewhere in between; not quite as old as Red and not as young as Orange.

He would confirm their ages when Goat Man returned. Until then, he couldn't stop himself from giggling as the kids tried to crawl back to him or push each other around.

They would need better entertainment soon. Toys and stuff he could likely retrieve soon, the next time night fell over… as late as it was, morning would arrive any hour now. There weren't many more opportunities for him to go to the surface, lest it's for something he left in the alleyway earlier.

Lou only knew so much of his strength. Just because he only brought back food and clothes the first time around didn't mean it was the only thing he found.

For a while, the air around them consisted of little nonsensical phrases mumbled towards his turtle sons. Lou wasn't a professional, only knowing so much about babies – but if they looked happy and entertained for the time being, he believed himself to be doing a good job.

Every time one tried to mimic him, he smiled so widely that his face hurt from all the joy. But it was when one of them tried to repeat when he said 'dad', clearly directed at him…

Lou could cry if he needed to. The alchemist would still be gone for a while, and the kids wouldn't mind if they ever realized. But no, he wouldn't. He was just happy to be accepted and loved, that's all…

At the revelation, he sighed. To these kids, he could be Dad, but he couldn't be Lou Jitsu… For one he looked nothing like the man he once was, but he wanted nothing more than to keep them away from the warrior lifestyle. He could teach them skills in time, but not of the Hamato warriors of his past, nor the Nexus Champions of his recent life.

No. For the third, and hopefully last time in his life, he needed to take on a new identity. He was a father now, not a movie star.

The thought distressed him as much as it comforted him. He knew it was the right thing to do, what he wanted to do, but any choice for change came with a heavy heart. At least it would be the only choice amongst many that were his own…

_ _ _

Fixing their 'lack of clean water' situation had truly been no issue.

Much of the enhancements of his own lab consisted of him tinkering with many bells and whistles – and of course, pipes, wall divisions, inventing an installation; anything that would improve the quality of the lab.

If given the resources, he could transform this sorry excuse for a hideout into something magnificent . His experiments/children and Lou deserved only the most quality of home lives.

Call him a sentimental old fool and he'd deny it, but knowing that the beings he mutated and now lived with were still struggling meant that it would be his responsibility to help them. He knew that creating a new lab for himself down here would be a must – but, with his limited resources, all would only come in time.

It had been exhausting trying to even locate tools in these never-ending halls. He had to have passed at least two manholes before he found any of those rumoured rusty tools, and his patience wore even thinner as he attempted to use them.

Despite all the struggles, he got the water system to work. A selfish thought had him pondering if he should take the opportunity of being alone to attempt to clean himself, wash his hair at the very least… but he knew the others needed it more. Especially Lou.

So he made his way back. Lou had not yet noticed when he returned, looking to be so caught up in whatever the kids were babbling on about. The rat man had been laying on his stomach and kicking his feet like a giddy child. Honestly, the sight made him smile, but you'd have to pry it out before he could ever admit to it.

"The water works now," he decided to announce, making his presence more known.

The little orange one – which he refused to call Orange – had looked up at him first, offering a chirp that almost resembled the sound 'da'. Lucky was he for his mask to hide how his eyebrows raised. What was Lou teaching them…

Lucky was he, for the rat man soon noticed his presence as well, at the same time as the other kids. Already he could tell the man was less stressed than before. For his sake, he'd neglect to mention it.

"Oh thank goodness," Lou muttered, loud enough for the yokai to have heard.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, not quite," the rat confirmed. For a second Draxum assumed the worse, so hearing this allowed him to breathe.

As the rat sat up on his knees, Draxum drew closer, intending to rest beside him. Though he was stopped by Lou's hand. "Wait, Draxum, there's something else we need."

Again an eyebrow raised, though thing time, in speculation. "What exactly?"

Lou looked nervous for whatever reason. If the yokai had unintentionally looked a certain way, he allowed that expression to drop, becoming more open for the rat man to talk.

"We should get a mattress so we don't have to sleep on the ground," the rat began. "I found one already… it should be in that alleyway if it wasn't already stolen."

The… he found a mattress? And didn't bring it earlier? And expected Draxum to go up to the surface to retrieve it?

"Why is this the first I'm hearing of this?" The yokai settled, now dreading the thought of carrying it.

"Because I kind of… forgot," Lou answered honestly, nervous chuckle and all. "Food and clothes felt more important at the moment."

Draxum sighed. Of course, those things were more important, but he would have liked to know beforehand just how much Lou brought back with him. Who's to say he didn't bring more and stash it in the alley? "Where did you find such a thing?"

"Scrapyard- but never mind that." Again Lou picked up a turtle, using its cuteness to his advantage. "Please, Draxum, could you just bring it here?"

The yokai mulled it over. On one hand, he wanted nothing to do with the surface world. On another, Lou was literally begging for him to get it. If he was going to be annoying about it…

"Fine," Draxum settled, "I'll get the mattress."

He ignored whatever else Lou said in favour of heading over to the alleyway before the sun rose and getting out of there just as fast. Lucky they were for the larger, non-manhole entrances to the sewers, but it didn't mean this was going to be any easier on him.

He would hate every second and then some.


And hate every second of it he did.

Luck would be on his side that the mattress was, in fact, right where Lou must have left it. While the other items he managed to take were more important… could he have not managed to take this with him as well?

Maybe he was overestimating the rat. Or, maybe the rat was finding uses for him… that much he couldn't blame. If he had nothing to his name, the only way to prove himself worthy of not being kicked to the streets was to do little tasks like this and actually parent their kids.

Not that he had to be thrilled about it… the tasks, at least. He hated to admit that the idea of raising children warmed his heart, especially considering who he was raising them with… especially considering how he felt about Lou.

Still, he would complain as he carried the mattress back down to the sewers – the mattress he knew full well would not fit them all comfortably.

If he was below the title of Baron now, he had every right to complain, 'feelings' be damned.

The level of anxiety he harboured was not lost on him, the dawn of morning illuminating too close to be of comfort. So, as he trekked further into the sewers once again, he found it easier to deal with the weight. Not that it ever bothered him in the literal sense.

By the time he returned to the base, Lou and the children were almost as identically placed as they were before. Just laying there… Well, the turtles were mere infants, after all.

Unceremoniously, he propped up the mattress against a wall. He had planned to surprise them now that he had returned again, but the noise had been enough to cause some heads to turn.

"Ah, it was still there?" Lou questioned, not unhappy to see what Draxum brought back.

The yokai nodded. "And it's in decent condition… if not on the small side."

"It's only small to you because you're huge," the rat quipped, snickering to himself.

As 'huge' as Draxum was, he really could not see something like this lasting long-term… they'd likely have to find replacements and upgrades as time went on just to fit them all. If only he still had safe access to the Hidden City…

"Is it dry?"

The yokai raised a brow. "Relatively."

"Good." Lou picked up all the turtles once again, struggling to stand afterwards but ultimately finding his balance. "It's the last thing I found after it stopped raining, so good to know it stayed that way."

Draxum could see the logic in that. In a comfortable life, maybe a night full of rain would be peaceful – maybe less after tonight, though.

The blue-clad turtle attempted to wriggle out of Lou's grasp, likely feeling constricted amongst them all. Draxum reached for him before he could fall, despite the little turtle protesting him as well. "You know you don't have to carry them all the time."

The rat man chuckled, snuggling the other three tighter. "I know, but I feel safer with them like this."

It might not look like the most comfortable arrangement, but the other children looked not to complain. It was just the blue one, then.

"We should bathe them now, perhaps," Draxum wondered aloud, remembering what he had wanted to ask of Lou before the request of retrieving that mattress.

"Right," the rat man agreed, starting to walk towards where the pipes were.

As Draxum followed, he could swear to have heard Lou mumble something about how the turtles 'will try to run away from the water', which made no sense to him. "...They're semi-aquatic turtles."

"But they're also human, and human babies hate taking baths."

"They're not human, though," Draxum argued, angrily sighing. "They'll be fine. I heavily doubt they'll fight back or run away."

"I guess you're right," Lou settled. "I'm just worried, you know? Parenting's already hard, but these kids aren't even human, so I know nothing. What if they get hurt or sick because I do the wrong thing?"

The yokai huffed, resting a free hand on Lou's shoulder. "They won't," he assured. "You have my genius help, after all."

Such an action made them halt their little walk. He noticed the mutant's eyes wander to where his hand rested, back to the barely settled baby turtle in his arms, and then to his face. "Look at you, not being a deadbeat."

Ah, there it was. Draxum rolled his eyes, letting the other man go and continuing his walk. "I'm doing this for them, not you," he argued, but such an argument was fruitless.

Hearing Lou laugh from behind him was no surprise. If the Council hadn't been on his hide, he would still be the powerful Baron Draxum. If it weren't for the fire – which he was still convinced Lou set – then he would still be in his perfect lab, creating the perfect super soldiers to bring justice to the Yokai and end humanity.

Now he was a dad.

Truly, he did all this because Lou trapped him into the deadbeat ideal in the first place. That, and he had nowhere else to go… and, deep down, he knew these were his children no matter what.

The least he could do is bathe and feed and babysit them.

And no, not even he could be above such a thing. It was the bare minimum.


It was a good thing that a turtle's natural habitat consisted of cold bodies of water. Otherwise, he was in for a heap of complaining.

Lou first jumped back in surprise when he felt the frigid temperatures of their water supply. A man of such former high status was likely used to hot showers, but to provide such would mean tapping into other pipes and Draxum couldn't be bothered to do that right now.

"Look, they're fine," the yokai argued, as he made work of cleaning the dirt off the red-eared slider. Wriggly as the kid was, he wasn't opposed to the water itself – only being held.

They could only get so clean without any soap, but for now, a general wash was necessary. For the adults just as much, but they could wait.

Lou made himself in charge of cleaning the others, the others that stuck by his side either way. Draxum watched him giggle as the snapper splashed water in his direction, which warranted the box turtle splashing back.

In an attempt to get away from the noise and excitable play, the soft shell toddled towards the less-occupied adult. Draxum helped him the rest of the way, allowing the infant to flop on the floor, relaxed and enjoying the cool water.

Again the slider wriggled from his grasp, though this time, reaching his arms out to the other turtle; he wanted to join him.

Draxum wouldn't protest that. If they weren't to try eating each other, then they could sit together.

He put the little one down beside his same-aged brother, who was already mostly clean. So, now, he hadn't much else of a use other than supervision.

Still Lou indulged in the other two's game of splashing water and not getting much clean. From how involved he was, some of his sweater was damn, along with his hair, though both would dry quite easily.

Unlike Draxum's hair, which would frizz and curl every time it got wet. Which made it beyond quick recovery by now.

He supposed it was just something he had to live with, like how they lived off of a box of pizza for dinner past midnight, stolen clothes to keep them warm, or a mattress of unknown origins to go without sleeping on the ground.

All things considered, it wasn't the worst possible outcome…

If Draxum had known he was going to start from scratch, not only for himself but for five other individuals, he would have made more of an effort to take essentials with him.

But, as it stands, the only thing they could do is their best.

As much as Draxum could have brooded over his misfortunes forever, he was startled back to reality when the rat man shouted something.

Luckily the turtles under his watch were still fine, still relaxing together – but Lou was doubled over on the floor now, laughing hysterically while the other two turtles stood on his chest.

"Anything wrong over there?" Draxum wondered, leaning into how he sat.

"Oh, nothing," Lou confirmed, sitting up to face the other man. "Orange just reminded me that having fur makes me more ticklish now."

The yokai huffed, trying to imagine that scene of events.

"Your two look more behaved," the rat observed, setting his two on the ground in front of him.

"I suppose they have less energy." Draxum shrugged, finding logic in that idea. "They likely don't need to bathe anymore."

"Likely not." The rat man started to rise, stretching in place. "We should head back now, right?"

Draxum nodded. "That would be wise."

He picked up the two who were relaxing in front of him, meeting their protests – not to his surprise. But, as they settled into his arms, they ceased their complaining. They looked tired…

With his own two in tow, Lou soon joined him, grinning warmly at the sight. "We should put them to bed. Human babies get tuckered out after baths… that much looks to be the same here."

That much he could observe, finding the snapper and box turtle also quite exhausted despite their energy.

Draxum nodded, soon finding his own legs to stand on. "Take them to bed, we shall."


If the turtles would be taken to bed, that would first mean setting up said bed.

Once they made it back to the main base, Draxum handed off the soft shell and red-eared slider to Lou. From there, he made work of setting the mattress comfortably on the floor and against one of the walls.

In terms of bedding – sheets, pillows, and the like – their options were slim. They could fashion their own pillows should the need be, but not much could be said for the lack of covers.

Still, the yokai made what he had work. There was a top cover at least, oversized – but such was better than undersized. They had a thin blanket that was long enough and a few other small blankets. Regardless of their sleeping arrangements, they were definitely prioritizing the children with what they had.

"There," he announced, once their sorry excuse for a bed was put together. "It's about as good as we're going to get. Hope you're okay with skipping out on pillows."

He noticed the children were donned in their scrappy sweaters by the time he was done. They definitely deserved better, but for now, they looked comfortable.

Lou huffed, having watched most of the setup while he held the tired turtles. "What if I told you I had another bag of clothes and stuff stashed in the alleyway?"

…He wasn't being serious, was he?

"I swear by the Titan-"

"No, no, I don't," the rat man admitted, weakly chuckling to himself. "I could go rob another laundromat real quick, but…"

Draxum yawned despite himself. "...It's not worth it."

Truly, if Lou thought it would be best, Draxum would let him go retrieve more supplies… but he knew how appealing it would be to settle down now – now likely being anywhere between 4 and 7 AM – even if where they settled was bare for comfort.

After a while, the rat shrugged. "What's one night without a few pillows?"

Lou made himself responsible for settling the four turtles in bed comfortably, leaving space for himself and Draxum on either end. The yokai doubted there truly would be space for him, but not for a lack of trying.

Until then he settled their sorry excuses for belongings around the bed, keeping everything close and in view just in case .

And then, finally, he got himself in bed.

He hadn't bothered to change into anything else, still left with little clothes in his size, meaning he had to navigate around the bulky robe and mask he wore.

Seeing this must have amused Lou if he were chuckling so softly now. "You're not seriously going to wear that all night, are you?"

Draxum grumbled. "You can't keep me from all of my armour, try as you might."

"Yeah…" The rat adjusted himself as the orange-clad turtle snuggled into his chest, electing another smile from the man. "It just looked dumb, and I doubt it's comfortable."

"None of this is comfortable." The fact that Draxum had to curl into himself to be covered by the thin blanket proved enough.

Such made the rat man sigh. "You can turn away if you don't want me to see your face, but I really don't think you should keep the mask on."

The yokai rolled his eyes. How much more would he have to give away in the pursuit of comfort in such an unforgiving underground hiding place? How much of his old identity, one of such power, would he get rid of because the rat told him to?

He could suppose ditching the mask for one night wouldn't be the end of the world… it was made to protect, and he had nothing to protect himself from here.

A hand gripped at one of the horns, lightly tugging at the mask until it came off. "Fine, Rat, you win."

He shifted over to leave it by the side of the bed, then shifted back to how he was before.

To his surprise, the rat man simply smirked. "Honestly I thought you would be uglier."

If it wasn't a sound he made just now, Draxum would deny such a thing ever making him laugh. So instead, he shrugged. "Likewise, Rat Man."

Whichever of the kids hadn't fallen asleep immediately quickly managed to do so, offering a cacophony of soft snoring.

The noise didn't bother the yokai. No, that isn't why he failed to follow them into a dreamless bliss. Something regarding them still kept him up (amongst so many other thoughts), something that could only be the fault of their main father.

"Lou?" he questioned in a whisper, poking the half-awake rat mutant.

He stirred, looking unhappy with being awoken. "Yes?"

"The kids need names."

"...They have names already. Red, Blue, Purple and Orange."

"Real names, Lou," Draxum deadpanned. "I may have some suggestions…"

"Knock yourself out."

The yokai shifted once again, reaching behind him into a box – the box the turtles first came in. And with it, he brought the magazine he first read hours ago. "I doubt you'd want Yokai names for them, nor would I want human names… but the names of some human Renaissance artists are quite interesting."

Lou perked up at this. "Ooh, I love art from the Renaissance."

Draxum chuckled lightly. Good, his suggestions would be regarded. "Here, take a look," he offered, opening the magazine in a way Lou could read from it. "Tons of spectacular names for equality spectacular children."

"Quite eloquent, this art," the rat agreed, sounding more formal than Draxum knew him to be. He hummed, studying the pages. "How about… Michelangelo for Orange."

Draxum nodded, flipping the pages until it landed on a name he liked. "Donatello for the soft shell?"

"Ooh, such a nice name."

He would have let Lou pick another, though one stood out to him. "Raphael for the snapping turtle."

"Yes," the rat agreed, grabbing ahold of the magazine and flipping back to the first few pages. "And for Baby Blue, what could be better than Leonardo?"

Draxum hesitated for a moment. He didn't know if the slider was male. Back in the lab, his tests concluded that all the turtles' brains aligned differently than the sex they were assigned at birth – likely due to them being such complex beings in the first plac. Without any papers or further evidence, this would be their best guess, though. Still, he believed, maybe there was something the former human knew more about these baby animals than he did.

Eventually, he nodded. "Leonardo is perfect."

"Very well," the rat mutant concluded, handing the magazine back to Draxum to be promptly put back behind him. "Four proper names for four proper little boys."

Draxum sighed, settling into place just as the rat did. It did feel better to have named them now.

He was not yet asleep when the rat's hesitant voice stirred him back to consciousness.

"If we're doing this whole 'new names' thing…" he began, looking more assured of himself now than ever before. "There's another name I want to go by. Not Lou… Splinter." The rat mutant chuckled. "It fits me more now."

"I can see it," Draxum agreed, more than happy to regard the mutant's new name. "Alright, Splinter."

The rat – Splinter – smiled. "What about you? Got another name?"

"Just Draxum is fine," he confirmed.

"And the kids should call you…?"

The yokai's eyes widened for a split second. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

They had time to dwell on such little things when they all got some proper rest. For now, his gaze settled on Splinter one last time. How amusing to find a many year's long fantasy of his in this way… even with its conflictions, this was still something he, undeniably, wanted.

Draxum pushed the thoughts away. He could pine some other time – or wake up and realize he's still upset at the rat. Either worked.

"Good night," he settled, finally.

Splinter grinned, tugging on the blanket just that little bit more. "Good night."


goat man stop being gay for two seconds challenge (impossible)

Chapter 6: Who You'll Grow To Be


While things seemed to settle down for the odd new family in the sewers of New York, no such luck could be found for the newest Head of Security and Nexus Hotel owner of the Hidden City. There are many loose ends to tie, and not only because of their newly acquired mutant turtle children...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The time it took to read through all the documents would allow the Baroness to realize many things.

For one, despite all the turtles being quite varied in their own unique traits, they were all undeniably picked and raised for individual purposes in battle. Some were made to work together, including her new ward and the second youngest experiment – the only other sea turtle.

Secondly, there was no guarantee these experiments were biologically tied to her. There are notes of whether or not Draxum should include his own DNA in the ooze, but no confirmation that he has.

Lastly, she only knew the surface half of what she signed up for.

Baroness was impulsive – to deny that was to deny where she's gotten herself to this day. Sometimes a yokai of nobility needs a little excitement in their life, after all. Not that excitement always included changing her entire life course.

Either way, these were all just interesting developments. Nothing to back up on now, especially given the potential.

Even with only one turtle in her grasp, she already held a fraction more than the power bestowed upon her. Give her some time to set up her security rights and her power would only grow .

Before any of this, though, would be the time to rest and reflect. Granted a clock or not, the Baroness couldn’t be bothered to know the time – so late she could care less.

As for rest, it was laughable to believe any would come to her. She had a child in her care. One that could not be older than two years of age. Goodbye, sleeping until mid-morning .

Still, an attempt should be made. For the time being, she stacked the documents back together, returned them to their safe-kept box, and stuffed the box back under the floorboards. Yes, it would be wiser to secure them in a tighter-kept space, but for the time being, it did its job.

The ooze could be stuffed in a closet until further notice.

Hiding them under whatever other debris, she determined that, unless Huginn and Muninn saw her with the ooze, no one would know it was here.

With that all settled, she left the room, careful to have the door well shut behind her. What was once the Baron’s room would function as storage until anything important could be moved. After that, it would be left untouched and abandoned once again…

The hall was more quiet this time around. Due to the hushed words or lack of a pounding heartbeat in her ears, it all felt a touch quieter than before. Which was nothing to complain about.

Down the hall she found the rest of this house's welcome inhabitants – just past the crack of light offered from an open door. Nothing bright enough to disturb a resting infant, but more than enough to signal such a room's use.

Again, she poked her head through the doorway. Unlike last time, Huginn and Muninn were now whispering amongst themselves, perched on the edge of the bed. Entertaining themselves while still supervising? She figured that was responsible enough.

Besides, it was best not to wake the child with whatever they were talking about.

She stepped in quietly, though not enough to miss the goyles. "Oh, Baroness, you're back!"

"I wasn't far," she reasoned, making her way toward the crib. How long could she have been away for? Fifteen minutes? Time was easy to lose track of, but even with all the documents she read and careful precautions, not much time could have passed.

"You were gone for a while though," Huginn informed, looking behind him. "Oof, it's getting late."

"Man, it is," Munnin followed, eyes only falling behind him for a second.

At first, she had no clue what they were looking at. Not until she looked for herself and – finally, a clock. 1 AM… Not the latest, but explained her exhaustion. That and the time zone differences.

The Baroness rolled her shoulders, allowing herself to yawn. "Seems we've all had a long day, huh?"

" Very ," they agreed, almost in unison.

That got a chuckle out. These two certainly had more of an eventful day than she had. If all this happened in a few hours, she could only imagine how little everyone else could have suspected this.

For Baroness, she hadn't a singular clue until her family received the call. Until today, she was decidedly lazy, wasting most of her days away under the family name and an accomplishment that they brought centuries ago. Despite their leadership in hiding the remaining Yokai, the family has done nothing to further the well-being of Yokai life.

Well, knowing what Draxum sought after in the first place, the Baroness knew she would be the one to take up on the Council's offer.

Now there was hope to continue the plans of bringing justice to their civilization… in the morning, that is. World peace can’t be brought in a night.

She let her shoulders slump, feeling restricted now in all this armour. "You two stay another five minutes, then you'll be free," she promised. "There's no way I'm sleeping with all this on."

The goyles saluted once again. When their hands fell, Muninn flew up to her. "I think the big room right over there has some extra clothes."

Extra clothes… good. The Baroness nodded, heading over to the room in question. "Thanks, Muninn.'"

Perhaps it had been foolish to leave with nothing but what she wore, but retrieving any old belongings would not be an issue. Portalling herself back home right now wouldn't be a problem either, if the back of her mind wasn't reasoning against it.

To prove herself, she reasoned. She absolutely had everything under control.

The room that Muninn deemed 'the big room' was, well… that. A big room. Likely as big as Draxum's, mirroring it as the room at the other end of the hall.

And with the room the baby was placed in being right beside it… well, she knew exactly who was taking this one.

Other than the fact that this room allegedly had clothes for her somewhere, it felt oddly lived in – or at least that was the plan. The smell of cleaning products was obvious, likely fresh from a few days prior, with a few walls decorated in golden, orange and blue banners.

Checking the closet, she easily found a few fluffy robes, along with many articles of clothing dark in theme, just as much as there were vibrant colours, more of the same blue and orange.

Then it hit her.

…How much had Draxum planned to accommodate the repurposed Battle Nexus Champion, just for extracting some of his DNA?

The idea made her laugh. Any thoughts about her brother and the human's history together were mere jokes, but the goyles' portrayal of 'fanboying' looked more accurate the more she found out about them.

Deciding she'd have time to think back on this, she took one of the fluffy robes and some of the larger-sized clothes. If they were close like they used to be, she'd steal some of Draxum's – but alas, they seemed to miss the window of time to meet again. So she'd use some of these instead.

Not like they were needed.


As promised, the Baroness soon returned to the smaller room, even if she was more than ready to collect upon the rewards offered by purchasing so much in so little time. It wasn’t the same, she had to remind herself – she was in charge now.

No more sleeping in, no more relaxing from dawn to dusk. No; with the number of responsibilities earned in these few hours, the Baroness would not have a single day of rest for the foreseeable future.

She couldn’t help the pride, though, of returning to two henchmen who followed her word with a smile; two that wanted her as their boss. And her ward… she had one of those now. Another responsibility, a future assistant, but a child all the same.

The gargoyles looked up when she returned, confusion on their faces. “Uh, isn’t that a platinum-quality Nexus Champion robe?”

“What? No,” she quickly retorted, covering the logo plastered on the robe’s sleeve. “Whatever, it was the best one.”

Their voices met her in doubt, making the Baroness roll her eyes. If she wasn’t so stubborn and tired, she’d portal home and grab another just to prove a point.

It was just a robe in the end, nothing to fret over. She wouldn’t put too much thought into the implications of such a robe being in Baron’s possession; if it was stolen, if it was from a… visit… Either way, it couldn’t have come from Big Mama, surely. The woman wouldn’t want anything from her precious Nexus in her Champion’s captor’s sibling’s possession.

That, actually… the thought made Baroness smirk. She could keep it around for blackmail.

She sat on the bed, easily leaning into the pillows. For a dusty old house, it had its comforts. “You two are free to go,” she granted, finally.

“Oh thank goodness.”

“Goodnight, Baroness!”

Before they could fly away, she raised a hand. “But first…”

They stopped, perching on the foot of the bed again.

“I heard you two talking. Did you happen to name the child?”


They looked to hesitate as if they had done something wrong. “Did you wanna name them?”

She shrugged. “Go ahead. I have no ideas for her.”

At that, the two beamed in excitement, quickly listing off all the names they must have come up with. Nearly none of them resembled Yokai names – should she be asking a yokai for baby advice? But in a way that fits. The child wasn’t a yokai, even if she would grow up as one.

After a while, she heard a name that stood out to her. The name of someone from her past.


The goyles paused, looking at each other before looking back at her.

“What about Jennika?”

“It’s a good name,” she clarified. “I like that name. Jennika it is.”

Huginn celebrated while Muninn pouted. “Man, you always come up with the good ones.”

“I know.”

The Baroness chuckled at their antics. “Congratulations. Now off to bed, we have a lot to do tomorrow.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Eventually, they flew off, closing the door behind them. Which left her here, on the bed, while the baby slept.

The baby, who was now in her care.

The baby, who was the product of an experiment conducted by her brother, likely to grow stronger than the average yokai.

The baby, who may or may not be her niece, all things considered. Under such care, she could be considered her offspring…

No, 'ward' would be easier. This baby mutant turtle was her ward; someone under her care for the time being and someone who would grow under her teachings, eventually becoming her second hand.

The Baroness was a mother now, wasn't she?

Such a thought was laughable. If she acquired the child as a means of furthering experimentation, considering this her child would make her the worst parent of the millenia.

Thinking of the young mutant as Baron Draxum's neglected experiment made it all easier. For better or for worse, the Baroness would keep that distance. If impulses led her to what she had now, it would take logic to organize it.

By the Titan would she need a lot of logic.

_ _ _

A fool that mysterious woman was to believe she had the upper hand.

Big Mama was wise. One would have to be when dealing with these… types. She would not have given one of the turtles away unless she had a plan. And a plan she certainly had brewing.

This Baroness was rather rude, somehow beating Draxum in that manner. It could be hereditary, should they be related like she assumed – not that it was an excuse.

No, Big Mama would make that woman pay for such an attitude towards her, mark her words.

If there truly were no hope in restoring Lou's glory, the hotelier would have found other means of bringing her Nexus back to life. Instead, the opportunity presented itself in the form of a sibling of the stubborn sheep and two surviving miracles of said stubborn sheep's experiment.

Two surviving miracles with her beloved Lou Jitsu's DNA.

As exhausting as it would be to deal with this 'Baroness', the woman had something in her bloodline that Big Mama did not: the skill to create imitation yokai with a Champion's ability.

The Baroness could keep one of the turtles if she wanted. What was important was that Big Mama still had her own… her little miracle, her little star, her little Venus.

Only the best was expected of this child, the only connection to Lou she had left. And oh, how she would cherish it.


Big Mama was never a woman of many gushy emotions. The idea of having a daughter did not quite fit right. She had loved Lou, and this was Lou's child, but all the same, this little green sea turtle was the result of that blasted alchemist's selfishness.

Swiftly after she was kicked out of the Baroness' estate, she made no short work of preparing all the best for her little star. It would be wisest to forget about Lou until she had the sources to find him again. Until then, she had quite a lot of work to do. Raising a new Nexus Champion would be no easy feat.

"Take the girl to the empty room on the second highest floor," she commanded to the bellhops trailing either side of her.

"But ma'am isn't that the-"

"Take her there."

She did not turn, only standing straighter. She was not asking again.

"Understood," the bellhop corrected, voice apologetic. Good.

They all made their way to the elevator, travelling up and away from any curious eyes the rest of the hotel offered. Other than the one carrying the baby turtle, her bellhops soon followed her out and into her office.

It was an unreasonable hour to still be awake. This much she knew; her flawless complexion would suffer for a few days as a result. It would all be worth it in the end, she assured.

Now, all she was really here for was to gather as much information on this new Baroness as possible.

Finding her place in her chair, she opened a drawer to reveal some half-burnt papers retrieved from the lab. Most of it was mindless mumbo-jumbo about strengthening weapons and walls, but she had managed to find bits and parts of information about the turtles.

The remaining ones, as it stood. Turns out there were six.

Six specimens… all mutated with the DNA of the strongest human to grace the Hidden City, and next to none still alive. What a waste.

Big Mama would not entertain the idea that Draxum was in love with Lou and they ran away together. That was ridiculous. However, she supposed, this is the only way Lou could still be alive with all the damage caused by that fire.

Hope would be held that he was still alive. But if nothing else, she had the next best thing and knew how to make that thing stronger .

"Find out anything you can about this 'Baroness'," Big Mama instructed. "She is not to be trusted." The documents stayed on the table as she pushed her chair away, walking off and out of the room alone. For now, she would sleep, pretending her entire world wasn't stolen and regifted to her in less than a day.

_ _ _

There's only so much 'rising and shining' one could do with little to no sleep.

The Baroness only fell asleep in the first place because she could barely keep her eyes open. Right on that random bed, a few feet away from the crib, she fell into a dreamless deep rest. But of course, such could only last so long without interruption when a baby was in the equation.

Once little Jennika was awake, there was no hope of getting more rest. At first, the Baroness tried to pick up the child and put her back to sleep in her arms. Cradling her like a newborn didn't work, nor did putting her in bed.

All it did was make the kid more restless. This was not a newborn, so she did not cry like one. But she couldn't talk due to being mutated with human intelligence only the day before.

This meant that communication resided in a lot of half-yells and pulling and throwing herself around.

While instinct told Baroness to carry the child, it was clear she wanted out whenever being carried. Alright then. Since the child couldn't walk properly, she thought to place her on the bed's surface, allowing her to crawl about.

That, still, didn't seem to make a difference. The kids continued to resort to throwing herself around, making Baroness scramble to catch her before falling could be an option.

Alright, the kid was restless; wanted activity. Got it. Understood.

She did not want to leave the room, but as soon as the kid started chewing on furniture, she knew what she had to do: go all the way down to the kitchen and hoped they had food palatable for a mutant toddler.

She put up with the kicking and complaints as she picked up little Jennika again, making her way past the creaking old doors and down the simple stairs.

From what she could remember of the goyles' brief tour, the kitchen wasn't far from the common room. So, from that, she was able to gather whatever ounce of consciousness from the awoken world to carry herself and the baby to said kitchen.

The room itself was about as spooky as the rest of the estate, go figure. But at least it looked like it had food, so that was good.

She knows Draxum has a certain way of organizing things, so it doesn't surprise her to find a compartment of just different types of bread on the countertop. She took one loaf, judging that it was fresh enough.

Selfishly she snuck the first nibble. It was five in the morning and she had eaten the previous day, but the exhaustion made her hungry enough.

Unfortunately, one of her decisions reminded her that this food was for that priority; not herself. The kid babbled something, reaching forward towards the bread selfishly held away from her.

Baroness would have to give it up for now… so, simply, she did. She broke a larger piece off from the loaf, handing it off to the child – who did not hesitate to eat away.

It was quite adorable, watching the young one nibble away at the snack. But once that portion was done, she didn't look particularly interested in more.

That's alright, she supposed; they could have a better breakfast when morning came back to them, should this rascal get any more rest.

Until now, the Baroness was still too exhausted to deal with a toddler's every request. Perhaps she could bug those supposed 'loyal goyles of fortune' she had…

Baroness trailed back down the halls, finding herself in the common room. The common room where she first met little Jennika (and that bothersome Big Mama).

The two gargoyles were fast asleep, looking so blissful and without a care in the world.

That would change soon.

"Wake up, sleepy heads."

Her voice was loud, despite not having the energy to carry it out. As if sensing this, though, Jennika shouted, which alerted the sleeping goyles enough for them to stir.

Muninn opened his eyes first, looking between his boss and the ward. "What time is it?"

"Time for you and Huginn to wake up and prove your loyalty," she answered, unintentionally avoiding the question. The Baroness held the squirming infant out in both hands, almost as if in an offering. "Ready to exercise your rights as Jennika's uncles?"

Munnin beamed as Huggin stirred awake slower. "Huginn, it's babysitting tiiime," he alerted, voice almost sing-songy.

The pointer goyle pouted. "Aw man, I was having the best dream."

"No time for dreams," the Baroness explained, placing little Jennika on the ground. "...Except for me. I'm going back to bed."

She didn't wait for any protests; if they were as useful as they said they were, they could babysit for a few more hours. "Wake me if something breaks or if someone important wants to talk to me. Otherwise, have fun."

Just a wink more of sleep… then she could face the consequences of her impulsive actions. For now, she just couldn't wait to sleep another hour or two, just a little longer.

Some Head of Security/secret scientist she was.

Whatever. She was here to replace Draxum. If he could be so important while having so many enemies, she was allowed to mooch off of the hope others had for her and take a little advantage.

She’d be better in the morning. A better parent, a better nobility member; anything else tied to her name.

Such should be suspected from the caprid yokai siblings. Being nuisances and genius warriors all in one was in their blood. For now, she could be that nuisance. What was anyone supposed to do about it, give her more responsibilities?

_ _ _

What a diddly day it has been.

The benefits of being so renowned and important were that it did not take much effort to recover from a rough day.

With a long line of loyal bellhops, everything would be taken care of with a simple word. The only thing, out of everything , she could possibly worry about now is the loss of her Champion.

No one could replace him. Not fully. Some may come close, but there would never be another Lou Jitsu.

Instead, Big Mama had to be crafty. Worrying was for the weak, and she was one of the most powerful yokai in the Hidden City. Only someone so powerful could wield a future super-weapon in the form of an infant turtle.

Speaking of…

The hotelier, donning her human disguise, found herself back in the office, the little mutant-yokai in a stroller beside her. She hummed, looking over at her.

Big Mama was a busy woman. She did not have time to raise a child. While she wished to have this child under her name and eventually as her Champion, she wouldn’t have the patience to raise Venus as a baby until adulthood.

Who even knew, since she was a mutant, how fast these turtles would age?

Only under these conditions could she be so unenthusiastic about having a child – Lou’s biological child, no less – under her care. Should the Baron still be around, perhaps she could strike a deal with him involving those turtles. But that was that blasted alchemist’s plan all along, wasn’t it; to keep the experiments away from her?

Baron Draxum truly did ruin everything.

Either way, Big Mama had another plan. "Fetch me Rita and Bridget," she commanded, meeting the eyes of the currently unoccupied bellhops.

They nodded, walking off soon after.

She hummed. Surely, any of the bellhops could 'raise' Venus for her, but she had two in mind for a particular reason…

By the time all the bellhops returned, the hotelier leaned forward, focusing on the short bat and raccoon yokai a few feet away from her desk.

"You two," she addressed, "I have a job for you."

With a motion of her hands, the bellhop handling the baby turtle's stroller pushed it around the large desk, placing it in front of the two short bellhops.

"This darling over here is Venus, my new pride and joy."

The stroller cover was lifted, allowing the two to get a good look at the young turtle. "She is of utmost importance to me, so I expect only the most fantabulous of efforts, trusting you two in her care."

Rita, the bat yokai, raised an eyebrow. "Ma'am, you want us to raise your daughter?"

"She's not my daughter ," Big Mama clarified, glaring at the small bellhop, "but important all the same. The trust I am putting into you two dears is an opportunity you simply mustn't turn down!"

And by 'mustn't', she meant, 'can't'. The hotelier was quite observant and knew the two worked quite well together; they could provide Venus the idea of two 'parents'. Regardless of their dynamic, though, they did not have a choice.

Luckily, neither had any remaining questions. As it should be.

"Ma'am yes ma'am! We will do our very best ma'am!" The two saluted, almost in unison.

Big Mama observed as they whispered amongst themselves, organizing who would take what responsibilities. With a little trial and error, they eventually figured it out, taking over and pushing the stroller out of the room together.

Somewhere deep inside, it tugged at her heart, the idea of handing the child away . That little turtle was her everything, the only connection to her Champion… but Big Mama was a smart woman. She knew that grief would do no good in raising a future fighter, especially one with the promise of talent unique to a human. Because of such, letting her go was a must.

They would make fine role models for Venus. She hoped.


Now that the whole dilemma was dealt with, the renowned hotelier had one final question nagging at her mind:

Who was this Baroness, and what was her diddly-darn deal?

Big Mama relaxed in her chair after signalling to her most loyal bellhops to shut the doors and curtains extra tight. She had them research the previous night, and now it was time for her to find out.

"Enlighten me on this… Baroness character," she mused, too curious to form a pre-judgment scowl.

With a tablet in hand, brightening up their faces, the bellhops look back at her unenthusiastically. "Not much to say, Mum; ' Baroness Draxum leaves home estate following the disappearance of Baron Draxum in the Hidden City '."

"She's one of those spoiled nobility youth," another one adds.

Strange… she could assume there was more to it. Though, considering the press' interest in important figures and nobility, there would be more negative articles floating around should there be a story. If there was nothing, there truly was nothing.

Still, the woman hummed. "We shall keep tabs on her and the other sea turtle," she announced. "If Baron Draxum dared to betray me, there's no telling what this woman will get up to."

If nothing else, the caprid yokai had a nerve that would get on her ends. Working with her would be a nuisance and a half, which is why she never considered Baron Draxum's offers – either way, Big Mama had to be wise about this.

She would use the Baroness to get her Champion back. If Lou was still alive out there, and Draxum was with him by any chance… good riddance.


pretty much every chapter so far has been about how sleepy everyone is, but let's be honest, it was a hell of a day for all of them
that and I have not slept a wink since I started writing this fic /hj

with that being said, we have made it to the end of the first section of this fic! because it will be closely following the canon events of the RotTMNT show and movie, there won't be much time spent on the pre-canon story - however, there are plenty of chapters incoming that focus on the turtles growing up. super excited to tell the next arc!

Chapter 7: The Little Leader


As the oldest son in their odd little family, Raph more often than not found himself responsible for the chaos his brothers would inevitably get into. That isn't to say he's not a little chaos creator, oh no - in fact, the snapper is more than happy to come up with ways to get his favourite parent's permission to do whatever he wants. Eventually.


little kids are hard to write for no reason

Warnings: canonical character depression
it's brief but still there :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raphael was four years old when he realized Splinter was the coolest dad ever.

This totally isn't because he got him the teddy bear he's always wanted for his birthday. Nooo, totally not.


Okay, fine, that was part of the reason.

But really, Rat Dad is the coolest parent ever. Never a day goes by when he can't go to him if he wants to be picked up or ask him to bring home the best desserts... only every once in a while, though. It made him sad whenever it wasn't Rat Dad watching over them.

Sheep Dad was more strict. And weird. But as long as he and his brothers behaved, Rat Dad would give them whatever they wanted! It was pretty sweet.

All this being said, Raph had a plan.

He was four years old now. He was a big kid. Pops always said they could go outside when they were older... So now was the perfect time to ask!

Yeah, Mikey was still a baby, but if Raph carried him around, it wouldn't be an issue. Leo and Donnie were harder to get to behave, but he knew they wanted to go outside as well, so if Raph made the perfect plan, they'd just have to follow it.

He was the oldest, after all, so he was the leader. Pops told him that a few months ago. So they had to listen to him, it was the rules.

"Sibling meeting!"

The turtles were huddled in a pillow fort in the living room, one they barely managed to keep upright. Every time they tried, it fell over, so really, now was their chance.

"Raph, no! We're gonna watch a movie!" Leo spat, almost knocking over the couch pillow walls.

The little snapping turtle scrambled to keep it upright. "Leo! This is important!"

Instead of arguing back again, his brother pouted, crossing his arms. "I wanna watch the movie though."

"We can watch it later." Raph picked up Mikey, who was about to pull too hard on the floor blanket. Why did things keep happening? "I have a really good idea and you have to listen to it because I'm the leader."

"Who made you the leader?"



"Because I'm the biggest and the oldest," Raph stated, crossing his arms with a big smirk.

Again, Leo pouted loudly, and their argument made Donnie look up from the phone. "Shut up."

"No you," Leo argued.

"No, you."

"Leo, stop-"

Raph paused when he heard hoof steps not too far away... well, they couldn't have the sibling meeting like this! Sheep Dad would never agree!

Their taller dad was weird like that. Sometimes he was fun, but other times he was sooo boring. And he hated going outside. Under no circ*mstances were they to ask about going outside when Rat Dad was away. The last time they asked, he almost looked afraid…

Raph sighed, waiting until he thought their father was out of hearing range. "This is serious, guys. I have a really good idea!"

Leo rolled his eyes. “What idea is more important than Jupiter Jim?”

The snapping turtle rubbed his hands together. “What if Raph told you guys… he knows how to convince Dad and Pops to let us go outside with him next time!”

Instead of support for his idea, Raph was quickly met with a ‘boo’ from Leo. “It never works, Raph.”

“Yeah,” Mikey piped up, “last time he said no, and the time… last time before that he said no, and-”

“I get it,” Raph grumbled, attempting to stand up without knocking over their fort again . “But we gotta try! We’re big kids now, we can’t stay down here forever!”

His blue brother raised an eyebrow at that. “We play sports in the tunnels sometimes.”

The little leader sunk. “Yeah but that’s a secret,” he explained. Their dads didn’t exactly know about that, but they were bored always being in the lair, they had to do something entertaining somehow. “B’sides, the surface is gonna be more fun. Trust me guys.”

From their dad’s phone, Raph saw Donnie had started watching the movie. Mikey was watching with him, kicking his feet close to the fort blanket, and Leo looked between him and the movie. The blue brother hummed, “M’kay,” before joining the younger two. “You can ask again… but if Dad gets mad at us, it’s your fault.”

“He won’t get mad,” Raph promised, “as long as we give him the big sad eyes.”

“You mean ‘the big cute eyes’? Because we’re adorable ,” Leo huffed, puffing out his chest.

“Yeah, we’re adorable,” Mikey huffed, copying Leo while lying down on his plastron.

It made the red-branded turtle chuckle. “Then it’s gonna work. Raph knows it.”

They’d have to wait until Rat Dad got home, of course. Using ‘the big cute eyes’ only worked half of the time on Sheep Dad, and never for stuff like this… So until then, he sat with his little brothers, all huddled over the small phone screen.

Which was comfy, until the for fell on them again.

“Oh come on!”


Despite Raph’s excitement for his big idea, he and his brothers ended up getting wrapped up in rewatching the old trilogy: Jupiter Jim V.S. the Murky Mystic Galaxies. Or they would have, if Pops' phone hadn’t run out of battery halfway through the third movie.

So, for the time following, they attempted to rebuild the fort. Until it fell again, and they tried again. And they repeated the process until they heard a deeper voice calling them:

“Kids, dinner.”

The turtles perked up. Raph had forgotten if Pops came back home yet or not. He thought he heard something earlier, but it was hard to tell because there was an action scene at the time.

If Sheep Dad was calling them, that could mean he wasn’t back yet. Sometimes they ate dinner without one of their dads if they were out.


“We’re having ramen.”

That meant Rat Dad was back for sure!

Raph scrambled over the pile of pillows and blankets they failed to form back into a fort. Pops always made the best ramen! Dinner was gonna be so good.

He made it to the table before all of his brothers, picking the chair beside where Pops always sat. Neither of their dads were sitting yet, organizing a few more things on the table – but he wanted to secure his seat before anyone else!

Rat Dad looked tired when he sat down, doing so with a lazy smile. He only brought one bowl with him, but Raph didn’t mind. Sometimes he was tired and forgetful, it wasn’t a big deal.

His brothers straggled behind, only getting to the table now. “You guys are sooo slow.”

Leo stuck his tongue out at that. “You’re just too fast!”

“Now now, boys, settle down,” Rat Dad started, looking over at all of them. “Leo, help your brother up.”

“Okay Dad,” Leo answered, looking proud as he helped Mikey get up on his chair. Donnie didn’t need any help, so by the time Mikey was sat, Leo dashed to his own seat, which was between Raph and Donnie.

The chair wobbled a bit and almost tipped over. “Woah.”

Raph grumbled at that. “Leo don’t do that, it’s irresponsible.”

“Exactly,” Rat Dad agreed, patting Raph on the head. “You boys should listen to Red.”

A big grin followed. Both out of happiness from doing the right thing and being able to tell Leo what to do.

As expected, Leo pouted, crossing his arms. But he looked happy once his bowl of ramen was served.

Just as much, Raph beamed as he got his bowl. It already looked so good… he could barely wait to dig into it, already fumbling to grab his chopsticks.

“Slow down, kiddo,” Sheep Dad warned. Though he didn’t look upset, soon sat between Rat Dad and Mikey.

“Yeah, slow down Raph ,” Leo taunted, sticking out his tongue.

Ignoring his brother, Raph put his hands down, still holding the chopsticks but keeping them away from the bowl. “Sorry, Dad.”

“It’s okay,” the sheep comforted, “just be more careful. Too much excitement makes it hard to enjoy your dad’s delicious dinner he worked so hard to make.”

Raph nodded, understanding that Pops must have been out all day shopping for the ingredients for this. Still, he struggled to keep the smile off his face as he slowly dug into the delicious bowl of ramen.

If only Sheep Dad knew how excited he was.

Soon the room consisted of everyone just eating. The kids were too hungry to talk just yet, and besides, too much talking always made the dinner table loud.

So when Rat Dad started with a, “How was your day, boys?”, Raph knew it was his chance.

“We had a really fun day,” he admitted. “We watched a ton of movies, and built a big fort-”

“And we painted the walls.”

“Leo!” Raph whisper-shouted, sending his brother a glare.

“Sorry, Mikey and Don painted the walls. Me and Raph watched.”

“Yeah!” Mikey shouted, giggling, “an’ Donnie was all pink and grey from all the paint.”

Raph sighed.

“It’s ‘I and Raph’, son,” Sheep Dad corrected, “but yes, there was paint everywhere.”

Luckily, Rat Dad didn’t look upset. Instead, he was laughing a little. “Seems like you boys got into a lot of trouble while I was gone.”

He continued eating as if he didn’t just say something like that.

Trouble? Raph couldn’t get into trouble! How were they ever going to go outside if Dad thought they were misbehaving?!

“I tried to stop them Pops, honest!” Raph pleaded, looking at his rat father with worry.

Again, though, he was met with a laugh. “It’s alright boys, really,” he promised. “Just try not to give your father a headache whenever I’m not home.”

The oldest turtle’s head was patted again. And it was here he knew, it was time.

“Say uh, Pops? I bet you could use some help carrying the groceries.”


This wasn’t the first time he tried to bring it up, so he wasn’t surprised Sheep Dad was upset now. He tried to ignore it in hopes he’d go back to feeding Mikey and let him convince Rat Dad.

“But really! I can help!” Raph argued. “You said we can go to the surface when we’re big kids, and we’re all older now.”

“Not old enough,” Rat Dad argued back. For a second, he focused on finishing the noodles he currently held up, clearing his throat at the end. “I’m sorry boys, but the surface is too dangerous. And shopping is boring.”

“But Dad-”

“Donnie, don’t leave yet.”

For a second, the big brother turned his head, noticing Leo was pulling Donnie back up and into his seat. Donnie always tried to leave when there was a fight…

He had to be calm. If he wanted this to work, he couldn’t scare anybody. “Can we at least go up to play?”

“Yeah, we wanna go to the park,” Leo budded in. “There’s nothing new to do here and we’re all bored.”

Raph nodded, glad Leo listened to him and was helping. “Pretty please can we go? We promise we’ll be good!” For extra measure, he activated the cute eyes, looking over at his brothers to make sure they did the same.

When Rat Dad’s ears lowered and he smiled, Raph knew they won. There was no way he could say no to them again.

…Until he started to frown again, sighing. "I'm sorry, boys, but you can't. Maybe when you're a little older and more mature… but not now."

Well, that.

That's exactly the opposite of what Raph wanted to hear.

The snapper pouted. While Leo had no problem expressing how upset he was, Raph kept hope that if he kept his emotions at bay, his dads would think he was more mature, and he'd still be able to convince them.

"...What if we're on our best behaviour for a whole week?"

Rat Dad looked like he was going to agree to those terms – all until Sheep Dad shot him a look, making him clear his throat. "...Still no. But!" he raised a hand, "if you boys have another fun, inside-the-lair activity in mind for the weekend, I'll gladly join you."

The hand that was raised extended to Raph, but it was closed into a fist, all except for one finger; it was a pinky swear. "I promise."

The oldest brother hummed, considering the offer. He didn't like being told he wasn't mature enough yet, but if they had a whole weekend with Pops guaranteed, was it really the worst trade?

Deciding it was not, he nodded, extending his own pinky – or turtle-equivalent – and shaking on that deal.

"Ooh, can I pinky swear too?" Leo asked, reaching out from his seat.

This made Pops grin. "Sure."

Before he could do it with Leo, Mikey was babbling something like "I wanna" as well. So their Rat Dad went ahead and did it with the two, offering to Donnie at the end, who just looked confused.

It was kind of funny to watch – but Raph forgot about his food in the process, quickly scrambling to eat the rest of it.

"Slow down Red," he was reminded again; still nothing but a lighthearted warning behind those words.

Once he finished his meal, he stood up and took his bowl into the kitchen to the sink. Which he was a tad too short for. So he walked back to the table, seeing Rat Dad was about to leave as well. "Pops, help me up."

Rat Dad chuckled again, leaving the table with his own bowl in hand. "Okay, okay, give me a minute."

Raph just grinned, happy that Pops would help him. And happy they at least had something to look forward to.

"What's the occasion?" Rat Dad asked him, after helping him put the dishes away to wash.

"What occasion?"

" This ," his dad explained vaguely, gesturing to the kitchen sink. "You and your brothers never help with the dishes."

"Well, if Raph can help, then he will," the snapper explained. Before having asked to go outside, there was a lot of thinking on his end, and he kind of knew that his dads would say no. So he planned some ways beforehand to prove to them they were responsible enough.

One of these ways was helping with the dishes. "Big kids are mature and responsible, right? And when you're mature and responsible, you do chores, and…"

The snapper trailed off, but Pops seemed to get the message.

His rat father sighed, kneeling to lean on his level. He wasn't the tallest person, but still tall enough that this was the only way they met eye-to-eye. "My son, you don't need to prove anything-"

"But I do," the turtle interrupted. "If we're mature enough then maybe we can go outside, right?"

Again, Rat Dad sighed. Only this time he looked sad… it made Raph feel bad, pulling him to hug his dad's arm. He knew Sheep Dad got upset about them asking, but he didn’t know Rat Dad felt the same way…

Luckily, he didn't seem upset. Only sad. He hugged the turtle back for a second, exhaling a big breath afterwards. "I wish you boys could go outside… really, I do. But it's too risky."

Raph frowned. "Why?" he dared to ask.

"For a lot of reasons, Red…" Rat Dad began. "If you ever did go outside, you'd have to stick to the shadows and not talk to anyone. And, honestly, the park isn't all it's cracked up to be. Most kids would kill to have a cool underground hideout to play all day every day."

With his lightened words, he seemed to be in a much better mood already, now finding a half grin. "I'm sure whatever you boys plan for the weekend will be more fun than those human kids could ever dream of ," he said with a chuckle. "I know I'm looking forward to it."

Okay, that … that's something Raph could get behind. He still wanted to go outside more than anything, but what Rat Dad said made a lot of sense. Their lair was pretty cool.

"Oh, it's going to be the funnest weekend ever!" Raph promised, bouncing slightly at the thought.

Before Rat Dad could speak again, they both turned to the sound of someone walking into the space. "I'm not sure 'funnest' is a real word."

"It's totally a word."

"Yeah, right."

"Listen here-"

Sheep Dad made himself busy with putting away the remaining dishes – oops, Raph forgot to go back for them – but Rat Dad looked just as content with getting up and defending his use of the totally real word.

These silly arguments they often had made them leave him and his brothers behind, in most instances. But Raph couldn’t mind too much in this case.

He didn't, because now he was a turtle on a mission: the mission to create a plan for the bestest, funnest weekend Rat Dad could ever ask for.

And he was sure his brothers would get into mischief without anyone else around. So, priorities.

Unfortunately, Raph was never much the 'man with a plan'.

That would fit Leo much better; Leo, who was always the one who thought of games for them to play and movies for them to watch.

But this time, it was Raph’s turn to plan something. They held another sibling meeting in their shared room that night, whisper-shouting as not to alert their parents. But that easily turned into a jumble of nonsense whispering and shoving.

Other than for Mikey, who fell asleep almost right away, and Donnie, who was scribbling on paper while the older two argued.

Luckily, by morning time, Raph was able to ignore all of Leo's dumb ideas and come to a conclusion of his own: they were going to have a tea party.

It wasn’t going to be any old tea party, oh no; it was going to be fancy . During some holiday – he couldn't remember which – Rad Dad brought home some books, and one of them was about a princess and the very fancy tea parties she held.

More often than not they were for her stuffed bears. But hey, Raph had a lot of stuffed bears, why couldn't he throw a party like that?

Leo thought the idea was stupid when he brought it up in the morning, still keeping it a secret from their parents. And also Mikey, who might blab it too early. At least Donnie seemed to like the idea – even if he only liked drinking water out of their teacups.

“We’re not drinking real tea,” Raph tried to explain, guiding the cup away from Donnie but not taking it. Though, as his little brother insisted, it made Raph think. Should they drink real tea?

Even if he was a big kid, he didn’t know how to make the water hot for the tea. He’s seen his dads make it before and knew it involved a cool purple-looking kettle thing – up until that kettle was replaced with a boring grey one. Either way, they always said it was too hot to touch.

Besides, Leo didn’t like most tea types – maybe that’s why he was being a brat about it.

“Maybe we can ask Sheep Dad to make some without telling him why…” The snapper hovered his hand over the chalkboard in their room, having scribbled a line between two figures that definitely did not look like his father and the boring kettle. But hey, artistry wasn’t important when planning.

“It still sounds dumb.”

Raph stuck out his tongue. “You sound dumb.”


The snapper rolled his eyes at his closest-aged brother. He’d say ‘no you’ but more arguing wouldn’t help.

“‘Sides, why would this work when your other plan didn’t?”

“Because it has nothing to do with going outside, Leon ,” the oldest mocked, pointing at the scribbles on the chalkboard. “Our dads like tea, and they’ve never had a tea party with us, and it’s fun. More importantly, Pops likes tea and having fun.”

“And no one will ruin it this time?”

“No, because you and Dad are helping.”

Leo gasped dramatically. “But the surprise , Raph!”

“Yeah, it will be a surprise for Rat Dad,” Raph explained. “We won’t tell other dad everything , but he has to make the tea because we can’t touch the stove.”

“Eww, we’re making real tea?”

“Yes, because it’s more special.”

His bother pouted, crossing his arms. “...Do I still get to be a knight?”



Raph grinned, holding his chalk up to the board. “So, you gonna help me or what?”


The two spent the better half of the morning planning the most epic tea party. While they were only three and four years old respectively, and had to work extra hard to keep it a secret, they soon had an awesome plan.

It had snacks, it had costumes, but most importantly, it had royalty .

And who is this royalty, you may ask?

The family, obviously. Between the six of them, there was more than enough room for knights, guards, nobility and kings. And you better believe Raph was going to be the prettiest princess in the land.

The plan was awesome, but of course, they had to keep it a secret. If everything went well, they'd have their event ready for Saturday afternoon, but until then, they had a lot of preparation to work on.

Right after lunch, the brothers huddled in the living room, with Donnie and Mikey watching -videos on Pop's phone while Raph and Leo stuck by the book corner, going over all the picture books they had about tea parties and royalty and all that good stuff.

"Leo, look," the snapper called out, pointing at something in his book. "Knights have armour. We don't have that."

"We don't have capes either."

"Yeah, but we'll use Sheep Dad's clothes."

Leo giggled at that, flipping to another picture in his book. "Hmm… maybe we can make it ourselves?"

"Like arts and crafts?"

"Yeah." Leo held up what he was holding, pointing at the picture. "We can use the cardboard from those big boxes in the storage room and paint them!"

Huh, that actually wasn't the worst idea. "Smart thinking Lee," the older brother praised, before going to the shelf and picking another book.

The good thing about tea parties was that the drink itself was more important than anything else. There was certain etti… etiquette? (That's how you said it, right?) But yeah, other than proper manners and talking about the weather and important stuff, all you had to do at a tea party was wear fancy clothes and drink tea.

So Raph wasn't too worried about food. Instead, he quickly looked through another princess book, flipping pages until he found the drawing he was looking for.

The princess drank elegantly with a pinky stuck out, while a guest table of stuffed bears sat around quietly. The table itself had a teapot, cups for each guest, and small plates with what looked like cookies.

He didn't know if it was cookies, but they would use those anyway because cookies were good.

"We can ask Pops to buy cookies next time he's out," Raph announced, remembering that their dad would do one more supply run for the week on Friday, so it was perfect.

His brother nodded, humming along. "That's it then?"

"Yeah, I think so."

The brothers put their books away, careful to put everything back so nothing would look too out of place.

"Ready to put together the most epic and awesome tea party ever?"

"Heck yeah!"


"No it isn't-"

"Yeah it is."

The two looked behind them, finding that last statement out of the mouth of one of their siblings.

Mikey .

He probably heard everything… oh well, as long as he didn't tell anyone else.

For now, Raph simply smirked. "Even Mikey knows that's a bad word, Leo ."

And he was right, of course. If their parents weren't there to correct them, someone had to stop Leo from saying stuff like that.

It happened a lot, especially when he was excited for something. Not that Raph could blame him.

Instead he and his brother ended up sticking their tongues out, unable to be mature if the other was being so annoying . You know, like always.

Plans were fun and all, but man, was it hard to put plans into motion and keep it all a secret from their parents.

Mikey and Donnie found out pretty easily – but it didn't matter too much. All it meant was more of them finding all the perfect things for the eventual perfect tea party.

Throughout Friday they tip-toed past Sheep Dad, gathering fake capes and cardboard and paint and stuffed animals. Mikey was pretty content with painting everything he could get his hands on, Donnie with organizing things in a large plastic box they kept under their bed, and Leo with bossing everyone around (even though this was his idea, as a matter of fact).

But because this felt and sounded like a game, their parents suspected nothing less.

Then came Saturday.

The big day.

The day Pops was gonna spend a whole afternoon with them.

Bright and early in the morning, Raph had asked Sheep Dad – the only other person awake at this hour – to make the tea. This is something he asked for sometimes, so it wasn’t too suspicious… until he tried taking the entire kettle with him.

Yeah, he tried to take it when his dad left the room for a moment. This meant he used a chair to climb up and was currently holding the very full kettle with both hands.

Not that it was heavy. Raph could handle it just fine.

Dad looked suspiciously at him. When he raised an eyebrow, Raph almost thought he blew his cover.

Instead, his dad almost looked guilty. "I forgot to serve your cup, didn't I?"

The snapper nodded. "Yeah, but it's okay," he comforted. "I was gonna put all of it in a teapot so I could get refills and give some to the others."

"That is wise," his dad agreed, though he offered a hand forward; to take the kettle from him.

If it wasn’t a bad thing… okay, he could give it back. Dad was helping him, after all.

Once he handed it off, Raph stepped off the chair, walking off to where he put the teapot and bringing it over.

His dad took it, nodding with a small smile, before he did what Raph had wanted to do (but more so wanted to have been done for him).

"I must say, I'm impressed you children enjoy tea so much," Sheep Dad commented, back still turned as he transferred said tea over from one pot to the next. "Spirits forbid any of you ever find coffee – it's surprisingly addictive."

"But it tastes like dirt."

This got a laugh out of his dad. No, a cackle . "Honestly, not untrue."

After not long, the teapot was ready, and it was given to the little snapper. "Careful," his dad advised. "It's still hot and easily spills if you walk too fast."

Raph made sure he was handling it safely before looking back up. "Don't worry, I got this."


Sheep Dad patted his head, smiling again. "Call your brothers over in ten minutes when breakfast is ready, okay?"

"Okay Dad," Raph promised, walking off and out of the kitchen.

Mission successful.


Because everything was planned and set in motion, Raph allowed himself to relax a little at the breakfast table, the only hassle being how he had to stop Donnie from stealing other people's waffles.

Said waffles, which were cold by the time Pops and Leo made it over. They must've slept in, but hey, at least Pops had a reason. Leo was just being lazy.

So they had to eat cold waffles, but that was okay. Only Leo was a sore loser about it – the rest of the family were nothing but giggles and smiles.

Once breakfast was over and the oldest helped put everyone's dishes away, the kids retreated to their room for a moment, gathering to set up any finishing touches. It was finally time .

Raph could barely contain his excitement as he looked over their very fancy little tea party, fit for a king.

Or, well, the king of the sewers they called home.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna call them," Raph announced in a shouted whisper. "Everyone get ready."

He looked over one last time – oh gosh, it was perfect – before heading back to the dining room, donning a bathrobe to cover his dress for now. It's still a surprise.

As he thought, his parents were still there, talking about something. He couldn't hear what, but whatever it was couldn't be as important or mind-blowing as what was awaiting them.

Raph just hoped it worked this time.

"Uh, dads, can you come over here for a second?"

Both of their heads whipped up, finding the sight of their oldest son. "Anything wrong, Red?"

"No no, just-" he started, shaking his head. "I'll explain when we get there. I gotta show you something."

He saw his parents look at each other, before they looked back at him, shrugging. Almost in sync . "If you say so."

Awe yeah, they agreed! Raph had to contain a happy dance as he walked forward, not too fast as to make sure they followed carefully. "Just follow me."

Every once in a while he looked back, making sure they were following. They looked confused but happy at least, so he wasn't afraid of them deciding to hop out of his event… but just to be sure.

The turtle soon led them to one of the empty 'rooms' of the Lair, just as poorly lit as it always was. He motioned for them to halt, hiding in the shadows himself. All until…


Each of the brothers turned on a lamp, lighting up the room at once. Raph shoved off his robe, showing off his favourite dress from last Halloween and striking a pose. "Welcome to your epic tea party, Pops and Dad."

The reveal seemed to stun them both, with Pops hiding a huge smile behind his hands and Dad taking in everything they set up.

"Boys… you did all this?"

"Yep!" Leo decided to answer before anyone else. "It took a long time and a looot of hard work."

"Raph’s idea," Mikey confirmed, pointing at his oldest brother.

Donnie simply nodded.

Raph walked up to his parents again. "You said you'd hang out with us all day if we made something special…"

If the snapper could pick apart small details, he'd almost think Rat Dad was about to cry. "Red… boys… this is wonderful."

Sheep Dad nodded along. "So this is what you kids have been up to."

"Yeah! Now c'mon, sit down."

Raph wouldn't entertain the idea that either of them thought it wasn't perfect enough – because it was , thank you very much. He could think about that later. For now , he motioned for his parents to approach the floor-level table and sit at the two larger pillows.

"I took a bit of inspo from Pop's old books and some YouTube videos," Raph announced proudly, finding his seat beside Rat Dad.

Donnie and Leo each picked up a thin blanket from either end of the room, draping it over each dad’s shoulders. They were as baffled by this as they were amused.

"This is all very lovely, boys, but what's the occasion?"

"If you haven't picked up on it by my super awesome dress," Raph pointed out, "this is a royal tea party."

“Aha.” Rat Dad chuckled, grabbing onto the ends of the blanket. “Very lovely indeed.”

He saw Leo swishing his fake cape, standing as ‘guard’ at the end of the table. Something Sheep Dad seemed to notice, and looked annoyed at. “...Is that my sweater?”

The slider posed, letting the sweater/cape settle. “It looks better on me.”

That got giggles out of most of them, except for Sheep Dad, who pinched the bridge of his nose.

Well, that’s not good, he was supposed to be happy too! “That’s not all!” Raph promised, scrambling for something he left in the back of the empty room. “The party isn’t perfect until everyone has their crowns.”

Raph handed out everyone a cardboard, painted crown, giving the biggest ones to their parents. They didn’t measure anything before making them, so they just made them bigger than the ones for him and his brothers. They had silver (grey) while their parents had gold (yellow with random splotches of red and green for the ‘jewels’).

His parents took them and put them on happily, which made Raph happy. So it was finally time to get this party started.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Raph announced, “please welcome King Splinter and his consort Barry!”

At this point, neither of his parents could hide their laughter. Sheep Dad looked kind of embarrassed, holding his forehead in his hands, while Rat Dad looked so smug about it.

He wasn’t sure why. Did he think Raph was gonna call them ‘King Pops and Consort Dad’?. That wasn’t proper!

Instead of fighting it, he just sat down again, waiting for them to stop laughing.

“Guys, sit down,” he told his brothers, motioning for them to do so. Nothing was gonna happen until everyone was seated. “Dads, stop laughing, this is serious.

Eventually, they did calm down, with Pops wiping away a tear for extra dramatic effect. However, Dad was the first one to speak. "I’m sorry boys, it’s just… do you know what a king's consort is?"

"Of course I do." He had no idea. But he heard it from a royalty-related video once, so it must be important.

Rat Dad ended up elbowing him in the side. "It just means you're the king's wife, genius."

"Yeah, there was nothing about kingdoms with two kings so we had to go with 'consort'," Raph explained, "but I'm a princess so it doesn't matter too much."

This, at least, seemed to make sense to Sheep Dad, since he nodded. "I suppose the king does need a wife to keep his head on his shoulders."

He was shoved this time.

While it was funny, and the table erupted into giggles, Raph forced him to stop smiling. "No tomfoolery at the table, dads ."

"You're right, Princess Raph," Rat Dad – or well, King Splinter – addressed, looking around the table. "Let us enjoy this wonderful tea party your older brother set up."

"Hey, I helped," Leo argued.

"Ah yes, thank you as well, Blue."

"That's Sir Leo to you-"


His parents were laughing again. This was a disaster.

"Alright, Sir Leo ," the King corrected. "And to think I had superiority here."

The snapper sighed. If they wouldn't listen to their literal king , the princess and super awesome party planner would have to take over. "Everyone shut up and drink your tea."

Everyone quieted down for a second, looking around at each other, before beginning to take sips.

"Mmm, chamomile?" the King asked, sinking into his cup.

"Yep! It's the best, isn't it?"

"It sure is."

Before Raph could correct his little brothers on how they were holding their cups (how many times has he told them they have to raise a pinky, despite only having three fingers?) Leo took over, allowing the princess to sip freely.

The tea was kind of lukewarm now – drinkable, but not as yummy as a warm cup. Maybe if everyone stopped goofing around then they'd get to the party faster.

But it was okay, Raph guessed. Things could be worse.

"So, how's the weather been lately-"

A crash interrupted his weak attempt at small talk.


"Or dear."

The princess looked over to find his brother had spilled the tea all over his plate and the table, which his dads had to rush over and take care of. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a spill."

Maybe it was 'just a spill' to Mikey, but it was so much more than 'just a spill'.

The princess got out of his seat, scrambling to find the paper towels. The least he could do is help.

He handed them to his parents, then picked up Mikey before he could make a bigger mess. He expected this to go a lot better… but with this family, nothing was ever not messy.

"Do you guys still wanna do the tea party…?"

The question was kind of open-ended. He didn't expect anyone to want to after such a big mess and with how mean he was to everyone.

His brothers looked like they'd rather be watching a movie right now, and his parents? Well, they looked sad and guilty, but not way too much. There had to be a word for that emotion, right?

Eventually, Rat Dad bent down to his level. "Maybe we should try again later."

The snapped sighed, expecting as much. "Okay."

After finishing cleaning the spill and disposing of the paper towels, Sheep Dad came back, huddling the other kids closer to him. "Don't be so down, kiddo," he offered. "Party planning takes a lot of effort. You'll get better with practice."

"Oh, okay," Raph reasoned. "Can we try again soon?"

"Definitely," Rat Dad said, lifting the snapper's chin so he wasn’t looking down anymore. "This was a lovely surprise Red. We can do it again any time you want."

He smiled, only now realizing the heaviness in his chest could have led to tears. He was okay, though. He was happier now.

"Okay," Raph returned for the third time in a row. "Next time it's gonna be even better-er."

Rat Dad chuckled. "I'm sure it will be."

Unfortunately, despite his rat father being his favourite parent, his role model, and the elected ‘king’ of their little family, Raph would soon have to learn that he was not as strong as he made himself out to be.

It wasn’t the first time Pops hid in his room all day, curled up in his bed and avoiding visits even from other dad. Logically, the snapping turtle knew that this meant he was having a bad day – he said as much whenever one of the kids asked. He said that some days he just needs a few hours alone to think and rest.

Raph could respect that, even if Rat Dad being this sad more and more often scared him.

He had promised to spend the weekend with him and his brothers; and he did, but such joy could not ride out into the week. By Monday, he already looked more anxious and upset, and by Tuesday morning, he didn’t get out of bed.

Sheep Dad had to do the supply run that day – and he hates going outside, so Raph knew it was bad .

By Wednesday, he was still in bed. More than anything else, Raph just felt… bad . No matter if he wanted to help, it was usually met with Sheep Dad telling him it wouldn't. And if he went into their room, he wasn't even met with an answer. Just… nothing .

Raph wasn't the only one worried. Raph wasn't the only one who noticed Rat Dad was gone for long. His brothers were beginning to get worried as well.

"Is Dada okay? He's been in his room for days."

The oldest brother looked over his gathering of siblings in the living room. It wasn’t like none of their parents were around and there with them, but Sheep Dad was constantly busy fixing things in one empty room or another. Rat Dad's always the more affectionate of the two… when he wasn't outside or sad, that is.

So now, as they found themselves on a bored Wednesday, Raph knew it would be up to him to find something fun and distracting for them to do.

"Yeah, he's okay," the oldest brother reassured. "He just needs more time to rest. But don't worry, Raph knows what to do."

He took Rat Dad's phone off the counter – something only the four of them bothered to charge these days – opening the app with the movie downloads. If neither of their parents were around to tell them 'no' to anything, they could pick what to watch. "We're gonna watch a big kids movie."


And so, the turtles spent the whole day watching movies again. It wasn’t a bad thing, but if it was just them, then they couldn't be blamed. Besides, it was pretty fun.

Unfortunately, Rat Dad still wasn't seen all day. They had dinner with one less chair full, eating a meal that was good, but not as special as when two people worked on it. The leftover plate was brought to their parents’ room, and the kids were eventually told to go to bed, seeing as their eyes were exhausted.

Raph didn’t mind going to bed too early. He was tired, but… still worried.

When he got up for a glass of water, he brought two with him, purposefully passing by his parents' room. It sounded quiet, they were probably asleep already…

Still, he balanced the two glasses in his arm, knocking with the other.

After a second, he heard a muffled, "Come in."

Much like the rest of the Lair, there was only a screen door to slide out of the way to get into the room. Even though he wanted his own room with his brothers since a year ago, he still thinks their room is pretty cool.

It looked like a mess, though. At least on Rat Dad's half.

"What brings you here, kiddo?"

It's the first coherent words he's heard from his rat father in days. It almost sounded like he missed him, the way his weak voice cracked softly.

"Nothin'... Just wanted to see if you were okay," Raph answered, grabbing the other glass of water and handing it over. "Here."

His dad took the glass, placing it on his night table. "Thank you, Red."

Raph stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He could hear his other dad snoring softly, so he was asleep – it was just them awake now.

"So… you're okay now?"

His dad sighed. "I am a little better now, yes." He motioned for the snapper to come closer, patting his head once he did so. "Thank you for taking care of your brothers these past few days. You're the best big brother they could ask for."

A small part of him still felt bad that he could only help with his brothers and not help his dad more. A larger part of him smiled, chest puffing out with pride. "Big brother Raph's got it, don't worry."

There was a chuckle, if only a hint of sadness following. "Thank you again. I'll make this up to you somehow…"

A glimmer of hope shone in the snapper's eyes. "Another tea party?"

"Of course, son," his dad assured. "Now get some rest."

He nodded. "Okay dad. Night night."

He shuffled back out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

Well, now he wasn't getting any sleep for sure. Not only did he have another tea party to plan, but Pops just confirmed he's the best big brother.

As with most things, he knew this might happen again – no, not the tea party… the long bouts of Rat Dad sleeping in, helpless to any cure other than being left alone.

But Raph could take care of it. He may only be four years old, but now he knows exactly how to help everyone out in this situation.

He just had to continue being the best big brother – and son – ever.


I completely forgot to mention the small hiatus between Part 1 & 2 and I'm so sorry for that - as compensation, every chapter in this part will be 6-8k long :'D

anyhow, hope this chapter was okay! it gave me a lot of trouble (it's been written almost entirely and made the other chapters delay by a lot asjkfs) but I'm going to power through it and give a nice long look into the time in between, until we eventually meet up with canon/season 1 👀

(also, real talk, let me know if the portrayal of Splinter's depression or Donnie's non-verbal communication was done poorly. I have real-life experience with these things to a certain degree but do not know how to portray them through the eyes of a four-year-old, and promise I will give these topics more attention in future them-centric chapters)

Chapter 8: The Alchemist's Protégé


Out of the many expectations the young leatherback sea turtle put on herself at a young age, the biggest of them was to become just like her main guardian: the Baroness. Though of course, not many are willing to let a six-year-old wield the information and power necessary to be a weapon smith or secret scientist, which meant Jennika would have to take action into her own hands...


oh would you look at that, we're back with the Hidden City girls and goyles. time to get a look into the sister's lives and their guardians' (questionable) parenting!

If Jennika feels out of character here, that's for two main reasons:
1. I haven't read the IDW comics where she comes from (read a couple of wikis instead), though I'm aware that she's originally human, and because she was born a turtle in this AU and grows up in this whole situation, she's bound to be a bit different
2. She's 6 years old in this chapter. She has plenty of room for... um... character development :')

Needles/Injections in the second section, as well as references to it throughout the chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jennika was six years old when she realized her destiny was to become like the Baroness.

Despite her young age, the sea turtle has always been bright-eyed and curious about her main guardian. Despite spending most of her days wandering the mansion, playing with Huginn and Muninn or her sister, most of her interest led to sneaking glances at the lab below it all.

Part of her knew the Baroness’ job: security and weapons and stuff. In her younger years, Jenny wanted nothing more than to hold one of the cool swords in development, or maybe help her set up a security system, or something else cool like that.

While she could never possibly know just how impulsive her guardian was, she could almost imagine some of those genes passed over to her.

Whenever the Baroness wasn’t busy, she’d cling to her, wanting to hear everything about her super cool job. And, after asking and asking and asking, she was finally allowed to see the lab at the grand age of five years old.

And it was magical .

Well, yeah, of course it was. A yokai of such high profile and importance is bound to work with mystics.

Something about it though… it was special. She’d remain neutral-faced and well-behaved while in this sacred space, but the gears in her mind were turning. While she was still rather young, the idea still struck: what if, when she grew up, she’d get to be a super cool security guard person too?

Her mind would be blown upon first learning her guardian was also a scientist.

Oh yeah, Jennika definitely wanted to be that when she grew up. There was no changing her mind now.

When she turned five, the Baroness began giving her and her sister various 'tests', all of which happened in the half-built lab. But even before then, she's always been interested in the glowing green stuff the Baroness worked with.

Despite her uncles Huginn and Muninn trying to curve her away from the lab early on, Jennika has always been a curious kid. So she was excited when she was first allowed into the lab.

Even more so she became curious when told she was going to be part of some experiment. She asked the Baroness endless questions, even if left without answers. It didn't put her down, though – anything she wanted to find out, she would find out.

Through some pestering, she ended up convincing the Baroness to tell her one thing, at least: she was going to become her official assistant at 10 years old.

Because of this, Jennika agreed not to prod into work she was too young to understand. One day soon enough, she would learn everything there was to know about the lab and experiments. Until then, she just had to follow a few instructions.

For a year and a half, the experiments she and her sister would undergo consisted of small injections or samples to drink or attempts at wielding mystic magic. At the end of these tests, she'd always feel bigger or stronger. They never seemed to work as well on Venus, strangely.

These experiments weren't consistent. Sometimes they would happen once a week, and if the results were bad, there would be a few months of a break in between.

Why such a long break? To the understanding of a six-year-old who was told nothing, the experiments were a secret. Only she, Venus and their guardians were allowed to know about it – just like how the rest of the Hidden City wasn't allowed to know about them.

That's how she figured it out, really. This was one more secret the Baroness had – first the lab itself, then Jennika and Venus existing, and now the testing and experiments.

Well, secret or not, Jennika would go along with it. The idea of getting bigger and stronger with just some mutation stuff is exactly the kind of thing every six-year-old wants, after all.

Today she was scheduled to have a simple injection. Venus was dropped off not long ago, and the two played a bit until they were huddled into the lab.

Now they were both sitting on a bench in the lab, waiting for the tests.

Jennika kicked her legs while she waited, absent-mindedly humming. You'd think that someone who lives with the Baroness would be more still, more used to this all and therefore less excited. But she couldn't help herself. For some reason she always looked forward to these days.

Venus looked more bored. The quieter and younger turtle never really enjoyed the tests – she always complained that it felt weird or that it didn't work. But as long as Jenny was there with her, Venus would do as instructed.

Jenny was content with kicking her legs and waiting when she felt her sister tug on her arm. "Why is this taking so long?"

"It shouldn't take too much longer," Jenny reasoned. She could only guess the Baroness was taking her time perfecting the mutagen stuff, and that's why it was taking a while.

Nonetheless, she soon heard her guardian approaching. "Apologies for the wait, girls," the older yokai offered, holding a small box, "but I think I finally found the perfect formula."

The older turtle snorted. "You say that every time ."

"Well I think this time is better , okay?"

Because the Baroness didn't have her mask on, she looked tired, but still managed to smile. Maybe the formula really was better this time, who knew?

It would be up to them to find out, of course. "It's only better if I'm as strong as a tiger yokai by tomorrow morning."

"Tiger yokai aren't that strong," Venus mumbled.

That little remark got the Baroness to chuckle. "She's right, you know," she told Jennika. "Yokai strength isn't determined by sub-class, but there are different kinds of advantages between different kinds of Yokai."

If whatever she said now felt confusing, it was only because Jennika has heard it so many times, amongst other familiar lectures – her questions and dumb comments warranted those, apparently.

“You like tiger yokai though…” She left it as a mumble, knowing her guardian was likely to not engage in such talk.

"Turn," she was asked, to which she did without much thought. Jenny's eyes trailed to where the small white box opened, revealing first a disinfectant cloth. She already knew the routine enough that the sting of it on her arm didn't surprise her.

After the area was disinfected, the Baroness handled one of two needles that were within the box. "What is it about tiger yokai that you think is so great, anyway?"

The question probably didn't mean much – probably meant to distract from something that did not hurt much – but it made Jennika think. "Well, they're big and strong, and fast, and fierce!" the sea turtle explained, "much more than I am."

"You have time to grow into it," the Baroness reasoned, putting the needle in position. "You're only six, you have hundreds of years to become powerful and awesome like me."

Jennika waited for the needle to finish piercing her skin and tissue before another question left her mind. "But do mutants live as long as Yokai?"

Once the needle was taken out and the injection complete, the Baroness hesitated. "...Mutants?"

"Yeah, like me and Venus," the young turtle clarified.

She heard some time ago that they were not Yokai, but rather mutants. Yes, this may have been a mumbled message amongst the adults… but it counted as something she heard. She didn't know what this meant, though – only that it had something to do with them being half-animal.

Sure, they looked like Yokai, just like the Baroness and Rita and Bridget, but they haven't seen any young Yokai around to compare. Knowing they were adopted – or 'rescued' for some reason – and all the weird mutagen experiments they had to do, Jennika had every reason to believe the claim of being 'mutants'.

Otherwise, the Baroness had another secret and/or lie. She should know by now things like this don't slip past the leatherback sea turtle.

"Right," the Baroness settled finally. "Mutants." She shuffled over to easily reach Venus now, motioning for her to turn now too. "I think you two should have quite long lifespans regardless of how you were mutated."

"Oh, okay."

The young mutant turtle remained fidgeting as Venus got her injection, more questions bubbling in her mind. For now, she settled on a simple one; "Do we have any Yokai DNA?"

Such a question rang in the air for a moment – considering they were in the middle of an important procedure, fair enough. Eventually, though, the Baroness shot a glance her way. "It's highly likely, but the tests aren't certain," she offered, simply. "All I know is that you two miracle children are going to be the most powerful mutants in all the land once you grow up."

After a few more seconds, the injection was complete. Finding herself done here, the Baroness closed her small box, standing once again. “Thank you again for your participation, you may run along if you have no symptoms in twenty minutes.”

Her tone was nothing less than bored, having uttered that phrase for the umpteenth time by now. She was always more boing when doing important scientific work.

Eventually, the sisters were left alone again, and they would be alone for the next twenty minutes at least. Time to do what they do best.

“Did it hurt this time?” Jenny thought to ask, checking in with her younger sister.

The other sea turtle held her arm where the injection took place, looking as upset about it as always. “Not really,” she mumbled. “Doesn’t feel like it worked, though.”

“It never does,” the older one comforted. “You’re supposed to feel it after sleeping.”

Sometimes she got stronger doses than Vee, and sometimes she got some without her at all. These double appointments weren’t as common for second dosages; those happened at random, whenever the Baroness was home. Though she knew she wasn’t supposed to talk about it to anyone outside of their circle.

Other than Venus, of course, because she was her best friend.

“I can tell the Baroness to give you more ooze as well?”

The four-year-old shifted where she sat. “...It’s okay,” she dismissed, moving to put both hands on the bench. “Didn’t you wanna show me something?”

Show her something? Oh, wait, yes she did!

“Yeah, one second,” Jenny said, hopping off the bench for a second. She took a book bag from under it, opening it and taking out a couple of papers and some markers. The drawings already made were nothing too coherent, but she was happy to show them to her sister anyway.

“I’ve been drawing a couple of cool costumes for the future,” she said proudly, showing four drawings of different costume designs. She pointed at one of them, “Huginn says he likes this one, but thinks it would look cooler with a red cape.”

“Why red?”

“I don’t know.” 'I want a cool yellow cape' is the thought that rang in her mind, but she knew that the Baroness had a thing for cyan blue… which was Vee’s favourite colour, by coincidence.

What if the fates had it so Vee was adopted by the Baroness instead?

The older sea turtle eventually shrugged. She pulled another drawing from the bag, though it was cleaner and structured better than the others – clearly not her drawing. “Bridget gave me this the other day, but I don’t know… it feels more ‘Big Mama’ and less ‘Baroness’.”

Venus took the drawing, studying it. “It’s pretty cool though,” she said simply, as if there were not stars in her eyes.

“Yeah, your moms are pretty good artists.” She began putting her other drawings away, noticing that Venus never parted with the paper in her hand. This gave her an idea. “Maybe that can be your cool costume.”



The younger turtle smiled brighter than she has seen all day, but it was soon replaced with a groan. “There’s no way Big Mama will let me wear this in the Nexus.”

“Forget the Nexus, think of the patrols ,” Jennika started, painting the picture in her mind – as doing so on paper or otherwise was difficult. “We’ll look so cool that no one will ever know we’re turtles!”

“Ooh yeah,” Venus agreed quite easily. “We’ll be super cool and secret, like ninjas or something.”

For a second Jenny stood there, having never imagined that’s what her sister was about to say.

But she loved the idea .

“Yes, yes, yes!” she cheered, dancing a little in place.

Venus giggled at this, until frowning again. “But not until we’re 10 at least.”


Jennika slumped a little. Why did growing up have to take so long?

“But hey, think of it like this,” she offered, hoping to cheer up her sister; “after that, we can go anywhere and do anything we want! Especially with our super cool suits.”

“I guess you could put it that way…”

Her sister trailed off, not sounding too hopeful – though Jennika had no doubt they would love every second of being older kids once the time came.

Finding that the space was quiet again, and they still had time to kill, the bigger sea turtle had an idea. “Wanna draw?”

This gave Vee a smile that looked like it wouldn’t go away soon. “Sure.”

No day with her guardian home ended in mere rest.

Not that Jennika ever minded. Training was more fun than reading the same old comics over and over again, anyways.

An hour after dinner, she was told to meet the Baroness in the training room, all suited up and with her weapon of choice. Well, ‘choice’ between all of the beginner, non-lethal weapons… but they were still cool.

She knew she’d get better weapons one day. Maybe even sooner if she proved herself worthy.

“You ready for this, Jenny?”

Her uncles were beside her, helping her suit up for training. Why she had to wear all this, she never knew; it didn’t feel important… but it was comfortable enough that she never complained.

“Pretty much born ready,” she retorted, puffing out her chest proudly. “I do this every week, it’s easy!”

“We know,” Munnin offered, tying the cyan belt that held her suit together. “We just wanna make sure everyone’s on their A-game before a spar breaks out or something.”

“Yeah, the Baroness looked confuzzled at something you said earlier.”

Despite what that must have meant, Jenny couldn’t help the snort that escaped. “Use real words, Huginn.”

“Right,” he corrected, chuckling at that himself. “Just be careful, okay? She’d never hurt you, buuut it’s best not to make her mad.”

“Yeah, I’ll be careful.”

She finished suiting herself up the rest of the way, adjusting anything that felt out of place. Nothing about a training session intimidated her, knowing it was mostly just practicing stances and stuff like that, but…

“You think she’s mad at me?” She knew why that would be: for having put her beak where it didn’t belong instead of being patient.

“What? Nooo, of course not.”

Both of the gargoyles looked nervous as they said this in unison. Meaning it was a lie.

“Okay, not mad, but she wasn’t happy ,” Huginn clarified.

“Don’t mention mutants anymore and you should be a-okay, okay?”

So it was that. Good to know for sure.

In her mind, it made no sense to have this information kept from her; what was the use, really? Why couldn’t she know she was a mutant rather than a yokai? Why couldn’t she go outside and into the rest of the city?

Such was nothing to argue right now, though. So she just nodded. “Don’t worry guys, I got this.”

She picked up her weapon, swinging it once lightly.

Before leaving, she heard the goyles wingbeats, lightly hovering some ways behind her. “We believe in you!”

The turtle smirked, big and wide. “You better.”


Jennika found the Baroness waiting for her there. She wasn’t mad – she was never mad. She looked energetic more than anything else.

Their training gear looked nearly identical – which already looked a fair deal like the Baroness’ everyday armour. Comfortable, practical; grey and cyan.

The colours were much more Venus’ style. Everything else? Perfect .

“So, you ready?”


“How do you feel?”

The turtle leaned back, now only a few feet away from her guardian and trainer. “Fantastic.”

“Great.” Baroness leaned a hand against her sheathed sword, smiling. “We’re just gonna do some stance practice today – nothing too heavy. If the formula worked, tomorrow will be more action-heavy.”

“I can handle it now.”

“Oh, you can,” her guardian confirmed, “but your swing can use a bit of work.”

The sea turtle pouted, even if she was right. “...Fine. Stance practice today, action stuff tomorrow.”

“That’s the spirit.”

Jennika nodded, then got into position. They’ve been training like this ever since she learned how to walk, so such was second nature to her.

“Sword out.”

She held her fake sword, pointing it outward.

“A little closer.”

She moved it.


Her eyes wandered up, finding guidance in her mentor’s expression.

“How would you hold it if I approached you… like this.”

The Baroness leaned forward, making Jen quickly block her.

“Good,” she was praised, “better than last time.”

Knowing that it was better helped a little. She could hear familiar wingbeats again before finding another surprise attack in her direction.

Of which she quickly blocked again.

“Nice, but a bit slow.”

“It’s not my fault,” Jenny mumbled, “they distracted me.”

The turtle pointed out towards the goyles out on the side, who looked offended.

Luckily, the Baroness just found this funny. “Can’t afford distractions in real life,” she reminded, before repositioning. “Again.”

Jennika took the second chance to block faster, much more so than before.

“Woo! Go Jenny!”

“You got this, girl!”

She rolled her eyes at her uncles. “Not helping!”

Despite the complaining, she smiled as she blocked every hit thrown at her, even as they squared up on her smaller size.

Not that she was much smaller. By now she was already more than half of the Baroness’ height.

She almost missed a sweeping kick, hopping away from it just in time before it and whacking her mentor’s arm at the end. All of which was met with a grin. “Excellent work, Jennika.”

The turtle posed. “Who’s slow now?”

“Still you.”

In a sly attempt to best her, the Baroness swept her leg again. That one she tripped over a little , though it was nothing she couldn’t bounce back from.

Now was her turn to best her mentor, pouncing forward to grab her cape. “No, you.”

Her mentor’s legs stuck in place, while her top half twisted to get a look at Jennika’s move. “Impressive,” was all she said for a while.

Instead of gloating – knowing that may be used as an excuse to pull another fast one – Jen kept her eyes on her mentor, keeping her grip on the cape and weapon close by. She wouldn’t slip up another time.

She could hear the goyles cheering in the background. At least it wasn’t distracting now.

Eventually, the caprid yokai moved, though not enough to escape the grasp. This little victory was declared for the turtle.

“Seems you remembered to utilize an opponent’s weakness against them,” her mentor acknowledged, resting her hands on her hips. “Today it was a cape, tomorrow it may be a tail or venomous wings. Keep an eye out for things like that – many enemies you will face will have a trick up their sleeves.”

“Or attached to their backs,” Jennika finished, finally letting go and backing away.

The Baroness nodded. “Correct.”

She motioned for the turtle to follow, turning to one of the exits and beginning to walk.

“Luckily my cape is tearable, should the need to escape arise. Is it necessary to have around? No, but one in our field of work does not simply wear practical armour without a little style ,” she explained. “When the time comes, you’ll have your own armour, and it will look awesome .”

“‘Draxum family name’ style of awesome?”


Her mentor stopped walking some ways before the pool room, looking down at her with a half-confused scowl. “What was with that ‘mutant’ business earlier, anyway?”

The turtle raised a brow, humming.

From behind she could hear the goyles following, wingbeats slower as they soon sat upon the Baroness’ shoulders. “Where did you hear that from?”

“When you were talking to Big Mama last time,” she answered nonchalantly.

“And I’m guessing it’s where you heard ‘Baroness Draxum’ from?”

“No, I heard it from those two.”

The way the goyles’ eyes widened would make it look like they wanted to run… or well, fly away. But the most the Baroness gave them was a glare, until she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Just… try not to stick your beak in too much of my work, alright? I trust you but… it’s better to keep all this,” she motioned to all of them, “inside the estate.”

“It’s not like I have anyone to tell…”

Her guardian sighed again, putting a hand on her shoulder. “That’s the thing about our family: the amount of style matches the number of secrets.”

Jennika chuckled at that. “I guess that’s true.”

“Good,” her guardian agreed, patting her shoulder twice before removing her hand. “Now, get started on your laps, I’ll be back in a bit.”

She headed to the door herself, lingering as she watched the Baroness leave.

“And you two, learn what is common knowledge and what are secrets.”

“But we didn’t do anythiiing.”

Jennika giggled, listening to them bicker about this. She knew their little arguments were all in good fun; nothing would ever happen to Huginn and Muninn, even if they were annoying sometimes.

She supposed some things were right about what the Baroness said. She wasn’t too angry about Jen having this knowledge, likely without a care if she did or not – what was important was not letting all this leave the estate’s walls. She can know they’re mutants as long as no one else knows, she supposed. It would all be common knowledge someday.

That wouldn’t stop her from snooping.

Despite the Baroness having the coolest job ever, being her protégé was so boring .

You can’t blame the young sea turtle for how little she looked forward to those long days of doing nothing. She lived in a huge house with a lab attached for crying out loud, and she wasn’t even allowed to go to it when her guardian wasn’t home!

…Which didn’t mean much. Jenny’s six years old, did you expect her to listen?

Truly she had no problem doing whatever she wanted while at home and without the Baroness’ supervision. And when her fun uncles were around, they allowed her to do most things.

Well, they were here today, but they were lazing around. So that was a free pass to goof off herself.

Double-checking one last time that the gargoyle duo was distracted, the sea turtle began to tiptoe away and towards the lab.

She had two things planned, and either could be argued to be important and valid. For one, she wanted to check out if there were any cool new weapons ready. Maybe a lot of her life was focused on science and stuff, but what the Baroness did most were weapons and security; designing alarms, invisible gates, and the like. If Jennika was going to be her protégé, learning about the security side of her job was a must.

The second thing she wanted to do was break into the vault holding all the top-secret science-related stuff. While yes, the young turtles knew these tests were for their own well-being, she wanted to know more. Why else would the whole thing be so secret that she wasn’t allowed to tell anybody at all?

Besides, it’s not like this wasn’t stuff Jenny was going to learn one day. If she was smart enough to remember the passcode to the vault, she was smart enough to know what was inside it.

Down at the vault, she typed in the seven-digit code, then turned the lock 115° to the right. Not an overly complex lock, but still elaborate. Perfect for everyday use.

The vault itself wasn’t all that big. A fridge over there, a filing cabinet over there – nothing was organized, but having mystics helped. That, and the fact that the Baroness’ alchemy and science was a secret meant they had to keep it in a hidden space. That happened to be this space.

Jennika wasn’t too in-tune with her mystics yet. So manually looking for things was the way to go.

On a table, she found some scattered papers, dated that morning. Huh. She picked it up, trying to decipher the quickly-written notes, but it just seemed to be about the growing pains she felt after those injections the day before. Oh, okay, that made sense.

She put the paper back, finding that the only other new paper was like hers, but for Venus. It said she had no physical side effects, and results were pending.

So there was nothing new?

The slightest bit frustrated, Jennika left both papers on the table. She moved onto the fridge, finding it mostly the same as she left it, and then the filing cabinet, finding it just as messy as last time as well.

Well, this was a waste of time. The turtle was hoping to find something cool this time, and yet, there was nothing more than the same boring stuff.

So she just left, locking up the vault behind her extra tight and leaving the lab the same as she found it. This was all so boring.

Jennika was sometimes too curious for her own good. Over the years there have been many occasions where the Baroness was away for a few hours; this was nothing new. If she had to be away for longer, then Jenny would stay with her sister at the hotel.

Which is what she was doing now.

The Baroness had some sort of meeting with Big Mama in particular – it was expected to last throughout the night, so staying over was non-negotiable. Not that she ever minded.

Because she and Venus were supposed to stay out of sight, they weren’t allowed in places like the main lobby or the Nexus. As compensation, they had a few of the top luxury floors to themselves.

Vee’s room always looked prettier than her own. According to some old human books, the aesthetic of the estate was Victorian or something like that, whereas Vee’s place, along with the entire hotel, looked sleek, modern and fancy.

In all honesty, it wasn’t her style. Still fun to visit, though.

It took some time to put all of her things away, having brought quite a lot of her stuff over. Plans were always wonky, but she was promised a sleepover and she was coming prepared for it.

Their sleeping bags were set, and Vee’s guardians helped them put up a tent. All they needed now were snacks and pillows and they’d be all set.

When her sister sat down a moment, Jen reached for her travel bag, rummaging through it. “You wanna see something cool?”

“Sure thing,” Vee answered, adjusting to look through the bag as well.

With confirmation that she did, in fact, want to see that cool thing, Jen took a few books from the bag. “I found more super secret sciencey stuff.”

Despite looking curious before, the green sea turtle groaned. “ More science stuff? What about cool stuff like swords and machines?”

“There is some cool stuff here,” Jenny huffed, opening the first book to sketches of a blueprint. “I think this is what the big mechanism in the middle of the lab was supposed to look like.”

“You think?”


“Why don’t you know for sure?”

“Well I can’t exactly travel back in time, dear sister – that’s ridiculous .”

The smaller sea turtle giggled at her dramatic display, even if Jen felt a bit annoyed about the whole thing. This was supposed to be her job one day, she didn’t appreciate being made fun of… even if by her younger sister.

“Besides, isn’t this stuff cool?” It was a desperate question as she flipped to other pages, all of which included more sketches and more half-formed notes and ideas.

She found a page of scribbles that interested her in particular. "Like this: artificial bugs with ooze that can be used to mutate humans!" Pointing at a corner of the page, she added, "Looks like the idea was scrapped, but who knows, maybe me and the Baroness can make them even better."

Venus was looking… but she was zoning out just as much. “It’s cool, but…”

She sighed.

“The Nexus is cooler.”

Jenny closed the first book in hand and sighed, knowing that would have been her sister’s answer.

Sometimes all it felt like Vee cared about was the Nexus. ‘I can’t wait until I’m old enough to be in the Nexus’ ‘I wish Big Mama let me watch the Nexus’ ‘Oh, I’ll be the best champion since that Lou Jitsu guy, just you wait’ – and there was more to life than that underground battle arena, okay?

It felt wrong to think this way. She knew the two of them were being raised to fight in it one day, but… ever since the Baroness told her she was meant for something greater, she believed it.

Even if her guardian had too many secrets related to their whole situation.

“Look, I know the Nexus is cool and all, but you’re only gonna be the greatest if you train like, super good.”

Her sister raised a brow at that. “But I already do training.”

“Only sometimes, right?” This was met with a nod. “Well, I can teach you a bunch more.”

Especially if her sister’s mutation finally seemed to work – she looked the slightest bit taller now – training would help a bunch.

Still, that offer got her sister to smile. “Play fight?”

She nodded. “Play fight.”

Jennika hunched her frame, standing a short distance from her sister.

"Now, imagine I'm one of those big ugly Nexus Yokai."

With a few fake growls and stomping, she made her sister laugh. "They don't sound like that!"

"Oh yeah they do!" Jenny argued, "And they're really fast too… like this!"

She launched herself forward to tackle her sister, who quickly scrambled for a pillow to fight back with. "No fair! I don't have a weapon!"

"Did Lou Jitsu ever use a weapon?"

Vee looked to ponder that for a second. "...No."

"So you don't need one," Jenny reasoned. "Now think fast!"

She backed away for a second, before quickly tackling her sister again.


It was a complaint, but one quickly met with giggles. That, and a lot of kicking, which didn't hold much power.

Either way, she couldn't fight her own giggles, allowing her sister to keep trying to push her away. "Kicking is a good idea, but you need to be fast to get away from the biggest bads."

"That shouldn't be so hard when they're so big and wonky ."

Now it was her turn to hit her sister with a pillow.

"Stop iiit," the smaller turtle drew out, giggles eventually settling just as much as the endless kicking.

Jennika backed away from her sister, giving her mercy and ending the fight. She sat upwards, leaning back against their mess of pillows on the floor. She was smiling, but as the moment simmered, she couldn't help a distant ache in her heart.

“Sometimes I wished we had the same mom.”

As soon as those few words slipped, Jennika wished nothing more than to return to the laughter of just a moment ago. Now it was too quiet…

Vee, however, just looked confused by this. “Which one?”

“I don’t know… whoever would let us have sleepovers every day.” Her feet swayed from side to side, trying to think of a solution. There weren't many options, unless… “Maybe the Baroness and Big Mama will join forces one day?”

“Or Bridget and Rita can adopt you.”

“Heh, maybe…”

In all honesty, Jennika didn’t want that. Those two were always nice to her, yes, but her true guardian was the Baroness. She wanted to live in the same house as her sister – Titan’s sake, they had all those extra rooms for a reason !

Why couldn't they have been adopted together? Would that still be an option… or did something happen between their guardians that made them separate?

Either way, it wasn't fair.

"If anything happens, we can run away together – then we can have sleepovers every day ."

Now Vee sat up a bit. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's probably nothing… but just in case."

Obviously, Jenny didn't want it to come to that. She loved her family back at home and her sister just as much, so the thought of leaving them one day was scary… but bringing Vee to the estate would be of no use. Big Mama knew where they lived.

Vee looked sad by this too. Probably not the best thing to think of…

The leatherback turtle shook her head. "Forget about it – we can go back to play fighting."

Her sister hummed for a second, until perking up. "Okay."

Before she could think of getting up, though, she was tackled by a very excitable Vee.

"You didn't think fast!"

Jennika was a smart kid, really – an even tougher one at that. If being under the care of someone whose morals could be considered 'evil' taught her one thing, it's that one had to lie, a lot , to get anything done.

Only four years of conscious memory and most of it has been spent lying. In the beginning, she questioned it. Now it was a part of life, of everyday speech. It was her impulse.

Part of her believed these lies were working. You see, if the Baroness knew she was breaking into the vault and stealing long and boring documents, she would have said something, hinted towards it, anything . But as it stood, she seemed too distracted to notice all her ward's little quirks.

Maybe, with enough scavenging, she'd eventually come across every piece of the puzzle. There had to be a reason for all this… right?

She had a lead on what she thought may be the connection – but it was dumb, so the less she entertained the idea, the best.

If it ended up being true… Venus' mind would explode, that's for sure.

So for now, the curious young turtle kept looking. She gathered a bunch of old books and papers and dumb-looking gadgets, hiding them just enough around her self-imposed nest of a room where no one would find her entire stash.

An old, dusty book wound up in her findings – one she would put away, for now. This one looked absolutely packed with scientific info, so she'd definitely give it a read sometime.

For now, however, she found it best to stash that one away too. She had something else she wanted to do now…


She'd pretend not to be bothered when Huginn and Muninn followed her out to the library. It was a common thing at this point – if they saw her going somewhere that diverged from the main halls, they stuck around, under the guise of 'supervision'.

She knew it was because they wanted to see her test her mystics.

At the current point in time, Jennika didn’t have the best handle on her powers inside. At most, she could manipulate light to create illusions, and that's only if she worked super hard .

So, she studied. Mystic instructions were always so much more boring to read than science mumbo jumbo, but as someone raised with Yokai strength and abilities, she'd need to be in tune with this energy.

Be it a future warrior alchemist or security guard alike, every yokai used mystics. It's part of who she was… part of her destiny.

And she was going to study 'till the Titans came crying. Or however the phrase went.

Today she’d just go over some exercises – simple stuff to help gain control of her powers. Admittedly, her eyes ever so often wandered to further pages, dreaming of the day she’d reach those levels.

That was too often the dream. As impatient as she wanted to be, she’d never get there by skipping ahead. Such would only help her fall behind.

Following the instructions on the page, she’d follow a simple hand wave, one replicating those of the ocean. An ocean she would never see – not until she was older. Not unless those goals of eradicating the surface-dwelling humans reigned successfully.

She took a deep breath, positioning her arms so her flippers could move easily with the flow of the exercise. Not much happened before her uncles landed themselves on the table in front of her.

“Whatcha doing?” Munnin asked, almost sing-songy in his tone.

“Practicing.” She replicated the movement of a wave, adding a little flare to it. “The book says this will help with my mystic energy.”

“Ooh.” The two of them watched intently, eyes following as her arms moved slowly. Which was pretty slow, making it hard not to break character with how funny they looked.

Their eyes got more curious as a soft yellow glow – nothing they’d never seen before, but somehow just as impressive.

For a six-year-old, maybe. Most Yokai got a handle on this stuff much slower.

Taking another breath, she focused, trying to project a small image over the pages of her book. Her hands circled, imagining herself shaping something until the soft glow replicated a figure. It kind of worked!

Until the table shifted ever so slightly, and the illusion fizzled out.

“Drat,” the turtle cursed, hitting her fist against the book.

“Hey hey, it’s alright,” Huginn comforted, shifting closer to her.

“Yeah, magic is hard, you won’t get it right on the first try.” Muninn soon mirrored the other gargoyle by her side. “Besides, your thing looked cool.”

“Yeah, what was it?”

Jennika huffed, unable to hide a smile. “It was supposed to be me.”

“Oh really? It didn’t look like you.”

“Is it you from the future?” A gasp. “Can you see the future?!”

The leatherback sea turtle giggled. “I don’t think so,” she answered towards the last question, “but it’s what I think I might look like in the future.”

It took a second of mental back-and-forth between the two until they came to the same conclusion. “Ohh, that’s your villain look.”

“Not ‘villain’,” she corrected – though failed to find an alternative. As much as the Baroness’ plans looked to be to avenge the Yokai and bring them back to the surface world, a lot of set goal paths looked rather evil… alright, maybe they were villains. But so what? Villains are cool.

She shook her head. “Okay, second time’s the charm.”

Shooing away the goyles, she soon found a rhythm of the earlier exercise, much more confident in it this time around.

In no time, she felt the familiar buzz of mystic energy within her flippers, soon creating a similar figure. It wasn’t much clearer, only now, it sported small figures on the shoulders.

“Hey, that’s us!”

Jennika chuckled, moving her hands again in a way that made the figure move.

It didn’t move much. Sad, because having it be able to fight would be really cool . It moved a little bit, though, and that was so much better than nothing.

“Woah…” the two’s voices echoed, watching it move all that little bit, and she chuckled, playing around with the illusion some more.

“I wish I could do that.”

Huh, that didn’t sound like the-

Oh. It was her guardian.

The light fizzled out again, and Jenny couldn’t help the following pout. Though, when she looked up, she saw the Baroness leaning by the doorway.

She walked over, leaning to sit on her knees to reach the turtle’s eye level. “Mystic training’s going well, I assume?”

“It’d be better if the light stopped disappearing.”

"Well, it won't be perfect at first," her guardian offered with a grin. "I didn't get a hang of it until I was twenty-seven. So, you definitely have time to learn."

Twenty-seven… that was a long time. She couldn't wait until then! "How did you learn?"

"Same as you, kid." The Baroness flipped to another page, some ways ahead of her level. "I read a bunch of these books, trained amongst some of the greatest – but it wasn't until a life-or-death situation that I unlocked the power within me."



Her guardian chuckled again. "Don't worry, you won't be in any of those until you're ready."

"Oh thank the Titan," the goyles said nearly at once.

The adult and child shared a knowing look. "You'll get there one day," the older yokai promised, "you just need some time."

The turtle nodded, even as a thought plagued her mind. "If I got good at this fast, could I go on a mission with you?"

Her guardian didn't seem to expect that.

Her face scrunched up in a way the turtle knew ; she didn't want to say 'no'. "...How about a compromise." She settled on that, a neutral face coming back to her. "We'll wait until you're ten, but I can get tickets to the magic show this weekend?"

Jennika couldn't say she was happy to be told, in other words, that she was still too young. But the magic show… meant going somewhere that wasn't the estate or hotel…

Before she could answer, the Baroness raised her head ever so slightly, a soft grin beaming. "I think you're ready for that much."

Jenny just ended up nodding.

"Good," the Baroness nodded in return. "Huginn and Muninn will figure out a disguise for you-"

"We'll do what?"

She snorted, shaking her head slightly. "You two will do that, while Jennika and I practice some more." Her guardian then turned her attention to her, reaching her hands out. "No way I'm passing up on learning illusions."

The entire thing felt exciting. Then again, even a walk outside would be exciting at this point. She's been too worried lately… the Baroness clearly trusted her and would keep her word. Her sister may not be as lucky… but if she had this, she had to use it to its fullest. Any little lessons, any little outings, only built her excitement further and solidified the fact that there was nothing more she wanted.

With a curt nod, she took her guardian's hands.

What was it they said about the student becoming the teacher? Well, however the phrase went, she was more than happy to take the Baroness’ teaching and use it to its fullest.

If she was ever going to get as good as her guardian, she had to practice. This was how.


I've been wanting to work on character sheets/references and art of the Hidden City side of the family for ages, but for some reason I get art blocked every time I try to draw something that isn't Splinter and/or Draxum. I'll definitely have them done by the time the story starts exploring 'Season 1' though

please help lmao

Chapter 9: The Dad and The Father


The life of a father to four mutant turtles never gets easier. No matter how hard he tries, Splinter still finds himself falling back on poor habits and bad memories. He still tries for them, though. Meanwhile, Draxum finds himself adjusting to fatherhood in his own unique way. He may not be the most attentive parental figure, but he has plans to improve all their lives in the long run - as long as no one questions him...


Oh look at that, a chapter that is 8k words of mindless fluff. I wasn't originally planning to include chapters with the parents' perspectives but I missed writing them

That being said, you'll likely be able to tell which section is my favourite lol

brief mentions of body dysphoria

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It would take about five years of raising his turtle sons to realize that he might not actually know what he's doing.

Okay. That was a gross understatement – Splinter never knew what he was doing.

Not a day went by where he didn't silently long for a simple house with four walls and a picket fence and neighbours who traded desserts on the holidays… or whatever it was that fit the lifestyle of a suburban washed-up dad.

He loved his family. He loves his sons to no end and would die for them if it came to it. Having Draxum around made it easier… but it didn't fix everything .

He should have never brought down that projector from the local scrap yard. He knows well enough how the large-screen version of this kind of entertainment is both a blessing and a curse, but what was he supposed to do, not provide his family with television?

He and Draxum have already had to debug hundreds of viruses off of his phone from all the movies and games the kids downloaded – with no help due to the fact that neither he nor the yokai knew how cell phones worked at first.

Eventually, they got the hang of it, but really, there was no point in using a phone to watch movies if you had a larger screen. So they just had to get one.

He forgot how much he loved TV.

Yeah, the kids indulged quite often… but sitting in front of the screen easily became his hobby.

It was mindless. It was fun. It helped him forget about the bad and forced him to fight it on his worst of days.

Despite it all, though, the constant noise from around the Lair trained him to keep an ear out.

So when he heard a crash in the distance, he knew .

Splinter groaned, placing the remote on his armchair. Those boys were always getting into trouble .

The rat mutant left his chair, not at all pleased to find his bones cracking in the process. How long would this damned mutation take? He hated living with this constant morphing, making him grow shorter and more rat-like as the years passed, no matter what medicine Draxum gave him… but, he supposed, it wasn’t time to think about that now.

That's what he had the TV and the kids for: to forget about the bad.

If either of those things were his priority at the moment, it was the kids. Who were still yelling about something very loudly .

"Boys! What is the meaning of this?"

The rat father found himself just short of the boy's rooms, and already he could tell it was a mess.

"He started it!"

"Did not !"

" Boys ."

At the doorway he found them, everything as messy as he predicted and children all over the place. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "What happened here?"

"Leo messed up our beautiful paintings."

"Did not!"

Splinter groaned again. Was it ever any different with these kids?

He looked away from his two oldest sons, directing his attention to the youngest. "Mikey, why don't you tell me what happened?"

"Okay!" The little box turtle – well, not so little anymore – stood up, walking around to illustrate his version of the story. "Me and Raphie were painting, when woosh , Leo kicked the ball, spilling our paints everywhere ."

"That's not what happened!"

"Then what did happen, Leon ?"

It was the slider's turn to explain. "Okay, fine, I kicked the ball in here– but it's not my fault you two dum dums are painting on the floor!"

"Did you want us to paint all over your comics on the table instead?"

"No way Jóse!"

Splinter chuckled, unable to keep his amusem*nt away. If they had it within themselves to solve problems, he seldom had to intervene. They were surprisingly good at finding the root of problems on their own. They just never wanted to be the one to lose.

The mess truly was not all that big. Yes, there was a fair deal of paint on the floor, but it was only whatever they had on their trays. Besides, cleaning paint was a bi-weekly experience in the Lair.

Though, amongst their bickering, he found the room lacked one out of his four sons. "Wait, where's Purple?"

"He's playing board games with Barry in the dining room."

Heh. Barry .

Maybe he shouldn't be calling the yokai that name all the time, given that the kids so easily picked up on it. But it was funny.

"Why don't you boys play board games too?"

"Because we're not bored enough," Leonardo quipped with a smirk, high-fiving himself for extra measure.

Everyone else in the room groaned.

"What? It was a good one."

"No, it was lame."

"Hate you too, Raph!!"

Despite the 'hate' comment, the slider leaned on his older brother's arm. Early on did the rat learn this was his second-oldest's way of showing affection.

The rat dad smiled, leaning to reach the kids' level (even if such was not necessary for Raphael these days. They grew up so fast…). "How about we find a card game instead?"

"Ooh, like gold fish?"

Splinter chuckled. "You mean 'go fish'."

"Yeah," Mikey corrected.

Leo scoffed, however. " Please , go fish is for babies."

"And?" he decided to challenge, "You're all still my babies."

"We're not that young ."

"...Maybe, but you'll never be too old to deny a classic game of go fish."

The rat stood back up, slowly, (trying his hardest to hide the struggle), before clasping his paws together. "Now, you boys clean up, while I find the deck."

Raph perked up while the others pouted. "Ooh, can we use the bunny cards?"

He nodded. "Of course, Red."

Before he could turn and leave the room, he saw Leo kick a crumpled-up paper. "I don't wanna do all this…"

"We're skipping pizza night if you don't."

The turtle's eyes immediately shot open, giving a fake salute. "On it, boss man sir!"

Splinter chuckled to himself. Nothing quite bribed these kids like pizza did.


Conveniently, they kept the majority of their games and puzzles some ways past the dining room, so he got a first-hand look at the other two and their gaming session.

In other circ*mstances, he wouldn't expect a six-year-old and a former warlord to enjoy playing chess, but here they were.

These weren't normal circ*mstances, not in the slightest. But if it meant he got to see his son and co-parent taking the tabletop game a little too seriously, then he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"You can't move that there?"

"Oh yeah, little man? Says who?"

"Says the big book of chess rules. And the online encyclopedia of chess worldwide, and every chess player…"

The rat mutant had to keep himself from laughing, lest he disturbs their game. It was too perfect a scene to squander.

And, quite honestly, he enjoyed hearing his second-youngest son's voice too much to risk interrupting. They all had trouble learning to speak, but Donnie had it the worst. They all encouraged him to speak, though accepted early on that he may never.

Should that be, they'd still be okay; they learned to communicate with him otherwise. But he recently picked up speaking just that little bit more, and like most kids learning for the first time, it meant he spoke a lot .

Speaking of his children that could never shut up .

The rat scavenged the shelf for the deck of cards with bunny pictures, just like Raph asked for. They could buy hundreds of packs just for them all to go missing all the time.

Luckily, he did find them, if not a little dishevelled. Calling this bunch held together with a rubber band a 'deck of cards' felt too high of praise, but it's what they had on them. That, and it still had every card, last he checked.

He took the rubber band out, beginning to shuffle the cards in hand. There was no point waiting until he got back to the room – it would not be clean by the time he got back.

But, to his surprise, they’d get quite close. By the time he got back, he could hear the three children scrambling in the room, trying to make sure it was clean enough. There was the occasional ‘ow’, leading him to believe they were tripping over themselves or whatever else was on the floor. They were trying, though, and that’s all that mattered.

When entering the door, he attempted to shuffle the cards mid-air to both finish shuffling them and alert the kids he was back – but it failed, with multiple cards falling on the floor.

Splinter chuckled nervously, keeping a tight hold on the remaining cards. “Oops.”

Leo and Mikey stopped what they were doing, looking up at him and laughing. Raph, however, didn’t look amused. “Now there’s an even bigger mess,” he pouted, crossing his arms.

“So what?” the rat dad started, “We were going to play on the floor, were we not?” He started lowering himself down to the floor again, internally cursing at his bad back. He shouldn’t be doing this all the time…

Luckily, his kids were sweethearts. He soon found pairs of small hands helping him pick up the remaining few cards, sticking them back in the messy deck he held.

Leo, however, enjoyed looking at each card’s value, eyes lighting up at one. “Ha! Queen of Spades. Pick up five cards, brother of mine!”

He put it in Raph’s face, only for the snapper to grunt. “That’s for crazy eights.”

“And we gotta start playing first,” Mikey added.

The slider pouted, handing the card over to his dad.

With that, the older mutant took all the cards, reorganizing slowly and carefully this time . Soon, the deck was ready for them to start playing.

The floor was still quite a mess. As long as they wouldn’t be sitting in paint, though, they wouldn’t have much of a problem. “Now, who’s ready to go fishing?”

Almost all of them groaned.

He loved being a dad.


“Hmm… got any fours?”

The blue-branded turtle handed his father two cards, pouting. “This feels like cheating.”

“You’re the one who wanted to play this way,” the rat reminded, happily tucking the two cards into his hand. Should anyone receive a four by their next turn, they’d claim the victory – but for now, he was content with having the lead ahead.

“Go fish is stupid anyways. There’s like, a billion different ways to play it and none of them are right,” the slider complained.

“Only if you lose all the time,” the box turtle taunted with a big smile.

Leo pouted again, holding his cards close to his chest as if he believed his brothers would look at them any moment now.

The rat dad chuckled, finding Raph waiting impatiently while his younger brothers were being silly. He nudged him with his tail, gesturing back to the game. “Go on.”

This seemed to confuse the slider. “Isn’t it your turn still?”

Oh right, it probably was. “Doesn’t matter,” he settled with a shrug, “none of you have the cards I need; might as well pass up the turn early.”

Honestly, he still had a few. But with the lead he had on everyone else, he found it fairer to give them a chance.

Dad privileges, or something like that.

Normally his oldest was a stickler for the rules, but this much seemed reasonable to him. With this, the snapper nodded, looking at his hand with a smirk. “Got any sevens?”

Ah, darn. He did. In fact, he had three of them.

Splinter handed them over, much to the snapper’s joy. This made his third pile, putting him in first place behind, followed by him and Leo with a tie of two piles each.

The game would likely end soon, with how often they were able to give the asker cards when requested. And the middle pile to ‘fish’ from was nearly gone. That wouldn’t stop his second-oldest son from calling cheats – unless he wins, that is.

They ignored him in favour of Raph asking if anyone had a five. When no one did, he took a card, which, miraculously, wasn’t a five, so he couldn’t go again.

So it was Leo’s turn.

The blud-branded turtle carefully looked over his cards, seeming to choose one on the outermost left of his hand. Then he looked at each of the other players, a large smirk forming. “Got any queens?”

Everyone handed him one queen each.

“Yes!” He took each, putting them neatly together before adding them to his collection. Now he was tied with Raph.

With how fast the remaining cards were dwindling, Splinter doubted he would have the chance to deal again. Whatever was in his hand would very likely be given to one of his sons, and he was content with that. Still, he was curious about who would take the victory.

Chest puffed out proudly, the slider looked over everyone again. “Got any tens?”

The way his pride would falter when they shook their heads.

“Hmm, nope.”

“Sorry, Leo. I got nothing.”

Mikey, however, looked content. “Go fiiish.”

The slider squinted at the youngest, slowly taking one of the last cards from the draw pile. The colour drained from his face upon seeing it.

He was going to lose .

With this, the orange-branded turtle grinned, happily holding his deck.

"Got any twos?"

Okay, innocent enough of a request. The rat and snapper each handed him a card, making the box turtle now possess four of them.

He put them down, browsing the rest of the cards in hand. "Got any jacks?" To his surprise, the collective merely shook their heads. "Are you kidding me right now?!"

"HA! Go fish, Micheal!"

The box turtle took a card, angrily stuffing it in his hand. If he didn't get a jack, that meant…

It was Splinter's turn.

The game was practically won .

The father chuckled. "Well well, what a turn of events," he mused, watching his children realize in horror. But he was very prepared to win this.

"Do any of you possess a nine, perhaps?"

Three cards were handed his way; one from Leo and two from Raph.

Since he had run out of new cards to ask, he took one from the draw pile, laughing happily to himself. His collection of fours was complete.

Now he was out, so he took another card, grinning.

"How about a five?"

A card was sent his way from each child.

This cycle would likely repeat for some time if they had any more than a card left.

At the very last card, he simply turned it face up, leaving the ten open for everyone to see and be forced to put theirs with. "Alright, pay up!"


"Dang it!"

"Language, Leo!"

"That wasn't even a swear!"

The rat soon found himself too preoccupied collecting his cards to care about their little squabble. All that mattered was the fat stack of cards in his fair possession.

"I win!"

"No fair!" his sons (mostly) pouted.

The rat could only laugh in the face of their despair. "All is fair in the life of a fisherman, and I just happen to be the most wealthy."

Despite how dramatically upset Leo was, he snorted, standing up in front of his dad. "Doesn't it go 'Only the smartest wealthiest of fishermen reign supreme in the face of his foes'?"

Huh, he supposed it was.

But wait.

That sounded oddly familiar. Too familiar.

…Where did his son learn that line?

Okay, when he said that he was going to try laying off the TV? That wasn't exactly the case.

Can you blame him? Yes, it was harmful and addictive, but if used with the best intentions, it can't be that bad… right?

Splinter was a complicated man... well, rat-man. He wanted nothing to do with the Hidden City, the Battle Nexus and all that... The kids, especially, didn't need to know about his old life. But would it be a crime to show them a few sick moves?


Just hear him out.

Watching his old movies was quite possibly the least suspicious way he could connect with his old life. He didn't have the energy to run around with the kids like he did when they were younger (damn ever-shifting bone structure), so he saw this as a way to bond with them and relive his glory days at the same time.

Even better, his kids loved these movies.

He's sure this is because they have stumbled upon them before – he has the cracked files to prove it. But watching on the big screen truly made it for them.

After putting on the movies a few times himself, he eventually found the kids jumping up and down on either side of his chair, begging him to put on a Lou Jitsu movie.

And he complied, every time. How could he not with how often they asked it of him?

Barry may roll his eyes at the sight of them all enjoying what he calls ‘cheesy action hero nonsense’, but he knew he loved it too. And if not the movies, then the sight of the kids all trying to replicate his stunts.

If the Lou Jitsu charm could not convince him (which he severely doubted), then it was their little not-warriors that could. The yokai was a big softie, even if he fought against that claim.

He couldn’t, because even Splinter knew they all had the potential to dominate the ninjitsu field and hold their ground against any threat – maybe even better than him.

That’s a thought he wouldn’t entertain, though. Educating his children was far more important.

“Head up, Leonardo,” he instructed, seeing the young turtle copy his action poses to near perfection.

His son nodded, now replicating the pose perfectly.

Of course, his other sons wanted to play the main character, but the slider took to it the most naturally, so two of them played the bodyguards in the scene, while Donnie played the antagonist.

You think you have the upper hand here, but you have underestimated my power, for you see, I am ,” Leo copied, pretending to rip an outfit off.

His oldest and youngest brothers stumbled back, just like in the scene. “Gasp! Lou Jitsu !”

The purple-branded turtle stood up, just like the antagonist, pointing at his somewhat-twin brother. “Get him!”

His voice was still too squeaky to properly convey a villain tone, but he did a pretty good job regardless. Splinter chuckled, forgetting the projection as he watched his sons replicate the movie to a tone that was uniquely them.

No doubt they couldn’t fly across the screen and kick the living daylights out of each other. They jumped off their beanbags and made whooshing sounds, trying their best to copy the old sound effects that were horribly out of date. It was all perfect, though.

He’s seen them do this with their other favourite movie series, and enjoyed watching them reenact those sci-fi adventures… but there was something about the passion they had for these newfound movies – that were also his movies – that warmed the former human’s heart beyond what he could comprehend.

“You won’t get away, Lou Jitsu!”

The second-youngest’s voice interrupted his thoughts, finding it louder than his previous attempts. Much more so because it was directed at him .

Or, well, someone nearby him. Not that it wasn’t enough to give him a heart attack.

He must have missed Leo climbing onto his chair (even with his rat senses), now standing on the back of it. He was replicating one of his famous lines, which he found kind of funny. Until he remembered how the scene ended.

“Leonardo Blue, if you backflip off this chair-”

He didn’t for the sole reason that he didn’t know how to backflip.

He still jumped off it.

Splinter groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

The end credits started rolling, and the turtles regrouped in front of his chair, giggling amongst themselves. “Sooo, how’d we do?” they asked, looking up at him, still panting from having been running around.

“Excellently, my boys,” he praised, sitting higher up now. “Don’t forget the post-credits scene.”

“Oh yeah!”

They looked at the screen behind them, awaiting the scene and getting in position.

Splinter chuckled, watching them try to remember and figure out how the scene was going to go. Even Leo was in position, meaning he must have thought Lou Jitsu would be in that scene.

Should he tell him he wasn’t? Nah, they’d figure it out… Eventually.

“Another one! Another one!”

The kids bounced around as if they didn’t just reenact a whole fight scene and then some. If he had even half their energy, they’d all be making their own movies by now.

He picked up the remote, ready to deject the CD from its player until he saw the youngest pout. “Can we watch the cooking channel now?”

“The cooking channel is boring, Mikey,” Leo dismissed. “We wanna watch Lou Jitsu!”

The other kids agreed with Leo’s statement, excited to get to another session of crime-fighting action and sick moves.

It made the rat dad hum. If two people can cause an onslaught of differences and disagreements, just imagine what it was like with four children – four children who all had very unique personalities .

“It’s not a bad idea,” he began, gesturing his head to Mikey. “Buuut, if you all really want… I suppose one more movie can’t hurt.”

The others cheered, and at that moment he knew he was the youngest’s current least favourite parent. But he had a plan.

He picked up his youngest son – ignoring the struggle, kid was surprisingly heavy – and sat him on his leg. “You can help Sheep Dad make dinner today,” he offered with a small smile. Then he leaned in, whispering, “You know he needs it.”

Mikey giggled, pushing him away a little. “Okay Dad," he decided, looking much less upset now.

He didn't move, though, allowing Splinter to know the kid was comfortable right where he was. And he had no doubt the orange-branded turtle would soon jump right into his brothers' game – he knew them. But he gave him the choice of sticking around should he want.

Soon he returned to a quiet rhythm of observing his sons acting out the best Lou Jitsu scenes to the best of their ability… which meant they were up and about for most of the movie because his films seldom offered downtime between plot.

They tried switching around who would play who, but some roles filled themselves out better than others, such as Red playing the bumbling but well-meaning leader of an organization, or Orange eventually jumping in to play a charismatic young assistant with a heart of gold and equally mischievous grin.

Then there were the other two prominent roles: the hero and the villain. Purple loved being the villain, even if most of the role consisted of standing there, looking cool and saying epic evil lines. Blue so naturally took to the role of the hero – of Lou Jitsu himself – that you'd believe him to be a super fan since birth.

That, or that the two were related, or have personally met. All of which was true.

Splinter sighed. In no world would he ever allow his sons to become warriors, to suffer the prophecy both he and Draxum endured in their childhoods. But they took so naturally to it…

He supposed it was inevitable. Such abilities were quite literally built into their genetic code. They could be given the most comfortable home life, but that wouldn't deny the fact that they were mutant turtles built with the strength and endurance of humans and Yokai combined.

It hurt his head to think about… but, if push came to shove, at least they'd be prepared to fight back.

And they'd look awesome doing so.

_ _ _

When trying to distract oneself from the impending reality of their situation, one often finds methods of distraction of various degrees. For some, that involves picking up time-consuming hobbies, for others, throwing themselves into work, even when far from necessary.

It would take five years of renovating the sewers to resemble anything close to a home, for Draxum to finally sit down and admit how much he adored this situationship he landed himself in.

Yes, he accepted his fate from day one, wracked with guilt and faced with narrow choices – though it took being a father to realize it was worth it .

Draxum had a lot to miss when it came to his life before. The security of a roof and four walls, all the technology and alchemical substances needed in life; the glory, the power, the dignity . A lot of it, he could care less about. Speaking with his sons would forever offer more intelligent conversation than whatever those higher-up bozos called 'business deals'.

No matter how much he silently longed for a life where he could've raised his children and the human-now-mutant rat in his old estate, all of that was gone now. So he just had to make the best of their new world.

He spent time with the kids when he could, and spoke with the rat whenever felt natural, but where he thrived in his new role was with the renovations.

In a few short years, their shelter became a home. He built a little something for all of them: a terrarium/lounge room, a dojo, and a laboratory. While they may have had a low-tier med bay beforehand, it was one of the rooms he gave a well-deserved touch-up. He also fixed the empty spaces into rooms for the boys should they ever want their own spaces.

(They were all rather comfortable sharing a room, as much as he and the rat were… but he figured, as the boys grew, they'd want their own spaces. The fathers would likely continue sharing, though.)

With this said, after all this time, it was done. As far as he was concerned.

A reasonable person would take the opportunity to rest and lounge around like his parental counterpart until he couldn't remember what day it was. Draxum was never a reasonable yokai, though.

Instead, he announced the completion of all his projects that morning, much to the children's joy (even if it were obvious that not a single room was a surprise to them). All four of them would easily spend the rest of the day within these places, which brought him all the more pride and joy.

This was a good thing. He was doing a good thing. He may not be the best person, a sub-par father at best… but he couldn't deny the love he had for his creations, and wanted only the best for them.

…Just as much, he wanted to enjoy the space that became drastically more livable. Not because he built it, what are you talking about?

The dojo, especially, he couldn't wait to try out.

Neither could Splinter.

"So, Rat, would you say this lives up to your standards?"

He stood proudly with his hands behind his back, taking in the sight of his co-parent studying the space. If he snuck earlier glances, at least he was a good actor in pretending otherwise.

Though Draxum had reason to believe this is the first Splinter had seen or even known of the dojo's existence. The glimmer in his eyes gave it away.

"It's pretty close to a real dojo," the Rat commented eventually, "almost as good as the second-best Lou Jitsu training studio in New York."

Draxum frowned.

"Who am I kidding? This is great, Goat Man," the rat corrected, snickering amongst himself. "The kids are gonna love this."

That much, he could agree with. Despite the shorter mutant holding a grudge towards anything related to martial arts or training, he's seeming to warm up to it again as of late. So, Draxum had broader visions for this space than for the children merely goofing off.


When the rat looked up at him again, he realized he must have zoned out. How easy it was to become distracted.

The yokai cleared his throat. "I was just thinking… since the boys are busy right now, and we're here, maybe we could try it out first?" He stepped forward a bit, turning to face the rat man. "All this time and you never taught me any of your moves."

"Because you'll use them against me, obviously."

He huffed. Fair enough.

"Just a friendly spar, then?"

Even with the rat's hesitance, he soon found a smirk. "Game on, Goat Man."

The yokai nodded. Friendly spar it was.

He headed towards a display against one of the walls, picking up two bo staffs for the both of them. After briefly studying the weight of them, he tossed one toward the rat, who caught it with ease.

"Fancy," the rat teased, twirling the staff with one hand.

Even with his time away from it all, such seemed to be second nature to the mutant. Maybe one day, he could sit back and watch the rat display his skills… but for now, they were to work together. Or, well, against each other.

"I've been doing my research," the yokai quipped, preparing himself in a stance he's seen in quite a few informative articles.

This got the rat to smile. "Then you should know that all this," he began, gesturing to their clothes, "is highly unprofessional."

He was right. What they both wore at the moment much more resembled a 'lazy Sunday' look rather than one of someone in training. Though, he figured, there was no harm in it.

"It's a spar, Rat." He let up on his pose, much more relaxed. "What's a spar if not a duel between two foes at unexpected times and places?"

They were not foes. Not anymore, at least. The rat had every reason to hold a grudge but blast it all if Draxum hasn't been trying his best to make up for all the ways he's wronged him.

Either way, this was meant to be casual. Neither of them has trained in multiple years, and would likely be very rusty. No need to be too serious for a friendly spar.

The rat huffed, holding himself higher. "If not that… then it's practice amongst friends or allies."

Friends… right. Friends. Such a word was in the name 'friendly', and that's what they were. That's what they were going to do. Have a friendly spar. Right.

The smaller mutant offering a wink didn't help with his internal turmoil. If he avoided flustering before, there was nothing that could help him now. Inside and out, he was a bumbling idiot.

Damn Lou Jitsu charm.

Despite it all, the yokai quickly shook his head, snapping away from his thoughts. He stood straighter, meeting the mutant with a grin. "Then practice we may."

They avoided announcing when the spar started to keep from becoming too formal. That was not them, and that was not their situation. If truly used as practice, it'd be wise to their natural methods of combat, fighting as if such a confrontation would have happened years before.

He did not anticipate how often the rat would quip flirty remarks as a method of distraction. Something he never grew used to over the years.

"Nice moves, Barry," he taunted, ducking away before the yokai could get to him. Short little bastard.

Draxum simply rolled his eyes, catching up to the rat's quick wit the second time around. He was just as quick on his hooves, ducking around to try to reach his shorter opponent at a fair level.

Anticipating the difficulties with their size differences would have been wise. Fighting against someone smaller took more strategy than someone your size or bigger. It's fine time to realize just how big he is compared to the mutant – a mutant talented in mystic-free combat.

Nevertheless, he prevailed. Draxum met the end of his staff with Splinter's as much as possible. He spun, swiftly dodging the rat's next attack; expecting as much when the rat did something similar.

Though the way the rat moved almost resembled glitching . That much, Draxum would've never expected.

And the rat used that to his advantage.

Not even trying to fight back, he soon found the long end of Splinter's staff inches away from his chest. He wanted to say something, anything … but he was too impressed. Too stunned to even sing praises as he so gladly would.

Though such were never needed to invoke the other's ego. He grinned, spinning his staff until it was by his side again. "You're getting weaker, you old goat."

Weaker . Was he truly getting weaker?

That… wasn't the outcome he sought out with this spar. If anything he'd hope they'd match skill. But who was he kidding; no one was better than the former-human beloved by even the sticklers amongst Yokai.

He had to be smart about this.

"Remind me again who nearly broke their back trying to reach a jar of peanut butter last week?"

The rat crossed his arms. "...Shut it."

Despite this, he couldn't help but chuckle. So often did the rat do these dangerous things, and by all means, he should be stopping him. Unfortunately, it was more natural to tease him, having that urge whenever he opened his mouth in the same presence as him.

He supposed it became even easier than falling victim to feelings he was yet to bury. It was the only thing that became easier.

"Do you suppose we end this spar with a truce, or do you expect a reward for winning?"

So often did he spite himself by opening his damn mouth. He should stop, he really should… but this little game was like breathing air to him. It was so natural .

The rat smirked at this. Maybe a tad too wide.

"How about you make dinner tonight, hmm?" A free hand stroked his chin in thought for a moment. "How about that oregano-flavoured pasta you aren't awful at making?"

"...The kids hate oregano."

As he spoke, the yokai offered out a hand to take the rat's staff.

Said rat, who chuckled amongst himself, loosening his grip on the wooden stick just enough for Draxum to grab hold. "I know."

For a moment, their hands remained, each holding the same stick. The yokai couldn't gather the strength to take it until he mentally shook his thoughts away, yoinking away the staff as aggressively.

He turned away and headed back to the display wall before he could give in and fail to flirt back.

A dinner for them only… that rat was trying to kill him.


The yokai looked down at his hooves, finding two very attentive turtles looking back at him.

"Up! Up!"

Internally, he chuckled; even as they matured and got older, they still wanted to be picked up and carried around – especially the red-eared slider and box turtle. Just as much, he wondered how hard it was to get a moment alone in the morning.

Despite not having the energy and clearly wanting to brush his teeth more than anything else, he sighed. "Okay," he mused, holding his toothbrush with only his mouth for a moment.

He met the two at their level, allowing them to climb into his arms. Despite their constant state of growing, they still weighed very little to him. Carrying them took no effort at all – maybe that's why they preferred to ask him.

Carefully, he put them down on either end of the sink's surface. Splinter thought it was stupid for him to install such a large sink. Clearly, they had reasons.

"I'm surprised you kids are up this early, much less that you want to brush your teeth." The question came as he returned to doing so himself, mindlessly opening the cabinets below.

As he began to rummage through them, trying to find a blue and orange brush, the turtle children looked puzzled. "Well duh, isn't that stuff good for you?"

The yokai huffed, both from having found the brushes and kid-friendly paste, and as much from the audacity.

"You only do what you're told when you want something."

With a raised eyebrow, the father held out the brushes, just in reach for each of them. He was not wrong in the slightest… because of this, it was amusing to watch them hesitate. Should they say why? Should they just take the brushes?

Slowly, they took their brushes. The paste bottle was held in the same hand as Leo's brush, so he was the first to apply it. Just as much, he was the first to speak. "Other dad said he'd rent the seventh movie in the Hot Soup saga if we brushed our teeth every day for a week."

The yokai snorted. He never doubted there was a reason behind this.

For a moment, the second-youngest looked guilty. He couldn't figure out why until he looked up at him, and with the softest voice wondered, "Don't we gotta do good stuff just because?"

"Yes, but… I don't see why that'd be a problem," the yokai reasoned. "Motivation comes in many forms. As long as your motivation is towards good deeds and your own well-being, I can't be upset with where you have found it."

Ha, good deeds. Such preaching is rich, coming from him… or at least, the man he used to be.

This is the stuff he should be teaching them – basic manners and hygiene and all that. The rebuilding projects may have taken some time, but he's neglected to properly parent long enough. If the rat was going to be the fun one, then he'd teach them practical things. It was only fair.

While the kids were quite content brushing away, the second-oldest eventually raised a brow. "Why would you be upset?"

"Because your father is bribing you."

He began to run the sink, spitting out his toothpaste before he got the chance to watch his son sputter about how unfair it all was. Even if that's exactly what's happening.

The kids soon followed – even if the recommended two minutes of brushing have not passed. He soon found this was because of a little protest.

"Well now I don't wanna do it," Mikey complained, crossing his arms. The other copied him near perfectly.

Draxum frowned.

Maybe he shouldn't have told them .

"You can't just not brush your teeth, dumb-dumbs."

Oh, would you look at that? He had backup.

The father turned his head to the entrance of the room. Since the door was open, it was little surprise someone else walked in. It just so happened to be his other two sons.

Without having to ask, the oldest grabbed a stepping stool from where it was previously, bringing it to the sink. He wordlessly nudged the tallest person there – who eventually understood, moving out of the way.

"There's a lot of icky bacteria in your mouth that builds up if you never brush, which is very unhealthy!" the second youngest argued, sticking his head in the cabinet.

"We live in the sewers , Donnie."

"Dad says the surface is just as gross, Nardo ."

Ah, the squabbling. Always between Leonardo and one of his brothers closest to his age.

"Where's the good toothpaste?"

Before he could aid the son in searching, his tallest brother reached out, "Over here." He handed him a small tube of the specialized paste Draxum recently picked up, making sure it was up to the boy's standards.

They were now talking amongst themselves, arguing the benefits of brushing and helping each other reach the sink. It was quite charming to witness… even if the yokai ended up feeling out of place. Despite the children clearly needing guidance, he felt little reason to be there.

He was about to head out when he heard a final set of footsteps from behind. "Is there a party here or something?"

The goat snorted, allowing the rat to breach the already crowded space. He leaned against the wall, taking in the sight once again. "No, no party – your sons are just arguing about brushing their teeth because someone promised something in return."

The rat looked amused for a moment before the youngest attempted to hop off the sink from where he sat. He quickly scrambled for the kid, shooting Draxum a look.

But he couldn't deny it; that's exactly why the children were fighting and goofing off. At least this time.

"Well, have fun here," the yokai mumbled, standing straight up again and heading for the exit, "I'll get started on breakfast."

If anything, the mutant co-parent landed himself in that situation. He didn't get to sleep in after promising such a thing to their least responsible children and get away scot-free, oh no.

If he couldn't enjoy his morning. Neither could Splinter. Such was only fair.

All things considered, Draxum held up for longer than he ever believed he would.

Not a day went by when he didn't fear the possible intrusion of humans. Yes, he may be able to ignore the pests in favour of putting his family's needs first, but that didn't mean much when he still loathed trips to the surface more than anything.

He had a mission and therefore would ignore his – rightful – biases for the time being. But he would never be happy about it, no matter the time that passed.

The yokai sighed as he slipped back into the Lair, careful to conceal what he carried with him. There was a distant warm banter coming from one of the other rooms, loud enough that they would not have heard him come in. He knew they'd greet him, and the youngest would hug him, then another would ask him to get them something from the kitchen; he wasn't avoiding that . It's something he never minded, and could admit warmed his heart.

But for the sake of his little secret, it would be best if they thought he was still out.

Sneaking past the many rooms, he soon found himself in the lab. While, yes, he's now 'opened it to the public', it was still very much his lab . He built it for himself and for all the scientific fixes he'd need to sustain his mental stability.

Over time, he has used the space wisely. It's where he developed the medication for Splinter's aching bones and it's where he runs tests to make sure his children are healthy. But there is one more thing he wants to try before the space is inevitably shared by kids who could only dream of its true potential.

If nothing else, he had to test out his mystics. The vines he's neglected to use over the years, too weak for true usage and too strange to explain to the others. Every time they slipped out, it has been chalked up to one of the many wonders of living in the literal sewers.

This was madness. Draxum had every right to use his powers and teach the mutant children their own powers that lie within.

Then again, he agreed with the rat; if something was unexplainable without mentioning their pasts, it was best not to bring it up.

So it would be here that he practiced. Not in the dojo, like a normal person, but behind the heavily fortified door in a private room fit for a mad scientist. Because even in fatherhood, that's what he was – a warring warrior alchemist.

No one could take that from him.

Carefully he took out each empty beaker from its case, placing them each on a stand. On their own stands were the only two vials with their own substance each – the only things salvaged from his old lab.

Draxum knew he'd have limited opportunity to test that mutagen and antidote, and would rather not waste it. But first, he deemed his mystics direr.

Once everything was organized, he stepped back, taking a deep breath.

Mystic ability came to a yokai as naturally as breathing. Draxum has had this ability within him for five hundred years, give or take… and yet, at this moment, he finds nothing but difficulty.

He cleared his mind, focusing on nothing but his powers. For a moment he feels the energy coursing through his veins, but the results are nothing but a bright purple glow. This is ridiculous . He should be able to control whatever he wants with the flick of his wrist, and here he was, weak , unable to produce more than a mere light show.

The yokai slumped, deciding to give up on that for now. What he does know he has the energy for is his vines – if nothing else was there for him, at least they'd always be.

He summoned a vine from below. It was a singular skinny vine, but one nonetheless. He instructed it to pick up his journal and a pen, sending it his way.

Reliable. It was reliable, and he just wishes his blasted mystics would keep up to the same level. He's had the mystic ability for far longer than that of the vines, so it made no sense to him that it'd be so weak… though, if it were a natural thing, he could have been weakened by what he ate… maybe the water had something to do with it…

All were thoughts he jotted down into the most recently empty pages. If he had none of his old research, then he'd just have to start again, after all. And such started with his notes.

The yokai hummed, putting the notes down himself. He shook his head and rolled his shoulders, preparing a second take.

A deep breath began the process, soon feeling the tingle beneath his fingertips yet again. It was exhilarating as always – but he would not hold his hopes up too high. After all, who knows? This may be his second failure.

Now honing the slightest bit more concentration, he felt the inner mystic energy connect with a solid object – the book, he soon realized. Both it and his hand were encased in the purple light of his soul, and with this connection, he tried to bring the book forward. The energy fizzled out.

Blast it . He tried again but to no avail. It seemed his mystics had a personal vendetta against his success.

Again he used his vines to bring the book to him, noting down his newest failure. He wouldn't give up just yet, seeing himself on this journey for quite possibly a few days. But the desire to succeed off the bat was strong.

He tried and tried again. And again, and again. Every time felt much closer and yet so far away. It made the yokai grow frustrated, yet in that energy, he found the push to try even harder.

Eventually, he got remotely close. He was able to lift the pen. Pathetic, but better than nothing.

If that was all… he looked towards the vials, knowing full well they were next on his list.

Before anything else, the yokai paused, heading towards the fortified door. Not yet has he installed a method of storing fresh water, and all this practice made him parched – he wasn't mad enough of a scientist to ignore his needs.

That, and it was a fine time to at least let his kids know he returned home. He should feel worse about not doing so before, but he convinced himself there was a reason for all this.

The sooner he got control over his mystic abilities, the sooner he could return to his research, and in doing so, improve all their lives.

One could argue that merely being there for them helped a lot. The renovations helped astronomically, and if he wasn't there to be a shoulder for the rat mutant to cry on or the sole provider of the turtle's medication, he doesn't know what would happen.

But, even with all that, he felt inclined to do more . If he could help them in a way only- ahem , 'Barry' Draxum could, that's what he was going to do – even if it included questionable methods of alchemy and science.

What they didn't know couldn't hurt them. It was for the best.


you all have permission to give Draxum a slap on the hand for his silliness at the end of the chapter

also, I hope the game of go fish made sense (in its own rule-breaking way)? I know it's probably not the way most people are used to, but it's the way I played it growing up. one thing I learned about card games is that there are endless versions of each game, so you can technically never be right or wrong - which is what's going on here lol

Chapter 10: The Face Man


Safe to say that Leo's life was pretty sick. Every day he got to watch and reenact his favourite movies, what could be more fun than that? Yeah, everyone was sick of it, but he didn't care. Also, he was cool and smart enough to introduce their new friend to their awesome life, so really, everyone should be thanking him.


this goes out to all the kids with undiagnosed ADHD

Mild Swearing (all from Leo)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leo was eight years old when he realized he wanted to be just like Lou Jitsu.

I mean, who wouldn't? Lou Jitsu was the coolest, kickass hero in movie history! Even cooler than Jupiter Jim – which is a take you'd have to pry from his cold, dead hands.

But, obviously, there was more to it than that. Leo didn't want to be Lou Jitsu just because of how cool the character was, but because of how cool the person was as well.

How cool would it be to have a name so awesome, the character is simply named after you. And to have that character been beloved by all?

Leo's a bit of a trivia guy. Ever since their dad started showing them the old LJ movies, the blue-branded turtle has gained a habit of reading the back of CDs, pausing the end credits sequences, and scrolling through countless information-based websites to find out every little detail.

A lot of the information might be fake – haha, more like in faux mation – but Leo couldn't care. With the additional rabbit hole of the movie star's disappearance, anything could be true.

Okay, so he was a little obsessed with the guy, so what? He considered him an idol, and who doesn't want to be a one-for-one copy of their idol?

This meant he practiced acting like Lou Jitsu a lot. And I mean a lot .

Whenever he wasn't hyper-focused on some other small thing, his full and undivided attention was on Lou Jitsu movies and trivia. Whenever he couldn't get sleep, he snuck out to the dojo and practiced his moves. He slipped a lot of the dialogue into everyday conversations until he could come up with his own lines convincing enough to pass as official movie quotes.

His brothers usually thought it was dumb. Leo had no problem telling them to shove off his groove and leave him alone to be awesome unlike them .

He would do what he wanted when he wanted; especially because at least one of his parents had a high aversion to it. The old goat found it funny if nothing else, but Dad? He almost always looked bittersweet any time he said Lou Jitsu lines or struck a pose, and Leo couldn't figure out why.

Maybe he was just happy to see them like a childhood favourite of his; passing the torch of whatever they called it. Leo would happily digest any old 80's martial arts action movies, but honestly, none would ever hold a candle to LJ's movies.

That all being said, it was high time to pop on another movie.

The speedy little turtle ran and jumped through the hallways, rushing towards the living room. Nothing would stand in his way!

His brothers were panting as they tried to catch up. "Leo! Enough!"

But no, he would not listen. Reaching the living room, the slider leaped for the couch, snatching the remote before anyone else could. "Nice try, losers, but I'm getting the first pick."

He twirled the remote in hand, almost dropping it in the process – saving it by half a second.

Once all the brothers caught up, they crashed on the large beanbag, scowling at their brother as they caught their breaths. It was honestly kind of funny to watch.

"You always do this, Leo!"

"Yeah, why can't we watch something else?"

Ah, his poor, sweet brothers. Clearly, they did not understand the favour he was doing them by picking their movie.

"And miss out on more crime-fighting kung-fu awesomeness? Uh, no thank you," Leo shrugged, hopping up and sitting comfortably on the vacant living room armchair. "Besides, it's either this or old soap commercials. Which would you rather have?"

"Jupiter Jim."

The slider frowned.

"Or a cartoon movie."

Leo couldn't help the following laugh. " Who even watches cartoons anymore ," he mumbled, the thought slipping his mind. "And you can't seriously tell me you think old Jupiter Jim is better than Lou Jitsu." They all looked at him like he had said something absurd. "What?"

"It's just a phase, brother of mine," his not-twin began, "no true member of this household is ever disloyal to our favourite action hero spaceman."

Oh how much Donnie sounded like a nerd right then and there. Leo neglected to say anything, lest the only brother older than him decide to lecture him about bullying.

Ew, no thanks. He had a movie to watch.

"Whatever guys, it's my turn to pick the movie, and we're watching Lou Jitsu." Leo was settled on this, and given how much he needed to watch some form of LJ media right now or he'd explode , there was nothing anyone could say to convince him otherwise.

Not his brothers, nor his parents. Rat Dad was in his room working on something and Sheep Man was out doing god-knows-what. No one could tell him what to do! Not even Raph; he could try, but who did he think Leo was? Someone who would listen?

So, he popped in one of the CDs left on the projector table, leaning into the armchair so soon after.

"Ah, the good stuff," he hummed, comfortably easing into his chair. It stung a little that his brothers were so averse to his choice of movie – what if he made them all lose interest forever by over-watching?

He figured it was not their problem, though. Not when his heart raced with a comfortable excitement that could only come from satisfying the brain worm that told him to watch his favourite things or perish.

Perishing was much less fun.


“Leo, stop, it’s not gonna work.”

The slider pretended to sigh dramatically, “You always say that until we do it. Then it always works just fine!”

“No, not a chance. There is no way we’re letting you try that jump.”

Standing on the seat part of the armchair, Leo looked in front of him, gauging the distance of gathered pillows and beanbags and just about how soft they were. Leo wasn’t stupid – he knew trying a jump like that wouldn’t work out on the first try, and it would be dumb to try it out on the cold living room floor.

A normal person would try this in the homemade dojo. You know, the place built to practice martial arts. But Rat Dad threw a fit the last time they moved the projector, so it was best not to.

Leo just ended up huffing at his older brother. “‘We’ who? Mike’s backing me up.”

Off to the side, Mikey was putting a few more pillows on the floor. “What? It’s gonna look cool.”

Donnie, surprisingly interested, pointed a finger up. “I would also like to be around when Leon inevitably falls on his face.”

Leo frowned.

Raph frowned even more so. “That’s what we have to stop from happening??”

“Relax, big bro,” Leo began with his hands on his shell-covered hips. “I’ve been practicing all week. It will be awesome and I will not fall on my face, thank you very much.”

Not convinced in even the slightest, the snapper grunted, starting to leave the room. “Have it your way. Whatever happens, Raph’s no part of it.”

“‘K, love you bro.”

Leo watched him leave until he was out of sight, before turning back to the pillow pile and his anticipating brothers. “He’s gone, right?”

They nodded back at him.

“Good.” Leo inhaled, ending it with a grin. “It’s time to kick butt.”

Mikey snorted at his use of words, but they both looked at him, ready for whatever he wanted to do.

Here goes nothing.

Hot Soup!

Leo jumped with a spin, kicking out enough to project him forward.

And yeah, maybe he couldn’t see what he did, but it sure as heck felt like it worked. Meaning it worked; Raph was being dramatic for no reason and he did not fall on his face .

His landing didn’t look as cool, falling into the pillow pile. But soon he rose back up, arms high in the air in victory. “And he sticks the landing!”

“WOO! Go Leo!”

The slider dipped in a bow, grinning widely as he took in his brother’s clapping. “Thank you, thank you.”

As the clapping tapered off, he heard Donnie mumble something about it being impressive, though – “The trajectory was a tad off-”

“Trajectory tra smectory , dear brother. We don’t need science to prove how awesome that was.”

“I’ll ignore your grossly generalized take, but I concur, I guess: that was awesome.”

Leo snorted. How his brother went from barely speaking to using smart words all the time would always surprise him. Not that it wasn’t likely with the help of Sheep Dad.

Of course, that wouldn't stop him from beaming at the compliments. "And Raph thought it'd go wrong."


The slider fumbled, falling onto the pillows ever so slightly.

He barely looked as his rat father entered the room standing by the doorway.

Quickly the young turtle's mind scrambled for ways to keep the man from getting upset, excuses he would make, ways to charm his way out – yeah, just like LJ! He could do this!

Though, as the man walked into the room, storming in his direction, he said nothing. Instead, he just grabbed a few stray pillows, dusting them off. "I just washed these."


He wasn't in trouble.

Leo wheezed, watching both his father leave the space and Raph enter it. "Bet you thought Pops would be upset, huh?"

His broTher grunted, shuffling into the room. "It wasn't fair for him not to know."

"Come on, Raphie, we do this stuff all the time! He never tells us to stop unless it's dangerous or mean or we act the scene out too awfully to even pretend it's good."

The other two giggled. "Yeah, it's no biggie."

"Honestly thought Leo was gonna be in trouble. What'd you tell Dad?"

"Just told him Leo was goofing off again," the snapper admitted, "like he always does."

The other three started to argue about Raph being a tattle-tale, which was one hundred percent correct– but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to join the teasing.

"Look, guys, I just wanna be like Lou Jitsu. And I have to practice to get good at it…"

Raph sighed at this. "But do you have to jump off of things all the time?"

Of course he did. That's what an action hero does. They jump off of things and do crazy kickflips and get all the… ladies.

Even though Leo is eight. And LJ was in his thirties when doing these movies.


"...I guess not."

"Exactly. Try other Lou Jitsu stuff like his lines, or that one song-"

"Ew, I'm not singing that."

The snapper laughed, and it was probably the least tense he's been all afternoon. It was the same tense vibe he or his parents had whenever he got too into something.

They were all likely sick of his nonsense.

"Fine, I'll cool it with the Lou Jitsu stuff."

" Oh thank the pizza supreme ."

He'd ignore the collective sigh of relief between his brothers – seriously, did they not realize their interests were just as annoying?

But of course, cooling it with the LJ stuff was going to take some effort. He couldn't just quit cold turkey. He had to watch something else to satisfy the part of his brain that wanted to bounce off the walls.

So he just flopped back on the pillowed floor and turned to the wall where the projector would show its glorious films. "What else do you guys wanna watch?"


They all sat in thought for a moment, hands on their chins, until Raph perked up.

"Ooh, I got it!" He turned to the younger two. "Don, did ya get that cartoon movie downloaded?"

The smartest of them twirled a red-painted USB in his hands. "Of course I did."

Which movie was- ohh Leo knew which movie. The one they tried to download last night. It was in bad quality but damn it all, as long as they could get it, they'd watch it.

Such a movie was too great to demote to a mere cartoon, though. "It's not just a cartoon," Leo began, "it's the single greatest depiction of a found family and learning to not be a jerk to those you love in the existence of animated cinema!"

Hah, he sounded just as nerdy as Donnie when he liked something… Okay fine , he could have more than one interest at a time.

His brothers were more judgemental about this, though.

"...It's a movie about race cars-"

"Shut up ."

Eventually, they got around to actually using that dojo Sheep Dad built a while back.

Of course, Leo and his brothers used it for goofing around. It was fun to whack each other with the sticks and roll on the mats and all that kind of stuff. He didn't expect them to ever use this place for its actual purpose, though.

So when old man Rat Dad asked if they were ready to begin training, all Leo could say was heck yeah!

He did a little dance the first time they were offered that. His brothers thought it was silly, but hey, they were finally going to do something legit! Dad knew a ton of Lou Jitsu moves, he could definitely teach them.

The slider would not simply spring the topic up out of nowhere, though – that was stupid. He just had to meticulously wait until the perfect moment.

Which would be any moment now.

As his parents got him dressed up in some weird suit things they were going to train in, Leo put on his best, most focused face, standing and waiting until instruction, following what was asked of him to the best of his ability.

Any moment now .


Now you see, Leo always believed that getting formal training would be cool. Having someone skilled teach them awesome moves for kicking butt just like in the movies is something the slider imagined would be super fun and exciting.

This was not cool. Not in the slightest.

Training is apparently very boring.

Leo flopped on the bench of the dojo, tired and defeated. Wasn't he already good? Why did he have to do all this boring exercise and stuff?

It was your idea , someone would probably tell him. This is what you've been asking for .

But he never would have gone through with it if he knew it was going to be this dull and bland. Where was the excitement ? Where were all the butt-kicking action and cool moves?

While he was planted face first, he felt something cold nudging his arm. Lazily he looked up, finding it was a water bottle someone was trying to give him.

"C'mon Leo, don't give up yet."

It was Raph. Surprising, given how often he rolled his eyes or laughed at him for anything related to this.

"My suffering is funny to you, isn't it?" Leo grabbed the bottle, sitting up slightly. "Let me guess, 'training is not what it's cracked up to be', 'told you so, handsomer and answesomer little brother Leonardo."

Raph rolled his eyes at that . "I was going to encourage you, but now you're on your own." He playfully shoved his arm. "Good luck, tiny bro."

Tiny bro- oh that was it .

Screw being tired. After taking a quick drink of that water, he put it to the side, hopping back into the painted box on the floor with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Dad, can I spar with Raph?"

The rat dad huffed, amused with him. "Were you not just too tired?"

"Not a chance," Leo gloated, "I could do this all day."

He rolled his shoulders, looking to the side at his brother, who didn't look amused. Perfect.

Okay, Rat Dad looked chill with their little sibling rivalry earlier, but now he seemed ticked off at it. "I do not advise this, my son," he began, making Leo turn his attention back to the front.

Oh. He looked really upset, actually.

"Could've just said 'no' to the sparring, old man." Leo cracked a grin, much to everyone else's displeasure. What, was he wrong?

"Respect your father, young man," the voice of, ironically, his other father remained him.

But he could only scoff. "As if you're not just sitting there on your a-"

" Leonardo ."

He couldn't help but cackle at that. Oddly enough, the only person who joined his joy was Donnie – in his usual 'lack of amusem*nt' laughter that Leo secretly knew was genuine.

When his laughter died down, he could only see Rat Dad in place, arms together and so, so tired of his antics. "Please, Leonardo, you must be serious," he began. "I know you wish to pursue great skill in ninjutsu, yet you will not achieve this by slacking off. You speak of Lou Jitsu and yet you do not carry half of his honour. It takes more than – poorly – kicking and punching your enemies to become great."

Ah, random lecture there, huh? The slider exhaled the slightest amount, though he knew all eyes in the room were on him. "...So, you gonna throw anyone else under the bus, or-"

His father sighed. "You are all only children. Buuut I am willing to teach, so long as you are willing to learn." He nodded his head, "Blue, you and your brothers are capable of many great things. I do not ask for you to change, only to be serious when needed. If you do not wish to train civilly, you are free to leave the room."

Ha. Leo honestly never expected such authority over something like this. He barely expected serious consequences coming from the old rat himself, let alone for it all to be directed at him .

Then again, he's been pushing his buttons by being an overt Lou Jitsu fanboy at any given moment, bothering him with impressions even when asked to cut it out.

Sooo maybe training right now wasn't the best option.

"...On second thought, I'm gonna try punching things instead." He began walking over to the area with a few padding punching bags and poles, not looking behind him. "You guys have fun with training."

Maybe it was a ruse to get away before anyone noticed anything. But it's what action heroes did, right? They punched away their feelings.

No harm in doing that.

"Hey Sheep Dad, wanna join?" Leo called out, looking back to the bench his taller dad occupied while he stood by the punching bags.

He didn’t know why he was asking. Maybe his subconscious just wanted someone other than those people over there to hang out with him, maybe it wanted to bother his other dad. Either way, he kept his head high, keeping an eye on the man.

The man seemed much more content just sitting there, reading a self-help book or something. "I'm quite alright," he dismissed, "you should practice on your own."

Okay, so that’s how it was. "Your loss," he offered, winding up to start punching.

His stance and grip alike were off. He was shouting random words he's heard from movies. He wouldn't hurt himself, but he was curious to see if anyone would notice and dare to correct him.

And they did.

"On second thought," the goat man began, putting down his book. He made his way over to the slider, grabbing hold of his arm before he could throw another punch. "I mean this in the best way: you need serious help."

Leo snorted. "Well duh, we've never trained before," he reasoned. "Can't throw the baby birds out of the nest until they've learned how to fly."

"You could say that." His father huffed, now giving the boy some space. "This time, try holding your fist like this," he instructed, demonstrating with his own hand, "and curving your arm back like this," he demonstrated again.

What he was showing looked a lot more like a normal punch. One Leo knew how to do. So he did, punching the bag in front of him properly this time around.

"Excellent," his father praised. "Oftentimes it helps to imagine this obstacle as a physical enemy, perhaps an antagonist frequent in one of your fictional films," he explained, demonstrating another way Leo could punch.

Oh, that sounded and looked so fun .

"So I just gotta punch it like it's the Scorpion King?"

"...I am unfamiliar with that one."

Ah, right. Barry wasn't a Jupiter Jim fan. He was definitely a Lou Jitsu fan though.

"Then punch it like it's Lord Callahan," he corrected.

His dad smiled. "Precisely."

So Leo did just that, pretending to fight the punching bag as if it was a Lou Jitsu movie villain. Suddenly it felt a lot more fun and helped fuel the inner joy telling him he could be like his hero.

This is why he was excited to train.

"Oh, we're kicking bad guys over here?"

Leo didn't turn as he heard his youngest brother behind him, delivering one last nasty punch to a fake lackey. "Yeah, wanna join Micheal?"

"Aw yeah!" Soon he saw the box turtle standing by another punching back. "Who we punching?"

"Some NPCs for now," he explained, imagining a set of ten guys who all looked the same. "Once they're cleared, we can get to the big guns."

He heard the goat man laugh, but in the way parents did sometimes when their kids were playing pretend.

"I'll leave you boys to it," he announced, heading back over to the bench.

Huh, disappointing. But at least he had his brother there now.

The two of them could make something fun out of this.

Leo grinned. "Mikey, to your left!"

There was nothing there, but his brother reacted quickly, punching the bag in front of him.

"Nice," Leo praised, nodding his head. "There's like twenty of these guys so we gotta act fast."

"On it, bro," Mikey agreed, soon punching alongside Leo.

The two were at it nonstop, soon finding Raph joining them. Every once in a while he looked around, soon noticing as everyone else dispersed. Donnie left at some point. So did Sheep Dad. And Rat Dad? He stuck around, but he gave that same bittersweet look as whenever Leo did anything Lou Jitsu-like.

He'd ignore it by punching more fake bad guys. That was what he was here to do in the first place, right?

Either way, half an hour must have passed of just this. Leo soon felt properly tired, eager to get this dumb suit off and chill out with his crime-fighting euphoria high, but he also didn't feel bad while being tired.

It felt worth it to be tired this time around. It felt awesome .

Oh yeah, did he ever mention they had a new friend?

April O'Neil – a human girl they found while sneaking onto the surface a few weeks ago. Well, technically, she found them . They thought they were lost until she appeared out of pretty much nowhere, offering to help them find their parents.

Yes, they shouldn't have been out on the surface in the first place. The place was chock-full of humans and risky in all different ways. Not to mention just plain weird and confusing. But they were always so bored down below, how could they not explore the surface?

It was weird. His dads always mentioned how dangerous humans were, but this one was nice to them from the get-go. Her heart of gold almost reminded him of Mikey – who else would adopt someone as a best friend right away, without question?

That was until the slider discovered she shared his same love of awful jokes. They were definitely the same person in different fonts.

They were definitely best friends .

And who was a best friend if not someone you trust to show your super secret and sick lair to?

They could without a doubt trust April by now. Back when they first met her, Raph was on edge, scared that their dads would find out and be mad at them. But what was there to be mad about? They were going outside, getting some fresh air and making friends – that’s what every parent should want for their kids!

Even if there was a theoretical reason to be upset – which is dumb – their friend was as awesome as they were! And super awesome at keeping secrets, so there was nothing to worry about.

The five of them kept sneaking out and spending time in the alleyways until Leo got the genius idea to bring their new best friend down to the Lair.

“This is a bad idea” they warned him.

“Dads are gonna get mad at us” they tried to reason.

But Leo knew what he was doing. This was no impulsive decision, oh no. In fact, he had a plan.

That, and it would be so incredibly rude not to show her after Raph slipped out that they had one in the first place. She wanted to see it more than anything now. Who were they to deny her that much?

“I still think this is a bad idea,” Raph grumbled, climbing down the ladder leading to their sewers.

“Uh, April’s right there?” Leo smirked, “Kind of rude to talk about her like that.”

“Raph wasn’t- ugh, forget it.”

The second oldest chuckled as they continued their descent. Another win for Leo.

Eventually, they all made it down, Donnie offering to help April the rest of the way – but she could do it on her own, hopping off the last step so naturally it was like she lived there all her life.

As excited as they all were, it was Donnie who first scrambled forward, gesturing towards the wide-open Lair. “Welcome, O’Neil, to our humble abode.”

Without wasting time, the human soon started looking around. Leo could not yet decipher her looks, but he had no reason to – it was a lot to take in. A lot of awesomeness, that is.

“You guys live like this?”

“Yeah! Pretty awesome, amiright?”

Leo puffed up his chest in pride as if he had anything to do with building this place. Well, he kind of did – back when Sheep Dad was building, he always made sure Mikey only painted on the uglier walls. Which, because of his hard work, were looking more awesome every year.

April didn’t look convinced, though. “...Sure, let’s go with that.”

If she saw the turtles’ frown, she said nothing.

“What about your parents, though?”

“They’re on a date night,” Leo quickly clarified. “They shouldn’t be back for, like, a few hours.”

“And you really think they’d leave us alone for that long for no good reason?”

He rolled his eyes at his twin. “They left Raph in charge. He’s nine, he can handle it.”

“He’s nine.”

This came from April as if they never told her their ages before.

“Yeah, and?”

April just shook her head. “Well, I’m ten and therefore older than all of you. That means I should be in charge.”

“Ha! In your face, Leo!”

It seemed even his dear brother Micheal was against him. He was wounded, truly.

However, Leo knew just how to recover. “‘In my face’ what? It’s not my ego I’m worried about.”

He gestured towards Raph.

Raph, who had been anxiously looking around the Lair’s entrance up until now, squinted at his slider of a brother. “...Shut up, Leo.”

“Hey April! Come check out the ramp!”

Ah, classic switch of tactics. Soon all his brothers ran towards the skate ramp right smack-dab in the middle of the lair, something they vouched for Sheep Dad adding on top of all of his other builds. He didn’t want to at first, but Leo knew just how to convince him.

That’s right: they mostly built it themselves.

Thank goodness for Donnie knowing how to use the internet – so easily was the young turtle able to order a bunch of wood to use for the ramp. After Leo put together a slideshow and made sure they had all the supplies needed, their dads eventually allowed them to build the whole thing.

All Sheep Dad really did, in the end, was sand and polish it so they wouldn’t get splinters. Hah. Splinters.

But yeah, they mostly put it together themselves, which made Leo even more proud to show it off.

“You guys have a ramp in your house ?” their friend questioned, eyes growing wide with wonder.

“Well, it’s not exactly the traditional house,” his soft-shelled brother clarified. “Unlike most 'houses', this is a deep cavern under the ground with a multitude of layers – so we have tons of room for extra stuff like this.”

The human held her chin in thought. "That’s a lot of words for 'you live in the sewers'."

"Yeah no sh*t."

" Leo ."

The slider held his arms up in defeat. "Am I wrong though?"


Again their attention was turned to Mikey, who continuously pointed towards the ramp. "Skate ramp, human friend, best behaviour?"

They looked at him dumbfounded.

"We talked about this!"

"Chill out, Mikester," Leo quickly comforted, moving up to him, "we have all the time in the world to show our awesome human friend the entire Lair!"

He felt one of his brothers leaning into his ear, followed by a whisper of "No we don't."

Leo blinked. "What do you mean we don't?"

"Guys, seriously, I can come at another time."

The human girl looked awkward between the brothers, still standing so close to the ramp. It was so obvious she wanted to hang out here right now. Who wouldn't, honestly?

It was so obvious that even Raph scrambled a "no!"

The snapper cleared his throat, instantly regaining his cool. "What Raph means is that if these three don't do anything too crazy, there should be no problems! Right, guys?"

Wow. Way to throw them under the bus, Raphael.

Despite the sudden change in demeanour, the brothers knew that what the oldest was saying is what they went over.

Behave, don't be too loud, keep April out of sight and most importantly, prove turtles are more awesome than other humans will ever be.

The brothers eventually all agreed in their own way, voicing a small 'yep' or something similar. Though, the thing – or rather, person – they were watching over suddenly got to the skate ramp.

"While you three argue, I'm gonna test this out."

"April, wait-!"

Before the four could rush over, the human got a hold of one of their boards – Mikey’s, they soon realized – and got on the ramp.

Yeah, they should probably chase after their friend. But she was surprisingly good at this.

"This. Is. Awesome!" she called out, preparing for the upward slope. It didn't go all the way, just falling short of keeping her on the next lift-off, but she didn't give up.

Everyone managed to stand in the exact same default pose as April rocked back and forth, slower and slower as the board dwindled in momentum.

As the board came to a stop, the turtles and human met eye contact, expressions as neutral as ever. All until April threw her hands up in the air. "Best indoor skate ramp ever!"

The brothers cheered, heading over to grab their own board and meet their friend halfway. Hey, maybe none of them knew how to skate, but it was the fastest way to get down to the floor level.

Since Mikey’s board was stolen, he hopped on Raph's to share with him, and soon enough, the four were ready to ramp, with no hesitation at all to take off.


"Heck yeah!"


That last one got a laugh out of the human, watching as the four slowly slowed their boards in the middle. Leo attempted a trick before he could lose momentum, but almost fell off. So he just went along with it, allowing himself to fall somewhere in the middle of it all.

"Now was that fun or what?" he ended up asking, being the last to get off his board.

"Oh for sure," their friend confirmed, leaning the borrowed board against the wall. "Now you gotta show me that terri- terare– the turtle chilling place you guys were talking about."

Ah, the terrarium. And Leo thought he couldn't remember the names of places.

"...You mean the one on the first floor ?"

Mikey laughed at the despair of realization some of them shared. "Man, we could've just stayed up there!"

Donnie huffed. "And we could have shown her my lab while we're at it."

Yeah, that was all… very true. It was kind of dumb to have not planned that far ahead (which Leo couldn't blame himself for. He wasn't the plan person – Raph was).

He still had one trick up his sleeve. (If he had any sleeves, that is.)

"Not to worry fellas, Leo knows just what to do," he announced, skittering to the nearest space in the walls. "We can show her our rooms first instead!"

"You just want someone to show your JJ comics to."

"Yeah, and?"

If it were just them around, he'd likely now argue about this. However, the human quirked a brow. "You got JJ comics?"

"Uh, yeah, like a bunch," the slider admitted. "If your JJ is Jupiter Jim then I have every comic under the sun!"

She looked happy at this, stamping her shoes in place. Though, as she looked at the other brothers. "Sorry guys, but you have to admit that comics are cooler than walking up stairs."

Luckily the brothers seemed to understand.


"Fair enough."

And with that, the group of five soon made their way to the slider's room – coincidentally also a huge collection of comics. "Come on in, April."

And just like that, the four knew they could trust this human. She was their best friend and nothing could change that.


So yeah, if you thought they were only going to do this once, you were wrong.

It was surprisingly easy to sneak their friend into the Lair once a week, even if their parents were still home. Obviously, though, they waited until they had the Lair all to themselves.

She was around so often, she started bringing games and movies and all that good stuff. They barely even had to rent movies themselves anymore!

So one of these days, they just decided to chill in the living room.

They popped on a Jupiter Jim movie – which one? It didn't matter. It was Donnie and April's favourite now.

The blue turtle took to reading a fan comic, one of those with the art styles cooler than that of the real comics. Ever since he picked up reading fake stories – fiction? Whatever – he's grown to like unofficial stuff more often too.

So he let them watch the movie, hanging out in the same room while he zoned out from the world around him. He vaguely heard something about April grabbing some snacks after a while, but other than that, he wasn't paying much attention.

He ignored it when there was the sound of something falling from the kitchen. Ah, she probably just dropped a bowl.

Oh how Leo was so obviously none the wiser.

"Who are you?"

"What- who are you ?!"


"What is going on?"

Oh no no no no no.

The brothers barely spared a moment to look at each other before bolting to the kitchen.

They were going to be in so much trouble .

Oh, it was even worse than they thought.

How could they forget Rat Dad was home today?

The second the boys got to the kitchen, all they could focus on was their friend wielding a pan and pointing it at their rat father, and said rat father wide-eyed and defensively stanced.

They were both losing their minds over this. Rightful.

Before anyone could scramble for an explanation, the rat found them, wide eyes moving back and forth between the human and the turtles. "Boys! Explain yourselves."

"She's our friend, Dad!"

"Yeah, April’s our friend! She's harmless!"

Both the rat and the human deadpanned.

Oh poor sweet Michael. Right idea, but she definitely wasn't harmless .

"Harmless my butt ," April corrected, "I'll knock you into next tomorrow!" She pointed the pan closer to the rat man, who only flinched the slightest.

Though as she kept her ground, the rat eased up, using a singular finger to push the pan down and out of the way. He chuckled, "You are definitely my sons' friend."

The turtles were ready to either defend their friend's honour or plead for forgiveness. Until they remembered Splinter was the cool dad.

April eventually lowered the pan, shrugging. "Oh you're Rat Dad, aren't you?"

Their dad beamed with pride. "Yes I am," he admitted. "How much have the boys told you about me?"

It sounded like an innocent enough question. But they knew .

"And about their family and home and secrets alike?"

Damn . They were so close .


Without many ways to admit to it, the noise buzzed across the kitchen, a horrid harmony of five young voices.

Luckily, Leo knew how to break from all this and fix it for them.

"We told her a bunch of stuff because we can trust her , Dad. You think we'd honestly tell her anything unless she was cool?"

"Yeah," the snapper added from some ways beside him. "We've been friends for over a month by now," he claimed, flicking a wrist with a little toothy grin.

"Over a month, you say…"

Raph faltered in spot, and Leo cringed just watching. "Uhhh."

The other two looked like they were wracking a way to fix up Raph's slip – they had a lie planned for a reason ! – but couldn't come up with anything.

"...It's a long story," Leo settled for all of them.

He could tell they'd likely get in trouble for it anyways. They did something strictly against their parents’ wishes (in a way that wasn't easy to hide), and even their honesty now could not erase the amount of sneaking around they have done in the past few weeks.

Despite this all, Rat Dad looked like he couldn't be mad. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "We can discuss it over tea."

Oh, that sounded like a good idea. Calm enough to keep everyone from scrambling for lies or a need to be forgiven.

…He just hoped April wouldn't mention her dislike of tea. That'd get her disowned in an instant.


The family eventually migrated to the dining room, a cup of tea and a seat for each.

They never had a reason to have extra furniture or dishes or anything like that until something broke and needed replacing. Luckily, there were just enough chairs and cups for all six of them.

"So you boys went to the surface…"

Bringing that up was inevitable. They all know it was coming and yet, a pang of guilt crowded their hearts.

"You couldn't keep us down here forever, Dad," Raph reasoned. "Normal kids go outside all the time."

It's true – at least, if what April told them about her past failed friendships at human playgrounds are like that. Apparently, human children are taken outside as soon as they can walk? They could walk perfectly fine!

Yes, Leo and the others knew why they couldn't go outside. But it was too much fun to never do so.

And their dad seemed to agree with that much. "You're right, and I'm sorry I've kept you from a normal life." He raised his teacup, blowing on the hot drink lightly. "It's not easy, being a, well, animal person," he huffed, the slightest humour in it all, "but you boys deserve more than what we have given you."

He turned his attention to the human girl, smiling. "Thank you, April, for being their friend."

A collective sigh of relief was felt in the room. Thank the Spirits their dad wasn't too upset with them and liked their friend.

"It's no biggie," April settled, still having neglected the drink. "I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with them? You guys are way more fun than people are."

"That’s just the awesomeness we share," Leo acknowledged, puffing out his chest.

Usually, his family groaned when he did stuff like this, but this time, he barely saw anyone looking at him. Actually, they were looking past him -

Oh no.

He completely forgot .

The slider turned on his chair, finding the sight of the largest family member standing by the doorway. The largest family member, frozen in place as he saw their friend. The largest family member, who hates humans .

Oh sh*t .

He could swear the room used to be a comfortable warmth, almost that of a family having an average day hanging out. Now he felt none of that, a chill grazing their scales instead.

Nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew what to do . The turtles knew never to bring up the surface world to their sheep-looking father – and to bring it down to the Lair instead?

Leo has no idea what his deal is, but whatever he had going on wasn't the same as Rat Dad, who has always been more reasonable.

Oh, they weren't in trouble. But they still screwed up big time .

"Rat, may I speak with you in the hall…"

The rest of the family had been at a loss for words until then. What were they to say to make it up to them? Even Leo, the ever-talkative and problem-solving Leonardo, had nothing.

Nothing that could reach Sheep Dad, at least.

So they all just watched as their smaller dad nodded, leaving the table and making his way to the other man. The two soon left.

Then it was just the five of them again.

"Well… that was awkward."

"You're telling me."

A soft huff followed the human's words. "Yeah we, um, forgot how biased he was with humans."

"You mentioned it before," April reminded them with a shrug. "I get it. If humans don't like people like you then you don't have to like us."

"True," Donnie added, "even if he neglects to tell us exactly what we are."

"Mutants, obviously."

Everyone looked at Leo like he said something ridiculous. "What? It's true – what other things could we be?"

That earned a nod. "Fair enough."

However, April's eyes lit up. "Ooh, like those mutant superheroes in the movies!"

"Exactly, April!" Leo beamed, "But we're even cooler, let's be honest."

"The coolest ."

The brothers laughed a bit. What, it was true.

But when the laughter died down, they could kind of hear the parents talking. And it was not pleasant in the slightest.

"You guys wanna keep watching the movie?"


It was probably the best choice now. Not like they could cause any more chaos.


So it turns out, parents actually take forever to argue.

They managed to finish watching April’s favourite movie – Leo didn't even argue against it this time, watching it with them. Unfortunately, she had to go home at the end of it, already having stayed out enough. Honestly, they're surprised she managed to sneak out for over two hours.

The Lair was just so quiet afterwards. The boys couldn't even tell if their parents were arguing anymore… but they were still talking about it, that's for sure.

And the anticipation was too much to bear.

"I'm gonna check up on them," Leo offered, hopping off of his beanbag. If no one else was going to do it, then he would have to. Dinner couldn't wait forever.

He rounded the corner where he saw them last, and surely enough, they were still there. Though it wasn't half as loud as before, and he could swear Sheep Dad looked… anxious .

They really screwed this up .

"Uhh, dads?"

Their heads turned, gaze softening upon seeing him.

"Are you guys good now? April left half an hour ago – don't know if that'll help with anything, but yeah."

Rat Dad sighed. "It's, um…" He looked at the other man. "Care to explain, Barry?"

His other dad shot a glare, but he sighed, facing the boy. "Humans are dangerous. You know that, Leonardo. That girl may be trustworthy because she's young and open-minded, but you never know who you may meet. Your friend is a rare occurrence among the human species… you boys are extremely lucky to have found her instead of someone else."

"Technically she found us –"

His dad put his hand on his shoulder.

Again, the sheepman sighed. "I just want what's best for you boys, and that includes your safety. If anything happened…"

The slider's eyes searched for that of his other dad, but the rat looked just as distraught. Whatever Sheep Dad was going on about was serious.


There wasn't much Leo figured he could say. So he shook his head, searching for a shred of his practiced confidence. What is from Jupiter Jim? Was it from Lou Jitsu? Who cares, it was from Leo now, and that's all that mattered.

"Relax, Padre. We know what we're doing."

He could swear he heard the soft patter of feet behind him, meaning his brothers were too nosey to leave this to him as always . But it made their dads smile.

"And besides – no one comes between a man and the dozen hungry rugrats he saved from a widow and an orphanage ."

The family giggled at that, most recognizing it as a Lou Jitsu line. It didn't apply much to their whole situation, but if it made people laugh, then he was using it right.

Even if the old goat man didn't laugh, he didn't look half as anxious or upset. Or maybe he was hiding it. "You boys are growing up so fast," he mused, patting the slider's shoulder where he still held it. "Now come on, let's make something to eat."

"Is it not pizza day?" Leo tried, a small innocent grin to boot.


Right away he could hear his brothers cheering, and by the looks of it, his parents were much happier already.

Yeah, they'd likely talk about it later and go over their feelings and all that gooey stuff, but at least it wasn't the end of the world. After all, pizza always helps brighten the mood. They likely wouldn't be in too much trouble in the end.

That much was enough to consider this a Leonardo Blue win.


hey look, April finally showed up! :D

unfortunately, I will be taking another one-week hiatus to catch up on pre-writing chapters, so no new chapter next week. who would have known that making each chapter 7k words or so makes them take forever to write? lol
the next chapter will be in Donnie's POV though, and there's a bit of plot in that one 👀

Chapter 11: The "Smart One"


Despite the many forms of bonding and attention granted in a household with five other non-humans and one friend, Donnie more often than not finds himself focused on his many goals of invention, the little things that immediately interest or equally bother him. Not that he does not want anyone else's company - he values his family more than any of them know. He just has his very, very unique way of showing it. And sometimes, those methods are unconventional.


Hey look I'm finally writing the characters decently in-character
That being said, Donnie is very Donnie. what more can I say

Self-deprecating thoughts, gender dysphoria, sensory issues, anxiety (all brief/hinted towards)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Donnie has always been observant. For what little he could speak in his youth, he spent the time listening to others, picking up and repeating phrases he found important. He eventually picked speaking, as much as he did modified sign language, and found himself indulging in his interests much more.

That being said, it took until Donnie was nine years old to realize that having a scientific role model like Father was everything he could have ever wanted or needed.

Sure, science was not his first special interest, nor would it be his last. If anything it was his brothers that took more interest in the stuff he liked (when not calling him a nerd) while his parents simply provided him with scrap metal and tools to work as he wished.

That all changed a few years ago when the lab was introduced.

Donnie was not as drawn to it as one might think. After all, a lot of other aspects of their Lair were introduced around the same time. All of it was quite overwhelming.

It took him nearly a year to break out of his shell, so to speak, and try the place out. He found it surprisingly calming if alone and with the space to work on his projects... Oddly enough, though, he didn't despise the parallel company of his taller father.

He can't say he's always known the man (sheep man?) to have a scientific side to him. In his youth, the taller adult often played as the distant father with a secretly soft heart who also knew about doctor stuff and how to build. He wouldn't hold it to him if it was just hard to parent. The young soft shell has gotten his stubby paws (figurative) on enough of his parent's books to know they needed the help.

(Secretly he suspects that whatever led the two men to adopt them made the experience harder. He's read enough about adoption and family dynamics and biology to know full well they were not born into a family like this. He wouldn't burst anyone's bubble, though. He'd let them all pretend.)

Either way, the sheepman was often too busy in his youth for Donnie to ever know much about him. He knew their rat father loved cheesy old movies, but what did their other father like?

Science, it seemed. His father liked science and experiments and anything of the like. He talked so vividly of his pride in the young turtle's interest and would ramble along with him about anything ranging from formulas and equations to circuitry and technology.

He knew his brothers and other dad would love him no matter what, but no one was able to understand him like Father was. So they just had that bond that only autistic mad scientists in the making could have.

Today would not be one of those shared experience days. Ever since Father began purposely spending time with him, he’s been spending more time with all of them. If this was an attempt at curve balling accusations of favouritism, then they were weak attempts. Everyone knew that all parents had favourites, and he (and Mikey) were their caprid father’s favourite.


Never mind that thought– the man wouldn’t be out in the surface world right now if he wasn’t a favourite child. If his father was willing to do something he hated just to bring Donnie new scraps and parts to work with, then that meant something. Donnie would cling to that feeling.

For now, he was in his room, trying to fix one of Mikey’s spring-bound gadgets he found at the scrap yard the last time they all went. Sure, it was currently 11 PM, but his little brother had been distressed about it for hours. He could put it off until they had all the supplies, or he could fix it today and present it tomorrow out of the kindness of his heart.

That, and just because he wanted to. The project intrigued him too much to sleep on it until tomorrow.

He was more than happy popping on a video on his tablet and working under a lamp. It was oddly peaceful, allowing him to zone away from everything else but the small thing he cared about at the moment.

Unfortunately, this did not exempt him from interruptions. Even decked in headphones that clearly showed others not to disturb him, he felt a poke on his shoulder. Nooot a good feeling.

“Don? Hey Don?”

The soft shell paused his video, turning his head ever so slowly until he faced his oldest brother.


As if he couldn’t hear him, Raph proceeded to replicate the motion of taking off his headphones. It took a second for him to respond, taking the real ones off before the charade could be repeated.“Stop that.”


His brother held one of his arms, something he did every time he did something that hurt one of his younger brothers.

The younger one sighed. He gets a pass. “What do you want, Raph?”

“It’s almost midnight.”


The snapper’s brows furrowed. “It’s past bedtime.”

“Ha, bedtime,” Donnie unintentionally mocked, “as if any of us ever listens.”

Raph huffed. “I do, Mikey does, Pops does-”

“All he ever does is sleep.”

“–Leo has sleeping problems,” he continued, obviously forcing himself not to defend their small parent, “and you’re not even trying.”

“Excuse me, I have sleeping problems too,” Don reminded, lifting an accusatory finger.

“But you’re still makin’ excuses to stay awake.”

That… wasn’t far from the truth. Why pretend if sleeping is impossible until a certain amount of hours have passed? It saved him from prolonged misery in the long run.

He was about to bring forth an excuse (one of which had many semi-excuses) when his older brother opened his mouth again. “If you’re waiting and worried about Sheep Dad… he’ll be okay. He’s been gettin’ better.”

He knows what Raphael was referring to. ‘Getting better’ at co-existing among humans – or at least tolerating them. April was the only one he trusted and still has anxiety over going to the surface, but he was ‘getting better’.

“I wasn’t worried,” Donnie told his brother honestly.

“Then you’re gonna a to bed.”

The soft shell yelped as his brother wrapped him up in a blanket, picking him up like he weighed nothing. No fair!

“On second thought I’m worried. Very very worried. He’s never coming back-”

“Can it, Donnie,” his brother warned. Though there was a hint of humour in his voice. For once his words were not being taken literally – maybe it was his brother’s exhaustion, but he could hear him stifling back laughter.

He could work with that. “Oh, woe is I. My loyal brother, protecting I from the truth of our father’s demise. He was right all along! May we never trust humans, cast out all of those whom are our allies.”

His brother was properly laughing now, likely not having understood half of what he said. “You’re so weird,” he joked, putting him on the edge of his bed. “Now, go sleep. If you’re still sleepy tomorrow morning, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”

Donnie flopped back dramatically. “Sigh. It seems I have been bested.”

“You’re darn right ya were,” Raph played along, beginning to walk back and out of the room. “Now go sleep .”

He watched the snapper leave the room. Oh how he was wounded, not receiving a ‘goodnight’. Though it did not bother him.

No would a lack of sleep bother him if it meant figuring out how to fit that screw in the right place with his limited tools. He’d persevere, and overcome any obstacle in the name of inventing. Perhaps he could sneak back to his desk…

“Don’t even think ‘bout it.”

Raph poked his head in the room one last time while Donnie was simply stretching his arm , thank you very much. But fine, he won’t.

He’ll get away with it some other time.

Something was wrong.

Something was always wrong when it came to the soft shell. Whether it was inside or out, something always just felt… off .

Not that long ago he found some solutions, whether that be a weighted blanket or a pair of headphones. Those helped a lot with the problems they were meant to tackle. This problem, though… This was different.

That morning he must have gone through all his clothes. He had nowhere he needed to be, and didn't even need to wear anything, but going without made him feel even worse. He settled for the same purple sweater and black pants he's been wearing all week, having it be the only thing that felt right. But even that began to feel wrong.

He felt uncomfortable being anywhere other than his room that day. If anything could see him – see him not meeting the expectations they must have of him – then his whole day would be ruined. Not that it wasn’t already… no, he just needed some time to get over it.

Come on, Donnie. Just get over it .

Sometimes he wonders if having a different name would solve anything.

Likely not. A name is just a name, and it could be changed. Sometimes he and his brothers used different names, but it was all play. Nothing serious. Donnie didn't feel like changing his name.

If not by name, he wished there was some obvious way to explain why he feels so much different than his brothers. They don't mean it when they make fun of him, but he knows he's lankier and weaker than them. He knew his voice made him sound younger than even Mikey. Raph and Leo already sounded a bit older, why couldn't he?

Whatever. It was likely an explainable issue of aging that brought this inner angst upon him. Those human biology books and research papers never spoke much of nine-year-olds aging this fast, but then again, he wasn't human. He was different .

Ignoring the way his chest ached from the inside, he left his room, only to storm into the bathroom instead – the only place in the Lair that brought privacy other than his own room. Maybe he could figure it all out with a mirror around.

Though it seemed like no matter what Donnie tried, he'd never know how to solve this. He could never be good enough.

As the soft shell stood on a stool – so lanky yet still too short for the mirror – he studied his reflection, though it irked him the more he did so. Staring at a reflection of his poor state of mind did nothing but worsen it.

But he just had to figure this out…

He knew he was loved through and through. Any jokes towards him were merely just that: jokes. Regardless of that logic, though, he could pick apart truths in the web of mindless insults.

He's a nerd . Though that had nothing to do with appearance. His voice is squeaky . Again, part of self-expression, but not appearance. He needs glasses . Those were very necessary thank you very much. Also, their dads need glasses sometimes, they’re perfectly normal. He has a big ugly forehead-

Now wait a minute, they all did. Without their masks, their faces were left blank, with no visually apparent eyebrows.

Wait again.


Humans had eyebrows. His dads also had eyebrows. His human-fearing dad had eyebrows like Lou Jitsu, and Lou Jitsu had the coolest eyebrows.

Looking and acting like Lou Jitsu was kind of Leo's thing, but Donnie has honestly always envied the man's appearance. He manages to look so cool and everyone loves him, even if most of the favours are done with makeup

If that's all it took, perhaps…

Aha, that's it! He just had to be cooler !

Donnie opened the vanity drawer, scavenging around it for- there we go , a black pencil. Not just any black pencil, but one for painting eyebrows.

He's quite sure this is the same or a similar product to what Lou Jitsu used on set, as he remembers reading about it. Either way, as long as there was enough of it to give him fake brows, it did the job.

The soft shell was surprisingly not as rebellious as he wanted to be. Even as he took off his mask (reasoning to test it there before drawing them on the fabric) and glasses (too big and clunky for clear access to his forehead), he found himself frozen with the pencil in his hand, fingertips shaking slightly.

It was what he had to do. He'd feel better about it… and if he didn't, no one had to know .

He started off simply, drawing a simple line where his brow should be. While it was hard to see without his glasses, he moved his brow up and down slightly, making sure it was drawn in the right place. Good. Now he could move on to the second one.

Carefully he painted on another thin brow. He looked better now. At least he started to feel better… perhaps he could make them thicker, more like his father’s eyebrows.

He added another layer. Then another. He was cautious not to add too much just in case he didn’t like it – but as far as he was concerned, this was the best decision he’s made in a long time.

After applying a generous amount of the makeup, he gave himself a good look in the mirror. Wait, no – glasses would make it better.

He put his glasses back on, and, as expected in the back of his mind, the pencil wasn’t as effective on his skin as it would be on that of a human. But he looked cooler already.

His look wouldn’t be complete without the mask, though. Since he liked the brows enough, perhaps it was now worth painting them onto his mask.

So that’s what he did. He dug around for makeup wipes, first removing what he’s painted his face directly. No need to stain the inside of his mask too. It pained him to have them off, but they would be back soon. And even cooler than before.

With the mask tied back on, he repainted the brows. And they were beautiful .

Donnie wouldn’t call it magic, because magic is inferior to his pure awesomeness, but it was like something clicked in his brain all of a sudden. The weight in his chest lifted beyond what he could have imagined was weighing him down in the first place. Is this what it was like to feel comfortable?

Either way, he looked fantastic. He tried putting his glasses back on, and, huh, interesting. It seems they worked again his new look. No matter. Now he had brows, and those fixed his look exponentially.

For once that day, the purple-branded soft shell felt anything close to good. He felt great, actually. Not great in ‘every section of his soul was now healed’, but great in ‘he finally likes how he looks’.

He still hopes that one day, his look will transcend that of a mere nerd, but for now, he was going a step in the right direction.


One of the many benefits of trying a new look for oneself is that one may find the missing piece of an internal puzzle begging to be solved. Even after Donnie put away the makeup supplies and left the bathroom, he felt this, now honing a single shred more confidence in himself and his looks.

It was still rather early in the day, early enough that his family would leave him alone if he wanted. It was also early enough that they were likely snacking away at something in the dining room.

Rare was it these days to find them all in the same room. So, he walked through the Lair with his hood up, gathering the attention of any stragglers.

Once he got everyone into the concentrated eating area, he cleared his throat. “Fathers, brothers; I have an announcement.”

He allowed them to speculate for a moment before he slicked back his hood.

“I now look cooler than all of you combined.”

A week passed since he showed his family his new look. He expected his brothers to mope and moan about how unfair it was or find further ways to bully him, but, to his delight, they agreed with the awesomeness of his new look. Leo tried to copy him, but with his preference for mask type, he could not pull it off successfully. That was a Donnie-exclusive trait.

His parents spoke of how it was adorable, in a charming way. Dad would nudge his co-parent's arm and joke about how Donnie was 'definitely his son'. Such a joke questioned the legitimacy of their parenting, but the soft shell would allow it to slip his mind for now.

Father quickly took notice of the use of his pencil and offered to both mentor the boy in its use and help him find a pencil better fit to his needs.

He declined, if only for the reason he believed he could develop one himself.

It would be put on the back burner of his projects, though. For now, he wanted to run some tests on the health of their house plants – a painfully boring study to most, but necessary in the pursuit of sustaining their longevity in lifespan and potential for blooming and regrowth.

So what if he got a new special interest out of nowhere? It was something other than science at least.

And April didn’t mind helping him run tests. So that was a bonus.

She was carrying around a tray with bags of soil when she finally offered her skepticism after participating thus far. “You know can just keep all your plants in the terrarium if they die easily anywhere else?”

“Scoff,” he said aloud, “that is what I wish to prevent. Not every plant can survive the climate, and, quite truthfully, the Lair just looks better with plant life around.”

It allows them to pretend they can a fraction of the surface down in their sewer-bound home. Sure, as the years passed, their lives became more and more comfortable. His youngest brother became quite skilled in his artistic craft, and any wall not covered in his graffiti or Father’s work easily became where to put posters of sports and movies his other brothers liked, along with Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu merchandise. Who was to say Donnie couldn’t put his own touch on the Lair’s decorations?

Regardless of this, April has only seen it on its better days and did not look convinced by his reasoning. "And you don't have a greenhouse or something?"

A greenhouse . What, did she think there was a room for everything in the Lair? There were obvious limitations, and he was not about to ask for the renovation of another room just because of a new interest.

"No, we do not have a greenhouse," he finally said, as bluntly as usual. It took effort not to add that last part, ensuring he did not appear rude to his best friend.

He didn't think it was rude. He was often told it was, though, and those people often had more emotional awareness than he did.

Eventually, his friend merely shrugged. “M’kay,” she settled, “you just need help studying the dirt then?”

“Precisely,” he offered, collecting some soil from one of the many ferns. “Luckily, Father has offered to help with the testing, so I need no further help after samples are processed.”

He heard his friend hum, but she wasn’t paying all that much attention. Instead, she was looking at a small tag attached to one of the pots, reading it.

“Yes, this was a gift from Father to Dad,” he clarifies before April can ask about it. “I wouldn’t think it’s ‘cute’, though; I doubt they are even married.”

Again his friend hummed but in a different tone. “Huh, thought they were.” She followed him to the next fern he planned to collect from. “So are just dating, or…”

“Hard to say,” Donnie quickly interrupted. “There is no documentation of their relationship or our birth slash adoption. We’re not human but the whole situation feels… off.” He accepted early on that their experiences are not exactly that of humans because they are not , in fact, humans. April has accepted this without a bat of an eye. He would still like to know why they were all human-like animals, though that may be unexplainable all the same.

“It’s strange, but I believe there is a reason for it, and we will be told when the time is right.”

It was a little well-known fact that Donatello knew a tad too much for his age. The longer he could wait before discovering something else mildly intriguing traumatizing, the better.

After a while, he put more samples on the tray, watching April shrug in agreement. "Either way it's still cute," she mused, a small smirk sneaking in.

Donnie just sighed loudly, rolling his eyes.

He supposed it made more sense for them to be in a relationship because parents usually were. It was still nothing he wished to think more of.

"This should be enough," he concluded, mentally counting the number of samples and plants in comparison. He swivelled on his feet, pointing to another section of the Lair. "To the lab!"

April snorted, soon following him. "And then we game?"

"Affirmative," he assured, "those block houses won't build themselves, and nothing will unless we get there before the others."

"Sure we can't get Leo in on this? He's good with PVP."

"...We can include everyone but Leo."

"Fair enough."

Donnie huffed, glad his friend was content with excluding his blue-branded brother from the game. April and Leo may be compatible gaming partners, but he and Leo were not .

Besides, if he had to hear one more cube pun from the math-inept duo-

Oh Galileo, his father was an alchemist too.

The probability of something like this was not impossible. While none of them were human, everyone in his family was quite complex and had a multitude of interests. Donnie himself can attest to this, even if he was often demoted to the ‘science kid’.

So finding his caprid father late in the lab one night, working on something he’s never seen before, it came to little surprise. Still, he was curious.

It wasn’t rare for him to join, or simply observe as his father worked (even if he eventually fell to distractions). His father often encouraged him to ask questions or request experiments to try together. Forming questions was always hard, so he just listened to the man ramble, retaining what he could.

He liked listening to what his father had to say. He’d join in if the information clicked – so much easier than practiced methods of conversation. Best of all, he was allowed to do this at any time.

That being said, appearing out of nowhere must have scared the (figurative) living daylights out of him.

Kid ,” his father began, chest heaving slightly. Normally Donnie did not notice such small things, but the man made it obvious here. “ What are you doing out of bed?”

Typical question. His family should know by now. “Couldn’t sleep,” he answered, deadpan painful obvious.

Luckily, his father caught on. “Understood,” he followed simply, looking between the desk and his son. He turned back to the desk. “This should not take much longer – after this last test I will be heading to bed.”

The softshell tilted his head, focusing on what was on the desk. A bunch of colourful beakers, papers all over, and an open box with some oddly-shaped metals in it. Or crystals, he couldn’t tell.

Either way, average lab mess.

He saw his father nod, likely to himself. “You are familiar with chemistry, are you not?”

Donnie hummed.

His father hummed in return. “Currently I am attempting to practice an advanced form of chemistry. With it, the two of us will be able to create mechanisms far beyond the average technological capacity.” For a moment, he turned his head to the boy. “With it, I can assist you in developing that artificial intelligence you spoke of the other day.”

Ah, yes. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Truly the bot’s design was not more than rough plans on a blueprint, but the idea of early implementation of an AI element intrigued him.

Without much else to say, he allowed Father to continue speaking. “It may not be much right now… but with time, we will achieve greatness, my boy,” the older began, grin cracking into something nearly sinister in nature.

His father was acting weird. Weirder than normal.

And Donnie was here for it .

“For now I intend to test the capabilities of simple human concoctions. Medieval history tells of sorcerers and witches with the skill of mixing elements and controlling them at the will of a wand wave,” Father continued, a soft chuckle following. “Truly a shame that such has grown out of practice. From fear.”

He picked up an empty test tube, flicking it with his other hand, a pondering look gracing his features. “Not much of what I say makes sense, I know. There’s only so much I know myself… which is exactly why this is necessary.”

Donnie raised a brow as he watched his father carefully pour a fraction of one beaker’s contents into the test tube, proceeding to place it on a tray. Something about it all felt off, though.

All this felt practiced as if his father was being cautious around him. As if he were to say the wrong thing at any moment.

The soft shell shrugged finally. “Huh. I thought we were scientists, not alchemists."

“Alchemy and science are often one and the same,” he was corrected. “One can not achieve greatness when restricted to one label.”

That made enough sense…

“If you do not wish to practice alchemy, I will not enforce it,” Father quickly added, “and for the sake of the others, it may be simpler to limit our hobby to the word ‘science’.”

Ah. That made even more sense.

He must be acting weird because Donnie was the only one he could trust to understand. Well, whatever. If the others were so below their level, he could just have this new thing to learn.

“Fair enough,” he muttered eventually, turning his attention to the behaviour of the beakers.

Whether or not he would effectively join his father’s new hobby would be a decision for a later time. Both because he had an inch of skepticism surrounding the whole thing, and because his father began to write something in his scientific journal.

He stuck around to watch as he properly stored all the liquids, disinfected the working tool and surfaces, and put his coat away.

He allowed himself to be directed back to his room, bidding a good night before heading their separate ways.

Little did his caprid father know that Donnie had a signal in place that showed if anyone entered the lab – a simple signal in the form of a purple flashing button in the corner of his room.

His father did not, in fact, go to bed.

Who's the insomniac now?


Despite the fact that alchemy is tied to magic and magic is improbable and stupid, Donnie was properly intrigued. Now he was too curious to leave his father alone to work on whatever he was working on – he wanted to know .

So when his orange and blue brothers wanted to follow him around, he promptly had to get them off his case.

"But we wanna see all the sciencey stuff!" Leon attempted to argue, moping around.

The soft shell merely scoffed. "Lies, you never do," he dismissed, trying to lead them into another room.

"Not true," Leo tried again. "Science and techy bleeps and bloops are cool!"

"Yeah, it's cool stuff," Mikey added.

Admittedly, it took a moment for Donnie to figure out why they were trying so hard to spend time with him – because it was obvious they had no intention of learning more from his craft.

"...Papa and Raph sent you here, didn’t they?"

"Yes, but that's beside the point!" Again Leo took the reins, like any attempt to flip something over in his favour. "Can't we watch you build more cool stuff, DonTron?"

Huh, they could. If that were his only plan, he supposed he could allow them that much.

Actually no, he could not. They'd get distracted and make a game from the drill bits and tape rolls. He couldn’t risk that again.

"As tempting as it is to indulge others in my interests, I intend to build alone," he settled, continuing to lead them elsewhere.

"But you won't be alone, Sheep Dad's there."

Hah, they weren't wrong. Their taller father rarely left the lab these days. So his building project (that he mostly fabricated as a cover story) would have all the helping hands it needed.

Unfortunately, Donnie had bigger plans, none of which included his father helping with his projects. In fact, he wished to sabotage the other.

"Not for long."

His brothers gasped, "You're gonna kick him out?!-"

" Hush !" He whisper-shouted, scrambling to cover his younger brother’s mouth.

"Oh he's totally gonna kick him out of the lab," Leo concluded. "I knew it! This one's going for world domination, I tell you!"

"Ooh, that's bad, Donnie.

"Keep it down," the soft shell grumbled.

Coincidentally, his blue-branded brother was not entirely incorrect. Every scientific genius has a vague plan of how they intend to rule the world, especially at the age of nine.

This was simply a plan for another time, though. He had other things he wished to focus on right now.

Eventually, he huffed. "But sigh. Yes, I am." He looked around the room to ensure it was only these two who heard. "While I do not wish to reveal my plans – yes, I do believe it is best to give our dear father some time away from the lab. He's become even more of a nerd than I have."

"Hard to believe, but okay," Leo began, completely ignoring everything else. Sigh, of course he jumped to agree he was a nerd.

Which he was not, by the way. Donnie was just the smart one, not a nerd .

On the other hand, Mikey looked upset at him. "You can't just kick Sheep Dad out of his lab."

" Scoff , he gave up the rights to it when he had a scientific genius for a son," he combatted. "Besides, it won't be for long. Just long enough."

If he didn't need to explain further, he wouldn't.

Luckily, his brothers just nodded. Simple to understand, after all.

"Any way we can help?" Mikey asked.

"Ooh, I know!" Leo quickly budded in, "I can tell him I sprained my ankle!"

"That’s not gonna work."

" Shut it , I'm a great actor."

Donnie huffed, watching them argue about a thing he wouldn't allow them to do anyways.

Normally he'd let them continue and proceed to slip away from the scene in the process. But he was oddly enough considering them as a method of distraction.

"Fret not, as I should be able to handle this on my own," Donnie promised, watching as their frames collectively slumped. "However, you are free to distract him in any way you wish once I succeed in getting him to leave the lab.

This seemed to give Leo another 'genius' idea. "Bet he wouldn't turn down a d-"

"Do not say 'date with Dad'."

"How did you-" Leo began before he lit up again. "Ohh, this is some sort of tw-"

"If you say 'twin telepathy thing' I will personally break your snout."

"...Okay rude, but fair," his slightly older brother concluded.

Luckily his younger brother knew how to pick up his spirits. "Don't worry DonDon, we'll stay out of your way," he promised, beginning to yoink Leo away by the arm. "Have fun being a menace!"

Donnie huffed, watching his brothers finally leave. Good. Now he could get to his menacing , as Michael so geniously (genuine) put it.

He imputed the code to the lab, patiently waiting as the doors unlocked. And, just as expected, his father was already here.

"Donatello," he greeted, remaining focused on his task at hand. There was no reason to suspect it was anyone else, so he didn't bother with concealing or making excuses for his work. The man trusted the kid enough.

To be fair, even when he acquires full access to the lab, Donnie does not intend on allowing anyone else in. Just him and whoever else he could trust. Which was currently just himself.

The soft shell headed to his own corner of the lab, retrieving the box with all his scrap parts and opening the drawer with his blueprints. They both had their own desk, so they could easily both be in their own little world for hours.

However, he did not grab all of the supplies with which he wished to work with.

Some items he purposefully left in their places around the lab, so he'd have an excuse to pretend he did not remember where he left them and therefore get a look at his surroundings.

Most days it was painfully quiet. He had no idea how his father could work in air-tight silence – Donnie always needed music to keep his head from spinning.

Either way, it's because of this silence that he had to meticulously plan his little 'trips' around the room. He first acted out pretending to have forgotten a tool, meaning he would have to go to the back. And if it just so happened to not be out in the open, it was likely in the storage room.

What better place to hide things than in a storage room?

Donnie slowly made his way out of his chair, heading to the back of the lab. For most, it would be nerve-wracking to try this in pure daylight. For Donnie, it was a typical Tuesday.

Right in the back is where he found tools – both those which he would need now and later. He could still sneak in and grab something from the storage room, though…

In the closet-like space, he found most of the same things he has seen before. But did they always have a mini fridge?

Why, yes, actually. From all recent memory, he can deduce that they have had this for a while. It would be necessary for storing certain concoctions, anyways, but he could swear he's seen his father with fresh bottles of water and snacks before.

Galileo , was this why his father seldom left the lab for meals?

None of that could be healthy, but Donnie would digress. He had more evidence to gather before he could make any claims, lest they appear baseless.

So, he gathered his tools, then took his time returning to his desk. He used his slower pace to his advantage, getting a good look around the area of Father's desk.

He could see a lot of boxes under it, but what stood out to him was a bunched-up fabric item with a few metal sticks acting as legs and a frame.

He's seen something like that before. It was likely a cot. You know, those things people sleep in.

His father was likely sleeping in the lab .

Okay, that looked pretty bad. Perhaps it was due to hyper-focus on a particular project, but come to think of it, this kind of behaviour has been stirring for quite a while.

Donnie couldn’t blame him for wanting to finish the project. But if one of them had to be the bigger person and 'care for the other's health' or something like that, it would be him.

As the soft shell returned to his own work, he kept a side eye on his father and his actions. As about half an hour passed, he began to look more anxious. His hoof started to tap absent-mindedly after a while. It looked like he wanted to leave without leaving Donnie here alone, and was stuck pondering that decision.

Eventually, he did leave. Just not to where Donnie thought he would.

It was strange to see the man walk further into the lab if he was so anxious. Donnie tried to pretend he was distracted at work but eventually failed to pretend once he heard a door shut rather dramatically.

What in the colourful cosmic hell?

He saw Father go towards the opposite side of the room to where the storage room was. This meant there had to be a whole other room…

He got out of his chair again, eyes searching for another door along the side wall. And sure enough, he found it.

Huh. A lot must have slipped his mind. That, or his father installed a lot quite often.

The soft shell could only figure to stand there upon his realization. His father would only be in the room for about one, maybe two minutes at most before he left, looking only a smidge calmer than he did before.

Though upon seeing his son there, he froze.

Donnie just looked at the caprid man, noticing the hairs near his face were damp. He always splashes water on his face to calm down . Because of this, his sights travelled to the room behind him, catching what looked like a sink and a square tiled floor.

If they needed a sink, he could have just put one in the lab, meaning…

They had a fully functioning bathroom here .

No wonder his father did not leave the lab for hours. Why would he, when he had all the basic necessities on hand?

He did not say anything for a while, allowing the taller one to realize where he went wrong. And that was on multiple levels.

"...How long have you been standing there?" Father tried, his normal lighthearted grin unable to form.

Donnie just kept eye contact with him. "Long enough."

His father looked at a loss for words. What would he even try to say, to excuse all of this?

Eventually, he exhaled, as if he held his breath this whole time. "Alright," he began, putting his hands together. "I believe it's about time I inform you of some small… adjustments I've made to the lab."

'Small adjustments' his tail. One could practically live here more comfortably than in the average New York apartment.

But he allowed his father to walk around, continuing his explanation. "With all that I have added, there should be no reason to leave the lab unless absolutely necessary. It allows for longer periods of productivity without interruptions, which is beneficial in the pursuit of greatness. You understand, do you not? That this is for the greater good?"

Donnie understood. He understood quite well. He also understood that his father's method of speech was growing increasingly sinister, even for him. If he needed evidence of the man having an interest in mad science, this was it.

Speech relating to the 'greater good' was not new. He's heard it all before. What that meant exactly, he was yet to find out. But he would in time.

The others would likely be concerned, even worried, if they heard half of what the man spoke of. Donnie understood that it was a special interest that drove him to this level of madness.

He also knew what to do about it.

"So the lab is livable?" The soft shell tested, raising an eyebrow.

"...Well, yes-"

"Then that explains your longer periods of absence from family events."

He intently watched the caprid, catching the moment his steadier-growing breaths stopped. His son was catching on and he didn't like that .

"As the family's dealer of all things health and medicine, I truly expected more from you, dear father," he started, crossing his arms. "What would they say if they knew what you were working on? The lengths you were willing to go to pursue science?"

This much, his father seemed to understand. He nodded, turning to his desk. "I should-"

"You should go, Father," Donnie agreed, all before the man could say it. "Go bond with the others and leave the real scientist to his work."

Normally his father had no problems spitting back, but he knew well enough: Donnie had no qualms against telling the others everything if it benefited him.

If he wanted the lab to himself, he was getting the lab to himself. End of story.

"Understood," his father finally offered, simply straightening his coat and beginning to leave. "I will be returning at a convenient time – one that is truly free from those who need me."

"Uhuh, you do that," Donnie ushered, leading the man out of the room. "No worries regarding your work, for I shall put it away properly."

Dispose of it properly , he wanted to say, but that would only benefit the fluidity of his sentence.

His father’s work would not face his wrath. At least not today.

He could hear the man say something else, but he couldn't tell what it was. He was too busy getting the man out of the door.

As soon as the larger frame passed the differences in flooring, the soft shell gave him one last shove , leaving the man to stand there with a dumbfounded look on his face. Donnie could only meet that with one of neutral complexion in return.

"Farewell, Father. Your sacrifice will not go to waste," he parted, closing and locking the door not a moment later.

Finally, he had the lab to himself.

Quite frankly, Donnie could care less about his father’s work.

That was not what was important to him, no – now that he's gotten the man out of the lab once, he could surely do it again, and by his calculations, that would eventually break the man until he gave up the lab entirely to the hands of his child.

His child, who surely needed it more than he ever would. Father merely experimented most of the time while he created . Donatello was only nine years old, yet was more productive in a scientific field than the actual scientist.

Part of him supposed this comparison was fair only due to how little his father shared about his past life. And by that, he meant nothing of it all.

Has he always been a scientist? Was this all a sham? How much did it matter? Why was he so keen on something akin to world domination?

That last thought was laughable. He doubted his father was a supervillain. That would be stupid.

No, he would not entertain those thoughts. Instead, he would utilize as much of his newfound empty space as possible, take both desks if needed, use all the power necessary, draw in all the blueprints and use up all the scrap metal.

Now he had to use this time wisely, use it to build something truly extraordinary.

Because he was the smart one, right?

He did not believe himself to be smarter than his father. That was ridiculous. The man has done a fine job in helping him reach the scientific excellence he has thus far and knows such can only grow from here.

What Donnie did believe is that now he had the chance to prove his excellence. Already his family believed him to be smart, but they should have no reason to doubt him now.

As soon as he figured out what exactly he was to do, it would blow all their figurative socks off.

Just you wait.


I have returned o/

I somehow did not use my break time wisely at all and managed to fall behind even more (major writer's block + sudden allergies + quick hyperfixation), but do not fret. I'll just have to get myself into the groove and finish all the chapters in time now lol

this is somehow one of my favourite chapters so far despite rat man not showing up. it was unintentional at first, but it does give me an idea...

Chapter 12: The Baroness and The Mama


By now it has been more than enough time for the young sea turtles to grow strong and tall as always predicted... though it seems, after all this time, their guardians have different plans for them. Perhaps this change in plans is due to growing attached, perhaps it is due to some difficulties behind the scenes... either way, the evil women are certainly hiding much from each other and everyone else. They might have had a solid arrangement going on, but as they say, nothing lasts forever.


Hello yes I am offering a slightly shorter chapter this time around for two reasons
1) I've been sick + busy for a few weeks now (legit finished writing this today)
2) funny number word count please laugh

I tried to yassify the dialogue but my headache does not allow it <\3

Manipulation, stress

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ten years... ten years of living this life of wealth and respect and scientific secrecy. All these years, and yet the Baroness still had no idea what she was doing.

It was laughable, the thought. So much of it was her fault, in the end. If she listened to the Council and stuck to her one job, the one job she was supposed to have, her life would be all the easier. One of the skills she carried over from her youth as a warrior was creating and enhancing weapons. If that were all she ever did, she'd live a calm, simple life.

If she told Big Mama off all those years ago – as she rightfully should have – she wouldn't have her ward. If she and that spider yokai never struck a deal in the first place, she'd be blissfully unaware of those mutant baby turtles.

Her nieces. She would never know two of her potential niblings survived the freak accident.

If the Baroness was a smidge less impulsive, she'd never have gotten to know them. The strong-willed and cunning Jennika, the aspiring and big-hearted Venus – who would they be to her if not mere names on the screen of a battle arena she'd seldom attend on her own?

A large half of what the Baroness has is because of her impulsive, quick-witted actions. No, actually – everything she has is because of this.

Maybe it was best not to debate the ethics of her actions. This is what she wanted after all, is it not? Respect for her title, working with what she loves, co-workers who support her; the thrill of her secret double life. Her ward became so big, so soon – so promising in the blink of an eye. She had a more-or-less heir, a rival, and a goal. And all this came from her decisions.

There's an ounce of it that questions whether or not she should move forward with alchemy. The only few who knew of this side of her were the goyles, the turtles, two bellhops and Big Mama. Every gala or otherwise important event she attended was due to her impressive output in weaponry and security.

As word around the Hidden City says, they've never felt safer. Even amongst those who were lax, those who opted to ignore the world above and its pests – even they admitted to a newfound peace of mind surrounding the security of their home.

Most spoke of how her work was far more impressive than that of her brother before her, clearly committing to her true purpose. The Council could not be more proud.

Was she a yokai to be proud of, though? Considering everything?

Most of all, she stood conflicted when it came to the treatment of her ward. If it were merely Big Mama who told her that the injections would be beneficial to their growth and well-being, she'd keep that plan on tabs until she could find truth in that herself.

But no, the spider woman was right after all; even Draxum's old notes spoke of consistent injections should the experiments not reach their full capability.

If they did, Jennika would have been this tall ten years ago. The average Yokai matured much slower, spanning into the first twenty to fifty years of their life at the very least. Though, a small part of her looked back fondly on the memories of the sea turtle much smaller, already wise beyond their years. She's glad to have gotten a few more years to watch her ward grow up as much as she has.

And now, the kid was more than old enough to handle herself, taking the initiative to become the Baroness' secondhand. The caprid yokai could almost call it pride when she looked at the kid, so grown, donning a suit so similar to her own. Instead, she neglected to give this feeling a name.

Whatever it was, the kid looked awesome. Just as awesome as she did.

As part of her recently newfound task, Jennika would often accompany her while in meetings. Never did she take off the disguise, nor speak. Same for Huginn and Muninn; when perched upon her shoulders, they spoke not a single word.

She wished they did. She wished someone would say anything funny right about now.

As a woman of many appearances, the Baroness had to keep herself respectful in any given situation, until proven she could deviate – or until proven she had power in that domain. Many chances to deviate came late in the night, among the many events held throughout the city. But no, it was not that blessed time of day.

If she had been wiser, she would have brought an energetic beverage with her to this meeting. Even a simple mid-morning board gathering was enough to tire her out, but she would prevail.

Currently, the others surrounding the table spoke of the use of new portal technology bypassing borders. Among these yokai, she knew better than to speak her piece. She had too much to say – too much to slip out. It would be wisest to only speak on affairs involving her or her work.

On occasion, she did speak. She did give her word – though absolutely only when necessary. The meeting passed so slowly, it was hard to deduct if adding herself into the mix sped up or slowed the process.

Eventually, the meeting concluded. She could not have left any faster .

Solace came to many in the form of relaxation. She knew more than well that such was limited. An hour from now, she would be expected to hole herself in the lab, trying to fix up something Venus specifically asked for.

Until then, she needed a nap and a half. Not because of the meeting itself, but what it meant in the grand scheme of things:

The Baroness could not handle so many top-secret but equally important tasks at once.

“Boy, what a snooze fest, huh?”

Baroness snorted, immediately feeling better. Huginn speaking at all is the most entertaining thing she’s heard in hours.

“And they just kept insulting your skills? Totally not cool.”

Yeah, it was not ‘cool’ in the slightest. Not that it wasn’t commonplace – political figures in the Hidden City were surprisingly open to debate and criticism of each other’s work. Didn’t mean they had to like what they heard.

“They argue against what has been a problem since the beginning of time,” she ends up saying. “A few Yokai go to the surface at any given moment, so what? If those idiots want to risk their lives, it’s not my problem. Only becomes an issue if a weapon of mine fails on them.”

The others mumble something in agreement because she’s right. Over the years she’s become very good at presenting the bare minimum aspects of her job, heightening what she pleases.

What she’s inherited is fairly simple on a surface level. All she has to do to impress is implement impressive mystic tech, weapons, and security. All of which she has done.

With a huff, she noticed Jennika continuing to stand there, stiff as the strongest soldiers. Kid took things way too seriously sometimes.

She shuffled to sit up straighter, though still relaxed. “At ease, Jennika.”

Even with a mask as emotionless, her sigh of relief was obvious. “Oh thank the Titan.”

A collective chuckle was shared in the room as the turtle relaxed alongside everyone else. Just as much, she did not look tired – not truly . She was very attentive and good at her job. But it was very, very boring.

"So, will you need help in the lab, or…"

The Baroness shrugged. "Go rest a little. I've got these two to help." She weakly pointed at her living shoulder pads. "Besides, I don't think I'm doing much of anything today."

"Aren't you working on Vee's growth serum?" the turtle questioned – even though she was nearly into the hall by now.

It made the caprid chuckle a little. "It's sweet how much you care – but honestly, it's more of the same old boring work. Go spend some time however you want."

Jennika simply nodded. "Well, if that's the case…"

And then she left.

She soon found the goyles laughing along. "Oh man, bet you wish you could blow off work that easily."

"I do. I very much do wish that." The Baroness rubbed her head a moment as she began to stand. "But it's just this last big project for now. We're taking the whole day off tomorrow if I have any say in that."

"Woo! Now that's what I'm talking about!"

"Vacation timeee."

Ah, never a dull moment with these two. She chuckled as she began to walk off to the lab, them happily following.

"Oh, trust me… I would like that more than anything right now."

Finally , finally, she had some free time.

Amongst all the endless meetings and galas, the Baroness found herself oddly exhausted. No matter how many pretty faces she finds to distract from it all, there was nothing, nothing more comfortable than what lies in the estate.

The work, public and secret all the same, all here . Today she left Jennika alone in the space, allowing her to train as she saw fit. So, now, she reasoned it was a fine time to check up on her.

The Baroness made her way to the training room, finding a faint light seeping through. Though, oddly enough, no sound…


Even as she called, her ward didn't flinch.

"...You alright?"

Slowly, the Baroness approached, still keeping a healthy distance just in case.

Eventually, her ward turned, the light around her seizing in place. "Oh, Baroness." The turtle exhaled, "Didn't know you were there."

"Had a feeling," the caprid reasoned, chuckling. "What happened?"

"No idea. I was just training and felt some sort of…" Jennika's arms flailed around a little, "...connection."

Connection . Right, she explained having a connection to other Yokai, felt stronger when engaged in mystic energy – strong enough to identify when those close to her are engaged in mystics or not. Why she seemed distressed by this remained a mystery, though.

Her guardian raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate."

Jennika nodded. "For a second I thought Venus finally got a hold of her mystics – but it didn't feel like her." Her glow began illustrating what this 'connection' must look or feel like. Then, she pointed at them, "See, this is us…" She pointed to another section of the illusion, "And this is Venus' family…"

Finally, she pointed to an odd version of the visuals, "And this… I don't know who they are; the connection is fuzzy and quite unstable…" She looked up at the Baroness with an excited glint in her eyes and a huge smile to boot. "I think it has something to do with the other turtles!"

Huh. That.

That was a hypothesis.

One of many she could have formed.

And yet, she chose this one.

How she could have come to that conclusion – how she could have even thought it was a connection to those long-gone experiments – is something the Baroness could not easily compute.

Unless, of course, 'the other turtles' meant a group of Yokai she met while on patrol.

Knowing her ward, that was not the case.

Instead of finding reason, accusing her, or anything of the sort, the Baroness simply paused, raising a barbed brow as she studied the illusion. "What ' other turtles '?"

Jennika sighed. "You know exactly who I'm talking about."

Ah, so it was those same turtles.

The same turtles she's honestly never given a second thought about.

"Yes but aren't they… dead?" The caprid yokai raised a brow. "Unless your mystic ability can connect to the deceased, I did know someone who–"

"Baroness, you labelled the files with three big red question marks. I'm quite sure that means anything could have happened to them."



Jennika was sticking with this hypothesis.

How exactly she was supposed to respond to this, the Baroness didn't know exactly; she held her chin in thought for a moment. Would her ward accuse her of anything? Ask questions she did not know the answers to?

As far as she was aware, any whereabouts of those other four turtles died with her brother.

Unless, of course, none of them died in the first place.

"I see," she reasoned after a while. "...How sure are you that it could be them?"

That much seemed to help her ward lighten up again. "Quite sure," she explained. "Four of the connections feel similar to Vee, even if not nearly as strong…" She made another illusion of six fuzzy 'connections', "and this one… feels similar to you."

Similar to her .


Seems her brother did run off with some of the experiments.

She nodded, allowing her ward to elaborate further. "There's a sixth connection that I'm not quite familiar with – we'll ignore that. The point is that they are likely out there somewhere right now and slowly getting a hang of their mystic abilities too! Imagine if we could find them…"

As her ward continued, the Baroness' heart dropped. Oh, Jennika…

So much hope in the kid's heart… always so eager to learn and dead-set on discovering what more there could be…

Her distress must have been clear, with how Jen's face dropped to something deadly serious. "It's quite frustrating how you seem to know nothing at all, considering your close attention to detail."

Was her ward accusing her of something?

Yes, it was quite clear now – by the way she was looking at her, the same way she has looked at her every single time they speak of the experiments.

The Baroness pinched the bridge of her nose. "We've been over this, Jennika; I wasn't the one who made you–"

"It was the other scientist," the turtle interrupted; "That Baron Draxum guy."

When all the caprid could offer was a nod in confirmation, she heard that all-too-familiar voice ask again, "...What happened ?"

She sighed. " I don't know , okay? And I wish I did but… I just don't. Huginn and Muninn told me everything they know… and you know how Big Mama is." Her hands shrugged in defeat. "So, all I can tell you is that I believed the other experiments to be deceased, and if they aren't, I don't know where to find them."

After taking a moment to breathe, the Baroness leaned against the nearest wall.

"Look, if you happen upon them somewhere in the Hidden City, you're more than welcome to bring them here; to bring all of them here…" the Baroness sighed softly. "More than anything, I need you to not tell a soul about this. If the other experiments are alive, they will be wanted for the Nexus."

She hated having to enforce promises like this. So many secrets her ward already kept, yet all she ever had to offer was more .

And yet, the turtle merely huffed. "You're right… We have no idea who or where they are. It might all be a fluke." Jennika shrugged. "I just had a hunch that it might be them…"

In no way could the Baroness be mad. Barely even given the time with her sister – who wouldn't want to find any long-lost siblings they may have?

But there was truth to how they would be wanted for the Nexus. Both her and Big Mama have grown rather attached to their wards… if they had someone with the same DNA, all the hotelier would want is to throw them into the battle arena.

That is not what Jennika wanted. Not for her, not for her sister; certainly not for any other siblings.

Eventually, the caprid sighed. "It's fine…" An ear twitched as she suddenly got an idea. "Actually, I may look into that more – your theory, that is. It may have some base to it that we can build off of."


Her ward looked a touch more hopeful and at ease with the idea.

That much allowed her to nod along. "It's not entirely impossible for them to still be alive – if they are, it'd be pretty swell, you have to admit."

Jennika snorted. "'Pretty swell' is just the beginning," she corrected. Then a brow of theirs raised. "Aaand you don't intend to experiment on them as well, do you?"

"No… I see no reason to," the Baroness admitted. "But Big Mama would for sure. Which is why, whether we pursue this case or not, it must remain a secret. Understood?"

Some time was left for breathing before the sea turtle nodded. "Understood."

"Excellent," the guardian praised. She put a hand on the kid's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Don't lose hope, alright?"

Soon she found another nod. "Not in a million years."

The Baroness chuckled softly. "Very well."

Without much else to say, she found herself leaving the space, allowing Jennika to return to her training shortly after.

In truth, Baroness had only a spark of faith that the other experiments were alive. If anyone could keep them alive, it was her brother – her brother, whose tail she would swiftly kick should he ever show his face again.

Though, her joke about him escaping to start a family may be true, should this all be the case.

She had no reason to not trust Jennika's visions, after all. She trusted that kid more than anyone.

Now, it was just a matter of getting herself out of a bigger mess…

Oh, Titan, this was hard.

This was not going to work.

_ _ _

Running such a calculating business was no laughing matter. This much, Big Mama knew to a fault; as fun as it was to laugh the days away amongst other elites, she knew when it was time to party and when it was time to be serious.

When it came to that Baroness woman… well, most of their little get-togethers ended in parties.

So that's what the hotelier reasoned this upcoming meeting was all about – a get-together and not much more. Surely the caprid woman had an ounce of respect towards her now, wishing to celebrate the recent Nexus victories?

If not, that is still what Big Mama would expect of her. Even she knew better than to fail to meet an expectation.

In no time, she found the taller woman in her office, escorted in by her lovely bellhops. Soon afterwards, as per usual, the two were left alone to deal with their affairs.

"Big Mama."

"Baroness. What a pleasure to see you, dearest."

Her return in greeting was ensured to drip with extra sweetness; enough to entice the weakest of prey into her trap.

One of which the other woman has already fallen victim to.

Interestingly enough, she seemed to be holding her tongue, unable to melt into the syrupy sweet trap she has grown so comfortable in.

"Cut the nonsense – there’s a serious matter we need to discuss." The caprid waved a hoofed hand, looking all that little bit upset.

Oh, how she hated to see her frown. At least in anger, she looked quite boisterous and threatening, like an animal let loose from its cage. This was just pathetic.

"Do go on," Big Mama began, leaving her office chair.

Approaching the other woman, she could see how up-tight and tense she was ‐ oh, whatever this diddly-deal may be what had spooked her so. That simply would not do…

Big Mama knew just how to fix this.

She tenderly put her hands on either of the other woman's arms – just for her to flinch in return.

Before Big Mama could speak on this, she watched the caprid's ears point back, the slightest frown poking from the edges of her lips. "I think it would be best if we stuck to a strictly business relationship from now on..."


Alrighty then…

This is certainly a change the spider yokai did not expect from the other.

A highly emotional change. Very unprofessional.

"Oh, whatever is this about?" she perked up, keeping her arms hovered where they were before.

An eye stayed on the taller woman at all times. She watched as her chest rose and fell rather abruptly, beginning to walk all the more. "It's not something I can explain easily…"

The spider yokai huffed. Oh, so they would play the long game.

Despite growing rather interested in the other woman, her words have always been frustrating to work around. If it was not what Big Mama wanted to hear, the sheep would not spit it out. Use your words , she wished to demand. But a brash attitude would not help her now.

"Do go on, I'm all ears," she encouraged instead. "Big Mama does not often alter her plans… but for you, sheepy-boo, I'm willing to make that exception."

With a soft boop to her nose, she could see the way the taller yokai flustered. It really would be a shame to end this little arrangement between them, for whatever reason that may be.

"Before you… try anything else," the caprid began, now pushing her way past the smaller, "I do request that we attempt to be serious as we discuss what may be a drastic change to our business."

Enough with the charades, woman.

To no doubt was Big Mama holding herself back. Much she wanted to say… much that would discourage the other further.

So she would not speak her mind, as she often calculates unwise to do. If the Baroness wanted to be serious, she could be serious… so she made her way to her desk, promptly taking a seat and assuming the other as a visitor.

"Well, I do not see why I would not give you that now. We are in a meeting, so spit it out, whatever you wish to say." Her fingers began clicking on the desk in a pattern absent-mindedly. "I'm waiting."

With her always neutrally sinister grin placed upon the yokai below, she watched said yokai sigh, straightening her pose.

Finally, she would speak.

"As you know, your funding has been a tremendous help with the research and formulas needed to further mutate our wards – obviously, such has not been put to good use, though." The caprid closed a fist with a small huff. "You and I both know you have no issues throwing either of them into your Nexus, so why haven't you?

"Furthermore, I'm led to believe that the mix of three vastly different worlds has done no good for either of our wards. The truth will come out, sooner or later, and when it does, we will all be dragged into it. I'm willing to work harder towards the mutation project, but many major changes will be needed to go through with it…"

Again did she wait for approval. Big Mama has no issue listening to her ramble, but if she insists

She nodded slightly.

With this, the Baroness nodded in return, hands now hiding behind her back. "This is where the 'strictly business' part comes in. I am willing to fully dedicate my time and efforts to the project… If you can get the Council off my back and we agree to stop parading around our wards in costume."

Was that all? This is all quite simple for the insistence of a serious meeting. But Big Mama would play along.

"You are quite right about this being 'strictly business'," she agreed. "I expect this means you do not wish to be shown around anymore; that you would become a little hermit of sorts, dwelling amongst your fancy little lab for all those tediously-tiring hours of the day?"

"I…" the Baroness looked to hesitate here. All until she nodded again, with a shred more confidence. "Yes."

"Oh, don't be brash. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Quite sure – this is a decision that has been festering for quite a long time. One cannot simply live three drastic lives, and I am done being worn thin between your demands."

Was she… standing up for herself ? Did she think Big Mama has been unreasonable ?

"Dearest, do you not adore the fame?" the hotelier began instead, cautiously. "All the adoring fans, the hundreds of youngster-yokai children who look up to you, the respect beyond your wildest of dreams? Surely, you would not give that all up?"

The caprid found it within her to huff with amusem*nt this time around. "You can have it all . I can't do everything. You either get me as an armpiece or an alchemist – not both."

At once, Big Mama allowed herself a chuckle. Was this woman so co*cky she believed her usefulness was tied to one's attraction to her?

The spider yokai leaned forward ever so slightly. "So this was all a lie? Did we not bond ?" She began to stand, pushing her chair back. "...Has this all been an elaborate setup to trick me?"

After seeing the other falter on the spot, she knew .

The hotelier chuckled. "And I thought I was cruel."

Only the sound of this blanketed the room, failing to protect it from the festering impatience from within the taller yokai. "Don't do this, Big Mama…"

"Do what, Baroness ?"

Big Mama dared to pose in a way that let the other know; there was no winning against her.

With it, she watched intently as the other looked ready to storm off. Instead, she held on, very apparent in how ready she was to end this.

"Final offer. If you want me to keep mutating the turtles, I will need the support of a cover story. If I stop the mutation, I'll be focused on what my job is supposed to be , mind you. And either way, I'm not going to any more of your galas." The caprid took a step back with a half-hearted huff, hands open on either side like a shrug. "So, what will it be?"

Did this woman seriously grow so weak that she could not handle the power? Surely, she was not stupid enough to show this in front of the only one keeping her upright… was she?

But oh, yes she was. It's begun as early as half-hearted threats to keep the turtles all to herself or keep them away from the Nexus. In time she has grown soft. If before she was merely a menace, nowadays she reads as a mother.

A mother with no choice but to continue relying on the devil's outstretched hand.

Well, quite simply said: if this is what the Baroness truly wanted… Big Mama would no longer offer that hand.

The spider yokai stood straighter. "It is quite a shame it has come to this, really… I quite liked you." She began walking along the side of her desk, meeting the Baroness halfway. "I suppose where you are needed the most is amongst the mutations."

Such was met with a nod. "Then that is what I shall do."

"Very well. Big Mama will be sure to craft up the cutest little cover story for you," the hotelier offered at last with a small wink.

In real-time, she managed to capture what is likely the last time that Baroness would ever allow herself to fall for her, before she shook it all away.

Immediately after, she nodded. "Then that is what we will do." The caprid began walking away, cape swishing liberally as her form descended the large hall towards her doors. "...Pleasure doing business with you."

It took a second more for the bellhops to catch on, allowing the caprid out of the room and leaving the spider alone again at once.

Oh, how awkward that old goat was.

Big Mama was going to miss having her around.

After ten years, a person should know what their job is. If given a very specific task, one should have no reason to stray. Big Mama assumes this much of everyone – especially those who hold similar power, those who are capable, and those who have been given nothing but her consistent generosity and support .

The spider yokai wished to have assumed this of the Baroness. But alas.

No matter now. As has always been at the forefront of her mind, that woman was a traitor. She only cared about herself – always had, always will. And now, she wished for even more control over those sweet little turtley-boos.

Oh, how she must have dreamed of such. Yet her approach resembled that of a kicked, pathetic stray… quite intriguing behaviour out of someone so often commanding in nature.

All that meant was that, in the long run, Big Mama has no chance of losing. Not that she ever did.

If that petty old goat wished not to participate, then Big Mama would not give her the time of day. She frankly had more pressing matters to attend to – even if such surrounded that of their shared work together.

Venus was her priority now. Her little star. Her little assistant. She was old enough now to follow her around, and as such, she knew the child would be quite happy to earn her place in the Nexus industry. Any role, big or small; perhaps her little champion deserved that much.

With the weakened tether in her union with the Baroness, it would simply be too risky to promise more than that. Hopefully the child’s Nexus dreams would not be too crushed.

Silently she approached the mutant youth, the soft clicking of footsteps filling the empty sound.

“There you are, child,” she began simply, observing as the child in question stood up straighter. So young, and yet, she took to instruction so well. Good. “You remember which day it is, do you?”

She watched the young one nod.

“Splendid.” The spider yokai motioned a hand for her bellhops to fan out around the two of them. “And as such, I suppose you know exactly what I have for you in those itty-bitty boxes?”

At the hint, she saw the turtle sneak glances at all the small boxes the bellhops were holding. However, she seemed to raise a brow;

She did not, in fact, know.

“I’ll spare you the guessing, dearest,” she interrupted before the child could speak. “In each of those boxes holds a little gift. Choose wisely, as they all have a different purpose.”

She wiggled her fingers playfully with a little smirk, stepping back ever so slightly.

Then she kept an eye on Venus as she looked around at each presented gift. In truth, they were all the same… but the illusion of choice was a gift all on its own. Soon the child slowly reached out for one of the boxes – a simple blue one with a white ribbon.

And yet, even with it in her stubby little paws, she hesitated, looking up with those big sad eyes.

Big Mama nodded slightly. “Go ahead, dear.”

Only then did Venus fumble with the ribbon, holding onto it as she took off the box’s lid, revealing the gift carefully held on the inside.

“It’s a cloaking brooch…”

“Yes, little star, but not just any cloaking brooch,” Big Mama corrected, “it’s for your armour. This way, you do not need to spend precious time changing into it! So useful, don’t you agree?”

For a moment, the girl simply kept her eyes on it, only looking up at her again after failing to speak. “It’s…” again she tried, until she shook her head ever so slightly, holding the box lower. “It’s perfect. Thank you, I… appreciate it.”

Huh. If Big Mama was any more doubtful, she could almost assume that was a lie. That Venus was disappointed .

Well, that was not right. A child should never be sad upon receiving such a beautiful gift.

“Venus, whatever is the matter?” she began carefully, reaching a hand out to her ward. The bellhops took the hint, taking a large step back. Other than Bridget and Rita, who stood by the turtle’s side. As they always did.

Softly, her ward’s eyes looked to widen. “Nothing,” she quickly corrected, “but will this make me… stronger?”

Ah, that’s what it was.

A light chuckle escaped the spider yokai. “Oh, sweetest. I know you want to be the brightest star – but that all comes with time.” She took the brooch from its resting spot, placing it on the collar of Venus’ shirt. “Go on, give it a try,” she encouraged, giving the girl some space once more.

Her eyes trained on her ward as she silently agreed, activating it and soon donning the appearance of the assistant armour perfectly. Slightly tall, slim and mysterious; only a turtle in choice of style.

“There, now isn’t that better?” She cooed excitedly as she watched her ward – her assistant – nod intently. “You look absolutely splendiferous dearest!”

She chuckled brightly as Venus looked to grow all the more comfortable in her newfound appearance, soon turning and beginning to walk out of the room. “Isn’t this so much better? So perfect, so exquisite – oh, so darling.”

Before she could turn again and address her bellhops to follow, she was approached by Bridget – the littlest raccoon bellhop. “With all due respect, ma’am, you have been promising Venus a spot in the Nexus since she could walk. Why make her your assistant?”

Oh, how Venus began to hide at the remark. Was this something she could not address to Big Mama by herself? Was she embarrassed?

Instead of bringing attention to the bashful girl, she instead turned to the brave little bellhop, who was soon met with her partner in crime. “Now, don’t be ridiculous,” she began, “all will come in due time.”

She turned again, stopping short of the door with only her head turned now. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her ward, standing ever so strongly despite it all.

“Without our dear friend the Baroness, though… there is only so much our own physicians can do to prepare her for all that bested-brutality.”

She did not stay to watch their reactions. She only heard the slightest stir of questions beginning to form, eyes begin to widen. Her most loyal side-arm servants told them promptly to back off, so if they wished to know the full story, well…

It was no longer her responsibility to tell it.

There truly is not much Big Mama is willing to give up. And by ‘not much’, she means nothing at all. As much as she was a woman of her word when it came to what she truly wanted…

Every parent had their regrets.

A large part of Big Mama saw nothing but potential for stardom in the young turtle’s eyes. Much of the same potential was held in her dearest Lou’s eyes – the eyes she missed ever so dearly. Yes, the girl’s older sister Jennika was in almost every way more resemblant of the man who lent his DNA to them, but Venus has much of the same.

She could not afford to let anything happen to Venus.

She could not lose the last piece of her beloved Lou she had left.


ooh look some plot

Chapter 13: The Yearning Warrior


A normal child, Venus is not, nor would she ever be. Still, she tries, fitting in and following roles where she can. It would all be easier if Big Mama did not continue to steer further from her promise, but, as it stands, Venus could only do her best and hope it will change in the future. It's all so incredibly lonely, though...


Hello I know this is a day late. the honest reason for this is because I was too sleepy on the upload day and completely forgot,, here it is now, though! and it's Vee's time to shine >:)

also as a note, Jennika is beginning to use she/they pronouns and terms, and that starts being seen in this chapter

Trafficking (?)(Nexus type stuff), self-worth issues, self-injections (mentioned),

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

By the time Venus reached eleven years of age, she was cursed with all the reasonable amount of angst for a preteen. Only, the ethics of such a reason are never one an eleven-year-old should be experiencing.

Normal children had squabbles with siblings, parents, and friends alike. Normal children would begin experiencing odd growth spurts and voice changes around this time in their lives. Normal children had useless drama on their minds, useless drama that would mean little to nothing in retrospect.

This is something Venus would never get to know because she is not a normal child.

That much, she's always felt. With no memory of her previous, non-sentient life, all she has ever known is the hotel, her sister, and their various guardians. Even as she's aged, she's never met an unfamiliar face. Even as she passes by crows of hundreds, she is told to remain in hiding – if only not in disguise.

Worst of it all? The only thing she wanted in life was to live up to Big Mama's expectations; to be good enough to take place in the Battle Nexus.

No child should ever want that.

Luckily, she's no child, but a product of science.

Her inner angst has only increased upon being granted the role Big Mama gave her now: her second hand, her assistant.

After everything, was that all she was to her? An assistant?!

No, that wouldn't stand- Venus was meant for more than this. She was Venus de Milo, the ward of the largest-scale organized crime boss in the Hidden City. She knew the Nexus from the inside out and familiarized herself with the regulations (or lack thereof); what it takes to be one of the contestants, let alone a winner.

Yet, after all this, it seems she is drifting further and further away from this ever becoming a possibility. Was that not what Big Mama wanted of her? Was that not why she and Jennika took all that medication and special training?

Venus did not believe herself too young nor emotional to consider this unfair. Why all the effort, if only to make her an assistant?

She'd get to the bottom of this– someway, somehow, she would prove herself worthy.

Now, she believed, it would just be a process of figuring out when.


Venus could honestly care less about her origin story or where she came from. Her older sister feels the need to share more information whenever she comes across it, but the green sea turtle learned long ago all she needed to know: that she was born to be a warrior.

This is why she worked harder than anyone she knew – other than Big Mama, of course. This is why she woke up as early as the inner demons allowed it, kept herself behaved and quiet, and followed her main guardian around like a chick following their mother hen.

If you asked her in her youth who she wished she'd become like, Big Mama would not be in her top-three list of candidates. Despite this, acting like the esteemed hotelier may do her some favours.

So easily did Venus take to her role, following Big Mama's lead. She did not speak unless spoken to, and when she did, it was full of class (read: sass). She stood up straight and never slouched. She used her mere appearance and position to command respect.

Unless Big Mama had more than just the upper hand, catching her unable to put up this front. Catching her in an ungrateful moment.

Of course, it was all an act. Every second of this was an act. Deeming it an act of 'survival' would be all too drastic – though, to survive in the Nexus Hotel environment, one does have to blend in with its people;

Rich snobs who pay a pretty penny for brutal entertainment, or the source of the brutality itself. Those were the only two things one could be.

For years Venus imagined herself to have the destiny of the latter. Along with the steroids given to her by the Baroness and Big Mama's scientists, she was told to have a rather large predicted height and strength; not as much as her sister, but still a significant amount. If given the right training, her skill and strength could easily surpass that of Lou Jitsu – the only other comparable in recent years.

This must have threatened Big Mama. This must have threatened her so much that she felt the need to strip Venus of her dreams so dearly.

Nevertheless, Venus would prevail. No matter what she was told, she would prevail. If she had to play pretend to regain an ounce of respect, so be it; no matter what, she would prove herself.

She just needed patience now.

"Chin up, darling. We don't need you slouching, now, do we?"

Venus silently sighed while she did as instructed. Thank the Titan for the cloaking and suit to hide any choice words and responses deserved the hotelier's way.

"Very well," Big Mama praised. "Remember dearest, we must keep up appearances."

Before she could even think to respond, Venus simply nodded. She didn't like being spoken to as if she were a child; as if this has not been her life for over a year. Rare was it that she ever fumbled, and such has been regulated since very early on. She has a year of experience under her belt and does not need these constant, nit-picking corrections .

But Big Mama needed utter perfection , didn't she?

If that was the way, she would simply stand straight and bite her tongue. A masked guard did not need a voice, anyway.

So she followed close behind the woman, standing slightly past her height and amongst the other few bellhops she liked to bring along. She never said a word.

To her understanding, today's outing was to purchase, or rather, convince and trick for the rights to a new fighter. So often were low-brow fighter Yokai brought in for the sake of additional entertainment rather than anything else.

Think of it as purchasing a few dozen guppies for your one prized betta.

To most, it did not matter the sheer amount of guppies in the ring – their skills did not matter unless they were entertaining . Those are the guppies that have the potential to age and grow; the potential to rank up to the position like that of the betta, the champion .

To these up-and-coming fighters, it did not matter to them the likelihood of dying. Why should it matter in the long run if they got to fight in the Battle Nexus, fight for the chance of fame and glory?

It always intrigued the sea turtle, to see the reactions of new fighters bought or bartered into the Nexus. In a way, they know exactly what they're in for. In another way, they never have a clue.

Another part of her intrigue wonders if she could, at least, convince Big Mama to allow further involvement with the Nexus itself to be part of her line of work.

She knew, full well, it is not what her guardian wanted. She wanted Venus to be her 'assistant', to follow her around and learn from her in any way she can. Of course, the turtle's natural strength allowed her to become an additional 'bodyguard' of sorts; a position she has not yet exercised.

Despite this all – despite this being a reasonably safe job fit for an eleven-year-old – Venus still wanted nothing more than to be a part of the Nexus.

So she would stand by and watch as yokai of various shapes, sizes and ages were personally picked to fight in the Nexus. Guppies or not, they all had the chance for battle, bloodshed and glory.

All of which she was created for.

And yet, it was a fate only teased. Nothing more, nothing less.

It was all so ridiculously unjust.

Soon enough, they were able to convince some rich snobby landowner to hand over her crazed younger nephew for the low low price of free . It took a bit of convincing, but, after seeing the lad himself, one could see why such could be arranged.

The young badger-hybrid appearing yokai could not have been more than a few decades older than Venus was; young-hearted and excitably willed. Stupid, in other words.

He would make a decent addition to the death ring. How brutal it was going to be, he could not possibly know yet. But he would lean soon.

The assistant watched as Big Mama pretended to wipe the sweat off of her brow. “That was a bit of a fizzy, now, wasn’t it?” She said it to no one in particular and therefore gained no reaction. “Quite the bibbity-barter indeed; though all worth it for our newest champion!”

This ‘champion’ in question cheered a bit as he was held back by two bellhops, told “Quiet, you” by one of them before Venus followed procedure and soon opened up a portal.

“A lively one, now is he?” Big Mama mused quietly. Only Venus and another bellhop were left on her end of the portal when she whispered, “He shall make a fine addition to the ring… quite the source of entertainment indeed.”

Such was quite true. The more these fighters had spirit, the more they could hype up a crowd. Would they last long? No, not always likely… but what did it matter in the end?

Entertaining shows were profitable. Long had the Nexus been searching for a true champion, forever mourning the loss of Lou Jitsu. In his loss, they apparently have been scavenging for talent, growing desperate for anyone talented enough to finally restore the battle arena to its former glory.

Of course, Big Mama had to fumble the bag so much that she could no longer get the Baroness to simply mutate a new champion.

Of course, she could not even promise a fate of this calibre to Venus, who she quite literally raised to eventually become her next prized fighter.

There are, in fact, some gossip-style rants told by Jennika that she believed.

And this was one of them.

Filled with next to nothing but jealousy, the young turtle would continue to stand and watch as the new, stupid yokai was brought in for styling. His first show would be the following day. He looked oh, so happy.

Venus, oddly enough, wanted nothing now but to stick around.

Despite keeping to herself for the most part, she is aware of how much this jealousy clouds her soul. Early on she devised plans to involve herself directly with the lifestyle, even if from a distance.

She trains, not only for greatness but for her own well-being. She styles, attempting to present functional but strong all the same. And she watches, supporting all others from the sides.

Sometimes she steals another brooch, disguising herself so she could simply observe the fighters and their glory up close.

This much was risky, yet encouraged by her mothers. It is like this that she grew more social, more confident, and, sometimes, more happy. Despite knowing the fate of many of these fighters, despite knowing they may very well be dead in a week – despite it all, she spoke to them on the odd occasion, feeding into their energy so easily.

All of which this, she wished to do now. But of course, Big Mama had other, important plans.

She followed the woman as she spoke to other important figures, winding up in a meeting as boring as they all were. Even as it ended in threats, with the other attendees leaving out of frustration, Venus did not flinch.

She stood, and she waited. She opened portals, held onto mystic devices, and helped usher people out. But, just as always, she did not speak.

Never did the fear of slipping up leave. She knew better than to speak unless spoken to, and even then did she hesitate. Too often did she say the wrong thing.

So, instead, she stood and listened.

And grew more jealous, angry and bored as time went on.

Why did Big Mama have to make everything so difficult?

In a way, it was easier to be older. In another way, she missed her sister.

As a young one, she was often filled with dread, often filled with doubt – somehow more than now. Her guardian’s work confused her as much as anything else did. Everything was so weird and scary, boring and unfair all the same.

But despite it all, her sister was always there. She saw her many times a week, and if she asked Bridget and Rita, she could go over even more times. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d tugged on her moms’ arms, just to spend a few hours with the only other kid she’d known.

Nowadays, she had to sneak out just to see her.

Kind of ridiculous how easy it was to do just that, not that she was complaining. So often did she wait until Big Mama finally left her to her own devices, until Bridget and Rita were done preparing her for bed, and until she was completely certain that no one would need her. Then, with ease, she portaled over to wherever Jennika was.

The first few times were a fluke, obviously. Her moms caught her early on, as did the Baroness. Thank the Titan it was no one else . They permitted it, under the guise that she missed her sister after the unexpected break in the Baroness and Big Mama’s contract.

All her moms wished is that they would tell her before doing this, and all the Baroness wished was that she is more stealthy so she wouldn’t get in trouble for harbouring the spider lady’s ward.

Venus took stronger to the Baroness’ suggestion.

Any guilt on the matter, she had to ignore. Not that it felt any bad when she portaled to a rooftop in the city, finding her older sister there soon after.

“Sorry about the wait,” Jenny started, sitting down on a crate, “H and M have been keeping an eye on me lately, saying they’re scared I’ll get rebellious or something.”

The green sea turtle snorted, sitting down on another crate soon after. “You. Rebellious.”

“Yeah, I don’t get it,” her sister agreed. “Literally all I want is to do science stuff with Goat Mom. But nooo, I’m ‘too nosey’ or something like that.”

Again Venus huffed, finding it all the easier to relax as her sister vented about small issues. It was refreshing, this level of honesty. Though she had no idea if she'd ever get used to 'Goat Mom'. Did Jenny even consider her as her mom?

After a moment, her older sister sighed. “Anyways, I guess you’ve been up to most of the same. Following around Big Mama and whatnot.”

Vee nodded. “Never anything else, really.”

“That’s gotta be boring.”

“Yeah, it is. It’s as boring as your job.”

The older turtle ended up chuckling. How amusing that they ended up both being bodyguards/assistants of sorts, even before the split – unless that has always been the plan.

“And I’m guessing that new guy you brought in won’t last long.”

A small grin pulled at Vee’s beak for a moment. “How did you know about that?”

“H and M told me they saw something,” Jenny reasoned. “That, and I’m your wise older sibling who obviously knows everything.”

Okay, that – that much got a laugh out of her. Vee watched as Jenny stood dramatically, gesturing to herself and how ‘wise’ she is.

“Oh really? How wise are you?”

Before answering, her sister reached forward to remove the hood of her disguise – electing a small “hey-” from the green sea turtle. “Wise enough to know that you have not done anything fun in a week,” she reasoned, stepping back in a wobbly way.

That much… was right. A lot of things weren’t fun anymore. ‘Fun’ only came from sneaking out and being rebellious.

Which is what her sibling was likely suggesting to do now.

She watched as they headed to the edge of the rooftop, looking over the city below. Light teal blue light coated her form, just as much as the gold from below.

Their colours.

Perfect .

“Think it’s about time we patrol a little?”

Venus did not even hesitate, following her to the same edge.

“Only if you don’t do anything stupid.”

Her sister took no offence to it – even she knew she was stupid on these outings sometimes. Insisting on a cool pose has too often ended in the two having to sneak off and hide, trying their hardest not to giggle as they did so.

Though, even Venus had to admit they looked cool while patrolling.

Call it vigilantism, but they never truly did much. Just look at the city below, scout a few alleyways, and maybe look around for wanderers near city borders; at this hour, they only ever found a couple of woozy-looking yokai, with their worse offences being spats amongst other drunkards.

The real fun came from the thrill, the chase, the sense of purpose that came from calling what they did a ‘patrol’. What was it truly, if not a couple of kids in costumes? But it felt real, and that’s all that mattered.

At some point, they stopped on another rooftop, heaving softly after avoiding the complaints of some cicada older in their years yelling at them. But soon a chuckle followed, as the turtles slowly found a seat on the cold roof’s floor.

When they caught their breath, Jenny ripped off her face mask, looking at her with an amazed sparkle. “Where’d you learn to flip like that?”

“Tsunami Oasis,” Vee reasoned, obviously referring to a Nexus fighter.

“...Isn’t that one dead?”

Venus shrugged. “Now she is. Is it really a crime to steal a dead person’s cool kickflip, though?”

“Probably not,” her sibling reasoned, a chuckle soon following. “Is my bad boy persona finally rubbing off on you?”

Her what ?

The younger couldn’t help the wheeze that soon escaped.

“What? What else am I supposed to call it?!”

Still, Venus found herself lost to laughing, unable to answer her sister. That was, quite possibly, the dumbest thing she’s ever said.

Maybe she was rebelling.

Eventually, Vee settled her breath, a small smile left on her beak. "Anything less idiotic ," she began – earning a fake-offended huff from the other. "But, no. I, um… just wanted to expand my skill set. A fighter simply cannot rely on Lou Jitsu's moves forever."

Another thing she found unfair was that she could not be the only one to have the Nexus' greatest champion as her idol. Nowadays, everyone entering the ring tried to be as cool as him.

This meant Venus would have to get more creative. Use the swift and cunning moves of other champions, if only less popular – and, with enough training and skill, eventually invent her own moves. That much, she felt possible. But it would take time.

Meanwhile, she noticed as her sister nodded. "Reasonable," she agreed. Then she shrugged again. "Well, it's cool either way."

"Yeah, it is…"

Oh, how no hint of sadness ever escaped the older turtle's senses. "What's got you down now?"

"Nothing," Vee tried to combat, swiping a flipper in her sister's direction.

But all this did is make her dodge, eventually sitting up straighter. "Is that a nothing nothing, or do you just want to not say?"

Honestly, Vee couldn't say she knew the answer to that. Other than a slight disappointment around the Lou Jitsu thing, she had no real reason for the heavier hint in her chest. And yet, she sighed. "It's… something, but also nothing," the younger one reasoned. "I guess I'm just sad."


Her sibling proceeded to just stare out a bit – likely not knowing what to say, and that was alright. Vee did have a habit of springing this fact of herself out of nowhere… so often did others render themselves speechless at this reveal.

But Jenny looked to be trying, thinking of something she could offer. "Kind of sucks that you're sad all the time," she offered slowly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Think there's anything I can do to help?"

Vee shook her head softly. No… if there was anything that helped, it was just spending time with Jenny. Not much else.

"Wait," the other turtle said suddenly, interrupting her thoughts, "I have just the thing."

With this, she began to stand again, fishing something small out of a pocket of hers. A portal carver. Venus already had one of those, the best kind no less… actually, come to think of it, she neglected to bring hers. At least the one she knew could bypass security.

Just to avoid further suspicion.

Yet Vee could only find herself raising an eyebrow. Where could they go that would make her feel better?

"How about a trip to the surface?"

Oh. Yeah. That was a place they could go.

The younger one hummed a little, excited at the idea – and yet, knowing the implications all the same. They would appear as costumed children just as much on the surface, but who knows, truly, what could happen?

"I don't know, Jen… it's getting late," she ended up offering, remaining seated on the roof.

Her sister huffed for a moment, nodding. "Yeah, you're probably right." She pocketed the portal carver, deciding to just sit down once again.

Collectively, they sighed.

"One of these days we should," Jenny brought up, looking towards the Hidden City's enclosed walls with a hint of wonder. "The Baroness will be taking me in a few months to start studying mosquitoes. Maybe, once I get the hang of it, I can take you with me."

Again did her older sister look her way, offering a hand to shake.

"Just us two against the world."

Just the two of them against the world… that is what it felt like some days. If the world were simply their families, that made it especially true.

But perhaps, in a world as open as up on the surface, they would feel part of it rather than against it . If disguised enough, they would be small and insignificant… much like those mosquitoes Jennika would be studying.

Small and undetected. Hated by humans universally. Except by the small few.

As much as Venus yearned for glory… it was something she could take odd comfort in. It was just for a few hours, right?

With this in mind, she took Jenny's hand in hers, shaking it back.

"Just us against the world…"

Her sibling nodded happily. "That's the spirit."

This felt good. Her and Jennika, making plans. If they would ever truly happen, who knows? But one thing was for sure… this kind of hope saved the soul.

Vee had to hold back a yawn, feeling it creep up on her. What time even was it…

She hummed instead, a small scowl as she looked over to her sister. "We should probably go back soon," she mumbled, secretly hoping this time would not end.

But it had to. And thus, her sister agreed. "Yeah…" She took out her carver yet again, flipping it in the air. "Same place later this week?"

"Sure," Venus agreed, nodding along. "Thursday I might be more free."

"Then Thursday it is."

As Jennika got up, they offered a hand out to help her up as well. And when she stumbled a little upon standing, she found her sibling's steady arm to hold her up. "Hey, survive until then."

Venus chuckled a little, allowing one last smile. "Wasn't planning on dying anytime soon."

The eventual portal back to their own rooms was nothing she looked forward to. Even with the peaceful darkness and a fair amount of exhaustion aching through her limbs, she knew the illusion of joy was gone.

Now there was only sleep. Rest, if not only to prepare for tomorrow's disappointment.

Forever would she yearn for a night of rest that promised something to look forward to.

Fancy outfits. Oh, the death of all comfort and the birth of style.

Under Big Mama's watchful eye, she has gotten her fair share of fancy outfits over the years. Dresses and dress suits, mostly; cute blouses and pants to match. Despite her shell, her tailors always find a way to make these outfits work.

And yet, none of them are ever perfect.

Because what's the point, if she is never meant to socialize or make an appearance outside of her disguise?

Venus can't say she hates all these outfits. She finds an odd sense of comfort with them; how they make her look pretty, how some of the fabrics are comfortable, how she's every once in a while able to get away with using her favourite colour in her suits.

But it does feel pointless to dress up so much. It feels strange how often her guardian fixated on her looks rather than anything else. Like… practically any other skill a hyper-enhanced child of science had to offer.

So often did she dream of these outfitting days surrounding a future Nexus uniform. The colours, the fringes, the folds. Of course, it had to be a smidge like Lou Jitsu's classic jumpsuit – why would she want anything else?

Such were only dreams, though. The closest she ever got was getting a swimsuit fitted or receiving a custom set of silk pajamas.

Today, she found herself in the middle of many tailors fitting her for what was most likely some more fancy, tight-neck day attire.

And she was getting tired of it .

This was one of those 'lucky' few days where Big Mama had no plans for her that involved the outside world. Other than the fitting, she was free to read, or wander, or swim, or train, or sneak off to watch the active fights .

Instead, she found herself too tired to do any of it at all.

In the foyer outside of the tailor's den, the turtle found herself sitting on one of the couches, unable to stay upright or avoid sighing.

She wasn't trying to gather attention, truly. But it appears that in the world of the rich and perfect, it is the ones without smiles that stand out the most.

Luckily, she first saw the sight of Rita – the bat-like bellhop barely up to her shoulders in size. Her mother . One of two .

"What's the matter, Venus?"

A simple question, really; one that should not have encouraged another sigh from the turtle.

And yet it did because Venus couldn't help it. She didn't exactly know how to explain what was wrong if she barely knew what that was herself.

To be upset about the small things was childish, and yet they bothered her so dearly.

"Nothing," Venus reasoned, sitting up straighter. "Why are those dress shirts always so itchy ?"

This much managed to get a laugh out of her mother. Good. Laughter distracts from bigger issues.

"You should tell the girls if you think the material they're using is too itchy," Rita reasoned in return. Then she nodded, almost in a sad way, before she lifted Venus' chin a little. "And if you don't want to tell them, we can."

That did sound better… "Thanks," is all she could figure to say, remaining sadly sat on the dumb little fancy couch.

At this, her mother rested her hands on her hips, giving Venus a good look. "You know, I don't get it;" she began, looking a mix of confused and concerned, "you're a bright kid with a lot on your mind. Why don't you ever tell anyone anything?"

"Mom, really, it's nothing," Venus tried.

But the look in the bat's eyes told enough. "Oh no, I know that look," she argued. "It can't be shyness because I see how you talk to people when you want. But you don't, ever. How come?"

Was there truly that much of a difference in the way she talked? Yeah, sometimes it was easier to talk than others, especially when it came to people she knew better… Was it not that way for everyone?

She could forgive the bat bellhop for simply having a theory that things were wrong or different. But they were not , thank you very much.

"Rita, stop interrogating the poor girl," her other mom swooped in, effectively saving her.

The raccoon had walked in with an arm full of lavender silk; likely for her current outfit in progress. But it seemed weightless as she nudged her co-parent's side.

"I wasn't," the bat pouted – or at least tried to. Then she pulled the smaller bellhop closer by the shoulders. "Look, am I the only one who sees it, or is she like… selectively shy or something?"

This earned a brow raise from both the raccoon and turtle.

"Some people just do that…" the smallest yokai reasoned, slightly better understanding at least . "And why is it such a big deal?"

"Because our girl won't tell anyone anything," the slightly taller yokai argued back. "Apparently the shirt the girls are making for her right now is too itchy. And what does this kid do? Just sit here! They literally asked if she…"

Venus huffed the slightest, despite what they were talking about… now focused on how she said our girl . It was not the first time, and would not be the last – they were her parents more than anyone else, after all. But it felt kind of nice to have these two friends willing to parent her together.

She honestly wished that much worked with her and Jennika's guardians .

"...It's still not a big deal," Venus heard again, zoning back into the conversation as she felt a paw on her knee. "But this idiot is kind of right."

No doubt that comment earned another pout from the taller one, but the other two collectively ignored this for a moment.

Instead, the raccoon bellhop continued. "If something's bothering you, then you have to tell someone. Even if it's just me and her." She sighed, offering the turtle another knee pat. "I promise we can keep a secret if that thing is bothering you."

Well, okay… that was kind of comforting. Venus still knew there was a multitude of things she simply could not talk about – but having them as an outlet for smaller issues could help.

Eventually, she nodded. "Okay… but I think that's it."

"Really, that's what got you all…"

The bat was shoved again before she could finish gesturing to Venus as a whole. Even if such was reasonable.

The sea turtle just ended up huffing ever so slightly. "More or less."

At this, the adults could only shrug. "Well, we can tell the others to use a different fabric either way. Does that work for you?"

Venus shrugged in response. "Whatever's most convenient."

She wanted so badly to tell them not to bother. It was embarrassing. Worse, Big Mama would find out. What would she think?

But at the end of the day, it was just easier if her moms felt like they accomplished something. And if she got a softer-feeling shirt in the process, was it a loss?

Either way, she felt overjoyed that those two eventually moved on, returning to a squabble of theirs as they headed to where the tailors were working; effectively leaving Venus alone.

To sulk, if we were being honest. But left alone nonetheless.

Maybe she only had one personality trait.

And that personality trait was wanting to be part of the Battle Nexus.

Always the freaking Battle Nexus .

If she were any bit aware of the wide world around her, she'd see to it to pick up a hobby, a distraction . But as it stands, such a concept was foreign to her world.

Distractions were a waste of time. Not that she had anything better to do. Every second of her life felt filled with nothing but unbridled jealousy, rage, or boredom. Because, in reality, that is all it was like to be her.

Any other kid would be blessed with such a comfy life, it seemed. To have a cool job at such a young age, who wouldn't want that? It truly seemed ridiculous in the grand scheme of things – but Venus could not deny this for herself.

What she could not deny was that she was not a normal kid. The life of a ward under the care of the biggest organized crime boss in the city somehow felt like a curse.

These days, there was little for her to take comfort in. Jennika was a rare sight. Hope for her desired future was even rarer. Venus couldn't even figure out her mystic powers without the help of advanced Yokai technology.

With all this, there was little else for her to do but seek out what can heal her soul. Security in the little things she could control in her life.

This mystic connection she seemed to have… well, it was not necessarily mystic. And because of that especially, she knew it was nothing to share.

If anything, it felt more spiritual .

Not long ago she discovered what felt like a calling to her. A voice in her head. Yet another thing to neglect telling anyone else… but it felt special. It felt like someone much older and wiser, guiding her.

Not that she always listened to the voice's advice. Sometimes it told her quite ridiculous things. Other times it suggested what would cross her comfort boundaries.

Despite being stuck, Venus was not stupid.

So often did she want to take a chance, maybe go to the surface and 'find the missing part of herself' as the voice promised. But, knowing the watchful eyes of Big Mama (and the Baroness by extent), it was simply not a thing she could do.

Still would she take ease in the voice, allowing it to guide her every day in the simpler aspects. Still would she dedicate time to listen throughout the hours, and speak back to it when she was alone.

She had no idea who or what this voice was. But in her eyes, it felt important.

So she trusted it.

Too often did the young turtle yearn for what was possible for her should luck be on her side.

She was sick and tired of everything going wrong .

Sure, there was not much she could do to fix it. If she only grew at a certain rate, she grew at that rate. She grew faster than the average Yokai child, so she should be thankful.

Yet she was promised so much… what was there to be thankful for, if her guardian only wished to write her off as an assistant?

No, if anything, it would be wiser to take some matters into her hands.

Venus would play along, following Big Mama around as always. Earlier in that day, she was wide awake, sneaking off to train a little; hoping to grow stronger. Yet it did not show through her disguise and shut beak.

As always, she followed, watching as the woman spoke to other important individuals and handed off whatever she would need.

Later into the day, during that brief period between midday and dinner, she was left alone again, activities left to her own devices. This meant she had a reasonable window of time to try sneaking out once more – this time for something important.

Yes, there was only another day until she could meet her sister again… but she was growing impatient.

So she portaled to the Draxum family estate.

Luckily, this did not land her anywhere near her sister – her sister who would be overjoyed and try to keep her around for longer. Instead, she wound up in the lounge room. In front of her 'uncles', no less.

For a moment, they stared at her. She stared at them. Unblinking, if not for Muninn's decision to pipe up first.

"Uhhh… Hey Vee! What are you doing here?"

The slight nervous tone in his voice was obvious; she wasn't supposed to be here, and even a visit could wind them all up in trouble.

Despite this, the turtle had a mission. "I'm here to see the Baroness."

"Is it about your meds?" Huginn questioned. Before she could open her mouth and speak, he interrupted, "Yeah, that stuff still won't be ready for a few days. You'll get it sent over once it's ready, m'kay?"

A few days? That much was already promised 'a few days' ago… has the alchemist truly lost her way?

Regardless of this, she shook her head. "I just wish to speak with her."

The gargoyles shared a look, before turning back to her. "Oh, well for that, you still have to make an appointment. It's nothing professional since you're, what, eleven? But there's this paperwork and stuff you gotta sign, then you gotta wait…"

Admittedly, that sounded like nonsense to get her to leave. The turtle ended up zoning out a bit, lost on all those ridiculous requirements to speak to someone who, up until recently, could have been a mother to her.

Then her senses turned to the nearest passage.


At this, the other two perked up, ceasing their previous yapping. "Baroness! We were just telling her about the appointment process–"

The caprid yokai waved a hand, effectively getting them to go quiet again. As if to say, she could handle the rest.

Then she beckoned the youngest one forward. That much, Venus could follow. It made the creeping feeling of guilt catch up to her like a kid interrupting their parent who's busy with a deadline… but at least she would get this chance to talk.

Once alone, the large yokai sighed. "Kid, what are you doing here?" She did not look shocked like any year-old attempts to visit, but something else settled on her older face.

Something Venus could not necessarily read.

But it said enough – said that she could talk now. "...I need a better formula."

Yes, somehow, despite all her practice, the young turtle could not find a better way to phrase it. A gentler way, perhaps. One that expressed her need.

It made her look so small in the other's eyes. Which was the problem . In both a literal and figurative sense, she found the caprid looking at her with that kind of expression. One that told Venus everything.

That this was a waste of time .

"I can't give you that…" the Baroness sighed, standing a little straighter. "The formula I sent last time should still be enough if you've been taking it properly. Besides, it takes time and practice to develop anything stronger."

Oh. Venus supposed she could agree with that. While no scientist – not in the slightest – it could make sense why something of this nature was taking time.

And it could make sense that misuse would run the dosage out sooner or make it ineffective. Perhaps that's why those injections she's been sneaking in did not help at all .

But she still needed this. More than anything. If Jennika could take medication to help her appearance become neutral to gender, why couldn't Venus take anything to gain strength and size?

The turtle ended up huffing slightly. "Well, I need more," she said simply, eyes averted.

She knew it was harsh to ask this of someone already so busy… but for the Titan's sake, she was tired of being left in the dark.

What was this met with? She could almost describe it as a laugh; the kind of exhale of air that reads as one saying the audacity . Which the Baroness had all the reason to say aloud. And yet she didn't. "Don't know what you were expecting coming here before your meds are ready," she began, gentle yet firm, "but I have nothing yet. Nothing hidden either; I'd never hide something like this from you."

Alright, that much she could believe… The Baroness was always rather honest with her and everyone else. Which is likely why she is not allowed directly in her and Big Mama's lives anymore .

She found a small smile on the caprid's face all of a sudden. "But I guess I could make something… you would have to keep it a secret, though. This much is not in my contract."

Venus almost wanted to huff at that. A hint of humour, it seemed. Quite on-brand and oddly reassuring. When was the last time the two of them spoke like this? …Much like this, she had the smallest pull toward requesting quicker work. Not demanding, because she did not have the power. And regardless, anything of that nature would not help her case.

So, like many times, Venus stayed quiet, only nodding. "That would help…"

This much was met with a nod. And a hand on her shoulder. And an eventual bid farewell (with the gargoyles hired to ensure she stayed on task and went back home for sure).

And sure, the meeting did not work out the way she wished. By the time she was back in the depths of her big, fancy, quiet room, she held nothing but the thought of what in the purgatory were you thinking . A feeling that increased as every second passed, a feeling that would ferment as she continued with her day.

A small part of her wanted nothing more than to sit back and watch the battle. You know, as a pick-me-up.

Venus certainly had higher ambitions than most eleven-year-olds, and it haunted her every decision, constantly dreading the idea that no matter what she does, it will end up poorly and change nothing.

Yes, she had to try.

She just wished something would go right for once in her life.


this kid needs a hug fr

Chapter 14: The Young Dreamer


His family needs serious help, and it doesn't take a genius to see it. Mikey finds himself inclined to help where he can, from small positive affirmations to serious interventions. This doesn't mean he's throwing his life away for that though. Truly, all the young box turtle dreams of is having as much fun as he can with his awesome family by his side. He tries his darndest to help, but if it doesn't work, screw it - they're gonna have fun anyways.


it's finally Mikey's turn for a POV!! thank you to all of those who have stuck around so far - there will be one more short epilogue chapter, and then we're finally moving into canon B)

don't worry, I'm not going to make Mikey the actual family therapist or anything like that. This is just something he wants to do to help (spirits know they need it)

Swearing (from Leo), brief discussions of gender dysphoria/misgendering, teasing about crushes/attraction

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mikey has the most awesome family. He knows this, and he's always known this. What kind of underground, super-secret group of mutants wouldn't make an awesome family? Sure, they had a few problems, but what family didn't? It was normal, it was healthy; there were no major secrets anyone kept yet they kept the vibe of openness and privacy in equal measures.

As much as a couple of preteen turtles and a couple of budding 'will-they-won't-they' co-parents could need, at least.

Regardless, Mikey was about twelve years old when he realized he was the sharpest tool in the shed – when it comes to emotions, that is. Mikey might not be the smartest of them, but he knew when something was a touch off.

No matter what anyone tried, Rat Dad was always still sad quite often, clung to the TV for that boost of dopamine. Sheep Dad was growing more anxious and antsy by the day, with messy fluffed-up hair to prove it. Raph was always trying to impress, Leo's constant jokes became cheesier, and Donnie? He was a freaking mad scientist by now!

If anything, he felt bad for not noticing earlier – but upon putting all the pieces together? Oh yeah, it was intervention time.

Blame it on a new special interest, but the box turtle nowadays thought of how the heck he was going to fix any of this dumb family nonsense. If he had to take to being – as the internet called it – a family therapist, then he'd do it in a heartbeat.

There was no way they'd get therapy out of the house, so he had to try something . If he could get at least one of them to talk about their feelings, that would be a great first step.

Unfortunately, his brothers were preteen boys. 'Feelings' were 'baby stuff' to them now.

To heck with all of them. Feelings are important , okay? They can try to dismiss them all they want, but if Mikey has any input at all, he's gonna get some words and problems aired out. And that's a promise.

Mikey was smart enough to know that he couldn't approach the topic in a brash manner. The stuff he read often talked about taking time and building trust with the person one is trying to reach.

He trusted his brothers. He knew they trusted him. That much wasn't enough.

Still, he would try reaching out to them first. His parents may take him more seriously, but their issues were more... complex. He was not yet confident to approach their whole situation , at least until he got to his brothers.

And of course, what better time to go spontaneous therapist mode than when watching a movie?

"Gah, why can't I get it right?!" Leo groaned. "I swear, my voice is NOT good enough for this."

The others were laughing a bit at the blue brother's failed Jupiter Jim impression. Mikey was at first too, until he saw the despair on his face.

The youngest frowned. "Lee, you're still a kid. Of course you don't sound exactly like JJ – I bet you can get real good at it in a few years, though!"

In the end, he was smiling, leaning towards his brother's beanbag the slightest.

Leo could only meet him with a scowl, though. "Gee Michael, thanks for the help."


Wrong thing to say.

…Heck, what is the right thing to say?!

"Uhh, I mean..." Mikey hesitated a moment. "It still sounds pretty good! It's not perfect but that's not a bad thing – you'll learn in no time, slice of lime."

At this, Mikey struck a little pose. But his words seemed not to reach his brother the way he hoped they would.

"Oh my God."

In an instant, his brothers all began wheezing out laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Mikey could only raise a brow as Donnie gestured accusingly to Leo. "My dear brother in blue, your awful puns are rubbing off on our youngest brother."

Leo just crossed his arms in response. "I did not teach him that..."


"Did not !"

Mikey just tsked and shook his head. "You fail to understand that I am trying to reach you on a personal level."

In an instant, he clapped twice, igniting a small light to focus around him.

"The hell is this, a seminar?"

" Welcome to my seminar ."

"Oh I was right-"

Mikey sighed, turning his focus away from Donnie. "...Ignoring him, Leo , why do you feel it so important to have a voice just like the person you're trying to impersonate?"

Leo huffed defiantly, "Is that not what every impressionist wants? To sound like the act?"

"True – though you look more… distressed, the less you get them right. Why is this?"

To this, he saw his brother wheeze a little in that fake laugh he did sometimes. "Could you cut this out, Angelo?" The slider crossed his arms, turning away slightly. "Can we just go back to the movie? I'll quit it with the sh*t impressions if it makes things easier…"

Man. He did not expect that out of Leo.

There was something else going on here for sure… Mikey might just have to book a private seminar next time instead.

“M’kay,” Mikey reasoned, silently beginning to clear up his little seminar. He didn’t speak anymore on it – that much was not in his place to try. Besides, if he knew anything, it was that embarrassing someone only helped them grow resentment towards you. That’s the opposite of what Mikey wanted.

So he obliged, returning to watching the movie. Soon they forgot about this all, finding new reasons to poke fun at each other, along with other random movie-related banter. Sure, there was the missing aspect of Leo’s impressions, but they struck a poor note. That much they could ignore for now, forget for the next hour or so.

They couldn’t forget forever, though.

Once the movie ended, the brothers mostly went to their corners. Raph mumbled something about wanting to drag Splinter out of his chair, while Donnie loudly exclaimed he was off to work on something in the lab and would be unavailable for the next few ever .

It was honestly a coincidence that he and Leo were both headed to the kitchen. Leo, he heard, was just for a snack. Mikey wanted to get a head start on dinner, hoping to try a new roast he got from his favourite chef’s cookbook…

But perhaps, this would be an opportunity to get more than one productive thing done for once.

The box turtle skirted around his older brother, hands behind his back innocently. He tilted his head up after the other grabbed a bag of chips. “Hey Leoooo.”

“AH, Mikey- geez!” The older clutched his chest, even if his surprise looked fake. Leo always knew when one of them was around. “Don’t sneak up on a guy next time.”

“Sorry,” Mikey offered, lightly scratching the back of his mask.

But even Leo could tell it was an act. “If it’s about the movie,” he began, ignoring the knowing look shot at him; “it’s no big deal. Really, Mike- it’s nothing.”

“...Is it because Donnie called you a girl last week?”

If nothing else managed to do it, then that that made Leo silent.

Only for a moment, though, until he brushed it off. Like always. "Nooo, totally not. That's a dumb thing to say. I mean, I'm obviously not a… girl …"

Mikey sighed a little. His fixation on phycology took him down a rabbit hole of gender studies too, meaning he kind of knew why Leo would be upset? Donnie just said 'Leo's a girl' after seeing a picture of female red-eared sliders – the kind of turtle Sheep Dad said he was.

But they were all boys, and even if Donnie was a science guy, he couldn't say something like that with no real basis… right?

Obviously, there was more to it, and someone was just not telling the truth – which is kind of the entire problem – but for Leo's sake, he'd ignore it for now. That was a later problem.

"Yeah, 'cause Donnie doesn't know what he's talking about," Mikey eventually reasoned, grabbing a snack for himself as well. "You're not a girl unless you say you're a girl, big bro."

He offered a small, brotherly punch to the arm, making the other chuckle a little. "Yeah…"

Finally, the older turtle opened his bag of chips, taking a couple of them. Mikey followed almost immediately, unwrapping and chomping on a chocolate granola bar.

"Anyways, April and I are gonna sneak into the theatre," Leo said after a while (and a few well-deserved devoured chips). "Wanna come with?"

Mikey's eyes lit up. "Aww yeah!"

For a moment he thought Leo would hate him for bringing the whole thing up. His studies and overall knowledge of his brother pointed towards this being a front… Buuut theatre was fun, who was he to deny a trip to watch some?

So, after finishing the quick snacks, he followed his brother out and soon found their friend – neglecting to tell anyone at home that they would be out. A sibling bonding trip was no big deal, right?

He would go, and he would get distracted, as much as the others would. But this was not over.

It would take another few days until Mikey came across another major issue in the family. Which is strange, because of how often they come across their many issues.

But alas, this time, it had to do with his parents.

No matter what, the rat amongst them has only grown lazier and snappier through the years. And the goat? More anxious, more bitter. Despite these being connected issues, it somehow caused them to have more constant, petty arguments.

Sometimes these extended to him and his brothers. Yeah, they purposefully pushed their parents' buttons sometimes, but was that worth raising their tone?

It was kind of deserved, sometimes, he could admit… didn't suck any less.

Today, Mikey could hear them arguing for a bit while he, Donnie and April were gaming. It followed an argument between Leo and Raph, something about responsibilities… The box turtle felt bad for listening, but, ultimately, it gave him ideas .

You see, as the youngest, Mikey knows that his mere presence is enough to cheer someone up. Or annoy them. But since he did have that power, it was up to him to use it for good.

Sometimes 'good' meant cheering people up. Sometimes it meant being a little menace, just enough of one to give people a new, different problem.

With this in mind, he decided to disconnect from the game after the current round (not because he lost – he could honestly care less). He lounged back in a bean bag chair as Raph first entered the room, looking a bit upset. Leo soon followed, sitting on Mikey's other side.

He couldn't hear his parents anymore. They likely settled their issues on their own. That gave the young turtle more time to focus on his grumpy brothers.

Clearing his throat, Mikey leaned ever so slightly, his plan playing out in his mind.

"Hey Raph. Hey Raph. Hey Ra-"

" What , Mikey?"

"Can you help me reach a high place while I paint the mural?"

An extra touch of sweetness coated his words, offering the biggest innocent smile he could muster.

In turn, he saw his brother hum, settling the anger within his soul before nodding. "Raph can do that," the oldest agreed, moving to stand in front of the youngest before reaching his arms out. "Up up."

The excited grin could not grow any wider as Mikey obliged, hopping into his older brother's arms and climbing up to his shoulders.

Something he was happy Raph still agreed to do, ever since they were young.

He giggled as he was carried out, catching the attention of Leo. "Ooh, can I paint too?"

"...You're sure you wanna do that?"

The comment came from Donnie, who did not even look away from the game. How he heard or bothered to care was beyond him, but the twins took any chance to dunk on each other, he guessed.

When April laughed along, it made Leo cross his arms as he furrowed his brows. "You know what, fair point."

Mikey and Raph were about to leave when another sound came from Donnie's end. "Ha, it seems, not every theatre kid can also be an artist."

Leo's mouth was left agape for a second, struggling for a response – until his arms flailed in what looked like pointing. "Well, uh – suck it, Donnie!"

Huh, Leo's comebacks were getting worse.

Again he was left with a loud ha ; their soft shell of a brother likely believing to have won in this situation. If there was anything to technically 'win' here.

To this, Mikey huffed, turning to his defeated second-older brother. "You can still paint if you want, Lee."

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here," he dismissed, "you know, cool down a little."

Well, Mikey couldn't argue with that logic.

"Your loss!" he cheered, kicking his legs ever so slightly in place. "Let's go, Raph!"

As the two left the room and headed for the terrarium, the oldest turtle chuckled a bit. "You're lucky Raph likes to carry you around, or that kicking woulda cost you extra."

Mikey fake pouted. "Aww, no discount for me, your favourite brother?"

Again he was met with a little chuckle. "Fine, I'll let it pass for being my favourite, little baby brother."

"...I'm not that little , Raph."

"But you are," his older brother teased again. "Very tiny, can't even reach the top shelf–"

" Okay , I get it."

Mikey pouted a bit as Raph chuckled again, but the box turtle could not stay mad for long. He was being carried, after all; that would make it easier and more fun than just standing on some regular old stool.

Once they made it to the terrarium, Mikey vigorously pointed at his mural in progress. "Over there!"

His older brother nodded, turning and walking towards it. He whistled as they got closer. "Looking good Mikey!"

"Thanks," he responded, looking for where he left his paints. "You think they'll like it? I couldn't find the same purple as Donnie's mask so I had to improvise. And Splinter's hair is kinda hard to draw."

He chuckled a little in thought, absent-mindedly taking his paint tray once Raph handed it to him. Now he started painting the shirt of his freakishly large other dad.

"Nah, I think it looks good," Raph commented. "I honestly couldn't even tell Don's mask is the wrong colour."


"Yeah! It's, uh…" the snapper tried to explain, humming a moment. "All the same… vibe? Like the colours still look the same even if they're not perfect." At this, the box turtle above could tell he was stumped for words.

But he thinks he might understand what Raph is getting at.

"Uh-huh, I thought a bunch of funky lighting might hide anything that looks wrong," the painter explained. "Colour theory, baby!"

His older brother chuckled at that. "Yeah, that's the word I was looking for."

"Colour theory, or lighting?"

"Whichever makes more sense in this context."

Mikey giggled, half seeing his brother's proud expression at that statement. Ah, his artistically ignorant family.

He'd let it pass because it at least looked like Raph wanted to learn the things he was interested in. If he was trying, then Mikey could give him credit for that.

Then he got an idea. "Ooh wait, pop quiz:'' he started, getting Raph's head to tilt upwards; "what is the colour of this shirt? White, blue, or pink?"

With all the confidence he could muster, Raph answered, "White."

And Mikey couldn't help the giggle that escaped.

"What? Is that not white?"

"Nope! It's blue," Mikey corrected, showing his older brother the tip of the paintbrush he currently held. And, low and behold, it was a light baby blue. "Fooled ya!"

"No fair," the snapper grumbled. "B'sides, he usually wears a black shirt. How am I supposed to know if his shirt looks more pink or blue?"

Huh, surprisingly sound logic.

"Well, big brother of mine, I'm not just drawing us in everyday clothing," Mikey explained. He fished out his phone, quickly scavenging the favourites section in his gallery. "It's based on this picture."

The picture in question was from their adoption day ten-year anniversary a few years back when they all had to dress up fancy for a special dinner that was planned (read: the parents dressed up fancy, and Raph and April were the only others able to tolerate wearing a dress shirt).

Maybe it was a bit silly to paint this now, instead of waiting for the fifteenth anniversary when he is bound to be more artistically talented… but he wanted to do it, and thought his dads would appreciate it.

After looking at it for a bit, Raph nodded. "Ohh, gotcha."

With that, he put his phone away. "Of course, I took some creative liberties – Leo would chase me down if I drew his face like that."

They both chuckled at that.

"Yeah, he probably would," Raph agreed, "but I think they're all gonna love this, little man."

The box turtle felt himself grinning widely. "Thanks, Raphie."

He didn't know if they would like it, honestly. Mikey was mostly painting this as an excuse to work on a bigger project, and to hopefully show his parents that he has a good reason for painting on the walls, thank you very much .

It ended up looking more stylistic, which is what he wanted – trying to paint realism at twelve years old is not the easiest thing. Plus, this was more fun!

The stylism he used is what made Mikey doubt himself at all, knowing that his parents preferred realism and traditional Japanese art. But he had to have been named based on a Renaissance painter for a reason, right?

It should make him more confident, but for now, he painted on a rarely-visited corner of the terrarium's walls, one hidden with overgrowth and far enough from the pool to avoid any damage.

To heck with his self-doubt. Everyone was gonna love this when it was ready. It was gonna be perfect .

Okay, so obviously his family had a lot of issues. Not only that, but they never talked about them, and when someone brought them up, they dismissed it as an issue at all.

Well, Mikey could tell. It's been becoming more obvious as the years went on and the longer it took anyone to do anything about it, the worse it would get. All of which meant it was time for some more… intervention .

"Family meeting!"

The box turtle called this one night as dinner was concluding, getting a few looks of confusion and weak attempts at excuses. Nothing that he couldn't convince his family out of.

Soon after, everyone slowly settled into the projector room, taking various chairs or beanbags. They looked confused, but stuck around; no one could say 'no' to Mikey.

"Thank you all for attending," he began, standing in front of the screen. "Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here."

"Will you finally inform us as to why you have interrupted our evening plans?"

Everyone turned to the purple-branded turtle.

"World domination is not an 'evening plan', Donnie."

"Scoff, I was not doing that. But fine, if you insist, now I must –"

"No!" Rat Dad interrupted before anyone else could argue. "Orange has something to say, so let him say it."

The other dad just looked annoyed, though, from their shared spot on the armchair. "Yes, Michaelangelo, please continue."

He may have looked bored out of his mind, but that didn't stop the huge smile on Mikey's face. "Ah, Sheep Dad, Barryyy," the youngest began, earning a small scowl; "so glad you are agreeing, because… this is kind of about you!"

His tallest dad's eyes widened a bit. "How come?"

Other questions followed that, mostly surrounding how this was a family meeting, so why is it about the sheep man – but the box turtle ignored them all, clearing his throat instead.

"Lights please, April!"

Before the family collective could turn and find their human friend by the lights, the room darkened. Soon, she moved on to the projector, hooking up her laptop and soon gracing the screen with an orange-tinted slideshow.

" Thank you ," Mikey said in a sing-songy tone, before directing his attention to the screen. "Now, as we all know: we live in the sewers."

"Yeah, no sh*t."

" Language ."

For once, this warning came from Splinter instead. Likely because Raph has given up on correcting Leo with these things.

Mikey paused, waiting until a few seconds passed with no one talking. " Anyways, we live in the sewers. We're bored all the time! We never go outside!"

Again he was interrupted. "...We go outside all the time."

"Not really," Mikey spat back, allowing his phycologist persona to slip for a moment.

At this, he found his tallest dad sighing. "Son, we do not go outside as often as we wish because it is not safe. Besides, the Lair has rooms for every one of your interests; what could the outside world possibly offer that you don’t have here?"

Before Mikey could continue, Leo sat straight upwards. "Waaait, was all this just so you could convince us to not leave?"

Sheep Dad couldn't contain a look of guilt. "...There's more to it than that–"

"Alright, alright, we get it," April interrupted before anyone could get mad at Sheep Dad; "humans bad, surface scary. But! Mikey and I had the perfect solution!"

The box turtle nodded, secretly thankful for that – it was impossible to get his family to listen to him sometimes.

"Yes," he began, "as April was saying, we finally have a solution." He clicked a button on the remote he was holding, flipping the slides to one with many pictures of news headlines and papers. "There are a few cases of mutants in New York getting jobs. It's rare, but it's true!"

At this, the family's eyes wandered over the screen. Sheep Dad, especially, was glued to it… but he looked doubtful. "Are you suggesting that I get a job?"

"Correct, papa dearest."

A chuckle or two found itself around the room, along with the brothers snickering about the idea. Sheep Dad just raised a brow. "Alright… I just struggle to find the need. Me and your father have always provided you with everything you needed."

"And Donnie knows how to hack into banks," Leo added. "Dad getting a job doesn't make sense, Angelo."

Of course this was the outcome. Mikey knew they would have doubts about it – with the whole 'humans bad' thing they've been taught since they were little. But times were changing! A couple of mutants were roaming the city now, maybe not a lot, but they existed! They weren't alone anymore! And their best friend was a human!

It was time for their old goat of a dad to stop being a hater. They haven't been able to push a tragic backstory out of him yet, but until they do, Mikey was led to believe getting him a life out of the Lair would help him stop being so… like Donnie but ten times worse .

"Ah ah ah, but that's where you are all wrong . See, it makes perfect sense–" the box turtle began, flipping to another few slides ahead. He was prepared for something like this . "Not everyone gets jobs for the money. Some people get jobs for entertainment, to get away from their boring lives. Money's always a plus!"

This got a laugh out of both of the adults, which Mikey didn't understand. What, it was true! Sure they weren't the most well-off, but that was not because of money at all.

Luckily, Sheep Dad soon returned to an expression of seriousness. "Right, and what kind of occupation promises the 'entertainment' I for some reason lack?"

That sounded like sarcasm. Probably. Mikey would ignore it.

Instead, he beamed. "Glad you asked!" The youngest put a closed fist on his hip. "We found a couple of places willing to hire mutants, but you know the best place?"

He pointed playfully with both arms as he switched it to the next slide, April soon joining him. Which made sense, because it was–

"Boom! My future school."

The screen now showed a few articles printed as '(insert job) for hire' from the school, most including menial task-based jobs. However, quite a few mentioned traditional teaching jobs.

"There's never enough staff, and you fit the teacher vibe," April elaborated, leaning into Mikey's shtick. "Think about it, Barry. You get your own little desk, a couple of kids to boss around for six hours a day, and I'll be there too! It’s a pretty sick deal, huh?"

With this, the sheep man seemed to think about this for a moment, hand on his chin and everything. "...I still don't see why this would be necessary."

Mikey sighed, disappointed that someone as smart as his sheep dad could not figure it out himself. "Okay, I'm gonna give it to you straight, Dad: you're going nuts. You need to get a life ASAP or else you're gonna blow something up. And trust me, no one needs that – it's what we have Donnie for!"

While most of the family nodded – much to the sheep man's dismay – a large scoff turned their attention to the turtle that was most likely to blow something up.

"Incorrect, I do not use explosives all willy-nilly as you imply," the Donnie in question clarified, before continuing to type something on his phone. "I would need to obtain those explosives first."

"Alright, that is enough!"

Rat Dad stood up in the chair – standing right on his co-parent's legs, which looked painful. Though it caught everyone's attention.

"Michelangelo is right. Barry, I love you, but you scare me. You need a life, and you are getting that job!"

The sheep's eyes widened. "Do I not get a say in this??"

"No. Actually, I think we should both get jobs." The rat chuckled joyfully, stretching out the ends of his robe with a smile. "Are there any job openings for a sensei at one of Lou Jitsu's dojos?"

At this idea, Mikey beamed. "I have no idea! But we could definitely look."

This much seemed to make Rat Dad happy. "Perhaps I can wear a disguise! Yes, I will look like one of those cool kids."

"How do you intend to cloak yourself without–"

"Using clothes , Barry."

A snort escaped from Leo, though soon, he realized it was not for the clothes comment. "Both of you getting a job? Now that's one way to get Daddio to quit his TV obsession."

His phone was smacked out of his hand by Splinter's tail.

"Maybe you should get a job too and quit your phone addiction ."

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe you –"

Mikey tuned out the argument, a hand planted on his forehead. It was impossible to get this family in a room without them arguing about something .

Something Raph seemed to notice, as soon he began to bark, "Guys, shut up and listen to Micheal!"

The box turtle sighed, silently thankful for that. He hated how it always took Splinter or Raph to shut everyone up to get them to listen to him, but if it worked, he couldn't complain.

Once he was sure everyone was quiet enough, he cleared his throat. "Now, if that's settled; me and April will be evaluating you all to see what fits you best if you don't already know what job you want."

April propped herself on Mikey's side, giving a playful finger gun. "And we'll be evaluating anyway ‘cause you all are a hot mess."

The family collectively groaned.

But she was not wrong .

Mikey grinned, turning off the projector. "Now, who wants to go first?"

As always, everyone looked skeptical or otherwise in the midst of creating an excuse. However, Sheep Dad cleared his throat, picking up his smaller co-parent as he stood. "I suppose I will volunteer since you were so adamant that I take up a career."

"Not a career, just a job," April clarified, gesturing to the room's exit. "Don't worry, you'll do great ."

The duo soon led him to Mikey's room, where three bean bag chairs were placed in the middle. Sheep Dad looked hesitant to take one at first but soon obliged.

Mikey took a notepad and pen off his desk, clicking it as he joined them. And soon, they were in session.

"Okay!" April began. "Barry, do you have any experience teaching?"

The sheep scowled. "I would , but no one ever wants to listen to me." At this, he crossed his arms.


The turtle had to hold back a laugh, keeping his serious persona on. "What April means is, do you have professional experience in teaching? For example, were you ever a teacher before you got mutated?"

Sheep Dad furrowed his eyebrows at this. "Why does everyone keep suggesting I got mutated?!"

"How else would you explain being a mutant?"

"...Fair observation."

" Anyways ," Mikey continued, ignoring how his dad continuously denied being a mutant (forever hoping he will tell them all his totally tragic backstory one day); "have you ever been a teacher or not?"

At this, his dad merely raised a brow, face more passive than before. "In the traditional sense? No. No I have not."

"Great!" The box turtle scribbled this into his notepad. "That's… gonna make things more difficult, but hey, resumes are usually full of lies."

April pouted. "Hey."

"What, it's true."

At the beginning of what might become a squabble, the sheep man groaned in pure annoyance. "I don't see why this intervention is necessary if you intend to fabricate information."

"We weren't gonna fabricate everything ," April clarified. "Plus! If you're gonna get a job, you should get the one you like!"

Barry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I will despise every last one of these teaching jobs. So please, allow yourselves to pick how I will spend the next ten miserable months of my life."

The display almost made Mikey break character again. His taller dad was usually a cool guy, pretty chill. But when it comes to human stuff? He always acts like he has fleas that refuse to leave his fur, and said fleas were tiny humans (not that most humans weren’t already tiny compared to him). Mikey honestly can't tell how one person can hate a whole group that much .

Instead, he allowed April to take over here, pulling a devious grin. "Alright, Mr. Grumpy Pants, if you say so." Soon after, she made a motion to shoo his dad out of the room. "We don't need you anymore, buh-bye!"

He was busy scribbling notes as his peripheral caught the sheep man leaving, as annoyed as he always seemed to be.

"He'll appreciate our help one day," April comforted, crashing onto a bean bag soon after. "Right now he's just being a grump."

At this, Mikey allowed himself a small chuckle. "Hope you're right, Apes."

He hummed as he wrote the last of his notes, almost missing as April piped up again. "Should I call in Splints, or–?"

"One minute." Mikey circled the middle of the page, before sitting beside his friend and showing her what it said. On it laid the options he had in mind. "History, Science, or English?"

In a way, April looked to be pondering what he wrote. In another way, the choice seemed to click in a near instant.


Mikey nodded happily. "Yeah, he's got that vibe," he agreed, underlining the word 'History' on his page.

If his dad really didn't want to make the choice himself, he couldn't complain that they chose for him. He's pretty sure there's a way to switch later if he truly hates it? But if the box turtle is sure of one thing, it's that old daddy dearest will be thanking him one day.

Or he'll be too burnt out to complain.


So it turns out that Papa Rat Man was no more helpful when it came to finding a job.

For a while, Mikey and April tried to get him to talk. Any job experience? Apparently, nope. He spoke of the 'glory days' but never explained what they were, nor were the two able to guess.

So they were left to their own merits, deciding to pretend this was still a job-finding session while Mikey practiced some psychology stuff.

They found out that he was likely depressed, which is why he never talked about his past. Maybe Barry had the same issue?

Either way, they must've had one heck of an origin story.

Before he could get hung up on being left empty-handed again , they sent Splinter on his way, letting him know they would look into dojos open for job offers or otherwise allowing mutant students.

That rat was not getting a job.

As for the others… finding a job for them was unsuccessful. Not only because teenagers were difficult to get hired in New York, but mutant teenagers? Fat chance there, buddy.

So Mikey, admittedly, felt a little defeated. Yeah, he wasn't gonna be any good at this psychology stuff from the get-go, and he knew it took time for patients to get used to treatment… but it still kind of sucked how no one was taking this seriously.

"Don't beat yourself up, little man," April offered, two juice boxes in hand; one for herself, and one for him.

How did she know he needed one right about now?

He yoinked the extra juice box, opened it up and took a large sip immediately. In an instant, he felt so much better. Ah, the gift of sugary fruit juice.

Once he was comfy and refreshed again, he felt April patting his shell. "You still did a good job, baby bro. Your dads are all figured out, and now we know what kind of places your brothers would be banned from."

Mikey snorted, a smile tugging at him once more. "Yeah, I guess that's true." He took another sip as a thought came to him. "They're never gonna talk about their issues though."

"Nope, not a chance."

Yeah, that figures. They both sighed, enjoying their juice in peace.

All until they heard someone stumble into the room.

"Micheal you liar, the bank is hiring mutants!"

The purple-branded turtle held up a paper that apparently proved his point, a slight hint of righteousness on his face.

However, Mikey could only shoot straight up, annoyed as ever.

"Oh mi gosh, Donnie, we're not gonna let you rob your coworkers blind –"

Mikey couldn't be more excited.

No, unfortunately, it's not because he saved the family from all their problems or whatever. At this point, that was going to be impossible.

He was excited for something more realistic and attainable , instead: he, April, and the guys were going to a carnival!

Is this partially because all of their parents would be out of the house? Yes, yes it was – it had been about a week since Sheep Dad got a teaching job and Rat Dad was still chasing the idea of becoming a sensei every day now.

They tried to tell him that he was a great sensei to them already. But oh, something something 'glory days'. So they couldn’t stop him.

It accidentally ended up working for April too; her parents were at some busy meetings or whatever. This, combined with the fact that it was Friday, and no one would care if a couple of 'turtle cosplayers' and their friend hung out at the carnival.

Yeah, they shouldn't be sneaking out or going behind their parent's backs, but who cares ? If old man sheep still hated every public place in existence, then they'd have to take themselves.

They all deserved to do something fun. It wasn't the first, nor would it be the last time they'd snuck out, and they had a perfectly good reason to.

If they stayed safe and stuck together and avoided strangers and all that, they should be fine.

Besides, they had Raph. If anything happened, the big guy would be able to punch his way out of it, no problem.

First, of course, they had to grab snacks. It'd be a disgrace to not eat sugary, fatty foods if they came all this way. They were, like, the second-best thing about carnivals. According to April, at least.

She bought them all funnel cakes, and once they found a place to sit down, they dug in.

And they were good .

"Mmm, perfection," Leo first spoke, immediately taking another bite. "We totally gotta make these at home."

"Oh for sure," Mikey agreed, savoring the snack. Though he had to raise a brow. "...what are in these?"

The resident carnival food expert perked up. "Mostly just flour and sugar that's been fried." She quickly checked her phone to be sure. "Yep, not much more to it."

At this, he nodded. "Then I gotta make them for sure."

He kicked his legs happily as he kept eating, overjoyed at the flavour. It was a little bland, to be fair… but it also had just the right amount of cinnamon to make it pop .

Mikey honestly thinks he could make them better if he tried to. Once his baking hyperfixation came back, maybe.

His brothers started rambling about where to go next, while April informed them of what carnival games were definitely rigged or not. All the while, he tuned them out, snacking away as his eyes travelled to a couple of dudes doing tricks.

It was mesmerizing, the way they jumped and flipped around, shouting in some language he didn't understand. He knew it wasn't Japanese from the multitude of movies Rat Dad showed them… but the moves looked kind of familiar. Wasn't this the kind of stuff their dad liked to try doing sometimes?

He must've not registered standing or getting closer to the display, because soon, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He soon realized it was Leo's. "Whatcha looking at, Mike?"

"Those guys," he answered simply, gesturing with his head before taking one of the final bites of his snack.

He could see his older brother nodding from his peripheral, eyes glued to the display. The slider honestly looked even more mesmerized than he was.

Though this did not go unnoticed by the others, who soon gathered around the two attentive turtles.

Donnie was the first to pipe up, raising a comically large brow. " What , prey tell, are you two looking at."

"That," was all they said, in perfect unison.

Enough to get the others to laugh, but for the purple-branded brother to scoff. "Yes, I understand – did we not vote on watching the band next, though?"

Leo shook his head, seemingly leaving the trance. "Yes, however , Micheal obviously has a better idea," he stated, enthusiastically pointing towards the ongoing display.

April snorted. "You just like watching because of their flashy outfits and huge muscles."

"Oh my God, shut up –"

They all laughed as Leo attempted to silence their friend, something that was lost on none of them.

"Admit it Leoooo."

"I have nothing to admit, thank you very much."

Mikey giggled as the two obviously gay not-siblings squabbled. It was kind of funny to see them have silly arguments like this all the time now. All it took was any one of them admitting attraction to someone and, like siblings do, none of them would ever let them live it down.

After a while, they were pulled out of the little squabble by Raph. "Guys! The band's about to start in like, a minute!"

"Ooh yeah, we better get to that," Leo agreed, officially rounding them all up. "Vamanos!"

As they started running to where the band was set up, Mikey grinned. "It's okay Leo, we can go back to watching those guys later!"

"Mikey, I swear to the pizza supreme-"

Another round of teasing started up as the group ran.

Leo was not going to live this down.


As the group watched the band (trying to ignore how awfully tuned the instruments were), the excitable box turtle couldn't help but think of all the other things they could still manage to do before they had to go back home.

Realistically, they only had an hour or two before they had to turn back. Rat Dad always got sleepy after lunch, and even if he ordered food out, he'd want to go back home soon. Where the boys were not.

So they'd have to make the best of their time here. Meaning they ditched the band after they weren't getting any better.

"Boy, what an ear bleeder, am I right?" Leo mused, walking in front of them all with a slouch. Not an upset slouch, though; just one that showed how bored out of his mind he had been.

"Technically not the worst band in existence," Donnie argued from some way behind the group, "but they did lack most of the fundamentals that make music any good."

"Bla bla bla, nerd stuff – Donnie only liked the legs of the lead singer."

The science-inclined brother could only scoff at this – verbally saying the word 'scoff' and everything – but did not argue against it. Likely because Leo was right.

They really needed to go outside more often.

Mikey just laughed along as they eventually headed to one of those game stands. They started off with darts – simple enough, but April and Donnie easily became super invested in it.

The others leaned around as they battled, sometimes joining or trying another game (all of which felt rigged with how hard it was to get even close to winning). However, a game that was definitely not rigged was the dunk tank.

In which they elected Leo to be the first dunk victim.

And Raph was the first to try dunking him.

"Oh that was not fair!"

They all cackled as he emerged from his watery fate, frowning as big as ever.

"I don't know, Leon," Donnie figured, "seems fair and square to me. Not our fault that Raph is so freakishly strong."

Again the slider pouted, but it ended in laughs. Because, yeah, that's really how it was. Raph was just really strong and Leo was a sore loser.

Mikey snuck a picture while they were not looking, catching them all with big happy faces. It made him happy to see them just goofing off, after all the weirdness that festered from being stuck at home; some that his free therapy sessions could not even fix.

He kind of wished his parents would be more chill, but he understood. They were still scared, old, and a little depressed. He couldn't blame them for that.

He and his brothers were young, though. They should be able to have fun like this all the time, with permission!

Either way, no one was gonna keep them from this. If it took him and the gang pretending they were cosplayers every time they went outside, then that's what it took.

But no one was going to keep them from living their life to the fullest.


I know the last two chapters were a flop but the good stuff is coming soon I swear

Chapter 15: And All Together They Make...


Together or not, every end of this long and complicated family has its own goals and worries all the same. Before we see our favourite five take the stage, we get a glimpse into just how differently their story will begin this time around


A little late, which honestly surprises me bc I haven't written a chapter under 4k in... multiple months. But it's finally here! The final chapter before we delve into canon!!

I wasn't going to make this at first but then I realized my schedule lined up with my younger sibling's birthday. happy birthday you nerd, hope you enjoy the sapphic propaganda

none that I can think of atm

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everything was going perfectly.

The past few years – thirteen, to be exact – have all been quite a buzz, haven’t they? Just a confuzzled mess of decisions and deals, none of which ever seemed to settle.

Such was an average day in the life of Big Mama, the renowned hotelier having long since grown used to everything attempting to present as a challenge to her. Such a thought was laughable and yet, true.

After a truffling thirteen years, though, plans finally went her way without fail.

Her Nexus was positively flourishing! Nearly as much as they did before they lost her beloved Lou… but oh, never mind that. This was a new era now and one that would not fumble as the last did. That much, she was sure of.

With enough of her lovely champions – yokai and mutant – well into making names for themselves, there were lineups for seasons to come. Many executives grew interested in the bloody exciting entertainment once again, regaining the spark that brought in hundreds, no, millions .

And, best of it all, she had her lovely assistant by her side. Despite her little teenage temperamental problems, the child was well on her way to becoming as cold-hearted and ruthless as she was.

Being the true daughter of that idiot scientist, she was always rather rude and blunt, never as graceful as a proper lady of her standing should be. But never mind that.

She was just as much a daughter of the Nexus. Raised by her and with the blood of the greatest star to grace the battlefield. Because of this, she had the desire – she just lacked manners.

Nothing of this was to mind when either way, Big Mama had everything she wanted.

Such was always a win in her book.

Today, the woman took to overlooking the current battle. So brutal, it was. So absolutely exhilarating. She always loved watching these in person. And by the looks of it, the crowd did too. Oh, how utterly exciting.

"Isn't it all just so very exhilarating?" she mused aloud, getting a few nods from her surroundings bellhops.

Most of them were quiet, though, as expected. A shame, really; she enjoyed their input. Not that anyone would ever oppose her or her life’s work.

As she watched the fight, she got lost in the sounds of the crowd going wild, grinning widely in pride. It was truly a joy, a thrill of its own – but such was not meant to last.

Soon she found a whisper from one of her bellhops, announcing that she had a meeting soon. A private, important meeting.

Well, this should be good.

“Very well,” she agreed, leaving her seat at once. Her assistant remained a second longer if only to observe how the champion narrowly escaped the beast. Tsk , still had to work on her timing.

Soon she snuck back out to the halls, her loyal band following her every step. Though she already had an inkling of what this ‘important meeting’ may be, it was always better to see for herself.

Lo and behold, she soon found the sight of two chatty gargoyles with a package, right in front of her office. Whyever did these two call a meeting…

“Oh, Big Mama! The woman of the hour,” one of the called – not that she bothered to tell them apart.

“We’ve got this week’s shipment for you!”

They held the package up. She knew what it was, or at least, what it was supposed to be. Why they brought it to her directly was lost to her, though.

She raised a sharp eyebrow. “Darlings, have I not told you this is to be given to my scientists?”

“Yes- however! The Baroness ,” the speaking one winked, “wanted you to open it.”

Well, that was a turn of events. Either these two were lying or the Baroness had a death wish. Either way, that woman better not try anything.

Big Mama decided to allow this – for now. She motioned for a bellhop to take the box, while sweetly keeping her eyes on the gargoyles. “Very well, now shoo, you are not needed here anymore.”

Her assistant took it as a hint to open a portal for them, which they disappeared into – not without complaining at first but it was no big deal.

At least she had the package now.

In the safety of her office, she held and examined the package. By the looks of it, it should be the mutagen… but there was a heart on the box.

Peculiar, but not the strangest thing. Opening the box only provided more hearts drawn on small paper squares. Very odd indeed.

With this, it ended up being more strange that the box did, in fact, carry the proper dosages of mutagen.

It was just covered in hearts. How ridiculous.

"Hmm, well, looks like someone can't forget about the past," the woman mused, chuckling slightly. After picking up and inspecting the mutagen dosages individually – deciding that they looked real – she put them away again, handing them to a bellhop. "Take this to the scientists and have them inspect it."

"Yes ma'am," they replied, leaving with one other by their side.

Very good. Having settled this, she found her way to her desk, clicking her nails on the table once she sat down. "Oh, and let the alchemist know… if she ever pulls something like this again, her secret is one whisper away from being safe."

Big Mama chuckled as various bellhops scrambled to relay her message. By the end of the mess, only her assistant was left, standing beside her silently.

The woman leaned comfortably in her chair. "My my, turtley-boo, whyever would that old goat do such a thing?"

She kept a side eye on the assistant, watching her stand so completely still.

"You are allowed to speak, dearest."

Now she saw a nod, yet words took their time to form. "It's likely a prank," the disguised girl reasoned.

That much, Big Mama could agree with.

"From those ghastly goyles, I assume?" Such was met with another nod. "Well, that could be true. It isn't their first rodeo in such an ordeal."

With many bellhop-targeted pranks to date, it would not be impossible to imagine such happening again. Only, now, it targeted her directly. Why would they do such a thing?

Oddly enough, despite her quarrels with the caprid, she could not imagine this to be her doing.

So it was likely a prank by two very antsy assistants.

Either way, it was a little detour; nothing to waste her day on. She checked her time, noting that another Nexus match would start soon. Something she did not want to miss out on.

"Anyhow, best not to doddle. We must be on our way," she announced, walking out of her desk and the room altogether.

Silently yet again, her ward followed her, and silently would she stay throughout the show.

Silent, all with that tint of wanting .

It was truly a shame her dear Venus was not cut out for the Nexus… she would have made a wonderful champion, just like her father before her.

She was simply too fragile; Big Mama could not risk losing her. Not now, not ever.

What happened to Lou would never happen again.

That was a rare, but nevertheless certain, promise.

It. Will. Not. Happen.


The goyles managed to sneak into the hotel one last time, only, not for more of their pranks.

They made it to the highest level, leaving a discreet package right inside the assistant's room. Anyone who saw this package would assume nothing less, and be none the wiser.

Venus knew.

Upon sneaking back into her room that day, an exhale escaped, relieved her distant uncles' stunt didn't cost her part of the package as well.

Her own dosage… just enough to strengthen her over time without being noticeable.

Maybe, one of these days, she would be strong enough to keep others' doubts about her away. Strong enough to be a Nexus Champion.

Only time will tell.

_ _ _

Mornings were rarely calm in a household of six.

Some mornings were better, that's for sure. Some mornings were quiet, save for the buzz of television or whatever various noises spurred from the kids' activities.

Draxum was not able to catch that kind of a break this fine morning.

For some reason, everyone was awake. At 7 AM . Perhaps not jumping around with joy, but otherwise, awake. He thought they would want nothing but to sleep in until noon, as they did many times in childhood. For whatever given reason, though, they were all awake. If not by much, then at least enough to mumble a simple 'morning'.

This behaviour… he wanted to call it suspicious. Then again, much of it was at fault of the rat, going door to door to bug them all into waking up.

It was amusing, though. Especially as he heard them complain.

Splinter and Michelangelo were the last to enter the dining room, with the young turtle barring the slightest sleepy eyes. However, he beamed upon seeing his family there.

"Gooood morning dads!!" The youngest offered, pulling both of his fathers into a hug.

This made a scoff come from the second-oldest turtle. "Wow, no good morning for us?"

"No, 'cause you barely even went to sleep in the first place."

The slider gasped. " Lies and slander ."

Somehow, despite their loud banter, the sheep man couldn't help the chuckle that escaped. "Lack of sleep isn't healthy for a young mind, Leonardo."

"Don't need the baby treatment, Mr. Teacher Man."

Splinter's tail smacked him.

" Hey –"

"None of that, Leonardo," the rat stated. "Your father's right. Sleep is good, you should do that more often."

The turtle proceeded to take a sip of his drink in hand, glaring . "You became less fun after you got that job. Both of you."

That was funny to imply since Splinter did not have a stable job – yet the yokai could kind of determine what that meant. "Don't worry, I hate it just as much as you do," he answered honestly.

Despite this, his son could only mumble some form of 'yeah, whatever', before leaving the room.

His other son pouted upon hearing this, though. "Aw, but I thought you loved it!"

The sheep could only raise an eyebrow at his son's claim.

"If you had to be reminded of a blasted musical every time you taught an American History class, you would also hate your job."

Behind his cup of tea, his expression did not change. How did Michelangelo ever convince him to do this?

With another two turtles entering the room, he soon found one that contributed to the problem and one that tried to smack some sense into him.

Which, of course, encouraged their common squabbling.

"What, he mentioned Hamilton. I can't ignore the call!"

"The call was a plea to stop , Donnie!"

Some sort of small laugh escaped, if it could even be called that – since his oldest son was right.

But his rat co-parent took it as an opportunity to start ushering them all out of the room. "Alright, that's enough boys."

Their purple son reached out. "But my coffee!"

"You drink enough of that nonsense as-is! Just go play video games, or… whatever else teenagers do!"

"Wow, no breakfast for us?" The orange one wore a scowl, unlike his usual self. "That's cruel, even for you."

"And what, just to spend time with your husband ?!"

The rat shook his head in fake offence (and Draxum was grateful no one looked at him right now, lest they find him choking on his tea). "What about it, young man?" he spat, looking as if he wanted to joke enough for the kids to want to leave.

Before it could go further (thank the Titan), the oldest in red interrupted, holding back his younger brothers. "How about we just take five, okay?" Despite the others protesting, he took them with him out of the dining room. "You two enjoy your breakfast!"

Once the children were out of sight, Draxum sighed. It was getting just a little too loud and chaotic in the room.

Which is not how he should start a weekday. A weekday that only promised more loud and chaotic hours, more singing, more comments about him (direct or otherwise), and more senseless teenage drama he couldn't care less about.

And yet, the rat helped moderate little moments of chaos, anything to keep his anxiety low. Yes, April helped on occasion, especially when none of his other family was around… but he could understand when she called him and the rat a married couple.

Splinter agreed with Donatello's claim so easily that it felt natural. If it was… is that how the rat felt about him?


Said rat looked up at the taller man, who appeared… off. More so than usual.

"There, peace and quiet," he offered, walking off into the kitchen for a moment to grab his own tea.

Upon returning, the goat man finally looked to sit down and relax – still annoyed, but no one could convince that out of him if they tried.

At least he wasn’t still upset.

Splinter took one of the chairs beside him, basking in the warm, comforting scent of his tea.

This felt nice. Even among the chaos, the two of them could find some peace. Not that the rat could ever mind it that much; but calm, adult company was always a treat. "Kids grow up so fast, don't they?" he mused, hiding a solemn slime behind his cup.

He could hear the yokai clear his throat. "Agreed."

Huh, that answer was unusually curt, even for Draxum. Probably still having a moment.

Whatever, Splinter wouldn't intrude. He happily sipped away as he began to hear only the distant sounds of the kids scrambling around, shushing each other and all that.

It wasn't too weird, but equally suspicious. Splinter knows this behaviour all too well. From his younger self, no less.

"...They're up to something."


"Without a doubt."

The rat chuckled at the thought. His sons may be mutants, but they were still kids, first and foremost. As long as they weren't getting into trouble, there was no harm in them having some fun.

Unfortunately, this calm between the parents could not last long. Draxum has somewhere to be, after all.

It was an amusing thought, how only one out of the six of them ever had to go to school, and it wasn’t one of the kids. If the kids were human, he sure as hell would have sent them to school by now.

If he wasn’t scared and Draxum wasn’t banned from the Hidden City, they could have gone to school there instead. They could live a good, comfortable life, in a place made for people like them. But alas, it was not meant to be.

So instead, he’d focus on another sip as the old goat got up and put his stuff away, grabbed his coat off the back of his chair, and… gave him a kiss on the head.

Splinter raised a brow, fighting back a smile at the unexpected action. "Oh, what's that for?"

"For my 'husband', apparently."

Ah, right. He did kind of imply that Draxum was his husband earlier. They never agreed to such a thing… but by now, it kind of felt right.

In the end, the rat allowed a small chuckle to escape. “Well in that case… have a good day at work, hubby,” he teased as the goat began to leave. Such was met with an annoyed grumble. He could get used to this.

Just past the goat as he was leaving, did he find the sight of his youngest son, grin pulled to something playful and almost cat-like.

"You sure you two aren't married?"

" Michelangelo –"

_ _ _

It was easy to grow tired of a life you never wanted in the first place.

The Baroness knew what she was getting herself into when she stepped into Hidden City New York, all those years ago. Her life was meant to change. Her life, before this, was boring; she wanted her life to change.

Safe to say, her life was no longer boring – not in the slightest. It wasn't as if she regretted it, yet of course, everything came with its problems . Blocks in the road that made what should be simple, oh so difficult. If time did nothing to change her, the Baroness would almost consider resigning, returning to that comfortable life in her father's estate back home.

Though she was a mother…? Aunt…? Guardian , now. Jennika needed someone who would ditch the moment something went wrong. The kid was just one part of her many, many responsibilities.

Most of which she could care less about. The work was only enjoyable on occasion, and stuff politicians bored her to no end. So she couldn't mind this new track in life.

Some may think she became a hermit once she stopped attending all those fancy parties. They could not be more wrong.

The Baroness was thriving .

"How's the work coming along?" she asked, peripheral finding her assistant as she strolled into the lab.

The sea turtle – who was nearly her height by now, for Titan's sake – nodded happily, picking up what she was working on. "Good," she answered, showing off the little specimen. "If I got this right, they'll be ready to roll out soon."

"You mean fly out –" Huginn began from somewhere beside the turtle, only to be shoved by the other gargoyle.

Ignoring them, the caprid stepped closer, getting a look at the specimen Jennika created. "How soon is 'soon'?" The question came with intrigue as she noticed every detail of the little mosquito – a design so similar to that of her brother's invention.

Given that Jennika adapted it from an old blueprint, it was not a far-fetched claim.

Yet she was met with a sideways grin from the turtle. "Soon enough ," she dismissed. "I don't know, a day, a week? But these little guys will be ready soon, that's for sure."

The Baroness hummed, proud of the young one's work and how she stood up for it.

Before she could praise them, the turtle perked up. "What about those vines you were working on? When will they be ready?"

Ah, the vines, of course. The caprid snapped, and a singular vine emerged from thin air. "I don't know, you tell me," she joked, before snapping it away.

She never quite mastered the use of vine magic like others in her family. Nothing a little bit of alchemy couldn't fix, though.

Nevertheless, these vines worked and would provide use soon enough. She still had to stay on the down-low when it came to the entire project, yet she could reason the vines and a defence mechanism. So they were not a problem at all.

And with Jennika being the technical one in charge when it came to the mutation side-project, little could be pinned back to her. Unless…

"We should exercise caution as to keep your ex-girlfriend's nose out of our business,” the turtle brought up, interrupting the Baroness from her internal planning.

Her ex… Ah, right. Big Mama. That no-good trickster. "Not my ex-girlfriend,” the caprid argued, expression clearly tired of saying such.

Yet her loyal bodyguards took the chance for the kill. "Yeah, you were like, friends with benefits or something, right?"

The Baroness’ eyes widened. "Don't tell them that! "

Despite her whole motion of arms flailing, the child in the room could only shrug. "I already knew," she said simply; "I was just sparing the embarrassment."

Ha, the embarrassment, she said. It wasn’t an embarrassing experience; a waste of time if nothing else…

How could Jennika possibly know what it was like?

Well, knowing Jennika, that little sneak knew something. More than she let on.

"Moving on!" she started rather loudly, not with anger but fluster , "We've all… made mistakes in our life–"

"Most people don't fumble that hard ," Muninn interrupted, oh so wisely.

"–But!" she continued, choosing to ignore the goyle, "all of this will change everything." Effectively pushing that previous conversation to the side, the Baroness cracked a grin, moving to face the group. "In a couple of months, Yokai will no longer be a rarity. We will thrive, even in those pathetic city streets. Titan allow it, I bet those humans will even thank us in the end,” she explained, having shared excerpts of this ‘speech’ for weeks previously.

Despite such being tidbits of motivation for some time, this more-or-less announcement brought a smile to all their faces. Finally, after thirteen years… the mutation project would progress.

The goyles were flying around in excitement, as they tend to do. "If the world domination thing goes well, can we get a bigger dog bed?" Which one of them asked wasn’t clear, but they obviously both wanted that.

The Baroness had to hold back a laugh. "Yes, yes; you'll get a bigger dog bed."


This much, Jennika seemed to laugh at. “And what do I get if this goes well?”

Her guardian pretended to think on it for a moment. “Street credit.”

The turtle frowned.

Now the caprid laughed.

“Proper credit,” the Baroness corrected, “ and whatever else you want. Kid, this will make you revolutionary, you know.”

“It will make all of us revolutionary,” Jennika corrected further – completely fair. Though she proceeded to nod, “But I’ll still think of what I want.”

Ha, that was fair. The goat yokai had no reason to go back on such a deal, so the kid had all the reason to think as big as she wanted to.

She had only walked a short distance when she heard the smallest voice mumble something. “ It’d be kind of cool to visit our family.

Our family. As in, hers. The very few relatives she left back at home.

Titan, they’d be ecstatic to find out she had a ward. A child.

Not as ecstatic to learn said child was her brother’s that she saved by a margin of destiny. That there was another she failed to have in her possession because of a deal with her… ex-girlfriend . Fine, whatever. Call it that, why don’t you?

Either way, the situation was messy. A meeting with them wouldn’t be impossible, though.

“We might just have to,” Baroness reasoned after a while of thought. She ignored Jennika’s look of surprise – any words spoken aloud were elegible for discussion. “If the Council winds up too cowardly to accept change, there’s always a place for us in Hidden City Scandinavia.” The caprid chuckled at the thought. “My father never said I couldn’t return.”

She can’t remember if Jennika ever heard much of her origin story, but the question of, “You left? Why did you leave?” painted an approximate image in her mind.

So, she exhaled. “Let’s just say, child of mine, that some opportunities are too tempting to let them pass you by.”

Regardless of what the curious turtle has put together, no one had the full story. Those who had larger parts of it were long gone. All that was left was her, the gargoyles that knew Draxum for a full 24 hours more than she knew them, and Big Mama, who wouldn’t share her half unless presented with a deal one could not refuse.

And even then would they be left with nothing.

With this philosophy, though, the small group of dedicated double-life weapon smiths and alchemists were ever so close to their goal.

Give it a week. Just one week. And soon, the surface world would know the impact of a grand warrior’s vision, one reconstructed by those left in his wake.

A vision all but dead and gone.

A new beginning.


aaand now time to outline for the next arc - how long will it get, who knows? but there's a ton of exciting things on the way, that's for sure

on that note, it might take a few good weeks until there's a new chapter, maybe a month. No worries, I fully intend to use that time to draft and plan and catch up and all that

I'm also informally reaching out in interest of a beta reader. I need help lol

Chapter 16: ...What The Shell Was That?


The turtles have seen their fair share of weird stuff over the years. They're no strangers to sneaking out into the city and goofing off any hour of the day, going everywhere and doing everything they want. When it comes to mystic worlds underground, though... things are about to get a whole lot weirder


slams down the door

and this fic has almost 6k hits now?? I sob thank you so much

I fell into a depressive/lazy slump with the beginning of summer being what it always is BUT the season one arc has finally arrived! It does have some direct scenes/dialogue yoinked from Mystic Mayhem but I hope it's still entertaining-

none that I can think of tbh

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You know how they always say about how the course of your life can change in a day, not even?


Raph’s pretty sure that's the kind of deal he's landed in today.

Not just him, of course – the other four doofuses followed along. But this kind of sort of was Raph's fault in the first place.

Nothing big, no big deal! It's not like he saw a dangerous thing and ran towards it all hero-like – no, instead, he saw a weird little creature all alone and frightened.

In what world was he supposed to know that would lead them to danger?

This wasn't just some street perp and this somehow wasn't explainable by New York being New York. Which it should have been... but for some reason, it was not. This felt worlds different than anything any of them ever faced...

Especially because their weapons were totaled now and some freaky shape-shifting guys portaled away with their best friend.

But it was fine, it was chill. They managed to save April – thank the pizza supreme – and do so without their parents noticing. So that was good!

Heck, who was he kidding? Maybe Splinter didn't notice but Barry definitely did.

"What are you boys up to?" the sheep man had asked, upon finding all four of them in the living room.

Definitely not suspicious at all.

Before they could even think, they all scrambled to look busy (and Leo scrambled to hide the mystic portal doohickey. Good).

"Nothing! We're just..."

"Headed out for groceries!" Raph blurted out in an attempt to save them.

But, never having been the smoothest with words, he failed to notice the many holes in such an excuse. Ones that made Donnie glare at him. Geez, talk about subtle.

However, this seemed to work well enough. As the tall man with crossed arms noticed the rat asleep, he sighed. "Ah yes, I believe that would be necessary," he confirmed, heading over to the chair to dust crumbs off of and pick up the other dad. "It appears we need more milk."

Raph nodded. "Yep! That's why we're going out," he confirmed, glad his nonsense at least worked out for them.

"For cake as well, of course," Mikey saved, helping their dear old sheep dad clear the area of their rat dad's mess. "I used up the last of the baking powder on this one and Pops just had to eat it all-"

This earned a chuckle from the taller dad. Good, laughter is good. Kept them out of trouble. "I suppose it’s more than reasonable for you children to go out and shop for supplies," he agreed, walking out of the room with his asleep co-parent in tow. "Don't stay out late and don't get into trouble!"

"We won't!"

"Thanks Padre!"

The second they were left alone, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they left not a second after, with shopping as the last thought on any of their minds.

But yeah, anyways, they got April back and all they needed to do now was save that weird dog thing.

In some underground city, no less.

This was very likely a stupid and unnecessary mission – heck, maybe the dog belonged to someone else? But the whole situation reeked of something else suspicious going on.

Why would a bunch of nuclear alien-looking dudes want the critter in the first place? Was it something more than just a little guy?

Thinking about it too much made his head hurt, so he just shut his brain off and followed April's lead. They just needed to retrieve the small thing to make their best friend feel better, what's the worst that could happen?



As their friend led Raph and his brothers to the round doom-and-gloom-looking building, they were immediately met with just how big and weird the place was.

Tons of halls, all dark and mysterious, leading to a big mystic lab of sorts.

Very Donnie-like, if he thought about it. With all the sciencey stuff along the walls and, well, smack-dab in the middle of the room , it was no wonder his second-youngest brother immediately took interest in the place.

"Imagine if my lab was in this style," the soft shell mused, eyes still sparkling.

"It already is."

"Think bigger , Leon–"

Raph tuned them out as he got a better look at the place himself, all until the walkway stopped at an edge. He kept a sharp eye on the lower half of the lab, near the middle of it, noticing movement… "Hey, there's the little guy."

The others looked on as well, finding the weird dog thing in a fortified cage of sorts? And…

"And the delivery guy too!" Raph blurted out. Man, why would an evil scientist want the dog thing and some random guy?

At least, the snapper assumed this place belonged to an evil scientist. Who else – other than Donnie and Dad – would have such a freaky weird lab?

Before he could suggest breaking them out – you know, the obvious suggestion – he heard footsteps. But they sounded like hooves… huh, are all sheep-legged people evil scientists?

Dumb thought, really. But he knew to stay quiet, regardless of barely hearing April's warning of someone coming their way.

Yeah, no sh*t.

A door openly loudly some ways to their right, emitting a red light that coated the sheep-legged figure as they walked into the room.

Super evil for sure .

Raph nudged himself the slightest bit forward, unconsciously keeping a protective arm over his siblings – which was soon smacked away. Hey .

Whatever, he could ignore that. Instead, he got a good look at the evil scientist now. Sheep legs, sheep horns, sheep hair – was definitely a sheep, got it – with a whole spooky get-up that was coloured black and grey, gold, and cyan.

Definitely fit the rest of the lab's vibe, even if it looked more comfortable than what mad scientists normally wear in the movies.

The evil scientist person didn't get much time to stand around before the delivery guy started talking about something. Hard to hear from up above, but the snapper kind of got an idea:

Guy thought the evil sheep ordered takeout. Takeout that was cheap enough to be falsely advertised as crab cakes when it was actually immitation crab.

This human was just not fazed by any of this, was he?

Except he was, the second the scientist's shoulder pads came to life and went to his cage, taunting the poor guy.

Still not speaking, the evil sheep moved onto the dog-thing's cage, simply reaching in and taking the little green bottle that was attached to its neck.

So the creature couldn't get through, but this person could?

…Raph wasn't even gonna try to put logic into all this mystic stuff. It hurt his brain to try.

"So, whatcha up to?" the delivery guy asked as the scientist walked away. Saying what they all thought. Just more cheerful.

Said scientist merely readjusted their grip on the small bottle, half turning to the guy in a cage. "...An experiment."

Woah, okay, an evil scientist for sure. One that sounded like a lady, too – not that Raph ever judged just by voice, but it'd kinda fit the vibe. Evil scientist sheep lady…

Whooo just poured the stuff in the bottle into the sciencey machine in the middle and now it's all glowing and green whattheheck-

"Eyy, that's not good," one of the others said. Who, he couldn't really tell. Either way, he shot a glance at the group behind them.

Don't make a single sound, got it?

Maybe Raph was being a bit paranoid – maybe just a bit. But this was their first mission kind of! And it looked really super dangerous!

But, all things considered, no one has heard them up until now… Not like they've been subtle or anything.

Ugh, whatever. Maybe talking was still important. "Yeah, this lady looks like bad news," he whispered loudly; "glowing green never equals good."

He'd ignore the 'hey' that came from Donnie, eyes now glued to the fact that ohmigosh there's bugs inside the big machine the green bottle stuff went into.

Bugs that were eating away at the stuff like mosquitoes or something.

Super not good at all .

It was hard to see, but it looked like the machine dispensed one of the bugs, which the scientist caught. Man, the bugs looked even bigger when she held them . Then she walked over to the delivery guy once again, holding him up the vines that made up the cage – another heap of things Raph would not bother to ask.

"This is gonna hurt, isn't it?" the guy asked, weakly.

The scientist just shrugged. "Likely."

Then the bug flew up to the delivery guy and bit him.

The siblings all cringed, expecting the worst. It took a second, but… delivery guy didn't even get to say much before his body began glowing green and contorting right in front of their eyes.


"What's happening to him?"

"That is messed up."

At the end of it all, the guy looked like a fish. Like a walking, talking fish.

How the heck did he turn into a fish??

"Jury's in, that was imitation crab."

They all glared at Donnie.


The now fish man delivery guy blubbered in distress before running away – which looked difficult due to the fish legs – and the scientist? Didn't even care.

She even ignored the talking shoulder pad things asking if they should chase after the guy, instead standing and… it looked like she was smiling, but the mask didn't show her lips. It was kind of freaky .

"It worked," she mused, "the mutation worked! Excellent work, everyone."

'Everyone'? sh*t, there was someone else here, wasn't there?

But also, 'mutation'...

"Like us?" Raph wondered aloud. Was this the person that mutated them and their dads? Was it some sort of sick revenge, since she was a mutant as well?

Mikey gasped. "Does this mean we're part imitation crab??"

Everyone looked his way.

So close, buddy .


April wasn't paying attention to them or their squabbling. Fair enough, honestly – they were here to rescue the critter she liked so much for some reason.

"We can't let her do anything to the dog-thing!"

"Like what, mutate it more?" Donnie argued back.

Raph got nervous about them talking so loud again, until he noticed the scientist was gone. For now…

Luckily, Leo was able to shove some sense into his twin. "Relax, hermana," he told April, "we're gonna get it back. We just need, uh… weapons. And DonTron's the only one who has one."

This made their own little scientist smirk. "Next time trust me to make your weapons instead of just accepting whatever trash Papá dug up for you."

Raph just rolled his eyes at him. "Who needs weapons when you can just smash things?" he started, standing up in front of the group. "Guys, we've been training for this our whole lives! All of us got the skills and smarts to bust the dog-thingy out of that mystic prison, and–"

"I'm gonna have to stop you there," April interrupted, leaning into him, "'cause I know where to find a bunch of cool weapons."

Of course, they all took to April's suggestion first.

Thinking no one else could hear, Leo mumbled, "Thank goodness, we were so dead."

April pulled a lever, leading them to some space near the lab that just had rows and rows of weapons. Mostly swords, but a lot of shields and self-defence stuff too!

Okay, maybe this was a better idea after all. Maybe.

The blue and orange turtles immediately ran to the displays, picking out weapons that looked like their old ones. Donnie was sticking to his guns (or well, staff), so he didn't look around for anything new.

Raph was getting a weird vibe about this place. A vibe that they were being watched. By what, he didn't know, but–

Oooh, glowy weapons!

Curse his short attention span, but the second the snapper saw a wall of nothing but glowing weapons, he couldn't turn them down.

"Hey guys, look!" He announced, getting the attention of his two weapon-shopping brothers. Once they were looking, he pointed at the display. "How about we get the glowy ones?"

The two dropped their current weapons in hand, eyes sparkling in awe.

Oh hell yeah, they just had to get these ones!

Leo took one first, grabbing a sword that was glowing blue. Heh, like his life colour. Actually, these all had their life colours . He loved it, swinging it around and having it light up almost like electricity.

Mikey grabbed one next, something that looked like his old weapon but not quite? Huh, he forgot what Pops called this thing . But Mikey adored it, swinging it around with glee.

Raph couldn't wait anymore. He grabbed the tonfas – which he knew were tonfas because he's always wanted those – immediately energized by the vibe of them and feeling stronger by the second.

Okay, yeah, getting weapons was a good idea. Imagine how much better he would smash with these things!

As always, Donnie looked distracted at some other random glowy thing.

"Don't you want a glowy weapon too?" April tried, presenting him with what was basically his staff but more mystic.

"Negative, I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"Affirmative." He grabbed a floating shard of something instead. "I will be taking this, though."

His loss, really. At least Raph, Leo and Mikey now had their own glowy mystic weapons. Nothing could stand in their way.

"Let's go save that dog thingy!" Raph announced, happily leading his brothers out of this place and hopefully to where the creature would be.

He ignored the distant sight of yellow glowing eyes staring back at him. At all of them.

If that thing in the shadows wanted to fight, it could. With these cool new weapons and their pure awesomeness and ninjosity, nothing would stand in their way!

Now, the five of them had a scientist to ninja kick into tomorrow.



Ow .

That wasn't according to plan .

Raph led the group out of the weapins room, only to land them in another trap door. One that hurt like heck as they tumbled down.

He landed first, face-planting onto the floor. Everyone else followed suit, landing on top of him for the first part. Not graceful in the slightest. Not that any of them ever were.

This must have looked hilarious to the sheep lady.

" What ?"

Oh yeah, it definitely did.

But no matter! He and his siblings quickly got up, weapons ready. "Alright, mysterious evil sheep scientist. Give us the little guy, and you'll walk outta here with your horns still attached!"

Too soft? Maybe.

"Don't we also gotta stop her from making crab men?" Leo mused.

Raph held his head. "Okay, good point." He took a short breath. "Give us the little guy, stop creating crab men-"

" Imitation crab man."


"Donnie, I swear to god–"

"Just say it, Raph."

"Okay. Give us the little guy, stop making crab men–"

" Imitation , remember–"

"–and a limo, with a hot tub, and pizza!–"

"–like the way you think Mike–"

"–can't I just say mutants?"

"–no, be specific–"

Oh mi gosh, this was a mess. Raph was never gonna get his statement out like this.

" Okay ! Give us the little guy, stop making imitation crab men–"

" You're alive?! "

Wait, what?

At the sound, the four brothers looked down at the scientist, eyes seeming to sparkle while looking up at them.

But April didn't notice, quite literally jumping into action. " April O'Neil!"

"Oh mi gosh, she just ran in!"

Somehow she perfectly landed on the creature's cage, which – oh, it was a solid surface. Damn mystic underground city and its rules that didn't make any sense!

She tugged and kicked at the cages, yet it still didn't budge. So sheep lady could get through but April couldn’t?? The shoulder pad things proceeded to yoink her away, but she didn't give up without a fight, trying to wriggle her away from them as they flew off.

Yeah, that was a very April O'Neil thing to do.

The sheep scientist lady huffed at this. "We could have talked, but you know, this works for me too."

Before the others could start fighting back, she grabbed something, using it to shoot vines at them. Woah, what the heck?

The vines missed, but gave enough leverage to create basically a bunch of walking tightropes. So that worked out kind of.

Raph took to them head-on, running across the one that intended to hit him. Even if his brothers were following, they were more freaked out by this. Stay focused, guys!

It was impossible– for Jupiter Jim's sake, was Leo sliding on the vine? Whatever. This stuff was freaky and weird, it all was! And they just had to work with it.

Just before they could reach sheep lady, though, she made another thing spawn: a freaking giant guardian thing of sorts.

How many more weird things could this lady pull out of nowhere?

Raph tried to slow his roll, but it was no use. The giant thing took hold of the vines, yoinking them away before he and his brothers could get across.

And since they were still a good few feet off the ground when this happened…

They fell.

Hard .

Ow. Again . How many times would they up and fall over in this place? And why did it have to hurt every time?

"Capture the specimens!" the sheep scientist shouted, pointing the giant thing in their direction again.

Oh great .

"Let's go!" the oldest shouted back, charging towards the giant at once. As did his brothers – thank the pizza supreme they actually listened.

Leo was much faster than them all, going for the thing's legs – good thinking. And his sword managed to slice its leg clean through! Aha, now that's what he's talking about!

No one could look or celebrate for long before it fought back, throwing some large building debris toward Raph and Mikey. Despite it being a challenge, it was actually kind of… thrilling? At least on Mikey's end, kid laughing the whole time. Having the time of his life.

The two managed to avoid it together, and, as they got closer, Raph got an idea.

"Hey Mike, give a guy a lift?"

His little brother winked. "Got it!"

They both jumped higher, using the adrenaline – and Mikey's mystic weapon – to propel the oldest forward.

" Hot Soup! "

He punched the giant, making it fly way back farther than he thought it would. Woah! Is that what the mystic weapon did??

It also kind of just… left him in the air. Probably to make his own impact lighter or something? No idea, but it was kind of fun. From up here he could see Donnie flying up with his jetpack, activating his tech bo aaand ohmigosh no

It was spinning out of control. Again.

"Look out guys!"

That and several other similar warnings came as the staff came crashing down uncontrollably, landing on the giant.

…And it did something afterwards?

Everyone watched as Donnie's staff practically span the giant a few times over until it crashed into the ground. It crashed so hard that the air soon clouded with dust.

Despite this, Raph could still see his tech-bo-owning brother take a selfie in front of the mess, claiming he "nailed it."

Of course this dork would plan for his tech to do that.

As the dust settled, they all found themselves back on the ground, surrounded by nothing but rubble. Which continued to hurt.

"Well, would you look at that?"

The voice rang against the settling silence, forcing Raph and the others to look up at the scientist lady again.

"It seemed you have defeated my defences. The four of you have a warrior's spirit after all."

What the hell was she talking about?!

Of course they had a warrior's spirit! But it had nothing to do with… well, whatever this lady was getting at.

"With a little bit of training, you'd all be just as efficient as you were made to be…"

Made to be?

This was getting weird. Somehow weirder than before.

Raph couldn't get up just yet, still feeling a high over that epic punch. Leo, however, had no trouble getting up and posing dramatically.

"Okay, well, since you're surrendering…"

The sheep lady chuckled at this. "A Baroness does not simply surrender after such a challenge."

"A Baroness?" Mikey questioned, weakly at that. Did he not know what that was?

Leo just scoffed, though. "A Baroness of what, SpookyVille?"

Raph rolled his eyes. This was obviously a third-person kinda talking thing. "Seriously guys? Just–" Raph began, before realizing he couldn't bother to explain. "Whatever. Time to put our training to use!"

He chose to ignore Leo's questioning around said training, lunging himself at the 'Baroness', apparently.

The others followed suit, attacking her from all angles. She was bigger than them – though not by much, still a bit smaller than Dad, who they've all sparred against – and had some sort of extra protective armour up her sleeve, but it was nothing they couldn't face!

Those who were smaller tried to get at her legs, which looked thinner than their own. Obviously had nothing to do with their strength, but they had to try something!

Meanwhile, Raph tried to use his tonfas to get at her sides unexpectedly while Leo attacked from the front.

It did nothing. He was knocked back as well.

No matter! He and the others kept at it, going at her from each and every angle. They had pretty good leverage, all things considered–

But her weird mystic armour was strong enough to shake the ground as she hit it, knocking them all back a fair amount.

Somehow it didn't hurt as much this time. But a small part of Raph wondered… was this lady just okay with the damage being caused? 'Cause the lab looked, like, totally damaged now .

The Baroness stood before them all, a small imposing red light on her once more.

"Again, not surrenderin–"

One of those little flying dudes fell on her head.

"Ow- Munnin!"

Raph held back a laugh. But so, if that guy was here, then…

The other one could barely fly back down as April fought it back, going as far as to bite it and thrash like she was going for the kill.

Yep, that was April for ya.

And it made more sense now why he heard a bunch of tussling during the other fights .

Their friend, having neutralized the other little dude, sent a thumbs up the turtles' way.

They sent one back.

But it was short-lived. As a last attempt to keep them from fighting back, the Baroness shot something out of her gauntlet thing that put April in a cocoon-like thing??

Oh hell no, things just kept getting weirder .

"Hey, what the heck–"

"You did not just do that!"

Mikey quickly stood in front of their captured human friend, launching his weapon at the Baroness.

He just missed. But! It started lighting up!

…And then it went out of control.

The oldest couldn't help but watch as Mikey's glowing weapon threw him every which way across the room and bounced him against every surface. And against the top of the middle machine thingy that held all those mutating bugs… that probably wasn't good!

But no one could keep their eyes off the sight as the glowing weapons led him everywhere, all until he fell back on the ground, nearly hitting the Baroness. Nearly .

"Woah, Mikey! How'd you do that?!"

"I don't know, man!" the youngest exclaimed, "I just started swinging my weapon like this," he started, making a bunch of noises as moved his now non-glowing weapon around as he always would. "And then all of a sudden!" It started glowing again!

His weapon went out of control again, but it was nothing Mikey couldn't get a hang of this time.

Okay, now Raph just had to find out what else this did!

"My turn! Okay, magic weapon magic weapon‐!" The snapper tried, shaking his tonfas a bit. And they started glowing again as well, awe yeah.

But they were strong. Really strong. It took all of Raph's willpower to not be knocked back for the millionth time that day, and yet, somehow, that's exactly what happened.

Curiosity got the best of him. He has been bested.

His head hurt from the impact, this time a little too much to know exactly what was going on. But when he kind of woke up again, he was met with the sight of Leo toe-to-toe – or hoof – with the Baroness.

Donnie looked to be eager to fight, but his tech was giving him trouble. Would a glowy weapon be better or worse right about now? Either way, Leo seemed not to have this problem, using his sword to create various freaking portals in order to best the Baroness.

It didn't work. Not really. And Mikey and Donnie still got their hits in. But they were pretty damn good for having never fought a real-life villain before, Raph had to give them that.

Unfortunately, his brothers were never the best at coordination, soon causing them to collide.

From where Raph was, he could see everyone struggling – April the most, trying to get out of that trap thing. He inched closer to her, head still hurting, peripheral still on the scientist lady.

Who refused to get up.

"I don't get it," she said, adjusting her mask and looking at them all. "Have you not been trained? Why are you all… like this?"

Leo chuckled, even while out of it. "I don't know, lady‐ looks like we kicked your mutton chops real good!"

The Baroness inspected her gauntlet again before looking back at Leo. "We'll see about that."

In a second, they all found themselves in April's same fate, trapped in their own bundles.

Super not good at all .

"How are we going to save the dog thingy now?!" April panicked.

Luckily, Donnie was on it, able to flip his goggles down and get a look around. "Wait a second!"

Wait a– oh, sh*t.

None of them had to look far to see the lab was about to crumble. While they were trapped . And somehow the evil scientist behind it barely cared.

"Turtles, your fighting skills may be… lacklustre, but you're made for more than this!" she began, standing proudly. "I can train you! Together, we may–"

"Nuh-uh, lady, we ain't joining your flock!" Raph interrupted. He knows enough villain mumbo-jumbo to know where this was going.

"Uh, don't know if this was part of your plan," Donnie piped up, "but the lab's about to explode–"

Heck, they weren't getting out of there, were they?

The four of them panicked, jiggling every which way to get free of their traps. If this sheep was a homicidal maniac, then they'd just have to get themselves free! But they could not stay here- who'd bring the milk back home??

Before they even realized it,

Boom .

The bug machine thing exploded at the top, starting to bring the whole lab with it.

Raph couldn't even see the Baroness anymore– did she get buried in the rubble or something? Ugh, no matter! They still had to get out!

He couldn't bother to look at the mess around them anymore, just knowing he had to get out and he had to help his brothers out and theyhadtogetoutrightnow–

And then he heard a mystical woosh .

"Little guy! Can you do your thing and get us out of here?"

It came from April. Why did April sound so sweet? How could she be so calm right now?

Looking in her direction, Raph soon figured it was because of the dog thing. That's who she was talking to. Of course.

Regardless, he soon felt himself being zapped away, ending up out of the building in a matter of seconds .



The little guy could teleport.


At least they were out of the lab.

Raph couldn't bring himself to be the leader right now, still processing what the heck just happened and following everyone else's lead, hopping into another portal as soon as Mikey made one.

And he did not look back. Not even for a second.


Ow .

As they all fell through the portal, Raph soon recognized where they were as the construction site they saw the little dog thingy in, all those hours ago.

Or has it even been an hour? Felt like a whole day, to be honest.

Right now, it didn't even matter that the portal maker thing was dropped so hard it broke. It's not like Pops ever used it anyways… and they were all okay! That's what really mattered!

April held onto the little dog, comforting and talking to it in a baby voice, naming it Mayhem or something like that. Raph would join if it didn't hate his guts for no reason.

But it was fine. They were fine. They were all alive.

And just bested a freaking real-life villain .

"We just defeated a boss villain," Raph said, proudly puffing out his chest. "Mad Dogs one, bad guys zero!"

Some of the others joined his heroic pose, definitely soaking in the celebratory vibes.

"Didn't we agree to use a different name–"

"Don't ruin the moment, Leo."

Leo, in fact, did not ruin the moment. But something else did. That something else being a swarm of those lab bugs that were glowing green and definitely came from the portal .

"Well, that can't be good."

"We should go, peoples blinds are starting to open–"

They all scrambled away, not daring to look back or think about it for ever a second.

…This was a problem for another day. They’d deal with it. Eventually .

_ _ _

Too often is it easy to deem their work as 'evil'. Dangerous? For sure. Unethical? Only on a good day…

But in the face of the turtles, the four missing turtle experiments , it became easy to see how their work may be misinterpreted as something straight out of a movie villain.

A disaster, it was for sure. No one could deny that.

For as long as Jennika has been following her guardian's work, she knew the possibility of failure was always there. It was unstable at best – not that she would ever admit it. Not when he was her invention that went astray.

That, and the appearance of her four… brothers? Brought more questions than answers.

Jennika stood atop a mountain's edge alongside the Baroness, Huggin, and Muninn. The same mountain's edge that was rumoured to be where Baron Draxum watched his life's work fall apart.

The same Baron Draxum that had no involvement in his experiment's lives, given how long they spent away from the lab and how little they knew of their true family.

That, or Baron Draxum raised them to be fools.

Either way, the silence felt eternal. They had an hour at most to decide how to cover their own tracks.

The Council would soon catch wind. Big Mama would catch even sooner. And this whole situation would be difficult to deem as a matter of security weapons failure.

Their options were slim.

"You let them through."

The voice interrupted Jennika's thoughts, yet they both looked on, into the smoke and rubble.

"I know."

"You could have stopped them."

"I know."

The Baroness knew how long she held onto the idea that she would find them one day. Their sudden appearance, in the lab no less, was surprising… and yet, not unwelcome.

"They fight like Lou Jitsu," Jennika started.

"...And Baron Draxum."

The sea turtle nodded, glad the Baroness caught on. "Should we capture the turtles now, they may resist anything we ask of them. We may never find either of the men who disappeared nearly thirteen years ago. Should we gain their trust, however…"

It felt as strange as it felt natural to talk about the event. Neither she nor her guardian were there to witness it (lest you count her unconscious, pre-mutate state). The goyles only saw the events of 24 hours previous.

No one knew, and yet, they spent many years gathering intel and recreating the dreams of a mad scientist. They knew enough.

"You are suggesting we bond with them?"

"Perhaps," Jen tried, leaving it open-ended. Should the Baroness deny this, there was not much they could argue back.

The four of them had their own issues to settle, after all.

Yet something rang true with the promise of luring the turtles and their creators back into their lives:

"Should we find Lou Jitsu… I doubt Big Mama could refuse anything we ask for in trade."


lil reminder that I have a tumblr and you are absolutely free to ask stuff about the fic/ask me to draw things for it. I need to draw more for it lmao

Chapter 17: A Change of Pace, That's For Sure


The day before was definitely... something. Heroes and antagonists alike are left wondering how to proceed after their lives were flipped around so drastically, but it's nothing they can't handle. The turtle brothers just have to train more, their aunt has to avoid what happened to the previous Head of Security happening to her, and the other turtles? They certainly have a lot to think about...


a little original chapter to stick in between the episode rewrites - there will probably be a good few of these because they are much easier to write lmao


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You know, despite everything, the terrarium would always be the best place in the Lair. Being pretty much built like a resort and being exclusive to the turtles, why wouldn't they spend all their time here?

It was deserved as well. Leo, in particular, enjoyed kicking back and relaxing in a pool float after all the weirdness of the day before. No part of anything made sense, and he had to actively avoid all of Donnie's rants, but he was allowed to celebrate all he wanted. He was still allowed to kick back and float around in their in-home pool if he so wanted to.

They won the battle, they got April's weird dog back, and he was still proven as the best fighter among them all.

That being said...

"Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you guys need serious training."

His brothers groaned.

Fair enough, honestly. He knew full well that's how they were going to react before they even did. He would have done the same if Raph said this instead.

"Leo, you do not get to interrupt our break for this nonsense," Mikey whined, still reading from his spot on the sun rocks.

"What, it's true," the slider mostly mumbled.

He was kicked for this. Lightly, and by his twin, but it still counted. "I understand your concerns, Leon, but quite frankly, our probably of winning a fight against a new foe of that calibre is low to none."

"In English, Donnie?"

"Sigh. The lady was using magic of some sort. Of course we got our asses kicked. More of the same training would not help."

Leo rolled his eyes. Usually, he would be with them, wanting nothing more than to sit back and do nothing. But it was also extremely funny how he was like, the only one of them that was any good at using his new mystic weapon.

"Look, I get it!" he said, mostly directing to Donnie. "We just defeated a new boss villain, we deserve to relax our days away like the heroes we are... Even though not all of you are awesome enough to have fought the Baroness on the first try–"

"You still got trapped like the rest of us."

"But I kept her on her hooves. Gotta count for something, right?"

Before any of them could even try to correct him, their older brother poked his head out of the water. " What are you three yapping about?"

"Good swim bro?" Leo tried, pushing enough water that he floated away from where Raph emerged.

A Raph, who looked annoyed. "Yeah, but it would be better if y'all weren't arguing."

"We weren't arguing , just... disagreeing..." the slider mumbled more as he spoke, "...about how much you guys need training–"

"Do not ," Donnie spat back, narrowing his eyes at Leo.

Figuratively, he could 'what, it's true' his way out of his one. Yet at that moment, all Leo could do was squint back at his twin, pushing himself even further back into the pool. This is not saying much, given how the space was deeper than it was wide.

Meanwhile, Raph sat on the stairs near Donnie, shaking some of the water off himself. "I don't know, kinda seems like a good idea."

Leo raised his fist to cheer.

"But we'd be doing it so we're all better ninjas, not because you think you're better than everyone else."

He lowered his fist.

Back over at the sun rocks, Mikey was laughing. "Sucks to suck, Leon!"

"Says the one whose weapon destroyed that lab place–!"


Again Raph took over, getting them all to look at him. He stood up so he was right outside of the pool, facing all three of them.

"Fighting ain't gonna get us anywhere. But we should train, 'cause whatever happened yesterday was pure luck," he explained, holding a hand in front of the smartest sibling before he could try explaining luck and logic. "So we're gonna train, mystic ninja style. On the rooftops. In half an hour."

Now it was Leo's turn to join the collective groan.

"So soon? Can't we do it in like... before dinner?"

"No chance," Mikey explained. "You got Raph in training mode. Good luck getting him out."

Right, he kinda was the one who started this.

No matter, because he was still going to kick all their tails in training. With his new sick portals, there's no way they'd see him coming!

Until then, they could all continue to sit back, relax, and–

Someone threw a rock his way, almost hitting his pool float. A rather sharp rock, for the record.

"Dodge that , Neon!"

" Hey –"


Alright, alright, now this was more like it.

After managing to sneak past their parents (which included sneaking their unexplainable glowy weapons past them – yeah, they can get to that later), the brothers made it up to the roof of a nearby slow grocery store, providing enough space for them to train.

Which would include mostly goofing off. Not that you could expect anything better out of them.

"April will be here in a few," Raph said, standing near one of the edges. "Until then, we're doing some one-on-one. Leo, Donnie, you're up first."

Leo pouted. "Why do I have to fight the loser with no mystics?"

Donnie just nodded, still looking at his phone. "Yeah, what he said."

Their older brother ran his hand over his face. "Okay, whatever. Leo and Mikey up first."


Ohoho, now that's an arrangement Leo could get behind.

"Ready to go down, little bro?" He taunted, getting a good grip on his sword. (Odachi, actually. He had to remember that)

Mikey smirked, chirping back. "Only if you're ready to be fire-balled," he taunted back, spinning his, uh… Leo still didn't remember the name of that one. His orange weapon thingy. There.

"It is on ," Leo announced. And just like that, he swung his odachi, activating a small blue glow out of it.

His brother's weapon tried to curl around his but just missed, flying past it. The slider had to dodge both and did so with a smile. Gonna have to try harder than that, Michael .

He swung again, activating more charge, more of the blue glow. The other active weapon was glowing brighter, but that didn't matter – Leo had this under control.

With another swing dodged, he chuckled, dancing on the spot.

"Leo, focus," Raph grumbled, "this is serious."

"I am being serious," he argued back, rolling his eyes at the oldest.

Just to be kicked back by a force-propelled Mikey. "Seriously bad at this, that is," the youngest teased, standing triumphantly in front of a fallen Leo.

A fallen Leo, who soon got right back up. "I planned that."

"Yeah, right."

Given how the others started laughing at his expense, he could sense their lack of faith in him. Well, no matter – he just had to prove them wrong. Like always.

He nodded to a reminder from Raph to keep at their spar, then got his head back in the game.

"If I didn't plan…" he slid away, ducking around and walking off to some free space behind his sparring partner, "...then what's this ?"

Not following his words and only his moves, his little brother turned around to meet him – meaning Leo had the perfect chance to swipe his odachi, activating it and opening a small portal.

One that Mikey just stopped short of falling into.

Everyone's eyes widened. Including Leo's, since he didn't expect only his brother's arm to fall through.

He was attached to it still, but–

"Leo! What the heck?!"

Mikey was panicking, pointing at his arm encased in blue light.

"Re lax , your arm is just in some sort of pocket dimension," the slider reasoned, closing his eyes with confidence. "Right, Don?"

The two looked over to the smartest brother, who was still texting. "Huh?" It took him a second, but once he looked up, he found what to say. "Oh, right, probably. Haven't had the time to study your weapons, so we'll deem it a 'pocket dimension', as Leon so crudely put it."

"You see?" Leo explained. "No big dealio, little bro."

"Great! How am I gonna get my arm out?"

Everyone deadpanned at their youngest brother.

"Ohh, yeah," Mikey reasoned, just pulling his arm out and backing away from the portal, all with a nervous chuckle.

They all laughed a bit about it as Leo attempted to close the portal back up. No need to scare anyone else. (He could test this out more later).

"We're just gonna call this a draw," Raph reasoned, which Mikey nodded along with.

Leo, the obvious winner, just tsk ed. "Sure, but as you can see, I reign supreme," he said confidently, leaning against the nearest thick ledge.

All until he heard a twinkling noise, followed by a blue light.

"Who dares copy my tricks??"

The one doused in the blue light chuckled. Ah, right, it was April. And instead of walking or biking over like normal, she could teleport with the help of that creature thing she practically adopted.

"Chill, it's just Mayhem." April held up the creature in her arms. "You know, Mayhem?"

They all decided to ignore Donnie's mumble about her 'new best friend Mayhem'. It was fine, that thing is just a weird mystic dog. A pet.

"Ah, right. Little dog." Leo relaxed, walking over to pet the little guy behind his… ears?

A grumble came from some ways behind them. " Little sh*t more like it."

Ha, right! Raph was attacked by Mayhem. No way he'd want to pet him now.

"Still salty about him scratching you?" April teased, lightly scratching her new pet at the base of his tail.

"Oh, you're lucky I heal fast," Raph grumbled again, crossing his arms with a tight grip on his tonfas (that's what they were called, right? He still had to remember them all). "I thought dog things were supposed to be cute and cuddly."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, big guy," Leo comforted, backing away from April and the dog. He rested his odachi on his shoulder with a smirk, approaching his older brother now. "Don't beat me up either. Won't look good if any harm comes to the face man."

His brother groaned.

Despite this, they soon got into place. Since he was on a roll, Leo didn't mind going again so soon. And against Raph? Oh, this was going to be fun . Bro couldn't even handle the power of his tonfas last time!

"Me and you then?" The oldest clarified, looking just as eager to try knocking Leo into place.

The key word being try , because there was no way he'd win. Leo was still faster and wittier, having that leg up on him. "Hell yeah hermano," he said with active steps, "me and you."

Raph copied him somewhat, circling around him almost like wild animals do when about to face off. Makes sense, to be honest, given how fierce he looked when his head was in the game.

He'd never be as fast as his slider of a brother, though.

Before they could start, April hummed. "So you want me to like, be the referee or something?"

"You can join us if you want," Raph offered, shrugging. "Since you got that bat 'n all. The more sparring partners, the better."

Leo nodded. "Yeah, Donnie should probably ref instead. Since he only has his lame science stick."

At this, the purple-branded turtle paused what he was doing, picking his staff up and pressing a button on it. "Say that again. I dare you."

"Woah!" Their friend quickly stood in between Donnie and Leo, raising her hands to keep them at a distance (with the dog thing opting to climb on her back). "Cool it, guys. Besides, I left my bat at home."

She said that as if she didn't teleport over. And as if she didn't know two other things who could.

"...Then go get it?"

April stared out at her brothers for a second. But soon, she got it. "Ah, right." She picked up her trusty teleporting dog – Leo would not show how such favouritism wounded him – and booped his nose. "Mayhem, be a good boy and bring my bat here, okay?"

The dog thing smiled, before twinkling away in a blue light again. Silly little guy.

As they waited for Mayhem to come back with the bat, the brothers ready to spar got back into position, grinning wildly.

Now they were ready to fight.


As much as Mikey wanted to watch, he found his eyes drawn to something else. Which is strange, because who wouldn't want to watch a mystic spar?

But his brain decided to pull his focus over to the streets below, eyeing a person and a small swarm of bugs in front of a local cafe.

Oh no. Those are the bugs they let out into the city.

"Uhh, guys?" he tried calling out. But a quick look behind him determined that the others were too busy sparring.

Awh man. It looked like they were having fun… Mikey wouldn't interrupt that.

Still, he couldn't help but watch as the random citizen was surrounded by those glowing mosquitoes, bitten by one at random before the others flew away.

Just like in the lab, the person morphed in a glowing green light, body contorting into something smaller and non-human. Mikey cringed as he watched, feeling bad… but he didn't exactly know how he was supposed to save them from such a fate.

Not yet. Not while they still barely knew about the underground world these things came from.

After a while, the transformation was complete, the person now looking like some sort of half-human pigeon. They were freaking out, just like that imitation crab guy from the lab, immediately running into hiding.

From the distance, the box turtle could swear he saw another instance of that glowing green, but he couldn't tell. Either way, this was happening while the sun was still out, even if barely. Who knows how many people these bugs have already bitten?

"That's not good…" he mumbled, trying to wrack his brain for a way to explain this to the others.

"What the heck just happened to that guy?"

Ah, that would do.

But still, seriously. How were they going to fix this?

_ _ _

With the damage done to the lab, there was little to no explanation that could be given to the Council.

Could she reason that a test for a new defence shield backfired tremendously? Yes, but that would do little to explain the mostly-noticeable mutation chamber that remained in the middle of her lab. The one so obviously rebuilt from her brother’s time.

Either way, everything was great. Just great .

It did not take long for the Baroness to find a group of familiarly-suited yokai of various shapes and sizes at her door. Many of which she has not personally seen in years, and yet, they all meant the same thing:

Big Mama wished to pay her a visit. Personally. In her home.

Another tier on the cake of incredibly fantastic events within the past twenty-four hours. Which could be expected… After all, most major life-altering events happen within the span of one day.

Anyone in this field of work should know that personally. The Baroness has come across such so often, it did not even phase her.

Instead, she simply stood, allowing the hotel owner with a mind of her own to wander the familiar corridors. "Oh sheepy-boo, I see you've ended up in quite a fizzy," she mused, standing near what should have led to the lab. The lab that was now gone. Again. "Whatever happened here?"

"Intruders happened," the caprid reasoned, dismissing the other woman with an eye roll. Juvenile, sure, but at that moment, she couldn't be bothered to care.

If she did, perhaps the other woman's mere presence in her estate would not irk at her soul so deeply.

Such lack of care was met with a scoff, as expected. "Intruders, you say?" Big Mama pressed on, her mocking lost on no one. "Surely such a thing should have been impossible for the great, awe-inspiring Baroness Draxum."

Ah, yes, a guilt tactic. Such would not work on her, as the intrusion was not her fault by a technicality.

Jennika let them in. Her curiosity let the other experiments in. The experiments that were believed to be dead. The experiments that were mere children. Not unlike their wards in the slightest.

None of this should be in the knowledge of anyone else, though. So the Baroness would not speak a word of it.

Instead, Big Mama took the chance to approach.

Closer than the Baroness should have allowed. And yet, she did.

The caprid shook her head. "It was a mistake, a simple miscalculation," she explained. Keeping that woman's gaze at bay would forever prove difficult, growing impatient as she continued to be stared at. "This is what happens when one's guard is let down – which is why my job, as Head of Security, is to always be on guard." For good measure, her arms crossed in the end, standing taller.

Her only legal task in life was as the Head of Security, and she failed. Drastically. What should have been so simple wound up in a complicated web of lies and deceit. All because of Big Mama.

A chuckle escaped from the disguised spider yokai as she approached once more, a step too close. "Oh Baroness, you needn't fret. I am not that blasted Council…" A delicate set of fingers ran up the armoured, protected caprid's chest, ending just below her jaw – a move so bold for a space shared by bellhops mere meters away.

Then, a whisper shook her soul; a tone she has not been privy to for years…

"Your secret will always be safe with me."

A single, treacherous sigh choked out of the Baroness.

Don't fall for it. Don't.

Without the mask, concealing emotions became led by the will of her act. She should have worn the mask, regardless of how much she despises it. Perhaps it would have allowed this meeting to be more… professional.

"As… tempting as it is," the Baroness began, carefully, "I see no reason to disclose anything with you. No damage was done to your mutagen, nor will this set us back much further."

"But that is where you are wrong, sheepy-boo!" The smaller yokai began walking off, hands on her chest. "That dastardly destruction set everything ablaze! Your work is sure to be delayed – and your poor estate, look at its crumbling walls. What a disaster ."

"The house looks fine."

A grin escaped the eccentric smaller woman. "Stubborn, are we?" Big Mama approached once more, standing rather close to the taller caprid.

Despite the fact that she continuously insulted her livelihood and refused to leave her alone… Baroness was tired. Exhausted. And perhaps a little weak.

She did not push Big Mama away .

"I'm sure you would not mind some hospitality? A chance to kick back your hooves and rejuvenate from this tedious, traumatic turnover?"

The Baroness raised a brow.

"A short getaway for you and your ward?"

That was certainly an offer…


You'd think a couple that broke up years before would cool it with the constant meet-ups and hom*oerotic tension.

Jennika couldn't care much either way. If it brought her and her sister's legal guardians together for even a short while, that meant they got to pretend to be one big, happy 'family' of sorts.

Speaking of her sister…

The tallest sea turtle took a step away from the crowd of bellhops, those of whom were too preoccupied to notice one leave. Not that she looked anything like them, dressed in her own awesome villain getup.

Probably irresponsible on their end, but it didn't matter. For her, all it meant was sneaking away from what would probably end in a deal born of weakness yet again.

A genius stretched so far could only be so strong.

Whatever happened, Jennika would go along with it. If she based her guess of current deals on those of the past, then what would likely happen is the lab being fixed and paid for by Big Mama, followed by a night at her hotel to celebrate the success of the newest Nexus mutant guys. Their guardian would make a mistake, she and Big Mama would argue, and everything would be back to normal.

Nothing would change for the sea turtles sisters, already too far grown with the divorced-but-never-married routine. If anything, this deal promised a sleepover, a pre-approved one , just like old times.

If not, they always had their secret outings.

Remaining quiet, she slipped out to the front of the estate, standing by the door once it closed. Parallel to her lay another guard, too cloaked yet thin to resemble the one she currently played as.

Jennika knew better.

"The Baroness is about to make a fool of herself, isn't she?"

The taller turtle, decorated in gold and cyan, nodded. "Big Mama turned up the dramatics for this one. Whatever she wants this time, she's desperate for the Baroness to fall for it."

"She wants what she always wants, security guard," the other explained. " And whatever Big Mama wants, Big Mama gets ."

Right, but…

Jennika raised a brow. "Why did you call me 'security guard'?"

"It fits the mood."

The leatherback chuckled, nothing too loud but there all the same. "Any chance you're going to unmask?" They rocked on their heels, keeping an eye on the other. "Haven't seen my sister's face in a while, so…"

Such was met with the figure staring at her. At least that's what it looked like with the mask.

"The woman currently trying to seduce our aunt would kill me if I did," Venus said, blankly. "That, or my parents would."

Ah, yeah, right. Neither of them were necessarily allowed to appear as themselves in public. Not even now, as they reached a breakthrough.

Quite literally, in Jennika's case. But with her invention out on the surface, their time for recognition would come.

Soon, hopefully.

The leatherback adjusted her own face mask, such only being a cloth to disguise her beak and a frame of horns. "...Do you still remember the secret trap door?" she tried, keeping an eye out for any stray bellhops.

She could care less about the security cameras. Only those who lived in the estate ever checked them.

Luckily, her wonders were met with a nod. Good. "Then I believe we should check them, ensure there are no further intruders while the lab is at its weakest."

Away from the cameras and potential onlookers alike, Jennika sent her sister a wink.

With no reason to stick around, they might as well become useful elsewhere.


"So, these intruders you spoke of…"

Once past all the walls, the sisters found themselves in the depths of the lab, with its crumbling everything and all.

"What about them?" Jen mumbled – though internally ecstatic that her sister wished to hear more; too often heartbroken by the truth of little wishing to hear her extensive thoughts on many matters.

According to the scientific journals, it was among the destruction that many truths came to light, after all.

If sighing could be heard through cloaked figures, that's what she believed she heard from her sister now. "Jennika, you're the smartest yokai I know. You and the Baroness have wowed half of the Hidden City with your security technology alone… why would you let bandits get through to your lab. Why would you let them steal?"

For the laughs, Jen so badly wanted to say. Because of boredom, she considered just as much.

Yet none would ever convey the shock in her mind upon seeing them in the distance, with the intention of entering the lab. A human, followed by four mutant turtles

They had to be the ones. The ones taken by their creators all those years ago. The siblings neither she nor Venus ever got to meet. The family they never had.

Eventually, she sighed. "Okay. I doubt you're going to believe this, but I think they might be our siblings. Brothers, specifically."

A blank mask stared back at her. "Jenny–"

"No, wait, listen," Jennika began, walking over to the remnants of the mutation chamber. "Why else would four turtles – an alligator snapping turtle, red-eared slider, spiny soft shell, and ornate box turtle – show up here of all places? Their descriptions match the research perfectly. They obviously came back for a reason."

If Venus wanted to rebuttal, she did not, opting to stay silent. Once Jennika was in the mood, it was near impossible to stop her regardless.

"Sure, they were bumbling idiots, but that's likely due to a lack of training. Nothing that we can't fix. So there's no crime in… pushing them in the right direction, so to say. They took a few mystic weapons, and it's unlikely they won't return in an attempt to thwart our plans."

Barely able to conceal her excitement behind her own mask, the older sister stopped just short, standing in front of the other.

"We can have our brothers back. And if Lou Jitsu's alive… Venus, we could be a family. A real family, without all of this ."

It was a rare sight for sure, to see Jennika so openly hopeful in front of another person. That kind of vulnerability was always left for rambling into an ear that would not listen or making conspiracy boards in the depths of her closet.

But this was Venus. Her little sister. If she understood, then she'd have someone by her side. If not, then she'd have someone to smack some sense into her.

Titan knows her guardian would do little to nothing to stop Jennika's ridiculous scientific pursuits.

So, as the leatherback stood, arms out and slightly catching her breath, it came to no surprise when her cloaked sister merely stood, shoulders slumped. "I… Lou Jitsu?"

Ah, yes. Never one for too many words when faced with her rambles, but Venus knew what to pick and focus on.

"Yes, Lou Jitsu," Jen reiterated, " the Lou Jitsu. The turtles used some of his moves against the Baroness – he's still out there, and those turtles know where. I can feel it."

Sometimes, she legitimately could. All those years, feeling a connection to six beings… if the four turtles were alive, who's to say the other two familiar connections could not be their parents?

As in… their fathers. Her fathers.

The people everyone else believed to be dead.

Still, Venus shook her head. "You are certain he's alive?"

"Um, no." Jen cleared her throat. "There's a high probability, but no one knows for sure. Not until we see him. Which we are planning to do soon, as long as we can lure him and the others back–"

A single outstretched hand stopped her. A hand so familiar yet foreign…

"Don't tell me what you can't promise. Please."

While her sister couldn't unmask – hell, would she ever again? – Jennika knew it was best to leave this alone.

"Right… I'm sorry."

"And don't tell this to anyone else," Venus said, annoyance clear in her voice. "Titan knows what kind of deal Big Mama will make with the Baroness this time. If she knew?"

The younger turtle took a step closer. Lacking the affection of her youth, this is all Jennika was offered in comfort… and it felt wrong. Yet she would accept it.

"Big Mama is an evil woman with a lot of power. The last thing we… I need, is for you to get caught in the mess."

Right… right. Venus knew more than anyone what Big Mama was like. Experienced it firsthand. Suffered because of a poorly-mediated trade.

Sometimes that was the bane of being an older sibling: taking the younger one's word and going along with it. Because they had to. They didn't have a choice. The matter was out of their hands.

Every day Jenny wanted things to be different.

That's why she pushed. That's why she kept her heart on the research. That's why she had hope that those four idiot turtles could mean something more.

A sigh escaped from the leatherback after arguably too long. "Yeah, I guess," she settled, not wishing to dwell on it more. She put a hand on the cloaked figure's shoulder – not her sister's, but that was the best she was going to get. "Let's forget about this sappy sh*t – wanna spar?"

She wouldn't forget, obviously. But a distraction was in order. Anything to bring Venus back.

"Only if you can take the heat of Vega, future Nexus Champion extraordinaire."

Yeah, Venus was back.

Back with the awful code names and all.

Grinning under the mask, Jennika activated one of her weapons – a holographic sword. "I'm sure I can."

As her natural-born opponent, the two could definitely put up a worthwhile fight.

With just the right amount of theatrics to boot.


no idea how the turtles managed to have sisters even more cringe fail than they are

Chapter 18: Just Let Me Do My Job


While Donnie is out thinking he can invent his way out of getting April fired, Raph and the others are left wondering how they will continue to fight against the influx of mutant criminals. If only they still had a portal to the Hidden City... Luckily, Mikey has a plan and a couple of methods to reach that plan under his metaphorical sleeve. Now he has to convince his parents not to lie to him. Good luck buddy


So I've noticed that this fic has been marked as '16/?' for a week, even if all the chapters are up and readable. I honestly have no idea how to fix this lmao


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey Donnie..."

Even with music blaring in the lab, a vague voice was heard from near the doors. Said voice seemed to have no care in the world that he was currently very busy and otherwise not listening.

...If he ignored it, it'd go away.

" Donnie ."

Bothered eye roll, it seems he would not be given the space to work. "What is it, brother of mine?" Donnie asked, still turned away. "Can't you see I am busy helping ?"

"Haven't you already helped enough, though?"

The scientist sighed, knowing one of his inept brothers decided to interrupt his precious inventing time. Cursed hyperfixation, always stealing his focus away from stopping them.

He eventually turned, finding his eldest brother there, lowering his music in the meantime.

"With the fancy weapons and all that–"

"Oh, but my dear Raphala, I have not helped nearly enough . You see, April has taken up a new job, and as her self-titled best science friend, it is my responsibility to ensure she does not proverbially mess this one up."

Figuring that was a valid explanation – not that his brothers were entitled to such – he turned back to his desk, poking at a motherboard once more.

Unfortunately, his snapper of a brother was completely fine with grumbling in his space. "Don, don't you think she'll wanna be left alone with this?"

"And risk something bad happening– oh no, obviously not," he argued.

"...You don't trust her, do ya?"

"I do ," Donnie spat... even if a follow-up took a little too long. "I just trust my intentions more," he mumbled, hoping it would miss Raph.

But it did not, making him groan.

Only ever so slightly more aware now, he soon found the voice of another of his brothers. "20 bucks he'll screw this up?"

"20 bucks you stop making bets on his inventions, Leo ?"

Ha, take that, Nardo. At least Raph was on his side for this.

"Oh yeah? Well–" the brother in blue began, only to walk away. At least he knew when to leave an argument.

A wide smirk found its way onto the scientist's face. He won.

Victoriously, he raised a hand, still refusing to turn back once more lest he have to. "Anyhow, I'm busy. Shoo."

From the continued sounds of him working, he easily could not hear anymore of anyone else unless they wanted to make it important. However, among the buzz of his machinery, he heard the faintest question;

"You sure April's still gonna trust ya after this?"

Donnie paused, if only for a short moment. Hmm... Yeah, it was no problem at all.

If only to prove this, he turned to face Raph once more. "Dear brother, April is our friend, our sister through platonic and surrogate terms. She would only not trust us if we replaced her somehow."

Raph scowled, raising a brow and looking toward his stack of plans.

Of which included a robotic blueprint.

One of which looked very friend shaped according to Donnie's brand.

He quickly pushed it away with his hand. "That's unrelated."

As he attempted to push it back, it moved his desk around more, knocking something off and causing it to fall on the floor. It sounded like glass. With liquid.

"...And that's probably nothing."

It was something of Father's if he remembered correctly. So that statement was not far off.

Before Raph could chew him out for this, or even begin to unpack the situation, a very familiar and equally annoying face made its way back into the lab. "Wait a moment! I remember what I was here for."

Ah, the one time he didn't mind Nardo's presence.

The slider walked past what would very likely turn into a crime scene should he not have interrupted, walking towards the other desk and grabbing a small vial with a T on it.

Testosterone. Ah, yes. He had no idea why Leo continued to take it, but to each their own.

It was still stored in the wrong place.

"How many times have I told you to keep your meds out of my lab?"

His brother looked shocked, utterly appalled by this. "Leave me and my man juice alone , Donnie."

And of course, he just had to walk off once more before he could face the music.

The purple-branded turtle rolled his eyes and leaned back. "Scoff. Well, as he takes his unnecessary – quote-unquote – 'man juice', I will be here, working, and drinking my man juice," he said, grabbing one of his favourite sodas from the side of his desk and taking a sip.

Only for it to be yoinked by Raph.


"I told you to stop drinking that crap."

The soft shell continued to reach for the soda. "Well it's necessary for my focus, thank you very much."

While they could very likely continue playing this game forever, Donnie smirked as one of his extended robotic arms yoinked the soda back.

Raph didn't even fight this, groaning once more. "You're impossible."

"Love you too, Raph."

He took a victory sip from the stolen-back soda, watching his brother up and leave the room.

Ah, finally, alone time once more.

Donnie finally turned back to his work, pressing a button to keep the door shut for once and bumping up the sound of his tunes. Now he could go back to work.

...Or at least that's what he thought, as he fired up the soldering iron once more, only for his phone to ring.

It was April.


This much, Donnie couldn't be upset about. Not in the slightest.

_ _ _

The snapper paced around the room for what felt like an endless amount of time. Come on, Raph, think. Just think .

"You good bro?"

At first, Raph ignored his brother, focused on trying to come up with a plan. You know, that thing he never knew how to do. But he didn't have much of a choice. They had, like, at least five evil mutant villains on their tails now. If anyone was going to stop them, it was him and his brothers.

A vague thought always wondered if they could ask their parents for help – those two are pretty good fighters, after all. But Raph knew they had a very valid, if only slightly selfish reason to not do so:

It was because he and the other turtles were, apparently, built to be warriors. Heroes . They could be heroes should they choose their destiny.

That and things got too messy to even begin to explain what was going on.

So they were going to just be heroes, no help needed.

With that in mind, they needed a plan.

"Yeah, Raph is… thinking, that's all," the oldest mumbled back as he continued to pace. "With those weird paper-stealing guys on the loose, there's no telling what they'd get up to next… what else they'd steal… and why … they don't even look like people all that much…"

All he could hear, other than his thinking, was the lazy kick of a skateboard and very obnoxious paper flipping. "'Kay, you have fun thinking then," he heard Leo dismiss but still didn't pay much mind to it.

They needed a plan in action, and they needed to get their butts back in the game now before–

" Hey ."

Mikey rolled close to the wobbly chalkboard, almost knocking it over.

" Not cool , Mike."

" Shi , my bad," the youngest mumbled. He stopped his board on the ground, stepping on the end to make it stand upwards. "But you need to relax, big bro!”

"Besides, can't we just get Donnie to make something to fight the baddies?"

Raph grumbled. "We could , if he wasn't fixated on animatronics again."

Yeah, after having built a bot for April's job and having that go berserk, Donnie's being dead-set on making one that would not fail to nearly the same degree.

He loved his brother and that big brain of his, but when he had his mind on something, it was impossible to get him to do anything else. Which always made asking for things super inconvenient lest the three of them give into the interest.

Knowing this as well as they did made Leo close the comic he was reading. "Ooh, yeah, that's a no-go then."

Mikey did something similar, kicking away his board for the time being. "Fixation lockdown? No problem," he started, standing between his siblings. "Why don't we just sneak back to the underground city and grab more glowy weapons?"

Huh, that's something they could probably do… if they could go and get out of that place safely again. Because last time was just luck.

"Not the worst idea," Leo agreed, picking up his glowy sword – odachi , if he remembered correctly. "Been meaning to take this thing for a spin again."

The blue turtle stood up and began trying to activate it with little success. He still had to get the hang of it. Meaning it was probably not a good idea to rely on it for a mission.

"No offence Leo, but last time you tried to use that sword, you ended up halfway across the country," Raph advised, watching his brother's expression droop alongside his odachi.

"... Fine , we'll use the portal thingy instead."

Yeah, that sounded more reasonable.

"It broke, though."

Ah, right, it did.

"'Cause you dropped it –"

"Guys!" the oldest interrupted before any more blame could be tossed around. "There's gotta be another one around here somewhere, right? I mean, with how breakable these things are, it would be stupid to have only one."

"Yeah but like, why did Daddio have one in the first place?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, why?"


Were they being serious?

"...How is Raph supposed to know that?"

"I don't know, Raph, you seem to know a lot of stuff."

The younger two snickered at their own form of a joke. Just because he was trying to be a leader and find solutions didn't mean he knew everything … but fine, whatever.

"Either way, Rat Dad had one. He probably got it from the mutant city underground, odds are that Sheep Dad might have one too," Raph reasoned. "We just gotta look around, try finding anything that looks mystic."

Leo shrugged at this. "Aight sounds fair." He picked up his odachi, looking back as he walked away, announcing, "Dibs on not looking in dads' room!"


" Dang it !"

The slider just laughed as he walked off, knowing exactly the fate he left his remaining brothers with.

Before Raph could walk elsewhere to start looking, he noticed a devilish smile on the face of his brother in orange.

"Dibs on pushing Leo into a random portal?"

"I… wouldn't normally condone this, but go ahead," the oldest allowed.

Which made Mikey grin. "Sick."

Raph chuckled, watching the youngest turtle walk off in the same direction Leo was headed.

For once, he wasn't going to stop their shenanigans.

Leo brought this upon himself.

_ _ _

You know, Mikey likes to think that he's got everything under control. Sure, their life kind of turned upside down lately, but that happens to everyone sometimes, right?

But, even with all the weird stuff and new mutant villains they have to fight… the young box turtle can't help but think of it all as a kind of wonderful thing. Like, there was this whole other world out there, a world full of mutants, right under their noses!

And it was all magic and sh*t. Sure, maybe Donnie didn't like magic ('cause he's a nerd) but Sheep Dad definitely would.

Sure, not every mad scientist liked magic, and just because he kind of looked like that Baroness lady did not mean he knew anything about the mutant city…

But if he thought about it, Mikey could remember times the sheep man had looked over him and asked him questions all doctor-style as a kid, especially whenever his spots would glow a little. He would do the same with Leo, and every once in a while, Mikey noticed the man's hands glowing a bit in purple too.

So if anyone in this family knew something about magic, it was that guy.

All that being said, he expected to find and talk to his dad sometime in the afternoon, should no one be able to find another portal maker.

He didn't expect to see the man now , entering the kitchen in his work clothes .

Whatever. Mikey could work with that.

"Heyyyy Dad!" he greeted, making the man stumble back as he grabbed some cheese slices from the fridge. "How's your day going?"

His voice was sweet, just unsuspecting enough, though still allowed old Sheep Dad to look surprised. "Ah, Michelangelo, you're… home."

…Did he not expect them to be?

Maybe not. He and his brothers were prone to spending their days out as of late – his dad probably expected the same to happen today.

"Yep, we're all here. I was about to make some lunch." He kicked the fridge closed, returning to the counter where some bread was already set up. "We're having a bit of a lazy… Thursday."

All of which wasn't too out of the ordinary. It was technically a lie, but also, technically a thing they would do.

The sheep man huffed, walking over to one of the cupboards. "It seems so. Had I known you boys would be home, I would have picked a later time for my lunch break."

Huh, he was allowed to do that? Or he was sneaking off…

"That's why you're here?" Mikey decided to ask him instead. "The school doesn't have a staff cafeteria or something? No nearby McDonald's?"

His dad shook his head. "No, I'm… not particularly fond of the nutritional value of such locations."

Understandable. From what they've heard from April, the cafeteria food was kind of very awful . Hell, any one of them could make decent food for cheap better than the school could.

Benefits of growing up on stolen ingredients the first few years.

"Oh, then at least take a sandwich, you heathen ."

The turtle quickly wrapped up one of the sandwiches, holding it up to his dad's chest. It was supposed to be Donnie's, but whatever. If it was safe for Donnie, it was safe for Sheep Dad.

He pointed back at the fridge behind him with his thumb. "And grab a juice or something too. You can't seriously tell me you were going to drink coffee for lunch."

The guilty sound of a coffee machine filled the room, but its maker only looked mildly guilty. "No, I was planning to make something…" he insisted, grabbing the sandwich. "Is Splinter home as well?"

Mikey shrugged at this. He wasn't going to argue about the food thing because both of his dads did cook. Had no idea where the other dad was, though.

"He's probably in class still," he reasoned, returning to the peaceful rhythm of sandwich making.

"Ah, yes… and do you know at which dojo?"

"How am I supposed to know? You're his husband. You gotta step up your game, man!"

The box turtle chuckled as he heard his dad grumble about this. But, soon, he had another sandwich ready. "Just use your phone. And if you have enough free time, bring him lunch as well?"

He held the second sandwich up to his dad, noticing he already took a bite of his own. Teaching must be exhausting , even more so with all that supposed travel he took. Regardless, he took the sandwich in hand with a nod. "I will. I'm sure he would appreciate it."

"He better ," Mikey responded, earning a snort from the other. "You know what, might as well bring one for April too. She doesn't eat nearly enough as-is."

He put yet another sandwich up against his dad's chest, making the sheep man's eyes widen a bit. "That's… a lot of sandwiches."

"Well, I'm feeling a lot of nice today, so y'all are lucky." The turtle turned back to his station once more, focusing on his brothers' sandwiches before he decided to repurpose anymore of them. " Enjoy ~"

His dad hummed something grabbing a mug of his coffee – instead of the juice, but one could only have so many wins – and started walking off once more. "Thank you, son, I will. I'm sure we all will," he said with a light chuckle.

Before he could leave the room, though, Mikey piped up, "Oh, and just one more question."

This stopped the man in his tracks. "Yes?"

A small grin pulled at the turtle's beak, hidden by him working on the food. "Doesn't it take a while to walk to the school? Kinda strange that you got here so quickly…"

If Mikey remembers anything about the school his best friend goes to and his dad works at, it's that lunch would have started five to ten minutes before. Definitely not enough time to walk unless he was leaving early. Or something else.

"I… have my ways," the man reasoned, with the nearby reflective toaster proving he did not move an inch. Much like a deer caught in headlights.

All of which made Mikey's smirk widen.

"Oh yeah, and would you say these ways are magical? Mystic , even?"

He meticulously put work into wrapping up the remaining four sandwiches, keeping an eye on the reflection that never moved.

However, it tilted its head.

"I can explain my methods… if you boys are willing to explain what you have been sneaking off to do these past few weeks."


He got him there.

All things considered, Mikey could just tell him. The fear of being grounded didn't stop him because that wouldn't deter the turtle brothers from sneaking out. What's the worst their parents could give them, a stern talking to? And a trade like this would be for the good of the cause. Maybe they'd even help infiltrate that lady's lab or help kick some bad guys!

…But the others didn't want their parents to know yet. What they were doing was super dangerous, and if their parents knew, they would freak out for sure. It already took them as long as it did to be normal about humans – this would take a lot longer to be normal about.

Especially because neither he nor his brothers were normal about it yet.

So he just opted to ignore the part of his mind desperate to fall for a deal like this, soon plating and carrying out the finished lunch. "...Let's agree to leave this at a draw."

When he turned for the exit, he saw his dad shrug. "Works for me. As long as you boys are safe, I have no reason to pry further."

Mikey nodded, walking in front of him (soon hearing following hoof steps). "And as long as you aren't using magic to commit tax fraud – like Donnie definitely is – then we'll be good to go."

As he walked on, he could hear his dad pause once more for a short moment.

"Your brother is doing what ?"

"Don't even worry 'bout that–"


You know, Mikey likes to think that he's good at keeping secrets. If his brothers knew Sheep Dad likely used a portal to get here and he did nothing about it , they'd get super upset.

But! Mikey had a plan!

After giving his brothers their sandwiches (and admittedly sticking around a second longer to hear any compliments about it), he said he was off to train a bit, get some fresh air, you know.

Of course, that wasn't his only intention. Not a single one of them only ever goes out to 'train'.

Instead, he got dressed and snuck into the dojo Rat Dad was supposedly working at (last he checked), almost blending in as one of the students.

His dad was here but had not yet recognized him. Going under his alter-ego 'Randall', he looked to be having a pretty normal day as he talks about in passing. Talking with some of the other students (some of which tried to ignore him, ouch), and otherwise having the time of his life.

All until he sat down for a moment, looked at his phone, and snuck out back…

Oh yeah, it was game time.

Mikey followed cautiously behind, keeping an eye on the rat man as he snuck into the alley behind the building. He made sure to keep the door open just a tad to see…

And what do you know, there was Sheep Dad, off to give Rat Dad lunch just as suspected.

"That boy is too kind," he heard Rat Dad say, happily taking the sandwich in hand.

He almost got too happy to continue listening – of course he was used to hearing such, but it was nice to hear all the same.

It only took Sheep Dad looking around and leaning closer to the other mutant to alert him once again, though.

"You didn't hear this from me, but I think I know who stole your portal carver."

Ah, right.

That .

It didn't even need to be said for the rat to be grumbling about this being the boys' fault, which it was, completely .

"What, I didn't say anything."

Okay, Sheep Dad's act was kind of funny.

Still, it gave the secretly watching turtle more questions than answers. If Mikey wasn't deadly curious, he would sneak back into the dojo… but he just had to know more .

"I'm sure it's no big deal, Barry. They probably just stole it thinking it was one of my old priceless knick-knacks and used it for a science project. You know, like they always do."

Very accurate, but not this time around.

"Yes, but Michelangelo was asking questions."

"And? He's a curious young boy."

"...Questions about magic."

The rat paused, eyes growing wider.

What the heck is going on?

"...Does he know?" the rat asked, only after what looked like enough time to think about it.

And the goat sighed. "I hope not."

They didn't elaborate, which was very frustrating – but alas, snooping is never a guaranteed way to get information.

But he did notice the smaller mutant shake his head. "Now begone. I have kids to teach, you have kids to teach, and most importantly, sandwich," the rat announced, pointing at his lunch.

This made Sheep Dad chuckle, even if judgment crossed his face. "Kids to teach… weren't you–"

Rat Dad smacked the other man with his tail, mumbling something that sounded Japanese. Mikey didn't need to understand to know what he meant.

He also understood it was time to bounce.

Before he could stick around to see his other dad leave, he made sure to have the door close silently, slowly backing away.

Okay, they didn't see him. Now he just had to find the perfect chance to spring up on his smaller dad.

Now, he could wait, or…

His peripheral vision caught sight of a window to the side, with a bunch of boxes.

…He could take one last peek .

The turtle quickly scrambled to the boxes, standing up on them and looking through the small, tinted window.

But by the time he did, Sheep Dad was gone, only a slight purple glow in his place.

Oh mi gosh, his dad was using portals!

He stuck around after his shorter dad walked back in, eating by the sidelines in the hallways. Whether or not he packed anything beforehand, Mikey couldn't tell, but he enjoyed the surprise lunch nonetheless.

That much was enough to make the turtle smile widely under the mask… but he still had a mission.

He put his hands behind his back, leaning closer to the other mutant. " Psst, hey Dad ."

The rat man didn't look up from the sandwich he was eating, simply smiling. "Oh, hello Michelangelo."

The turtle said nothing else, waiting for his dad to notice.

Which he did.


Rat Dad stumbled back slightly, holding his hand to his chest. Well, the hand that held his lunch. "My son, what are you doing here?"

He should probably feel bad for scaring his dad so much, but at the moment, he didn’t. "Just came to check up on you, Dad!" he answered cheerfully. "Having fun teaching?"

Another hand was held up against his mask as the rat looked around. After a second, he sighed. "Please, I am Randall here – normal teen Randall," he explained quietly.

Mikey deadpanned at him.

"Randall, seventeen, ninjutsu master and sensei, married with four children–"

" Shush ."

As the rat man failed to explain himself, Mikey could only find himself chuckling. He'd say it's pretty obvious that his dad was a short old rat man, never topping three-foot-six these days, but then again, humans were pretty blind to these things. Or just stupid.

Eventually, though, the rat man sighed. "But yes, I, Randall , am having a wonderful time teaching all these young ones the way of ninjutsu." He flicked a hand, adding, "You boys should really let me teach more."

Mikey gasped in fake offence as his dad proceeded to take a bite of his lunch. "We do let you teach – it's you who doesn't want to, y'know."

"Right, as if this isn't my life's calling."

The turtle blinked. Since when was this his dad's life's calling?

Before he could ask, the man sighed. "I was so happy when you boys wanted to train… but then you got lazy. Do you know how hard it is to bring these delinquents into shape? They're somehow even more disrespectful than the four of you. And that's saying something."

Okay, first of all, ouch .

Second of all… Mikey kind of got where he was coming from.

Before they started going on patrols and stuff, he and the guys never found much of a purpose in training – other than Leo, who still insisted he was as good as Lou Jitsu.

If things lined up differently, they'd probably be rushing to their dads to train them now.

But this family had too many secrets. Not only could they never get a straight answer from their parents, but it was a little too convenient that they apparently also dealt with all this magic mumbo jumbo.

So it was probably not best to engage or ask about training now.

…Even if Rat Dad looked just about as miserable here as he did at home while binging sh*tty commercials.

A hand once again flicking in his direction distracted the box turtle's thoughts, bringing him back to the environment. "Anyways, you're not one of my students. Not here. Tell your brothers there will be no pizza if they don't clean the Lair by tonight."

Despite how dismissive his dad was, he was right. And the bros were definitely doing the opposite of cleaning the Lair right now… so it probably would be best to run home and make everything look non-suspicious.

"Okay Dad," Mikey finally said with a little nod. "But uh, word of advice, try wearing a black gi if you want to not look like one of the other students."

He started to walk away, only half catching the rat man's nervous chuckle. Yeah, he kind of noticed halfway through the conversation that his dad was likely not teaching at this place anymore.

Which made the general sadness and lack of respect in his direction understandable.

It's because of this that the young turtle decided to neglect to ask him anything about portals and whatnot. He's already on edge, no need to frighten him more.

No, Mikey would find some other time to ask his dad about this stuff. Maybe during the man's next appointment with Dr. Feelings…


a little tease of dad content. there will be more soon, I promise

Chapter 19: A Rivalry We Won't Remember


Now, don't get them wrong, the turtles have had their fair share of weird villains they have faced - their mutant-ness only contributing to half of the weirdness most of the time. But it's obvious, with their rise of heroic actions, that a few villains here and there might want to show off, call themselves their greatest foes. Too bad the turtles have bigger problems than that.


Here we are with another rewrite! For anyone keeping track, this would now mean we are at episode 3-ish of season one - only some non-important episodes will be rewritten, with some merely referencing other episodes with their own plots. This is honestly just because I don't want to rewrite them all/want to hopefully pace it better without it dragging on?

Talk of discrimination, Canon-typical Warren abuse, hints at an adult being unintentionally attracted to a minor
(it's that one joke with Hypno in S1E3B)
(sorry for doing you this way Hypno, but let's be honest, the show did you worse. I'll make it better soon)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For once in their lives, Splinter was not at the TV.

Meaning they could finally use it.

Listen, they deserved it, probably more than anyone. Whenever they weren't fighting mutants these days, they were fighting other weird robot tech things and random bad guys.

They deserved the chance to kick back and mindlessly watch some TV, just like when they were kids.

Of course, there was a fight to get to it – something they're so limited to was bound to end in one – but the brothers managed to compromise.

They made a schedule in order by age – except for Mikey's choice, which would be second because it had limited showtimes and he insisted on watching it live.

Little man just had a thing for cooking shows with asshole chefs.

Either way, that meant Raph got to watch first. Of course, he chose to go with a rerun of a Ghost Bear wrestling match, and his brothers would watch it.

"Ooh, this is where it gets good ," he cheered, eyes glued to the screen and hands shaking.

Leo sat higher up on the armchair's arm. "That's what you say every time."

"Yeah, 'cause it's good every time," the snapper grumbled, nudging his younger brother off the chair. "'Sides, you love this stuff."

His brother did not fall off the chair because of this, simply sitting back up. "I can love the show and still state it's a bunch of the same moves over and over again. Heck, I could probably do what they’re doing easily."

Raph rolled his eyes. "You'd get crushed."

"And you wouldn't?"

He and the others looked Leo's way.

"...Nevermind, wrestling's kinda your thing anyway."

Raph grinned, eyes finding their way back to the match. He didn't care if a lot of the moves were the same – so what if a particular wrestler had a few moves they liked to use a lot? This was Ghost Bear they were talking about! No matter what he did, it'd be awesome!

It was just so exciting to see him in action, pulverizing the other guys left and right. He was preparing the grand finale now – ohh, Raph couldn't wait!

Honestly, the fact that this match was up against a super cool wrestler girl – Ghost Pepper – made this match even cooler. Those two were rivals through and through, how could he not enjoy watching?

His hands were shaking once more as he watched, eager to see his idol's famous move – smacking the remote out of Leo's hand before he could even think of turning the sound lower.

This had to be loud. Really loud. Hearing anything else right now would ruin the mood .

Nothing else mattered in the world right now as–

" Breaking news! "


"Aw man !"

Raph grumbled, slamming the remote against the nearest beanbag. What, he could be upset, but if the remote broke, there would be no TV.

The real travesty here.

He and the others turned their attention to the news lady speaking, figuring it had to be important enough to interrupt a beloved wrestling match.

"– The search for missing hypnotist Mesmer Ron, and his hippopotamus – Doug – continues ."

Okay, he probably missed some stuff in his fit of rage, but this seemed like normal news stuff.

" In unrelated news, a monster hippo in a magician's tuxedo is terrorizing local magicians and stealing their trick animals ."

A mockup sketch appeared on the top of the screen, looking like a fusion of the hypnotist and the hippo.

Unrelated news?

Yeah, right. He and the bros knew this song and dance too well – the guy was probably bitten and mutated and is taking his revenge on the wrong people.

" And with no animals, there's no magic ."

The TV showed a clip of children crying over the lack of magician's animals. Poor kids… but honestly, the snapper kind of wishes they kept the image on the mutant hippo guy's sketch for longer.

Would be kind of hard to find him now. But whatever, they just had to keep an eye out for any other signs.

As Raph calmed from his – admittingly dramatic – tantrum, he saw Leo walk over to the projector and turn it off. "Pfft, no, animals don't make the magic."

Donnie rolled his eyes. "They do if you're seven, Leo."

"Yeah, sure, but even little kids should know where the real magic comes from: the show ." Leo made a display by pulling a small stack of cards from behind his back, likely for an occasion such as this.

The local family magic hater didn't take kindly to this, however. " Real magic?" Donnie mocked, causing the slider to gawk in offence.

Before another sibling squabble could start, though, Raph groaned, standing up and walking to the space in front of the projector. "For all we know, 'real magic' comes from the mutant city, which is actively working to make innocent people into mutants." He put his fist against his open palm. "C'mon gang, let's suit up and stop this guy!"

The ever-so cheerful and ready-for-ass-kicking Mikey got up, heading out of the room. Donnie never left his bo out of his sight, so he stuck around. Leo, however? He slumped back down on the ground.

" Ugh , Raph, do we have to go mission mode every time there's a new mutant?" The slider complained, much like a child.

The snapper just rolled his eyes. "We do. Who else is gonna stop them? The cops?"

He kept a glare on his younger brother.

"...Fair point."

Soon, Mikey returned, kusari-something in hand (give Raph a break, he was still learning). He threw the snapper's tonfas at him, which he caught with a nod.

"Nice catch!"


The oldest watched his little brother throw the portalling sword at its owner, who stumbled to catch it before it fell or hurt somebody. Ha, take that, Leo.

"Alright guys, we have a mission," Raph started, looking them all over. "Let's stop the rampaging hippo mutant before he terrorizes any more innocent magicians!"

"Shouldn't we also stop him from stealing animals?"

"That's… kind of the point."

"Ah, right."

With that, the four brothers left the room, not caring to clean up the space. They had a mission, they couldn't stop for anything now!


By the time the rat mutant got out of his room and groggily slipped his robe back on, he saw that his sons were no longer in the next room. Thank the Spirits , he was barely able to nap with all their yapping.

Luckily the space was not too much of a mess – it still was, but that's what he got for not actively claiming his domain. It was not fair to keep them from watching TV while he was away, though.

He took the remote from where it lay on one of the beanbags – good on the boys for not breaking it this time – hopping onto his chair and happily turning the TV back on.

When he did, he nearly jumped at the high volume, quickly scrambling to lower it. Phew , that was close. But, before he could change the channel, he noticed what was still on:

Some sort of wrestling match, with a large man praised for the victory and a smaller woman shooting him a glare.

This was definitely one of Raphael's shows… but why would he leave before it could end? Didn't he love these programs more than anything?

Just as he changed the channel, he heard another voice. A very familiar one at that. "Seriously, Rat. You just go back to your old habits, right after–"

" Yes ," Splinter argued, glaring at his husband. "Now, quiet you, it's about to get good."

He heard a groan as his eyes landed on the commercials. Ah, sweet, beautiful commercials.

The rat could care less as the other man walked in front of him, right in view of the TV, eyes seemingly now glued to his phone. Just like their sons.

Speaking of…

Before Draxum could leave, he decided to share some news, seemingly about what he was looking at:

"Let's just hope the reason our children are not home is unrelated to the debut of a new mutant villain, who is currently terrorizing the streets of New York."

" What ?!"

_ _ _

Okay, so clearly, it wasn't that easy to just find the hippo guy.

Local nerd for all things magic (aka Leo) still had no idea where he might strike next. A magician never reveals his secrets, or whatever other nonsense reason the slider came up with.

Donnie made an extensive list of all the places he was rumoured to attack, Leo teleported over, and they got a look around. That was their routine for the next hour or so, never finding anything other than faded tracks of something mystic, destruction and distraught magician crews.

It honestly got Raph wondering if this was an elaborate plan. Was the sheep lady behind this too?

No matter. It wasn't his job to go conspiracy theory mode, and right now, they had to focus on catching this one guy. If anything, it leads to the bigger fish. If not, they at least get one criminal away from the innocents.

They tried everything to find this guy – mostly relying on Donnie's tech if they were being honest. At some point, the soft shell announced the presence of a new mutant in the area. They got a lead.

"Okay, we'll split up," Raph decided, pointing at his youngest brother. "Mikey, you head left with me, and you two go right."

"On it," the twins said in near unison, heading off to the right of where they were standing.

The oldest turned to Mikey, nodding, then jumping down into the nearest alleyway. His brother followed with an excited chirp.

"Hey Raphie, how are we gonna find this guy?" Mikey started looking around, using the slight glow of his weapon as light. "Doesn't Donnie have those fancy mutant-finding glasses?"

"Yeah, but a mutant as big as I am shouldn't be hard to find," Raph reminded him. At least from the pictures, the hippo looked about the same size as him. "Just keep your eyes out for someone big and blocky, with grey skin and a purple jacket. Like…"

Raph was about to pull up a photo of the villain they were looking for when he caught something in the corner of his eye.

Someone Raph-sized, grey, and wearing purple.

"Hey, you!"

The mutant barely got to turn around before Raph ran towards them, right at the other end of the alley.

But before he could reach them, the snapper felt himself being pulled back by something. Very easily did he realize that it was Mikey's mystic chain.

"Hit the breaks, big bro! That isn't him."

His little brother stood between him and the other mutant, who quite frankly looked startled. And spending even a second to look at the apparent criminal made Raph realize that Mikey was right.

This was an elephant mutant. Not a hippo.


He goofed this one up big time.

"I'm so sorry, sir and/or madame," he started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

The mutant just up and left with a huff. Honestly, Raph couldn't be too surprised – who would stick around after that?

Once they were gone, he exhaled in slight relief because that could have gone way worse , but his brother quickly grounded him right back into the scene. "You gotta cool it with the randomly attacking people in alleys, man!"

"I know, I know!" Raph sighed again, waiting until Mikey's weapon came undone from around his waist to start walking in the other direction. "I'm just sick and tired of all these new criminals popping up out of nowhere and causing problems. They make us all look bad!"

"It's not their fault, Raph." As the box turtle caught up and walked some ways in front of him, he swung his weapon lightly. "They're probably scared and alone in this new frightening world! You don't know what that's like for them."

Ah, Mikey the optimist – or whatever it was that made him this sweet. Forever did he try to remember what it was like when they were babies, but all he could ever remember was the Lair and having two mutant dads. So yeah, Raph didn't know what it was like.

The snapper pouted, still looking around. "Can't they just like… not cause chaos everywhere, though?"

Mikey raised a brow at him.

"Right, right. Mutant anger issues or whatever."

"Exactly, big man," the box turtle reminded. "Whatever that evil scientist put in the mutant juice obviously makes them all super angry. It's probably what gave our family so many issues."

"We have issues because we're a bunch of freaks living in the sewers, Mikey."

The lack of immediate response almost made Raph backtrack. At least until Mikey's smile picked back up again.

"That can't be the only reason," he started, earning a groan from the oldest. "There's gotta be something making these guys lash out, and I'm sure it's gotta do with being mutated. Just think of how antsy you get when you can't punch something or Donnie when he can't bite. Don't you think you'd have it much worse if you were turned into a half-human animal out of nowhere?"

Raph sighed because honestly, he couldn't see any of that being wrong. Mikey was the one who read up on all that mental health stuff, after all.

"I can't believe you're sympathizing with the villains ," is all he settled on, rounding the last bend of the alleyway. Any mutants he saw looked nothing like the magician, nor did they look to be causing problems.

There was nothing here.

Mikey looked just as bored of searching, but just as intent on them talking. "You're just salty we left before we could see Ghost Bear win for the hundredth time."

Raph huffed. "Hundred and ninety-fifth times' more like it."

"Well it's not like I got to watch Kondescending Kitchen either, so it's fair."

Right, right, they both missed out on their favourite shows. But…

"Ain't that the show with the chef who turned into the pig mutant who tried to kill us last week?"

His little brother's eyes widened. "Yeah, about that…"


They decided to give up the search after a while, instead heading back to their brothers. Who apparently had a much more convincing lead.

"'Current Occupant', huh?"

Leo nodded. "Yeah, that's what the scanner said. Guy's probably too shy to reveal his identity after running into such a big scawy mutant ."

The youngest giggled at this, only increasing Leo's ego. But Donnie had something much more important to say.

"Judging by the fact that this whole situation scares away even other mutants, I think it might be best to try a different approach when facing Mesmer Ron – the disguised approach."

His battle shell opened, revealing the disguise in question: a grey suit, complete with a detachable head. And, when held up, looked to be about Raph's size.

The snapper's smile dropped.

"...Don't tell me you had a whole hippo costume stuffed in your battle shell."

"When there is the need, there is the need. Just be glad I came prepared."

Raph just sighed and grabbed the costume, accepting defeat. He didn't even want to begin thinking about when, where, or why his brother got a hand of this.

The less he thought about it, the better.

Now donned with the ridiculous-looking hippo suit, Raph went ahead of the team, trying to gracefully jump to the next building.

That obviously did not go well. He was never graceful, why would wearing a stupid suit change that?

Oof , but he was okay. Once he adjusted to the feeling of falling on his face for the fifth time since he put this on, he frantically looked around, making sure this was the right place.

Yep. Park at the end of these buildings with something going on. They found the right place.

He hopped onto a couple more buildings before he landed at the edge closest to the park. He couldn't tell exactly what was down there because of the stupid suit – he also couldn't breathe, which wasn't helping much.

Raph struggled to take the suit's head off, looking towards his approaching brothers once they made their way over. "You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing!"

He pulled at the neck part of it, hoping to catch some air but not with much luck. This thing really was Raph-sized.

While he was distracted, his youngest brother snatched the head. "I'd be happy to wear it, if you need a break-"

Well, he couldn't just let Mikey take this now. This was his responsibility to bear.

"No no no, I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit!" Raph denied, scrambling to take the head back. He hated it, but to hell if he was letting his little brother go through this.

Especially because the plan was to attract the evil magician, to lure him into their trap animal-style.

Hey, they've seen this kind of stuff work before. Mutants were apparently very easy to court with just a bit of extra scent and a little dance.

"I mean he's got a point – Raph is the most hippo-like."

The other two turtles chuckled at Leo's remark. For once, Raph couldn't pay mind to it.

"If I'm gonna attract him, I'm gonna need a little more of that female hippo scent," he remembered, to which Donnie spritzed more on him. Where he got that was going into Raph's mental folder of stuff to worry about later.

For now, it was game time.

" Help! "

The turtles' eyes widened, turning to the plea in the distance.

"Guys, that must be him," is all Raph managed before they all took off, headed to the sound.

" A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half! "

Magic worm? Okay, the snapper was definitely out of whack with magic stuff if people were using worms for displays of magic.

But whatever. Again, weird stuff to think about later when his brain hurt less. For now, they had to save that guy.

The group made their way to the park, landing on top of the tallest play structure near some magic equipment, lit up enough to be able to see. Who the heck does a magic show in the park at night…?

Well, this certainly looked strange, but everything about this was strange already. The more they all looked at the scene, though, the more it looked…

"Does anyone else find this whole thing a little…"

" Odd ?"

"Magic worm?"

" Totally legit!"

Raph didn't hesitate to jump into the scene, figuring they weren't gonna find out how legit any of this was unless they actually tried looking around.

"Don't worry, Raph will save you!"

He landed near the magic display – admittingly too impulsively done since everything knocked over with his surprise weight. Oh no.

Even worse, as he tried to back away, he found his suit's feet stuck on some sort of sheet.

"Uh… hey? Raph's stuck ," he complained, trying his hardest to wriggle away from the sheet trapped to him.

From above, he could only hear an "ugh, not again," before seeing his brothers make their way down.

The twins quickly made work of trying to remove him from the sheet by pulling at it, but not even a second later, the apparent magic worm started laughing. Loudly. Maniacally .

"You stepped right into my goop trap!"

Their eyes widened.

Raph lifted the suit's head.

"Your what now ?"

The worm looked at them as if they were stupid. "Goop trap–"

"Talking magic worm?!"

Apparently, all Mikey could focus on was the fact that the guy who trapped them was a talking worm and not the fact that his older brother was stuck. Talk about teamwork!

The worm stood up dramatically (or well, held himself up) as he held his fake glasses, looking at them all. "That was all a ruse , for I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and–"

Leo poked the worm's hair before he could keep embarrassing himself.

"I'm sorry, Warren who ?"

The worm guy tried to slap Leo's figure away with a " stop that! " before he sighed. "Stone, I'm your greatest– I'm your greatest foe –"

"Ah, don't tell me," Leo cheerfully interrupted, obviously now distracted with this little guy, just as much as Donnie was typing away, looking to do research. No longer caring that Raph was still stuck . "What are you, a worm man ?"

"No no, I'm Warren St–"

Raph pulled off his mask head again before the guy could finish talking. "Could someone help me get unstuck?"

The slider groaned at this. "Ugh, fine ," he settled but still walked over to Raph, Donnie following silently.

Leaving the worm guy alone.

"Umm… greatest nemesis, here ."

With how much more important it honestly was to get Raph unstuck, soon no one focused on the worm. Even Mikey was in his own world, playing on the park's play structure around them.

This must have struck a comically sized nerve.


The worm guy yelled, throwing himself onto Leo. Who immediately freaked out.

"Agh, get it off of me! It's gross!"

Even with this, the worm guy could still only laugh. What was up with this guy? "Ha, classic mistake. I may be small, but I'm also very pow–"

Unfortunately, his plan of terrorizing Leo was cut short, when the turtle was successfully able to smack him away, effectively throwing him into the air.

But apparently, that wasn't enough. No, because Raph was stuck in this stupid trap , he couldn't stop his brother before he took out his odachi and cut the worm guy in half .

When the top half of the worm mutant fell onto the ground again, very likely dead, the group was left speechless for a moment.

Until Raph turned to his dumbass of a brother.

"Oh, what did you do ?!"

"He was on my head, I panicked !"

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Is he gonna be okay ??"

The other half of the worm soon fell to the ground, inching away.

…Did that thing just have a mind of its own?

"He's in two pieces !"

But it seemed the worm guy was not, in fact, dead.

"You fools ."

The turtles all scrambled back, keeping their distance from that thing that should probably be dead right now. Because of Leo no less.

But nope, Warren Worm-face was still alive and kicking, even if he looked weak. He gripped at his jacket, looking to try and gather strength. "You've unleashed my ultimate power . Now I can–"

"You can clone yourself?" Mikey excitedly asked.

The worm mutant held himself up against the ground. " No , I regenerate." He strained more. "It's an amazing power but it's incredibly painful ."

Donnie walked up behind the small mutant, leaning close to him. "Fascinating. How long does the regeneration process take?"

The worm glared at him. "Several… days ."

"And you grow back with double the strength?" Mikey added.

"... No ."

Raph decided to give it a try of his own. "But four times the size?"

The worm looked angry at that, though. "If I don't grow back twice as strong, why would I grow back twice as big?!"

Leo, who never had anything intelligent to add, just stared. "I don't understand you!"

Eh, whatever. If this worm guy wasn't gonna die and was just gonna spend all his time yelling at them, it wasn't worth it to stick around.

They had bigger fish to fry.

The brothers turned to walk out of the park with Raph right behind them, putting on his mask. "Can we go get some pizza now? I'm hungry!"

There were a few nods of agreement, thank goodness – but of course, Mikey looked worried. "Are you sure he's gonna be okay guys?"

The worm mutant yelled something else at them, but Raph couldn't be bothered to pay too much attention. "You heard his scream, he's fine ."

The others just shrugged. Yeah, he'd probably be fine… and they were too hungry to care now. Hungry for both justice and pizza.

Raph sighed as they walked, putting his fists together in a punch-like action. "I had my fists set on busting up a magic hippo. What a waste ."

Leo shrugged as they walked. "It's all good, Raph. After dinner, we can go back to looking for the guy. You'll get to punch something today."

For only a second away from all his typing, Donnie looked up. "I suppose I should document that Leo needs a new killing quota if Raph needs one for using his rage?"

They all started laughing, making the slider only look grumpy about this. "He's not even dead , guys!"

"Yeah, but he could have been."

"For real, Leo, you gotta cool it with the sword."

He just groaned as they kept walking, Donnie now working on what was very likely an updated quota. "I hate you all so much."

"We hate you too, Leo~"

_ _ _

Ah, finally, they made it to the place. It took a while, but once Donnie caught wind of what was likely a mutant hippo sighting, they just had to go look for themselves.

Hopefully it wasn't another sham.

"Are you sure the hippo's in there?"

"Uh, yes , I picked it up on my scanner, a 'Current Occupant' called in."

Raph grumbled as he looked into the building below. "Now explain it to me again, why can't I wear the suit?"

The twins rolled their eyes at him.

"We've been over this."

"You ruined that woman's ninety-fifth birthday."

"She's fine !"

Aww, Raph must have been really down about not being able to use the suit anymore. Which is weird, because they can all swear he hated it with a passion.

To try and cheer him up, Mikey, who was currently using the suit, hugged him with one arm. "I'll do you, and the suit, proud."

Raph just sighed at this. "Treat it with respect. And be careful."

"You got it, big bro!" Mikey offered, trying his best to give a thumbs up with the suit on.

He thought now about just jumping in until he remembered something crucial.

"Oh oh, wait!" He took a step towards his soft-shelled brother. "Donnie, pass more of that female hippo scent."

As he got some more of the perfume put on, Mikey giggled, hearing a scoff from his side.

" More of that female hippo scent?"

"To cover Micheal's teenage male turtle sewer-dwelling scent, obviously."

"Yeah but like… couldn't you make it less feminine ?"

Mikey raised a brow (not that anyone could see), honestly confused at what Leo was getting at. Raph put some of this stuff on earlier, and he was the most big and masculine of them all! Why was it such a big deal for Mikey to do this as well…?

Donnie just rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, Leon, the majority of the world's population is straight. And we're working mutants here, so it's best to work with animal scents."

Yeah, Leo was really just being stupid. Maybe he was just having one of those days.

"I don't know, still kinda sounds like a stupid plan."

Mikey sighed, slumping a bit in his suit's form. "Guys, really, I'm fine with this."

"You sure?"


The brothers looked between themselves for a moment, almost as if they were judging the youngest before they looked back at him.

"Alright, if you say so…"

Before Mikey could turn back, he felt a hand hit the suit's shoulder. It was Leo's. "But remember Micheal, if he tries anything at all , kick him where it hurts!"

He could feel Raph so close behind, and while he couldn't see, Mikey just knew what he looked like right about now. "Is that why there are steel toes in that thing?"

Donnie grinned. "You know it, baby."

The box turtle chuckled. Yeah, he'd be fine. His brothers wouldn't let anything out of the butt-kicking ordinary happen to him.

"Really, guys, I'll be fine," he said one last time, striking a pose. "I know exactly how to set the mood."

Another collective shrug was shared between the oldest few. "If you say so."

Now Raph kicked him into the building.

Mikey landed with a thud , but, unlike other times, he had a big suit to cushion his fall. And thank goodness for that .

He only vaguely heard his brothers behind him, and once there were lights on him, Mikey put his plan into motion.

He was gonna do a mating dance.

There was really nothing to it, even if it looked a bit silly while standing on two legs, but he knew what he was trying to do. He watched animal documentaries sometimes now that they had to fight mutants, and kind of remember what it was like for hippos.

So he would try his best, dancing around the room that looked very much like a news studio now that he thought about it. Did this hippo guy want to get caught?

Either way, they were gonna catch him. Mikey was sure of that this time.

"Hippooo! I'm right here!" he called, dancing some more wherever he could stand.

His brothers soon backed him up, also calling for the hippo guy. It was hard to keep a straight face – this was so stupid , but it was honestly kind of fun.

He giggled quietly as Leo painted the image of him being some girl hippo who likes magician stuff. "I hope he likes me," he added to the bit, moving on to dance elsewhere.

"He will," Leo added. "Of course he'll like you, you're adorable!"

Mikey couldn't help but imagine if they'd ever do this but like for real. Obviously, this was just a cover, because ew, the mutant hippo they're looking for is an adult. But he can definitely see him and the others goofing around like this should one of them ever have a crush.

He snuck onto one of the active stages, striking another pose. Now, he was going to go for another epic dance, until–

" Breaking news ."

His brothers immediately met up with him, standing guard, Leo going as far as to bring out his odachi. Again with the sword, bro?!

The lights panned down to the news desk, more so the chair that was slowly spinning to face them. "You may have beaten me before, but I'm a little tougher this time." The person in the turning chair started clapping. "You see, I've enhanced myself, I've really grown into my role as your greatest nemesis!"

Oh no .

"I'm really pumped for our little tête-a-tête!"

No freaking way!

This guy was somehow worse at puns than Leo!

The brothers stumbled back, barely able to believe what they were seeing.

"You're not a hippo, are ya?"

Raph, what the heck, that obviously isn't a hippo!

"What- no , I'm not a hippo ! Do I look like a hippo to you?!"

Donnie got closer, starting to measure the guy's height, obviously for his research. "Hmm, maybe a baby hippo?"

"I am not a hippo! And please stop interrupting me. I called in the hippo sighting–"


Now he got it.

"Guys! He's 'Current Occupant'!" Mikey shouted as he took the suit mask off, pointing at the unusually buff mutant.

" Yes , he gets it! I am Current Occupant–"

"And," Mikey interrupted, posing heroically, "we're here to save you from the hippo magician. Where is he?"

He let the mask fall back on, looking around, determined to find the guy.

" No , you green idiot, it was a ruse ! There is no hippo ! I'm Warren Stone! Your greatest nemesis ! Prepare to meet your–"

Before this guy could even finish his words for once (and before Mikey could figure out why his name was familiar), the wall busted behind him, leaving the area in a cloud of dark purple smoke.

And, slowly, a figure appeared out of the rubble.

"Ta-da! Hypno-Potamus has arrived!"

Once again that worm guy was cut in half (ohh, that's why he was so familiar), likely due to the hippo's floating rings and ohmigosh it was the hippo guy!!

"Finally, the thing we actually care about," Raph announced, pushing Mikey forward. "You're up, Mikey."

As he was pushed forward, all he could do was stand for a moment and wait for the hippo to notice him. Which he did .

"Well hello there, future Mrs. Hypno-Potamus~" he greeted, dipping the hippo-disguised Mikey with a wink.

Mikey giggled, trying to sound goofy and feminine, all so the second the magician hippo tried to kiss him, the turtle would be able to slip away unnoticed.

Fool-proof plan.

Once he got back over to his brothers, he playfully nudged Raph. "You see, my hippo is more hippo-y."

Watching the hippo guy get so flabbergasted was honestly funny, seeing him so disgusted to realize he was tricked by a couple of kids.

Even funnier how fake scents seemed to work so well on mutants.

But he wasn't just gonna mope about this, obviously. He soon turned back to the turtles, activating his evil rings. Looking at them for revenge .

"That is one well-dressed evil mutant hippo," Leo pointed out, obviously impressed.

But soon, the four were ready to fight back, hippo suit or not. "Get him!"

They went at him at every which angle, trying to hit him but avoiding his magic rings which was hard because this guy was made of literal magic.

Raph tried to power-smash him, but his rings just smacked Raph, rendering his powers useless.

For a second, Raph must have thought he was naked or something with how he looked around. Okay, that's kind of funny. But nope he was fine, and they soon sprung back into action.

What happened next, though, was… weird.

One second, they were in the air, about to jump this Hypnopotamus guy, and the next, he said something…

And then everything went blank .


By the time they were out of the sort-of trance, they fell.

They really gotta stop ending up mid-air before stuff happens.

Mikey shook his head thoroughly as he heard Leo ask what just happened. Honestly, he could only guess magic . But that's what everyone was thinking by now.

Raph took the opportunity to stand over the now passed-out hippo, grinning. "I think we won."

"Our plan must have worked," Donnie added.

To which Raph only grinned more. "It was my plan to use your plan." He crossed his arms proudly. "You're welcome, everyone."

Yeah, sure Raph. But they still didn't know how exactly the hippo guy passed out.

"I think by rejecting him, I broke his heart," Mikey wondered out loud, now trying to take the suit off of himself. "Yeesh, this suit has too much power!"

He yoinked it off and pushed it towards Donnie, no longer wanting to even look at it.

" No !"

The sound alerted them to… the bottom of Leo's shell, where the worm guy was stuck.

" I saved you loser turtles but hypnotizing that beast and saving your lives!"

Leo just yoinked him away, looking confused.

"And you are?"

Wow, Leo was really having a dumbass day.

The turtles soon left the building, walking away far enough that no one would notice them in the destruction.

And now they were left thinking about, well… whatever the heck just happened.


That was weird.

They had both a new mutant criminal and an apparent arch-nemesis to add to their list of enemies.

Ultimately, a whole lot of wild goose chases in one night, sans the geese themselves.

"So do y'all just wanna go home or…?"


"Let's go."

"I am not waking up early tomorrow."

"Let's just hope Pops didn't touch my Ghost Bear rerun–"


the turtles are just being silly and goofy with their plans, don't even worry about it

Chapter 20: Mother's Day


Now that the Baroness agreed to allow Big Mama the opportunity to fund the repairs of her lab and work once more, they were allowed some time off to rest from the eventful day. The Baroness herself doesn't know what to do, knowing the cons of getting too close to Big Mama but otherwise unable to resist her. Jennika and Venus are, of course, going to make the most of being allowed time together once more... even if it no longer feels the same. Try as some might, it's impossible to go back to the way things were. This group will learn that the bittersweet way.


sorry for this chapter being slightly late, I've been unmotivated as of late so I wrote like 2/3 of this in one day lol
there also may or may not be continuity errors because of that. no idea tbh

anyways, enjoy some more sapphic moments B)


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"So… this actually worked, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Jennika huffed, looking over at her sister. "Come on, you know they can't resist each other."

"More like your guardian is nothing but a massive simp ."

At this, the leatherback turtle gasped. "Now where did you learn that ?"

"Gaming," Venus answered honestly. "And I'm not two years old."

Okay, fair. They did know their sister to sneak onto the internet every once in a while.

"...You're not wrong," Jennika ended up admitting, flopping down on the bed.

This was nice, just having the chance to hang out with Vee again. How long it's been, she didn't even know – okay that was a lie. They hung out a few days ago, with or without the rest of the nonsense.

Either way, this was nice, especially because Venus' room was huge .

"But this isn't about them," Jen decided, turning her gaze back to her sister. "The hell are we gonna do? I mean, the entire hotel's on the market now, right?"

The other turtle shrugged.

"Then we gotta do something fun," Jen concluded. "Is Jackson still scared of me?"

"You bit him when you were a baby. It hurt."


"Of course he is."

Jen snorted. So bullying that bellhop was still an opportunity up for grabs.

"But we can't bother the staff today, they're preparing to deal with the gala."

Aw, man. Venus somehow knew exactly what was on her mind.

"Can't we, like…?" Something tried to come to mind, but it always drew a blank. "I don't know, actually. What can we do?"

They didn't pay attention as their sister got up, heading for another part of the room. But they did notice a curtain being pushed back.

"I can always show you the gaming room?"

Jennika sat up on the bed and blinked. "That's here ?"

"Well, yes – how else is Big Mama yet to find out?"

Huh. That made enough sense. Even though the idea of having someone like Big Mama be this neglectful was strange to them.

Even the Baroness questioned the nest of documents in her room from time to time.

"Fair enough," Jen settled, getting up and walking over to it. "Bet your computer is all pink and girly and has sparkles on it."

This was enough to be shoved.

" Hey ."

"Just because you're boring doesn't mean I have to be," Vee explained. "Besides, my stuff is neon . You know, the superior colours."

The turtles walked through the space, and, just as said, the space was much less pink and girly and more neon , with mostly bright cyan lights making up the otherwise dark space.

Pretty neat set-up, all things considered.

It could almost be said that she felt betrayed for never seeing this before. Now she just had to copy this for herself back at the estate.

"Told you so," Vee taunted, finding her place in her chair and setting up without a word.

Jen just stuck her tongue out, sitting on a nearby chair.

Sure, she could watch her sister game for an hour or so.

This could be fun.


Don't get Jennika wrong, she loved spending time with her sister. Her sister was her best friend through and through…

…But she couldn't help but wonder what her brothers would be like too.

Bumbling idiots, by the looks of it. The kind of bumbling idiots that Jennika wanted to freely be, outside of all this bullsh*t with the people that were supposed to be raising her. Will they, won't they ? Jennika was honestly tired of it.

She wouldn't say anything because she loved her sister, but something about this day felt missing .

Forever would Jennika imagine what it would be like to have a complete family. Mothers, fathers, aunts, whatever fourth thing H & M were, sisters and brothers . Were they bound to live in the Hidden City between each estate and political deal? Were they bound to have issues?

Was happiness even an option?

Call Jen an optimistic turtle, but even she was allowed to have her doubts. Or maybe she was just fifteen.

Either way, it was hard to sit and watch a game or walk around the hotel with only her sister when she knew there could be more to it .

But, truly, who was she to spend time with? The Baroness? She does that all the time.

Maybe Jennika would just have to find a moment away from it all one of these days, just enough time to try tracking those turtles.

Yeah, nobody would want her to do this, but at this point, she had to.

She had to find those brothers once again, talk to them at least.

And besides, wouldn't Venus and Big Mama be happy if she managed to bring Lou Jitsu back?

She just had to do this.

But first, she would cheer on as Venus beat this loser in PVP.

She was a turtle on a mission, but she was a good older sister first. Never forget that.

_ _ _

All things considered, she could have made worse decisions.

So long has it been since she's walked these warm halls, teeming with activity in every corner. Floors upon floors of guests with high honour – yet she and her niece received the highest honours of all.

For playing along with this all. The Baroness knew full well – access to anything under Big Mama's name only fell into her hands if she behaved .

Not that she had much of a choice in the matter.

If she didn't go along with Big Mama, she'd have to talk to the Council, and she couldn't be half-assed to do that. Admitting to her (not-so) secret affairs could land her in trouble, and the last guy who got into hot water with the Council for an alchemy-related lab eruption involving mutant turtles disappeared without a trace.

If the Baroness was to disappear, she would do such on her own terms. Until then, she would behave .

Besides, this was the best possible outcome – Big Mama's work was not harmed, and the lab would be fixed within a few years. That, and Jennika's tech roamed the surface world, creating more mutants every day.

Everything would be fine.

As the caprid walked the halls, she found the sight of two familiar bellhops – not often did she talk to them personally, but she recognized them nonetheless.

The two women who truly raised Venus.

While the Baroness would never say it aloud – Big Mama did take pride in mentioning the young turtle every chance she had – she knew the bellhops did most of the work. Titan, even she was more of a motherly figure to her.

Well, aunt figure.

Either way, there was nothing to lose from reaching out to them.

"Bridget, Rita," the Baroness greeted, looking down at their smaller forms (have they always been this small?).

The two shared a look, not one she could properly place, but there was something behind those eyes for sure.

"So Venus is right – you really are back."

"Well yeah, how did Jen get to visit if the rest of the gang weren't showing up too?"

"I don't know, she could have just snuck in, like how Ve–"

" Guys ."

The two stopped, looking up at the Baroness once again.

"Oh, right."


The caprid could only sigh at this. Sometimes these two reminded her of Huginn and Muninn way too much, especially in the way that they all had secrets that were one gossip away from slipping out at any moment.

But she had a reason for approaching them in the first place, so she wouldn't delay. "Speaking of that , could you watch over the girls today?"

"Sure, no problem," Bridget settled with a grin.

The other bellhop looked to agree, but not without a mischievous glare sent in the caprid's direction. "Why? You're gonna spend time with Big Mama, hm?"

Beside her, the raccoon yokai chuckled, but the Baroness could only groan, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Come on, sheepy-boo , we know you want to~"

The teases kept coming, and honestly, she couldn't find herself fighting against them. What little time she spent with the duo somehow always had to do with a meeting with Big Mama or something about their turtles. So it was completely fair of them to assume what she was here for.

"I'd rather not," the Baroness admitted, quickly looking around to see that no one else was near. "...I'm hitting the Nexus gala later today."

" Ooh ."

"You sly goat!"

Again the Baroness groaned. "Not for that ."

"Then why else?" Rita questioned, raising a brow at her.

"What happened the last time you hit the Nexus gala?"

Fine, whatever . They were right.

Of course she was using this as a chance to find revenge hook-ups.

The Baroness could only hold her head in her hand as she let the two laugh amongst themselves. "Alright, but can you blame me?"

"Nope, honestly."

"Not at all."

"And we won't tell Big Mama a thing."

Okay, good. She allowed herself to breathe for a second – not that she thought they would tell.


"Of course," Rita offered, giving a wink. "Anything for you, Goat Mama."

Her expression dropped, to which the two could only laugh as they turned to walk off.

"We'll watch over the girls for you," Bridget added, just before the two could disappear from her sight. "Have fun!"

…You know what? Yeah, the Baroness could do that. She could have fun .

She'd ignore the teasing remarks from the other two as she set her mind to the day she was about to have. It was easy – nothing she's never done before, and something she's honestly been wanting to do again.

Even she knew that Big Mama tied her down. What was the point of visiting the Nexus Hotel if not to make the most of it?

Didn't matter who she would spend time with. Hell, she could even try something with Bridget and Rita if she wanted to.

But she couldn't get back with Big Mama. That was certain.

She moved on.

_ _ _

Okay, operation 'Give the turtle sisters an awesome day' was set and ready to go.

Now, Bridget and Rita knew they shouldn't be doing this. Hell, they could get fired for it – but they knew it was what the turtles would want. At least Venus.

"This way, girls," Rita said, motioning them to follow down a hallway.

The tallest turtle kept pulling on the neck of her suit – a bellhop uniform, of course, as an attempt of disguise. "You sure this is allowed?"

Bridget looked her way. "No. It's not."

And yet the next thing the other legitimate bellhop did was open one of the doors in this hall.

Rita poked her head past the door, looking into the space carefully before motioning for the rest to walk in. "Coast is clear."

The others soon followed into the space, which, with the dark seating basked in distant red light, easily became recognized as a box.

An arena box. As in, the Nexus arena.

When the girls were younger, sometimes Big Mama would allow them to watch the fight from her position. Not the bloody fights, of course – but now they weren't even allowed to watch.

At least, not without direct permission from the woman herself.

That much became harder to get lest she decided to bring Venus around with her, and only while cloaked.

This gave Vee a slightly better chance to be herself while watching the game.

"Holy sh*t, you actually got us into the box," the tallest turtle said, eyes wandering all over the place.

Jennika looked happy to be here, which meant this was a job well done. That turtle never cared as much about the battles, and she was grumpy earlier today. That wasn't the case anymore.

"So, which two nerds are going to maul each other today?"

She was nudged for this.

"Those two nerds are Vox and the Spine Crusher, for your information–"

The sounds of their daughter's rambling soon became not much but a sweet sound as she and her sister sat near the glass, intently watching as the battle began.

Bridget and Rita soon found their seats as well, giving each other a look and holding hands as they all managed to settle.

This was nice. They had no idea what was going to go on with Big Mama, the Baroness, and all that. But for now, their only job was making sure these kids were happy.

And oh, this wasn't even the only event. Just the main. They were gonna let the kids swim, spar, you know, all that good stuff.

No matter what happened, they were going to make these turtles feel like this was a playdate, just like they were younger.

That, and Venus was definitely going to explode if she was unable to see anything Nexus-related soon–

_ _ _

The Baroness tried to stay away. She really did.

She tried using her presence in the Nexus lobby to gather positive attention about her 'return', and tried to hit on someone random as a distraction.

Ultimately, she found herself returning to her roots. Right to Big Mama's arms.

"Oh, sheepy-boo, please do sit up straight," she had asked, looking her down as the caprid found herself sitting in a familiar chair. Too familiar.

All the Baroness did was straighten her back. This environment was too familiar… she's already allowed the woman to invite her into the hotel – into her room , no less. She couldn't afford to lose more focus.

"Very good," the other praised, making her way behind the chair the Baroness sat in, hands resting on her shoulders. "Now, do tell me more about this bumbling group of youth you call intruders."

The gesture made the caprid sigh, just as much as the question. "Why?"

"Because, dearest, we can't have these youngins disturbing the rest of us now, can we? That would be simply a dastardly disaster ."

Something rang true in that. Among other circ*mstances, the Baroness would not hesitate to alert those around her of possible intruders – skipping the authorities because they were basically useless with common criminals.

But these were mutant turtles. Those from the experiment thirteen years prior.

Big Mama could never know it was them.

Before the Baroness could protest or invent an excuse, those hands on her shoulders started to move towards the space right before her neck, pressing against the skin lightly.

…Big Mama knew exactly what she was doing.

"Well? Do go on. We haven't got all day," the woman pushed, allowing the tease to turn into a massage.

The Baroness had to fight back the hum rising in her chest at the actions, instead choosing to clear her throat. "There's not much to it. A couple of kids, no taller than six-foot; took some weapons and left," she explained, much like she had recently.

Of course, this was simply not good enough for the Nexus owner. "Is that all?" The pressure put on her neck and upper back increased, just enough to make a louder sigh escape the caprid. "Then why did they escape? Why could you not capture them? Surely, you and your darling turtle daughter could have fought them back."

No surprise the gargoyles were out of the equation when it came to defending the estate. They were great, but they were kind of useless. The Baroness meant that in the best way possible.

But Big Mama was right. Any regular small group of intruders was no match to them, especially in their own home.

This was not a regular group. Them showing up only gave the Baroness and her ward more questions than answers. Fighting them would be no use.

As the smaller woman continued to tend to the aches in her upper back, the Baroness shook her head. "I was busy at work when they intruded. Juggling alchemy and active combat is… difficult."

"But nothing you've never done before."

Hesitantly, the caprid nodded. "I was just… caught by surprise, so to say."

Another lame attempt at an excuse, but an excuse nonetheless. She had enough going on that day – retrieving the Empyrean stolen by that Council agent, then using it to activate the bugs – it's not her fault this was the same day that a band of mutants and a human decided to break in and stop her operation.

Not to mention, she had no idea how they knew, where they came from, or if they would appear ever again. Was it due to a flaw in her work? Is there a possibility of others spying on her?

…Was she becoming weak?

The Baroness blinked, realizing she must have mixed her thoughts with the other woman's words.

"You are growing weaker, aren't you, dearest?"

Was she?

There was little the caprid could judge for herself. The possibility that her ability to uphold security could be weakened by her focus on science and alchemy was quite true. The further she strayed from her actual job , the easier it became to slip past her defences.

Logically, it was the Baroness' responsibility to defend herself – no one else could explain what invaded her sense so often. Instead, she rolled her eyes, straightening her back. "I'm not weak , Mama."

"Oh, but you are." Another annoyed sigh escaped, only for Big Mama to cease her massage, running one hand down the larger yokai's arm, resting her head in the crook of her neck, on top of her hair, almost like a hug from behind.

The Baroness could weakly argue under her breath that she was not , until internally admitting that this was working on her. Titan, they weren't getting into this again, were they?

A chuckle at her side allowed the caprid to know that she lost, at least this time. "Why are you always so tense , darling?" she teased, using her other hand to continue massaging for a moment.

Work. Work made her tense. Part of the reason she accepted Big Mama's offer to spend a day or so at the hotel was because of needing the time away from the lab.

She could say this. Instead, her head rested against the other woman's. "Big Mama…"

"We used to have fun . Now look at us…" the disguised spider yokai tsk ed, shoving the other off for a moment to move around, now standing in front once more. "My my, how the times change. Things used to be much simpler, were they not?"

They were. They certainly were.

The other reason the Baroness agreed to stay was because she missed this .

She missed all of this . The back and forth between them. The hesitant deals. The nights spent at the hotel, all under the ruse of an important meeting .

She missed the… unprofessional moments with the other woman. Before being swamped with secret assignments. Back when she believed partnership was the best way forward.

"Who says we cannot return to those ways?"

The other woman spoke this as if she could read minds. That much would not surprise the Baroness at this point.

Still, it was risky to agree. She broke it off for a reason . If only for a moment, that declaration held the strength she needed to assume responsibility…

But she never truly wanted this to end.

Eventually, the Baroness sighed, snaggletooth poking out at a smile. "We can…" she started, standing up and looking down at the smaller woman. "But I'm not weak ."

The other woman was not small, by any means. Her cloaking gave her a petite appearance, but her personality always made up for it.

The Baroness could easily work with that.

She allowed her hands to find themselves just above Big Mama's hips, electing a surprised chuckle – this was something the spider yokai has been trying to encourage since the day they met once more, after all.

Well, quite honestly, the caprid had no reason to deny her now. If Big Mama wanted her around, she could be around. If she wanted her to act as a big strong arm to hold and walk with, she could offer that.

As long as this arrangement remained as something away from work , the Baroness could not see why this would be a bad thing.

Having fun did not make someone weak .

This much allowed a hand on her face, tilting her chin down and inviting an all-too-familiar kiss…

_ _ _

"Big Mama and the Baroness are back together, aren't they?"

The bat yokai merely shrugged. Her raccoon yokai companion, however, nodded.

This is all Jennika needed.


In turn, the other turtle took advantage of this distraction, nearly whacking her sister with her bo in hand.


Venus snickered, keeping her narrowed gaze sharp on her sibling. "Stop thinking about them, think about me, your opponent ."

Her smile kept as the other turtle moved her bo once more, hearing a vague call of "Get em' Venus!". Which she did, continuing the spar with even more fitness, almost hitting her sister once more.

Jennika managed to dodge it, but not without a shrug. "Is it bad to want them to get back together?"

"Is it bad that we both know that won't change anything?"

Despite the truth in these words, Venus still could not help her smile. She wasn't going to miss out on time to kick her sister's tail as their guardians tried to settle their on-again off-again relationship.

This was too important to miss out on.

And it seemed that Jenny was bound to agree. "Maybe it won't, maybe it will. When you miss your hot ex you're bound to try to keep her, though."

"You put too much faith in the Baroness."

" You put too much faith in your high-kick."

Venus decided to duck low before high-kicking the other turtle's bo just because of that.

All for her sister to huff, with a not broken but otherwise knocked back staff in hand. "Not bad, not bad."

No time was wasted before Venus dove back into the spar, determined to prove her worth. Echoing outside her tympana would forever be soft words of encouragement from her sister, her moms; forever would she imagine them one day being cheers from hundreds .

This is what fueled her. This is what brought Venus to keep the show-worthy smile she's practiced all her life – some Lou Jitsu style charm, for lack of better terms.

Everything Jennika would tell her of that man, her father , forever inspired Venus to study his moves, if only to be better , bigger , stronger . If she was to wow the audience, to be half the champion he ever was, she had to be spectacular .

So, the young turtle would continue to use his moves if not better , a mix of her own and that of other past champions. She continued to use them on her sister in their spars, especially now that they were older.

Jenny seemed genuinely surprised with some of her moves, quickly having to dodge them just to get out of the way. Yes. She was backing up more and more with every one of Venus' advances, getting closer to the wall.

"Get her Venus!"

Now was her chance.

The green sea turtle took a step back before leaping up.

" Hot Soup! "

She managed to tackle her big sister just in time, just before she could escape. Once she was on the ground, Venus planted her staff a few inches away from her sister's head.

She obviously won this spar.

Venus took little time to catch her breath soon standing up once more. Even while victorious, she held a hand out, helping her sister stand once more.

For all intents and purposes, Venus could only hear the distant static of cheers, some real, some of her imagination. She would ignore the click of dainty heels until they got a little too close.

"Well well, isn't this quite a show?"

Venus did not yet turn around, for she knew just who came to see her, out of uniform, sparring .

"Big Mama?"

"Weren't you in a meeting?"

She knew the woman was waving off the bellhops, her moms . She knew where her focus was.

"I do wonder why you train so often. For what? Have we not gotten you to tip-top shape?"

No, Big Mama, this was not your doing. Early training? Yes, that much she has given. But ever since Venus was ten years old…

Still with her back turned, the turtle sighed. "I want to be in the Nexus."

Too far long since she said this last. No wonder the spider yokai was stunned, too stunned to speak, if Venus knew anything. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her moms' expressions drop, her sister's even more so.

Venus could not look at any of them.

The victory was far too great to leave to sparring. Not when she could have it all.

"Big Mama, I have been training my whole life for this," Venus started, only now turning to the woman. "You raised me with the purpose of putting me up as a fighter, just to back down from that deal. My entire purpose for being alive is to fight – why can't I have that much? Why can't I be what I was made to be?" She began to take steps closer. "I'm not your little girl anymore. I'm stronger , I'm better . I know the ins and outs of the Battle better than anyone else. I can win ."

I'm hurt, I'm breaking more by the day until I eventually crack.

"I can be your Champion… but only if you trust me ."

Big Mama had no reason to trust her.

Venus was in her face by the time she stopped talking, just short of a shaky breath. Too often has she practiced what to say to allow herself to cry.

Never should one cry when asking for participation in a battle to the death.

But now, at least, she was close enough to watch her guardian simply stand there, staring her down. Perhaps watch as the cogs in her brain turned, forming another meticulous way to turn Venus down, much as she has before.

What she did not expect was how calm and acceptant Big Mama could look.

"If you insist, then I suppose I can arrange a show for you dears."

The woman merely hummed before she shrugged her shoulders, beginning to walk away. "Now doddle off, we haven't got all day."

As Big Mama walked away, the only sound surrounding the ample, empty space was that of her heels, ever so slowly declining. That, and the sound of Venus' breathing surrounding her tympana.

…Was that it?

Was she finally listened to?

Was Big Mama finally considering her for the Nexus?

Political deals of her implications aside, this meant there was a chance she would now become the very thing she was made to be. She didn't even know how to feel.

Venus just leaned her head against her sister's chest, taking this all in.

This was it.

Venus was finally going to be in the Nexus.


is that plot I see?

Chapter 21: Some Fixer-Uppers Are In Order


Was it often that Donnie headed to the local scrap yard to pick up some second-hand parts? Yes. Was it nearly as often that he brought a family member with him now that they were old enough to explore the city alone? No. This time, though, he's happy to have brought along his only younger brother, as the two faced what was possibly the best trade deal of a lifetime. There will be challenges, of course, but it's nothing the two couldn't face - at least through traditional means. What they ended up with is a whole other ballpark of strangeness...


More rewrites and focus on the younger two turtle bros for the soul

N/A I think

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Could it really be considered stealing if the person never noticed what you took from them?

Donnie liked to think so – not that he particularly cared what the victims of his thievery thought. His careful searching and upcycling of scrap parts was all for the good of science, after all.

With all the hidden mutant city nonsense going on as of late, more mystic trash ended up in the mix. He could care less about the mystic part, but if anything interesting was to spawn from this discovery, it would be in yards like these.

Finding the hidden gem, as they say. Of course, Donnie wasn't a man of precision lest it come to it, happy to hoard any materials he could get his hands on.

That's why he allowed the company of his only younger brother.

Also because the kid needed some activity and quality time with one of his brothers — understandable — but Donnie mostly accepted because of the idea that Mikey could use those curious eyes of his to land on something worthwhile.

His brother followed as he popped the hood of an old purple truck on top of a stack of other trucks – which he of course knew would only hold the greatest treasures – allowing his battle shell's extended arms to search around.

"Man, junkyards are goldmines ," he said, emphasizing on the figurative part of his sentence. He dug around for a bit, finding a still-fresh air freshener in the shape of a pineapple – the devil's fruit. Yet this one smelled so good . "Who needs real pineapples when you have one of these babies?"

He dug right back in, hoping to find more treasures. No, Micheal, whatever was making that loud and very machine-like noise was probably not important at all. Let him keep looking.

The softshell's eyes lit up as he found another cool trinket. "Ohh, fuzzy nerd dice!" Was it likely that he only found these items cool because they came from a purple truck? No, duh, that's exactly why– who do you take him for?

There had to be other good things, though. Maybe this hunk of gorgeous junk would have a good radiator still? Either way, he went straight back into searching, caring little for the noises around them.

It wasn't until his brother pulled him out of the way that he noticed the giant magnet was active and about to drop another truck on them .

You know, maybe his brothers were helpful after all.

Given that they were previously on top of a tall stack of cars, they were now left to tumble down, barely graceful enough to stop tumbling once they hit the floor.

As the two fell into the seats of another open car, Donnie took little time before composing himself once more. "Mikey, next time, I would appreciate a heads up."

"Okay," Mikey mumbled; "HEADS UP!"

Before the softshell could roll his eyes, his attention was pulled to the sound behind them–

Right, maybe it was a bit ambitious to try scrapping out in broad daylight, but a turtle can try, can't he?

The two kept themselves hidden behind the seats of the car, using the rear-view mirror to get a better look. It seemed as if it was just the scrap yard worker at work, tugging away an old, blue, oddly-shaped vehicle. One that looked oddly familiar too…

Mikey seemed to have the same idea. "Is that…?"

Donnie gasped, eyes sparkling. "It is ."

"The Jupiter Jim Moon Buggy!"

"Featured in not one, not two, but sixty sequels of Jupiter's Jim's Last Trip to the Moon ! Aha!"

They watched as the Moon Buggy was chucked across the yard, landing a few good feet away but otherwise ending up unharmed.

"How could anyone let that historical gem slip through their fingers?" Mikey whined, slumping on the seat while turning to get a better look at it.

Donnie turned as well. "I do not know, Michael," he replied, eyes narrowing, "but we've gotta have it."

He kicked the door of the scrap car they were in, scurrying towards the Moon Buggy, Mikey close behind. They hid behind another car, just close enough to the buggy but still hidden.

"How are we gonna get the car?" The box turtle poked his head out further away, getting a better look. "We can't go and talk to one of those human people."

Just then, they heard a grunt, having little time to react before the car they were hiding behind was lifted , knocking them onto the ground.

Not only was it lifted right off the ground like it weighed nothing , but the person lifting it was a mutant , glaring at them. "Who the heck are yous ?"

"Oh no, a mutant!" Donnie yelled, before he realized . "Oh, wait, we're mutants too. It's okay."

He and Mikey sat up now on their knees, getting a better look at the other mutant. Some kind of insect, by the looks of it. And purple .

His brother looked at the guy as if he was worried. "Dude, you better hide, there's a human guy around here!"

The purple mutant didn't even look bothered. "Easy, easy!" he started, before tossing the car he was holding behind him like it was as easy as lifting it in the first place. Wow, he was so strong .

"This is Repo Mantis salvage", he explained, pointing to the sign. "The guy is me ?"

Oh, so this was the guy the family has been stealing from since they were babies?

Donnie had so many questions .

"This is your lot?" Mikey asked excitedly, getting up to go to the mantis mutant. "You have to sell us that Moon Buggy! Pleaseee?"

Repo Mantis was not amused.

The soft shell quickly had to pull his brother away before he embarrassed himself more. If they were going to steal the buggy, they obviously needed a plan first.

He huddled with Mikey a few good feet away, making sure his voice was low. " Woah , woah woah woah woah, cool your scram jams, bud. This is a negotiation." He looked back at the mantis for a moment, making sure he was still not listening, before looking back at his brother. "We gotta play it smooth ."

And smooth they would play it.

They took out their sunglasses (don't ask where they were storing them), walking back to the mantis in style. If they were going to get what they wanted, they had to up the negotiation tactics, starting with presentation.

As part of the act, he and Mikey ran their hands over the surface of the Moon Buggy (totally not just because they were excited to finally feel it in person), removing only a small amount of dust.

Donnie pretended to flick the dust off his fingers, laying his back against one of the large tires. "So, how much are you gonna pay us to take this pile of parts off your hands, amigo?"

To honestly little surprise, the repo guy looked unbothered, as if he was ignoring them and just went back to work. "Scram," he told them, walking away with a clipboard in hand. "I got a lot of fenders to count."

But Donnie wouldn't give up. Not yet, at least.

"I see you drive a hard bargain, sir. Well, perhaps I can interest you in a little coin ." With this, he took out his wallet, showing off literal coins. "I've got big silver, small silver, and I can make it rain copper, daddy."

A few coins rolled on the ground, stopping just behind the mantis. The mantis, who didn't even bother to look back.

What, did you think Donnie would risk wasting his actual money here? When he was planning to rob this place blind?

"...You ain't got nearly enough," Repo Mantis started after a while, only now looking back at them, "but, say, I could use a couple of tough muties like you."

He thought they were tough?

Donnie would hold back any excitement as he watched the mantis turn around and face them. "Ever done any repo work?"

"Of course!" Mikey spang ahead, still posing as cool. Only for him to take off his glasses. "No. What's repo work?"

Repo Mantis laid back against a car, looking happy to explain. "It's when you take stuff back from deadbeats who didn't pay for it."

To reiterate this, he chopped off a rear-view mirror from that car with his bare hand – or whatever spikey hand-like thing a mantis would have.

"Do a job for me today, and I'll let you have that Moon Buggy thing."

Mikey gasped in excitement, running up to Repo again. "We're in ."

Only for Donnie to have to pull him back again. Seriously , personal space, Micheal!

"And, sidebar–" he started, making another huddle some feet away. "Look, Mikey, repo men have to be mean, and I don't know if you know this, but you're kind of a softie," he said honestly, poking his brother where his heart would be.

"Aw, that really hurts my feelings."

Donnie just looked at him.

"Ohh, you have a point." Mikey shook his head a bit. "But I can do this. Hard as nails . Grr."

Okay, then that should settle it.

The two turned back to the repo man, with Mikey pointing right at him. "We're in. What's the skinny, chico?"

Man, Donnie really needed to pick up on some more lingo like this.

Repo Mantis nodded, lifting his clipboard for the two to see. "I need you two to get an RV from a real shady mutant." He tapped on the board, making sure they caught that. "Holes up in the woods on the wrong side of the tracks, in the darkest outskirts of the bad part of town. Y' got that?"

Hmm, that was certainly a task. Was that something his brother could even handle?

Before Donnie could speak up, though, Mikey lunged himself at the other mutant again, shaking his… hand? "You've got yourself a dealio, repo man."

Repo smiled at this. "Great! You get my RV back in a week, that Moon Buggy's as good as yours."

The brothers squealed in excitement for a moment before quickly composing themselves, striking their confident gazes once more. "Thank you, good sir. This should not take us long. You have our word."

Donnie began to walk off, but Mikey kept his grip on Repo, still shaking his hand and nodding slowly.

"Kid, let go."

"Ah, right, sorry."

Okay, now the two of them just had to get to this real shady mutant and take the RV back themselves. Shouldn't be hard, right? They tussled with bad guys all the time!

To get there, Donnie figured it would be best to hitchhike their way up to the woods. Sure, they could teleport – or use his Turtle Tank that he planned to reveal to the family soon – but this was the easiest way to get there undetected.

Once they made their way to the neck of the woods this mutant was told to be in, the two hopped out of the truck they were stowing a ride in, quickly running off.

"Thanks for the ride!"

Now they had to be more cautious, of course, as they stepped into the woods themselves. Flashlight on, voices low.

"I ran a profile on this guy," Donnie began, keeping his voice hushed as he walked with his brother. "Lawless loner, doesn't pay his bills, lives in this very spooky forest… he is a ninety-eight percent match for the spine-breaking bandit!"

The sounds of crows and kicked tin cans made themselves known soon, echoing through the small space they walked. But that meant…

Donnie quickly ducked his brother down with him behind some bushes, keeping still, eyes on the ground.

Only for his brother to huff. "I'm not scared of some no-good forest dweller!" He moved the bushes out of the way before the softshell could protest, getting a look at the RV stealer's campsite. "Let's see him!"

The site itself looked relatively normal: just the RV they were looking for, a picnic table, some fences, and some… bowls of dog food.

"There's his RV!" Mikey loudly whispered again, watching as the mutant left the vehicle.

The mutant, who had very large teeth and started growling .

Donnie and Mikey stumbled back, landing some feet behind the bush now. "That's the biggest forest dweller I've ever seen!"

"He is totally going to break our spines!" Donnie looked at his wrist communicator, knowing there were few other options. "Maybe we should call Raph and Leo–"


Mikey pushed him back, stopping him before he could push any contacts.

"We've got this! Think of all the awesome adventures we could have in the Moon Buggy," Mikey reminded.

This made Donnie roll his eyes, knowing it would be wiser to not face this mutant alone – but his younger brother did have some solid logic. "Ugh, Alright. If you are dead-set on doing this we've got to go stealth ." He crossed his arms, sitting up straight. "Sneak-jutsu 101: never let a spine-breaker get behind you."

Just then, a bright light flashed directly on them from a few good feet away.

They definitely should have been using sneak-jutsu from the beginning.

"Oh no! He's behind us!"

The brothers scrambled towards the RV, suddenly very aware that they were being chased, and there were guard dogs here?? Of course this guy had guard dogs! What were they thinking!

"He is directly behind us!"

Mikey kept yelling as they tried to get into the RV while avoiding all the dogs and the spine-breaking bandit, who were all very close behind and they didn't have much time before–

Oh hell no, there were more dogs inside the RV?!

Both of them yelled now as they ran away, just trying to get out of there as soon as possible. Sure, maybe a rational mind would have reasoned to stand their ground. They were very much not thinking reasonably right now!

They eventually made their way up to some sort of platform, but they tripped and landed in… something .

Spirits, this texture was awful.

As much as they tried to scramble away, the spine-breaking bandit was now right behind them, walking up slowly as the two turtles lay there defenceless. There was no hope for them. Their fate was sealed in the hand of this forest-dwelling, RV-stealing spine-breaker.

All because they wanted that Moon Buggy more than anything .

The two could only gasp as they turned around, seeing the mutant stare right at them with snarling teeth, red eyes, and a rather small attack dog in hand.

They were toast.

And then the guy pulled a string, turning on the nearest lights.

"Hey, I'm Todd! Welcome to Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue, the puppiest place on earth!"

In an instant, those 'vicious guard dogs' from earlier surrounded the two turtles, appearing to all be rather young, small, and friendly.


"...Puppies." Donnie narrowed his gaze at this 'Todd', not believing a second of this get-up. "Riiight. And which one are you having for dinner ?"

"Oh right! It's dinnertime!"

The spine-breaking bandit – or was he? – appeared to ignore Donnie entirely, pulling another string to allow dog food to fall into a trough, effectively giving all these puppies what to eat.

…What the hell was going on?


So to cap off, the guy they were trying to repossess an RV from does not look like that bad of a guy?

Donnie did a little more research and found out that this guy was legit, and was also likely a capybara of some kind. That raised more questions than answers, but whatever.

The weird thing about Todd was that he noticed the turtle brothers were quite out of it, never expecting exactly why , but inviting the two of them to stay for five minutes and cool off, get them some blankets and a drink. You know, all that kind of stuff.

They tried explaining they were here for important business, but Todd never seemed to listen.

Donnie's right mind told him it would be wiser to not listen to this Todd guy, obviously. It'd make more sense to just steal the vehicle back when he wasn't looking and call it a day.


Loud sigh. The two of them were unfortunately very susceptible to kindness and hospitality. A true family man's undoing.

"Hey, you guys want some of my internet-famous homemade lemonade?" Todd offered, as he was slicing lemons and preparing the drink anyways. When two glasses were ready, he pushed them toward the turtles. "I donate it to folks in Alaska who need a little sunshine~"

Spirits , was everything Todd said so intoxicatingly kind-hearted and friendly?

Well, despite how suspicious he should be, Donnie found himself oddly calm… and so did Mikey, but the looks of it. So, what was the harm in just taking a sip?

When they did, the turtles could collectively only describe it as the best lemonade they've ever tasted.

"Oh wow, this is pretty good."

"This honestly tastes exactly like sunshine."

"It's really yummy."

Only after a taste was Donnie able to regain some of his senses, even if Mikey happily sipped away at his drink.

"And, sidebar–"

He tackled his brother, making sure they were low to the ground and away from Todd's line of sight for a second.

Once they were safe, the softshell's drawn brows furrowed. "Cute puppies, non-profit lemonade?" He took another sip of his drink, nearly finishing it. "This is no spine-breaking bandit!"

Mikey kept his voice hushed as he added, "He's the nicest guy in the world!"

"But we need that RV," Donnie reminded, trying to mentally plan how exactly they were to get away with consciously stealing from a kind mutant like Todd…

No no, they were merely stealing back what that guy refused to pay Repo for. They had to do this.

"We gotta be tough with him," Donnie settled, ripping the lemon accessory from his glass with his teeth to show just how tough he was. "Hard as nails!"

Mikey sipped enough to finish his drink too. "Got it."

They marched back up to the table, slamming their hands down on it before they sat back down again, right where Todd was left.

"So, Todd," Mikey started, using his tough voice, "Let's get down to business about your RV."

Todd just shrugged at this. "Sure thing!" He picked up one of the puppies, holding it up. "Could you hold Willis?"

"Oh, I- I don't know if I-" the turtle in orange struggled, unable to fight it when that puppy walked up to him on the table and started to lick his face.

Donnie simply rolled away the puppy that tried to roll towards him.

Mikey was weaker to the affection's hold, though. "Aww, you little mischief maker!" the box turtle cooed, happily holding the puppy up. At least, until he held it away. "Wait a minute! We're supposed to be talking about your RV!"

Sigh. It seemed that Donnie had to do everything around here.

The turtle in purple put his fists down on the table carefully. "Look, Todd, you haven't made a payment in two years, and that means–"

"Yeah, I know," Todd interrupted, looking quite sad. "Turns out, all you get for rescuing puppies are million-dollar smiles…"

Despite his sad-sounding tone, it didn't keep up for long, nor did he explain himself. Instead, he pointed at another puppy sprawled out on the table.

"Ooh, Mijo wants a belly rub!"

Donnie pushed this one away too.

This guy was impossible to deal with.

"My hard-as-nails brother and I are here to–"

Donnie looked over at his brother in question, noticing the box turtle has found himself lost in a pile of puppies, feeding them with what had to be some sort of milk-giver replicating chest strap-on.

And he could only go off about all the names he wanted to give these dogs.

Oh for the love of Galileo.

"Mikey, come on," Donnie tried, only to have a squeaky ball hit his face. Not cool . Eww not cool at all

But of course, Todd could only smile at this.

"Ooh, Melvin wants to play! Could you toss his ball?"

You know what? Whatever.

"Okay, fine ," Donnie settled, picking up the ball from the dog's mouth as well as the dog itself. "I will toss the ball if you give us the keys to your–"

Could he not even throw a ball without something going wrong?

Donnie did not even want to think about what puppy-related mishap he landed himself in next.

It's official, he hates this place.

But, if it gets him the RV and therefore the Moon Buggy… Donnie supposed he had to deal with it.

He looked up at Todd as the guy put up his sad voice again. "Oh, yeah, I am so swamped , I never get to clean the yard up. But you guys are so good at this!"

Todd got up before anyone could even ask what they were good at – taking care of Todd's dogs??

Such a thing was answered when the capybara returned with a few garden tools in hand. "You guys wanna grab a couple of shovels?"

Whatever got them that Moon Buggy.


And so the brothers worked, shovelling practically the entire yard until it was clean, the dirt was hauled away, and they were left breathless and sweating.

Made much worse by the fact that it was humid and it felt like it could rain any minute now. They felt gross.

"Whyyy did we just do that?"

"I don't know, Michael – I don't know ."

They rarely ever managed to keep the Lair clean, much less clean someone else's property (illegally owned or not). Part of them both knew this was what they did to get what they wanted, but even then, they normally wouldn't do this!


"Niceness is his superpower!"

Speaking of the devil, Todd soon got out of the RV, walking up to the two with more lemonade in hand. "You guys must be exhausted ," he offered, voice as sweet as ever. "Why don't you sleep over?"

Donnie was too distracted by one of the puppies approaching to hear exactly what Todd asked of them, but it sounded like more chores.

"That sounds great– NO!" In a moment of strength, he managed to push the puppy off him again and snap out of the trance a little. "No, we didn't come here to help you," he reiterated, dropping the shovel and backing Todd up against the vehicle; "we came to repo your RV."

The capybara tripped on the step, but otherwise didn't try to fight back. He was defeated.


He looked up at them with an extra tearful expression, with real tears to boot. "I guess me and the pups will just sleep under the stars tonight."

A situation like that wasn't too ideal, given the humidity in the air and the sounds of approaching thunder in the distance, feeling soft rain even now.

"And every night," Todd continued, "through puppy hurricane season!"

Okay, that… just wasn't a thing. No amount of dramatics of dogs with colds or sobbing spine-breaking mutants was going to convince Donnie that this wasn't just a show of pity.

They needed that damn RV. This wasn't helping.

But of course, Mikey was never as emotionally tough as him.

"I can't do it!" Mikey cried, kneeling on the ground below near one of the puppies and covering it from the rain.

Ugh, fine. They'd work with this.

"Okay, Todd ," Donnie began, mentally mapping out a solution, "how about you trade us that dusty RV and we make you a new place to sleep? Huh?"

Wasn't the most unreasonable thing in the world. He's built stuff before, and trading one basic shelter for another was basic decency.

This much seemed to get Todd's attention. "Really?!" he asked, not even giving time for an answer before he was looking around the yard. "And a place to feed the puppies? And bathe, and diaper and play with them?"

Sweet Pizza Supreme, this guy better have a lot of lemonade to keep up with all these requests.

"... Yes ," the softshell settled, exhaustion clear in his voice.

"I don't suppose–"

"YES, obviously there will be robot assistance!"

If Donnie was building this, he was going to make it spectacular .

Luckily, Todd didn't seem to oppose it.

Not that Donnie would let him.

_ _ _

You know, Mikey liked to be nice and all, he really did! But, by the time they got to putting out Donnie's plan of actually building the new place for Todd, the only thing motivating him to continue was the goal of completing that other trade for the repo man.

Mikey honestly just wanted to go home and be done with this.

By the time he and Donnie went home last night, only Rat Dad was awake (apparently their brothers had crashed out after the super fun day they had without the younger two). They tried to sneak past him but he noticed anyway, so they had to admit what they were doing.

Their dad found it nice, at least… but if they were going to do this, they either had to have a responsible adult with them or call every hour.

According to Donnie's need to prove the two of them as tough and capable, they were going to go with the calling option.

Which was kind of dumb, given that one of their dads literally built half of the Lair to what it is today… but having some signal up at Todd's place wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

But it was tough, it was tiring, and if Mikey wasn't so kind, he would have snuck away ages ago.

Well, he kind of already has… but not for that reason.

Once Mikey walked out of the woods again, he slumped on the picnic table near where his brother was sitting, typing away at something. "Can we just finish this and get the Moon Buggy already? This is taking too long!"

"Unfortunately, brother of mine, the best Donnie Built ™ products take their sweet time to be built." Donnie shook his head at the dramatics before he showed Mikey his phone. "In better news, signal's up!"

"Sweet," Mikey said, seemingly calm… only to quickly pull up his own phone, furiously searching for the starred contact. He couldn't keep away any longer.

It wasn't long before the line picked up, but the box turtle didn't allow much time before making himself known. "Dad! I'm so sorry, Donnie needed to set up the signal, it was too hard to call you guys before that."

He heard a bit of laughter, making him feel slightly better. At least this wasn't a reason for the man to be mad at them.

"Put it on speaker," Donnie asked, leaning a bit closer.

Ah, right, he should probably do that.

Mikey clicked on the button, suddenly making their Sheep Dad's voice much clearer to the both of them. " I assume you boys are hard at work? "

"Yes we are, Father," Donnie confirmed. "The foundations are already set – we will get started on the plywood soon."

" Excellent ," the man on the phone praised. " You two remember what I told you, right? You're using the safety equipment correctly? You're hydrating enough ?"

"Yes, Father," Donnie confirmed again. "Hydrating a little too much , in Micheal's case."

"Hey! You know I can't resist free lemonade!"

Their father's chuckle was clearly heard from the other end of the line.

"...It's not that funny!"

"It is, actually, but we will move on for your sake." Donnie's amused smile eventually dropped, "And yes, Father, we are being safe and using all the equipment properly. You taught us, after all."

" Very well ," Sheep Dad praised again, though said nothing else for a while. " I could always go over and help, you know ."

That sounded nice, honestly. Mikey has considered inviting him to help – but they just couldn't. He knew his brother wanted to prove the two of them as being tough-as-nails, and tough guys don't ask their daddies for help with building things.

So, the box turtle just groaned. "You're not skipping another day of work for us."

"He’s right, it would be better if you didn’t," Donnie added. "Besides, you're even more susceptible than Michael to accept free drinks with the promise of forest cover nearby."

A groan was heard from both the box turtle and their sheep dad.

"I thought we were moving on from this!"

Despite this complaint, it took a while longer to hear anything from the man on the phone.

" ...Listen here, young man– "

“HA, I knew it.”

Mikey wanted to be upset at his brother, but he couldn't help but giggle when his dad pretty much confirmed him to be right. Okay, this was kind of funny.

"Teasing aside," Donnie started once more, "we are, in fact, doing just fine. If I'm calculating correctly, we should only need three full days to complete the construction of Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue 2.0 – new and improved version."

" Reasonable ," Sheep Dad agreed. " Just remember to call one of us every three-to-four hours and check-in, no matter how long it takes ."

"We know , Dad," Mikey argued, playfully slumping in his seat.

Sheep Dad chuckled again. " I know, I just want the best for you boys. "

"We know," Donnie argued as well, adding an eye roll of his own.

This much seemed to keep their dad amused. " Fine, fine, I trust you. But I must go now, my break's about to end. "

"Get back to work, old man," Mikey teased, thumb now hovering over the hang-up button.

" Okay, fine, I will. Love you, boys ."

"Love you too, byeee!"

Mikey hung up, keeping his phone in his hand and exhaling a bit. He really wished Sheep Dad could help them out with this all… but they had to prove themselves, you know?

This was all for the best.

"So, we're gonna get to that plywood now, or…?"

The box turtle looked over at his brother, who was busy texting someone, only perking up a little but never looking away from his phone. “Hmm? Oh, yeah, we can do that."

With that, the pair of brothers eventually got up out of their seats, put their sunglasses on and headed back to the construction site.

Time to get this super awesome Puppy Sanctuary built.

After, what, five days? The turtle brothers could finally say they were done with Todd's new place.

It was huge, and looked really fun, honestly. Donnie insisted they make it into what people would actually want out of a puppy sanctuary run by the nicest mutant ever, and they freaking delivered.

(Un)fortunately, though, they weren't going to stay longer. They were turtles on a mission, after all – they had to get that RV back to Repo Mantis before it was too late!

That, and Mikey couldn't handle any more of that lemonade. He was starting to develop an addiction to it. Maybe he could try to replicate the recipe…

But, oh well. At least they could leave Todd RV-less with a clean conscience and prove how tough they were to the repo man.


"We did it!"

Now that they had the RV (and made sure to clean it out), Donnie just drove it back to the lot. When Mikey spotted the mutant mantis, he started waving to him. "Hey, Repo! One RV, as promised."

They parked a few feet away from the mantis, allowing the box turtle to tap on the window and confirm that they had brought the vehicle back.

"Wax up that Moon Buggy, baby!"

Repo looked at them and the RV, nodding. "Not bad, not bad!" He crossed his arms with a smile. "But what happened was… I ain't giving it to ya."


" Turns out , dorky Jupiter Jim fans will pay big bucks just to sit in that thing!"

"What!" Donnie said first, sticking his head out of the window. "We had a deal, buddy-o!"

Mikey started to get out of the vehicle too, ready to give that matis a piece of his mind.

"Scrappin' is a tricky business, kids. And you got tricked!"

Oh, the nerve of that guy. And to think he was cool!

Donnie got in his face this time, absolutely seething . "We are not leaving without our Moon Buggy!"

Repo pushed him away. Like, physically pushed Donnie away from him. With force. "Ha, the purple one's funny ."

"See, I keep telling you guys I'm funny."

Really, Donnie? That's what you're focused on?

As his brother scrambled away, Mikey saw Repo grab two nearby metal scraps (stab them? either way they were being held), charging at Donnie. "I'm gonna break your legs halfway through, but twice ."

"Mikey! The magnet!"

Oh, right, that could help them!

Mikey chucked his kusari-fundo at the controls of the nearest crane, wrapping it around the lever and pulling .

Causing Repo to be yoinked up with all the other nearby metal.


"We got you, Repo Man!"

Mikey chuckled. "Let's go get that Moon Buggy!" he cheered, running towards it. Only to have his brother's arm block him from going further.

"Hold on, Micheal. We must be smart about this."

"But- but Moon Buggy!"

"But homicidal maniac," Donnie reminded, pointing up at a Repo currently complaining as he tried to escape his hold with the magnet.

The purple turtle leaned in for a huddle, making sure his voice was low.

"...We'll just have to sneak in overnight and steal this thing."

"Oh yeah, like with everything else."

Mikey nodded, closing his eyes with a grin. Yeah, they could do that pretty easily. This wasn't the first time they stole from here, and even now, it wouldn't be the last.

…They could at least try to steal it right now though–


I kind of wish I was able to make Repo's part here bigger, considering how important he'll be later on

Also, there will be another week or so break before more chapters - one of my AO3 author curses have passed and I need to celebrate lol

Chapter 22: Easier Than We Thought


You know, maybe it was mean to take advantage of your sick dad, but it was for a good cause, right? ...Hey, they've gotten away with it before, they have every reason to try it again. Meanwhile, said dad is having the time of his life (kind of) and two siblings they don't even know about are inching closer and closer to their chance to join a death match, something they should start taking seriously...


school started again so I might finally have time to write a bunch more for this (summer is so unmotivating fr)

Character depicted as being sick, characters being kind of dicks to each other, coping humour

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Spirits , his head hurt.

No help to the racket the boys were making… but he was probably fine, right? Just a little headache, no big deal.

He was just going to get out of bed now and get some water. Simple, right?

Well, he thought so. At least, that was, until it physically hurt to walk, chest heaving, coughing with every other step.

Okay, so this wasn't just a slight headache. It was likely just a cold. Considering the time of year, he could only hope it wasn't… rat flu .

Nope! Nope, he just needed some water, that's all! He would be completely fine…

Splinter tried his hardest to walk through the Lair on his own, but could only feel his chest heavy as he wheezed and coughed more with every step. Any attempt to grab something for support ended in the said thing being knocked over, varying from picture frames and other clutter to things his senses could not even make out.

He was feeling weaker by the second, but he would not allow himself to succumb to this illness. Every year he dealt with this, and every year it became easier. He just had to wait for Draxum to cook something up in his lab that would cure him. Yeah, that was it.

Because Splinter foolishly forgot to grab some pills from the Hidden City and hasn't seen his portal carver in multiple weeks.

Ah, whatever. Until then, he would just hydrate and go rest, hoping it would pass soon enough.

Unless he was too late…

Suddenly, it hurt too much to walk, barely making it past his room before he clutched the side of his head. Luckily his subconscious brought him to his sons. Hopefully one of them could help him.

"Ohhh, my brain !" he complained, feeling his headache up itself to one hundred. To make things worse, he felt a sneeze coming on. All right there at once.

He looked like a mess.

The noises of his sons' game concluded, making it all both eerily quiet and way too loud. Maybe it was all in his head.

"Oh mi gosh, Splinter's a zombie!"

Bless his youngest's heart. He would have laughed if he had it in him. He would also try to understand whatever Purple was going on about, but he couldn't pay attention.

Until he saw the oldest jump a little.

"Rat flu!"

Bingo , Raph got it.

"This is not a drill boys, I repeat, this is not a drill," he stated, huddling with his brothers.

If Splinter had half the mind to remember, he probably would have known this meant they were up to something. Instead, he took it as them ignoring him.

"Uhh, a little help here?" the rat called, hoping to gather the attention of any of them.

Only after a while did the one in red turn around, looking at him again. "Oh, right. Sorry Pops!" He made his way, even if still keeping a safe distance. "Donnie, initiate protocol. We have our poor sick dad to take care of."

He saw his son stand proudly, as did the other ones, almost imagining their mask tails to blow in the wind.

They were up to something for sure. But if they were going to help take care of him… he couldn't complain.


The boys led him back to bed, hovering over him and trying to regulate his temperature, likely figuring out what to do. That was fair, honestly – either he always dealt with this flu on his own or his husband helped. His husband, who was nowhere to be found.

"I feel terrible …" Splinter groaned, feeling his everything hurt. The beginning of the flu was always the worst . Not that he was ever conscious enough to feel anything else.

The boys were silent for a long time. Too long.

"Do I look terrible? Be honest," he asked, pleading that someone would break the news to him.

He took their shrieking as enough of an answer.

"You look great!" Raphael still tried to reason – always so kind, that boy. "Not horribly sick at all."

And yet they pulled back the quarantine curtains, leaving him in the room alone.

Oh, alright. Some kindness they had.


"He's horribly sick," Raphael whispered the minute all four of them were past the curtain.

It seemed that 'Operation: Down with the Sickness' would need some tweaks to run smoothly, but it was nothing a scientist couldn't handle.

"Look, a flu this intense is gonna affect all areas of his brain," Donnie began to explain, using his rooting arms to help him illustrate his plans, "I'm talking the full seven stages before his body naturally heals itself."

Suddenly the brothers looked quite somber. "You know what the seven stages mean…"

Raph brought them all in for a hug, sharing this moment – before he hugged Leo and Mikey close. "Another chance to get whatever we want!"

They were all vibrating with excitement, ready to throw their ideas up in the open.

All when they heard–

"Oh no, where do you think you're going?!"

All their heads turned, finding their sights on their parents a few feet apart on the floor below, their sheep dad standing in a near fighting position and their sick rat dad standing weakly, half-naked and without a thought in his mind.

"I was, uh… taking a walk to cool off?"

"Nice try, Rat."

Without another warning, Splinter was tackled to the ground and held down, trying to fight back but to no avail. All for the other man to take a syringe and inject him with something.


The turtles all stumbled back, all very confused as they should be, feeling like they just watched something out of a movie scenario.

Especially because they didn't know their sick dad snuck past them in the first place.

Donnie, though, was more focused on finding out what just happened. "Barry! What the hell did you do?!"

" Relax, I just gave him an antidote," the sheep explained, all while he remained on top of a half-conscious rat man. "His symptoms should be kept at bay for a few good hours, and should no longer be able to spread among us."

Oh, alright, that was… useful. And effective.

But not what the brothers wanted.

"Awh," Mikey pouted, being the first to show his displeasure with the outcome.

All of which earned him a glare from their father.

"I mean, hooray?"

If only to distract from the fact that he and his brothers were planning something, Donnie took a step forward, narrowing his gaze at his father. "So you were working on this and, I don't know, didn't think to tell anyone? Not even me ?"

His father just rolled his eyes. “As if you would be interested.”

Okay, first of all, ouch .

“Regardless,” the sheep man said, completely ignoring his son’s inner turmoil, “it would be best to now regulate his health, ensuring this formula would only have positive effects.” He looked at his hand, which had a small spot of blood on it. “I was nicked while he was trying to fight back, so it would be best if the two of us stay quarantined for a few hours. If any of you four got too close, I would suggest you do the same.”

With that, the boys could only hold back any Mikey-style slip-ups as they watched their sick dad be picked up by their fun-sponge of a dad, taking him to the med bay.

They all waited until there were no more sounds of hooves. Then they wailed .

“We were this close !”

“All that tender care and compassion for nothing!”

“Say goodbye to our matching onesies.”

Donnie sighed, looking defeated as he faced his brothers. “I apologize, brethren; had I known of his evil plans, I would have put a stop to them.” He held his fist close to his chest and dipped his head, ensuring he looked truly sorrowful.

“It’s alright, Don,” Raph comforted, “but uhh, how’d you not know?”

“Yeah, making meds is kind of Goat Man’s thing – how did you miss that?” Leo added, rather unhelpfully at that.

This, honestly, just made Donnie confused.

“...Is it supposed to be my responsibility when he infiltrates my lab to do what he does?!”


“Pretty much.”

“You really fumbled this one.”

The softshell face palmed, dragging his hand upwards (careful not to ruin his brows). "You know what? Fine. I won't let this happen again. Or something."

"You better."

Leo got smacked for that one.

" Ow ."

"Guys, whatever," the oldest interrupted. "Let's just…"

He huddled them all in (with Donnie allowing himself to be huddled this time), making sure his voice was lower this time around. Just in case anyone was listening.

"Let's just find something else to do, some other way to get back at Barry for healing Pops before we could get what we wanted from him.

"...That sounds super bad, I won't lie-"

"Shut up ."

You know, maybe it was 'wrong' or whatever, but Donnie couldn't see the fault in such a thing. Raph just said it as it is.

(Un)luckily, his twin had one of those stupid smirks on his face.

"Not to worry guys, I have the perfect idea."

_ _ _

"Leo, you can't just take advantage of our dads because they got sick. You know they'd freak out if they found out we–"

"I can and I will . When else would we be able to get away with this?"

Leo grinned something mischievous as he opened a portal. To where? He wasn't telling, letting them all observe and wonder as they got ready to leave.

"Besides," he continued, "if we can't ask them for stuff, might as well give them rest and space for their wellbeing, you know?"

His oldest brother just groaned, but that wouldn't stop him from slipping on his extra-large sweaters – the closest thing any of them had to a human disguise.

Leo had yet to explain exactly where he was taking them, but they'd look like normal delinquent teens dressed like this, right?

Yeah, sure, their dads may have given them a super vague warning about not poking around things you don't understand (something something mystics, that was definitely Mikey's fault)... but Leo wanted to do this. He had to know, he had to see more .

With a swish , a portal was opened, with Leo just about ready to hop on. "Alright, now we're off."

"To kick some ass," Mikey added. Ambitious , that was good.

"And whose ass are we kicking?"

The slider paused for a moment. The place could have some criminals' asses to kick, but…

"I… don't know!"

The brothers all groaned.

"Leo, where are you actually bringing us."

"To… a place." He saw the look on all their faces. "Trust me guys, it's good. For real. You'll thank me later."

He hopped into the portal first, showing that they could trust this wasn't going to be a bad place. If they knew better, they wouldn't stay in the boring Lair, wallowing in disappointment.

Luckily, they followed through. But they looked confused once they got there.

"Leo, why are we…"

"At the construction site?"

He leaned against a nearby support beam (which looked decently supported, to be fair). Yep, this was the same place where April got stuck that one time. And where they let out the stuff that was mutating a bunch of criminal mutants into New York's streets. No biggie.

"Uh, yeah," Mikey confirmed. "What kind of ass are we kicking here?"

Leo just shrugged at this. "Anyone who tries to stop us. But! I have an idea."

"No, please, anything but that."

At the moment, he'd ignore his twin implying that he did not like his ideas. "Funny you say that DonTron, 'cause this would be the perfect place for you to test that mystic stuff you added to those goggles of yours!"

His twin blinked. "Wait, you… actually listened when I was talking about that?"

"Half," he admitted, "but you have mystic goggles now?"

"...Technically, yes," Donnie confirmed, flipping them on. "The function itself is a prototype, but it should work decently well."

With that, Donnie started looking around the site. Which is exactly what Leo was going to ask for next.

"Al right ! Let's find some mystic portals!"

He started looking around as well, just to see anything glowy, anything that might be familiar. The other two were standing around, though, looking bored.

"What about us?"

"Well, you can look around as well," Leo offered. "The more the merrier, am I right?"

He saw Raph shrug before walking off towards the back of the site. Mikey, though, stuck around, walking up to Leo.

"Uh, Lee, why exactly are we here?"

"To look for a portal to the mutant city, of course," the slider started explaining. "I've been trying to portal over there myself, but it never works. And I don't wanna end up in that lab again without a way out."

Mikey raised a brow at him. As if he had a multitude of reasons why that was bullsh*t.

"Fine, it's mostly to piss Sheep Dad off."

Mikey looked confused, as if Raph hadn't suggested they do that earlier. "But why?"

" Because , Miguel, he healed Rat Dad before we could even get to the first stage! How are we ever going to get him to crack again if we have that stupid medicine now?"

To be fair, Leo wasn't actually too mad about this – but he liked his fair share of vengeance.

He hopped over some bricks, not stopping his search. But he could still see his younger brother's face. His younger brother, who suddenly was not at all looking hyped for their Rat Flu Day plans.

"You know, I want that pizza oven more than anything… but this is all kind of sh*tty to do. It's done. It's over. We'll try again next year."

Wow, so like… Mikey was upset at this? He thought he was on board this whole time, honestly.

"Relax, we're just having some fun," Leo tried to comfort. "You couldn't find the old man's portal key thing, so we'll just find another portal elsewhere.

His younger brother rolled his eyes, not even appearing to help look. "If this is just to piss our dad off for healing his sick husband, we should just do something else."

"I digress, this is the perfect way to piss him off and get what we want."

He must have been picking up words from Donnie with how right this plan was. The old goat's been too weird about them and their new hobbies – it was time for them to prove they weren't little kids anymore.

"I don't get you sometimes," the box turtle said, earning a scoff from Leo. "Barry is your favourite father figure!"

Now it was time for him to roll his eyes. " Please, Lou Jitsu's my favourite father figure."

The pause between them was a little too long.


Right, probably shouldn't have said it that way.

"I can't believe we have two dads and you still have daddy issues!"

Leo groaned. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You heard me."

Yeah, this was probably some Dr. Feelings nonsense he wasn't gonna deal with right now. 'Daddy issues' his tail, he just wanted some petty revenge.

Mikey should know that by now.

"Whatever. Let's just find a portal," Leo said, bounding off to around the area where Raph was. "Trust me, it'll be worth it!"

He was too far away when he heard a scoff from his youngest brother. Who followed anyway.

"It better be."

_ _ _

"So, the Battle Nexus, huh?"

Jennika leaned against the wall, watching her sister put wraps over her arms for the umpteenth time.

"Yes. Finally ." Once the current wraps were set, the younger turtle picked up two sets of cloth, watching and judging how they looked against her. "To think I've had all these years and still am yet to narrow down my costume options."

Not hard to believe, honestly. She knew just how much her sister wanted this all her life. If anything, she's surprised the options are not broader.

Still, she had to tease. "Don't beat yourself up over it. We all thought this was never gonna happen."

Venus shoved her for that one. Surprisingly strong.

Fair .

"It's happening," Venus reiterated, making sure there was no place for Jennika to place future doubt. "It's happening and I'll make sure Big Mama doesn't regret it."

With this, the green sea turtle slipped on one of the outfits, throwing an identical one at her sibling.

Jen slipped on her outfit without another word, finding it surprisingly comfortable. If not a little too neon-heavy for her tastes. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

"What name are you thinking of? Or did Big Mama pick that for you too?" they wondered aloud, looking over at a Vee who was still quite lost in thought.

"Something zodiac-themed, maybe." The answer was quick, as if she had been planning it better than the outfit. "Nexus Champions have always had a theme to their names – a pun, if you may. If 'Venus' is already a double-layered name, then I need to think of something good, you know?"

"Right, and 'Venus' was supposed to mean…?"

"The planet. That, and Lou Jitsu was apparently always a fan of art. Venus de Milo is the name of a sculpture."

"Oh. Neat."

Strangely enough, Jennika has gone all this time without knowing the second meaning of her sister's name. She knew the planet thing from how often Big Mama doted on 'her little star', but the rest somehow makes a lot of sense.

"Now I'm wondering what Big Mama would have named me," they said, echoing a thought they've had on and off for years.

"Ask her."

"No way."


Jen huffed, glad Vee didn't press on the subject.

Instead, she looked up, almost childlike in her curiosity. "What would the Baroness have named me?"

Huh, that was a thought. Funnily enough, one that has crossed Jennika's mind before.

"Funny enough it… wasn't her. H & M were in charge of naming apparently." At least from what she's been told. "They would have given us matching names if I remember correctly."

"Cheesy matching names?" Vee guessed, raising a brow. Knowing.

"Well, yeah."

"...Let's be glad we were separated at mutation."

Jen snorted, glad her sister could find humour in this all. Wasn't often, but any opportunity was one to take, am I right?

Without much else to joke about, they both focused on fitting their possible Nexus suits well, soon standing parallel to each other. Like this, it was obvious they were turtles, and while cloaking was still a possibility (Big Mama could always bend the rules of her own fights), Jen honestly thought they looked pretty badass right now.

"So, we're uh… really ready for this, huh?"

Venus huffed, allowing a smirk to take over. " Born ready."

The other turtle nodded, smirking right back. Did it matter if she truly wanted this? No, it didn't – this was her sister's big moment, after all. What's one little fight against some jacked-up yokai when you had your sister by your side?

Besides, if for no other reason, she had to be there to protect Venus. She just had to.

Before anything, though, she would of course make time to practice duo strategies.

Venus had a handful to teach her, both from previous Nexus duos and some of her own suggestions. The two often sparred against each other, but not together , so this was an interesting change of pace.

"Our opponent has not been given a name," Venus reminded, "but you know how Big Mama is; they'll either be an easy target or significantly bigger than us."

"I almost want to bet on the easy target? I mean, given how careful she's been with you, I doubt she'd let her precious little star lose a first fight."

Jen thought she was clever for this one, preparing to enact an attack as if their rival would be easy on them. They knew well enough that Big Mama kept the roughest, toughest yokai for the most iconic fights; surely she wouldn't waste them on a couple of teenagers on their first fight?

But Vee would keep her in check, switching sides for a moment to block her next move. Looking the other turtle dead in the eye.

"You cannot be certain. A Nexus fighter must be ready for anything, kept on their toes lest they be caught unaware and forced to kill for survival. Anything less than complete focus can cost you everything."

This all made Jen more curious about something else, though: When did her sister become so dedicated ?

She's always been dedicated, sure – but as of late, it seemed to consume her. Her dream was finally coming true, and she couldn't allow herself to screw up even the tiniest amount.

Even if unable to understand why her sister would give so much to fight in a death ring, Jen understood. And she didn't know how to feel about it.

"We'll be fine," is all she said instead, not allowing much time before regaining her stance again. "We'll just have to keep an eye out, right? Be ready for opponents big or small?"


Not much else could be said without venting, and Jen knew that much. She could tell there was something else her sister wanted to say… but she would not pry.

If it would be said, it would be said. If not, they could live with it.

After a few more sets, Venus walked across the room to grab a towel, allowing Jen to know it was time to do the same.

"Can I come over? I want to study Baron Draxum's work. I think I'm ready to know."

" Finally ."

They could hear the other turtle huff, nothing with humour but it was there nonetheless. "I mean it. It would be useful to know all we can about our creator's skills to better utilize them. It's not as if a dead man needs them anymore."

Jennika could only open their mouth before their sister gave a look . Right. 'Dead man'.

If theories could not be brought to the table, then a shrug could. "Well, you're in luck. I've been keeping all the documents safe, and, if you want… you can finally take a look."

"Oh, I will," Vee confirmed, looking eager to study this all.

Jen could barely contain her own excitement. "You'll have to read everything at the estate because most of the documents are close to falling apart, but they're readable. Just don't try to steal any."

" Fine ," the younger turtle complained. All until she picked up a smirk. "Now watch your left."

"Wait what-"

_ _ _

He thought this was going to be worse, honestly.

For a good few hours, Draxum sat in the medbay, keeping himself entertained by reading during his self-imposed quarantine. His husband sat at the other end of the room, playing a game on his phone, irritable to no end.

He knew more than well that Splinter never dealt well with sitting still lest he have some form of entertainment. He foolishly believed that man was smart enough to remember every other previous instance of him contracting this yearly flu.

After his phone chimed a victory melody for the umpteenth time, though, the rat finally ceased his focus on the device, turning it off and lazing back in his chair. "Wanna go somewhere?"

It took a moment for Draxum to register the question, neither of them had spoken for hours lest it was to say they needed water or to stretch their legs (or the rat complaining how bored he was). This much, he could get behind.

"Where do you suppose we would go?" the yokai asked, even if his voice was too flat to register as curious.

He could see his husband shrug, even if he was not yet looking at him. "I don't know, out, to eat? On a date?" Splinter asked back, seeming not to have thought his answer through.

Not that Draxum minded. He put a tab on his page before putting his book on the nearest table, now looking over. "If you are free of symptoms, I don't see why not."

Despite his words, Splinter could only look desperate in return. " Please , Goat Man? We haven't gone anywhere in so long."

"...I was agreeing with you."

"Oh, right."

Splinter chuckled, a nervous tone that suggested he was more prepared to beg for this than he was to go out.

Luckily, Draxum understood, and he wouldn't mind in the slightest. They have gotten more than their fair share of alone time in the Lair as of late, and he wouldn't trade it for the world… but he knew a more traditional date would make his husband happy.

So, he got up, finally stretching after having been hooked for multiple chapters. He could wait now. "I'll expect you to be ready and dressed nicely in ten minutes, Rat."

His husband rolled his eyes. "Why? It's just for a walk around the city."

"And? You have plenty of nice kimonos fit for just the occasion." He smirked a little as he turned to leave. "Makes you look even more handsome, if I do say so myself."

Enough time passed that he knew he got that leg up on his husband. The few times he was able to tease first, he cherished them, enjoying nothing more than the sight of the rat flustered.

But this wasn't exactly the case now.

"Well, about that…"

Draxum turned, looking back at the rat man, who was holding the back of his neck.

"I've kind of… ruined most of my nice clothes. I use them whenever I run out of anything else clean, and since I eat a lot while watching TV…"

No more words needed to be said for Draxum to know exactly what this meant. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "...Just pick something clean, then."

"On it, boss man."

Splinter walked past him and out of the med bay first, hopefully to shed that sickly robe he should have exchanged hours ago. Draxum followed some time after, if only to give the rat some space.

He wasn't upset, just… confused, wondering how his husband could indeed have nothing nice left in his wardrobe.

At least he knew what to get him for his birthday.


Once they got out of the Lair, Draxum expected to feel a sense of relief, of relaxation if nothing else.

The air quality on the surface was, all things considered, not much worse than that of their underground home. Walking these streets would always offer glances from humans – if not of hatred then of pity.

The only thing that offered him any sort of relief was the feeling of a smaller, padded hand in his, holding him tight. Never letting him go.

"You alright there, Barry?"

The yokai looked down for a moment, only realizing now that his expression must have displayed his inner turmoil. Neither of them were sick, that flu long past them by now, but anxiety stuck around.

Draxum would never be comfortable walking the surface world as long as humans walked these same streets.

"I'm alright," he decided, squeezing his husband's hand tighter to speak for him. "I'm just wondering now if I should have ordered a different drink."

This got the rat to chuckle, shaking his head slightly. "Well, we can always go back, or go again some other day."

Huh, that wasn't wrong. Even if the drink thing was a front, Draxum couldn't mind another outing like this some other day. "I suppose you're right," he settled, now looking back out into the streets.

Initially, they were just going out to eat; something small enough for the excuse of going out in the first place. Now, though, they figured they would make the most of their time outside the Lair, and go on a little walk together.

As anxiety-inducing as such a thing was, he had Splinter by his side. Splinter, his wonderful partner, the only person – well, mutant – who could convince him to even begin tolerating life outside of the safety of the underground. It's because of Splinter being here that Draxum could enjoy the idea of a date in the first place.

So, he sighed, trying to relax his senses just enough to keep walking.

" Spirits , we haven't been here in so long," he heard his husband mumble as they approached one of their destinations: a park with a forested trail, hidden just enough for comfort. Hidden just enough to bring their children here, the few times that they did.

They hadn't been there in a while, but the sight of the trail allowed Draxum to relax on sight, instantly comforted by the presence of trees and foliage. Privacy .

"This better for you, Goat Man?" Splinter teased, "Finally in your natural habitat?"

This earned the rat man a soft kick.

Only for him to wrap his tail around that same leg.

" Rat ."

Splinter grinned, only letting his hold go after a few good seconds. "Sorry, you know I couldn't resist~"

The taunting tone in his voice did no favours in helping the yokai calm from this again – because he knew he couldn't resist, and they both liked it. But this was not the place.

"You're lucky I choose not to kick you harder," he grumbled, kind of wanting to try now. Just to see what would happen.

"Am I lucky, or are you just weak ?" Splinter held his usual grin, walking a few steps ahead. "I can still knock you thirty ways into tomorrow. Don't think I've lost any of my skills over the years."

"I know, Rat." The yokai crossed his arms for a moment, studying his husband's expressions from behind. "Though I'm still twice your height and a trained warrior," he reminded.

"And yet you never use that height to its full potential."

Draxum could only groan, hiding his eyes behind his hand, forever lucky they were in a mostly private space because he knew exactly what that all sounded like.

"Six o'clock in the training room. It's on , old man."

"Oh really ?"

" Really. "

The rat looked back in fake offence, putting a hand on his chest. "And to think you had some sympathy for your sick spouse. Now he's going to have to kick your sheep butt into place. Your loss~"

As amusingly taunting as that was, Draxum felt his eye twitch. "...You said you didn't have any more symptoms!"

"So? There are lingering effects of rat flu!" Splinter spat back. "I'm not going to let it ruin my life. So what if I still have a headache, it's just a headache."

"That's all? Just a headache."

The yokai didn't sound convinced, raising a brow. Only for his husband to scratch the back of his head.

"...And the temptation to bite things."

This rat was impossible.

"Alright, that's it, we're going home," Draxum settled, picking up his rat husband like it was nothing.

Splinter only struggled for a few seconds before he settled, trying to slump his weight so he was heavier and harder to carry, much like a misbehaving child. That never worked on the yokai.

"You're lucky I'm conserving my strength to kick your ass later," he grumbled, making himself comfortable in the yokai's arms.

"Yeah, right," was all the yokai said back, having to fight back a victorious smile.

He did believe that his husband still very much could kick his ass later, and no amount of lingering effects of his flu would make it difficult for him to do so. But Draxum still very much had to bring him back home first.

Little did anything else matter as they eventually made it through the path and back into an area with more people. Humans, mainly. He didn't care what this looked like, what they looked like; all that mattered now was his self-imposed challenge with his husband and getting to that once the rat was better regulated.

However, right at the end of the park and near the streets, he felt the rat tug on his sleeve. "Is that…?"

Splinter looked up at some building's rooftop, so Draxum did as well, both seeing four figures. Four familiar figures.

The six stood there for a moment, staring back at each other, before the figures ran away, disappearing from the sights of the pair and anyone else who may have seen them.

"What are those children up to…"


there's a severe lack of Splinter/Draxum content for this Splinter/Draxum fic, but don't worry, I'm working on it

Chapter 23: The Greatest (Failed) Escape


Sometimes even countless hours of hard work, dedication, and love towards one's craft is not even enough to stop their lazy father from taking advantage of such efforts. Said father, who truly wants nothing more than to just enjoy life a little, reintroduce himself to that old thrill. With a villainous car chase and a few double-sided euphemisms, though, the desire for said thrill can no longer look so innocent...


tis all in good fun, trust me

Adultery jokes, canon-typical violence

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There was darkness. Until, suddenly, lights . All turned to him, the hot shot, the genius.

Three turtle brothers in the garage, one sick invention to show off.

Perfection .

"Brethren, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my mere skills united in one glorious enterprise." Donnie sighed softly, finally ready to show off his hard work. "Gentlemen, behold, the-"

"Ooh, is it the drill? Is it that drill you made when we were fighting that silverfish?"

"Uh, no- no, that's still in beta-"


"-But this is better! Much much better," the soft shell said, turning back to the curtain. "I give you the-"

"Is it an even cooler , even bigger drill?"

Donnie had to fight the urge to glare at his brothers. He would show those simpletons not to underestimate his inventions.

"No, not a drill!" he said instead, a wave of his hand showing his lack of patience. " This is the big surprise!"

Pulling on the string to open the curtains, he stood, presenting his glorious invention, the one he rebuilt from what was once the Moon Buggy he worked tirelessly to steal: the Turtle Tank.

"Ta stinkin' da ."

As he thought, it didn't take long before Mikey at least was jumping for joy. "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing! I'm so proud of you."

But that, um…

" What ?!"

Donnie turned around, realizing that his tank was, in fact, not there. Leaving him with a sewer tube full of nothing .

"Where did it go?!" He mostly asked himself this, hands on either side of his head, looking around frantically. How could a tank of all things go missing so easily?! "I built us an amazing vehicle out of the Moon Buggy!"

If the others cared, he couldn't tell, hearing nothing but his own despair. They better help him find it, though.

He crumbled to the ground dramatically, hitting his fist against it.

" Who stole our turtle tank?!"

_ _ _

Splinter hadn't known what to think when his sons brought some large prop vehicle to the Lair and put it in their makeshift garage for weeks.

Only Red and Purple ever went in there, and every once in a while, he saw his engineer-of-a-son enter or leave the room with some scraps or a set of tools.

The father could reason that his son had taken up a new interest in repairing and upgrading cars. He wouldn't be wrong.

Instead of just any old car, though, his son built a tank . It was one of the biggest vehicles the rat man has ever seen, and he's seen plenty in his lifetime!

More than anything else, though, he knew exactly what this was:

His ticket to a joy ride .

Using a grabber stick to help him steer (because this tank was huge ), Splinter cruised down some quieter streets that night, testing out the mere speed of this thing.

Oh yeah, he was having the time of his life.

"Hot soup!"

With a strong step, he made it go even faster , taking complete advantage of this empty stretch of road.

He laughed and laughed, feeling more alive than he had in years . Why had he never thought of getting a car yet? Obviously, he's been missing out!

Hmm, he wondered… would this thing be able to do tricks?

With a flip of a few switches- oh yeah, this tank could do tricks alright.

It lifted him upwards, spun him around, all those kinds of things. His children were obviously, well, children, so it's no surprise they would build this with fun in mind. He was just shocked they were able to make a whole tank this fun to drive.

He drove up and down the street, never stopping, almost letting the controls take over themselves. Sure, he could put it on autopilot and just cruise around – this was more fun, though.

He was having a blast, the absolute time of his life! Nothing could be better than this.

All until–

Screech .

It stopped.

The tank just… stopped.

Splinter's eyes widened, bracing himself for impact as he felt himself lurching forward ever so slightly. Thank the Spirits for these high-grade seat belts. And, well, his son. Credit where credit was due.

"What the… what happened?!" He questioned to himself, trying to start up the engine once more. All until he heard an annoying, grainy, computerized interpretation of Donatello's voice.

" Shopping cart protocol activated. "

Ugh, of course this was also his son's doing.

"What's that…?" he questioned, as if it would be any use.

" I am programmed to stop if I go beyond a set perimeter. "

Well, how the heck was he supposed to know he was in a set perimeter? He barely drove out at all!

Fine, he'd fix it himself. The rat unclipped his belt, soon walking over and getting past the door. By the looks of it, he was still alone on an empty street – but that wouldn't be for long if the tank wouldn't stop making a siren noise .

Now, Splinter was a man with knowledge far from that of technology and computers. Meaning, he's never even been close. But if he could tamper with the wires…

Yes, he would do that. He grabbed a spare wrench from where he last saw a set of tools, hopping out once more and heading to the front of the tank. He popped the hood open and quickly got to work, loosening anything that he could reach.

It would be worth losing some speed if he could move at all .

"Useless…" he muttered, knocking some hardware with the wrench still only hearing that siren. "Maybe I will call April, she is no snitch."

Because he would call his husband, reasonably – the man did know how to fix things. But this was supposed to be a secret, you know? Just a quick getaway.

"Need a hand, matey?"

The voice behind him was slow, deep, and with an accent he couldn't place. If someone was behind him, though, that meant he had company. Might as well see who it was.

And dear Spirits .

This man was tall , with red glowing eyes and some sort of huge evil hammer in hand. He was also a mutant. A pig mutant at that.

Splinter scrambled back, yelping. "You're a freak of nature!"

He said this, only to be tapped by the guy's hammer – meat mallet?

"Bit of a potbelly calling the kettle black there, me thinkies."

"Touché," the rat man reasoned, pushing away the weapon. "Say, could you give me a ride uptown? I will leave this here , and hope it all works itself out…"

Yes, there was much wrong with what he was saying… but if he couldn't drive the tank, what was he to do? At least, like this, he could still do something. What yet, he didn't know. But it was something .

"Well, I could do that," the other mutant reasoned, "but what's say we eat first? A drizzle of lemon over a thinly sliced silverfish sashimi?"

Ohh, so this guy was a cook? Suddenly his choice of weapon made a lot more sense. That, and it sounded like he knew how to make meals that appealed to other mutants. From one omnivore to another, this guy would probably have something pretty good to eat.

"Hmm, fancy," Splinter reasoned in the end, holding his chin in thought as he considered this. "I've only eaten silverfish off the bottom of my slipper!"

A joke, but just as much, what was a rat to eat in the sewers when the chips ran out and he couldn't be half-assed to grab more?

Either way, Splinter soon hopped off the tank, heading to the mutant pig guy's food truck. The truck he hadn't noticed earlier.

"And I'll throw in a killer dessert…"

Ooh, dessert as well? This was going to be great! Especially if this was all free (he mayyy have forgotten his wallet at home), he just knew he was going to have to keep an eye out for this truck more often. Maybe he'd even take Draxum here sometime.

Splinter just knew he wasn't going to regret this.


Okay, so the inside of the truck looked… different from the outside. Likely violated a lot of health violations. He was starting to guess this mutant dealt a lot more with meat than anything else; a lot of scents he didn't recognize.

But he had a personal chef like this once. Kind of a nutso but still made a killer desert, you know.

At worst, he'd just have to spend another afternoon in the med bay.

Until then, he was going to give this food a try. He sat where the pig mutant led him, getting comfortable, awaiting whatever meal he was bound to try while snacking on what he was offered so far.

After a while, he felt the mutant's hands on his head, massaging him, and some sort of other texture he wasn't familiar with.

"This clarified butter shampoo will make you feel scrumptious ," the taller mutant said, continuing to lather this into his hair.

Oh, so he was buttering him up? (Pun intended)

Splinter could still only reason that this mutant wanted to gain a loyal customer. It was hard for them out there. If enough people were scared, your chances of a successful business were done for.

This wasn't his first rodeo, though. He's dealt with his fair share of tall and intimidating yokai. What difference were mutants?

Until then, he would allow whatever was happening to happen, nibbling away at the snacks he had been given, listening as the chef in the room walked to the other side of the truck. Likely to prepare more food.

"Yeah yeah, I have a great idea for a chair of restaurants," he started, thinking this might be the best time to talk about one of his passing interests. You know, if he ever gave up on job searching. "You're inside a giant wedge of cheese, and you have to eat your way out!" He nibbled some more before stretching out his hand. "I call it: TGI Parmesan."

With no response from the other mutant, he dipped his head, feeling a way-too-familiar sense of disappointment.

"My sons think it's stupid."

"Sons?" The other asked, suddenly curious. "What must they be? Chatty opossums?"

"No no no, turtles ," he corrected. A common mistake, really. If this weren't another mutant, he'd just agree to the other claim. But he was safe to be honest here… right?

" Turtles ?" he was questioned. "Red, blue, orange, purple?"

"Oh, you know their names!"

What a small world, huh?

"Yes… They're right outside and looking delicious ."

Maybe too small of a world.

Splinter's eyes widened, dropping the plate he had in hand. " WHAT ?!" He looked at the other mutant frantically. "We gotta bode out! They cannot find out I took the tank!"

He lunged the pig mutant towards the front of the truck so he could steer, hoping they could get away before his sons could get over here.

Oh, he knew this would look bad, but he couldn't help it. He wronged his sons, took Purple's invention without asking – he couldn't face them, not just yet.

With this, he moved quickly to strap the pig mutant in his seat, standing on his stomach to make it easier. "What are you doing ?! You dirty old sod!"

"You steer, I will pedal," was all Splinter said, hopping off the guy's stomach and pressing the gas pedal.

This was an urgent situation. He couldn't allow any time to be wasted!

He couldn't allow his sons to catch him.


And there he went. Before the brothers could politely confront their rat father, Meat Sweats just had to start driving his van. They should have just gone full force since the beginning.

"They're getting away!" Raph shouted, pointing at the van.

Luckily, they had just the contraption to deal with this, right nearby. Rather, one of Donnie's own inventions. His vehicle , perhaps.

His eyes lit up as he looked over at the stolen vehicle behind him; the one his brothers would finally get to see and use.

"Turtle tank time!"

They quickly hopped in and started chasing Meat Sweats' van at high speed, trying to avoid traffic where he seemed to have completely no regard for it. You'd think a guy who tried to kill them before wouldn’t run from confrontation like a distressed piglet, but you'd be wrong.

Instead, they'd have to work to get their father away from this guy. No, Nardo, there was not more to this; their rat father was not a cheater, just a dumbass.

Figuring it would be a waste of time to argue anything of the sort, or focus their efforts on the chase, Donnie flipped a switch, soaking in the 'ooh's and 'ah's.

"Now that autopilot is engaged, all me to show you around my state-of-the-art Turtle Tank."

He didn't hesitate for a second, likely showing the pure excitement in his tone of voice. Hey, it wasn’t his fault he only now got to show the tank off after weeks of work!

"Over there is navigation," he said, pointing at a holographic map, "down here is a – wait for it – bowling ball launcher! Strike! And there is the-"

"Soft serve ice cream machine?! Tell me there's a sprinkles canon!"

Ah, it seems his younger brother already found it. That, and he was experiencing nothing but pure joy, already serving himself.

Donnie could only look in pride and wonder as he noticed what flavours Mikey picked. "Ooh, good one, rainbow and chocolate."

Just then, the turtle tank thrashed, turning a sharp corner. Wow, Meat Sweats was really trying to get rid of them.

"Donnie, watch you roll!" Raph complained, holding onto the roof of the tank for dear life.

Ah, it seemed there was an aspect of the tank's interior that he forgot to introduce. "I wouldn't need to if you just take your seat. "

Then he pressed a button, and a seat popped up, all for his older brother.

"It's the giant red one with your name and your exact lumbar settings~" he said, selling the seat to Raph, who was already giggling with joy. Mission successful.

"That's beautiful…" Raph mused, soon sitting in it comfortably, eyes wide with wonder.

Perfect. "Captain, the con is yours," he announced, looking at his older brother and giving him a fist bump.

With that, Raph would take control of the driving, hopefully smoother with the curves than the autopilot was. If not, then, oh well; at least the snapper no longer had a reason to complain.

They slowly got close enough to Meat Sweats' van that they were beside it on the road, giving a window of access to see what was going on in the front seat.

He saw Splinter's tail… and any logical person like himself would come to the conclusion that this meant it was the rat man who was trying to get away, with the villain only being an accomplice to the crime.

Donnie would ignore Leo's incoming onslaught of infidelity jokes as he opened the window, intent on making his voice reach his rat father.

"I know you're in there! Dad, I can see your tail, I-!" He realized he was being ignored, so he changed gears, clearing his throat and keeping his voice more innocent. "Oh Papa, if surrender now there shan't be any consequences."

Still no answers, at least not one that he could hear.

Raph decided to take the reigns (he better have put it on autopilot again), pushing Donnie away from the window a bit to yell at their father. "You're with a very dangerous mutant, Pops! Meat Sweats just wants to eat you !"

Ohh you think that would be enough for the rat. But nope! Instead , that old rat stepped on the gas even harder! He was actively trying to get away from them!

"You know, maybe he wants to be eaten–"

"I swear on every galaxy in the JJ extended universe, Leo, if you don't shut the f*ck up –"

There wasn't much time to curse his twin out before the van bumped into the tank, causing Raph to have to scramble and save the controls. "We gotta stop that truck!"

And oh, stop that truck they would.

They quickly followed it, copying every swift turn, tailing it through every narrow street.

"We'll blast it with the boom cannons!" Donnie announced, taking his own seat and tilting his goggles down. From here, he was able to see the van ahead, angling in on it. He just needed to calibrate the cannons to their target…

But his screen was interrupted by a pop-up from Leo. "Donnie, Dad's in that thing."

Ah, right. "Can I at least go semi-lethal?" he tried. He really wanted to use the cannons.

His brothers groaned at him.

"You never let me shine ," he complained dramatically, before moving on to a non-lethal idea. "Harpoon hooks it is."

He activated said harpoon hooks, shooting them out of the tank so they attached to either side of the truck, keeping the vehicles locked to each other now.

The purple-branded genius grinned, before making his expression flat once more. From here, he could take control and lead the team's next moves. And he had the perfect idea.

"Leo, Mikey, infiltrate the van."

"You got it, Don!"

The two made their way out of the tank and held onto the chains of the harpoons, close enough to attack when they could.

Donnie would keep a metaphorical ear out if they needed additional assistance, but would otherwise be in charge of weaponry while Raph was in charge of driving.

"Okay sweaty spaghetti, give us our dad back!" he heard Mikey quip, seeing him slowly inch closer to the van.

"Yeah, hand over the fugitive," Donnie added from his place in the van.

It's not like the rat man didn't have it coming. He did this to himself.

While he had his sights locked on the coordinates of his dad still at the front and steering, Meat Sweats popped open the back doors, smiling at them menacingly. "I don't think so!"

Oh, of course! This wasn't his fight anymore, but they would still have to fight him. Of all the people for Papa to decide to sneak away with!

"You have a reservation in my stomach," Meat Sweats added. "A party of five."

Ah, right. Dinner for the whole family. Or rather, of .

Father would probably want them to never leave the Lair again if he found out. How much longer could they keep this danger all a lie?

The villain soon pushed a button, opening up his van on the sides, displaying a bunch of cages on either side of the now-open walls. Those were his victims, weren't they?

And yet, Mikey could only find joy in this. "Ooh, is he finally going to teach us how to make that pork risotto?"

Oh for the love of-!

Donnie honestly felt like he would be less mad if he wasn't almost made into pork risotto the last time they ran into this guy. Or roasted turtle. Or whatever.

They all watched as Meat Sweats took off his right glove, revealing a tentacle-like amalgamation of what should have been a normal arm. "Since I assume you won't go down without a fight , allow me to choose my weapon…"

He reached into one of the cages, ripping it open and pulling out a feisty cobra of sorts. Was it even a mutant? And was he… absorbing its power? Donnie would honestly be fascinated if he wasn't terrified!

"He's getting the mutant snake's power!" Leo announced, pointing at the now powered-up villain.

Can these new villains stop having super freaky powers for two minutes? They were just four guys, they needed to catch up!

With the new powers in mind, the mutant pig spit venom at the tank, just missing Leo and Mikey as it hit the windshield.

"Watch out! It's a spitting cobra!"

"Hey, watch the paint, bucko!"

Despite the venom, they would continue the high-speed chase, always sticking to whatever roads they would have to go through next.

"Donnie, what else you got in this thing?" Raph shouted, trying to windshield-wipe the venom off so he could see.

Of course, Donnie had a lot of other things built into the tank (practically prepared for any situation), but there is something in particular that would help out more now. "Oh, I've been wanting to try this. "

And just like that, he activated the bowling ball launcher, locking it and loading it.

With a press of a button, the ball hit Meat Sweats square in the face, knocking him back unexpectedly.


They rounded another sharp turn, right under a bridge. When they were on straighter roads again, Meat Sweats finally came to, regaining his strength. And began spitting venom at his brothers.

Okay, so the bowling balls were a good enough short-term attack.

The two had to dodge the attacks, lucky they were not hitting them. Even if they hit the chains.

Donnie scrambled behind the scenes to try fixing this, but there was no use if the chains were already broken. Note to self, next time make them impenetrable from… cobra venom, apparently.

They fell a bit behind, causing a bit of a distance between the two vehicles, but it was nothing that would defeat them. Instead, they were able to rely on their own weapons, with Mikey whipping his kusari-fundo towards Meat Sweats.

"Power whip jutsu!"

The attack just missed their opponent, instead grappling onto the floor next to him, creating a new chain for the pair of brothers to bridge their way to the van.

"C'mon, Meat Sweats, are you even trying ?" Leo quipped, pointing his odachi at the guy.

Just for him to spit venom at them again.

As always, Leo swung his odachi around, thinking that would be enough to open up a portal. He was struggling, but right now it seemed particularly dire.

He got it eventually , making a portal open behind Meat Sweats as well, so when he turned to investigate, venom was spit back in his eyes.

Honestly? Kind of awesome .

"Let's get him ," Raph said, accelerating forward as much as he could to get them closer.

Just for Meat Sweats to press another button, letting free all the mutant animals he had in the cages of his van.

And, knowing Raph? The snapper hit the brakes, not risking the chance of hitting any of the animals.

Oh, his big dumb brother and his huge heart.

Now Meat Sweats was getting away! With their dad!

Donnie growled, turning to his brother. "Raphael, do you have any idea what you've-?!"

"Wait, Donnie!"

" What ?"

"Just look!"

The soft shell didn't want to hear any reasoning his brothers may have, but he did look… only to find his dad right there, on the road, not in the cannibal's food truck.

And for crying out loud, was he yelling at Meat Sweats to not leave him?!

The brothers got out of the tank, approaching their rat father quietly enough that he didn't notice they were there until he turned around, chuckling nervously.

Donnie just tapped his foot, having the most reason to be angry with him.

"You…" the soft shell began, pointing at Splinter. "You reckless, irresponsible- You are watching the science of chairs channel for a month, young man, followed by the long division channel and memorizing pi channel! Spoiler alert, the ninety-ninth digit is seven!"


Their dad looked miserable on the drive home, much like a misbehaved child who was awaiting punishment the second they got back to their room.

Completely deserved .

That man was lucky he was getting a ride back at all. If it were up to Donnie, he would have left him to his own devices, banning him from the tank entirely and making him walk home. Or come clean about portal use should he get there before the four of them .

In the end, it was almost more satisfying to see the grown man sulking in the corner, knowing he was caught by his genius son. Donnie couldn't hold back his satisfied smirk as he took the reins and drove them back home, still furious about having the chance to perfectly introduce the tank stolen from him… but feeling the ego boost of still proving how awesome it was in action.

Once they got back home, it was already quite late, but not late enough to go to bed. This meant Splinter would likely be awake for an hour or so longer, meaning he had no choice but to watch his new set of educational programs immediately .

A punishment Donnie was way too prepared and excited for.

Raph and Donnie tried to urge their brothers to not blab about this, but of course, Leo couldn't help but poke fun at his dad for his 'scandal', and Mikey kept egging him on for not using this opportunity to learn some world-class recipes.

Either way, Father was bound to hear it.

Oddly enough, Splinter did not look afraid of Leo's accusations. He only looked back at the tank, fondly .

Like if, for once, something was meeting his needs. It didn't matter what, he just needed the escape. Like if that's why he stole the tank in the first place.

Ew, why was he thinking of this? It was Michael's job to worry about people's mental well-being.

It was especially not Donnie's job to care, oh no. If he had a chance to get a leg up on his rat father, he would.

And so he watched victoriously as the rat man slumped onto his armchair once more, turning on the remote, only to find all that was programmed for him.

He would never let Splinter know that the difference between freedom and education was a USB stick away.

_ _ _

Somehow, educational channels got more boring every second you laid eyes on them.

Splinter needed something to get him to sleep, so he watched it. Unfortunately, he knew that he'd have numbers in his dreams if he kept it on for long, so, after a while, he just headed to bed.

He learned his lesson. He wasn't going to sneak out anymore. He just wanted to get away and have some fun… but clearly, even that much is easy to screw up.

If he was damned to watch only whatever Purple programmed for him, then it only controlled him once it was on. Once he left, he could entertain himself however he wanted.

For now, he wanted to entertain the idea of sleep.

The rat mutant yawned, sliding the door to his room closed before stretching. His feet carried him to the bed unconsciously, the dark environment around him perfect for crashing out any second now.

Until he stopped, hearing a distinct throat clearing.

"Running around with other mutants, are you?"

The light of a lamp was suddenly turned on, alerting Splinter of the presence of Draxum, sitting on the room's own armchair. His husband Draxum.

That scenario suddenly made everything sound so much worse.

"It's not like that, I swear!" Splinter jumped, suddenly wide awake. And anxious. The kind of anxiety he hasn't had since he was a foolish young man.

He was married to this idiot of all people. This idiot, who waited so long to even get the chance to hold the rat’s hand, waited so long for the rat to agree to a mated bond. Splinter wasn't letting this go for… that.

Besides, almost dying to another freakishly tall non-human farm animal would never be worth this. Not that he was cheating in the first place.

Despite the nature of Draxum's accusation, he didn't look upset. Almost curious . "Then what did happen?" he asked, raising a brow.

Okay, so the yokai no longer looked like he was accusing him of adultery – that was good, at least. Still didn't help that his husband was bothering about this when the kids likely already told him everything.

He knew Draxum would rather not drop this if he already asked, though.

The voice was flat enough that he knew he wasn't in trouble, so long as he told the truth. "Ugh, fine ," the rat settled, crashing on his bed anyway. "I just wanted to go somewhere , go out for a little drive. Do you know how long it's been since I just took a drive? Years! Do you think I wanted to be chased by a homicidal mutant and almost eaten?"

He saw the cogs turning in Draxum's brain. The rare time he was ready for a joke. “Well, Rat-”

"Don't you dare ."

"I wasn't going to say anything."


Seeing that the yokai wasn’t moving from his chair, Splinter just sighed, sitting himself upwards. He could sleep as is, and his husband could keep reading… but it felt better to have him there. Beside him. Together .

"Is that all that happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

This made the rat perk up. “Yeah, pretty much. I mean, the tank stopped working at some point and I got out to fix it. That’s when that Meat Sweats guy showed up.”

“Interesting…” It’s all Draxum said for a while, holding his chin. “Well, your alibi is strong, given how faint his scent is on you.” And of course he just had to bring scent into this. As if the scent of butter wasn't more damning evidence . “Disregarding any obvious quips of him wanting to eat you, though, this makes me wonder if he was created with such bloodlust.”

Ugh, and here his husband was, going on about this again. Always with his speculations and whatnot. Splinter should never have told him it was cute to hear him ramble.

“...He could have been a yokai.”

“Perhaps, but yokai have morals, Rat,” Draxum reminded. “Most are not cannibalistic…”

“A rogue one?” the rat tried.

Even the rogues.”

Splinter groaned, slumping forward. “Alright, I get it. He was probably some sort of blood-hungry mutant who was made by another mad bastard. Enough with the conspiracy theories .”

Of course, his husband could only look ecstatic about this. Proud, even, that there were more mutants running around, likely due to someone discovering and following his work – or whatever proud father of murder mutants bullsh*t he would spout this time.

“Fine,” the yokai settled, once again moving on. At least he knew Splinter didn’t want to hear it . “But I have to admit, I’m still curious… why were you so desperate to leave the Lair? Alone, at that?”

Because he could? Yes, these days he felt little energy to go out, fired from yet another job. And he never really went out at night… ohh, right, this is why he looked so suspicious.

Again, this was only born of curiosity, so the rat couldn’t be too mad. "Is it a crime to want to go somewhere without my loud kids or your needy goat ass?"

"...I thought you loved my needy goat ass."

Splinter almost wanted to laugh. Instead, his ears pinned back, looking away slightly. Then, he sighed. "I do… I just… wanted some alone time, you know?"

"I suppose I can understand that," his husband reasoned, closing his book, setting it off to the side but never moving from the chair. "Though, you have to admit, stealing your son's expensive invention for this? To go out and make new friends? Bold . Even I wouldn't dream of such a thing."

This much made the rat groan, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, I get it , you old goat," he started, sounding physically and mentally exhausted. "I'm already getting punished for this by my own sons."

"With… math, I’m assuming."

"Shut up ."

A chuckle was heard from his husband's end, making him finally look up. "It's alright, Splinter," the yokai comforted. "You'll make it up to everyone."

"I know."

Only to find a small smirk hidden in these words.

"But you'll especially make it up to me ."

Oh this guy–

" Draxum …"

Okay, fine, it was fair. He'd make it up to his husband.


Maybe if he still had the energy now…


I'm sorry (I'm not, I've had this joke in my head for months)

Chapter 24: It's the Thought That Counts


The family that lived in the Lair had very few traditions, so, at the very least, they always tried to make birthdays special. This meant the boys would stop at nothing to get their dad the perfect gift - even if that meant going to the surface in broad daylight and actually buying something (instead of stealing like always-). Unfortunately, many flaws are bound to come from a plan like this... though it's safe to say none of them expected to get their asses kicked by Donnie's childhood crush


who knew the rat man would have such a loyal band of gift-givers?


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Okay Raph, you could do this.

"What's the word? Am I clear?"

He held his breath, waiting for any one of his brothers to answer.

" Looks bueno from here ." Phew , good. " You are a go for Operation: Let's Hope Raph Comes Back Alive ."

"Would you stop calling it that?"

He was in a hot suit in the middle of a crowd of people and did not need to think of possibly dying!

Even less while he was out here and the others were in the Turtle Tank, where there was shade , and they could safely talk through the coms.

Luckily, the rest ignored Leo, with Donnie happy to fill in, nerd-ramble style. "Our first-ever exploratory expedition in daylight! They are going to name stores after you, pal!"

"I fit right in with all the mascots," Raph mused, somewhat agreeing. "This hippo suit works great in Times Square!"

If they were planning to have him wear the hippo suit to go shopping anywhere else, it would be stupid – in Times Square, he looked like the average mascot wearer.

…He just better not hear anything about being a furry because of this. Especially from Leo.

" Totally ," Mikey added from the coms, " but for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would've worked ."

Yeah, sure, little bro. Whatever you say.

" Oho, there's the store! " Leo announced, not that Raph didn't know where it was.

"Go get Splinter's birthday gift," Mikey asked, desperately. "Our eyes depend on it!"

Ugh, yeah. Pops had been running out of robes as of late, and if Other Dad wasn’t saying or doing anything about it, then it was up to the kids to get him a new one. A good new one.

" Steady as she goes ," he was instructed, trying to cross the street with limited vision. Right, he just had to be steady and walk slowly.

His eyes darted left to right constantly, trying to keep an eye out for people so he didn't bump into anyone. It was hard to see with the suit on, so he had to try his best. Or Leo would just tell him.

" Old man on your right ."

He swerved, almost losing his balance.

" Kid on your left ."

He halted, eyes wide as he looked down at the kid. The kid who held an ice cream . Peanut butter ice cream.

" Oh no, your allergies! Evasive maneuver! "

Raph scrambled to get away from the kid, who seemed to be taunting him. Or maybe they just thought this was funny.

Once that incident was avoided, Raph sighed, walking away casually. "Close one," he mumbled, hoping there weren't any more kids with similar ideas nearby.

But, the more he walked, the more he found himself relaxing. When he didn't have to dodge anyone or walk across large stretches of road, this was actually kind of… freeing?

"Aw man, this is crazy cool!" Raph said to himself, pausing to take in the environment. "First turtle to ever skirt through a crowd, totally unnoticed. And his name? Is Raph ."

He tuned out his brothers as they were rambling something about memes or whatnot. Whatever April sent, he could check out later.

He just had to get to that store first.

So, the disguised hippo of a turtle continued on, seeing the store only a good few feet away now. Nothing could stand in his way.

Until he bumped into some random guy almost his size.

"Sorry," Raph quickly apologized, internally cursing his brothers for being too distracted to warn him this time.

But there was something… off about this guy. He was kind of close, too close for comfort, staring him up and down with wide eyes until eventually walking away.

Huh. That was… strange.

"My bad?" Raph tried, but the other guy didn't respond.

" You got this, bud, " he suddenly heard from the coms once more, startling him. " Now go get that robe, our night terrors end today ! "

"Yess," Raph agreed, preparing to grab his wallet. Only for the pocket to be empty. " What ?"

He frantically pulled both pockets inside out, only to find them both completely empty.

"No no no. My wallet ?" His eyes widened. "My wallet !"

This was said low, praying no one heard, but especially not his brothers. He looked around, hoping he'd either find it on the ground somewhere or spot a common wallet thief.

Noped. He'd have to try asking around. "Um, 'cuse me," he asked a couple walking by, "have you seen my wallet? There's a skull on it, and a Teddy Bear Town gift card inside?"

But this much, his brothers apparently did here. " ...Did he just say he lost his wallet? "

"No!" Raph quickly dismissed. Only to lean close to the next people passing by, whispering. "Have you seen my lost money?"

" You did lose it! "

" Oh no. "

" Well, you better find it. "

" Why does the hippo have pockets ."

" Gah, tell me you lost it in the Lair!"

Raph shut his eyes as the rest of his brothers arguing became lost on him, wanting nothing but to run away and try finding his wallet on his own.

"Stop talking, stop talking !" he urged, turning before he had to listen to anything more.

Only to bump into another person so hard, he knocked himself back.

And the head of his mask flew back.

In broad daylight.

Oh no .

Everyone was looking at Raph now, who was flat on his ass, having to hide his terror. Okay, don't freak out! It was going to be fine…

He stammered for an explanation, staring back at the people for a little too long. He was starting to sweat, this was going horribly -

"Your costume, it's great! You're the turtle-potamus meme, right?"

Wait, what?

Raph looked up, eyes wide, staring at the woman who said that. A woman holding a baby.

"What meme?" he asked, before realizing it wasn't important. He had a cover now . "I mean, yes meme! Yes meme, uh- yes, that meme."

He stood up, crossing his arms, looking confused out of his skull. "...Which meme now?"

The crowd pointed at the nearest large screen, displaying the newest hottest memes, which apparently was the turtle-potamus meme. Ohhh, that was April's meme, wasn't it?

"Yes! Uh, I'm that," Raph exclaimed, pointing at himself proudly. "There's nothing else in the world I could possibly be."

Totally nailed it.

Thank the Spirits nobody thought he was just a mutant.

"You're the best and cleanest Time Square mascot I've ever seen," the woman from earlier said. "Here's my baby, he loves memes!"

She handed him the baby to hold, feeling confused, until she took a picture. Then he felt confused again when she took the baby back and gave him money.

"Uh, ma'am, you misplaced your five-dollar bill directly into my palm."

"Roll with it, bud," Leo told him, "she's paying you for the picture. Keep working the crowd and maybe you can get back all of our money you lost."

" Allegedly lost," the snapper spat back. He got it already, he understood; this was his fault. But it was more than their (his) money at stake.

But fine, whatever. If a couple of pictures with meme fans is what it would take to afford a robe for their dad, he'd do it.

This should be fun.

_ _ _

There is nothing Draxum hated more than going outside in broad daylight.

Going alone made it all worse. Once a powerful yokai who commanded respect and held plans to turn every measly human to his side… now nothing but an animal man, legally a ‘mutant’, having to bite his tongue lest he show any hatred or fear. It was humiliating .

But he was a man on a mission. This is why he brought April, the human girl – his surrogate daughter, all things considered. No, he did not need protection. It simply helped to accompany someone who knew the city like the back of their hand.

That is usually what Splinter was for. Unfortunately, he couldn’t be here right now. This excursion was to surprise him, after all.

“That kimono shop should be right down the street,” April reminded, still standing close to him. “Just a couple more minutes.”

Walking these crowded streets only made it easier to become lost in his own thoughts, so hearing such was nice. The sooner they could avoid these people , the better.

“Very well,” the yokai reasoned in return, continuing to walk, only ever keeping his eyes forward. Lest he look at someone wrong .

The human girl beside him didn’t look convinced, though, tilting her head. “...You good, Barry?”

“Yes,” he started, cautiously. “Though I’d rather not be the only six-foot-eight mutant in the middle of Times Square right now.”

“I dunno about that.” Draxum was confused by what she meant until he saw her head tilt to where the crowd accumulated the most. “I mean, look around. There’s a bunch of mascots, actors, people expressing themselves, and even a couple of mutants! Like that hippo right over there,” she said, subtly pointing at everyone she spoke of.

Disregarding how familiar the hippo mutant – mascot? – was… she had a point. He was far from the only eccentric individual around. Perhaps he could even… fit in.

With caution, of course. Lest he risk it all. Again .

In the end, the yokai simply shrugged. “I suppose.” With a low voice, he added, “I still despise this with every fibre of my being.”

April laughed at this, only adding insult to injury. “A lot of people hate Time Square and how busy it gets,” she admitted, “but when in New York, do as the New Yorkers do: just be yourself and blend in .”

With this, the two made it to the shop. Walking through the doors provided the kind of calm that could never be found in the streets right outside. Here it was cleaner, fresher, quieter.

"There we go," the girl said, looking excited; just as much, giving him a look. "You said they were in the back of the store?"

"Yes." If he remembered correctly.

The yokai had been to this store – among others – a handful of times, knowing enough about where to go or how to order what he wanted.

"Great!" April looked over at the rows of fabrics, hooking her arms around one of his. "We'll pick something nice for Splints," she assured, trying to drag him with her. He didn't budge just yet.

Something nice, yes, that was the goal. Draxum looked down at his left hand, grazing his thumb against the ring. The ring he made to match his husband's – the man he married less than a year before but loved for a decade and a half.

He wanted nothing in life if not to make this man happy. As aggravating as he could be at times.

"I sure hope we do," he settled, taking a deep breath and a step forward. Preparing to talk to the tailor without his husband there, for his husband's gift.

He could do this.

_ _ _

Alright alright, Raph was actually redeeming himself!

As per usual, Leo watched from inside the tank, on the sidelines, as Raph went around Time Square and got some pictures.

Was it a waste of time? Probably – but they wouldn't need to do this if Raph hadn't lost his wallet .

But, soon enough, Big Man was becoming a little celebrity of his own! Everyone wanted a picture with the living turtle-potamus meme – in all honesty, Leo was kind of jealous!

Soon enough, they had even more money than they needed. Which meant they could always pocket it‐ he means , spend it on a pricier gift. Obviously.

He could barely hear Raph as he stood in the middle of town square, shouting something over the nearby crowd, but the fact that he gathered a crowd like that at all was pretty impressive. Might be worth it to do this again sometime before the meme dies.

" I can't believe you guys are falling for this… hack."

Oh no.

Leo could hear that .

He tilted the tank's binoculars, finding where the voice came from. And oh mi gosh, it was an Atomic Lass mascot .

Donnie would flip when he saw this.

" Memes come and go ," the mascot started explaining, " but we've always been here for you . For a small fee. "

Ohh, so she was just salty about getting the spotlight taken for an afternoon? Okay, okay, so that's how this was…

And, funny enough, nobody in the crowd cared. They were on Raph's side.

It was hard to tell what Atomic Lass' emotions were, but with her fellow mascots ( not from the JJ extended universe) gathered around her, it looked like she wasn't giving up her fame without a fight.

" Let's show these newbies how we roll ."

The others started snapping and singing something while skating towards Raph. Oh, this was gonna be good .

"My hero Atomic Lass may be about to sing!" Donnie cheered, joining him to get a better look.

And… Well, honestly, their singing was pretty mid. Nothing hero-worthy. But they were also pushing around Raph and that was not cool .

"No way ," Leo said, putting his foot down. " Nobody messes with Raph like that! Except for us."

What? He was right.

"Suit up!"

The brothers all headed to the back of the tank, where they storied backup accessories from their years of Jupiter Jim Halloween costumes. You know, just in case.

This was certainly a just-in-case-worthy moment.

"Time to teach those creeps a lesson and earn that money back for Pops' gift," Leo announced, suiting up, " and we're gonna do it Jupiter Jim style!"

The three made their way to the tank exit, pausing just a second to revel in their awesome looks and equally awesome poses.

"I can't even recognize myself!"

"Jupiter Jim turtle aliens ahoy !"

"Yes to all of that!"

Now they bounded off, with Donnie flying because of his battle shell, heading towards their big brother.

Pizza Supreme , they would fit right in.

And they would still be even more awesome than everyone else .


As the group of mascots cornered Raph, keeping him on the ground, the turtle trio wasted no time in knocking him down a peg. They all jumped on the one closest to Raph – a sort of chicken guy – almost making his mascot head come off.

They landed a few feet away, Leo standing on a food stand as he looked back at the evil mascots. " Jupiter Jim's turtle aliens flying in to rescue one of our own."

"Yeah!" Raph quickly agreed, getting up and standing next to them.

But of course, Donnie just had to take the moment to nerd out, staring back at the mascots. "I can't believe I'm this close to my childhood idol, Atomic Lass!"

The brothers stared at him.

"Oh, right, bad guys. Yeah, I'm on it."

Now they were all back to staring at the mascots and having them stare back at them.

"Show these folks how we mascot downtown," the chicken guy mascot challenged. "Robot Vampire…"

With this, the Robot Vampire in question rolled closer to the turtles, who were already preparing to fight back. Rolling up to them very slowly.

Ha! Like that would intimidate them. Even Sheep Dad without his morning coffee was scarier than that.

The vampire guy then stretched his arms out for a moment, only to press a button on their chest. A radio button. To play music .

…Did they want to dance fight ?

Again, not intimidating. But this music was right up Donnie's alley, so this was gonna be a blast .

The dog-looking mascot then stepped forward, starting to break dance, immediately earning cheers from the crowd around them.

Well, just as much, the turtles weren't going down without a fight.



The turtle in purple nodded, making his battle shell/jet pack/etc turn into a boombox of its own. "Activate music mode ."

It floated up a bit before floating back down, acting as a disk table for Mikey. Their beats were gonna be so much cooler , just you wait.

Leo started hopping in place, getting into the vibes. "Time to go to obedience school ," he quipped, soon breaking into a dance of his own.

His odachi became part of the display, mostly because he couldn't risk dropping it. But it worked.

"Not fair, bringing a sword to a chain fight," the dog mascot fought back, using his chain belt to try to catch Leo.

Obviously, the slider dodged every attempt, all while keeping up with the music. He was just too awesome to be beat.

He broke the chain with his odachi, making it shorter with each attempt to get up. "Now who's a bad boy?" he taunted, grabbing the end of the chain and pulling it until the mascot went flying . Ending with a sweet pose.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, other than the sound of one heckler who he would change the mind of.

Atomic Lass approached him next, doing some sort of dance that involved a lot of hip movements and striking poses. The last pose felt the strongest for some reason, almost like that was her power. Leo gasped.

"Out of the way!" His twin yelled, suddenly beside him, activating his bo to fly him over to the mascot. " I get to dance with her~"

Pfft, of course that dork would take this chance.

Fine, fine, Leo would let him. He was honestly curious to see how this would go, hoping someone was recording it to upload online. You know, for blackmail.

Donnie swerved to his crush-mascot-lady, before slowing to a stop. "Coming at ya," he said, out of breath and yet still starting up a dance.

Honestly, he looked like he was having the time of his life. Leo couldn't blame him.

The mascot soon started dancing as well, more of those same, honestly lazy , hip dances. But of course, his twin loved this, so he could only play along, grabbing her by the hand and twirling her around.

After a long while of this, Donnie dipped her, keeping his face close to the mascot. "Any chance you and Atomic Lad are splitsville ?"

HA! Oh mi gosh, priceless !

Leo was so making fun of him for this later.

Unfortunately, his little schoolgirl crush moment didn't last long, before he was kicked back by that chicken mutant guy. "You dance as good as you cosplay , son."

Okay, that's just cruel .


Everyone looked towards Raph as he shouted this, cracking his knuckles. "Can't pick on somebody your own size?"

With this, the snapper started dancing as well, honestly owning those moves, even with the hippo suit. Seriously, how was Raph so good at this?! He could totally win the dance battle, with or without his disguise!

But of course, the other mascots wouldn't give up just yet. The dog and chicken guys flipped in the air before posing on either side of Atomic Lass, acting as her backup dancers.

For now they just stood, as AL tried some… actually decent moves? Now where was that energy for him and Donnie!

The turtles could only stare for a moment, realizing they might have some competition now. Might.

They still had Raph and his sick moves. Who's to say they couldn't be his backup dancers?

Oh yeah, that's totally what they were gonna do. They were gonna wow the crowd so hard, they'd never give those phony mascots the same praise again!

"Bring it, if you dare ," the chicken guy challenged, all mascots staring at the group of turtles now.

Mikey joined them, activating a smoke bomb, giving them just enough time to…

Sneak onto a billboard!

Donnie quickly hacked all the other screens to show the turtle-potamus meme, before turning their attention to the roaring crowd, and beginning to use Raph's moves to dance in unison.

If this didn't end up viral, he didn't know what would!

And they were killing it! It was all simple stuff really, but enough to make the crowd go wild. More and more people showed up, some waving their phone flashlights and recording, some trying to copy the dance.

Leo honestly felt like a goddamn star…

But, more importantly, they were absolutely killing it!

After a few more moves, they could hear the track about to end. It was the perfect time to jump off the billboard ledge, landing right back where they were before that initial smoke bomb, flawlessly .


The crowd somehow got even louder than before, clearly winning the fight.

"Ohoho, it has been broughten ," Raph announced, claiming their victory both with the dance and the amount of tips sent their way from the crowd. "Now let's go get Dad's robe," he added, and not a single one of them was gonna disagree.

They've earned this.

"Give us the green, green ," Atomic Lass threatened, throwing her show mallet toward Donnie.

Luckily, he dodged, but because of that, it hit a statue behind him. Hard . All before going in to attack Donnie himself.

Donnie's tech bo activated, creating a struggle, which he tried to apologize for (simp). And then it went out of control… knocking the mascot's head off.

She fell back, flat on her back, head a few feet away.

"Oh no."

"Oh mi gosh, you knocked that lady's head clean off!"

But of course, it was just a mascot, so the person inside didn't have a problem getting back up. Or at least, that's what Leo reasoned. Until he saw the head of the guy who bumped into Raph earlier.

People started to scream and run away, clearly making this victory a little less epic.

…Hopefully there would still be videos about it.

" You ."


Raph looked as annoyed as Donnie looked disgusted, but they couldn't focus on that for long, before hearing a very loud crackling noise from behind.

It was the mallet that was thrown into the statue! It crackled, seeming to break open and drop whatever was inside.

And guess what was there?

That's right.

" You stole my wallet!"

The mallet was holding a lot of stolen goods, including Raph's wallet. That guy he bumped into must have been the one to steal it!

The wallet-loser in question walked up to the pile of stuff, reaching to grab his things. "It better still have my Teddy Bear Town-"

His hand was pecked by the chicken guy before he could grab his wallet. And the guy kept pecking, backing Raph away from the stuff and forcing him to defend himself.

"Alright, let's see what your ugly mug looks like!" Raph then punched that mascot's head off, sending it even farther back than the last.

Like with Atomic Lass, the body stood up perfectly fine. But this time , there was a different kind of body inside. A mutant body. A mutant bug .

And it hissed right in Raph's face!

The other two mascots soon revealed themselves to be the same bug mutants, scaring off whoever was left in the crowd.

Man, he knew these mascots were suspicious!

"Meta morphosis , that took an unexpected left turn!"

The only actual human in one of these suits got up, standing behind Donnie and Mikey. Only to be an actual bug too.

Soon, the eight of them were the only figures in Town Square, and it would likely stay that way until this little throwdown was done with. Because there was no way they could let these bug guys continue to steal people's belongings in the name of entertainment!

Leo cracked his knuckles, smirking widely, more than ready to fight to the end.

They were getting that money. All of it.

_ _ _

They did it. They almost fumbled the bag with that whole ‘fighting mutants in disguise in the middle of Times Square’ thing, but they did it.

It took guts, courage, and dragging Donnie into the store after his mental breakdown, but they finally had the perfect gift for their dad!

So, the brothers walked into the Lair victoriously, holding a big box with their perfect gift.

"Hey Pops! Guess what we gooot?"

"Only the best gift ever, we can assure you."

"Yeah, and it cost a pretty penny! From Raph's allowance, that is."

The snapper could ignore that last note as he strolled the halls with his brothers, more than happy to give their father a generous gift.

He would have bought more, but they won that dance fight money fair and square. Besides, it's something Splinter should like enough.

Raph had his eyes closed when he walked in, a big toothy smile on his face. Should they wait for the cake to give gifts? Yeah, maybe, but they could not allow Splinter to wear that ratty old robe anymore (pun not intended).

When he opened his eyes to look at his dad, though, he found himself speechless, as did his brothers.

Here Splinter was, sipping on a cup of boba (does he even like boba?), lounging in his chair, getting his nails filed by Sheep Dad and April. And worst of all? He was wearing something new.

A damn nice new kimono.

That was so much nicer than the robe they bought for him .

After a long, slow sip, Splinter looked up at his sons. "Oh, there you boys are! We thought you were still out."

"You're just in time!" April added. "There's still time to order pizza. We already brought cake, though – sorry Mikey."

The box turtle just mumbled something about it being okay, but Raph still felt stunned, feeling as if the gift he and the others got him couldn't even compare. Even with all that effort, all the mutants they fought.

…Of course they weren't the only ones with this idea!

Luckily, Leo was able to save the situation. "No, we are not still out! For as you can see, your four sons have braved the wilds of Times Square – through crazed mascots and broken childhood dreams – to bring you the perfect birthday gift."

Mikey took this as a cue to take the box from Raph's hand, leaning on one knee to present the box to Splinter. "Happy birthday Dad!"

The rat's eyes lit up, handing his drink to April so he could pick up the box. His ears flicked as he began to open it, a wide grin on his face as he saw what it was. The box stayed on his lap as he picked up the robe, feeling the fabric between his fingers, before rubbing it against his cheek.

He was scenting it, which meant…

He really liked it.

"Mmm, it's really soft, just the texture I like." He looked up at the turtles, smile wide, just as much as it was soft. "Thank you so much, boys. I will save this for the most special occasions."

The turtles all smiled as well (even Donnie), trying not to smile too much. Raph was just happy his dad actually liked their gift. They didn't fight all those mutants for nothing.

"Of course, Pops," Raph said, trying to keep from stimming. "We just wanted t' get ya something special, y'know?"

"Yes, yes, and I am very grateful," Splinter offered, closing the box back up and holding it close to his chest. To carry it. "Let me just go put it away-"

"No need."

It was Barry who said this, taking the box from the rat, and giving him a kiss to the lips before walking off. "I'll go put it away."

"Thanks babe."

The kids all recoiled, other than Mikey and April, who were giggling at the display. Yeah, it was cute or whatever, but these were still their parents.

After coming down from his happy high, Splinter grumbled, seeing the kids' reactions. " Quiet . You'll be all lovey-dovey like this if you have spouses one day."


"Nope. Never."

"Nice try, Dad."


The rat could only groan at this, waving his hand. "Whatever, I'm right. Now shoo . Go order that pizza before I change my mind."

The turtles did some mix of saluting and bowing, giving a "yes, sensei," before running out of the room, April following.

Before they left, Raph heard his dad mumble something else. Something about liking the sound of being called 'sensei' like that.

Maybe they could do that more often. Just for him.


They just ended up on the main floor, hopefully far away from any more lovey-dovey displays. Donnie went ahead to order, with Mikey laying flat on the skate ramp.

"You think I could still pull off a dinner he likes?" the youngest mumbled.

Leo sat on the ramp beside him. "Come on, Mikey, you know it's tradition – pizza and cake, always , for every birthday."

"I know…"

Raph saw this from the side, sighing. He didn't mind any dinner, didn't mind any cake… birthdays in the Lair were always fun, especially when the birthday haver was happy.

And he was! Splinter was happy! Really, really happy…

So why did Raph still feel bad?

April leaned on the wall next to him, out of sight of the other turtles. Raph didn't turn to look at her, but he still felt her nearby.

“I see you guys more than just liked the meme I made.”

Raph huffed dryly at this. Yeah, they surely did more than that – they made it worldwide now.

But it seemed she had more to say. "Hey, big guy, sorry for not telling you guys about the kimono thing," she started. "I actually asked Barry for gift ideas, so he just took me to buy some."

This made the snapper turn his head. "Wait, some?"

His sister shrugged at this. "Yeah. We each got him one. Mine's the casual one he's wearing right now, and Barry got him one to use for special events."

Ah, that made sense. Not that it made him feel better, blowing his allowance on one robe.

"What kind of events?"

"I don't know," April answered honestly. "I thought you guys never left the Lair."

Raph huffed, finding himself smiling at this. Okay, she had a point.

"And, if you think about it," she added, "now Splints has two outfits he's saving for special events. The robe you gave him will last a long time, and, knowing your dad, it will be well loved."

The snapped nodded slowly, considering this. Yeah. All things considered, it probably would be. Give him time, and he'll probably be using that thing every day.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Raph said with a sigh. "It's a good gift. Even if it's just the one, Pops likes it, and that's all that matters."

"Exactly, Big Red." A small smirk tugged at April's lips. "At least it's not like you spent all your money on it."


Raph pretended to groan, trying to swat her sister away.


"What do you mean you're out of olives?!"


Donnie might need some help there.

"That better not be the sound of you harassing another pizza worker."

"I am not ," the soft shell spat, holding the phone away from his mouth via robotic arms to glare at his brother. Right, brother . "They simply do not have the most crucial ingredient to achieve flavor excellency. Which I find very hard to believe!"

Okay, so Donnie was still obviously shaken by the day. Raph sighed, but he understood.

They might need Mikey to make dinner after all.


can you tell this chapter was self indulgent? lol

Chapter 25: Lost in the Sauce


They were so close, they could feel it. At this point, the turtle brothers were convinced they would soon find a surefire way to get them into the underground mutant city, with their new favorite pizza place proving as a great place to start looking. Unfortunately, not having some key details to work off of makes it harder than they thought it would be, especially with the idea that someone else was catching up to their plans. They might need all the help they could get, no matter how dubious it may be...


probably should have been doing this from the beginning but-

OG chapter, set somewhere between episodes 6B and 7

brief stranger danger concern

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Okay, we gotta investigate but like, not let it look like we're investigating."

“And how exactly are we gonna do that, Leon ?”

The slider quickly scrambled to cover his twin’s mouth, only to be bitten. Well, nibbled. Because Donnie was forbidden from biting.

“First of all, ow . Second of all, it’ll be easy! We’re already good with the pizza man-”

“- We are, he hates your guts-”

“-And these mutants aren’t exactly good at hiding their mystic powers.”

Metaphorical mystic powers.”

Again, Leo was defeated, but not for a lack of trying. He groaned, slumping forward at the table they were seated at. “Oh come on, those are totally mystic powers! You guys agree with me, right?” He desperately looked at his other two brothers. “Raph? Mikey ?”

To his luck, even if they were distracted eating or texting or whatever, they nodded with an ‘mhm’ and ‘yeah, sure thing Leo’ – all of which technically proved he was right.

“Hah! Suck it, Donnie, they do have mystic powers.” With this, he celebrated by leaning back in his seat, taking a big bite of his slice.

Only to be met with his brother’s classic scoff. “And? Still doesn’t mean anything if they can’t help us find what we’re looking for.”

Which is why we have to look around,” Leo argued, stating the obvious. “Look, I get it – you couldn’t talk to a stranger normally if someone paid you. However, do not fear, I can save us.”

Another groan from his brother.

“As the face man,” and local champion , “I’m electing myself to start with the interrogations. Who’s with me?”

“Ooh, me!” Mikey cheered excitedly, scarfing down the rest of his slice before trying to hop over the table.

“Woah woah, slow your roll, Micheal.” The face man stood up to push his brother back into his seat. “We have to keep a low profile , remember? This is a stealthy operation.”

Stealth would require you to not talk about this in the restaurant itself.”

“...You’re not even part of this, Donnie.”

“Point still stands.”

Leo groaned, looking over at his only older brother. “Raph?”

The snapper shook his head, never looking up from his phone.

“Oh come on, big guy! You’re great at interrogations!”

“Are we talking about the same Raph here?”

Leo raised a brow, glaring at his twin for hopefully the last time that day. His commentary was getting on his nerves, honestly.

But Mikey’s giggling from where he sat beside Raph made the slider perk up. “That would be a no-go anyways,” he said, looking right over the oldest’s shoulder. Or well, massive arm. “He’s still unliking all of Ghost Bear’s posts.”

Okay, wait-

Mikey .”

Leo wheezed . “ Still ?”

“Yep!” the box shell confirmed, “We’re down to seven years ago now.”

“Cut it out, Mikey,” Raph complained. And yet he never stopped scrolling, constantly tapping the screen in a specific spot.

This was really messing his big brother up.

“Come on, Raph, you have to let it go,” Leo said, leaning back again. “What, are we supposed to remove all proof that we ever supported any problematic person? Do you know how long that would take?”

“As much as it hurts to admit, I must agree,” his twin admitted – glaring back at Leo’s smirk. “The incident with Atomic Lass has not changed my opinion of her, even if I am now more cautious.”

“Yeah! And you think I stopped watching Kondescending Kitchen because Rupert Swaggart is Meat Sweats now?”

The slider could see Donnie roll his eyes at this, only for Mikey to stick out his tongue. But it was honestly a fair point.

Given the fact that Raph’s been slowly contemplating throwing merch out or just punching his feelings away… it looked like he was willing to take that time.

Somehow, the snapper managed to glare at him without even looking up at his phone. Impressive, honestly. “Leo, I know you’d be even worse if this was Lou Jitsu we were talking about.”

At this, Leo raised a finger and opened his mouth. Only to slowly put it all away.

Raph wasn’t even wrong…

But he knew how to counter this. “Oh please. Lou Jitsu disappeared at like, twenty-something years old. What bad could he have done? Name one thing–”

“Acting fraud.”

“Cheating on his girlfriend.”


Everyone looked at Mikey for a second.


Leo could only sit up at this, poking the table. “ Conspiracies , all of you,” he insisted. “Lou Jitsu would never .”

“I don’t know, Leon,” Donnie said, looking as smug as ever. “People aren’t always as they seem. Ghost Bear was secretly a massive jerk, and Lou Jitsu? Ha, who knows!”

…That turtle knew something, didn’t he?

Whatever. He’d bribe the info out at a later time.

“Ghost Bear was always a jerk and Lou Jitsu could secretly be a jerk – sure, whatever. That’s not what we’re here for.” He stood up again, motioning for his younger brother to do the same. “Unlike you losers, me and Mikey are going to scout around for a way into the mutant city. Now Raph, scoot over.”

The snapper did as told with an annoyed groan, still never looking up.

All of which allowed Mikey a way out of the booth, giving his usual determined smile. “Ooh, can we get cheese bread for the mission?”

Leo gave a single ‘ha’, leaning against the smaller turtle. “Do you even have to ask?”

Of course they were getting cheese bread. What kind of man on a mission ignores the wonders of cheese bread?

“Aw yeah,” Mikey cheered, pulling out his sunglasses, tossing a pair for Leo.

Once he got them on, the slider crossed his arm, smirk present. Now they were ready for the mission.

“You guys look like you’re about to steal something.”

“Shut up .”

_ _ _

Something was going on.

That much… should have been obvious. With how much his sons were sneaking out as of late, making no effort to hide how excited they were to be winning fights, it’s a shame Draxum failed to notice all this earlier.

Perhaps he had been… distracted as of late. With work, for the most part. And with Splinter. His husband.

That was no excuse.

So, for the first time in multiple days, he could use the excuse of his sons being out of the house to visit the lab. His work would likely be gone, knowing Donatello… not that it would change much.

Progress was useless if it took a teenager’s meddling to reverse it all. That being said, the yokai was not foolish enough to leave his work alone for so long without having backups. Not now. Never again.

From the depths of the lab’s top secret storage compartments (luckily still secret, by the looks of it), Draxum took out a box, placing it on the table most reserved for him. After removing whatever various blueprints and robotic parts his son had put there, the space was finally his again. As it always should have been.

The box itself held various concoctions he was testing; medications, formulas, potions . All of which he knew he should be cautious with.

As much as the medications may help, his family always saw the inherent ‘evil’ in having the medicine man be their own father, having him be the person who kidnapped them or risked their lives.

The man who was still so afraid of humans, he often felt the need to take… drastic measures, in the name of protecting his family from even the slightest ills.

It’s not as if they had much of a choice.

“This should make us stronger,” he mused, examining the potion he was working on. As expected, it was still settling. Good. It’s not like he could trick convince the rat to smuggle Hidden City ingredients for a replacement.

The chuckle that escaped him, he wanted to keep low. In the end, would it sound any different than an evil laugh?

It must have been that way, if only to be hearing the familiar pattern of randomized, clawed footsteps – their owner never fully used to walking in this form.

“Oh, Purple, there you are.”

The yokai did not look up, not just yet. His palms were still on the table, head tilted, examining the bottles and the consistency of their contents. Deeply focused on his work.

“You know, you are just so smart. I was wondering if you could fix–”

Those footsteps suddenly stopped, a good few feet away from the table. For as little as he could see, the scientist could tell his visitor was holding something, likely broken, likely meant for Donatello to repair.

And Splinter looked so confused. “...Barry?”

Now he looked up, expression flat. As if nothing was going on. “Yes, husband?”

Normally, the rat shrugged this off. Long ago he learned that there was nothing to be done about the yokai’s habits and desire to dabble in science and alchemy. It was in his blood, after all, and his husband normally understood this.

Draxum was offered none of this sympathy today.

Instead, the rat raised a brow, appearing nothing short of judgmental. “ Whaaat are you doing?”

A shrug was sent his way, turning his attention back to his work. “Medication,” he simply said, absent-mindedly slipping the notes under his box.

Not like Splinter could see the top of the table from where he stood.

Right .” The rat put down what he was holding, never taking his eyes off of the man in front of him. “And you laugh like a madman when making meds. Come on, Goat Man – I know this is part of your big bad baron act.”

His eyes widened. “ Rat .”

“sh*t, my bad,” Splinter quickly corrected (they could never be too careful), shaking his head. “But don’t think I’m forgetting this!”

As the smaller man walked around the desk, Draxum felt his anxiety spike. Not that he would show it.

“What are you working on?”

“Medication,” he repeated. “I already told you.”

Splinter didn’t look convinced. “Who’s it for?”


“He doesn’t need that much.”

“This isn’t testosterone, Rat.”

“Then what is it?”

Draxum sighed, not looking as he picked up the bottle he would not be explaining, putting it back in the open box and grabbing another bottle. “For growing pains, both for him and Michelangelo. I trust one would be able to convince the other to take this lest the pain bother them longer.”

Not a lie, all things considered. They just never asked him to make this. They never would. And this is far from why Splinter was concerned.

His eyes were on his husband as the mutant inspected the bottle. There’s only so much he could know, even with family members who dealt with this world so often.

To the yokai’s blessing, he could only see the mutant shrug. “Alright.”

Holding back a sigh of relief was never so difficult.

“But…” Splinter looked up at him, ears pointed back. He motioned with his hands, “Come here.”

He knew what this meant. He knew well.

Slowly, the yokai began kneeling to the ground, matching his husband’s height. Said husband’s hands held the sides of his face, making up look down, making their eyes meet.

As much as Draxum struggled to hold eye contact, he melted into the touch all the same. He would always be weak for this man.

“Don’t stress yourself out,” Splinter mumbled, leaning in even closer, letting the larger man’s forehead rest against his.

All of which made Draxum sigh, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I won’t.”

“And don’t do anything stupid either.”

The yokai groaned, just short of rolling his eyes.

“It’s a valid concern!”


At least, he was able to chuckle the slightest amount, knowing the rat trusted him enough for this. He was just the right amount of suspicious.

With a small huff, he was able to meet his husband’s eyes now. “I won’t, I promise.”

“Good,” Splinter accepted, taking a few steps back. Letting him go.

Something in his chest both felt heavier and lighter as he stood back up again, leaning against the desk. Unprofessional, but such was no worry when not being watched.

“If you don’t mind fixing the projector, I left it right over there,” the rat asked, using his tail to point to the ground in front of the desk as he left.

That he could possibly do. To make up for the lie. Still, Draxum couldn’t help the smirk as he wondered why the projector would need fixing. “Dare I ask how you broke it this time?”

Splinter looked to hesitate by the door, squinting at the yokai. “No.”

And with that, the door was shut. Tight.

Alright then. If one has his secrets, so would the other. It was only fair.

Despite his husband’s concerns, he was working on something. Stupid or not, Draxum knew it would be necessary in the long run.

He took the bottle back out for a second, if only to look it over once more; if only to decide how much longer he could get away with working with this in private.

For the safety and well-being of his family, he had to do this.

But especially for the safety of his sons.

Curse the unstoppable warrior spirit in their genes.

_ _ _

“What do you mean you’ve never heard of the mutant city??”

The large lizard-looking mutant stared Mikey down, sipping their tea. Slowly. “I don’t know what to tell you, kid – I live in New York, just like the rest of you.”

“But they don’t-”

Cool it , Mikester,” his brother warned, pulling him away. “He said he doesn’t know.”

The box shell crossed his arms, pouting a little. “So much for being tough on the interrogations.”

“I know, I know, but Bone Man’s been looking at us weird.” Leo lowered his voice to add, “Dr. Delicate Touch won’t help this time.”

Mikey pouted, but given the results, his brother was probably right. “Fine. No Dr. Delicate touch.”

He’d just have to be smarter about this, think of a way to convince people to tell him, maybe…

Bringing him to a quieter corner of the restaurant, Leo flipped his sunglasses up and kept his voice low – not the lowest, but enough that no one noticed the talking about this. “Alright, so by the looks of it, the mutants here only know about the same portal we know of.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense!”

“I know, Miguel, I know. Something’s missing here…”

The box shell and the slider both pondered this for a moment, holding their chins, humming in thought.

“You think it’s like, top secret or something?” Mikey tried. “Like, only important mutants get to know where it is?”

Leo scoffed at this. “Oh please . Important mutants? Like what, government agents?”

“Well yeah.” The youngest raised a brow as if this was supposed to be obvious. “Mutant city, mutant people, mutant lawmakers . It all adds up.”

Even if he hesitated, Leo looked to think about this. “...Okay, I’m picking up what you’re putting down.” He scanned the restaurant again, which wasn’t full by any means, but still pretty lively. And diverse. “Why are these no suits then? No fancy uniforms?”

Mikey blinked, expression flat.

“Right, no pizza sauce stains, that’s bad for business.”

The youngest held back a laugh, knowing this much was right. It was still funny to think of some of these mutants being important people in the underground world, all dressed up in fancy suits.

Instead of looking just like his family, all causal, normal yet abnormal a the same time.

The pizza guy – who Leo kept calling Bone Man for some reason – soon entered the dining area again. Even if the turtles weren’t spotted yet, they both knew he wouldn’t be happy to know they were harassing customers for top-secret information.

“You know what?” he heard Leo decide, slightly more confident. “I’m just gonna ask him again. We have about five minutes at most before we have to bounce, so let’s be smart about this.”

“Pfft, of course,” Mikey affirmed, pointing at himself. “ Smart is my middle name. I’ve got this.”

‘Smart’ was Donnie’s middle name, figuratively – but Mikey was stealing it now. Just to use it for a bit.

Leo only nodded at him before flipping his glasses back on, heading back into the populated area of the restaurant. Mikey did the same, only, he went the other way.

Okay, he had to be smart about this for real. No harassing anyone for information, no scaring them, and nothing that would get them all kicked out.

That was Leo’s thing.

Instead, he would just play it cool. Yeah, he could do that. Mikey was always social, even if he never had much of a chance to play into it. Now he did – and if he played this right, they could all find the mutant city and make a bunch of new friends!

He couldn’t wait…

Which is why the box shell knew to turn up a bit of his own charm. Leo may have his ‘face man’ shtick or whatever, but Mikey was the youngest. He had a superpower of his own.

With this in mind, he put away his mission glasses, making sure he wore a wide, innocent smile. Slowly a plan was forming, feeling more excited the more he thought about it. Oh, why didn’t he think of this before!

He just has to-

Ow .

What the heck?!

Mikey fell back onto his shell, not noticing the mutant he bumped into. As he held his head and looked up at them, though, he couldn’t help but think he’d seen them somewhere before…

They were massive , especially with his perspective from all the way on the ground – taller than Raph, even! Pretty large and blocky like him, though… but they were wearing a lot of layers, scarves and whatnot. Gender was hard to tell from what they had on. Not to mention, they wore some sort of half-helmet with horns.

Oh. That’s where he’s seen this before.

Now, Mikey couldn’t know if this was a bad guy like the sheep lady they met in the mutant city, and they almost looked the part… But if this was a bad guy, they’d still know about the city, right?

It was worth a shot.

“Um, excuse me?”

The mutant looked down at him, making him feel so much smaller.

Perfect .

“I think I lost my dad… can you help me?”

The mutant now tilted their head, looking to consider whether or not to help him.

Yeah, maybe it was suspicious to ask for help from a stranger. His brothers were around, though – he could get out of this easily.

“What does he look like?” they asked, reaching out to Mikey. Offering to help him up.

Something he accepted easily. Despite the mask, this mutant sounded young, maybe not much older than him and his brothers. And a bit feminine… but not overly so. More neutral.

He’d continue to use ‘they’ just in case.

Deciding he trusted this to work, Mikey bounced up, getting back on his feet. “Oh, he’s pretty tall,” he started, “super big and buff, long hair. You know, impossible to miss if you know what you’re looking for.”

He kept his grin, making sure he looked proud of how strong his dad was – should this mutant wrong him – but just as eager to find him.

Unfortunately, the mutant shook their head a little. "No, I would not… aren't you old enough to track his energy?"

Huh. Maybe.

Mikey had been feeling some sort of mystic connection to his family as of late, though he thought it just had something to do with his kusari-fundo. Was it a mutant thing?

"I guess, but it's hard," he told them instead, holding the back of his neck. "We don't live far from here, though. I’d just go home, but I don’t know which exit he went through…”

He rocked on his heels, hoping to really drive home his ‘lost kid’ act to this mutant.

It seemed to be working well enough. He could hear them sigh, watching them put their hands on their hips. Hands with weirdly long claws. “Do you have a photo of him, maybe? I don’t think I can help you otherwise.”

Right, that made enough sense. Unless they could track his dad’s energy without having met the guy, then they only had the old-fashioned ways to rely on.

It’d be embarrassing if they could.

“Yeah, one minute,” he mumbled, pulling out his phone to look for a photo. All part of the game, of course.

He could barely pull up a picture he took of only him and Sheep Dad before he heard someone yelling from across the room. “Miguel! The cheese bread is ready!”

Damn it, Leo. Really killing the vibes here.

“Oh, right!” He put his phone away, still wearing a big smile as he went over to his brothers again – not leaving this mutant enough time to question his story. “Sorry about that, bye!”

He only looked back at them once before letting out a sigh, all for his brothers to see.

“Mikey, what the hell was that?”

“What? You told me to be smart about this, I was getting info,” Mikey reasoned, slipping into the free space on the booth beside Leo. “You’re welcome.”

“Getting info doesn’t have to involve talking to strangers , Mikey.”

The box shell crossed one arm over his chest, using the other to reach for cheese bread. Mmm, delicious. Despite his older brothers scolding him like this, he couldn’t look too upset.

“It’s fine, Raph,” he argued, mouth full of bread. Oh, he was definitely making some later. “Nothing was gonna happen.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Because they couldn’t help me.” He swallowed his food, trying to not lose his expression to the deliciousness of this well-deserved snack. “They just said something about tracking energy and stuff, nothing about how to actually get to the city.”

“And if they said they could take you there?”

“Then I’d say I’m fine with directions.” He sighed, taking another bread before Leo could sneak that one away. “Seriously, bro, it’s like you don’t trust me at all.”

He heard his oldest brother sigh, not looking up at him. “It’s not that, I just… want you knuckleheads to be safe, y’know?”

“Yeah, and Raph’s still not gotten over the Ghost Bear betrayal.”

This time it was the snapper who smacked Leo’s hand away from the bread.



Now Leo nudged Donnie.

Soon, they were shoving each other back and forth, likely holding back from such since they got here.

“Knock it off, you two.”


Mikey giggled as he watched, shoving a third cheese bread in his mouth. These were really good, wow

But in a failed attempt to stop the squabbling, Raph was also left out of the fight, left to talk to. “I mean it, little man-”

“-Big man-”

“-Big man.” The snapper sighed, resting his elbows on the table. Mikey could tell how exhausted he was from that alone. “Yeah, we wanna find the mutant city, but you can’t risk your life over the small stuff. Remember, stranger danger.

He knew his brother was right, but Mikey couldn’t help the way his brow rose.

“Raph, we have no friends and barely know anyone outside of April. Stranger danger is everyone .”

“...Even more of a reason to be cautious!” the snapper warned, eyes wide. “Until we’re more used to this place, no crying wolf or making scenes in front of potential regulars, okay?”

“Fine, I’ll be more careful.” The box shell grabbed a fourth bread but didn’t eat it just yet. He had a better idea. “Pass the marinara sauce?”

His brother pushed the small container over without a word.


The other two were still squabbling, just short of biting as they shoved and bickered at each other. Average twin moment.

The youngest and the oldest shared a look.

If they left, would they notice?

With that, Mikey and Raph slowly got up, sneaking away from the booth, whatever leftovers they wanted to take in hand.

Maybe like this, they could still try to find a portal to the mutant city… with or without the help of mystery mutants.


The mystery mutant in question returned to their booth at the other end of the dining area. One accompanied by only one other.

They brought the food, their order – what they were supposed to have gotten. Nothing else.

What she had been waiting for.

“You let him go,” the younger disguised mutant started, tapping her claws against the table.

Venus had seen the whole thing. From where she sat, it appeared that her sister was wasting time trying not to scare the youngest turtle. Wasting a rare opportunity.

“His brother walked in,” the other reasoned, voice low. “It wouldn’t be worth the effort. We’ll convince them next time.”

“What if there is no next time?”

“There will be.”

Too often was that the promise – too often was she left disappointed. So lucky, they were, that this was a self-imposed mission…

Big Mama would never tolerate a turtle who lets opportunities slip away when just in reach.

Venus would not be that turtle. Not now, never again.

She watched as her sister removed the cloth part of her mask, just enough to eat. There was a reason they came here, after all – catching their estranged brothers was a coincidence.

“They know of this place and they’re trying to find the Hidden City…” Jennika reasoned, taking a bite of their slice.

What did that matter if they didn’t know the four’s schedule? Time to sneak away on self-imposed missions was limited as-is… especially with the match upcoming.

Still, her older sister looked unbothered. “Now, we wait.”

Venus was about to argue more when she heard a shout of “Hey, wait for us!” from across the room.

She recognized that voice.

Peaking past the booth and into the main seating area, she saw – as assumed – two of the turtles. The blue and purple-branded ones.

They were headed, no, running to the exit, looking as if it was urgent.

She couldn’t let them get away.

“We should follow them, see if we can track their base,” Venus said, stepping out of the booth.

Jennika was not as quick to follow, scrambling to clean her mouth and put her mask back on. “Won’t they notice?”

“No, they won’t.” The disguised turtle looked around, making sure the two other turtles were still around – struggling to leave through the portal.

The smallest smile tugged at her beak. Very small. Not that it could be seen.

She looked back at her sister for a moment. “So long as you don’t make yourself obvious.”

Given that Jennika’s eyes were visible, she could see them roll. “Alright,” they settled, agreeing at the very least. “Eat something first, though.”

Jen .”

“I’m serious.”

The suggestion was not unfair – they had come here to eat, after all. After training for a while. Venus was hungry, no matter how much she wished to ignore the fact.

She may be a future Nexus star, but starving oneself was foolish. She would eat.

With this, she took her slice in hand. It could always be eaten along the way.

“Let’s go.”


The turtle brothers weren’t far, all things considered. By the looks of it, they were mindlessly wandering the city, looking for something to do.

“So it seems ‘Miguel’ is not all that concerned with looking for his dad.”

A huff escaped, hearing Jennika’s comment as the two saw the four from where they stood in a nearby large alleyway.

“Which dad?” Venus asked. Not that it mattered too much.

She could see Jen shrug. “I didn’t get a good look at the picture he had, but I only saw Baron Draxum. Or at least, that's what he probably looks like…”

Ah. Only the one.

“Doesn’t mean Lou Jitsu isn’t still around,” her sister comforted – knowing full well that’s what Venus cared more about. “He just wasn’t in the picture.”

“He’s hiding,” she reasoned, “but allowed his wards to become… like this.”

Seeing these turtles now only made Venus conflicted. She was hesitant to believe that Lou Jitsu and Baron Draxum would allow their experiments – no, their children – to go out into the city alone like this lest they were properly trained. They clearly weren’t, only elements of each’s fighting style in their techniques.

The fact that these four were alive at all was a miracle. How could they be so careless ?

Venus almost wondered what it would have been like, should she not have been left behind. What it would have been like to be one of the loud siblings in that restaurant, enjoying that time to just… be a child with little worry. Enjoy her food before it got cold.

She had little time to wonder. Not when the fools that would have been her brothers were so prone to danger.

“Isn’t that one of Big Mama’s goons?”

Huh. Venus looked down near where the brothers seemed to be goofing off. Sparring, maybe. In the alley nearby was a rabbit yokai in hiding – no formal clothes, but a little too familiar.

“Yes,” she quickly confirmed, leaning the slightest bit closer. “He’s out of bounds.”

Out of Big Mama’s territory, even among the surface world. As her assistant, it would be her responsibility to report a bellhop falling out of line.

Considering the bellhop’s target, though… who was one to say this was not intentional?

Venus knew enough of her tricks to guess what this was: drastic measures. Spies missed by others, enough to gather intel; enough to locate the turtles.

She didn’t trust the Baroness or Jennika to bring her Champion back.

Little did Big Mama remember how long Venus had been a part of her world. Long enough to recognize her tricks.

Long enough to rescue anyone else from them.

“Betting my allowance that they could kick his ass.”

Venus turned to her sister. Not that her expression could be seen.

“Keep it,” she urged, inching even closer to the rooftop’s ledge. “ This is our second chance.”

Planning would be important, given that the bellhop would recognize her. Just as much, she had to reason what exactly would convince them to join them.

Them and their parents.

“They don’t need to kick his ass.”

Cautiously, the two scaled the building, landing in the alley nearby. Other than scaring a stray cat, they remained undetected.

"Okay, so the turtles still haven't noticed," Jennika pointed out, leaning against the wall where the shadows still reached. "Should we just–"

Venus shushed her, making a motion with her hands instead – a sign. Sign would be more effective in times of stealth.

A nod was given in return – an understanding. Proving the larger turtle knew enough of her plans to follow along without an unnecessary need to yell about it. Proving she had a capable teammate.

A team quite literally born and raised to work together.

Slowly, the two sea turtles snuck closer to the wider section of the alleyway, sticking to the shadows all throughout. The human trash surrounding the narrow path provided them with more than a fair amount of obstacles – somehow, not much worse than that of the Hidden City.

With just enough sneaking, they managed to find themselves a few feet away from the rogue bellhop. He was holding one of Big Mama’s mystic orbs, one meant to capture a small group of people.

The turtle brothers more than fit that description.

But, all the same, he was distracted. Or rather, a little too focused on the turtles in target.

A surprise knock on the back of his head was all he needed.

For a trained bellhop, he went down easily, tripping forward and dropping the orb with only a small yelp. It didn’t crack, but it did roll .

Not that it made their job any harder. If anything, all this meant was one turtle stepping over the mess of the alleyway to catch the orb, another to carry the now unconscious bellhop.

Which was easily agreed upon, even without words. Once Venus caught up to the orb, she found herself only a few feet away from the group of turtles. Her brothers.

"Hey, evil guys!"


Being addressed as 'evil' right off the bat was… not exactly the goal.

Venus could only look back at the orange-branded turtle for a second before scrambling for her portal carver out of habit – curse her natural inability .

She'd motioned for Jennika to follow, but it seemed her older sibling had other ideas.

"On behalf of Baroness Draxum's Hidden City Security team–"

Dear Titan.

"–You're welcome. We just saved your lives."

Venus stood straighter beside the other disguised turtles, likely looking less like a security team and more like a group of vigilantes , given the unconscious bellhop Jennika carried.

The other four turtles stood around, looking no short of defensive, even if mostly confused.

"...I'm sorry, who ?"

Ah, right. These four were idiots.

"Baroness Draxum. The yokai whose lab you broke into to save the Council agent."

Even with Jen's rather oversharing explanation, the turtles could only look more baffled.

"...Titan, you guys know nothing ."

"Hey, we know plenty!" the largest of the boys defended, stepping in front of his brothers to protect them. Proving himself as smaller than his sibling closest in age. "What we definitely know is that we ain't joining whatever freaky science-security agency you're trying to recruit us for, so back off. "

Even with the two oldest and largest face-to-face, Jen didn't flinch, ambitions clear. "...We could easily force you to join our side."

" Bullsh*t ," the snapping turtle spat, daring a step closer. "There's four of us and two of you. You come even close to my little brothers, you're dead ."

"Woah woah woah, let's just calm down famjam," the – also male? – red-eared slider interrupted, slipping between the space and pushing his older brother away. "How 'bout we just end in a draw, m'kay?"

Huh. Why did he stop the display of protection?

"A draw?" Jennika questioned instead, right at the same time as the snapper.

"Yes," he explained. "We go home, you don't take us, and we all forget about… this whole situation ."

Venus almost wanted to agree, given how messy the situation grew – but she couldn't just give up. Not now, when they were so close.

She heard Jennika arguing that they should follow willingly, only ever short of exposing their whole plans. She tuned it out the slightest, considering the orb in her hand.

For a second, she considered using it, much like the bellhop would have.

Only for a second.



sh*t sh*t sh*t.

It mattered little who the voice was, only that they knew who she and Jennika were, even in disguise.

All that mattered was the scene before them. How suspicious it looked.

No time. She took her sister by the arm and ran .

Past the turtles, past all the trash and endless open halls. Anywhere, hopefully to another private alley. No humans, if they were lucky. Just enough space to bring the bellhop back in one piece and look as if nothing happened.

Lest she ruin her chances at the Nexus…


"...That was one of the mutants you talked to earlier, wasn't it?"


"And they are almost certainly criminals from the mutant city?"


"Ha! See Mikey, that's what you get for talking to strangers."

" Guyyys -"


what a hell of a way to meet your estranged siblings for the first time

Chapter 26: When Our Worlds First Met


Those oozesquitos were getting out of hand, that was for sure. There was no reason for the turtles to neglect the opportunity to get rid of as many as possible... right? Not without making deals with the devil, apparently. Now, Leo won't boast too much, but he was right all along. Even if being right meant that their world was a whole lot bigger than they thought, when this knowledge could have all been within reach...


happy birthday to me, I gift you all with a really long chapter :)

Canon-Typical Violence

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Now, she hadn't exactly expected it when those pesky mutating mosquitoes decided to invade the main lobby of her hotel. The space on the surface city. The space that held humans, now running for these measly little lives.

Then again, was it exactly a bad thing?

No, no it was not. As bad as this attention was for her human audience, it brought a certain set of exterminators to her door.

As bumbling and foolish as they were, they were the exact four mutants she had been waiting to meet for a long, long time.

They looked so much like their sisters…

By the time those turtles arrived, the vast majority of the humans – guests and staff alike – were smart enough to evacuate the building. Those who did not become a product of those pesky bugs' plans would certainly scream bloody murder.

Only one human staff member remained in the building, quite determined to fix what of the hotel was left his disarray. Quite charming, she might admit.

He was that tall Canadian fellow if she remembered correctly. Stanley, was his name? Did it truly matter?

His fate was certainly left to those turtles now.

Big Mama watched from her office, blessed with screens displaying every inch of the lobby, perfectly in view to her. Quite an advantage to the eye she kept on everyone and everything. A lovely gift of security from her darling.

Just as much as these bugs would be.

Quite a shame that the Baroness and that ward of her tried their darndest to keep the bugs away from her web of knowledge…

Nothing ever escaped those webs of hers. Not once they were caught.

Hmm. Well, this was quite amusing.

Big Mama watched as the turtles gauged a look at the area, likely planning how to rid of these ooze-filled mosquitoes. One donned-in-blue spoke to that human bellhop, likely trying to convince him that this was all normal.

Those turtles could have done a worse job of disguising themselves, all things considered. At a distance, they did appear to be large and oddly shaped colourful exterminators.

When the large one in red knocked over a vase, the bellhop rescued it, barking complaints at them as if they were all misbehaving youth. Completely accurate and to the point, all things considered.

It was left to no wonder that these four would trash her hotel if given the chance, completely on accident.

For some reason, she could not look away.

Dear Titan, was that orange‐disguised turtle coating himself in honey ?

A giggle escaped as she watched, the young turtle using this as a means of attracting the bugs. Well, it was said that one caught more flies with honey than vinegar.

Such elements would never match the power of a tight-woven spider's web.

That turtle made quite a mess, trying to attract as many bugs as possible. The others were not much better themselves, all but avoiding the potential damage they could cause.

The bellhop had quite the work cut out for him, chasing the scene and fixing what he could, all while avoiding those bugs himself.

Big Mama could easily put an end to this all, call her yokai staff forward… she would not, if only for how deeply she enjoyed watching this little game.

The more the turtles tried to protect the poor bellhop, the more they made fools of themselves, causing damage along the way. It made the woman wonder how these four could have single-handedly destroyed an entire lab.

Perhaps it was with this level of foolishness and general disregard for their surroundings. Perhaps that is how they planned to destroy every major yokai operation from the inside out.

If this was Lou's training–

No no, Lou was gone. Dead. It was a miracle these turtles survived at all, but there was no way her poor snuggle muffin would have survived the same fate.

As much as the Baroness could weave the story as she wished, Big Mama would always know exactly who these turtles were.

They had Lou's charm, after all. Strangely enough.

Oh? Intriguing turn of events? It seemed the turtle in purple had some sort of device capable of capturing the mosquitoes, much like one of her own devices. Something round and hollow, emitting a light purple glow.

However, this was not one of hers. She would recognize it if it was. No no, this one was unique .

She had to have it.

She zoomed the nearest camera the slightest bit closer, honing in on the device. Oh dear, it seemed it was not perfect – prone to breaking under intense pressure.

Not that Big Mama and her crew of scientists could not fix that.

Yes, that is what she should do – inquire the purple one on this tech and use it to her advantage. Surely he would give it up, one way or another.

Oh? Even more amusing. Turtles soon began to collide with one another, a product of their poor planning, surely.

Even more amusing, the device soon expanded enough to capture the four of them inside, slowly rolling away, tightly packed and without the communication to get themselves out.

Way to have her work done for her.

Being that they were now, there was no one left to save that poor bellhop… soon too distracted with rearranging the hotel to notice the mosquito bite on the back of his neck.

She had not been around to see what other of her human guests and staff had fallen victim to these bites. Now she had a rather accurate view.

The bellhop’s body emitted a light green glow, morphing into something else. First sprouting muscle, then the shape of his face changing, until he appeared rather… bull-like.

"Mmm, so that's how it happens," she mused to herself. "Oh, his love of beef jerky was his downfall."

It was hard to hide the amusem*nt in her voice, all but holding back another chuckle. The formerly scrawny bellhop now appeared to be rather buff and tall, and even if he was clumsy, he almost had the build she was searching for in a warrior.

If able to get a hold of these bugs, they would prove quite useful to her…

No wonder her beloved sheepy-boo would accidentally craft the perfect tool for her to use in her Nexus.

Perhaps it was about time to take matters into her own hands.


As her elevator descended onto the floor that those turtles currently inhabited, Big Mama could barely contain her excitement. Oh, how she had plans for those boys.

Then it opened with a pleasant ding . Presenting the four turtles to her. By the time she arrived, an onslaught of bellhops were ready at her disposal, clearing the area and rolling out a red carpet for her.

It stretched out past the turtles and towards the door – certainly a flashy show, but one should never shy away from a first impression.

Two rather large bodyguards carried her down the stairs. Towards the end, she jumped out of her arms, landing a few feet away from the turtles and immediately looking around.

"Well, you've turned my hotel into quite the fizzy winkle!" she mused, giving a little giggle as she placed her hands on her hips.

"You sure that was us?" the one disguised in red asked. "I'll tell ya what: we totally human exterminators will waive our usual fee, and–"

"Don't fret," she interrupted, before the boy could embarrass himself further. " My people will sort out this crackadoo," she assured, clapping her hands to alert them.

Soon, a team of bellhops diligently made their way around the lobby, picking up whatever had fallen or broken, sweeping the floors, and adjusting all the furniture until everything was in tip-top shape. All of which only took a minute between them.

Looking around at the display, the red turtle soon turned back to her, looking rather nervous. "Well, since you have this under control, we'll be heading back to our human office, like humans do."

Oh, these boys were truly foolish.

"No need for flim-flam, you're amongst your own kind."

With another clap of her hands, her crew of bellhops deactivated their cloaking brooches, now appearing in many shapes and sizes. And quite obviously not human.

"Woah!" the one in orange exclaimed, deactivating his disguise of sorts at the same time as the other turtles. It truly took little to convince them. "Mutants can work here?!"

"Mutant? What strange words you use." Big Mama tried to appear dainty and unaware, as if she'd never heard of such a thing. "We prefer to call ourselves Yokai ."

Surely they must be familiar with yokai, right? They did not believe all that was non-human to be mutant?

No matter. For now, she would familiarize them with the hotel. She turned around, gesturing for them to follow. "Come, I'll give you the grand tour."

Footsteps followed, if not for a grumbling noise from one of the turtles who had not yet spoken to her. "Okay, anyone else think we shouldn't follow a stranger we just met into who knows what now?"

A groan came from the largest one. "She's a nice lady, Leo– what's not to trust?"

Oh, that big turtle was certainly the intelligent one.

If only enough to fall into her web.

She brought them into the elevator, taking notice of their curious gazes. Poor things must have never seen the inside of a hotel, what with their street attire and general lack of social etiquette.

"Yokai level five, please," she asked the little octopus-penguin yokai waiting by the buttons.

"Yes, Big Mama!" He gestured to the rest of the occupants, "Welcome, gentle turtles, to the best hotel in town!"

When he waved his arms, a mystic golden glow, changing the appearance of the elevator to be even more elegant than it had been. Much more to a yokai's taste.

The turtles looked on in wonder as the little bellhop adjusted the controls, changing them to display the yokai levels of the hotel. In a matter of no time, they were able to reach their destination, those boys never short on their wonder.

As they walked out of the elevator, they only had more praises to sing.



Big Mama allowed herself to bask in the glow, unable to keep a smile off her face.

"Did Draxum create everyone in here?"

…Hold on, hm?

Now how did these turtles know about that?

For now, the woman would be led to assume they were referring to the Baroness of that surname, though she would continue to appear unaware. "Draxum? Whatever is a Draxum?"

"I'm sorry, you've never heard of Baroness Draxum?" Ah, so it was that one. And it was the turtle who did not trust her to question this. "Tall, ugly goat lady with talking gargoyles for shoulder pads? Likes to make mutants in her spare time? None of this ringing a bell?"

Now, this led to the question of how many times they met the Baroness to make all these assumptions, should they have only had that one break-in. "Hmm, sounds fascinating," she settled instead. "But no, we yokai have existed for thousands of eons. Mostly within the Hidden City, but my hotel gives them a chance to kick up their flippers and stretch out their hollidoos!"

She explained this as she walked through a more active section of the lobby, allowing the turtles to take in the sights of yokai living their lives to the fullest. She then tapped on a holographic wall at the end of her path, revealing another space.


"This place is a mazing !"

It was quite so, if she were to say herself. The door revealed the room with all the domes in which her beloved Battle Nexus could be observed by all the rich patrons who came to her door.

"What is it?"

Oh, how happy she was to answer that.

"Our sporting lounge," she explained, pointing at the domes all around, "where you can take in the ferocious fights of the Battle Nexus."

"Sounds scary," the orange one inquired, even as they all looked towards the projection of the fight in progress.

"Heavens no ," Big Mama tried to reason – until a wicked grin pulled at her lips. "Unless you're put off by blood-curdling battles where warriors are ripped from limb to limbity-limb!"

She then giggled to herself, walking off, expecting the turtles to follow even with her story.

Perhaps she could make this tour a little… educational , on her own behalf.

With this in mind, she soon led them past the halls. They were rather silent, even as they eventually reached her office. She had them all sit, curious about a few small things. Though only the purple one sat in the end.

"So, this Draxum's oozequitoes are causing quite the dizzle-dazzle," she mused, clicking a button on a small remote to play holographic projections right behind her for the turtles to all see – all pictures of problems. Criminals on the surface. "By creating all these new… mutants ."

Even with her knowledge ahead of the Baroness' work, she certainly wasn't expecting… this .

"Oh, so troubling; gives us Yokai a bad name. I prefer a low profile," she admitted, shutting off the projections, turning to face them once more. "Excuse me while I slip into something a little more… comfortable."

She pressed on the cloaking brooch in the collar of her shirt, removing the illusion of disguise. This seemed to be a shock to the turtles, all of which likely would have never expected her yokai form – that of a rather large spider.

They must have believed her human disguise to be the truth. Not the first time she has fooled someone of this bloodline.

"Oh, I knew it!" the irritating turtle in blue proclaimed. "Not that specifically, but there had to be something."

Strangely enough, how she expected Lou to react back in the day.

"I see my true form shocks you," she said, dramatically placing the back of an oversized clawed hand on her forehead. She pouted, trying her hardest to appear hurt by this.

"You would hurt a nice spider lady's feelings, wouldn't ya, Leo?"


Oh, how it was working .

"You know," she interrupted, "come to think of it, perhaps my webs could be in use of catching the bugs!"

The turtles seemed to be listening. Good .

"I have no means to splort around town, but surely a genius like you couldn't create a clever device to use them to capture the bugs?" She inquired this all to the purple one, who seemed so inventive to her earlier.

"Okay, I know what you're doing," he tested, rolling the chair he sat in closer to her desk. You're just trying to flatter me… with the truth , and I love it!"

"Mmm, well then, allow me…"

Big Mama took a couple of steps back, throwing an empty rubbish bin in the purple one's direction. He looked so confused with the offer.

All until she spat her webs at him.

With their power, he was pinned back to the nearest wall, keeping him upwards for quite a while. Her spontaneous webs were never the strongest… but they were doing quite the job now.

"As fascinating as it is… hideous ," that turtle started, already sounding quite queasy, "...oh, I hate it."

Once he fell due to the limited stretch of the webs, the bin seemed to have a use after all.

The other teenage boys soon started to recoil in disgust, but she found this all so utterly amusing . "Once you catch the oozequitoes, bring them to me and I'll safely return them to the Hidden City."

This was all she would say, as these boys had no reason to think they belonged anywhere else.

"You got yourself a deal," the red one confirmed, looking quite happy with these terms.

With this, she sat back, chuckling to herself, observing as the turtles seemed to huddle and plan. A common trait among siblings, it seems.

They would do quite a fine job, she was sure of it.

_ _ _

Of course he had to open his big mouth.

What, was it his fault that Big Mama gave off horrendous vibes? Like, actually borderline villainous, to the point that he felt safer walking into a Wal-Mart without a disguise than he did while existing in front of her.

Now his brothers set off with the Turtle Tank again, this time in late daylight. Kind of stupid, but they couldn't catch what they couldn't see, realistically.

Something fishy was going on. Or rather, buggy. Agh, this was all so confusing.

He'd ignore Donnie's nerd ramblings because he didn't need to hear it. All he knew was that mosquito-like bugs were attracted to carbon dioxide, hence why he was now strapped to a tank of it.

He did hear Raph's command, though.

"Leo! Let it loose."

The slider sighed, before squeezing the handle, allowing carbon dioxide to fill the air around him. It was gross. Apparently, this was his punishment for not trusting a potentially evil villain.

All because Donnie wanted to prove to someone other than their scientific maniac of a dad that he was a tech genius.

Sure enough, soon, there were a few bugs around. Leo couldn't bring himself to care, just listening as his brothers told each other how to conduct this mission.

"Fire up the bug slapper."

"Genius powers go!"

And Donnie would proceed to 'slap' those bugs, yelling more nerdy sh*t as he activated a hoverbike in a suitcase kinda thing and shot it with those webs he designed to replicate Big Mama’s webs.

Hey, don't blame him for accidentally hearing the whole ramble against his will!

But yeah, that's pretty much all they would do for like, what, an hour? Slap some bugs – mostly in inconvenient places, including his shell and at random people – then put them in a big jar, all until they collected as many as physically possible.

"Boo to the yah , another oozequito!" Donnie cheered, voice annoying as always. "You know, Big Mama was smart to believe in me, because I am killing it !"

He of course said this upon making a web so large, that it caught over a hundred of those bugs on its own. Yeah yeah, bragging rights. Whatever .

"Nice work, team," Raph added, "we must have got hundreds of them. Good thing we didn't do Leo's idea of being afraid of spiders."

Of course, he had to laugh it up. They all did.

And from his place on the top of the Turtle Tank going at high speed, he could only figure to yell back at them all. "I don't know, I still don't trust her!"

Ah, whatever. They probably caught enough of these stupid bugs for her to find a fair amount. Any stragglers were stragglers – it's not like the four of them had much more potential mutants to fight like this.

A very minor plus.


Once they made it back to the hotel, they walked right back up to the elevator, caring little about being seen by humans or not. The humans likely wouldn't be back until the hotel was confirmed one hundred percent oozequito-free.

They made it to the elevator, expecting just that little guy from the day before. Instead, they found a rather large owl mutant – yokai? Damn, Leo would have to remember that for later.

He was wearing a uniform like all the other yokai bellhops, so this was definitely a member of Big Mama’s staff, staring at them rather harshly.

Leo could have fun with this.

"So, other guy's day off?"

The owl guy grumbled at this, eye twitching slightly.

Leo could have a lot of fun with this.

They all got into the elevator, things as quiet and awkward as always. Reaching a random floor only made them meet the faces of two other freakishly tall yokai in suits – a fox and an otter by the looks of it.

One thing to note was that many of these yokai looked a lot more like traditional furries, like from old Disney movies.

…Maybe his dads could be yokai too?

Ohh, was that why Barry was always so stingy about being called a mutant?!

Leo found his mind wandering as the elevator passed every floor, entertaining himself with all these thoughts. He couldn't wait until they were done dealing with this Big Mama nonsense.

Because God , this was awkward.

Even worse when in a crowded elevator.

By the end of their descent, they were met with a floor that was weirdly… dark and foreboding. It wasn't supposed to be like this, right?

Things were starting to look… like he was right all along.

The bellhops stayed back for a moment as the turtles all walked forward, trying to gauge the environment.

When a light popped on, Donnie's bug slapper machine went off, effectively scaring the sh*t out of all of them .

Even worse was the sight of that spider lady again, hanging from a web on the ceiling.


Nope nope nope, he was noping the f*ck out of here!

Leo snuck back before the growing crowd of bellhops could notice and/or trap him by congregating like they were with his brothers. He'd bring them with him, but these were still being complete and total idiots.

How did this not give them any alarm bells?!

He tried to be as sneaky as possible, getting into the elevator. He tried spamming the buttons, any buttons, but they just didn't seem to budge at all!

Keeping any grumbling on the down low was a challenge, even more so as he had to listen to Big Mama practically ogle his brother’s invention. Gross . And also, very bad!

He spammed the buttons as much as he could, feeling worse the more he heard, the more he watched . Not only was she stealing the bugs for herself, and Donnie's device (all things he kind of expected), but it was for that Battle Nexus thing?!

Oh f*ck no. There was no way she was implying that they'd take part in it too.

But yes, that's what was happening – arena clowns , she said. That's what he and his brothers were supposed to be.

Okay, calm down Leo. Breathe in, breathe out.

And continue to spam the ever-living daylights out of these elevator buttons until something worked .

"Okay Leo, I admit it, you were right!"

Wait… was Raph really saying that?

"You… were right," he heard again, only to be met with a pause. "Leo?"

Because there was no way he'd be able to rescue all of his brothers at once like this – not with this army of furries on standby.

No, he had to escape, and… think of a plan. A real good plan. The perfect way to use his ninjosity to save them all.

Goddamn, the button finally worked.

And with that, the slider slipped away, narrowly avoiding the sights of a room full of yokai that would certainly be on his tail now.

They'd thank him later.


He finally reached a vent, climbing along the elevator shaft, sweating like no tomorrow.

What, did you seriously think he was gonna stand there and wait for confrontation?

No no no, he had a much better idea, obviously. What was a real rescue mission without a few action movie tropes?

Those of which were much harder to replicate than he thought, apparently.

He only could have portalled if he knew where he was going. Obviously, his only option was the hardest one.

"Come out to the mutant hotel," he muttered to himself, "get together, have a few laughs." He grunted, climbing along the side of the vent shaft now. "I knew we couldn't trust Spider Lady!"

At least, with all his efforts, he managed to find the vent closest to Big Mama's office. When he peered through the vent gates, he caught sight of that ugly fox guy, carrying the jar of bugs and Donnie's bug slapper.

The fox poked the eyes within a painting, making a mystic glow appear, revealing that the wall had been a secret illusion. Cool as heck, honestly .

The wall itself had a vault of some sort, really fancy; the kind of stuff you'd see in a bank. Or a mafia boss' base.

There was a passcode on it, though. One with rather large numbers, that the fox had no trouble unscrambling.

…It was just a series of seven ones .

Did Big Mama want to be robbed?!

Well, she was definitely gonna be, now that Leo knew where this room was and how to get into the vault.

He grinned, before continuing his climb across the vent.

"I can't wait to save Raph, so I can rub it in his face!"

A few vents down, and he spotted an easier way to travel across the hotel for his long and convoluted but genius plan:

…A laundry chute.

The guy currently grumbling as he put away laundry was no match for Leo, easily taking him out. No witnesses . Then he opened the chute, being hit with an awful smell.

And that's saying something, considering his family.

He collapsed the first time he felt it, forcing himself to stand back up, even if he had to cover his nose. "Ohh boy, dirty yokai laundry is not gonna be fun," he groaned. "Those guys are gonna owe me ."

Deciding he had nothing left to lose, Leo jumped into the laundry chute, making contact with all the sides as he made his way down. He yelped, all until he fell into a pile of dirty laundry.

He almost would have rather fallen on his shell.

And he felt something on his head… no, no no no.

"I'm just gonna tell myself this is a t-shirt," he mumbled, trying to get what was definitely too small to be a t-shirt off of his head, all without looking at it.

Pizza Supreme almighty, this was disgusting . And again, that was saying something.

But whatever. He was a turtle on a mission, no time to fall to… weaknesses.

Leo got up, shook his head, and put his A-game on.

Time to pull off a flawless plan.


Easy does it…

Leo watched from the vent above as his brothers and a couple of bellhops made their way down a hall, one with some sort of freaky portal at the end of it.

If this was timed well, the laundry basket should be rolling into the hall right about… now .

"Al'ight, now hold up: laundry bin in the middle of the hallway?"

Leo had to force back the urge to laugh. These guys were so British.

"Classic trap," the other bellhop reasoned. "I shall investigate."

The slider watched as the one bellhop investigated, only to figure out that it was empty. The other bellhop followed, because apparently, this was a sign that they could let their guard down.

These guys were such goons.

But this also meant that he had a window of time to work with. He stuck his odachi threw the grates of the vent just above where his brothers were, trying to form a circle shape with it.

"Come on," he grumbled under his breath, "make a portal!"

He'd continue the same motions, all until the tip of the sword grazed the ground, opening a wide portal in front of his brothers.

"Step back, step back…" he said a little louder, watching the bellhops take hesitant steps closer. "Yes! Now step into my trap, you–"

The ceiling above began shaking, and what the hell?! But more importantly, it caused him to fall out of the vent, directly into his portal.


At least his brothers were the ones that followed.

Once the portal landed them all randomly on another floor, they collapsed, landing with a few pained groans. "You're welcome for saving you!"

He used his sword to break them free of the holographic handcuffs they all had, even to complaints.

"If ya hadn't left us, we all coulda saved ourselves together," Raph tried, crossing his arms.

" What! " Okay, Leo was having none of that.

But before they could argue more, there was a joyful howl from across the hall, seeming to come from a rather beast-like dog yokai.

And it was chasing after them .

Leo scrambled onto Raph, just like everyone else, panicking at the moment.

Well, everyone except Mikey.

"Hey boy, what's this?"

The box shell stood up with a tennis ball in hand – Leo willing to bet he had that stored in his shell – instantly catching the dog mutant's attention.

"Woah… what is that?"

Ah, so the stereotypes were true. At least for this guy.

As Mikey moved his arm around, the dog guy was almost looking to stim in excitement at the ball in hand. All until Mikey threw it, to which the dog bolted after it.

Well. Great way to save time and their lives.

"I'm sorry, who was that?"

"Gus; was sent to eat you."

"In that case, maybe it's time to blow this balloon factory," Leo decided, pushing the button on a nearby elevator.

It's convenient how many of these were around.

"Once we're at home, I can brag about how right I was," he began, leaning on the inside of the elevator. "And in turn, how wrong you were, so, let's do it–"

"I got it," Raph interrupted, slamming his hand into an elevator wall. "But we're not going without Donnie's bug slapper and the oozequitoes. We can't leave them in queen eight-leg's hands."

Donnie and Mikey soon followed in, heads hung low.

That wouldn't stop Leo. "Well, since we indubitably have no idea where we're going–"

"Spill the beans, Leo ," Raph interrupted again. "Every time you say 'indubitably', I know you're up to something."

"...Fine. Everything's in Big Mama’s office, and we can risk our lives getting it back right now ."

With this, he pushed the button that would lead to the floor of Big Mama’s office.

"Then that's exactly what we're gonna do," Raph settled. "STEALTH MODE!"

"Orr," Leo suggested, voice much more quiet; " stealth mode~ "

That would make it much easier to sneak up on that spider lady.

And prove he was right all along.


The office was quiet. Too quiet.

They snuck right in, making sure to be just as quiet.

…All until the others started knocking stuff over, which caused shouting, which caused more chaos until everything devolved into nonsense.

So much for making this quick .

Whatever. Leo soon found the painting that had eyes you could poke out, revealing the illusion like he had seen it earlier.

"This calls for a delicate touch ," Donnie began, pulling a saw from seemingly out of nowhere and going ham on the vault the second he saw it.

Leo could only roll his eyes as Donnie tried to saw his way into the vault, again, having an easier solution. " Or we could do this ," he teased, unlocking the passcode so easily.

With it all clicked into place, the door soon opened on its own, revealing a big fancy cavern with many riches; definitely a mafia boss vibe. And the stuff was all still right where it had been left!

He, Donnie and Raph jumped right in, grabbing the goods. It was tempting to grab more… but if he knew the passcode, he could do that any time.

He'd much prefer to get the heck out of here as soon as possible and never come back.

But their time looting would be cut short, popping their heads out once they heard a growl, finding their sights on a very familiar, very pissed dog yokai.

"Don't start a game of fetch you can't finish."

Oh great, the dog caught them.

" Ugh , no no no no no."

Oh great , that was Big Mama. She caught them too!

Only, she had been in the room this whole time… in her chair, turned away.

"No dears, this simply will not do," she began, chair creaking as it turned back to them. "If there's one rule Big Mama has–"

"Is it 'forgive and forget'?"

"Is it, 'don't chew on the guest's slippers'?"

"Is it 'no using Raph's toothbrush'?"

"Is it Ohm's Law?"


Big Mama transformed back into her ugly spider form at this, spitting webs at all of them now, restraining them on the ground.

Ugh, this was strangely familiar.

"My rule is 'no stealing from Big Mama'," she reiterated, getting up in their faces.

Just then, the wall with a large window crashed .

"And my rule is 'no stealing from me '!"

Oh great! Speak of the freaking devil!

"Sheep Lady to the rescue!" Mikey cheered, seeing a positive no one else could.

"And that's a good thing?" Donnie challenged. "She tried to destroy us the last time we saw her."

But Big Mama put a large arm in the way, almost as if to tell them all to zip it. " Scramulous to see you again, Baroness, but you really must learn to use the dimbly door."

Leo could swear he almost saw the sheep lady's eye twitching. Mood.

"Real words, Big Mama – we've been over this."

Now, that could imply any number of things. Leo chose to focus on what was ultimately the most important.

" Oh , they know each other. If only one of us had seen that coming."

"You are a poor winner, Leo."

He'd give a grin, if he could boast about being right at the moment. Instead, the slider found his eyes trained on the goat lady, but more so, where she was pointing.

"Last I checked, those were my property," she claimed, shrugging her shoulders. "H & M, get them ."

The little living shoulder pads bounded forward, laughing evilly.

Only to be picked up like squeaky toys by the dog mutant.

Okay, now that was kind of funny.

"I need those bimbly bugs for all those tasty victims," Big Mama tried to reason, voice oozing with fake sweetness. And a strong hint of venom. "They will mutate for my Battle Nexus."

"Those are not their purpose and you know that, Big Mama."

"Oh, but do I? You never share these pretty little projects of yours anymore."

"For good reason. Why would I, when all you ever do is break the terms of our agreements, all for that Nexus of yours?"

Oh sh*t, this was getting kind of tense. And mildly entertaining.

"Why would I ever hand them over if their purpose is far grander – if their purpose lies with eliminating the humans that continue to threaten our kind?"

Okayyy, not as entertaining anymore.

But they did start to fight. Leo couldn't keep his eyes off the sight, watching the goat lady bound forward with an influx of weapons. Her style seemed to be more holographic as well, but with a bit of a cut to it, almost like Donnie's stuff.

But something else about it… how agile the horned yokai was, jumping off of every which surface to charge at Big Mama…

Those fighting moves were so familiar.

He kept hearing little quips here and there, in between any punches, sounding out of breath but full of adrenaline at the same time.

"Don't tell me you seriously kept that weak passcode."

"It is convenient , for your information. Not every lock has to be tip-top!"

"Ugh, always the same with you! Does my advice mean anything ?"

The brothers all shared a look.

"...Is it just me, or are they giving old married couple vibes?"

"That, or divorce."

" Stay out of this, turtles ."

Woah, touchy subject.

…Leo was totally bringing this up if they ever fought again.

But, it seemed, these two were trying to end this fight as soon as possible. Putting their best foot forward, so to speak.

The Baroness grounded herself, soon making vines sprout out of everywhere. The same vines that she used on them in the spooky lab. The same vines that reminded him of something– Pizza Supreme , why was everything so familiar when it came to this lady?

He was really trying not to generalize sheep-goat mutants (yokai?) as a whole. But he might just have to, for his own sake.

Within the fight itself, it seemed the Baroness was taking a slight upper hand. Big Mama only had those disgusting webs to shoot back, those of which she knew how to dodge.

The two must have fought often.

Such was obvious when the Baroness managed to capture Big Mama with her vines for a moment, using some others to make herself stand taller.

The scene felt very hom*oerotic for some reason.

Regardless, the vine damage caused a bunch of things to be thrown around in the office, including the turtle brothers. They now found themselves a good few feet again from where they had been, flopped around.

And yet, this ended up being accidentally perfect.

While the two villains dealt with their divorce, the turtles would be left to their own devices, left to rescue themselves.

And a solution presented itself in the form of Raph's spikes poking through the webs.

Of course!

The brothers stacked up on each other, using the spikes of Raph's shell to get them free.

Oh yeah. It was game time.

"To the roof!" The Baroness called, just as they all were planning on leaving.

And she was taking the bugs. sh*t.

"Leo, portal to the roof!" Raph demanded. " Now !"

"And there you go, telling me what to do again," he spat back– until he realized. "Well actually, that's a plan I can get behind."

He figured that would be easy enough to do, drawing a circle along the already horribly damaged office floor, just enough for him and Raph to go through.

" Yes ."

"Can we rename today Leo day?" he tried. Only to be pushed into the portal.

Ah well. He tried!


Only he and Raph made it to the roof, immediately snatching the jar of bugs from the incompetent flying shoulder pads.

"Leon's got it!"

Only to be met with the goat lady's excited eyes. And her vines.

No biggie, they've fought worse.

Quickly, the brothers made work of dodging every vine, no matter how complicated and tricky. They kept trying to either snatch the jar or smack the turtles away from it.

The real kicker was when a vine picked up him and the jar because he was not letting go.

"Leo! Toss me the oozequitoes!"

Okay, he could on that condition.

Even while being thrown every which way, Leo kept an eye out, only letting go of the jar once he could see Raph directly below him.

Fortunately, the last thing he saw before being thrown twenty ways into tomorrow, was that his brother caught the bugs.

And another win!

Kind of!

…All until the only thing holding him back from falling off the roof mid-air was one of those same vines that were previously trying to kill him.

He heard a scoff from above. "And to think you were all meant to be warriors… ha, I dare to think what your creator has failed to teach you."

Wait wait wait, did she mean…?

"Uh, who created what now?"

He had so many questions , but nothing if not for Raph yelling out for him.

"Let my brother go!"

"...Not literally!"

Another scoff, almost a laugh. "Don't be foolish, I would not risk such a thing… why risk losing my bugs or creations-in-law when I can have both ?"

She took a step closer, a tilt of her head making Leo's mind scramble because he knew exactly what this all meant. He just had to. So why couldn't he figure it out?

"What do you say, turtles?" The Baroness tried, looking between him and his older brother. "The bugs, or your freedom?"

Oh hell no. If there was one rule they had, it was no messing with their freedom.

"Just give her the bugs!" Leo called, hoping the message reached Raph.

And yet of course, he was stubborn. "What? I'm not giving her the bugs, these villains are all talk, they're not just gonna–"


A gasp escaped, looking up, only to find a surprised set of eyes.

One that was getting further every second and wow this felt weird and f*ck he was actually falling–

"With my last breath: I told you so!" He shouted out, knowing that he could not die until Raph knew who was right all along.

But he really didn't want to die…

It was a miracle that he didn't, all things considered.

All he soon saw, while falling to his presumed demise, was a red light. A huge flashing red light, approaching him every second.

Whatever it was fell faster than him, caused more destruction. Caught him in the end.

As Leo fell into the palms of his oversized light projection of an older brother – something he could not question right now – his lungs struggled to keep up with the demand for air, slightly shaky, sore from all the yelling.

Could you really blame him?

Being a turtle pancake on the streets of New York would be easier to explain than… well, whatever this was.

Even worse, the giant-light Raph seemed to pop , only being normal Raph now, causing them to fall from their current height.

Much easier to deal with, especially with the promised landing of some poor rando's car.

Raph took the turn of hyperventilating this time, and Leo could only figure to tap on his plastron.

"Thanks, buddy."

"I have no idea what I just did, but… anytime!"

Leo sighed, looking over at his brother, not wanting to move until he could breathe again.

Then he remembered .

"Hey, what happened to the bugs?"

He looked up, only to find what he feared: they were in the skies again, bound to mutate hundreds of people once more.

Their efforts? Worth nothing .

…At least Leo had tons of other thoughts for his daily bouts of insomnia and existential crises.

They were at least able to get up enough to sit at the little bus stop, waiting for their other brothers.

At the sound of an "Everything okay?", Raph spoke up first, but the two oldest still didn't look at each other.

"We're fine, but the oozequitoes got away. Another failed mission."

"Not a total failure," Donnie tried, way too enthusiastic; "we've got this to go get 'em now!"

Obviously, the soft shell was referring to his invention. Was it ever anything else?

"Ah, I'm- I am however out of webs. So, partial failure? Yayyy…"

Ha. He was right again.

Leo shook his head, deciding to ignore the pitiful sound. "Raph, what was that crazy power-up?" he finally addressed, "You saved my life!"

"I don't know," Raph repeated. "I just knew that if I didn't save your life, I'd never hear the end of it from you."

"And on a side note," the slider began again, ignoring the implication that Raph actually cared, "the Baroness said she was our creator-in-law! She told me right before the vine that held me broke, so I'm getting crazy mixed signals here."

"What?" Mikey asked, perking up "Does that mean we're teenage–"




You know what? Honestly not the worst idea. One of their dads was a sheepman, after all.

The dad he had wayyy too many questions for…

_ _ _

It went without saying that the Baroness' group had a slightly less awkward return to their base.

Slightly .

Her ward's sudden change of heart left much to be desired, but she supposed it would be for the best to ignore it. Allow the words to come on their own.

"Our plan is coming to fruition," the Baroness mused, standing in front of the machine that was all but broken. "The bugs are hard at work, turning humans into yokai."


The yokai blinked. "What?"

"It's 'oozequitoes', t-that's uh, what those turtles were calling them," Muninn explained.

"It is so catchy."

"I know ! It's like it rolls off the tongue, kinda like–"


The gargoyles paused their back-and-forth, even if a few mumbles implied they wanted to continue. It was amusing, honestly.

"Oozequitoes…" she repeated, holding her chin. "Has a nice ring to it."

The two on her shoulders cheered, all but high-fiving.

Another smile tugged at her lips, short-lived if only to turn around, facing a figure of equal size. "Jennika, were you aware of this term?"

"No, but I like it as well," the turtle agreed. "We may call the bugs by that term from now on. If you would like."

The Baroness hummed, turning to walk again. "Funny, I don't remember you needing to ask permission when you allowed your estranged brother to fall off a roof."


"She got you there, Jen."

This, along with a few seconds of speechless sputtering, became music to her ears.

As much as the teenager had her reasons (so often she explained why capturing those turtles would be of little use), a lack of words to give back meant a free stage.

"Whether or not Big Mama kept any of the bugs– oozequitoes , is left unknown. That woman is tricky when she wants something…"

"You can say that again."


She raised a hand, gesturing for them to stop. Once they did, she continued to pace the middle of the lab. "She will be busy with Jennika and Venus' first Nexus match later this week. Huginn, Muninn, you will keep tabs on Big Mama. Meanwhile, I'll infiltrate the hotel in search of any signs."

Everyone seemed to nod at this, even her ward from where she continued to stand.

Even if other ideas surrounded them all.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you'll infiltrate her hotel real good ~"

The Baroness wanted to sigh. Unfortunately, the goyle's tone was just the right amount of knowing .

"...Not this time," was all she said, letting out the slightest huff of amusem*nt.

Whether or not her… relationship with Big Mama would be affected by yet another thing, she would leave time to discover. As far as she knew, a lack of mutating bugs left the spider yokai without a way of making and enhancing warriors for the Nexus.

The Baroness was still needed.

"Let us be sure not to colossally screw this up," she reminded, stopping to look at her ward.

A turtle she knew with her own mindset. Just as much, her own stubborn pride. A protective connection to people she has never even met.

The least the caprid could do is bring that to her.

"But for what it's worth… our plans are going splendidly." She slowly closed her left hand into a light fist, observing it. " Now all we need is the rest of those turtles."

And a human. And a goat.

If they could get a hold of those two. She could admit to wanting nothing more than to prove a point to her stubborn brother.

In the end, not much of it mattered.

They freed the bugs, the turtles knew of them all now, and there was a high chance of running into them again.

They already won.


idk man, feels like something's about to happen

Chapter 27: What Goes Around, Comes Around


Finally, the day has arrived. For quite long, Venus was promised her place in the Nexus, and the day arrived following many miracles and delays of drama that had everything to do with everyone else. Of course, the grass isn't always greener on the other side... is it possible she is not ready? Meanwhile, the boys have a few revelations to deal with, unsure of how to crack the code, unsure if they're ready to come out with what they've learned and how they learned it. They have their own ways of trying to find this out, hinting towards it while at home, and a certain yokai isn't too thrilled about that...


They know


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

How the Baroness managed to not ruin everything would forever be a surprise.

Hypocritical, all things considered. Jennika could reason she was the one who took control at the wrong time, making decisions no one else would make.

The Baroness would not have let one of the turtles fall to their death. Neither of them would.

Both knew the missing four were meant for more than a premature defeat.

Watching the snapper – her older, yet smaller brother – unlock his mystic energy… it was fantastic. Every meeting brought these turtles closer to honing their abilities, closer to being true equals. Rivals. Family , perhaps.

Why did she let them go? To force them to unlock this within themselves. Jen could only know so much about mystic abilities and how to hone them when her own little sister still had difficulty to this day.

Venus would have her chance for the same. Tonight, even.

Sometimes it took an act of desperation to bring out one’s inner strengths.

“We should go over form once more.”

The taller turtle looked down at her sister, giving a nod. Her sister, who was not present for the break-in, barely aware of Big Mama’s plans with the bugs.

A miracle that she was still allowed one fight, as promised.

Despite her opinions on the Nexus, Jen got into position. “You know form doesn’t help much when against a goliath, right?”

Venus pressed her shell up against the other’s. “Proper form always helps,” she reasoned, “keeps you balanced and focused at all times. Opponents will look for weakness, and with confidence, no weakness will be present.”

“You know what? I’ll give you that.”

Taking a short breath, the larger turtle straightened her pose, just loose enough to spring into action at any given moment.

If credit would be given, Jen could well reason that their sister knew what she was talking about. Trained not only under the influence of one fighting style, the thirteen-year-old had more than enough knowledge to win a fight and entertain a crowd.

What she lacked was the skill, the practice.

One could only be so prepared to enter an arena of death for the first time.

“Good,” Venus encouraged, an eye better trained for what would work in the Nexus or not. “Don’t make any rash decisions, and we will do well. So long as we stick to the plan.”

“...Is this about our brother and the roof?”

All she found was a raised brow. ”What else would it be?”

Jen snorted. That much was also fair.

Silently, they continued to practice their form, if only awkwardly due to to a lack of opponents. It felt natural, if only for their nature; being made to fight alongside each other all along. If it took her sister’s battle to test their skills together, so be it. She was here for her no matter what.

“The Nexus will be different,” she assured. “We’ve been trained for this – you’ve been trained for this. No reason to have a change of heart against a big brute who was made and mutated to fight.”

In all honesty, the leatherback turtle could care less about the Nexus herself. She’d rather be the brains behind the mutants, a scientist, an alchemist .

Venus may have inherited the warrior genes, but Jennika would not want her younger sister to do this alone. Neither did Big Mama.

“So you would fight your own creations?” Venus mused.

“Yes.” Jen rolled her shoulders, turning to face her sister again. “If it came to it.”

There was a glint in the younger turtle’s eyes, that serious glint practiced over the weeks promised for a match. One that no longer told of half the joy this girl had to even think of living up to her idol’s name.

“Fighting one’s own for mindless battle will never hold half the honour worth the title,” she began, looking at her claws as she flexed them. “A bloodbath is never a fair fight.”

Absolutely true. Part of the reason she found it ridiculous that every confrontation her caregivers has had with the turtles ended in a fight. They were her brother’s creations, children. People .

And yet, the two of them would face many yokai and mutants alike in their time, should this go right. It made Jen tilt her head, almost amused. “When the hell did you get so wise?”

Venus looked bored, almost, looking over her outfit to ensure it was all in the right place. The wraps on her arms were slightly loose, which meant they would need fixing. Jen knew this habit well.

“You ask me this every time,” the smaller turtle deadpanned.

“And? I want to know.”

“It’s because I have to be, Jennika,” Venus reasoned, adjusting the wraps on her arms. “Change is coming our way, the likes of which we could never imagine.”

That was… more ominous than she expected to hear. Anyone associated with Big Mama had a fair deal of secrets to uphold, but this was just confusing.

She reached out to grab her sister’s arm, baffled, needing an answer. “What does that mean ?”

Only now did their eyes meet. “It means this is my only chance.”

Something she heard too often. She knew; never liked it one bit. But she listened.

“If we win the battle, Big Mama will pull all the stops to make me a star. If not…” The green sea turtle signed, not resisting the hold. If only to reason her release. “Please, Jennika. I need this.”

Jennika sighed, tightening the hold she had on her sister’s shoulder. “Okay. I’ll help.”

She could see it in her sister’s eyes, the debate of how to proceed. That debate ended in a hug, tighter than any she had received in a long time.

A stronger Venus would normally nod her head, give a bow before leaving. Instead, the hug lingered for a little too long. Never letting go.

A larger hand made it to the smaller turtle’s back, holding loose, if only unsure when to let her sister go.

What were they doing ?

_ _ _

The fact that Donnie spent a few weeks interacting with a unique species and not knowing it should be a crime.

In all fairness, he previously had little to no knowledge of mutants previous to hearing about them from the Baroness – and he was a mutant.

Well, if his fathers refused to cough up knowledge, he would have to find it himself. Which he had.

Countless hours spent on nothing but cracking through codes and translating a language of which he’s never seen the likes of. Well, other than within the mystic library, but even he knew not to mess around with text he could not yet read.

If lucky, he would learn it soon. It shouldn’t be hard.

Regardless, he had a very important mission and could not afford breaks or distractions… even if Leo made himself known the previous night due to lack of sleep and hadn’t left since.

If he wouldn’t be left alone, it would be best to find use for the otherwise bored turtle taking up space in his lab. And he had the perfect thing in mind.

"Hey Nerdo, come check this out."

His technically-not-twin raised a brow, slowly turning in what should have been Donnie's chair. Listen, if he had guests, he was allowed to pester them as he wished.

"First of all, don't call me that–" he started, getting up out of the chair, "second, what?"

The soft shell huffed. There was no way he was giving up that nickname.

"Glad you asked," he said instead, gesturing over to his computer. "I looked into Yokai and the Hidden City and found out these guys have a whole network! Oh, even their own form of internet! Funny enough, it seemed the ones under New York use both networks equally."

It went without saying that he spent his whole night on this – hacking his way into the network, doing intense research on literally everything the Hidden City had going on for itself. Finding a way to sell its use to his nosey siblings.

Leo got behind him, looking over his shoulder and at his screen. "So this is what you've been doing for the past 48 hours–"

" Hush ," Donnie cautioned, giving a few clicks until it took him to a yokai-run website he found with Leo in mind. "This means they have places to find fanfiction."

"And? Bet these guys don't have anything good."

All it took was a scroll. " Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim fanfiction."

Surprisingly enough, these Yokai were a lot like humans, having a lot of the same hobbies and interests. Was that because of how close their civilization was to New York? Donnie didn’t know, but he found this all fascinating !

The slider just looked over it, before giving a shrug. "...You know what? I'm sold."

"Great." He turned his focus back to his screen, sending Leo a link to that site. "You look through those, I'll keep trying to find resources on this 'Baron Draxum' guy who apparently created us."

Given that the Baroness was apparently Baroness Draxum and another scientist, Baron Draxum was nowhere to be found, yet the two had a connection… something wasn’t adding up.

Silence overfell them as Leo sat back, scrolling through his phone now that the link was sent his way. If he did this right, his brother would also be given a code to bypass the wall that would otherwise block him. One of which Donnie tirelessly worked to decode, thank you very much.

He returned to his own research, leaving his brother to indulge in the fun half of the search. What he found would likely be not much more than fiction, but fact occasionally found itself among his brother’s favourite fiction.

However, he soon heard the chair the slider sat in creak, walking up to him once more.

"Hey Donnie? You're never gonna believe this–"

_ _ _

He had been right all along to assume his children were up to something.

If Draxum had been wiser, he would have given himself time to examine the situation further. As it stood, he was simply shocked his oldest son came directly to him for training.

With mystic abilities, no less.

“And then I just… had a bigger version of myself, all red and glowy!”

As he listened to the boy explain himself, he could not help but wonder what exactly could have caused him to activate natural mystic energy.

Raphael would avoid explaining this as much as he could, dodging most questions with more rambling. Smart, for a poor liar.

Still, he had to try, if only to evaluate how to help his son best. “You said this projection of yourself is able to project your strength as well?”

It’s safe to say he never expected his oldest to come to him for this. His youngest, perhaps, for multiple reasons. Not that he would ever turn any of them away.

The boy was trying his best as well, struggling not to stumble on his words. “Uh, yeah! I’m pretty sure it’s the same, not like I’ve uh… tested it, or anythin’.”

Draxum raised a brow, giving his son a look over. For the oldest and strongest, he never held the best against confrontation.

But again, it would be cruel to force an explanation. Foolish all the same.

Trust only came with mutual understanding.

“Do you suppose you could repeat this?” he tried instead, keeping himself patient.

“Maybe? I mean, I dunno if it would be safe or anything.”

Draxum raised a brow once more.

“I was the size of the middle of the Lair.”

Ah. Made sense.

“It may be best to teach you some way to regulate this, then,” the yokai reasoned, knowing there was not much he could do to help lest he know his son’s problem.

He heard some mumbling from his son's end before he motioned for him to follow, heading to the dojo. Should anything break, Draxum would simply put aside some time to fix it. Nothing was more important than helping his son at this time, though.

The boy looked nervous once they made it to the room, ensuring the door was slightly ajar. Should they need to escape, perhaps?

It would be foolish to fear the boy's mystic ability, as wild and untrained as it may be. The yokai did show concern, though.

"I just intend to evaluate you on your newfound abilities," he reiterated, motioning for his son to sit with him on the mat. "Start from the beginning, and tell me everything you remember."

No amount of gentle words would keep his son from the nervous energy that stirred within him, that much Draxum knew. That would not make him force the words out.

Raphael sighed, slowly looking his father in the eyes. "Well, Leo tripped…"

Draxum nodded, imagining the scenario as his son recalled it.

"And… well, Raph doesn’t know what came over him. He just… had to save his brother, you know?"

"Meaning you jumped off the same cliff to save him without a second thought."

It was not a question. Both from overheard rants and what his sons told him, he knew this to be a simple summarization of what occurred. Why was left from his knowledge, left to assume it was an act of foolishness between siblings.

Still, he would not prod; let them come to him in their own time. Trust him.

"Yeah…" Raph settled, head hanging low.

This left Draxum to raise a brow, trying to find the boy's eyes again. "Chin up, son. What you did may have been brash, but it did protect your brother from harm's way. I see no reason to take personal fault in this."

"But Leo almost died . If I wasn't able to protect him…"

The snapper curled in on himself once more, internalizing the thought. And Draxum? Just sat, pondering how to approach this.

Damn it all for being the worst with emotions, barely patient himself.

"While that may be… unfortunate," the father began carefully, "you boys were built to withstand many odds. You've always had the ability to protect your brothers, my son. Some aspects were simply hidden until you were ready to wield them."

The gaze he kept on the boy proved he was not yet ready to accept these terms, as much as it had never been his sole responsibility to protect the family.

A stubborn trait passed onto him by both parents.

Figuring his son was not yet ready to accept what was not his fault, Draxum shook his head, choosing to move on. "Close your eyes and focus. Channel the energy you felt at that moment."

Raph shook his hands, blowing out a breath of air. Preparing himself. "What if I get big and break something again?"

"Then I will stand back," the father promised, beginning to stand once more, backing some paces away from his son. "Take your time, Raphael. Focus."

As he stood a safe distance away, he kept his eyes on the boy. Once given a nod, he waited, simply observing.

The time it took would be worth it. So incredibly worth it.

Draxum watched energy crackle around his son, forming what appeared to be a red projection of himself. It was quite large, as rumored to be, giving the turtle even more of an imposing appearance.

Just as he always hoped for him.

His ecstatic smile was hard to hide, watching in wonder as the projection disappeared again, watching his son fall back onto the ground. A fall that looked practiced. Good.

As his son began to stand back up, that same worry from earlier crossed his expression. "Breathe," the yokai cautioned, keeping his hands open and arms outstretched.

Raphael listened, if only taking a few breaths to study himself. "Was that… good?"

"Good? My boy, that was incredible ." He bit back his excitement in favour of evaluating his son, just as promised. "How long have you felt this energy within yourself?"

"Uh, maybe a few days?" the boy tried, looking confused with himself.

Understandable. Sudden mystic ability could be baffling to even the highest-trained warriors; he could not blame him.

“Have you noticed signs of mystic energy within your brothers?” the yokai tried, wishing to make the most of this discovery.

Raphael just raised a brow. “How the heck am I supposed to know?”

Okay, that was a little amusing, he had to admit.

Draxum huffed, making his way closer to his son once more. “Worry not, it was just a question,” he assured, putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Focus now on rest and regulating your newfound ability. With time and more training, you will hone this skill in no time.”

Half of him said this with the hope that Raphael would convince his brothers to take this step alongside him and try to find the mystic energy within themselves. The other half said this with genuine pride for his son.

All for the boy to look up at him with a toothy smile. “Thanks Drax.”

No, no, he couldn’t have heard right.

“Excuse me?”

“I said ‘Thanks Dad’,” the boy clarified, moving away from the hand on his shoulder. Away from his father. “Thanks for the pep talk, I mean. Helped a lot with the uh, inner control and stuff.”

The turtle would, in turn, begin to leave the room, only the faintest scent of nervous energy on him.

Draxum stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. “...You’re welcome,” he tried, unsure of what else to say.

His son knew something he shouldn’t.


It became hard to ignore the signs, much less as he headed over to the kitchen to make something to drink; clear his head.

The boys were there too, soon including Raphael. Michelangelo went through the cupboards, caring little for mess or noise as he assumingly went through to think of what to make.

All of which would not help with his festering headache.

“Hmm, we’re out of everything,” the boy concluded, looking over at his brothers. “Shopping trip or…?”

“Eh, too much work,” Leonardo reasoned, finishing what he had of a granola bar. “It’s the weekend, the store will be filled to the brim with people, and we’re not exactly what average citizens wanna see while buying bread.”

He hoped it would not come to this, but he soon found four hopeful pairs of eyes on him. Wonderful .

Draxum put down his mug, having half the hope that his sons would have ignored him this time around. Instead, he found a solution. “I’m sure there are plenty of other places to eat at this time of day.”

Because he had little reason to believe his sons had not found one by now. With this reasoning, he could tell them to find a quiet grocery store for their half of the supply run. Giving them the pass to eat elsewhere would keep them out of the Lair for longer, though.

That’s what he needed right now. For his own well-being.

“Oh yeahhh,” the youngest drew out, leaning away from the cupboards. “We can go to Run of the Mill!”

The turtles agreed among themselves, nodding and speaking too quietly to be heard in a mess of mumbling.

Run of the Mill… not a place he personally knew of, not within New York or otherwise. Then again, those boys with rather smart. If they spoke fondly of that place, it was likely safe for them.

One of the very few places that would be.

“That settles it,” the oldest concluded, putting his fists together. With more talking amongst themselves, three of the turtles bounded off, rather quietly to his surprise. As if this was practiced.

Leonardo stayed behind, if only to awkwardly meet the father’s gaze. "We're headed up to the yokai pizza place, m'kay?"

…Yokai ?

Draxum paused, looking over at the only son of his who remained, looking right back at him. Never before has he refused, under the guise that they would be safe. And the fact that his sons rarely ever asked.

That's when they called it the mutant pizza place, though. Where had those boys learned the word 'yokai'…

Instead of pondering it longer, he shook his head a bit, focusing. "Just be home before ten," he offered instead, trying his hardest not to show concern.

"Thanks Padre," Leonardo said in return, bounding after his brothers who had already left.

Oh, wait. "And no picking fights!"

"No promises!"

It might have been wise to go after his son, to ensure there would be no unnecessary fighting against common criminals or interactions with… yokai. In the end, the father decided against it, letting out a long, heavy sigh and holding his temples.

Those boys would be the end of him.

Quite literally, if their hints meant anything…


As expected, Draxum found his husband in the armchair, watching the same few commercials as always. For once he would have entertained the idea of him training with their sons – should any of the others have half the courage their oldest brother did.

Instead, the other father still found himself lounging away, enjoying this weekend alone. Completely unaware.


The rat perked up, a smile found on his maw. “Oh, hey Barry, what’s-”

“Come here.”

No inch of his expression allowed for interpretation; that usual brand of teasing Splinter found any other moment of the day. If only now, the rat would need to listen to him.

Luckily, he would. With a shrug, the rat hopped out of his chair, heading over to their room. The yokai followed close behind, ensuring the two were not followed, even if he knew their sons were out.

For once, he hoped the boys would not overtake the now abandoned living room.

Once inside the room, Draxum slid the door shut, using a few vines to ensure it remained closed; locked tight.

Rare did he ever use them, not even once he regained the ability. They both knew why, proven by the way his husband’s fur stood on its ends. A fear his children would likely share if his speculation was correct.

“What’s wrong?” Splinter tried, fluffy brows raised. A hand reached out, towards Draxum’s arm.

He could not take it. Not right now.

Theories he had of his sons fighting those rising mutant villains would all have to come to light. Theories of who else they could be fighting, how much they were told…

As much as neither parent wished to face this day, they both knew it was inevitable.

So, Draxum took a breath, steadying his ever-shaking hands.

“They know.”

_ _ _

It was time.

Countless hours of cultivation, risking her respect and relationship with her guardian along the way… and finally, Venus would fight her first Nexus battle.

Alongside Jennika, of course. Their opponent will be a surprise, if only to give her a fair chance. Venus was too nosey, having a line-up of all her possible opponents… but, she and Big Mama knew each other’s tricks well.

Any possible opponent could be switched at the last possible moment. One must be prepared for any obstacle.

“Stop being anxious,” she warned, keeping her voice low and directed to her older sister as they waited to be brought forward.

“Takes one to know one,” she heard in return.

A shove was sent Jennika’s way.


Venus allowed a huff, a small hint of amusem*nt, before forcing on a mask. Quite literally, in this case, adjusting the cloth mask over her beak.

The pair had outfits that much closer resembled Jennika’s armour on a day-to-day basis; cloth face masks, wraps on their flippers, a cloth black top and pants in their life colours, decorated with Nexus motifs, protective armor and weapons hidden in their belts.

It is said that Lou Jitsu, the greatest Nexus Champion to ever live and their DNA donor, never used a single weapon. It is also said that his uniform was not the work of the Nexus.

So, this is the best they got, to truly showcase their skills. It was a miracle they convinced Big Mama of this much.

“Your belt’s loose,” Jennika warned, making Venus look down to check. It was not.”

“Stop that,” Venus warned in return, glaring up at her sister. It felt like an insult, watching the larger turtle cross her arms and glare back down. “Every distraction risks our focus, do you not understand this .”

“You are taking this wayyy too seriously.” An arm was put around her shoulders. “You’re thirteen years old, don’t expect to be a superstar.”

Venus raised a brow. “Lou Jitsu was in his thirties.”

“That’s older for humans than it is for yokai.” Right, right . “And stop comparing yourself to Lou Jitsu. The world won’t think of him when they see you – they will love you for you.”

“Do you know how long it takes to earn respect?”

“...A long time. Right, but they don’t matter.”

Before she could reiterate how much the opinions of consumers did matter, not only for her future career but for the success of the Nexus and the hotel itself, Jennika lowered her head to her sister’s level.

“What matters is winning, right? Do this enough times and you’ll grow up to be one of the greats, just like you always wanted to be.”

No comment would be made, for nothing would fight back on the aspect that told that this was what to say. She had to win. That was the only way.

The green sea turtle let out a breath, offering relief for only a moment. She would not allow herself to be nervous, but every reminder of why she should be struck right before her fight. Why now ?

“Hey, kid!” a voice called, very familiar is only low to the ground. Followed by the padded footsteps only yokai with trimmed claws could offer; her moms .

“Look at you,” Rita cooed, looking like she was a moment away from taking pictures to embarrass the two of them with. You know, normal mother behaviour.

As they approached her for a hug (or rather, for Bridget to hug her leg and Rita her torso), Venus simply looked down at them, tilting her head. “What are you doing here?”

Her sister looked to have much of the same confusion. If not disappointment.

“The Baroness is in the main box with Big Mama,” Bridget clarified. “We’ll be there too.”

Jennika nodded, though there was a certain glint in her eyes. “They getting cozy up there?”


A chuckle, as if to break the tension. How her older sibling found time to joke like this would forever be a mystery to her.

Anyway , we came to congratulate you two,” the bat yokai clarified this time. “This is a big moment, and we want to wish you the best.”

The raccoon yokai nodded. “Mhm. Remember all your training, and remember to shine!”

A pat was given to her leg before the two began to leave again, looking back at the turtles one last time with two thumbs up from both of them.

“Good luck!”

The second they left, Venus looked down, taking a breath.

No. Now was not the time for this.

Nerves were for the weak .


That familiar feeling found itself on her shoulder again, if only with an additional squeeze. To keep her in the moment.

Venus looked up, meeting her sister’s eyes. “They’re right,” Jennika offered, signs of a smile present even with the mask. “We’ll do great. Kick any bad thoughts in the butt – like you will with the big guy we’re up against.

Again, she huffed, if only with no humour attached. Nothing for long, at least.

She gave one last breath, nodding her head.



Now it was time, more like it.

Once the two were called to the stage, they made their way, sparing any further words of encouragement.

They only made things worse. Or at least, for Venus.

Made her think too much .

Much like in her dreams and in many fights she’s watched before, Venus stood at the center of the ring, left to the curiosity of the audience. Her status as Big Mama’s word would not be announced. Little would recognize her for who she truly is, believed to be nothing more than a rookie warrior.

Left without a name of her own. Left to be named by the woman who controlled this all.

“And now, without further adieu, please welcome our newest duo… Sun and Stars!”

Sun and Stars.

Sun and f*cking Stars .

…Well, it was better than some Nexus aliases.

She heard the laugh her sister gave, hidden by the crowd and the pounding of her head alike. Not one for long, just enough to share the thought.

If she won this fight, a better name would be in order. This was humiliating.

Well, little left time for humiliation. Soon, their opponent’s door opened, slowly, for dramatic effect. Two green eyes shone back at the duo, a singular talon stepping out to reveal itself.

Their opponent was massive. And she recognized just who this was.

A recent product of mutation. Wild, unpredictable .

Venus took one last deep breath, reaching for the hidden weapon on her belt. Her peripheral caught sight of Jennika doing the same.

Focus .

It was now or never.


don't worry, there's a reason it cuts off at the end before the fight can start

if I can fight my writer's block, expect ten weeks' worth of weekly chapters before the end of the year. hope to get the first half of season 1 done around this time 👀

Chapter 28: We Can't All Be Winners


It's had to catch a win when something you want so badly just seems so out of reach. But where one sibling is silently rethinking her life choices, another is completely determined to prove himself and get exactly what he wants. They were screwed over for vastly different reasons, but Donnie finds himself actively struggling to accept this kind of defeat. At least they both know the perfect way to relax after a tough loss... and might be closer than they could ever know.


I'm honestly surprised I managed to get this chapter out given the fact that I had no wifi for half the week lol

If you're wondering why I skipped over so many episodes, it's mostly because the ones between 11-13 are more integral to the character's plots I'm going for. I will likely be moving around/referencing the others soon, though. No promises

Canon-Typical Violence

Chapter Text

She sat still as one of her mothers wrapped a bandage over her arm, daring not to move an inch.

“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

Venus sighed, glancing over at the raccoon before finding her eyes back on the carpet.

How could one screw up their dreams this badly?

“Big Mama didn’t tell anyone who you girls would be up against,” her mom reasoned. “If we knew, we would’ve told you.”

There was some comfort to take in that. Being informed would have helped her come up with a specific plan, come up with something that could otherwise aid her and Jennika in battle.

And yet, she was still nicked in the arm. With the protection of her older and larger sibling, she still slipped up, still allowed for distractions. Still proved herself as weak.

Big Mama was right about her all along.

She wasn’t ready.

“There, should be good as new,” Bridget offered, patting her arm in place. “Hold off training for a few days, but you should be back on your flippers and ready for another battle in a week.”

The sentiment was… nice, but there was one problem: the question of whether or not she should return to the battlefield.

Venus slowly stood up, keeping her arm limp. Otherwise showing no signs of weakness. “...I’ll consider it.”

“Don’t overwork yourself, kid.”

“I know.”

Before being forced to make more conversation, the young sea turtle made her way across the room, past lush purple curtains and the distant crackle of a warm fire.


All a luxury she did not want, one above her. A warrior should not be comforted after failing; such did not harden her for the realities of the Nexus, of the world outside the hotel, within the city and otherwise.

…So often did Venus consider finding a means of working with her sister instead; with the Baroness.

Well, there was always more to life, Venus had to tell herself. More to do. More ways to decompress.

She slipped into her room, ensuring she was not followed. Locked the door. Headed to the secret gaming space.

Not a hobby she had much time for, but enough. Here, she had a world of her own, an interest she shared with no one else. No one she knew of, at least; her closest 'friends' being the occasional odd gamer tag and avatar.

Headphones on, seated, computer booted up. Better than that of the average setup, if only due to her guardian's wealth.

All a secret.

The only thing she truly enjoyed outside of her (partially squandered) dreams for the Nexus. The only place she thrived .

_ _ _

Oh, this was going to be so good.

Rare was it that Donnie both got away from the lab and from his brothers, the two often coinciding. Yes, it was fun, and a good way to avoid his parents' watchful eyes, but he wanted to do something he wanted to do for once, y'know?

Which is what led him to the local high school. You know, the place one of his fathers worked – more importantly, the place where his best human friend took classes.

It was relatively easy to sneak past the local crowd of high schoolers and into the computer lab, relatively gangly and teen-like in his appearance once donning his favourite oversized purple sweater.

Before you ask: yes, he has looked into those human disguises the yokai at the Nexus hotel used. Apparently, they used something called 'cloaking brooches', which were either incredibly expensive within the Hidden City (that they still could not access without potentially sneaking into the hotel again), or incredibly rare on the surface, often sold by yokai themselves.

Sweater it was for now.

As Donnie snuck into the active computer lab, he was careful to avoid catching suspicion from other students. He had to look like one of them. Even if he was green-skinned and not a human.

His method of sneaking including crawling across hanging fluorescent lights, of course.

Once he caught sight of familiar afro puffs and a green sweater, he used his trusty paper ninja stars to call to April's attention, three of which spelled 'I'M' 'HERE' '!'. By throwing them to the space next to her mouse pad, of course.

" Psst , hey April."

He watched his friend pan up to look at him, eyes wide. She gasped... right around the time he noticed himself slipping, barely containing himself before he slipped and fell into the empty chair beside her.

Something which did not alert the other students at all, glued to their screens.

True brainiacs.

"Hi Donnie, thanks for coming," April said, voice noticeably shushed.

"No problem," he offered back, steadying himself on the swivel chair before rolling it elsewhere. "I love this place!"

He stood up, taking in the sweet scent of teenage intelligence around him, something he'd grown so familiar with every visit.

"Smells like learning and puberty , he mused, before sitting back down, inching his chair closer to April again. "So, what do you need help with?"

April gestured over to her screen, that of which displayed endless lines of code. "Just need you to check the code to make sure I haven't missed anything," she said, going through it all herself one last time.

To which Donnie took over, scooting her to the side and looking over her code at a quicker rate. "Ah, you don't know how lucky you are to be in school, April," he mused again. "Surrounded by true intellectuals, scholars after my own heart, with splendid and gorgeous purple satin jackets..."

His gaze panned up, looked to a flashier end of the room where three teens stood, notably with–

"Wait, what ? Purple satin jackets?!" He looked over at them with stars in his eyes, studying every detail, even from a distance. "The shimmering sheen, the exquisite violet hue, the silkiness of the fabric – it has everything I love and even things I didn't know I loved–!"

" Donnie ," April interrupted, kicking the table to get his attention, "if you drool in here, somethings' gonna short circuit."

He shook his head, unwilling to dwell on the fact he was drooling over this for long. "They must be the kings and queens of high school," he deemed, eyes closed and gesturing to them with great admiration.

"The Purple Dragons' Tech Club?" April didn't seem too convinced as she looked over at them. "If by 'kings and queens' you mean 'stuck-up jerks who think they're smarter than everyone else'."

Unfortunately for his friend, those were his kind of people. Finding this out made him spin in the chair in excitement. "Oh, that's what I was hoping you'd say!"

What Donnie wouldn't give to go to school. Maybe if he got one of those brooches, he could go here? Though April wouldn't be here for much longer, already in the eleventh grade...

And of course, the plethora of other reasons he likely could not attend.

But those Purple Dragons looked /so cool/ and he'd give anything to be in a club like that!

Donnie watched excitedly as the technologically advanced trio of teens took to testing their latest tech, creating a simulation of what appeared to be a system to bypass? And in the end, the two not being tortured by holographic guard dogs (if a shout of an 'irrational fear of dogs' gave any hint), gave each other a cool-looking secret handshake.

The softshell had stars in his eyes once more. "Ohh my gosh, did you see that?!" Donnie cheered.

April, though, was not as impressed. "What, that wack high-five?"

"Nay, fair April," he corrected, wagging his finger. "It's a secret-five, a vocative of the golden ratios of the cosmos." He took a breath. "Superior minds, glorious jackets– April, I am joining this club!"

"You're what now?" His friend questioned, and yet he was already swaying his way over, barely able to contain any excitable stimming.

He tiptoed over to the Purple Dragons' corner of the room, gathering the courage to talk to the group of fellow teens who somehow managed to be so incredibly cool and smart at the same time.

A simple script and alias should do.

"Greetings, tech enthusiasts!" He pointed to himself, "I'd like to introduce you to the /newest/ member of your club- wait for it, here he comes, it's me ."

The others seemed distracted getting those virtual reality simulation glasses off of their teammate before they turned to him. "Uh-huh," the girl among them reasoned, looking at her nails. "April, that's your name, right?"

His friend rolled behind him, providing an explanation as to why his general area was referred to as 'April'."You've known me since kindergarten, Kendra."

"Uh-huh," this apparent 'Kendra' said again, now pointing at him. "Who's this guy and does he look like mould?"

Before he could explain, he heard April sigh. "Jeremy, Jason, Kenda, this is my friend Donat–"

" Othello von Ryan," Donnie interrupted, stepping in front of April once more. As convenient as it was to have her provide their names, he could easily do so for himself.

He stepped up to them, instantly more comfortable now that names were out of the way.

"Maker, coder, artisan ," he advertised himself as, making his way around all the Dragons. "I am ready to join your esteemed collective, and with regard to purple jackets, I am a medium."

Kendra stepped on his foot when he got too close.

" Ow !"

Donnie kneeled over in pain, somehow not yet used to feelings such as those.

"Sorry, von Ryan, but to join this group, you gotta bring something to the table," Kendra explained, giving a little wave. "So, buh-bye."

The turtle-in-disguise's brows furrowed. Well, that couldn't fly. "Prepare to be von Ryaned ," he challenged, pulling out an extending multi-tool of his invention from his pocket and immediately letting it extend to full size.

"Wow," the tallest Dragon mused, "it's the great daddy of all multi-tools!"

It seemed all of them were impressed, even their leader. Mission accomplished.

"Okay, it's not bad," Kenda admitted, pushing away some of the tool from near her face. "What else ya got?"

"Oh come on ," April complained from behind him, "you don't have to impress these fools."

Ha, what a fool his friend made of herself. "That's what people say when they don't have anything impressive, like this ," Donnie corrected, tapping on the side of his goggles; alerting his lab-bound tech to his location.

"In mere minutes, you will be granted a few prime examples of my tech," he promised, finally retracting his multi-tool with a bow.

Just to watch the main Dragon cross her arms, head tilting up. "Uh-huh, we'll see about that."

It did, in fact, take mere minutes for his tech to arrive. Examples of such included a hovering robot (secretly a prototype to his inevitable AI), a bot that could extend its legs, and a real jetpack.

"Sweet!" the tallest Dragon beamed, instantly enamoured by his tech. "So, how do these things communicate?" He gasped, "Is it a microwave transceiver?!"

The rest of the students were just as in complete awe with his tech, likely blowing their minds. It was quite the ego boost if he did say so himself.

And yet, the future Purple Dragons member leaned further into the questions he received rather than anything else. "With class C inscription protocol," Donnie explained, tapping the part of his tech bo that sent out signals to his tech all over.

"Oh. My. Days ." That Dragon (Jeremy, likely) leaned close to his bo, examining it, grinning in the way only another scientist at heart could. "I know class C inside and out ," he mused... only to be pulled back.

"Can the bromance," she called, glaring down at Donnie. "Von Ryan..." She pointed right at him, allowing him to speculate before... "You're in."

The second shortest Dragons' member started dancing in place, only to meet Kendra's glare. "Quit smiling, Jase, you're still a low man on the totem pole."

Without another word, she took the fellow Dragon’s satin jacket, tossing it over to Donnie. It landed on his arm, and it took a minute to process what just happened... but soon, he gasped .

He put it on immediately , slipping it over his other sweater without a care in the world. "Yes!" he cried, posing victorious with his new gorgeous jacket. "Be honest April– do I look fantastic or do I look superbly fantastic?"

He continued to stand proudly, if only to keep himself from running his fingers through the surface, familiarizing it with his scent and loving it forever – it was second-hand, after all.

"You look like you dropped a juice box in the laundry."

Ah, well. Probably true.

Still, whatever. He had the jacket now, he was officially a Purple Dragon, and he had ultimate bragging rights .

Nothing could stop him now.


Of course, the first thing Donnie had to do was go home and show his new jacket off.

He walked in slowly as he saw his siblings in the middle of the Lair, using the skate ramp for anything other than its intended purpose – Raph lifting weights, Leo reading comics, and Mikey practicing tricks on his board.

Amusing, but he did not put that beneath them.

"Oh hey guys, what's the haps?" he began, strolling in, taking all the time in the world. When they turned their heads to look at him, he began to pose, accentuating his new jacket. "Oh, oh this ? I didn't realize I had it on." He began strutting over to Raph, walking just past him. " This is my sweet new purple satin jacket.


"Got it for being a bit of a tech whiz."

"That's nice."

"Purple Dragons, members only, no big deal."


Once he walked past all his brothers, he pointed back at them in a rapid motion. "Grab some toast fellas, 'cause you are all jelly !"

He headed to his lab now, closing the door nice and shut, ready to work on some more tech for his new associates with the blessing of the jacket proving his membership to their team.

Funny thing about the lab, though – it was soundproof on the inside , but he still had a fair deal of security on the outside.

The sound of the others' jealousy was delicious .


He had fun wearing it for a few hours, but he knew it would not be wise to sleep with it on. It would best retain its quality if handled with care.

So, while barely able to keep his eyes open anymore, Donnie propped up his tech bo to act as a coat hanger, hung the jacket up and disconnected his battle shell. It was all fun while it lasted, but he did need the minimum amount of rest to truly enjoy his new favourite clothing item to its fullest.

Haha, sike , of course he was going to sleep with the jacket. Who did you take him for?

And it was perfect. Oh, how it gave him the best dreams. The smoothness of the silk was the perfect texture, lulling him to sleep in seconds , giving him dreams cooler than he's had in a long, long time.

Donnie was never giving up this jacket, no matter what.



He shot right up, feeling his whole body overtaken in a cold sweat. As good as his dream had been, he did not anticipate waking up to the image of his poor jacket being torn up by a plane's engine. What kind of a dream was that ?!

Luckily the jacket was right there in his arms when he woke up, just as he left it. Donnie snuggled it, instantly comforted by its greatness.

Then his phone rang, buzzingly loud and equally annoying.

The softshell groaned, still groggy as he sat it up and saw it was April. He just had to pick up. "Yes?"

" Donnie, go turn on the news ," she told him, voice too normal for the middle of the night.

Still, he figured to listen to what she was saying if it was that important to call him in the middle of his beauty sleep, opening the news app, still half asleep.

There showed the same news anchor as always… somehow. "The teen tech bandits are on a hard drive to RAM their way into electronic stores, leaving police a terabyte confused." Galileo, this was somehow worse than Leo's puns.

However, as he looked at the news footage a bit closer… these 'teen tech bandits' were clearly using his tech.

The Purple Dragons stole his tech!

"No no no no no no !"

"Hey buddy."

Donnie slowly turned to a Leo at his doorway, sipping at a warm mug. Ah, right. This idiot was awake.

If he was lucky, his outburst would not cause any other idiot to wake up.

"Having trouble sleeping?"

No, but he was seething. " What's with the interrogation Leo everything's fine I said," Donnie said in rapid succession, quickly grabbing his jacket, tugging it on and running past his annoying brother.

He slid into his lab, finding it empty. Now, normally that was a good thing, but it was empty of his tech too. Very much not a good thing!

"My babies!" He tried turning the lights on and off again, trying to convince himself that it was a delusion, a trick of the light; but no, his tech was very much gone and being used for evil at this very second.

Donnie growled, bounding off to whatever of his tech was not yet stolen.

"Oh those satin-wrapped punks !" he cursed, realizing he only had, what, a bike at most? Whatever, it would have to do!


April went with him to recover his tech, if only because she was also awake and wanted to defeat the group of teens that wronged him.

Now the two were peddling down the middle of the surprisingly quiet New York streets, the human clinging on from behind as he tried to get this average bike to go anywhere .

"I warned you about those guys," his best friend chided.

"You said that they were full of themselves, not that they were criminal masterminds," Donnie corrected, pointing his flashlight back at her. "So in a small sense, this is entirely your fault."

"First of all, no . Second of all, what kind of criminal masterminds rob electronic stores?"

Huh, an observation. "...Maybe they just need equipment for a bigger job."

April leaned her head closer, obstructing his balance for a short second. Not that it was easy to bike with a person attached to him anyway.

"You mean like the one they were practicing on that VR simulator? The Nakamura vault?"

Wait a minute, mind blown - oh, he should have known!

"Agh, that's a real company!" Donnie confirmed, "Nakamura computer chips are in like every computer in the country!"

He took a deep breath, feeling determined now, if nothing else, to get back at the Purple Dragons for stealing his stuff for evil doings.

"Let's go."

_ _ _

The thing about Donnie was that, for as much of a tech genius he was, he was equally a dumbass sometimes.

Outsmarts all his bros on a daily basis but will get into dumb arguments at the drop of a hat. Can build super machines capable of possibly breaking into a super high-strung and secure building, yet fell into this mess in the first place because of falling head over heels for a freaking jacket .

Think of a crow, but five-foot-five and green and actually a mutant turtle. That's Donnie.

That's why April took the lead now, confident enough to ride a bike and speed the two of them to the Nakamura headquarters in the middle of town.

She halted the bike in front of the building, looking up to see those Purple jerks using Donnie's stuff to cut through glass and easily enter. She slumped. "How are we gonna get up there with no tech?"

"Old school," the turtle suggested, small wooden boards with blades that looked like a cat's claws strapped to his palms. "Jazz hands!"

He then proceeded to run towards the building, jump up, and attempt to scale it. Much like a cat.

Did she have to do everything around here?

"Plan B," she figured, dragging Donnie away from the glass doors. But the claws stayed intact, making more cuts. All while her friend made a fool of himself.

Good thing no one was around to see that.

She found a secret entrance, and while scaling stairs was not fun, it would be their best bet.

So, once inside, they bolted . Up the many sets of stairs, all the way to the floor where those jerks would be right now. And don't be fooled – it was many, many stairs. The two of them were huffing and puffing the whole way up, but knew it was the only way.

They took a second to catch their breath before the last stretch, looking at each other with a nod, before making the rest of the way up.

"Okay nerds , I want my stuff back!" Donnie cried, clearly eager by how much faster he made it up the stairs.

But it seemed they were too late.

"I've got the code! Let's go!"

The Dragons all ran, Jeremy holding what she had to assume was a huge USB stick. Likely to hold all the code.

Oh hell nah, time to bolt .

April and Donnie quickly ran after Jeremy and Jase, hot on their trail… if not for Donnie slipping at a sharp turn. April was still on their trail, though, not far even with how fast the Dragons were.

"End of the line, buddy-o!" she heard Donnie yell. Oh yeah, he definitely had a plan. "April, heads up!"

A large plastic wire holder was thrown her way, and she instantly knew what to do, kicking it so it would hit the two running away with the code.

It hit Jeremy and he fell over, yelling "Ah, the code!" And for a second, things were looking good!

She and Donnie stood on top of the two fallen Dragons, making sure they wouldn't get away, reading to bound after the code.

Until Kendra ran up and yoinked the code from where it was falling mid-air. "Got it!"

They two remained perched on top of Jeremy and Jase for a moment. Catching their breath again. Well, seems like they had the last one to chase down now.

"Never betray Othello von Ryan!"

Donnie took his tech back from where Jase was wearing it, and April followed suit with Jeremy, quickly putting the tech on her back while now chasing after Kendra. She still had Donnie's in-progress jetpack, so this fight was far from over.


As they ran, they were still panting, but getting a lead on Kendra. "I'll tether myself to your jetpack," Donnie suggested, clearly out of breath.

And April just went along with it, grabbing the string that Donnie offered because Kendra just jumped out of that hole she made earlier and they were running out of time–

Donnie soon jumped as well, April following because, well, what else was she to do? This stuff was all stupid dangerous but she'd expect nothing less from her bestie and her worst enemy.

If she wasn't friends with Donnie, she'd almost want him to be friends with Kendra. They'd work well if she didn't stab him in the back like that.

Soon, she was yelling as the jetpack took off, holding on tight to the string to keep her friend close. "How do you fly this thing?!"

"Everyone's got their style," Donnie explained, way too calmly, "just do what comes natural."

"What comes natural?! Is not flying!"

But, screw it, honestly. She had a criminal to catch. They were gonna fly.

Her attempt at a flying 'style' mostly consisted of chasing Kendra – not that she made it easy, doing complex bends mid-air at stupidly high speeds. Her jetpack mirrored the speed, making her fly not far from the other girl, a chase of the ages.

Just for Kendra to turn and use Donnie's tech bo to start- what the heck, blasting energy at them?! April dodged every blast, but not to her own annoyance.

Why'd she have to be surrounded by nerds ?

Now Kendra was charging right at them, but April wouldn't back down. The jetpack was too fast, it's not as if she really could -

And the girl just avoided them.

Only to hit Donnie square in the head, which, ouch .

But also, not good.

Because their engine was done for.

Both yelled as the jetpack went out of control, descending them into the city below at an alarming rate, spinning them out of control.

They both held onto the tether, clinging onto dear life, as they fell.

Then, by some crazy luck, the tether was caught in some electrical wire, breaking their fall. Shocking them at the same time.

It hurt like hell, but hey, at least they weren't dead.

They landed in the nearest alley, tech first, again keeping them from death or major injuries. Somehow.

April spread out her arms, sitting up, expression the furthest from amused and unable to feel her anything. "I think I broke your jetpack."

Luckily, her friend was unbothered. "No probles, I got this!"

"Not so fast."

She turned as she heard Donnie proceed to struggle, the extended arms of his tech turning against him, trying to strangle him alive. Definitely Kendra's doing by the fact that she was floating nearby with a whole computer in hand.

"Override! Override! AlphaBootyyyshaker9000!" Donnie shouted, struggling with his tech attacking him.

"Well, von Ryan, looks like you're out of luck," Kendra taunted, floating to the ground. "I'd love to spend all night beating you up with your own tech, but , I've got a global bank to hack. Buh-bye," she said, blowing a kiss.

Oh no she doesn't!

April gathered the strength again, bounding forward when she saw Donnie's tech about to go for the kill. "Heads up Donnie!" she cried, kicking it away, bringing it with her.

Now she had to struggle with the machinery trying to kill her, but that meant it was away from her friend, so he could get back at Kendra!

"Those routers," her soft-shelled friend pointed out; "the reason I never wear a jacket is because I'm terrified it would get caught in them."

As she battled the rogue tech, she tried looking over at Donnie. "How about using a jacket to block the routers?" she tried, speaking through her teeth.

"Exactly!" he agreed. "Give me yours."

If she wasn't fighting his tech right now, she would have slapped him. With love, of course.

"What?! No , use your own jacket!"

Something that Donnie, of course, didn't want to hear, his voice quieter as he mumbled out loud. "You know, even though this whole thing was your fault, April, I guess it's up to me to solve it."

"Ohh, we're gonna have a talk -"

But, despite her anger, it seemed Donnie was, in fact, about to use his satin jacket to clog the routers. Character development if she said so herself.

"Fair thee well, my synthetic darling," he whispered… to the jacket . "I hardly knew ye, but parting is such sweet-"

"Just do it ."

And so, April watched as her dork of a friend threw his jacket in Kendra's direction, quickly getting it caught in the routers of the jetpack and bringing it down with her.

Ha .

Sweet payback.

Donnie's tech stopped trying to kill her then, allowing her to get up and watch as the leader of the Purple Dragons pathetically fell into the alley, crashing into pretty much everything along the way.

Her laptop fell some feet in front of her, trying to reach out to it.

April knew what to do.

She went up to it, taking a nice big stomp. "Sorry Kendra, looks like your computer is… crashed! "

Kendra flopped her face down, defeated.

Pumping her fist in victory, April chuckled. "I should write for the news."

Donnie was having his own little pity party at the other end of the alley, mourning the loss of his jacket as the remains of it rained down in purple satin scraps.

"Alas, a classic tale of a well-meaning loner who just couldn't fit in with a band of well-dressed crooks," he mused, voice breaking at the end.

She went up to him, standing at his side, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That's okay Donnie, you'll always be in the 'April O'Neil Dorky Pals For Life' club…"

"Thanks April."

"...No matter how stupid you dress."

Before anything else could be said, they heard nearby police sirens, telling them it was time to bounce.

"Hey, you wanna help me get this stuff back to the Lair?"

April sighed, grabbing the thing with arms that tried to kill her, before dashing out of the alley with her friend. "I say yes to you way too often-"

_ _ _

Another day, another classic Donnie failure. Not that they came often, but oh what he wouldn't give to feel the silky softness of a satin jacket right about now…

A dream for another time, it seemed. He would either join those superiorly colour-themed jerks again or get a jacket of his own one day. Whatever came first.

For now, he trudged back to the lair, jacketless and defeated. Feeling truly naked, despite being perfectly comfortable with only shorts and accessories on a good day. And of course, having a different purple jacket on right now.

He passed a Raph, whose expression softened upon seeing him walk by. "Hey buddy-"

"Don't wanna talk about it."

That was enough to get his brother to leave it alone, hearing him shuffle a bit but otherwise not pursue.

Good, because he needed the alone time right now.

Once in his room, Donnie closed the sliding door, looking it over for a second.

Should he lock it? Nah, he wouldn’t be doing anything that requires privacy. He just needed some form of immediate distraction.

Besides, Raph could break down the door if he wanted to.

So, Donnie simply made his way to his computer, spinning in his chair once for good measure. That felt so much more fun a few hours before… but whatever. He shook his head, booting up his PC with a soft kick to its button.

Leaning back with a satisfied sigh, the softshell allowed himself to relax for a second; always feeling more at home in front of a screen.

Huh, it seemed he left himself with some reading last time. A couple of documents on the known history of the Draxum family… all stuff he could catch up with later.

For now, he just needed something mindless, but with enough calculations to keep his brain active; distracted.

As it turns out, Yokai had a few video games worthy of checking out. Much of the same stuff humans had, but with a more mystic feel to it.

Now, Donnie did not have a mystic setup (and he refused to let mystics touch his gaming tech) but he did enjoy the almost buzz of energy he felt from playing these games against what he could only assume were yokai in his age range.

Almost like he had a connection to them.

So, he logged into his most recent server, happy to see the same few people online again. As he engaged in combat against one of his first teammates, he couldn't help but laugh, seeing them lose so quickly.

" Pfft , imagine being this bad at PVP. What are you, level four combat?"

Donnie would quickly eat those words.

Chapter 29: Subtle Ways to Prove Yourself


No matter how much they tried, both Splinter and April found themselves unable to keep a stable job. A shared struggle, if for similar or different reasons, that the two would find themselves facing together one fateful afternoon. Meanwhile, Draxum faces the same struggles he's had with his teaching job for years. Only, his struggle relies on keeping a straight face, making a good name for 'mutants' throughout the city. Something that becomes difficult with each passing day...


Honestly I don't know how I went three weeks without updating. I kind of fell off? Not to mention all the weridness that has been happening lately, both on and offline lol

Don't be alarmed though. Even if updates start to take longer, I do plan to finish this no matter what! And yes, this IS a shorter chapter than usual, but I make up for it by having it focus on Draxum and Splinter (and April) with the dilemmas that come with their jobs (or lack thereof) 👀

Brief discussions and mentions of discrimination

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If the circ*mstances were better, Splinter would have called bullsh*t on his inability to keep a stable job.

His sons helped where they could and his charisma took him the rest of the way. As an attractive young actor, he needed even less, people begging him for appearances in films and commercials left and right. As an aging rat mutant? …Not as much.

That’s how he found himself now, groaning in annoyance as he sat at a park bench with a slice of pizza in hand. Going out in the city was a nice distraction from being let go, but it didn’t distract from the fact he was out of a job. Again.

“I just don’t get it,” he grumbled to himself, taking a bite, trying and failing to drown his sorrows in cheese.

“I don’t get it either.”

Splinter scrambled, hearing the sudden voice beside him. Until he saw who it was, allowing him to relax. “April?!” he asked, surprised to see her of all people.

What a funny coincidence.

“The one and only!” the girl replied, flopping down on the bench beside him. “Got fired again?”

A fluffy brow raised before he could remember how often this question found him, especially from April. His signs were obvious. But he had a means of distracting from that. “Why are you here ?”

“Oh, I just saw you from across the park,” she explained, which made enough sense to Splinter. He nodded softly. “But you normally don’t sit alone like this unless something’s wrong, so I figured your job shut the back door on you.” He felt less inclined to nod at that.

As ashamed as he was to admit it, there was no hiding from the simple fact. “And to think this would be the one,” he moped, resting his back on the bench.

“Same here.” When Splinter looked up, her expression became sheepish. “For the ‘getting fired’ part, I mean.”

Ah, that made sense. The rat chuckled a bit, figuring he could turn this around for the better. “What happened this time?”

“Hey, just because I’m jobless again doesn’t mean something happened.” The girl pouted, silently reaching for his other slice. He let her take it. “But fine, I guess something did happen…”

Splinter perked up, looking over but otherwise not saying a word. Patiently waiting for the details.

April’s heels tapped against the ground, looking shy to say whatever was on her mind. “So, there was this girl...”

Oh, instant hook. “Go on,” Splinter teased, tail flicking a bit.”

Just to see April take a stress bite of her slice. “Right, so she uh… texted me, during my shift.” Very interesting. “We have a group project for Science, and since we’re in History together too, she asked if we could go to the cafe and do homework together.”

Seeing April so happy with this story made Splinter’s fatherly instincts kick in, tilting his head in amusem*nt. He knew.

“Is it a date?”

“I hope ,” the girl mused, but a tinge of frustration soon found itself in her voice again. “If I’m not banned from that cafe. I mean, it’d be kind of awkward now anyway. Hopefully she’ll be good rescheduling…”

Ah, right. Splinter chuckled, recalling that April spoke of working at a cafe this past week. Presumingly no longer. “Were they upset at you using your phone during work hours?”

“What? No, they can’t get us to stop if we tried,” April explained with a flick of her hand. Taking another stress bite. “I kinda… got so excited that I tripped on some boxes. Then knocked over the mini expresso maker. Onto a customer.

Ooh, ouch. Yeah, he could see that being a punishable offence. “And you got fired over that?”

“It’s happened before.”


Splinter couldn’t help a little chuckle, being met with a flustered April. “It’s not funny!”

“It is, it is a little bit.”

April groaned at this, all of which was amusing to watch. He didn’t laugh again, but he had to wonder how the two found themselves in similar predicaments, over and over again.

Speaking of… “So what got you fired, old man?”

Splinter gasped in fake offence, putting a hand to his chest. “You too, April? I thought you were the nice one!”

“Nah, that’s Mikey,” the girl corrected, a bit of a laugh following. Success. “And you’re dodging the questionnn~”

The rat reached forward to shove April, but fell short, if only for the bit. “I am not , I was just…” he took a big bite of his own slice to distract from the question. “It’s just not nearly as interesting as your reason.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, it is very very boring.”

He took another bite, nearly finished the slice by now. That wouldn’t dissuade the human girl, though.

“It’s only fair if you still say your reason, though.”

Splinter swallowed, heavier this time, not only because of finishing his slice. Paw pads tapped against his leg, expression contemplating.

He didn’t want to say this… but it was the simple truth.

“They… didn’t want me.”

With a sigh, he looked to the ground. “They didn’t say why, but I’ve seen the way they look at me, April. They want a young, strong, human man with my skills…” His tail curled around his body. “Not a rat.”

Without looking, he heard a frustrated groan. “Okay, that’s just bullsh*t.”

I know ,” Splinter complained, now looking over, “and I want to punch the man who did this to me more every day. But it’s not like I can help what I look like, and I thought they knew that about mutants!”

“Exactly!” April said loudly, causing her to duck away a bit when a few nearby pigeons flew away.

Right, they probably shouldn’t be yelling about this in the middle of a park.

“But uh, yeah,” the girl tried again, look soon growing determined. “This sucks, and means we’re both out of a job now, which also means…”

There was no time to question what April meant by this before she grabbed him by the arm, pulling him off the bench.

“Job searching time! First one to get employed gets a…”

Splinter chuckled, able to find amusem*nt in the idea. A little job-searching competition? That would certainly make things more fun, help get his mind off things. “Free pizza?” he offered.

This was met with a nod, and the girl remembering her slice, quickly scarfing it down. “...Sure, let’s go with that!”

_ _ _

“Good afternoon, students. I expect your mid-term assignment is completed by now?”

A collective groan is heard in the classroom, making the yokai raise a brow. Knowing they likely completed their work, not that they were happy about it.

“Understandable, I am not looking forward to marking all those papers.”

This was met with a few chuckles between the students. Always laughing at his misery, these lot… not that he could help the joke he made of this all.

So, ‘Barry’ cleared his throat. “Regardless, I expect you to be productive today,” he began, walking to his desk and taking a seat. “This is a work period, use it wisely.”

He knew only a select few students would truly use this time for its purpose, others taking advantage of a ‘free period’ to do an assortment of activities that did not involve work.

Their loss.

Still, he sighed, face partially hidden behind the classroom desktop. The room would soon fill with the familiar buzz of conversation, some words of which he never wished to hear. And yet, he never said a word.

The students older than his own children always made up his favourite classes. They were calmer, and enough did their work that he was not bothered to give them high grades.

Still, he often found himself bombarded with unnecessary… questions.

“Mr. Hamato?”

Moving his head to look over at the student to call him, Draxum raised a brow. “Yes?”

“Are you more of a sheep or a goat?”

A couple of students near that boy snickered, possibly having a quip ready upon finding an answer. One he was tired of giving.

“I’m… not entirely sure,” he chose to explain, returning his gaze to his computer. “I won’t have an answer for you, no matter how many times you ask.”

“But you can’t just get a DNA test or something?” another student asked.

He huffed, still not looking back at that group. “If you can find a historically significant way of asking me this, I will consider it.”

Some annoyed mumbling arose from the group, all of which Draxum could hear well – curse his heightened sense of hearing. It would still take him time to tune out the insolent babbling of human youth.

However, at times, it proved useful. Such as when he heard a usually quiet student speak up.

“He could just be a caprid, some sort of mix of animals that look alike.”

Hmm, not wrong. Actually quite similar to how he would describe himself if needed to specify. That student did seem to have an eye for animal characteristics, after all.

“But he walks and talks like a human.”

“‘Cause he’s a mutant, dumbass.”

Draxum could only huff. Perhaps not wise to wise to lie about his species, but it would be best if every yokai used the blanket of ‘mutant’ to protect themselves. Would be safer.

His claws absent-mindedly tapped on the desk, drowned out by the sounds of student discussions. It’s times like these that he missed having April in class, if only to help moderate the amount of mutant-related discussions that took place.

As it stood, he was only allowed to intervene with proof of discussions of discrimination. As it stood, it was better to sit back and let them ramble nonsensically.

“Mr. Hamato?”

Yes ?”

His tone was notably less patient this time around, having expected this to be a period focused not on him.

He was never given that grace.

“Is everyone in your family a mutant too?”

Another student nudged that first one, “It’s not contagious.”

“Well how was I supposed to know that?”

The teacher huffed again, this time, out of amusem*nt. Seldom did he share details of his personal life, never past ‘having kids of his own’ or ‘being married’, so he could not blame them for their natural curiosity.

Enough misinformation surrounded the livelihood of mutants, either way. With enough turning to lives of crime post-mutation, humans rarely had positive examples of mutants in their lives.

If it began with his experiment gone wrong, then it was his responsibility to own up to it now.

“It is not contagious,” he began, confirming this first, “but you are correct: my immediate family is made up of individuals who have been mutated. Not everyone is, though, and much of it has been accidental.”

Technically, most mutations were accidental with the use of his old, scrapped designs flying around and attacking the citizens of New York. Some would yell of a mad scientist, others would speak of their experience as if it lasted their whole life.

It went without saying that his old laboratory was in use, and with him and Splinter unable to visit the Hidden City freely these days, he had no means of knowing who used it now.

And it was a mission he would never send his children on.

“Okay but like–”

“Bro shut up–”

“It’s one more question–”

Draxum sighed, realizing he had more of this to entertain. He raised a hand in an attempt to quiet the snickering of those few students. “Let him speak.”

Still snickering, the one student sat up a bit straighter. “Are your kids kids?”

A groan from somewhere on the side, proving these words as nonsensical.

“Yes,” he answered simply, unsure if this was a question of his children’s ages.

“No, I mean like goats… ‘cause ‘kids’–”

That student was nudged as well.

Ah. That was their joke of the day.

A hand made it to his temples, rubbing them. “One more question and I’m making tomorrow the deadline.”


More than one student shouted this, all looking up at him now. It was so hard to hold back a laugh.

However, instead of giving them hope, he returned his gaze to his computer, hiding his grin there. “I’ll consider keeping the deadline, if you are all able to offer proof of productivity by the end of the period.”

The end of the period would be soon. Those students had done no work thus far, making them have to scramble now. Pencils on paper, hushed curses. Otherwise relative silence.

A small, almost cruel chuckle escaped him.

Sometimes he did not hate this job.

_ _ _

April stretched out the flier in hand, giving it a good look over.

“You think they’d hire me back?”

She handed it over to Splinter, who raised a brow.

“Didn’t you quit that one?”

“No, that was the other bike repair shop, down on 5th Avenue.”

She tapped her foot, waiting for the rat man’s judgment.

“...Still no.”

Ugh .” April slumped her shoulders, almost dropping the other fliers she had in hand. “I’m never gonna get a stable job like this. This was my third since the semester started!”

A chuckle was heard from the small man at her side, making her give an intense side-eye. But he didn’t look to be making fun of her.

“You’ve been all around New York City by now, haven’t you?”

“Pretty much.” She hummed, recalling that, yeah, she’d applied for nearly every kind of job a sixteen-year-old could get in the city. And her hopes weren’t the highest at the moment.

As they turned to another street, she felt Splinter take another flier from her hand. “Why do you stress yourself over this? Because if it’s your parents asking this of you–”

“No,” April interrupted, sighing, debating whether she should talk about it. “I dunno man, why do you keep trying for a job?” she countered. “Doesn’t Barry already have the teacher thing going on? And you guys don’t exactly need the money–”

“Okayyy, that’s enough,” Splinter grumbled. Oh, right, she probably shouldn’t be saying this stuff out loud on the streets.

There was more to it, though, and she could see it in the way the rat man flexed his fingers at his side.

“We have the same reason, if I may guess,” Splinter started. “For some reason, whatever reason, you need this. You need to prove yourself worthy of… something, and the only way to do that is to go out there in the world, earn a bit of respect back in your life, maybe find someone who looks up to you…”

When she looked over at the rat man, she saw him with a hand on his chest and a fond smile on his face, likely recalling an old memory.

As touching as it was to hear this man – a father figure – open up about this, April could only raise a brow.

“Not… exactly that,” she explained, shaking her head a bit, “but close enough. We’ve been working harder than anyone else here, and it’s time these fools put some respect on our names!”

"You said it!"

The rat looked as if he was about to say something else, until he walked a bit ahead, stopping in front of a store. Eyes wide.

This made April raise a brow, following him slowly. "Uh, Splints?"

Without looking at her, the mutant tugged on her arm, turning her attention to the storefront. That's when she saw it; what must have gotten Splinter's attention…

A poster. With a promise. A need for more than one spot to fill.

"What if we got the same job?"

A small grin tugged at her lips at the idea. Not the first time she's worked at a store, but this one was far from the last one she worked at. Giving her enough of a fresh start, so to say.

So, she turned, looking down at Splinter. "Only if the guys won't sneak in and bother us here."

_ _ _

The last period could not come soon enough.

Draxum groaned, rubbing his temples. An action that became increasingly common as the days went on, losing more and more patience for his job.

Why he kept it is one he personally could not understand. He would chalk it up to the same reasons he tolerated the life of a father; as aggravating as the students could be at times, he could admit to growing tolerant of them.

As for the adults… he could not nearly say the same.

"Staff are expected to stay in the building until school closes, Barry."

"Address me only by my title," he grumbled at the new hire, who caught him trying to pack up and leave early. Blame him for wanting to remove himself from the building should he have no class for the last period, but he would forever find this ridiculous.

"Of course, sir," the young teacher corrected. Ah, much better. Less so when he leaned on his desk. "Look, I know it's tempting to just go home to the wife and kids–"

Draxum blinked. Slowly. "...The what?"

"Husband? No kids?" The other teacher gestured to the yokai's hand. "Because of the ring, I thought–"

"That’s none of your business," Draxum insisted, moving his hand – and ring – from view. Yes, he and Splinter wore them as an indication of marriage, but that gave no reason for him to explain himself to his co-workers.

"Riiight," the other teacher drew out. Awkwardly. "Well, you still have to stay here another hour. Use this time to grade midterms or something."

If this were anyone else, Draxum would have half the mind to put this teacher in his place. Just a little too fed up with the corporate, condescending tone of this lot. As it stood, he simply moved back to behind his desk. "Fine," he grumbled again, not making this anything pleasant for the new hire.

Whom of which he did not care to hear anything else from. Once the desktop computer was back on, he tuned out the sound of the other man's mumbling. It meant nothing to him, now that he returned to his work.

Something he could have done in the comfort of his own home, with decent coffee at his disposal and loose clothing … but fine, whatever.

He's somehow maintained decent behaviour up until now. He could maintain it for another two hours.

If this time limited him to grading papers, then that much, he could do.

He had already looked over a few in his spare time, but he could admit… the increase in quiet did do wonders for his concentration. An ear always out, but otherwise grounded to his current task.

For now, he would focus on his eleventh-grade history class. He was yet to give their work a proper look over.

Their assignment relied on writing an essay about any historical myth or legend from any time period and any place in the world. He created this lesson as a means of allowing students the creative freedom to write about any legend of their choice.

He did not give a guideline, allowing students to do their own research… meaning many students would choose the same few American urban legends, but he could not blame them. Only prepare himself to read and grade through a few carbon copies of the same paper.

If nothing else, he was looking forward to the students who would go out of their way to speak of a myth or legend from elsewhere in the world, perhaps their family's country of origin. A few of the documents he'd already read through proved this to be a well-organized assignment on his behalf, surprisingly entertaining him.

Silently, he was looking forward to the report of one student. August Foster, a first-time student in his class and attentive since the first day. Took some time to hand in assignments, but always had a strong set of knowledge to back up her statements.

Though, as he opened the document emailed to him from that particularly intelligent, yet quiet student, his heart dropped.

'Evidence of the Existence of Yokai: Those Who Remain Post-Extinction'



Given how much I've struggled to keep up, the overall goal of this fic has been shortened, meaning the next few chapters up until the 'Evil League of Mutants' plotline are planned already. However, if there's any 'filler' content you'd like to see more of, feel free to mention it! I definitely plan on more Splinter/Draxum focused moments - because let's be honest, that's what we're all here for. But I would love to hear if there's anything anyone wants to see more of

Chapter 30: Adding to Our Numbers


The time for gathering New York's most powerful mutants to defeat the infamous turtle brothers would come soon. In the meantime, Jennika sets out to find them on her own, crossing paths with the four more often than not. Still, it was best to be cautious, convince them with words rather than force. Whoever works with her is given mercy, whoever isn't... will soon have more than just a few rogue criminals to face


30th day of the month, 30th chapter, lol

Another turtle-centric chapter for the soul. I think I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, so hopefully, the next two chapters will come out a bit faster. I'm excited for them

Canon-Typical Violence

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They didn’t need her for a few hours, right?

Hell, they didn’t need her for a few days . Business was slow in the lab, never needing to build much more these days than a few border alarms and Venus' enhancements.

That, and the Baroness began to come to her senses once more. Jennika couldn't blame her; even she would begin to feel smothered in that damn hotel.

"You know your way around New York, hm?"

The turtle nodded, even if only having half a truth to offer. She knew enough to navigate, not enough to walk the streets as a regular might.

As her brothers might, foolish as they are.

This earned her a look. "...Good," the Baroness settled, pacing past her. "As you know, there are some of our mutants who continue to roam the city above, respectively successful in their fields. The criminals, especially, are the most impressive of the bunch."

The caprid stopped her pace, not turning back.

"I want you to find them. Recruit them."

Jennika raised a brow as she watched the Baroness head over to the biggest desk. "Recruit them… why?"

"To have the power on our side," the woman explained simply, now meeting her gaze. "Those turtles stand in the way of our goal. They may be your brothers, my nephews … but they are also an obstacle."

Huh. Jennika couldn't even argue with that.

"And they're stubborn, but malleable. What little training they have still proves their mystic connections, and if Baron Draxum and Lou Jitsu refuse to convince these turtles of their life mission, they may just need some… convincing."

Checking her hands now, the Baroness looked rather pleased with her plan. A part of Jennika couldn't help but agree. If individual mutant or yokai villains were not enough to defeat a group of four super-powered teenagers, then it would take a collective effort.

Still, the turtle knew where this was coming from; knew the influence. "You spend too much time with Big Mama."

"And you spend too much time doubting me." A chuckle, if only to pretend this was possible to deny. "Now go on, I have a few portals to test out," she dismissed with a wave, walking her way out as well.

As much as Jennika was more familiar with testing weapons and devices, this was not a task she would turn down. The opportunity to go out into the field and track down these mutants herself was just the kind of work she was made for. So, with a nod, the turtle turned for another exit.

She would be out for a few days. That’s all.

_ _ _

“Alright gang, focus.” The oldest overlooked his brothers, all staring down from the roof. “There have been three accounts of mutants robbing Lou Mikey Tony’s within the afternoon–”

“Yeah, we know Raph.”

“That’s why you dragged our butts out here.”

Raph groaned, holding his temples for a second. “I dragged your butts out here because Meat Sweats is one of these mutants. You know Lou Mike Tony’s will be done for if he gets his hands on all their ingredients, right?”

“So why are we here instead of, I dunno, trying to find him?”

All the turtles blinked at Leo.

“He’s here, isn’t he?”

“Yes, dear twin,” Donnie confirmed, “he should be approximately twenty feet away from the restaurant. Underground.”

Tapping on his wrist gadget, a green map of lines and dots showed the location of their most dangerous suspect. And, yep, that was their guy. Always retreating to the sewers. Funny coincidence there.

Or maybe there was no better place for jacked-up mutants like them all.

The team leader grinned, giving a nod to his science-inclined brother. “Nice work, Donnie.”

Mikey looked impressed, tracing his finger along the map lines. Leo, however, raised a brow at the display. “Wait, how were you able to track him like this?”

“Using a sample of Lou Mike Tony’s pepperoni – Meat Sweats may have stolen most of it, but not all .” When Mikey opened his mouth, Donnie quickly shut him off. “No, I have not put trackers on our enemies. Yet.” “It’s ‘cause you’re too busy tracking all of us, hmm?”

Donnie could not make his expression any more blank if he tried. “Leonardo, you’ve been knew. I started years ago.”

That was enough to defeat the slider, giving his twin a disgusted look instead. One Raph would share, had he not made peace with this when it began.

Their family was full of weirdos, what could be done?

With Mikey still tracing the map, though, the oldest couldn’t help some of his concerns. “I know you’re not gonna try hanging out with him.”

“What? Nooo.” Mikey chuckled a bit, but never missed Raph’s gaze. Then he slouched. “Okay, fine, I was gonna steal a cookbook.”

The snapper raised a brow. Slowly. “...Better.”

“He’s on the move,” Donnie warned, showing everyone the map projection as a big green dot moved elsewhere.

“Then let’s go.” Raph looked down into an alley, seeing a large manhole cover. Perfect. “Mad Dogs, out!”

He jumped down, followed by his – lighter – brothers. Maybe they were getting too comfortable doing missions while there was still daylight out, but it shouldn’t be a big deal, right? As long as no one noticed them.

Wasting no time, they opened the cover to descend into the sewers below, always keeping an eye on Donnie’s tracker. Time to catch a pork-stealing pig.


From a rooftop out of sight, the fifth turtle looked down, watching the four disappear. A small vision made of gold light displayed a similar map to the ones they used, with energy rather than exact locations.

Not that it would be any less useful.

Jennika studied the display, able to see that the other four turtles would be following the mutant criminal. They had the same target.

Perhaps, this could be a useful opportunity. The turtles were only a second priority… but observing them would never be less than useful. Observing their potential before the Baroness could get a hold of them.

Simply being the first lens into their fighting style in the wild. One step behind them.


“He shouldn’t be far now,” Donnie whispered, trailing right behind Raph.

Raph, who kept a cautious eye out. Sure, they knew their way around the sewers – hell, they had tunnels just like this right past the Lair. That didn’t make any of them familiar with the area.

“Does anyone smell pizza?” Mikey mused, stepping the slightest bit in front of the rest. “Oh, that cheese smells sublime .”

Ah, man, he was right. Pizza sounded good right about now… but no, they couldn’t. Raph shook his head. “No distractions, guys. We need to get that pepperoni back before he bakes it all, or sells it, or mixes it with mystery mutant meat.”

“He’s probably just gonna cook with it.”

“And we can’t let that happen!”

Shh , Raph, you’ll scare him off.”

The oldest groaned, forcing himself to take a deep breath. “Fine, but we gotta get it all back before it’s gone. Who knows, he could’ve stolen more stuff.”

Leo made his way to the front of the group, walking beside Raph now, odachi rested on his shoulder. “Nah, I doubt it. Scanners only read one major ingredient, and there were at least two other mutants to steal from LMT’s today.”

Huh. Good point from Leo for once.

“One supposed group and one single malefactor,” Donnie corrected, “but yes. We’ll likely find other non-pizza-related means of justice in the meantime, knowing Meat Sweats.”

Once they were close enough to hear humming, Raph stopped, spreading his arms out. “He’s here.”

A benefit of teams with your siblings is that they – almost always – knew how to read signs. Almost like they could read minds.

Sneaking past the end of the tunnel, Mikey rolled, hiding behind some large oil canisters. The others followed, just on the opposite side. Huh. All of Meat Sweats’ lairs had the same setup, more or less.

What worked worked, he guessed.

Raph snuck to where Mikey was, motioning for his little brother to move further down, where he could still be hidden. Still, they were all close enough to hear each other.

“There’s the bag,” Leo whispered. Raph’s eyes followed the point of his brother’s odachi to the currently empty workstation, seeing a clear bag with only a sticker to brand it as Lou Mike Tony’s pepperoni.

Currently chilled, but from here, he could tell they were fresh, gourmet. Something Mikey would likely throw a fit about if it was any different, but the others couldn’t complain.

“Alright gang, here’s the plan,” Raph addressed in a low voice – not quite a whisper, but something he didn’t need. “We’re gonna sneak in and sneak right out. Leo and Donnie, you try to let out any other mutants Meat Sweats has captured, I’ll grab the bag, and–”

“Michelangelo Orange the turtle, get your tail back here right this second!”

Raph could barely listen to Donnie’s call before his gaze turned back to the crime scene, seeing his little brother inches away. And their foe not far behind.

“Mikey, watch out!”

The snapper didn’t waste any time, barging past the barrels and toward his brother before Meat Sweats could get to him. The pig tried to hit Raph with his meat clove in return, narrowly missing his tail.

Phew, close call.

But no one missed the cruel chuckle from their enemy. “Well, if it isn’t my greatest adversaries,” the pig began, drawing out his words, resting his weapon on his shoulder. “You thought you would get away with stealing from moi ? Well, think again .”

Meat Sweats swung the clove again, but the red and orange-branded turtles missed it with ease. He could hear the others in the background going for the cages; carrying out the mission.

Still, they had this guy to fight. “I could tell the succulent scent of turtles from anywhere! You four could never sneak up on me .”

‘Scent’? Weirdo. No wonder Rat Dad saw something in this guy too ( if the allegations were correct. Raph didn’t believe them. He still thought there was more to the story, but whatever).

A chirp from Mikey as his kusari fundo got close to wrapping around the pig. “But we got this far!”

Raph tried to activate his own powers, but it only crackled. So, he turned to instinct, lunging forward to tackle the equal-sized mutant. A struggle found him, Meat Sweats somehow able to avoid most of his attacks. He growled under his breath, silently hoping one of his brothers would catch him at an odd angle.

Luckily, Leo got the memo, a blue light appearing over the mutant pig’s head and the slider jumping right out of it.

It knocked Meat Sweats to the side at least, allowing Raph to try yanking on his meat clove. If he was a weapon down, that would help, right?

A struggle back and forth between the two, with the pig keeping a tight grip on his weapon. Leo’s attempt to tug him back helped, but the real kicker was a sudden boost of strength from within the snapper. Thank the Pizza Supreme for his red magic.

This allowed him to tug the weapon out of the other’s hoofed hands, flinging it backwards. A problem for later.

“Wait! The pepperoni!”

Raph looked over at the bag, apparently not far from where the weapon landed. Someone still had to grab it, and it couldn’t be Meat Sweats.

They had the same idea, but a few ninja stars sent to the floor in front of the pig mutant made him slow for a moment. Raph… had no idea which of his siblings threw those stars, but it helped!

With this, it didn’t even need to be him to grab the bag. One of Donnie’s battle shell arms did instead, the turtle himself sending the leader a nod.

“I got the bag.”

“And we let out the mutants that weren’t silverfish. Let’s go!”

Mutants that weren’t – you know what, Raph didn’t even want to know.

With the bag in tow, the four ran off into the nearest tunnel, not looking behind them.

If Meat Sweats would follow them, it would be a million times easier to fight him in a smaller sewer tunnel, where they were fully in their element.


But he didn’t follow.

Jennika wouldn’t let him, putting a temporary spell on the mutant ‘Meat Sweats’ to keep him there for a moment.

If he wanted to fight her, it would be fair; to protect his self-proclaimed underground turf. She had weapons on her own, though; far more in her pocket than he had in his whole kitchen.

At least, that’s what he had to believe.

They pressed a button on a small remote, reshaping the ninja stars into the little rocks they originated as. From here, it would be as simple as collecting them off the ground.

Meat Sweats began to squirm. She could hear it. “Who the bloody hell are you? Another one of them turtles?”

The turtle in question barely gave the pig a look, collecting the rest of the rocks and storing them within another gadget; a sort of pocket dimension with a purple glow. Instead of entertaining this thought, she simply stood in front of him, waving a hand to dismiss the spell.

When he tried to swing his weapon, she met it with her holographic sword. Not with enough force to dent it, but into to highlight the point of contact. Enough to see him sweat .

“You have potential,” Jennika began, putting the sword away once more. “A chef and a decent fighter.”

“How do you know anything about me, little girl?”

A look over could prove she was not ‘little’, nearly beating the other mutant in height.

“You’ve made a name for yourself, Rupert Swaggart – being a mutant never stopped you.”

She took a few steps back, tilting her head.

“How would you like to be part of an organization meant to teach those four turtles a lesson?”

The pig mutant looked her over, then looked around the room. A mess; even Jennika could tell. All due to those four. Her surprisingly capable brothers.

“I’m listening…”

Meat Sweats was not her only recruit; far from. No, she had plenty of her brothers’ personal enemies to find and have a word with.

No others were involved with the pizza scandal, as far as she was concerned. She could always circle back somehow.

Until then, she made her way to a scrap yard supposedly run by a mutant mantis; a man known for repossessing more than just the advertised vehicles with brute force and a thick, foreboding tone.

A challenge, then. Could be entertaining.

Jumping off the top of a truck, Jennika landed a few feet away from the mantis, making him jump a bit. When the shock died over, he fixed the clipboard held in his raptorials. “What are ya, some kind of government agent?”

Not… wrong, all things considered. “Not exactly,” she settled instead. “Are you aware of the Hidden City?”

A scoff. “What’s that, some sort of black market by the docks?”

Jennika blinked. Slowly. “...No. It’s a city under New York, protected. Only for yokai.”

Repo Mantis raised a brow.

“Mutants from birth,” she settled, debating whether it would be useful to show him a display of the Hidden City, see if it would kick off any memories.

Unlike Meat Sweats, though, Repo Mantis was agreeable. Enough.

Further force or displays of magic would not be necessary.

“My boss has taken notice of your skill, as well as your rivalry with a group of young mutant turtles.”

The mantis looked around, notably focused on any poles and secret nooks. “...You’ve been watching me or somethin’?”

“Not through camera, if that’s your concern.” Even with the potential recruit looking no less skeptical, she figured the cooperation and listening could only be fair. “My boss has it within her interest to hire some of the best in order to put these mutant turtles in their place. With sightings of you fighting them personally, we assumed it would be within your best interest to join or side.”

For a moment, Repo seemed to study her, as if her claim was out of left field. “Is there a punishment if I don’t?”

“There will not be.”

That much, Jennika could promise. They would be disappointed, but enough mutants would likely agree. By choice.

After another moment of studying her, not much taller, he gave a shrug. “Well, I’m sold. I’ll join your little turtle-kicking gang”

“Excellent,” the disguised turtle settled. “We will gather in three days.”


“Transportation will be provided.”

Through portals; it would be the most efficient means, after all.

She took a step back, slowly walking away with a portal maker in hand. “Train in the meantime. Even with teammates, it will be necessary to put forth your best efforts.”

“Got it, kid.”

Good. With this, Jennika turned her back, giving herself enough space among the rubble to make a portal for herself, the next recruit in mind. Hopefully half as agreeable, but she could put up a fight if needed.

“Hm. The hell is this?”

Before the portal was fully opened, Jennika turned her attention to the mantis still leaning by some cars.“What?”

“Nothin’,” he clarified, “just some ad I can’t click off of.”

Probably because of his lack of fingers, if she were to guess. How some mutants continued to use their cell phones just fine would forever be a mystery to her.

…It would be fair to help.

Closing the portal for now, Jennika made her way back, leaning around his shoulder to look at the small screen. A little ‘x’ at the top of the screen was likely what he tried to reach. But before she could reach her claw over to close it, the ad itself caught her eyes. A lot of it felt… familiar.

“‘Limited edition pop-up concert downtown. Free pizza, courtesy of Lou Mike To’– oh, that’s where those idiots will be.”

A chuckle from her side, something deep and taunting, almost. “You’re going to that thing?”

“I am now,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to see them live for a while now.”

“Well, good luck with that,” Repo offered, smile almost teasing.

Jennika nodded in return, walking off once more. Seeing her favourite surface-world band and meeting her brothers again? The kind of score she couldn’t miss for sure.

Again, she began to open a portal.

“Hey, you forgot to help with the ad.”

Oh yeah. Right

That much, she could do. No need to get too excited now.

_ _ _

As they brought yet another group of mutant criminals to justice, the four flopped over onto a rooftop, mostly panting. Seriously, didn’t they just make peace with D.I.G.G. the week before?!

It didn’t help that they, instead of unintentionally ruining the turtles’ favourite restaurant, decided to rob them to provide for their current concert.

There was no way any of them were getting future tickets to their shows now. Not when they kicked their asses four ways to tomorrow in front of their fans.

Luckily Mikey was never much of a rock fan himself.

But he had noticed something… odd, within the crowd. Obviously the future of all things pizza depended on him focusing on the mission, but now that they won, he found himself thinking about it.

As he got up to think about it more, looking a few rooftops down, he ended up seeing that same odd thing. Or rather, person.

“Guys, it’s that mutant who works for the evil scientist sheep lady!”

His brothers slowly got up, making their way over to the ledge with him.

“Are you sure they are a mutant? They could be a yokai…” Donnie mused. Probably not wrong; he knew his brother was doing a bunch of research about this lately.

“Right.” He could work with that, turning to the ledge again for a moment. “Hey, sheep-horned mutant-yokai-person!”

Mikey !!”

Before they could continue to blame him, the figure came closer, earning Mikey glares from every side.

But hey, at least he got them to notice.

As the m asked figure came closer, they all backed up a bit, with Raph moving to stand in front of Mikey and the others. The youngest shoved him a bit but didn’t move much. No need.

When the group met eyes with the stranger, they almost looked confused. “Ah, it’s you.”

“Tis us!” Mikey confirmed enthusiastically. “We saw you at the D.I.G.G. concert.”

More glares from his brothers, but Mikey didn’t care.

“The same one you wrecked?”

“Hey, we had a very good reason to do that,” Raph spat out. “Why would a criminal like you care so much?”

“Why do you four fight your mutant brethren so often when you should be working together?”

“We are not mutants ,” Raph interrupted once more, “we are… yokai! Yes, that was it. Four born and raised turtle yokai.” He put his hands on his hips with this statement.

The urge to slap his oldest brother right then and there…

Yet the figure simply looked them all over. “You are not,” they said simply. “Yokai do not freely roam the surface as you four do. To do such would be foolish, as all born and raised yokai should know.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Mikey could see Raph shrink into himself. Sure, fine, they tried to lie about being mutants… but it’s not like the two were that different. Something wasn’t right here. None of this sat well with him, knowing so little.

Even worse as the person in front of them just continued to stand there and study them.

“I may be right in assuming your names are Raph, Donnie, Mikey…” the stranger, who they could only assume now was a yokai , paused at the last turtle.”And Leo. Four male mutant turtles, creations of Baron Draxum.”

“Clarification, uh, isn’t Baron Draxum kind of… dead?”

“Yeah, didn’t he like, run away with his long-lost lover Lou Jitsu?”

Leo made kissy faces to add dramatic effect and Donnie easily pushed him to the ground. Leaving the other two completely confused.

“Wait, he did what–”

A clawed hand raising was enough to stop any thoughts from escaping. “Likely, but it’s not known for sure.” The yokai paused, something nearly sombre showing in their eyes. “I was hoping you four would know of his whereabouts.”

A scent emitted from the oldest, almost like a cold sweat. “Well, we don’t. Good luck with that bye –”

Mikey grabbed his shell before he could leave. “C’mon, Raph, don’t be rude.”

The snapper glared right back at him. “We’re not helping them–”


“We’re not helping Jennika find another evil mad sheep scientist!”

It took the brothers to notice that their partial rival just dropped their name like it was nothing.

Huh, Jennika. A simple name. American sounding, but that made enough sense – the Hidden City was right below New York, even if the Nexus hotel had primarily British staff.

Still, the youngest turtle scratched his head. “Wait so you’re not like The duch*ess or something?”

The turtle in purple cackled, leaning into his side. “No, Mikey, Jennika would not be a duch*ess. They–” he turned to Jennika for a second. “Pardon, what are your pronouns?”



Oh yeah, good idea. Knowing this would make everything a lot easier.

“Continuing my explanation, Jennika’s relation to a baroness would not make her a duch*ess. As her child–”

“I’m her niece.”

“--As a niece even less so. They have no royal connection.”

Mikey shook his head a bit, trying to make it click. He never did know much about royalty; only Donnie and Raph. And his dads when it came to TV. And Leo when he called himself the king of ninjutsu.

“Wait so you’re… a nothing?”

Mikey .”

“Don’t be rude.”

“I can explain it all, if you’re willing to return to the Hidden City. To the estate where you rightfully belong.”

Eugh, that… wasn’t a fun idea.

Leo threw his arms out in front of him, almost pointing. “For the last time , lady, we’re not joining your freaky scientist squad!”

Before anyone could counter, Leo picked up his sword and walked some ways behind the group.

“C’mon guys, she’s wasting our time.”

He… opened a portal. Mikey knew well enough what this meant.

“Leo, wait,” Raph tried to caution, walking over to the bright blue portal. With Donnie out of sight as well, Mikey figured that he should follow.

But he couldn’t keep his eyes off the yokai in golden horns, in cyan and gold accents upon dark clothing, three protected fingers and toes on each limb. Wide eyes, just like theirs. The only difference being a blue face and lack of shell.

He wanted to follow her, at least once. He didn’t want to live in her aunt’s estate forever… but she had information. He wanted someone to tell them what the hell was going on.

He wanted to finally know if Sheep Dad was Baron Draxum like they all thought. All knew.

“Mike, let’s go .”

The box turtle was yet to turn away from their large acquaintance, almost wanting to ask. As he watched her handle a small, familiar stone…

“This will not be the last time I ask,” is all Jennika offered, before disappearing into a purple light of her own.

Not the last time…

Not that he could linger. Finally, Mikey turned around, jumping into the portal without another thought.

Left with more questions than answers.


Just like any other day, the boys made it back at a decent enough time that they were able to crash into the projector room, pretending they were back from a safe, normal patrol.

Late enough that their parents minded their business, knowing they would’ve eaten by now.

So, Mikey simply did as the rest did, scrolling on his phone until he noticed what movie the others put on. As he noticed it was a Lou Jitsu classic, one with a couple of implied romantic pairings , it made the youngest remember something. Something so ridiculous that he could only assume it was a plot of a fanfic Leo liked.

“Hey Leo, what was that about Lou Jitsu running off into the night with this Baron Draxum guy?”

The sound of glass shattering and drinks being spit out was heard from a distance.



another reminder that if there's anything in particular you want to see (such as more of one character or duo or a type of scene), feel free to ask. Sub-plot ideas are always appreciated

Chapter 31: Training Who We Have


Missions are beginning to seem weirder, with many of New York's fiercest criminals seemingly stealing food from small businesses for fun. Jennika, of course, is cracking down on this, recruiting whoever she can. Meanwhile, Draxum has to deal with the reality that Yokai are not as much of a secret as he thought they were, especially not to teens with the ability to hack internet databases. As much as his husband could comfort him, they could only hide the truth for so long...


Goat Man's not having a good time

Anxiety, the slightest sexual tension

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Let’s get this br ead !”

“Leo, shut up.”

“What, you can’t tell me this isn’t the perfect opportunity for the joke.”

His brothers all groaned, but that would do little to dissuade him. Come on, look at him and tell him that robberies at multiple bakeries weren’t the perfect reason to make this kind of joke.

"Doesn't matter," Raph decided for all of them, slowing by the edge of a low rooftop. "For some reason, these villains keep robbing food places. We gotta stop them before it keeps happening."

"Ooh, I got an idea," Mikey perked up, looking down at the bakery they chose to stake out. "What if we make the bakers make the food super bland so they don't want to steal anything?"

Leo leaned over the edge as well, looking below. "Hmm, not the worst idea." As he looked around, though, he noticed they were one turtle short of a full stakeout. The turtle trailing behind. "Donathan."

"Hm?" His twin looked up from his phone, then back down, walking up to the ledge now as well.

From here, Leo could sneak a look at his brother's phone, seeing that April was on the other end of the line.

"Still here Apes?"

" Yep. Calculus was cancelled today and I've got nothing better to do. "

"That tracks." He leaned closer to Donnie now, just to make sure April heard him. "Soo, bread thievery among the city, panic everywhere . What would you do?"

A bit of exaggeration, earning a glare from his older brother. All for some fun.

" I dunno, poison the food? "

"NOPE, no way!"

"That's a bit harsh."

He and April both laughed at his brothers' reactions, with Donnie just rolling his eyes. "Poisoning produce seldom solves problems for the masses."

" No, seriously. Why don't you mix a poison that only works on mutants? "

Huh, that actually… was kind of smart.

"Intriguing, but I fear it would be rather unsafe for us to make ourselves. We don't exactly have lab rats to test a poison of that calibre on."

" You literally –"

"Splinter is not, has never been and will never be a lab rat. We have been over this."

"It was kind of a good idea," Leo mumbled, resting his hands on his hips. He scanned the bakery below before looking back at Donnie's phone. “You sure you can’t come with us today?”

Yeah, I have presentations. Your dad ain’t exactly gonna be happy with any of us if that’s why I miss out.

Ha, yeah. He forgot April had Mr. Barry Goat Man – or whatever his name was – for a teacher.

“Right, wellll, have fun with that class.”

“And with your girlfriend~”

She’s not my girlfriend!

Right, as if she wasn’t gushing about this August girl just last week. With a name like that, why wouldn’t they tease their friend about it?

“You shouldn’t have told us if you didn’t want us to know!”

" It's just a– never mind, I don't even like her that much anyway ."

Leo just smirked . "April, from a gay man to a lesbian woman–"

"Guys, quit it."

They all turned to Raph, who otherwise had his gaze stuck on the bakery. "We gotta focus or our culprit might get away again. April, you can stay on speaker, but let's keep an eye out."

Leo and Mikey both groaned, turning to look down as well. Donnie, however, started tapping on his wrist tech.

"Gee, I wonder what that hippo-sized shadowy figure is doing in that alley over there."

"How do you–"

Mikey could barely hold back excitement as he pointed towards the figure in question, waving at the others to get their attention. Leo caught on because of this, reaching out for his portal sword.

"Alright alright," he cheered, taking a step back to prepare a portal. "Good move Donnie. Now, let's get that bread back."

Another round of annoyed groaning, but the slider knew his joke was in good spirits.

He wouldn't stop until they caught all the thieves of various pun-related situations, that was for sure.

_ _ _

What would a magician ever want with bread and baked goods?

Jennika seldom understood the missions pursued by the city's most dangerous mutants. Criminals, so often reduced to petty thieves, stealing for who-knows-what-reason.

Regardless, she had her own mission regarding these mutants: to find and recruit as many as possible.

Or rather, find their consent to join the right side of history. Many would be taken regardless – the infamous duo of crab brothers, for example, would be far too effective to let them slip away.

Right now, she found her sights on the mutant hippo, pulling various cake boxes and presenting them to a mutant worm. They appeared to be allied, though she had no account of the worm or his significance.

Without having to use any mystics to unlock it, she opened the window, "Mesmer Ron."

The hippo stumbled backwards, making the box of cakes fall and throwing the worm into the air. "Christ on a bike !"

When the worm fell back down, he landed on the other mutant, pointing at Jennika with wide eyes. "Who are you, freakishly tall mutant person?!"

Watching them shuffle to stand up again, she kept her eyes on them, tilting her head a bit. "I'm a representative of an organization of mutants meant to rid of the four turtles you often find as foes."

"Great. What are you doing here?"

"And how did you get in?"

She blinked, taking a step closer. "It was easy–" she began, deciding to disregard the question and turn to the hippo. "Mesmer Ron–"

"I go by Hypnopotamus these days," he corrected, a hand on his chest.

A nod in return. "Very well. Hypnopotamus–"

"What about me?"

Now she looked down at the worm, glaring up at her. With judgement. "You were not on the list."

"Oh, so there's a list now?"

Hypnopotamus put the worm on his shoulder now, only met with a few angry grumbles. "What my roommate was trying to say is: what list?"

"And why am I not included in it?? I'm those loser turtles' greatest foe, you know."

Forever grateful, Jennika was, that her disguise included a mask. If only to hide a huff. "I will ensure to update our information on all enemies of the turtles," she settled, beginning to pace the small apartment.

Given her size in comparison to the hippo, she was surprised he lived in such a cramped space, much less with another person. The mutants of New York would live with significantly more comfort should the mission succeed…

“Look, I know our place is small,” Hypnopotamus began.

Just for Jennika to turn around once more. “Such is of no concern to me. All I need to know is if you two wish to join the side of those who will fight for the rights of all mutants and yokai and defeat those turtles once and for all.”

The worm nodded. “A chance to beat my greatest enemies? Sign me right up!”

Before she could ask more, the hippo turned elsewhere, whispering to his roommate. “Warren, we don’t know her. This could be a trick.”

“I can hear you, you know.”

The hippo turned back, annoyance clear. “Biscuits.” He took in a breath. “Well, do we have any reason to believe this will not be a trick?”

“It better not be. Those turtles deserve to lose for once so I can rub it in their smug, adolescent faces.”

Ah, if only Warren knew who he was talking to.

“Take it from me, or the word of a noble alchemist from the Hidden City,” Jennika began, projecting a small, golden illusion of the Baroness. “We plan to band together many of this city’s strongest mutants, take back what rightfully belongs to our kind, and defeat the turtles who try to stop us.”

She took a few steps back, ridding of the illusion and fumbling with a portal stone.

“Should this all work out, you can live anywhere you choose. A castle, a mansion – all yours.”

Watching them both nod, she knew right then and there that she won them over.

“Oh, I like the sound of that .”


Leo watched from a rooftop across, seeing a familiar portal light from inside an apartment window.

"Wait, was that the yokai lady again?"

"Focus, Nardo, they just let Hypnopotamus and Warren Stone go. "


"Oh, right, that guy. Unimportant. Let's get that bread back!"

_ _ _

It would be best to address the problem before it got any worse.

That much, Draxum knew. It did not make it any easier to sit through student presentations, claws tapping against his thigh from the safety of his desk.

Much like the students, presentation was a must this afternoon. Allowing anger could manifest itself into fear, and from there, weakness. Something he could not afford to show in front of humans.

All a ridiculous mindset; he was Baron Draxum, a former renowned warrior and alchemist, arguably respected among the Yokai.

Which was exactly the issue at hand.

A coward would have required Yokai to be a forbidden topic to pursue for research. A wise man knew that would only raise more questions.

Additionally due to the fact that most urban legends were Yokai.

So, he allowed August to deliver her report, even with scraps of evidence suggesting he was the last living yokai.

Which… he was willing to let slide. A well-believed lie was safer for his species than the truth.

Should he die, he had successors. Surely, his husband would find a means of teaching their children, finally seeing the reason in his life-long mission. If not, then the successor of his research proved to be creating more than enough mutants to slowly fulfill that mission without him.

Truly why he never minded nor thought much to look into it.

When it came time for August to use her irrefutable evidence to point toward him , the class suddenly could not be more interested. A chorus of teases erupted from the group of teenagers, with some of the louder boys in the back finding this situation particularly amusing.

“So you’re a fraud?”

“He’s not a fraud, he’s famous .”

Draxum debated whether to argue back or just laugh. How did one react to such a claim?

“Wait, if you were in a war hundreds of years ago… how are you still alive?”

“And why are you a teacher?”

Before August could speak for him, the teacher raised a hand halfway. “If no one non-human found employment in the past few years, crisis would naturally rise as a result in the recent growth of the mutant population.”

Someone had to be the first. The one to face human scorn, pave the way for everyone else.

“It’s against their will.”

“Yeah, who would want to be a mutant?”

“I dunno, it looks cool.”

He allowed them to debate among themselves – so long as their conversations were never too hateful. Humans were naturally ignorant creatures. Their youth, less so, but the species was far from perfect.

The presenting student stood there as the buzz of classroom talk surrounded this debate, rather than the assignment. After a sigh, she took a step forward. “Mutants are cool, yes, but this will not ignore the fact that our teacher is Baron Draxum. Our teacher has lived on this earth for five hundred years. He fought in an ancient war–”

“Mr. Johnson fought in a war.”

“No that was his dad.”

“Oh. But still.”

A very familiar student at the side of the class perked up. “I’m sure I’d know if Barry was a hundred years old.”

“...I’d prefer if you referred to me by my title, but yes, thank you, O’Neil.”

Any moment now, and soon the class would end. This constant discussion and debate drove up time the students did not have, overlapping time slots for presentations.

He still knew better than to shut this down when few other foolish educators in the building could convince their students to speak at all.

Another student tilted his head as he looked up front. “Wait, why is your name Hamato? Isn’t that Japanese, like that one clan–”

“Yokai are inherently Japanese,” August interrupted, staring back at the other student, slouching by now.

They were all tired of this.

“I married into the name,” the teacher mumbled. Still managing to catch some attention.

“Your wife is from Japan?”

“No, I–” Why did everyone assume he had a wife? “It’s complicated.”

“See, I told you guys he’s gay.”

“He literally is.”

O’Neil .”

Now Draxum rubbed his temples, finding a few laughs among students directed towards the situation. He could care less if the students knew he was married to a man – again, common ignorance.

When he looked up once more, August looked as bored as ever. “We have a yokai for a history teacher and none of you care? Has it occurred to no one that he lived through the events that took place in Hamilton?”

“Is that why talking about it is banned?”

Draxum sighed, something easier on the chest. “No, it is because both you and my own children have driven those insidious songs into my head.”

More laughter, which remained as a decent sign. Remained a distraction.

As the student continued to stand upfront without a word, the teacher figured it best to move along. “I believe you made your report clear and we can conclude that many of your statements remain fictional. You may now sit down, Foster.”

August looked back at him for a moment, then at her fellow students. She chose to sit not long after.

The yokai let out a silent sigh, watching the girl find her way back to her desk. Other students turned to face her, talking, but she waved them off in favour of gathering her papers.

Ignoring April’s look in his direction, he cleared his throat. “Please use the next five minutes of class to discuss among yourselves or work on the next project. Presentations will resume tomorrow.”

The remaining class time passed quickly, much more so than the half of it dedicated to endless accusations. As students filed out of the class, one trailed behind.

Though he would rather not, it would be best to address the situation. “August, may I speak with you for a moment?”

The girl diverted from the door and turned to face him instead, walking up to his desk. Wasting no time. “I know you’re Baron Draxum.”

“It’s best not to bring upon one’s dead name,” he countered, refiling some papers on his desk. “I’m sure you would know that quite well.”

He would not look up, allow her to stir in the thought. Looking at a sticky note with a crossed out and corrected name as a reminder instead.

A sigh broke the silence between them. “The Yokai can’t all be gone. That’s impossible.”

“There’s a lot that even supernatural specialists fail to understand. Perhaps this intelligent species would not want a teenager to know of their greatest secrets, much less anyone else.”

Careful were his words, knowing the passion this student had for anything surrounding animalistic behaviour and topics, as shown many times in her work.

One of the few who wished to be mutated. One of the few he would help, should he have his research.

With how little the student spoke back to him now, Draxum decided to look up once more. "However, I will admit you have presented your knowledge quite effectively. I see no reason why your work would earn a poor grade, if that is what you are worried about."

August finally looked his way once more, a faltering expression on her face. One he could not quite read. "I'm not, but thank you." With this, she adjusted her bag and began to walk out of the room, just as students for his next class walked in.

Ending a dead-end conversation for the both of them.

Should Draxum be lucky, he would have little of what else to deal with. Should he be lucky, August was a unique case.

Should he be lucky, his species would remain a mystery for longer.

Rare were the days he truly enjoyed his job and working at the school. Rare were the days he could truly tolerate interacting with continuously ignorant humans. Rare were the days when he returned home and did not instantly feel the anxiety lift from his chest.

As he trekked through the sewer tunnels and into his home, though, he felt none of that rest. The yokai found himself debating if it would be worth viewing the Lair as a 'safe space' after all.

Did he have anywhere else?

No, so he made the trek back, careful to regulate his breath. Put his best face forward, ignore everything else. His children made his trust debatable. His husband, however…

Draxum could only feel a slight sense of relaxation as he made his way to the projector room, of which was currently empty. The arguably safer choice would be to go into his room, ignore life for a few more hours, hide away.

He could not tide over without a distraction.

Rare as it was to turn to this, he would watch some television. Crash onto the armchair, resting his head in one hand as his other hand wandered for the remote. Anything would do for now, anything mindless and idiotic.

Turning the projector on left him with whatever Splinter left on last. Japanese treadmill commercials. Fantastic. Draxum would groan if he didn't need the mindless distraction at the moment.

As he forced himself to focus on the words, trying to read and understand him, a familiar padding of paws made themselves known, his ear twitching as he heard it. Soon, it was met with a familiar, comforting voice.

"Oh, Barry, it's you!" He heard the rat chuckle as he made his way over. "Thought I heard something, but the boys never watch what I like…"

The small rat made his way to his sight, previously content grin falling once their eyes met. Draxum's discontent must have been obvious to see Splinter react so strongly.

"Bad day at work?" the rat tried.

" Awful day," the yokai clarified, holding his temples again. He did not want to elaborate if he didn't have to.

A huff. "Figured," Splinter reasoned, half of his grin back to normal. “Well, you’re home now. Time to relax.”

Without much more of a word, Splinter made his way onto his lap. Common, for whenever the two would share the space. Perhaps having his husband’s scent so close by would help.

“That’s it, Barry,” Splinter mumbled, pushing hair away from his face. The rat sat facing him, meaning it would be fit for a cuddle. He knew the rat well.

A hand made its way to the side of his face now, something Draxum leaned into. “Rat, please.”

“Rat nothing ,” his husband chided, tilting their faces to fit for a kiss. “You work too much and never relax.”

“It’s not that,” he tried.

Only for Splinter to shuffle a bit more, resting his head in the crook of the yokai’s neck. “Then what is it?”


The rat kissed him on the spot. For once, the gesture did not feel nearly as warm. Never before would he deny a little fun after a long day of work.

“Mm, still you’re still so tense, Goat Man.”

But now…

His husband continued to tend to his neck, slow and study, just as they always began. That tail snuck around his leg, and a hand on the buttons of his work vest.

Never before would he push his husband away.


Draxum put a hand on the rat’s chest, inching him backwards. Lest he let this continue.

“Not today.”


“Splinter, please .”

Again, the yokai held his temples, letting out a sigh. As lovely as they were, activities such as these should only be left for times when the pair was safe and left alone.

That much, Draxum could never infer. Not anymore.


When he uncovered his eyes, he found Splinter shifting again, if only to give him space. To leave.


Such a simple word, enough to pause his husband’s course, an ear twitching. They knew when to leave each other alone and when to intervene, but the desperation in Draxum’s voice...

A hand met the side of his face again, not a sign of smile lines on the rat’s maw. “What happened at work?”

_ _ _

Much about his husband worried him. Rarely did the yokai ever speak his mind, less so during the day.

When it came to human-related worries, though…

Splinter could only sigh and try to assure his husband that he would be fine. One curious kid could do little to try exposing the Yokai without being labelled as a conspiracy theorist. Especially nowadays, there was no reason for anyone to believe Draxum was not a mutant.

Splinter, as always, was an actor at heart.

If he could ensure this man could relax enough to finally change, relax, and return to watching whatever was on TV, that was enough for him.

A familiar impatient padding of many feet soon made his ears twitch. Ah, the kids were home. He felt Draxum tense up from underneath, likely hearing now. Likely hearing them speak once more.

Splinter put his hand just over Draxum’s, entangling his fingers in the other man’s, squeezing lightly. His hand, so much smaller.

Accepted all the same.

They would ignore it until the kids entered the living room, just enough for Mikey's voice to make itself most known. “Hold the phone, you guys are watching Jupiter Jim ?!”

Ah, right, they were. Draxum needed a sense of familiarity to take his mind off of the surface world, so Splinter figured one of the boys' science fiction movies would do the trick.

With a huff from his husband, the sentiment was confirmed. “Yes. I needed a mindless distraction.”

“Hard day at work?”


“Hard day being an asshole to August’s assignment?”

Oh boy…

A sigh, one that alerted the rat enough to know it was time to get off his husband’s lap. As much as he wished to advise Draxum not to engage, his husband knew how much arguing he could handle.


“For the record, I did not demote that student’s work," Draxum confirmed. "She was poking her nose into information databases she will never understand.”

“And what’s the big deal about making a report on Yokai?”

“I am in need of a shower.”

“Dad, wait–”

Splinter backed away even more, allowing Draxum to leave the room. His ears folded back as he watched Mikey reach out, only to pull away. And for Raph to glare at his much smaller friend.

“April, you scared him off.”

“Well he bullied my friend.”

Girlfriend ~”

“Shut up .”

“Children, please.” As much as this kind of banter would normally amuse him, it would not help now. “Your father is having a difficult time–”

“Dad, he’s been lying to us and to the school. He’s been lying to you .”

Despite their defence of Draxum, his children were smart. They knew something was wrong; knew April and this August girl had grounds to stand.

“He’s a freaking yokai, not a mutant! He’s like five hundred years old.”

How are you so calm about this?”

No, he could not answer. Only years of training allowed him to stand there, hands held together, looking up at the other five.

Allowing them to realize on their own.

“Unless… he hasn’t been lying to you about that.”


“No, my children…” Splinter sighed, taking a step forward. “But it is not my place to say. It is Barry’s and Barry’s alone.”

“Draxum," Leo corrected.

“Baron Draxum," Donnie corrected on top of that.

Just to earn a glare. “Oh you little sh*t–”

Splinter raised a brow, choosing to ignore how Donnie always seemed to be the one with irrefutable knowledge of his husband’s true identity. They should have never asked him to forge documents just so they could find work.

“...Barry," he chose to correct instead, taking a step forward.“I know my husband better than anyone in this room or that school. I will talk to him, and we together will talk to you.”

It would only be fair that way. Countless hours into the night of Draxum venting his worries would not earn Splinter the right to spill them now. If there was anything his husband still wished not to share, he would respect that.

As he expected Draxum would do in return for him. The children deserved transparency, but there is much the rat would never utter a word of if he did not have to. Even to his husband.

“It’s time you all know.”


Evil League of Mutants chapter up next hehe

Chapter 32: Learning From Our Masters


Slowly, but surely, the truth is finding itself in the hands of our favourite turtle siblings. They know who Baron Draxum is. They know their relation to him and what he did. Splinter remains a mystery... one well-kept, to the benefit of keeping their personal lives away from those who wish to find them. Slowly, but surely, their aunt wishes to gather the strengths of the other mutants to bring them to her - force them, should they not comply. Little do any of them know that the odds are in favour of keeping this charade up a little longer...


somehow this took two months on and off to write. I don't know how it took me that long. as promised, no matter how long it takes, I intend to deliver the full story (at this point I think it's impossible to lose my Rise fixation-)

but here it finally is! the Evil League of Mutants chapter!

some scenes are slightly different than the episode and some are the same, with some things moved around to compensate for how this AU would change certain events
(don't worry, there is still a healthy amount of hom*oerotic tension between our favourite gays)

Canon-Typical Violence

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Focus was always a must when training. If anyone knew that, it would be him.

“Never let an enemy think they can get behind you.”

The rat flipped around, staff meeting his opponent’s. The yokai holding it smiled back, expression not faltering for a second.

“If needed,” Splinter continued, “you should use your enemy’s advantages against them. Such as…” He slipped past Draxum, attempting to strike him from behind. “Size.”

His attempt was met, staff clashing with his husband’s once more. “Speed,” the yokai suggested, adjusting his stance for another quick strike.

“Agility,” Splinter countered, avoiding the hit by just a hair for dramatic effect. He sprinted to the nearest wall, bouncing off it before Draxum could catch him, ending up behind him again.

Just because he was a short rat man didn’t mean his skills were left in his prime.

He heard a few ‘woah’s from the turtles, making the rat man chuckle to himself. Not enough to lose focus, but enough to feel the same pride he did when they were younger.

Not enough pride to wear the Hamato family symbol once more. The six of them in traditional training gear and a red belt would do for now.

“If quick enough, you alone will be able to distract an enemy,” he continued to explain, keeping his eyes on his opponent – raising a hand in reminder when Draxum looked to be summoning his vines.

Those they could save for another lesson.

When they met their staffs again, Draxum was the first to remove his, taking a few steps back. “Utilize a team effort if you can. Come a time when you are alone, you must rely on individual skills. Together , your skills will become unmatched.”

Splinter took a few steps back as well, twirling his staff. “That’s what they were made for, right, Draxum?”

A huff. “Precisely.”

No amount of scuffs of paws and hooves on the mat, nor the constant clash of hollow wooden sticks, would drown out mumbling from the teenagers observing.

“I will never get used to that.”

“Nardo, you were the only other person who knew.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know he’d really be… him .”

Splinter could only scoff as he overheard his sons. A part of him always knew his previous persona would have an online fanbase as well. How Baron Draxum got dragged into it would forever be a mystery to him.

And he would rather not think of the kind of content his sons might have stumbled upon.

“Dad! To your left!”

Before his husband could pull a fast one on him, Splinter ducked in the opposite direction, keeping himself low enough to try a sweep of the leg.

“Good eye, Michelangelo,” he praised, eyes still on his opponent as the yokai dodged him once more. “Communication with your team is a must if you wish to distract and overpower.”

When Draxum attempted to hit him again, Splinter turned his body to the side, then used his tail to try grabbing the yokai’s leg. Trying to trip him, of course. Not the first time.

Draxum avoided it, if only to slide past him the next time. They became almost a blur of moment, far too familiar with each other’s style to call this real competition. A spar such as this becoming as easy as breathing air for the two.

It made it just as easy to rely on natural distractions – such as their children’s consistent mumbling – to catch his husband off guard. Slip just past the taller man’s legs, making him tumble backwards.

All for show. The real Baron Draxum would never allow himself to lose a spar to some lowly rat, right?

Cheers erupted from the boys as the yokai was brought down, Splinter soon claiming his place on top of him. Placing a foot where he knew it wouldn’t hurt. Placing his staff just beyond Draxum’s hair.

“And that, children, is how you defeat a rude bastard who thinks it’s all hunky dory to make literal children take over the world.”

The turtles laughed some more, subject to more commentary about how they were still not used to the idea that their father used to be a crazed alchemist; how his weirdness was beyond some neuroscience or whatever.

They told them all the basics, answered questions; anything the children deserved to know. About Draxum.

Until anything else, Splinter got to live with the victory of kicking his husband’s ass once more. This time, with a supportive audience.

“Woo, go Splinter!”

“You did great, Sheep Dad!”

A little chuckle came over the rat, watching his husband continue to catch his breath. Yet he was not upset.

“Fair is fair,” the yokai settled, propping himself up on his elbows. Like this, he and Splinter were not quite at eye level, but close. Close enough to stare at each other now, noticing sweat in their fur, warmth in their eyes.

Enough to forget the setting.

“Get a room!”

Ah, right.

Splinter finally backed away from his husband, taking a few more seconds to steady his breath. Watching Draxum stand once more from the corner of his eye. “Alright boys, listen up. If you want to be masters of ninjutsu, you must start with basic combat. You will now train, in here, for an hour.”

“Train?” Raph asked, almost whining. “Right now?”


“But what about–”

“No buts! You will train. You asked for help, and we are helping.”

This was far from the first time they asked, too. Both parents debated it for a while, but after the four came home wailing about getting their tails kicked this morning, it was clear they would have to start training these boys. Whether they liked it or not.

Now the turtles mostly slumped where they stood. Other than Leonardo, leaning against his older brother. Giving the older men a look .

“C’mon, Dads, we all know we’ll never be in a fight this hom*oerotic–”

Leonardo .”

The slider started laughing, followed by some giggles from his brothers. And Splinter. What, the boy was right.

All of this to his husband’s annoyance, even the rat able to tell he held back a groan. “Fine. You will train in the room, practicing the techniques you have witnessed today,” he began, stepping forward and crossing his arms. “We will then check on you within the hour, ensuring you do not slack off.”

Before they could complain again, Splinter stepped forward. “And if you boys do well, we will order pizza.”

Now that got their attention.

“Aw yeah!”

“Should we get meat lovers or plain?”

“Or should we get it from Run of the Mill? You know they have that special with the grubs.”

“It’s like the only thing Donnie will eat that’s not just cheese.”


“Doesn’t matter, ‘cause I’ll beat all of you! And we’re totally getting pepperoni. It’s a classic.”

Splinter sighed as he watched his sons argue among themselves. While he was far from ready to tell his half of their life story, it felt… right, for some of their truths to be out in the open now. Felt more authentic. More real .

He didn’t have to look at his husband to know the same fond smile found its way to his face. Even if he would never admit to it.

As the majority continued to argue about pizza preferences, Raphael pushed forward, moving his brothers out of the way. “Well will do our best, senseis.”

The others followed suit, configuring themselves to stand in a line and bow. Just as he taught them.

“Yeah, what Raph said.”

The rat chuckled, beaming in pride once more. “I believe you will. I am so very proud of you, my boys.”

Before he could repeat himself, Splinter made his way out of the room, hearing Draxum follow.

“Oh, and remember: if you are caught slacking off, you will be grounded!”


“Agh, no fair!”

A grin made its way to his maw as he heard his sons complain from behind. He had no reason to give a punishment so severe for his teen boys acting like teens.

Just as much, he had no reason to believe they wouldn’t flake out from training now that they realized what training truly entailed.

A little reminder could always keep them in check.

_ _ _

Voices mumbled throughout the room, still hardly lit. Waiting for every guest.

Among a quiet rental of a room upon the surface stood before her every mutant they have deemed worthy: Hypnopotamus, Meat Sweats, Repo Mantis, Ben and Carl Sando.

Most voices of concern or confusion. "What's going on?" "Who are you and why am I here?" "Who do I need to kill?" That kind of sort. Plus some tidbits of puns that would allow one to know who they were dealing with.

Quite amusing, if she were to say so herself.

A chuckle escaped, effectively pausing the mutants' chatter. A single light shone overhead of the front of the table, soon illuminating her presence.

"Excellent, you are all here." The caprid stood with her hands behind her back and a gargoyle on either shoulder, her bodyguard slightly behind. Every mutant brought upon the table is one she knew Jennika to have conversed with at one point or another.


"I assume you know why this group in particular was gathered here today?" A test; a simple one, at that. One that she would give little time to answer. "The potential in this room is astounding . With your combined power, we will be able to–"

A noise. A grating noise of a chair being dragged across the otherwise silent room. All heads turning, watching, waiting .

Eventually, it stopped by the table, a small mutant… worm , by the looks of it, making his presence known.

Never one quite graceful with her words, the Baroness merely raised a brow. "I'm sorry, who is this?"

"That would be Warren Stone," Jennika informed from behind her.

Hypnopotamus, who this Warren Stone sat beside, rested his head on his hand. "He's with me."

"That's right!" Warren confirmed. Eyes widening at the implications. "I'm not with him with him, but–"

The Baroness raised a hand. No need to get technical – she could see what they meant. "A few extra hands is always a help." Getting a good look at the mutant worm, she noticed the gauntlet he wore. "A rather large hand, even."

Warren Stone beamed at this, running a finger along the gauntlet. "Mhm, why yes. My prized beauty also doubles as a large hand."

Amusing. The caprid turned, addressing the rest of the group. "We join together today due to a connection we share, for one purpose–"

Before she could finish, the lights flickered on. "Lemonade!"

Every seated individual turned to the source of the voice. Another mutant. Short. A capybara, by the looks of it. Carrying a large tray of lemonade.

"I hate to brag, but it has been called both life changing and dream making ." He waited with a smile. "Who wants some?"

Every hand in the room shot up – including her own, only half raised. Blame her for being suspicious just as much as she was thirsty.

Still, that would not cancel out her confusion. "Who is this?" she mumbled, hoping to keep this between her and her team.

"That would be Todd," Huginn clarified. "Trust me, he's as bad as they come."

That… was an amusing thought. Gave her all the more reason to believe this 'Todd' intended to kill them with kindness. Though perhaps that could work…

"While I am not… upset, I was rather meticulous about the list of mutants I intended to recruit," she added. For now, she would sigh, stepping forward to address the group. "Everyone at this table shares a common enemy. We are here to rid the streets of those teenage mutant ninja tur-"

She was interrupting with the sound of multiple mutants sipping their drinks, rather loudly at that. From what she knew, it would be more effective to wait until they were more satisfied.

And wait.

And wait.

As the sipping got louder and the cups mostly remained half full, the Baroness felt her eye twitch.

Even worse as Huginn and Muninn took cups of their own, sipping at them the loudest .

Enough waiting.

She used a smidge of her magic to place everyone's cups down onto the table, effectively making them pause, turning their attention back to her. " Thank you, Todd, but that will be enough lemonade for now."

The cup in front of her would have to wait until after the meeting.

"I brought you all here because the turtles, creations of Baron Draxum-"

" Love those guys."

"–are ruining my plans for Yokai kind to reclaim their place on the surface!" Technically plans recycled, but those she still wished to carry out. Someone had to . "With your help, we will gather those turtles and finally put a stop to their meddling." Something they could all agree on, at the very least. "Now, who's with me?"

Silence overfell the room, other than the odd mutant looking at each other.

Until one bravely stepped forward.

"Ex cuse me!" The little worm mutant waved his hand, before trying to lift his gauntlet caused him to crash onto the table in front of him. "I, Warren Stone, former anchor man and their official greatest foe, have a few questions! Before I join this ghoulish gang."

Before she could open her mouth, a knock came at the door, before a human opened it anyways. Yet another interruption.

"Excuse me, there's been a slight problem with your credit card. It's a… cocoon?"

And yet again, before she could say anything, Warren Stone lifted his gauntlet – charging a blast of energy at the unsuspecting human. Sending him tumbling back.

Well, that helped with the issue of faulty pay.

Everyone in the room joyfully clapped, surprised by the display. But the Baroness even found herself nodding. "Impressive."

"Small query," Meat Sweats mused: "why do you know so much about all of us, and why do you keep saying you created the turtles?"

"Not me," the caprid clarified, "that was Baron Draxum. He is the one who created the turtles, and the initial genetically modified mutagen that created every mutant thereafter."

"So he's… our father?"

"No, just your creator." Though the concept of having everyone in this room as a nibling was quite amusing.

Warren Stone looked up at her once more. "Wait, so if you're the Baroness Draxum, then who is Baron –"

"Familial relation."


"Oh really ?"

"Tell us everything ."

Ha. If they weren't interested before, they certainly were now.

Giving a glance at the turtle behind her and the two goyles, she confirmed it all with a nod. Her bodyguards damn well looked ready to sing their mission to these mutants.

So, the Baroness cleared her throat, planting her hands on the table. "I suppose it would be best if we explain from the beginning…"

_ _ _

Ha, their parents would never know.

Leo sighed, taking in a breath of that definitely-not-fresh New York City air. "Ah, what a great idea, huh? Just us, the city, and no more dumb training."

Raph flopped next to him on the roof, even without his own relaxed grin. "They're gonna be mad."

"Then why'd you come with us?"

"'Cause someone has to watch over you knuckleheads."

Mikey huffed, crossing his arms. "Um, excuse me, that's my job."

"We will be fine, dear Raphael," Donnie confirmed, tapping on his wrist watch. "My state-of-the-art robotic training dummies will do plenty to trick our parents into believing we are still training."

" Plus ," Leo added, leaning into his twin, "it'll be good practice to just walk around, fight a couple of random goons with our bare fists."

"Or some sticks we find on the ground!" To make use of his point, Mikey rested a thin wooden beam on his shoulder.

" Exactly . They wanted us to use natural weapons and test out that 'agility' and 'size advantage' stuff. What better way than to test it on the field? "

Deciding this, the slider leaned near the edge of the roof, looking at the city below. Scanning for random perps and whatnot.

The other two reasonable minded turtles followed him, leaving a Raph to groan behind them. "This isn't a good idea, guys."

"We're not doing anything wrong," Leo corrected. "We're just… scouting. Looking for something to do."

Because it was obvious how bored they were just training . As cool as the lessons were, it stops being fun the second their sensei dads walk out – practically expecting them to f*ck around and find out.

Like this, they'd take what they already know and play it forward.

"Oh mi gosh, look!"

With Mikey’s call, they all turned to look into the street, seeing… the Foot Guys??


Oh, now that would be exciting.

"Ohoho yeah!" They all cheered, leaping to follow them.

"Wait, wait, we have to think about this," Raph urged, stopping him in the chest.

"No no no-!" But reaching an arm out would do little when they were already driving away. " Gah, they're already gone!"

Just great . A perfect little mission for them to prove themselves, and Raph just had to blow it.

Leo groaned, flopping down against the ledge. "Come on, Raph, that was the perfect opportunity!"

Only after a while did the oldest decide to join them on the ledge again, looking below. "'Come on Raph' nothing , it's not like the solution to our boredom is just gonna show up and shove itself in our faces."

Just then, stray fliers landed on each of their faces.

"Ah! What-?"

"What the heck?"

Pulling the papers off of their faces, it appeared to be… a flier?


"1st robot dinosaur magician."

"One show only!"

"Tonight in…"

" New Jersey ?"

"Free pizza?"

Well, that sold it.

"Now this is the kind of mindless entertainment we need!"

"You got that right!"

The four began to bound off, hoping to catch the show before it ended. Hey, it may have been in the devil's state, but what better place to take some time off, maybe kick some butt along the way?

No reason to not make the most of their time outside.

_ _ _


The rat looked around the dojo, finding no signs of his sons actively training. For one, the lights were off, and the only figures he could see moved in a janky, robotic fashion. For another, he knew the difference between their usual teenage gibberish and recorded voices.

The work of Purple, no doubt. But a setup such as this meant…

“They snuck out again.”

Splinter groaned, padding around the Lair until he reached his room. His husband sat at the edge of the bed, reading, relaxing for the first time in days.

Oh, how he would hate to ruin that.

“Goat Man,” he addressed, getting the yokai to look up. “The kids are out again.”

Now Draxum grumbled, standing to put his book away. “Failing simple instructions, I see.”

“Yep.” The rat headed to the other end of the room, reaching for his nicer kimono. Something he could wear outside but was still fit to fight in if need be. Something Draxum bought for him, one of those same days their boys snuck out.

It was never all bad.


Splinter’s arm stopped halfway, claws inches away from the nice fabric. He turned to the yokai.

Just for Draxum to gesture with his hands. “As important as retrieving our children may be, I happen to have a sprain. On my lower back.” He stretched for good measure, holding in place of the sprain. “And I may need some assistance to rid of it.”

As much as the yokai could pick up on subtle tricks, a part of Splinter would always know. Looking at his husband’s half-sleepy expression, realization slowly dawned on the rat’s face. Hitting him like a truck.

Oh. Oh , yes. Now would be a wise time to… tend to back injuries. When no one else would be around to hear them do so.

Given this change of events, the rat chuckled, making his way over to the bed. “Huh, didn’t know that kicking your ass could throw your back out this much.”

Draxum soon sat back down, kimono loose off his shoulders, allowing Splinter to reach. To touch. The position would be easier to work with soon. “I despise you with my very being,” he grumbled, a smile very luckily hidden from the rat’s sight.

All for Splinter to press his body right up from behind, allowing his hands to trail lower. Giving a kiss to the side of his head. “I know.”

_ _ _

"Are you sure we're in the right place?"

Leo and his brothers just… stood there. The fliers they found upon sneaking out told them to meet here, in – barf – New Jersey of all places, yet the area was nearly empty.

"Flier said it was in New Jersey," Raph confirmed, pointing to a nearby sign. "’Welcome to New Jersey turtles’ ."

Ha, it actually said 'teetles'.

Donnie squinted as he looked over the sign, leaning closer to it. "That's oddly specific…"

But, whatever. They were here to look for that Magic-Saurus and free pizza they were promised, and there was no way they went all the way to New freaking Jersey for nothing.

Anything would be more fun than having to stick to the same smelly training room and think about… well, literally everything involving Sheep Dad.

So, the four headed into the only building in a nearby vicinity: a large warehouse.

Raph was able to tear open the door easily – no one doubted he could. But the closer they got, the more this all felt like a scam.

Still, free pizza was always worth the risk.

"Ohohohoooookayyyy," Leo drew out, following his youngest brother to step into the empty warehouse.

"We're sure showing Pops!" Mikey mused, making the most of his stride forward.

With this, the other three walked into the warehouse, looking around. It was dark and dusty for the most part. And weird. From what Leo could see, it was empty enough but had a stage. With a curtain.

But Mikey happily took the lead, showing them around. "Sneaking out and chilling in a fun, totally not scary…"

The lights went dark, the door closing behind them. And then? Spotlights .

Mikey shrieked, stumbling back and climbing onto Raph's back. A Raph, who could only smile with wonder. "Ooh, ambiance."

"Well well well, we meet again."

Well, that voice was… oddly familiar. Leo raised a brow. "Where's that voice coming from? Wait, wait, don't tell me–"

"It's about time we see eye to eye," the voice boomed again. Soon, the curtain opened, and a figure walked through. Hooves echoing as she revealed herself. "It's about time you face the consequences of your actions."

Leo and his brothers stumbled back, getting into defensive positions. "Baroness??"

But of course, Mikey wasn't paying attention. "Woo! Oh yeah! Magic-Saurus, Magic-Saurus."

To save him from future embarrassment, Raph had to tuck in his head and pull their youngest brother away.

But Leo was still confused. "Wait a second, she's a warrior scientist and a magician?"

One of the talking shoulder pads could only muse, "I mean, she's not that kind of magician, but–"

" Enough ." The Baroness' voice echoed through the warehouse once more. "The 'magic show' was a trick. This is a trap."

With a snap of her fingers (hooves??), the curtain opened, revealing… basically every hardcore villain he and his brothers have had to fight in the past few weeks. Even that Jennika girl and the crab guys they fought earlier today!

"Breaking news, you're toast!"

"Liver toast!"

"Crunch crunch crunch!"

"As an actual magician, I'm offended by this charade."

"I'm about to repo your lives ."

Leo could only blink. Then point and stare. "This is why you never go to New Jersey!"

"One last chance, children," the Baroness warned. "If you join me, I can teach you how to maximize your potential, be all that you can be! What's your answer?"

Oh this f*cking sheep-

"You threw me off a roof !"

She raised a brow. "So that's a no to joining me then?"

The turtles all stared back at her. Yeah, no sh*t that's a no.

"You reject me again for the last time. Fine." The yokai in charge motioned to the rest of the group. "You've made your choice, now face it ."

"Wait, is that Todd ?"

Donnie pointed forward, halting the pursuit of the fight. While Leo never met the guy… the capybara guy was definitely out of place.

But Todd did not look bothered, not in the slightest. "Heyyy, how do you like my new friends? They are so serious! I'm like what , and they're like grr , and I'm like–"

" Enough ," the Baroness exclaimed again, facing the turtles once more. "Now your story ends. Attack !"

sh*t, she was going for the kill–

One by one, the villains surrounded, easily overpowering them (they really should've brought their weapons).

Still, Leo had a plan. "Don't worry guys, we just gotta carry out our training."

"What Leo said," Raph agreed, putting his fists together and guarding the other three. "Smashing like a boss !"


Safe to say, they got their asses kicked so hard, the warehouse busted open. Exploded , for a lack of better words, sending them all tumbling out and a good couple of yards away.

Way to make the most of the training they didn't do.

As the siblings collectively came to consciousness once more, they groaned, slowly getting up.

"Do you think Splinter’s gonna be mad we didn't listen to him?" Mikey mused, hanging from some ropes.

Leo popped his head out of the broken crates and boards he landed in. "Our dads were right. And we were so mean to them."

"It was a pleasure serving with you guys."

Donnie was the next to raise his head. "Do you guys smell that?"

Huh, there was a weird scent. "Is it Raph’s 'facing impossible odds' stink?"

Donnie picked up a fish– likely coming from where they landed. "No, it's–"


Raph popped out of a crate of fish, pointing to the other end of the doc, showing just that: a bunch of ladders.

"It's the fish market/ladder factory we never knew we always wanted!"

Wait, of course! Leo stood up now, looking that way. "W.W.L.J.D.! What would Lou Jitsu do!"

"Splinter's training really did have a purpose!"

"I guess Dad was right!"

Ha, maybe they shouldn't have skipped on their training sessions after all.

Raph brought one of the ladders over to them, standing with it. "Let's make them proud, boys."

It seemed their first opponent would be Meat Sweats, facing them with a wicked smile; the others trailing behind him. "Time to make turtle soup ."

With this, the villains lunged, charging forward. While his brothers each grabbed a ladder to fight with, Leo grabbed two fish. Since they were swordfish. And he– you get the point.

And they were ready .


Fish were flung by Donnie to keep the villains from treading too close, making most of them slip. Except for the one in front for now.

Raph blocked Meat Sweats, making his meat cleaver get stuck between the rungs of the ladders.

"That's too much flavor," the mutant pig mused, but found a frown on his face.

Raph continued to fight him off a bit, until he got his weapon unstuck, twirling it and sweeping at Meat Sweats' legs. "Who needs mystic weapons–" he began, throwing his ladder up to the highest setting.

All for the others to climb. "When you've got fish and ladders!"

Each meeting a villain or two in the air, the turtles smacked back before they could get too far. Leo had his hands full with the crab brothers (and, well, his fish weapons), waiting until they all landed back on the ground to lure the two elsewhere.

He ran, and they chased, but he was still faster . Just before they could make it back to the fish crates, another of the villains crashed on top of one of the crabs- totally due to getting their butt kicked.

The other crab had circled around, trying to sneak up on him from atop the open crates. But he was no match for Leo, the slider already in the air and ready to fling his fish at him.

Once it hit, he quickly picked it up and flung it once more, making the mutant crab tumble backwards. In the meantime, he grabbed two more swordfish from the crates, spinning himself around and repetitively hitting the same mutant villain.

In a stroke of genius, he threw one in the air, letting it stack with the other in hand- creating a longer weapon. "Catch of the day: swordfish ." Smacking the crab just like he would with his odachi and sending said crab tumbling over.

Once he was no longer a problem, Leo looked over at where the other crab was; hiding in a hole in the ground with Hypno.

"Uh oh…" The second crab guy ducked away before he could become a target, but Leo had to get rid of the fish…

So Hypno became his target, throwing his makeshift sword at the hippo mutant. Unable to help a huff at the animal noise he let out as a result.

Well, there were still other fish to fry, so Leo moved onto helping his brothers with the other bad guys.

For the most part, he joined in on the defense, exercising anything he actually did manage to learn from his dads.

He quickly picked up when Raph caught the idea to do the spinning ladder move from that Lou Jitsu movie, him and the others getting behind him. "Laddering like a boss!"

Even if his brother mostly took the lead, it was so cool to watch him fling the ladder just like Lou Jitsu would. On the downwards twirl, he ended up knocking all the villains onto the ladder, before flinging them all out of sight.

As Raph calmed, the others followed, standing beside him. Looking over at the Baroness, who stared back at them in awe; their last opponent. "Now that your minions are done, Let's tango, you sheep-lookin-"

“Where did you four learn how to fight like that?”

Ha, she wasn't even angry anymore. If anything, she looked at them… in shock? Awe?

“From our senseis," Leo easily confirmed.

“And from the one and only Lou Jitsu.”

More confusion from the science sheep's end. “He trained you personally?”


“But he still taught us everything we know!”

Even more confusion there. “Why do you know so much about Lou Jitsu?”

"From his movies!" Mikey beamed. "You're a fan too?"

The Baroness, honestly, looked baffled at the concept, shaking her head instead. “ Mutants were first created by a yokai scientist, Baron Draxum. The success of every single one of them depended on the successful extraction of Lou Jitsu’s DNA, used to create the first mutant warriors: six turtles.”

Well, a lot of things were starting to add up, that's for sure.

Even if a similar question must have tugged at all their minds. Even if Mikey was the only one to ask aloud. “Six? But there’s only four of us?”

He could see her raise a brow, continuing to stand there. Waiting.


Well, that kind of sucked. A lot.

Not exactly how he wanted to find out about this .

"And did you say we have Lou Jitsu’s DNA ?"

Ah, right. The quite frankly more important revelation.

"Didn't we already know this?"

" Donnie ."

"What, I'm just saying-"

“The potential you four hold is exactly what the Hidden City needs,” The Baroness started once more. Not giving the thought time to settle. “Hand in hand with your senseis, we will finally bring justice to mutants and yokai worldwide and take the surface world we deserve. Why do you resist?”

“Why do you keep yapping about something that wasn’t even your mission to begin with?”

"Because this is your destiny ."


" Turtles ."

Standing tall with vines looming from every which way, the Baroness faced them. Trailed by her assistant, still close to the shadows.

"If you will not join me by choice or by combat , then I will have no choice but to take you in by force ."

Oh. Hell. No. They put up a fair fight! And they weren't gonna give up now.

Before they could pick up the ladder and tear a new one into the sheep lady, a portal opened up in the sky.

"What the–" she mused, before being sucked into it. Hardly given any time before disappearing into its purple light.


Raph tried leaping after it, but only landed on his face. "Guh- Leo!!"

"I swear to Pizza Supreme in the sky, that wasn't me ," the slider promised – just as shocked as everyone else. "Like, I don't even have my sword ."

Mikey joined him at his side. "Well if it wasn't you, who was it?"

"I really don't know–"

"What did you idiots do ?"

Now that the Baroness was out of the way, her assistant stepped forward, eyes wide and claws flexed.

Oh great . "For the last time, we didn't do anything!" Leo stepped forward, pointing his fish at her face. "And we're not going with you!"

"But you know where Lou Jitsu is? And Baron Draxum?"

He… was not supposed to answer that. So for now, he would take a step back, looking at his brothers.

They couldn't let them know.

"That's for us to know and for you to stop asking about," Raph settled, facing the masked yokai. The only fair face off, given their similar heights. Even if the other remained taller, stronger.

Strangely patient.

"Why do you continue to refuse?" Jennika tried once more. "You four were quite literally made for a grand purpose and yet you refuse. Your creators refuse. You fight well, but under proper training, you can become unstoppable warriors. "

An unamused huff out of Raph. "How 'bout you quit while yer ahead, and keep your 'warrior' business out of this?"

Practically chest to chest now, the two tallest scowled at each other (at least one could assume – masks making such hard to read). But a more trained eye could see Jennika pull something out of her pocket.

Nope .

The slider stepped forward, wedging himself between the gap and nudging his brother backward. "Letsssss set up a date instead, hm? Where we can meet up? Ease into this whole 'destiny' thing?"

" Leo ."

He made a shushing motion at his brother, pulling Jennika a few feet away so he could settle the deal with them. "Me and Raph can meet up outside that castle of yours and cruise the yokai city a bit, then if it's cool enough, we can all go. Capiche?"


Despite the concern of his siblings, Leo kept his eyes on Jennika. Studying them carefully .

Seeing them hesitate, yet settle on a nod. "You have until tomorrow at midnight to prove yourselves. If you do not show, or bring trouble, we will not hesitate to–"

"Kidnap and force us into your plans, yadda yadda, we get it ." The turtle patted the larger person's arm, sliding away. "We'll be there!"

There was only one last nod before he saw her step away and open a portal and step into it; different from the one that captured the Baroness.

Not that he would be left with anything less than stares from the other three.

"You better have a damn good plan, Leo."

To which he could only scoff , resting his swordfish on his shoulder once more. "Of course I have a plan."

Because while they could kick some sweet ass, there was still no telling what these villains could get up to.

Especially with how much they knew…

_ _ _

Where she was brought, the Baroness had no way of knowing. Teleported over to an unknown location, by the looks of it; the glowing runes around said portal telling the importance of its owner.

Not Big Mama, by chance.

Not that the answer found her either way.

Once the yokai landed onto the pavement below, she looked around, only to be met with darkness. "What's going on?"

A question left out in the open echoing across what she now noticed was an alley. Devoid of life. Not devoid of active scents.

Only to be met with laughter, a pair of red eyes meeting her gaze from among the shadows.

"Is this that sheep yokai?"

"Be cool, she's the scientist."

Those voices… unfamiliar. A threat. There intentions with her unknown, and therefore, posing her against them. Unsheathing her mystic sword, the Baroness stepped closer. "Show yourselves and this may end quickly."

"Easy, easy," the voice started – a short human(?) man emerging from the shadows. "I think we may just share some of the same goals. Like getting rid of those pesky turtles ."

…Defeat wasn't exactly her main goal. Submission, to put it better; convincing them to join their side. Leading her to the men who created them.

However, they had refused her and her wards time and time again. If defeat was the only option…

The Baroness shook the handle of her sword, its hologram disappearing. "I'm listening."

And with this, she took those few steps forward to meet them halfway.

_ _ _

They were totally in trouble.

They got their butts kicked, sure, but that wouldn’t be why. He just knew Raph had his older brother sense tingling the whole time about something bad would happen if they snuck out instead of training…

But. Maybe it was not the worst thing that they did.

How else would they have found out Lou Jitsu is their biological father?!

Their dads certainly would avoid telling them for as long as possible, knowing some of the stuff they were keeping secret.

The turtles tiptoed through the lair, intent on grabbing everything they needed for a sleepover in the terrarium. Portalling to every room just to do so would take too long, be too bothersome.

Besides, the lights were off. Their dads were likely in bed already with how late it was. Without any freak-out texts, any one of them could assume they were off the hook for now. Their dads likely forgot about the whole thing.

Which is what they would have all believed. Had it not been for a flick of lights.

“Boys, where have you been!?”

Uh oh…

The four slowly turned, finding both of their parents at the entrance to the atrium. Not pleased in the slightest.

"You four were supposed to be training."

Right. "We were! …For a moderate amount of time," Donnie tried.

"C'mon, did you really expect us to train non-stop for hours ?"

"We did not," Rat Dad started, standing up. "We expected you to use your time wisely and take our lessons to heart. Wherever you went, you didn't even bring your weapons!"

Leo went ahead and high-fived his dad. "That's right, we didn't . And we still kicked major butt!"

"That's right!" Mikey added, crashing into his side, joined soon by Raph picking them up a little and Donnie rambling the logistics of the fight. Or something.

If they would not be asked, things may be easier. It's not like they cared to ever tell their parents every little detail.

They only turned around again when they heard the rat sigh. "Boys, listen," he began. “Me and your father understand that we have not been the best parents–”

“I’m gonna have to stop you from that awkward parenting speech because Lou Jitsu is our dad !”

Leo grinned, turning to geek out about it with his brothers again but hearing the older men choke and gasp from that reveal. Should he have dropped the bomb so blatantly? Maybe not, but it was fun to hear them struggle for lying to them.

“Preposterous, me and Splinter are your fathers. Lou Jitsu is, how you boys say, a deadbeat .”

The words made the rat man shove his goat husband, and any other day, they all would have argued with him too.

But Barry – Draxum – agh , Sheep Dad… he knew Lou Jitsu. Worked with him. Used his DNA to create the four of them.

Or well, six. But that was a whole can of worms he did not want to get into right now. One he would rather save for the sleepover.

Leo turned back to face his dads, the others following suit. Watching them give each other a look .

Right… probably a much bigger can of worms than he thought.

“Look, we can forgive you for lying to us," he started.

“We know you two were just trying to raise us in a world that hates humans.”

“And even if our DNA is from someone else, you’re still our dads.” Mikey took a step forward, looking between the two men. “Both of you."

A touching moment, if not for Donnie glaring at them all.

“We have Barry’s DNA as well, you fools.”

Shh , let’s not bring that up."

A bright smile from Rat Dad, one more tentative from Sheep Dad; tapping the chair's arm. "Well, I suppose it's nice that you–"

Without another word, Raph wrapped all six of them into a group hug.

Mikey, in particular, was trying his best to up the snuggle factor. "We have two awesome dads right here."

"And wherever Lou Jitsu is right now, he's probably being awesome. "


With the turtles huddled in for the hug, the fathers shared a look.


There goes their secret.


this is a bit of a different note than usual, but I'd like to start off by saying- holy sh*t. it's been a year since I posted the first chapter of this fic, and a lot has changed. I've made friends, made a community- wrote over 175k words for one fic alone and still ongoing. a lot of bad has been happening irl for a long time - by all means, I am not living in the kind of environment that supports my hobbies. but the comments and support here, on my other fics, on tumblr and beyond, have been extremely helpful to my well-being for quite some time now. I look forward to continuing to share my works and hope you all stick around and enjoy the journey <3

for anyone who may be interested, I made a baronjitsu-focused discord server about two months ago. it's quite small and laid-back, but shares a common interest in these gay idiots, co-parent AUs, and more

Chapter 33: Another Uptick Unexpected


It's safe to say that it would not be easy for the siblings to take in the information they were given before. Having an outright confirmation that Lou Jitsu is their father is... interesting. But it's nothing they let get them down for long, even if some introspecting would happen along the way. Meanwhile, another half of the family end up in the middle of the Foot Clan's latest mission, set to become a key pawn in their plans. Not that they're going to let that stop them from continuing their own plans, if anything, using this as an excuse to seek out those turtles once more



I would have uploaded this earlier but my computer was left without a charger for over a month. this isn't to say I used that time wisely to pre-write a lot of chapters, but slowly, I'm getting back into it

to make up for it, I gift another genderqueer turtle. or two.

conversations about the turtles (Leo at least) having read real-person fiction about Lou Jitsu

Chapter Text

So… this was new.

"You guys are telling me you already knew we got our DNA from the Lou Jitsu?"

"Technically from Baron Draxum as well. But I'm sure Nardo knows well what kind of connection they had."

With Leo now shoving Donnie, Mikey hummed. Trying to recall if they ever did tell him this, or if he was just out of the loop.

All until he felt a hand on his shoulder. "If it makes ya feel any better, Raph didn't know. He thought Donnie was just pulling his leg."

The softshell scoffed, shoving Leo again. "You guys never listen to me, that's why!"

"We listen to your nerd crap all the time."

"But you don't absorb the information!" He raised a brow in Leo’s direction. "If I didn't know better, you're just hiding behind all the yokai yaoi you've been reading."

"You're the one who showed me it in the first place!"

Watching the twins delve into a slap-fight over dumb things would always be funny – but actually thinking about their arguments made Mikey’s head hurt.

He wasn't dumb. He knew Leo has – or at least used to have – an obsession for everything Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim. He knew what that turtle must've read.

From what their parents told them at least, Yokai could live for hundreds of years. Meaning that 'Baron Draxum' could've had that relationship with Lou Jitsu decades ago. Maybe that's why they didn't want to talk about it.

And considering everything the twins were implying… maybe it'd be better not to bring it up. Besides, it'd never not be weird to think of fan content existing for those two.

"Guys, quiet down, we're gonna wake up our dads," Raph warned.

“...Fine.” Leo shoved Donnie one last time before turning back to everyone else. “So, we thinking old Drax and LJ were roommates or–”

“Can you take this seriously for one second Leo?”

“What! We don't know for sure if they were together or not. It's just… highly speculated!”

“By your gay brain theories.” Mikey snickered as if he hadn't joked about either of his dads being into Lou Jitsu with how often they stared at him on screen.

Among other guesses.

“I'd suggest avoiding Lou Jitsu as well, since asking Sheep Dad about that is just too awkward.”

Something Leo would easily nod to. “Good, gone, deleted. The only thing I have left is the designs I asked Mikey to do a couple of years ago.”

“...You can delete those too.”

Spirits , this was messy. The sooner they could forget about this whole situation , the better.

But there was still something on the boxshell's mind. “Wait, do you think the Baroness is Dad's sister then?”

They could swear everyone's minds were blown. Even if Donnie soon furrowed his brows. “That's impossible, I'm sure Splinter would've mentioned…”

For once in his life, the softshell was met with a collective raised-brow stare.

“...Oh you meant Barry's sister– then yes, it is highly probable.”

The others gave a laugh or two. Meanwhile, Mikey could only grin. “That means we have more family!”

“More evil family, Micheal – not exactly the dream.”

But still . Plus, with those other two turtles–”

“You mean the dead ones?”

“Aunt Sheep Lady never said they were gone.”

“Okay, but she heavily implied it.” The largest turtle crossed his arms. “And we're not calling her that.”

“But she is our aunt technically…”

Not something any of the turtles looked particularly happy about.

This was met with a groan, but Mikey kept his smile as he went to grab his sketchbook from his bag. “ Whatever . You guys are lame. We have more family, and even if they're dead or evil, they're still family.”

He proceeded to lay on his plastron along his sleeping bag, flipping to a blank page. Not really knowing what to doodle, but starting with some simple shapes as the voices of his siblings drowned out in the background.

Other than one voice.

“Hey, nice pronoun pin, bud.”

Oh yeah, that thing. “Thanks!”

Even if it's nothing Mikey wanted to make a big announcement about – still trying to get used to the feeling of openly being anything other than just a boy – it was nice to know his siblings just saw it as something normal.

Just a little pin with the gender fluid flag and the pronouns she's been wanting to try out.

Ha, she. It was that easy.

As the simple shapes began to look enough like Atomic Lass and Red Fox in his mind, he would define them; mostly humming to himself now.

Honestly not caring much for everyone else's apparent big problem about the facts of their life.


Which would be fine and dandy were this not a big problem.

Donnie groaned, looking over the notes he stored on his laptop. Not as packed as the ones in his computer, but enough to show his brothers – err, siblings – what's been brewing since the Baroness spilled more information.

“It just doesn't make sense . If Lou Jitsu was so important to our creation, why is he not here ?”

No amount of information on the Battle Nexus or his star career was pointing him in the right direction, and his parents certainly wouldn't – so what would?

Relax , Donnie, he probably just dipped.” Even with Leo unhelpfully leaning on his shoulder, such a thought would not put him at ease. “I mean, he's done it before.”

“But why ?”

Trying to scroll and reread would only be met with his twin lightly pushing his laptop away. “Nobody knows, dude. That's, like, the whole point.” Not this again . “C'mon, you can't convince me he wouldn't use this as an excuse to fake his death.”

“...Unless he's truly dead.”

“That's what he'd want you to think.”

Ugh, whatever. Never any help . Donnie already knew that tonight – like most nights – the only thing that would get him to succumb to rest is physical exhaustion.

Otherwise, his mind would keep him awake. Always theorizing. Always calculating.

But hey, Leo wasn't the only one here. The terrarium held two other turtles at the moment. And as a last result, he had plenty of means of convincing information out of people.

Non-tortuous ways, of course.

“Where is– Raph! We need your input!!”

He turned his head to look– aaand the snapper was going for a swim. Fantastic .

Leo – turned to his comics – gave a classic sh*t-eating grin. “Oh, so my input is not good enough for you?”

“Quiet, gay boy.”

Ha, that got him to retreat. Not before flipping Donnie the three-fingered equivalent of a bird, but still.

Whatever. There was still Mikey.

While his only younger sibling seemed to be rather busy, this was still a rather important discussion and– “Ooh, is that Atomic Lass?”

“Yep!” Now seeing what the box turtle was up to, Donnie laid beside him, watching him draw.

What? Blame him for being a supporter of Mikey’s art journey and an undeniable fan of the characters currently on paper.

But he still had a mission; now clearing his throat to get to the point. “You seem to be the most optimistic about this whole ordeal. Say, what do you think happened to our deadbeat DNA donor?”

His musing was met with a giggle, the pencil in action stopping for a moment. “Like I'm supposed to know. Lou Jitsu being missing is nothing new. Besides , didn't you shut down the whole thing of us having other family?”

The softshell groaned. “You know what I meant.”

“I know.” Likely as revenge, Mikey moved on to their sketch of Red Fox. “Look, here's what I think: we got our butts kicked today and then double got them kicked with news. We should just sleep on it and let Leo and Raph ask about it tomorrow.”

Why them? Oh, right. Leo's deal . A bout of stupidity Donnie almost forgot about.

One that would be oddly helpful, now that he thought of it.

“You know what? You are not wrong.” As much as Donnie hated to admit it, his mind was in a bit of a stir. It would not be wise to dwell on this for too long now.

Especially since it was… well past midnight. Wow. They have had a day .

Which is likely why Mikey’s drawings looked a bit off. “Her head has five spikes, not six.”

Artistic liberty, straight boy.”

…His sibling may have just come out, but he would not hesitate to shove a girl–

_ _ _

As luck would have it, she made the right choice, following the two guys who portal-napped her and took her somewhere in their van.

Quite possibly foolish, but she was a yokai while they were mere humans. Likely, at least.

She's made grander decisions on a whim.

But as it turned out, this ‘Foot Clan’ had goals similar to her own. All they would need her to do is collect ancient armour pieces.

The Baroness saw no reason to turn such a deal down.

Of course, no such mission could be completed alone. The Foot allowed for Huginn, Muninn, and Jennika to be made aware of their plans as her associates; aides to finding the armour, and potentially becoming members of the clan themselves.

All they had to do now was carefully follow along with their plans while maintaining their power.

“As you can see, the Foot Clan takes our worship of the Shredder very seriously,” the Lieutenant spoke – in a rather gravelly voice at that.

“We have to prepare everything so it's perfect for when he arrives,” the Brute added, gesturing around them all.

Baroness simply followed close behind, taking in the cavern they led her to. A rather dark, open cave-like area beneath one of their many lairs, littered with candles and mystic energy.

“Huh…” was all she said for now, taking this in.

As they began to ascend a drastically long flight of stairs, the Baroness began to see the weight of this clan's worship. If not the candles then signs, portraits, and old mystic vigils throughout.

And when they finally reached the top, there stood an armour stand. Mostly incomplete, understandably.

Yet any alchemist could feel its power from a mile away.

“The armour is mostly still… out there,” Lieutenant explained, “scattered throughout New York. Mostly in small pieces and hidden in plain sight.”

“In time we will team you up with our recruits to find all the missing pieces,” Brute continued. “If you want, you can start training with them today.”

Well, she did have what better to do. But this was just as important, in a way.

So the yokai nodded. “Show me the other recruits.”


She was taken to a large training room, filled to the brim with… human teenagers. Well, human for now .


The teens all stood straight, addressing the Lieutenant and Brute.

“This is the Baroness of the Hidden City. She will be training with you to retrieve the pieces of the Dark Armor.”

“Hai senseis!”

“Excellent, you may begin.”

The recruits all seemed to talk among themselves now, barely maintaining the strict training environment she'd heard of thus far.

Well. If she would be here for a while, might as well get comfortable.

The Baroness took off her helmet, walking off and setting it off to the side. The cloth part of her mask followed soon after.

Something that caught the attention of the Clan leaders first and foremost.

“You look a bit human in the face.”

“Thanks. I'd also think I look it in the ‘only being six-foot-five’ aspect.”

Since Yokai were usually a lot taller than her. Especially elder yokai, of which her family was classified as.

Still, she would listen to their musings. “Not to cramp on your style, but you look more commanding without the helmet.”

“And better.”

“That's what I just said–

All things that would turn to make her chuckle. “Let's just say I'd rather keep some enemies from recognizing my face.”

“Those turtles .”


She had other reasons for hiding – few she cared for – but if anything she was rather… curious. If the turtles were to recognize her features and see their father in them.

A thought for another time. If anything she was much more curious to watch how all these young recruits were trained and figure out when she was supposed to join in.


A few hours into this ‘training’ would tell her everything she needed to know about how the Foot Clan operated and how she would fit in.

Their methods of training recruits, while simple, appeared effective. These human teenagers were eager to be a part of something greater, to prove they were the most loyal, the strongest, the recruit that would next gain a proper soldier rank.

While technically ranked among them quite low, the Baroness doubted it would take her long to rise above and earn the entire clan's respect.

Something her team seemed to be adjusting to easily. All except Jennika, who paced around, keeping her mask on and looking around.


Her head tilted up, meeting the caprid's gaze. Not that it needed to tilt much. Titan, this kid has grown.

“Huginn and Muninn are off gathering intel and getting on the boss's good side. You are…?”

Not meant to be pushy, but this is exactly the kind of thing she would expect Jennika to jump right on, given her excitement when she invited them earlier.

Now the turtle looked the slightest bit distracted. “Sorry, head's still on what happened last night, you know?”

Ah, that made sense. “There's uh, certainly a lot to think about.” She gave a quick look around before leaning closer, just enough to whisper. “Are you sure you don't have tabs on them?”

“Not exactly , but the more we go out to the surface, the more likely we are to see them,” Jennika explained. Her mystics gave a little visual of four small turtle figures on a roof, “Chances are they'll try to stop us from collecting the Dark Armor.”

Hm , yes, very likely.” Even if something still struck her as odd. “...How would they know?”

“They didn’t know about our mutagen-carrying bugs until Big Mama hired them, double-crossed us. Safe to say, someone might tip them off again.”

Like that, the glowing illusion was gone, and the Baroness couldn't help the way her fist shook.

“We'll have to keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't hold out armour pieces on us too.” Among the multitude of reasons they had to keep an eye on that woman – a never-ending trickster, she was.

“I'll get Vee, R and B on it.” From here, Jennika gave the goat a pat on her arm. “Gonna head out to start working on my batch of prototype oozesquitos.”

“Huh. You're calling them that too?”

“It fits.”

“It does, it really does.” The yokai sighed, holding her niece's shoulder for a second. “Don't do anything stupid, okay?”

“Not any more stupid than this.”

Ha ha, very funny. This was actually a very important job, one that could lend her the power needed to further any research and eliminate the human threat.

Even if it was a little silly on the surface.

But for now, she would watch the turtle make her way out. By all means, it was more efficient to have one still working the lab, creating for her main business while she tended to undercover work.

If she knew anything about Jennika, though, it was that the turtle was hiding plenty about her plans.

_ _ _

He still wanted to smack Leo upside the head for this, but at least it'd just be the two of them on this mission. No need to drag the younger two into it.

"Never getting over that feeling," Raph grumbled, dusting off his arms as he stepped through Leo’s portal.

"Well it was either this or trying to find a secret entrance into the city, and Bone Man hasn't given me a hint yet." After closing the portal, Leo took a step and fell flat on his face. "...I meant to do that."

"Of course ya did."

The older brother sighed, looking around. He did not trust Jennika or the Baroness or anyone else – hell, he hardly trusted his own dad anymore. Sheep Dad! The guy he always looked up to!

But trust would have to be put aside in pursuit of piecing together the truth. Whatever. They had a mission. “Where'd she say she wanted to meet us again?”

“It was me who made the plans and I said we should meet up near the lab place.” And Leo explained this, he began to scale a nearby building. “But not at it , of course, ‘cause that'd just get our tails kicked.”

Huh. Easy enough.

Raph followed, quickly looking around again once on the roof. The city was… kind of cool, getting to look at it now like this. Really cool, actually.

But as much as he wanted to find all the cool places he and the others could check out under normal circ*mstances, they had something to do, somewhere to be. Someone to talk to.

A task Leo seemed to be much more focused on, scouting the nearby buildings. “M'kay, so the castle of doom and gloom is right over there, meaning Jenny should be able to see us just fine over here.”

Simple enough. Raph leaned an arm against a strange-looking chimney, raising a brow as he looked at his brother. “Didja just call ‘em Jenny ?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

Of course his brother could just shrug this off. “She's kind of on the enemy side here, Leo.”

“And? Jennika's kind of a long name, and we give stupid nicknames to the other guys we fight.”

That… was true. So Raph wouldn't interject again. Instead checking his phone, because damn it all if they ended up missing a window of time to talk to this yokai.

Luck would come in the form of a swoosh-like noise joining him and Leo on the rooftop not long after. And yep, it was the same person from yesterday.

“Raph, Leo. I see you two have upholded your end of the deal.”

“We did,” Leo decided to say, “and you're finally here . What took you so long??”

“Oh, so I was supposed to be here on your schedule, was I?”

The brothers paused.

“We should've texted or something.”


Really not their fault they could only make it over now. Despite their dads keeping a closer eye on them now, they were also avoiding them all – a weird mix of the two. So it was hard to sneak out and get the answers from someone other than the guy who made them.

Not that Jennika seemed to mind too much, walking past the two of them with her hands behind her back. “You're lucky local security cameras pointed me in the right direction, otherwise you would be waiting for longer.”

“What security cam–” a point towards a small screen with a blinking red light shut down the question easily. “...Oh.”

“Right.” With this, the masked yokai jumped to another roof, having to shout a bit to reach them. “Now c'mon, we have much to discuss and even more ‘destiny' to ease into.”

Another one of Leo's genius phrases, it seemed. But if they'd be roof-hopping in the meantime, why not?

Raph and Leo followed, with Leo tumbling a bit from the jump. “Don't fall off,” the oldest teased.

“I wasn't –” the slider shook his head. “Anyways, destiny. You guys keep saying this whole thing is ‘our greater purpose’ and destroying humanity is ‘what we were made for’. Then you say that our dad is the guy who made all mutants – which kinda makes sense, guy's a bit of a human-phobe–”

“So you do know Baron Draxum.”

While not pausing the walk, Jennika turned around again. Expecting .

Way to freaking go, Leo.

“...We know a guy who knew him,” Raph said instead, trying so hard to save this . “But what does any of this gotta do with Raph and his brothers?”

“Glad you asked.” Turning back around just to jump to another roof, in which the turtles swiftly followed. “The four of you, had you been raised in the intended environment, were meant to be trained as guardians to protect the Yokai from the human threat.

“While documents of your upbringing are few and far in between, it is rumored that Lou Jitsu fled with you four before the lab exploded, and Baron Draxum fled without a word in an attempt to find you.”

Huh, all interesting stuff. Raph could swear this was all familiar, but hearing it laid out so clearly made it feel like he was hearing this all for the first time. So he could only nod along.

“Yeah, story checks out,” Leo mused instead. Because of course he knew the most about this stuff. “Well, I got a question for you : are those horns fake or just a part of your head?”

“Wouldn't you like to know, blue boy?”

Ha . She had a bit of their humour too.

Which Raph would've found funny, should Jennika have nothing to add. “Now I must ask how you two know that person you claim knew Baron Draxum?”

“Oh, he's our da–”

Adoptive father.” All but slapping a hand over Leo’s mouth now. If he was planning to spill all the beans, he really should've told him . “So some stories kinda just lined up, y'know.”

Not even the biggest lie. They only found out very recently that they had two biological dads via science. Until then they thought both Barry and Splinter were adoptive parents because, well, the obvious species difference.

He also always thought the two to be married the whole time, so who was Raph to know anything?

It wasn't as if Jennika was privy to any of this, so she could only shrug. “Taking what you know, and what we've seen you do, I'd guess any parent of yours just hasn't taught you a thing about your mystics.”

“Uh… yeah.” Damn , they were spot on. “We kinda just… discovered it on our own. Even if Mikey says Barry definitely uses magic.”

“And good on that, ‘cause training's been a lot less boring since he came clean about that.” Leo gave a little spin of his odachi, using it as a way to portal himself to the next upcoming roof.

Little bastard. Even if it was useful.

The other two jumped over as normal, as the snapper could tell Jennika was way more interested in asking about Leo's portal magic.

But there's something that's been bothering Raph since he heard it the day before. It bothered all of them. And since they had who to talk to about this now… “What about the other two turtles?”

The Baroness had said there were six of them. That couldn't have meant nothing.

Luckily, Jennika seemed to catch on quite quickly. “They're alive, I can tell you that much. But the Baroness would rather you not know of their whereabouts until you join our side.”

Made sense. Now for Raph's own curiosity: “Are they like… girls? Or–”

“Yes. The original batch collected by Baron Draxum had three males and three females.”

Ha, that meant they had two sisters. And in the odd chance that they weren't–

“–Unlike the rest of you, the other two females are sea turtles.”

…Oh, right. He kind of knew that. Other than Leo, the other three of them were biological boys. If that was the right way to put it.

Blame Raph for trying to keep up. Dreaming all the same.

Something Leo seemed to catch onto. “Well it doesn't really matter too much – gender is stupid anyways. But it'd be cool to have more sisters, eh Raph?”

“Heh, yeah.” It would be nice. And since the others were sea turtles, they were probably pretty tall.

Maybe Raph could finally have someone to relate to .

Anyways , I'm guessing none of this has convinced you to consider joining our side.”

Oh right. That .

Another thing Leo easily took over. “Never gonna happen, but go ahead, try.”

Raph followed along closely now, feeling as if it'd be better for him to interject at some point, maybe get to a point in this.

Find a weak point, so he could bring the sisters home without exposing the rest of the family to some mad scientist's plan.

“Well, for starters, I can tell you don't live in the Hidden City. Your scent would indicate living among the filth of the city above.” …Damn, she was good at this. “It would be easy to call yourselves yokai and reap all the benefits of living in a city fit for your kind. Medicine, school, social connections.”

They all hopped to another roof, this one being the last in the direct path before they'd have to turn.

“And you'd get access to pretty much anything mystic you could ever want. You already have the power within you, but if you unlock it, you'll easily be the coolest ninjas in all of New York – above and below.”

Honestly, living in the Hidden City itself didn't seem half bad. Maybe if he got a better scope of the area, Raph would eventually get the courage to talk to his dads about that.

Even if he loved home all the same.

So ultimately, their answer was– “Still a big fat no .” Ah. Very elegantly put on Leo's part.

A huff could be heard. “You sound quite sure about that.”

“‘Cause that all sounds glamorous and all, ‘till you remember the goal to kill all humans part.”

“We're planning to mutate them–”

“That's no better!”

Guys !”

Now Raph stepped between the two before things could get heated. Maybe a false alarm, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Look, Jennika, this was nice ‘n all – but we're gonna need some more time to think about it, okay?”

The slightly taller girl stared at him for a moment. All before putting their hands up, backing away along the edge. “Alright. Your loss. Just know this will not be the last time.”

“You say that every time!”

“And I mean it!”

With the two turtles a safe distance away from the villain now, they both took a breath, watching her leave.

Even if Raph had one last thing on his mind.

“Uh, one more question.” Enough to get the yokai to stop, looking back at him. “What kinda currency do they use here?” Totally not because he was hungry or anything.

“Whatever you can get your hands on.” Jennika flipped a coin to them both. “Should be enough for something small from a street vendor. You should try the sweet corn down the street over there, it is de licious .”

And with one last salute, Jennika jumped off the roof. And she was gone.


Raph looked down at the coin, then at the various vendors in the street, then at his brother. The situation feeling too… casual to be of bad intentions.

“...She's definitely one of the missing sisters.”

“Yeah, no sh*t.”

Chapter 34: Scattered Trust


Due to how confusing the last few days have been, Donnie has been nothing if not hard at work making sure his favorite projects are all still in tip-top shape. That, and navigating what or what not to tell anyone who is yet to know about the whole situation. Luckily Venus is at least getting better at what she has always dreamed of doing. And what's an oddly calm yet still confusing day if not for some reassuring conversations while cooking?


once again it had been entirely far too long since I last updated this fic. I always have a lot of projects going on at once, but hopefully within the next few months, I'll have most of them completed

either way, enjoy some POVs from the PB&J duo and another turtle we haven't seen in a while


Chapter Text

His lab. Ah yes, his sweet, sweet lab. For many days he has had reason to steer clear of it – mostly to steer away suspicion from Father or interfering with the yokai’s work – but with the others mostly working on plans to get their figurative sisters back, Donnie saw it as wise to dust off any of his works in progress.

Especially S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. – or Shelldon, as affectionately deemed by the others. Mere days before that interruption with the Baroness, he finally managed to run the first mostly successful test on his prized AI.

Now was a matter of trying to deprogram the rather grating voice his dear siblings programmed into his prime purple companion.

“Yo dude, that's like, totes not cool of you.”

With the robot squirming under his hold, Donnie could only grit his teeth so much. “I will do what I must to restore your original programming – but I fear my idiot brothers may have caused far too much damage.”

Shelldon didn't squirm too much, but he would still grumble back. “I like my new voice, man.”

“Well it makes you sound like a lazy bum, not like the progeny I created you to be.”

He did not spend actual years working on a personal AI, just for it to backfire on him in hours . Now it's been days, and so far, he has had little success backtracking his personality to what he wanted it to be originally.

And even with sass, he would prevail.

“You really gotta work on your respecting boundaries skills.”

“What boundaries , you are a machine with added intelligence. Not emotions.”

“Should've thought of that before you introduced me to the fam…”

The scientist sighed, grabbing his fortified screwdriver. “You'll have the chance to reintroduce yourself once I fix you up. Until then, sit here and let me work .”

With a roll of the robot's eyes, Shelldon finally stayed still. At least enough for him to work, even with his whining and grumbling.

At some point, he noticed a green flashing from one of his light boards. April was in the Lair – which didn't surprise him, since he called her over.

It surprised him even less when she knocked on the door of the lab.

Luckily he had a remote by his work desk, efficient enough that he would not need to walk over to his control panel. Lest he let Shelldon out of his sight while he was still awake.

Either way, this let April in, closing the door behind her. He could afford one interruption.

The sounds of her approaching his desk were as clear as any. “Whaaat are you doing with your bot?”

“Fixing him.” Curt and to the point. After tightening a bolt and poking a wire to make sure it was in the right place, Donnie looked up. “As it turns out, his work is far from done.”

Something that earned him a hum. “And you need me for…?”

“Emotional support, mostly.”

Even with the shake of the head he saw his friend give, Donnie continued with his work, poking at Shelldon whenever he tried to poke back.

Something that made the softshell grit his teeth more often than not. “Why won't you work–


“What?” He looked up, keeping a hand on Shelldon's lower plastron so he wouldn't wriggle off the table in the meantime.

“You gotta give yourself some time.”

“Easy for you to say. Your brothers didn't ruin a project of yours that took many years to make !”

“...What'd they do to Shell?”

Donnie sighed, just pointing downwards. “Everything. They did everything to him – practically making him artificially un intelligent.”

He'd ignore the snort he got for that, turning his attention down to focus on his work again. For now just adjusting a key wire before finding the lid for that compartment and screwing it back in place.

Though with this, he held his head for a moment. “They made him sound like the rest of them.”

April, who in this time had taken out her phone and distracted herself with that, looked up again. “And that's a bad thing… why?”

The turtle blinked. “My family is full of fools.”

“Takes one to know one.”

“You're not helping !”

“I'm just playing, seriously. Your little guy over there will be fine.”

After getting the last protective lid screwed back on – that which resembled Shelldon's plastron – he sighed, turning the bot over again. “Okay, now he should work.”

Trying his best to not sound out of breath, he clicked his designated default setting remote, holding onto the edge of the table as he waited for Shelldon to boot up. Noticing April waiting the same.

When the bot's eyes glowed red once more, Donnie huffed in relief. “Okay. Now, Shelldon, fetch me a spare welding gun from the middle drawer left of my computer.”

“On it, Master Don!”

The little bot flew off in the direction he was told to, rummaging with the drawer as instructed. Which was better!

But the voice… was the same. He could not seem to alter it much.

The pride in his expression dwindled in the slightest, looking back down at the table as he gripped it a little tighter.

Something that did not go unnoticed, it seems. “Donnie?”

“It didn't work.” He shook his head, watching Shelldon drop the welding gun on his desk in front of him before flying off to his charging station – something he would not fault the bot for right now. “I worked so hard on him, and I can't get past something so simple.”

“Hey.” April nudged his arm, causing him to look up. “It's just a voice. Now he sounds like the rest of you.”

“That's the problem . He's supposed to be my creation , not another sibling . I do not need any more of those.”

Donnie broke away from the main scene, finding his trusty chair to sit on, spinning it once and letting out an exhale. Taking what he could manage of a break right about now.

Since he never announced such, he wasn't surprised to see April follow him and sit by the chair's arm.

“What's bugging you so much about having another robot sibling?” Oh, if only she understood.

A scoff seemed to leave the turtle. “If anything I see him more as a son , as I am his creator .” But even that choice of words brought upon some icky feelings. “I just– ugh . I already have one too many evil genius siblings, I don't need more .”

That likely didn't explain anything. “...Which one of the guys is an evil genius other than you?”

“Wait, they didn't tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

Probably too blunt. Only realized now as he raised his brows, wracking his brain for a way to explain this to his best friend.

“Donnie. What didn't the guys tell me?”

He still took a while to get the words out, having them hesitate on the tip of his tongue while his hands gestured vaguely. Eventually, he spat something out at least. “Remember how we got our butts kicked by that sheep lady the other day?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Well there was this turtle–

“Another turtle?!”

“Yeah. Something like that.”

With this, Donnie stood back up – only to have his arm pulled back by April. “Oh no, you are not just leaving it at that.”

“What, they're just another turtle.” He raised his other hand in bored surrender. “Mutants run rampant in New York, it's only like we were meant to be the only turtles forever.”

“Sure, but you made it look like it was a big deal.” Got him there. Though April's eyes soften after a second, letting go of his arm. “What gives?”

You know what? Screw it. This was kind of important and leaving his friend in the dark wouldn't make him a good friend, now, would it?”

“Fine.” Donnie took a long exhale, putting his hands together. “Raph and Leo said that the sheep lady might have our two long-lost sisters.”

“...What the heck–”

_ _ _

Rare were the moments she found herself alone at a time like this. Or at least, in wanted company.

“You've been busy these last few days.”

The time it had been since she last saw her sister was almost as criminal as the activity said sister had been getting up to. Luckily, they always found ways of sneaking into each other's homes.

“I know,” Jennika offered, “but there's been this whole thing with this Foot Clan and with our brothers and the Evil League of Mutants that the Baroness made – lots happening lately.”

At this, Venus raised a brow. “‘Evil League of Mutants’.”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

The sisters both huffed, before giving each other a look. Having the same thought.

H&M's idea .”

If a wild-sounding name wasn't due to Big Mama, then one could owe it to those two to come up with the first idea where no one came up with any others.

Still, the two of them were here now for reasons unrelated to whatever the Baroness had going on. Their time now was for them .

And what was their time together if not a little no-stakes spar between sisters?

They both had sweaters to shuck off and put to the side, so that's what they did, opting for more comfortable training clothes. But she did notice Jen looking at her a bit strangely.

“You're skinnier.”

Right. She was. “Yeah.”

“Are you eating properly? You better be eating properly–”

I am. ” It was a valid concern, sure – but especially now with her fighting in the Nexus in off hours, she had to be well fed.

Even if she knew well that Big Mama wanted her to be skinnier – to be the perfect fit for the outfit she originally designed for her.

“...Good.” Was all Jennika settled on, grabbing her coat and chucking it off to the side. Since they were at her place, she could imagine clothes on the floor were no big deal.

In the time she was distracted, though, Venus decided to test out a new move.

Lunging at her sister's shell.

She was noticed immediately, but not before she gripped onto the large leather shell, just avoiding their arms.

“You little sneak– ” said without malice, tucking to throw Venus off, but not before the smaller turtle could tuck herself and roll just out of the way, landing on her feet and turning to face the other.

“You're just mad I got a head start.” Not that the head start would mean much before Jen materialized one of her hologram swords, swinging it in her direction.

She dodged, of course, but the taller turtle didn't lose her smirk. “At least you're getting better.”

“I was never bad .” A bit of a fib, but with all her training as of late, she had every right to think this was something she had gotten decent at.

To prove her increased level of skill, she soon dodged another sword swipe by flipping over it, perfecting the landing while Jen couldn't see her fumble. Then leaning back close to the floor when she swung back over her again.

Always more of a master swordsman – or even a jack of most weapons – she knew there was an advantage Jennika had against her. Taller, older, more consistent training.

Enough side-tracked missions to make one forget themselves.

With this, Venus took the opportunity to circle her opponent, getting in front of her shell-to-plastron before quickly gripping her by the thin part of her arms and throwing her forward.

Even if Jennika knew to duck and tumble, she faced her again with a smile, surrendering her holographic weapon. “Damn, you really are learning.”

The younger sister offered a hand forward, helping pull the other back to her feet. “It'd be madness if all my training just went to waste.”

“Then it's good it hasn't.” With both panting lightly, a hand was soon placed on her shoulder, tapping it twice. “So we gonna get you a weapon or are you gonna keep free styling?”

Any weapons Big Mama has had her on since both becoming her assistant and joining the Nexus forces have been rather simple; nothing to attach to or become too comfortable with. Always changing. Always adapting.

She could use anything, truly. Which made Vee scoff, wiping the corner of her mouth. “Surprise me.”

_ _ _

It would not take long before someone else made their way to his lab door, with a gray flash telling him everything he needed to know.

“Huh, what's Splints doing here so early?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.” But it wouldn't take Donnie more than a push of a button to let the rat in.

Something he figured he could do since there would be supervision.

Once the rat made his way in, he looked up with a sigh. “Ah, Purple, there you are. I was wondering where you have been.”

“Likewise.” Not really, but he honestly couldn't recall seeing either of his parents as of late.

Seems there was no time to waste, though. “I need your help. The projector, it's– it's just replaying whatever movie was on last. And I can not get it out.”

Ah, right. The last time they used it, they couldn't get the CD out and just… left it. Tomorrow's problem was now today's problem.

Still, Donnie felt like breaking this down. “What movie is it?”

“Jupiter Jim.”

Which one ?”

“Th– I don't know !”

The turtle laughed, shrugging. “Oh, I know which one it is. Only the best Jupiter Jim sequel: Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV . Just use your phone until I'm done with my current projects.”

With this, he turned away from his rat father and began walking over to Shelldon and therefore his computer system, hoping he'd take the hint to leave.

April, though, didn't catch up as quickly, walking over to him to whisper. “What are you working on right now?”

“Things.” Simple as that. Neither needed to know the extensive research he had to look forward to now that his task with Shelldon was complete.

“You're just gonna leave Splints hanging like that, though?”

“He'll be fine .” They both looked at the rat before looking back at each other, voices still low. “Besides, he watches too much TV.”

“Says the turtle stuck in his lab all day.”

“Irrelevant connection.”

A glare remained in his friend's eyes. Until she shrugged. “M'kay.” And with that, she lazily turned heel, walking over to his dad. “Hey Splints, bet you wanna hear all about what happened a couple of nights ago–”

Now it was Donnie’s turn to grab his friend's wrist, pulling her back and uttering through his teeth, “What are you doing ?”

“Getting you out of this dusty crusty lab. This place is a mess.”

“I have everything under control.”

“You're also a mess. When's the last time you showered?”


“In the lab shower?”

“I refuse to elaborate.”

The judgment on the rat's face could be seen a mile away. “What are you kids hiding?”

“Nothing! He said with utmost confidence not a hint of lying in sight–”

An attempt he was shoved for, barely containing the ‘ ow ’ that left him now. “It's a surprise. For you,” April saved, leaving Splinter to look them both back and forth.

Even with the skeptical hum he gave at first, he soon shrugged, expression returning to something calm and docile before figuring to turn and begin leaving the room. “I will leave you two to it then. But you better get the projector fixed by five, I can't miss my show!”

They both let him get some ways past the lab doors before Donnie pressed a button to close them. Keeping the same silence for a few seconds more.

It is then that he figured to address something he had yet to address. “So uh, Splints and Barry don't exactly know our sisters are alive still…”

April simply put her hands up and walked past him to sit in his chair, spinning it once, planning her feet on the floor. “You're telling me everything start to finish. Now .”

_ _ _

The days at home as of late have been… strange. Whenever their dads weren't at work, they kept to themselves, and whenever they were approached, no turtle necessarily knew how to avoid the elephant in the room without making things more awkward.

So it was no surprise that they all spent a while out of the house. Fighting crime, eating take-out, and even finding empty basketball courts to play in. Hell, they managed to get a copy of an old Lou Jitsu game (before Splinter hogged it, that is).

But it was easy to want a little bit of normality to return. Whoever had to make the first step, it wouldn't matter. Because it would be Mikey of course.

She told the others to stick around close enough that they'd be able to come home for dinner. Both dads were home from work (he's pretty sure Splinter was fired again), so there was no worry about having them around on time.

That meant now it was just him, preparing a meal big enough for the six of them. Having heard offhand that Barry used to live within the Scandinavian region, he wanted to at least try adding some of its spices where he could, among Splinter’s favourites. The guys liked whatever he made anyway.

A shrimp risotto should be fine – had enough of what everyone liked and gave enough room to experiment. Mikey prepared the ingredients, laying them all on the counter for now. Making sure he had everything.

As he grabbed the bag of shrimp and a pair of scissors to open it, he ended up remembering an ingredient he hadn't left on the counter yet. “Wait, how much tomato sauce do we still have…”

He put the bag and scissors down. In walking past, his apron caught on the bag, which in turn pushed the scissors. Off the counter.

“Oh sh*t– ” they quickly turned around, reaching out to grab them – only to find that a vine did the job. A small, but familiar vine.

“I am guessing you need these.”

Looking up confirmed that Sheep Dad entered the room. To which Mikey could only sigh in relief, nodding. “Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

You know… he didn't really wanna make a big deal out of his whole gender thing. But he did mean to tell his dads eventually. And since he was comfortable…

“So you know how Leo was born different than the rest of us?”

Probably a strange way to start the conversation, but it managed to catch his dad's attention regardless. Even if he only raised a brow as he found his way to the counter and silently began to chop vegetables to help.

“Yes, that is something we went over years ago.” The sheep yokai gave a huff, one that turned into a small grin. “If you must know now, I was always on the fence about what your brother's gender may be, as his biology said ‘female’ but his brain clearly read of being male.”

Huh, that was… not what he had in mind. But it might just make things easier, if his new guess was correct. “Were any of us like that too?”

“Hard to say, but the other three of you are male, that's for sure.” Knowing his dad was in science mode, it didn't bother him to hear this. “Though, if I remember correctly, your brain waves were rather ambiguous.”

Now that would get him on the right track. Even if he was curious if the other two were like this as well, Mikey would focus on himself for now. “Like sometimes it was more ‘male’ and sometimes it was more ‘female’?”

“Precisely.” A proud smile crossed the yokai's expression now as he moved the diced carrot to the side, reaching for the chives. “If that remains the case is only something you could know for yourself, though.”

Okay, good. The fact that it clicked for him recently made a lot more sense inside, and as much as he would've appreciated the info when he was younger, he knew why Barry wouldn’t have wanted to tell them.

The only person who could tell Mikey his gender is himself. So she would tell Sheep Dad now.

“Well, uh, I think that's still the case.”

This made his dad stop chopping for a second, finally looking over at him. “Oh?”

“Uh, yeah, I'm kind of… everything at once. A boy, a girl, everything in between.”

He didn't expect him to understand – by all means, gender was weird . But Mikey would keep hope as they looked over at their dad.

Their dad, who could only smile. “Well, thank you for telling me.” Now he returned to chopping the chives. “I would never want to address my child incorrectly.”

Child… something about that felt so nice. Felt so right .

Blame Mikey for smiling as much as he did now. “Yeah, I'm good with anything – names and titles and pronouns and stuff.”

“Then I will do my best to keep on track of whatever you like better.” A huff as he pushed the chives off to the side as well. “I have a system for remembering these kinds of things.”

Hah, yeah, that's right. He has heard of the mess that was his dad's desk at school, including a list of the preferred names of students.

Really, Mikey couldn't remember why they were so afraid earlier. If only because of feeling a sense of family again, Mikey couldn't help but flap his hands. “Heh. Thanks.”

“Of course, my child.”

Something that would always be just as nice as these moments of affirmation was just… spending time with his taller dad. He wasn’t a science turtle, and Barry wasn’t big on cooking, but simple talking and helping out always helped.

It would still surprise him the slightest when a hand motioned for him to pause. Right as he was about to work on the shrimp. “Do your brothers know?”

“Yeah. Told them not that long ago.”

A nod. “Do you wish for Splinter to know as well?”

“Yeah. Meant to tell him after dinner, but you can tell him now if you want.”

Since he never wanted to formally come out about this, saying it aloud during dinner might be awkward. The fact that Rat Dad was yet to know was a pure coincidence.

Still, he felt the hand on his shoulder. Looking up to find a soft smile. “I think you should tell him whenever you are ready. It it your identity, after all.”

“Yeah…” It was. And if anyone would share that kind of information, it was Mikey and Mikey only. “I'll tell him then.”

“Good.” Only now did Barry move out of his way, allowing him to work – in pursuit of investigating the spices, that is. “I'm proud of you, you know.”

The box shell huffed. “I know.”

“I mean it.” A sigh left the goat, still holding the jar of chilli pepper flakes. “With… everything as of late, I know I haven't been the best father to you four. I never wanted to hide my past, but it was for the best.” Sharing a look with him now. “And all I wish is that knowing who I was doesn't change who I am now.”

Ironically enough, Mikey could say the same. Much hasn’t changed; enough for people to still know her as the bubbly, friendly, energetic Mikey, and Barry as their grumpy dad who was secretly a softie at heart.

The only difference now was that Barry was not just their father, but their creator. And the foundational blueprints behind all mutant kind.

“I'm… gonna be honest,” the turtle began, holding her arm. “They guys still feel weird about it, but I know you're you. You're our dad, and even if you started all this, you aren't that guy anymore. So I still love you and Splints the same.”

For all he knew, either dad was in the same boat. But they were his dads, and he’s seen enough of them to know that whatever secrets they had, were probably for a good reason.

And even as he worked, his eyes would ever so often trail back to what his dad was picking up for him to use next. Reading the pure fondness off his smile. “...Thank you, Michelangelo.”

“It's no biggie.” He did notice one thing about the jar of ‘salt’ the yokai was holding now, though. “That's the sugar.”

“What– blast it all–

Ha. His dad really was the same.

Not a big scary Baron hellbent on world conquer. Just some humbled dad.

And damn it all if he didn’t think his dad of thirteen years deserved a second chance.

What We Leave Behind (How We Start Anew) - iam57311 (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.