| Gene's D20-FATE hybrid, revised (2024)

Gene D.
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Fellowrole-players, as you may know, I've been tinkering with a D20-FATE hybrid, andhere are some of my latest thoughts.

Why D20-FATE?

Backin the 1980s in New York, I ran the "BECMI" edition of "Dungeons & Dragons" andAD&D1 and 2, and I played other tabletop games of that era. In the 1990s inVirginia, I mostly ran GURPS 3e for various genres and played "Storyteller: World of Darkness."

Inthe 2000s here in Massachusetts, we played D&D3.x and various systems based on the D20 Open Game License. In thepast few years, we've had some success with indie rules sets such as FATE and"Savage Worlds." Nowadays, I'm less interested in buying ormemorizing hundreds of pages of rules (even as D&D5/"Next"approaches). I also want to balance character customization with ease of prepand play.

Mycurrent house rules for the "BasicFantasy Role-Playing Game" retro-clone reflect my experiences andpersonal preferences, and they may not necessarily match your ideal systems.That said, I'm always open to suggestions.

Design goals

Inaddition to supporting my long-running campaigns, including the fantasy "VanishedLands," the "S.J.I." superheroes, and the "Vortex" space opera, I'd like myD20-FATE hybrid to be broadly backward-compatible to ease conversion of existingcharacters.

Inthe "Vanished Lands" alone, there have been nearly 400 PlayerCharacters in 40 adventuring parties over the past 30+ years! As a result, I'dlike to streamline my existing house rules but still have them be recognizableto anyone who has played AD&D1, GURPS 3e "Steampunk," or "Mutants& Masterminds" through "StarblazerAdventures."

Insome cases, that means keeping familiar conventions, such as Armor Class, HitPoints, and somewhat granular skills. On the other hand, I've also tried toincorporate some of the simplicity and storytelling support of FATE.


Here'sa quick look at what I'm working on:

-Aspects: Species/race/origin, occupation/class,trouble, guest star, personality/motivation; can be tagged for a +1d6 or a reroll,plus compels

-Attributes: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha;4d6 drop the lowest, reroll ones; modified by origin

-Skills: On D20, modified by attributebonuses, includes saves, point-buy (10 to start with)

-Stunts: Race/class abilities, skillspecializations/feats, spells (dedicated skill points = total castable levels),signature items, superpowers, etc.; 5 Refresh total to start with

-Combat stats: Hit Points (by class,modified by Con), Armor Class and Base Attack Bonus (Dex), damage byweapon/stunt (Str); only two actions per round (move, to hit, unless havestunt)

-Advancement: 1 skill point per session;+1 BAB and HD every five sessions; +1 Refresh and +1 Aspect or Attribute every 10 sessions

Highlightsof the above include the following:

-Familiar D20 rollsfor skills and combat

-FATE-basedaspects, refresh, and stunts


-Gone orconsolidated: Lots of race/class abilities, saving throws, attacks ofopportunity, etc.

Asyou can see, this is a bit simpler than the "BFRPG"-FATE mashupswe've been using for "Vistel's Circus" and "A New Dawn" inthe "Vanished Lands," and it should still allow for charactercustomization, use of existing equipment, and narrative flexibility.

Joshhas suggested incorporating ideas from other hybrids, such as FATE "Freeport," "Pathfinder: Saga," or "Lorefinder." While I understand howFATE "Core" couldsubstitute aspects for skills and use a stress track rather than HP, they feela bit broad for my campaigns.

Whenwe played "Vortex," I foundthat I missed the distinctions between types of weapons and gear, and in"BFRPG," I know a few of you miss specific skills. What do all of youthink? -Gene

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, I hope you're having a good weekend. While the "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom group won't be meeting tonight (Sunday, 19 January 2014) because I'll be meeting a college friend downtown, I've been continuing to work on my D20-FATE house rules.

Here's a sample character template:

And here's a blast from the past -- since some of us have been talking about "Star Trek" recently, here's a conversion of my own P.C. from 20 years ago:

As an incentive, I'll award a free level to each character from any of my games that's fully converted to this format!

For those who prefer fantasy, here again are some recent photos from my historical weapons class and my collection:

I look forward to seeing most of you at Brian W.'s tomorrow night for Jason's "Glassworks: the Devil's Den" superhero/party generation session, -Gene

Gene D.
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[Note: This is cross-posted from the "Holy Steel" Google group.]

Fellowrole-players, it was good to see everyone online for last night's"Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom session. Here are some notesregarding Player Character advancement.

Ifyou're continuing with the house rules we've been using for this fantasycampaign -- AD&D1 Oriental Adventuresand the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game,here's what changes at Level 3:

-Hit Points: Roll an additional hit die.

-Saving Throws: These improve for mostclasses; see

-Racial/class abilities: You get one ofeither, for a total of three.

-Proficiencies: You get an additionalnon-weapon skill, for a total of three. The bonus is +3 (plus Ability scorebonus) or +5 if it's class-related.

-Spells: Most arcane and divinespellcasters get one more spell to cast per day.

-Fate points/refresh: You get one, for atotal of four.

-Base honor: See AD&D1 "OA" for advancement.

Ifyou're converting your P.C. to the D20/FATE hybrid, here's what you need toknow:

-Aspects (FATE): These are moreprominent, but they're mostly the same as above. Note that you get two more Aspects or Attribute points for being at Lvl. 4.

-Attributes (D20): These stay the same,but note that bonuses shifted slightly.
















-Hit Points (D20): Since you're gettingan additional level -- the equivalent of five sessions -- you'd get four hitdice, not three. These are still based on class.

-Base Attack Bonus (D20): This is at a +4for level; if you want better, add skill points to Martial Arts, Melee, orShooting skills.

-Armor Class (D20): This stays the same.Restrictions for armor weight remain by class.

-Saving Throws (D20): These have beenrolled into skills -- Fortitude = Endurance, Reflex = Acrobatics, and Will =Resolve.

-Race/class abilities (D20): These havebeen rolled into aspects, skills, and stunts.

-Skills (D20): These are more specificthan what we've been using. You get 10 points at first level, plus one pointper session, or 5 points per level. So, at Lvl. 4, you'd have 10 + (3x5) = 25skill points total to spend. There's no limit to how many points you can putinto any one skill, but it's best to spread them around a little.

-Spells (D20): Note sources. Spellcastersshould take the Mysteries skill, which is the equivalent of Knowledge: Religionor Knowledge: Arcana. The total rank equals the total levels worth of spellsthat can be cast in a day. Spellcasters also need to spend one stunt slot perspell level. Caster level equals class level, or 4, and saves are based onMysteries level.

-Stunts (FATE): Note that most racial andclass abilities don't require an expenditure of Fate points to activate. In thecase of the Martial Arts skill, each style or bundle of maneuvers (kicks,punches, etc.) counts as one stunt slot. Stunts can also eventually includeskill specializations, D20 feats, and signature items.

-Refresh (FATE): You start out with 6Fate points, plus one for every 10 sessions, or the equivalent of every twolevels, so at Lvl. 4, you'd have a total of eight, minus any stunts.

-Weapons and other gear (D20): These staythe same.

The enclosed charactersheet should have everything you need beyond the notes above. Let me know ifyou have any questions. -Gene

Fellowrole-players, thanks to your feedback, I've recompiled my D20/FATE hybrid houserules, and here's the latest iteration. I've cleaned up skills, adjustedadvancement, and added spells to the character record sheet.

Thanksfor your help and patience, and I'll try to have fresh hardcopies for nextMonday's face-to-face session. I'm still working on updates for recentsessions, and I look forward to seeing copies of your conversions! -Gene

Gene D.
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Fellowrole-players, by now, you've probably seen the latest version of my D20/FATE hybrid.Here are some guidelines for updating your existing -- and backup --"Vanished Lands" characters:

>>Basicinfo: Don't forget to put your Player Characters' names, your names, andthe date revised on your record sheets, since there will likely be numeroushardcopies and Word files floating around.

>>Totalexperience levels: After 30 sessions, the "Vistel's Circus" teamhas just attained Lvl. 6, plus a bonus level for conversion. After 10 sessions,the adventuring party in "A New Dawn" is close to Lvl. 3, plus abonus level for conversion.

>>Aspectsand Attributes: You start with five FATE-style Aspects -- Origin/race,Occupational Class, Trouble/foibles, Guest Star, and Motivation/alignment. Youdon't need to reroll basic D20 Attributes -- Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha, Con-- but note that bonuses have changed slightly.

-"Vistel's Circus:" At Lvl. 7, youcan add up to three Aspects, Attribute points, or any combination thereof. Wecan talk about new Aspects, which should reflect both helpful and hinderingtraits. If you already added an attribute point at Lvl. 3 or 4, that countstoward your total.

-"A New Dawn:" At Lvl. 4, you haveone additional Aspect or Attribute point.

>>HitPoints: For both parties, you get max at first level, plus one hit die byOccupation for each level after that. You don't need to reroll for past levels,but I'd prefer to witness new rolls.

>>BaseAttack Bonus: This is essentially half your level, rounded down, so +3 for "Vistel's Circus" and +1 for "A New Dawn." Itdoesn't stack with your Str or Dex bonus, since there are skills for MartialArts, Melee, and Shooting.

>>ArmorClass: See the rules summary for armor allowed and types. In most cases,they are the same as in oD&D and D20.

>>Skills:You start with 10 points and get a point per session, so "Vistel'sCircus" should have a total of 45and "A New Dawn" 25(including the bonus levels). Note that these have shifted since my earlier draftand absorb our previously confusing saving throws.

>>Refresh/Stunts:P.C.s start with a total of 6 and get one Refresh for every two levels.Subtract Stunts, which can include racial/class abilities, spellcaster levels,skill specializations, or signature items. As noted previously, FATE 3e"Legends of Anglerre" may be helpful here. Individual spells (limitedby Mysteries skill levels) and citations go on a separate page.

-"Vistel's Circus:" 9 total at Lvl. 7

-"A New Dawn:" 8 total at Lvl. 4

>>Weaponry:Damage, reach/range, and other qualities remain the same from the D20 "BasicFantasy Role-Playing Game" and AD&D1 "Oriental Adventures."

>>Equipment:This and money stay the same from D20, but make sure your lists are completeand up to date.

>>Descriptionand Backstory: Remember to copy and paste this out of previous P.C. records,as well as any contacts, animal companions, etc. If any of you are brave enoughto try converting older "Vanished Lands" or even "Vortex"P.C.s, let me know!

I'vealso updated the template on Obsidian Portal and can provide a streamlinedtext-only version if needed:

Again,you're under no obligation to convert if you don't want to, but the incentiveof an extra level seems to be encouragement enough. For the moment, thedifference in skills and stunts will be noticeable, but I hope that the basiccombat stats will be close enough that updated and existing characters canadventure alongside one another.

Letme know if you have any questions, -Gene

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, thanks again for your continued feedback and efforts to update your Player Characters. The "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom team is now Level 4!

Attached is the latest iteration of the D20/FATE record sheets. Note that the last few pages include the text-only template usable on Obsidian Portal, also found below:

Let me know if you need any help revising or uploading characters. I'll be distributing hardcopies tonight, but they lack the following updates, as discussed last night:

-Brawling replaces Martial Arts as the skill for unarmed combat. The Martial Arts stunt enables P.C.s to get maneuvers, as previously described.

-Arcane and divine spells are still based on ranks in Mysteries, but stunt slots not only equal the levels of castable spells, but they also multiply the number of points/spell levels per day available. Geoff can explain more if needed.

I hope this helps, -Gene

P.S.: Thanks, Beruk, for the sad news regarding Harold Ramis. I agree that his movies are still funny and worth rewatching.

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, some of you have asked about the hierarchy of references for abilities in the latest version of my D20/FATE hybrid. Here it is, in descending order of priority:

1. Existing "Vanished Lands" house rules, as posted on Obsidian Portal:

2. The D20/OGLBasic Fantasy Role-Playing Gameand other retro-clones, such as Dungeon Crawl Classics(particularly for classes and spells):

3.FATE 3 Legends of Anglerre (particularly for stunts)

4.Pathfinder (system reference documents, especially for equipment):

5. D&D3.5 SRD and earlier editions (especially for older character conversions)

So, for example, let's say you're playing a Gnome Sorcerer. You'd first check the posted house rules for available race/class abilities, then "BFRPG" for spells, and then perhaps "Anglerre" for additional stunt ideas. "Pathfinder" is good for additional gear, feats, and spells, but note that its power curve and combat rules are different from those of most retro-clones. Of course, you might find powers across rulebooks.

I know allowing multiple sources can cause confusion, so let me know if you have any questions. The idea is to make updating characters relatively easy, simplify record-keeping and combat, and take the best of D&D and FATE. I'm still reviewing a few Player Characters for people.

In the meantime, let me know if any of you need more help revising your P.C.s. So far, I've provided blank record sheets in Word/hardcopy and for Obsidian Portal, where I'd eventually like to see everyone's latest editions. If you're changing your online records, here are a few things to remember:

  • Aspects are new or are higher up on the page.
  • Attribute/ability score bonuses/modifiers change slightly.
  • Skills replace some class abilities and non-weapon proficiencies.
  • Stunts (which include race/class options) and spells should provide citations of sources.
  • Existing spells, weapons, images, and background stories don't change.

I'f you send me a text version or give me a marked-up hardcopy, I can input changes into Obsidian Portal if needed. Remember, you're getting a bonus level if you convert! I hope this helps, -Gene

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, I hope you had a good weekend, and I look forward to seeing most of you at Brian W.'s place for tonight's "Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus" game. Fortunately, the latest snowstorm probably won't reach the Boston area.

Let me know if any of you need help updating your Player Characters to the latest house rules. I'll have hardcopies of the blank record sheets tonight, and you can find a revised template for Obsidian Portal on pages 7 to 10 of the enclosed Word document.

Note that the Spellcasting stunt works as follows: For each rank, a P.C. can cast two levels of spells. The total number of castable spell levels per day is equal to the Mysteries skill ranks plus Spellcasting ranks squared. So, for example, a Lvl. 7 Cleric with a +3 Wisdom bonus and 7 ranks in Mysteries (Knowledge: Religion), as well as three stunt slots spent on Spellcasting, would be able to cast up to sixth-level spells.

That P.C. would also be able to cast 10 (total Mysteries ranks) + 3 x 3 (Spellcasting stunt slots squared) = 19 total spell levels per day. This could be 19 first-level spells, 9 second-level spells and one first-level spell, or 3 sixth-level spells and 1 first-level spell, etc. Wizards and Bards still need to choose them in advance. Zero-level spells -- orisons and cantrips -- don't count against this limit.

The "A New Dawn" party is pretty much done, as is "Giacomo." We also had time for role-playing and combat last night, and I'll see you tonight! -Gene

Gene D.
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Fellowrole-players as we begin switching gears from Jason's "Glassworks: theDevil's Den" back to the "Vanished Lands," here are some notesregarding advancement.

"Vistel's Expedition" will reach Level 8 at our next face-to-face game --Session 35 on Monday, 31 March 2014, at Rich's place in Waltham, Mass. That'sbecause your Player Characters started at Lvl. 1, plus 7 levels' worth ofsessions, plus a bonus level for converting from the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game to my D20/FATE house rules.

Theadventurers in the "A New Dawn"telecom group will reach Level 5 asof Session 15 this coming Sunday, March 30. Again, they started at Lvl. 1, haveplayed through 3 levels of sessions, plus a bonus level for updates. We'restill using AD&D2 Oriental Adventures.

Also,I'm including the current level equivalents for the "Holy Steel" teamand our recent "Star Trek:Restoration" one-shot!

>>Attributes (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis,Cha; plus one point every four levels or 20 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +2

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +1

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +4

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +0

-Score -- Penalty/Bonus









>>Aspects (as per FATE; started with 5 --Origin/Race, Occupation/Class, Trouble/Foibles, Guest Star,Motivation/Alignment; plus one every four levels or 20 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +2

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +1

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +4

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +0

-Note: If you've already spent moreadditional points on Attributes vs. Aspect slots or vice versa, that's OK --the total number is what matters.

>>Hit Points (based on Occupation -- Ftrd10, Clr d8, Rog d6, Wiz d4; start at max, plus a roll per level or every 5sessions)

>>Base Attack Bonus (on 1d20; plus Brawl/MartialArts, Melee, and Shooting skills; +1 every 2 levels or 10 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +4

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +2

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +8

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +1

>>Skills (on 1d20; started with 10 points,plus 1 point per session or 5 pts./lvl.; ranks can't exceed level):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): 10 atLvl. 1 + 35 sessions + 5 bonus lvl. = 40 ranks total

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): 10 + 20 = 30total

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): 10 + 80 = 90total

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): 10 + 10 = 20

-Notes: Martial Arts ranks equals numberof available maneuvers. Mysteries ranks plus Spellcasting stunt slots squaredequals castable levels of spells per day.

>>Refresh/stunts (race/class abilities,skill specializations/feats, signature items, etc.; started with 6 Fate points,plus one every 10 sessions or 2 levels):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): 6 + 4= 10 total

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): 6 + 2 = 8 total

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): 6 + 8 = 14 total

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): 6 + 1 = 7 total

-Notes: One Spellcasting slot for everytwo levels of castable D20 spells; see also Mysteries skill. Save DC = 10 +spell level + 1/2 P.C. level.

Iknow this seems like a lot to do, but it should still be simpler than pastsystems, especially as you reach midlevel and higher. Let me know if you haveany questions as you update your records on Obsidian Portal. -Gene


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Do we reach Lvl 8 before or after the session?

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

From: edemaitre@...

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 3:56 PM

To: DnD3VanishedLands@...

Reply To: DnD3VanishedLands@...

Subject: [DnD3VanishedLands] RE: Gene's D20-FATE hybrid, revised

Fellowrole-players as we begin switching gears from Jason's "Glassworks: theDevil's Den" back to the "Vanished Lands," here are some notesregarding advancement.

"Vistel's Expedition" will reach Level 8 at our next face-to-face game --Session 35 on Monday, 31 March 2014, at Rich's place in Waltham, Mass. That'sbecause your Player Characters started at Lvl. 1, plus 7 levels' worth ofsessions, plus a bonus level for converting from the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game to my D20/FATE house rules.

Theadventurers in the "A New Dawn"telecom group will reach Level 5 asof Session 15 this coming Sunday, March 30. Again, they started at Lvl. 1, haveplayed through 3 levels of sessions, plus a bonus level for updates. We'restill using AD&D2 Oriental Adventures.

Also,I'm including the current level equivalents for the "Holy Steel" teamand our recent "Star Trek:Restoration" one-shot!

>>Attributes (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis,Cha; plus one point every four levels or 20 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +2

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +1

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +4

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +0

-Score -- Penalty/Bonus









>>Aspects (as per FATE; started with 5 --Origin/Race, Occupation/Class, Trouble/Foibles, Guest Star,Motivation/Alignment; plus one every four levels or 20 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +2

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +1

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +4

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +0

-Note: If you've already spent moreadditional points on Attributes vs. Aspect slots or vice versa, that's OK --the total number is what matters.

>>Hit Points (based on Occupation -- Ftrd10, Clr d8, Rog d6, Wiz d4; start at max, plus a roll per level or every 5sessions)

>>Base Attack Bonus (on 1d20; plus Brawl/MartialArts, Melee, and Shooting skills; +1 every 2 levels or 10 sessions):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): +4

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): +2

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): +8

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): +1

>>Skills (on 1d20; started with 10 points,plus 1 point per session or 5 pts./lvl.; ranks can't exceed level):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): 10 atLvl. 1 + 35 sessions + 5 bonus lvl. = 40 ranks total

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): 10 + 20 = 30total

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): 10 + 80 = 90total

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): 10 + 10 = 20

-Notes: Martial Arts ranks equals numberof available maneuvers. Mysteries ranks plus Spellcasting stunt slots squaredequals castable levels of spells per day.

>>Refresh/stunts (race/class abilities,skill specializations/feats, signature items, etc.; started with 6 Fate points,plus one every 10 sessions or 2 levels):

-"Vistel's Expedition" (Lvl. 8): 6 + 4= 10 total

-"A New Dawn" (Lvl. 5): 6 + 2 = 8 total

-"Holy Steel" (Lvl. 17): 6 + 8 = 14 total

-"Restoration" (Lvl. 3): 6 + 1 = 7 total

-Notes: One Spellcasting slot for everytwo levels of castable D20 spells; see also Mysteries skill. Save DC = 10 +spell level + 1/2 P.C. level.

Iknow this seems like a lot to do, but it should still be simpler than pastsystems, especially as you reach midlevel and higher. Let me know if you haveany questions as you update your records on Obsidian Portal. -Gene

Gene D.
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Josh and fellow role-players, technically, your Player Characters might not level up until the end of upcoming sessions. However, given that "Vistel's Expedition" has entered a Temple of Elemental Evil and would presumably have trained in the city of Selifa, you can go ahead and level up before next Monday's game.

Also, one correction -- I believe that the "Vistel's Circus" P.C.s should have 50 skill points to spend. Remember that next Monday's game will be at Rich's apartment in Waltham.

If any of you decide to write up your "Star Trek: Restoration" crew, please put them on the "Vortex" Obsidian Portal site. Let me know if you have any other questions, -Gene

P.S.: Josh, if you and Sara are still interested in "Muppets Most Wanted," here are some showtimes for tomorrow, Friday, 28 March 2014:

-AMC Burlington Cinema 10: 6:50 p.m.

-The Studio Cinema (Belmont, Mass.): 5:45 and 7:40 p.m.

I've only recently learned about the latter, which serves food with the show:


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Well, that's awesome!

It gives us that much more of a fighting chance in the temple! :)

And I'm hoping ot have a new mattress for the futon by Monday, which should please people...

Depends when it gets shipped.

Gene D.
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Fellowrole-players, here are some of the latest changes I'm considering to myD20/FATE house rules:

-Aspects:Player Characters would still start with five (Origin/race, Occupation/class, Trouble/foibles,Guest star, and Motivation/alignment), but they'd gain one every five levelsrather than choosing between adding one or altering attributes every twolevels.

-Attributes: Youcould add one point to any attribute every four levels, rather than trying tokeep track of both aspects and attributes as currently. I'm also consideringchanging the bonuses to the more standard D20 curve. Any existing modificationsto characters approaching "name level" would stay.

-Combat stats: ArmorClass and hit points would remain the same. Base Attack Bonus would now include the Dex bonus and +1for Fighters and Rogues every 2 levels or +1 for Clerics and Wizards every 3levels. I'd eliminate the Brawl, Melee, and Shooting skills, which have beenconfusing to track.

-Stunts and refresh wouldremain the same, starting with 6, plus one every 2 levels. They'll stillreflect racial and class abilities, feats, signature items, etc. We can revisitmartial arts maneuvers and spells (see below).

-Skills: Thecurrent rate of 5 ranks per level would remain. I'd split Mysteries into Arcanaand Religion, clarify some names such as Lore instead of Dungeoneering orEngineering. I think saving throws will remain under Acrobatics/Reflex,Endurance/Fortitude, and Resolve/Will. Note that I've also added a class/levelbonus to saves, similar to the BAB progression.

-Spells:Since most of the people playing spellcasters have been referring to theD&D3.5 Spell Compendium and the Pathfinder SRD rather than FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre or the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, we canrevisit how characters gain spells. I'm open to suggestions for simplification(see D&D5e).

-Gear: Weapon damage andrange, armor types, equipment costs, and the like are already standardizedenough across D20 that I don't see a need for any of them to change.

Remember,my intention is to have a system that's streamlined, supports hundreds of pastcharacters and sourcebooks, and minimizes bookkeeping for everyone (especiallymyself, since I've done much of the updating on Obsidian Portal).

Yourideal rules may not match mine, and we're also trying to find a happy middleground between rules-light preferences on the one hand and those who likeD&D/Pathfinder on the other. Howindividual skills, stunts, and spells work is negotiable, but the coremechanics are not.

Ifyou want to roll 3d6 instead of 1d20, we can play D6 Fantasy or GURPS. If you want everything based on attribute checksrather than skills, look at retro-clones or FATE Accelerated Edition and Freeport.I'm happy to try out Dungeon World, 13thAge, or Burning Wheel, but I'mnot ready to run any of them.

Ifwe want to change systems entirely, say to FATE or D&D5e/"Next,"that should probably wait until our next parties. The characters and stories ofthe "Vanished Lands" are more important than whatever rules we use.

Inthe meantime, I look forward to seeing the "A New Dawn" telecom teamthis coming Sunday, 13 July 2014, and I hope that "Vistel'sExpedition" can wrap up its time travel later this month! Let me know whatyou think, -Gene | Gene's D20-FATE hybrid, revised (2024)


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